Monday, April 10, 1022. THE DAILY HEWS PAGE TBRB Two dozen Daffodils for 75c. Local and Personal Cily Market. . If. l-'rcs.h Spring Salmon. P. II. SPECIAL SHOWINGS J'lsh Market Phone 01 B(5 : For a Taxi, plionu 07. If Ihc iulclllgenl, Shrewd allen- Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 548. tion which i given to selling should include a'dverlising. FOR EASTER 11. (!. UriG'urtuloi'a. Phono 41. tf '.- ' .1. II. McNeill, Miperinleudenl Hayners, Undertakers. Miono of court liOUs.e conslruclion here 351. ; .. If returned froili a trip soulli on . Hie lrloci's Mai-y today. Mrs. Phone 210 for Cody's Trans McNeil and family will he here Id'. 'If soon. Millinery Eastertide ..'. - Cash fur Victory lloiids. 'l'hos lloii. V. II. Kuilnylaiiil, tnin- To meet the ever popular demand for iirciymoiil. If isler of puldic works, is acliu Just Arrived from the East. Low in minister, of lands whil Hon. 'I' Easter Curds, Folders und Novelties we .Harden .Seeds liinl .Huso bushes. M. Pallulloi is in the Kast, ac Price. Up-to-date. have this year a large specially selected Cily Market., ' If cording lo aunoiiiicemenl made -.' in the H. C. Oa.clte this wcuk. stock of each and at popular prices. Mi ;. Jnrvis McLcod will not1 b(1 While we have enough for all, remember at home fuuiorrow. . , W. O. Hlllon relurned on III Coats and the early shopper gets the pick of Princess Mary from Ihc south loday after having attended Hie Cut Flowers. Pol Plants In the stock. bloom. Cily Market. If funeral of bis fat her-iu-law, Mr. Suits Ueinliarl, of llella Coola, at Ver iW $t II. I'. Wrarmoiilh.. xailcil I.i si uoii. Mrs. Fill I on and family I uiglil IX. i.i a tin Chclohsiu'in for Auy- will be, reluming homo. later. J I iV 9,11 The very latest, high i Allan C Cardiner. C. N. II, quality, moderate travelling auditor, arrived in (In LILII'S' i:.s'i,i:n an.i pot Plant., i i M r ul cily by last night's train and will prices. 1 1 1 r v 1 1? t a y inornin City Market. , :.u If be here for s few days. Mr. ('ardincr is taking Hie place I In? llri'vi.'s Vacuum Cleaner fur le.iuliorarily of W. II. Manuel, lb rent by (he .lay. Telcphonejllnck regular auditor, who is on olhe New Dresses i nil. I In; Women's H.chnligc. If business in Winnipeg. Now is KODAK Time lloyal Purple Mance, Flk ellng Harry passenger Wright,'agent,C. N. who II. Irav has Arriving this week. lloini; lucsday. T.Iks and their rainilir... Ladies lloyal Purple been here rclieviu.u' during tin Full line of Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves. KODAKS and BROWNIES ami invited rucsls. absence of II. F. McNaughlon, dlslricl passenger agent, relurned Our Stock is Complete .1. .1. Italelgh, C. N. II. travelling lo Vancouver Ibis niorii-ing Winner of Last Week s Drawing, Mrs. A. Hill, No. 6 No. 0 Brownie- $2.00 freight ajji'iil, wi'iit mil nit by way of I.ticerue and Ihc - Ibis inorning's train on n busr-ni'fs. Canadian National -oviM'laml 7 V ' No. 2 - - $2.50 Iriii a." far as Lucerne. route. "DEMERS" No. 2 $3.50 llnyal Purple Sale "f Work, In Saturday's Province appears a - - lloini' Cooking, c, tiitimrriiw a photograph of a party of engineers No. 2 afliTiinoii, Flks Home. Special under Cencrnl .lack c - - $5.00 Faster novelties for Ih' kiddies. Sli'warl on lhiv obl Coast, Africa. (.nine 111' mid inspect lliciii. It will surpri' you when you see1 The group includes W. II. llii' pictures that a llrownic will take. Certain changes, of details in Hogg, who, was in iln's cily lasl SILVER WEDDING WAS llii- year-on the slaTr of I he Wallace ri'.-iiliii of Itu'Smilhcrs in (k ill local SUITABLY CELEBRATED Shipbuilding the "SUPREME" corporation provisions ai'o announced ORMES LIMITED In lliis week's II. C. shipyard. , Mr. and IVIrs. W. E. Thompson1 Phones 82, 200 and 134 azi-llc. The Princess Mary, Captain Wcro Presented with Silver Brand Fresh Roasted Coffee THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES has ii'misiKilly. large III.- Presbyterian Ladies Aid (Irmisloii, an Tea Service at Dinner Developing and Printing for Amateurs Dally Service) will lull.I a Sale of Wink, Home cargo for llns porl Ibis trip in Party. Conking, ami Candy n Wediics-ilay. which I hero""is I oil Ions of cement Help build up your home town by using which is lo be unloaded al. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Spencer. April, I 'J. Tea will lie served ' from .1 In ( p.iii.,1u the Church Hie Alberl Mcaffery wharf of Fifth Avenue, eulerlaine, on Made in Prince Rupert Goods "all. sr. for Ihai fit-tii. Jho ess.i:l will Saturday evening in honor of - inL gel awiiy for l.liu itorlb .until Mr. and Mrs. W. I'.. I lloinpill, ..USE.. RUPERT BRAND Mr. C. II. Mueslis, of Vaiu-iii. o'clock Ibis evening. on Hie occasion of Ibeir silver vrr. presiileul of (he I.on I'm .iv wedding. Card playing and dancing Alliance, arriveil on Sahirdav ConsJable C. (iillis, r Ho Mas much enjoyed unlit II "SUPREME' M ri tin.i in Jiy Die Prinee.s., I leal- Vancouver provincial police of o'clock When Hie assembly sal and Bloaters rice. II,. will be here until Vc,) fice. has been appointed per. down lo a sumptuous s.upper, Kipper s iiesil.iy when he w III lie iriiiiiL- maiieiit constable at wauson immediately before which S. M. East. - Hay" and ill anvc from the Macdoitald, on behalf of those smith lo take up his dulie.s Hi is present, presented Mr. and Mr.- COFFEE lien "Self lias received a posj. week. Constable A, U: Sliarpe, riiumpson willi a .silver lea serv ' for Salejat card from nul Aivanoff in (ier- roriuerly al iswansoii Hay, is now ice. .Mr. I lioinnson replied suit iiiany. I lie canl is a picture of in the slarf or Hie Vancouver ildy. ' None Better Price at Any ALL RETAIL STORES Mr. Aiviiznff iiiid his bnilher office. Among Ihc quests present were: Mr. ami .Mrs. .s. n. .Miic- isdimlintr in frnnl of .snnie arclii-Iccliiral Musiano Itoasled anil packed in Prince llupert by Prince lluperl workmen. Cannellu, Hie Ital The Moat Tasty Breakfast Food .'pile. Paul lie is ilonald, Mr. aiid Mrs.' F. Mocich. say ian workman who I charged Sold only in one-pound airtight cartons. Mr. and Mr.-, lien Mr. Self( jicllhifr honiesick for "sumi old am Obtainable Ituport." with allelifiMcd tuurder of a fel- Mrs. .1. Kclbe. Mr. ami .Mrs. Her- 'iVy a pound loday. You will be delighled. f ow count rvman. Miishino Cam. Imm-I, llamploii, .Mrs. K. II. Shock- met al Healiin,' was coiu'iiiillnl for ' Mi: ami .Mr. C. W. ' Icy. Mrs. Jim Hampton, Vidor, a 1 1... w.,! It -",...-!...., SmokedDaily by of llazelliiii. arrived from Ihc iriai ny r-iipeoiom j- m aisi raic Maxwell, .Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. .lack. STEWART & M0BLEY, LTD. S. .11.: llosHins al Suiitlicrs las) arl ThoinpsiiiiT Miss Vcrna smilli the Princess. on Itcalrice Canadian Fish & Cold Hi h-n week and will be -gjven jury riiompson. Miss Alice Spencer CofTcc Importers Storage Co., Ltd. Salfuilay on this and. iimriiin's fur the trial al Ihc assizes - to lie bchl and Mrs. K. Ilirule. here al Ihc end of.Jhis iiioulh. PRINCE RUPERT I'hey were rcceiilly liuirried ill So far' this is (be only case on Seattle. .Mr. M.-uvmiii is W. .1. I.arkwnrtby, of Ni-w lla- . pail Hie list for the Supreme Court Persistent advertising, is ab owner or Hie Ilazctlnu Motel (llini, ami bis mother, Mrs. Al. solutely necessary to success. wliicll was ilcslroyed iy fire, lasl session, jicre, I.. I.arkworlby, arrived last iul-IiI Sunday. by Hie Clrelolisiii from California UI.MIK sMI'l'IIIT I.AMi' iiistiiict ins EDSON COAL FULLER'S SPECIALS TWliT or IIO.VST. Iiv.mih :.. Where they have spent several iiioulhs Tukv no II ri- Unit I. kiltlilt-eii .Miiiiikloii. 'i. A. .Mc.N'icholl, asslsitiuL holidaying. They icfl V iLill'lJI. . II. C. IIMfl'll'll XVUllldll. Illll'llll to COMPANY We have on hand a very limited general frclKhl and. Juicy Oranges. .1 $1.00 on Ibis moriiiiu's train rcluru-iug Hplily" fiir it lii'i'iiso In irii!.ici-l for null, onsfcenirciN Castile K liiilt'liln iinil liullll'lll ir.u on I III' rollow Corner Soap, liars Z5e ix 2nd Ave. and 7th St. lo Ibeir home ill Hie interior. aeul lor the (kiiiiiilian .Niiliinial Inir di'i.rrllH'11 liiinls: i:i,iiiiiii'iMlnir al a h,-i of Skookuni Winesaps, only.. $3.75 llllllll'll IS rliiiiiis i.iilli of I hi' sou lliu s s-pply llailways, relurned lasl nisht Fuller's Hulk Tea. His for S5c LAND ACT, iiiriicr nr l.ol Ili:i7. tln-lin- uni lli SU i linlus, from KiIiiioiiIoii where he Ihi'ino west mi I'li.ilns, tlKiii'c miiilli HU allend-cd May llloou) Tea. lb 50c Nolle of Intention to Apply lo Liu) Land. rliiiiiis. Ilii'lur nl-t HO rlullis lu mlnl nr u meeting of the Western Tillson's in itiih'v llii H'lt i.:iini oimiii'I. Ilcriinl l oinini'liri'luriil, anil iiinlaliilnir I! Ill ui irr Best Coal Camilla Oals, only 25o Inir liiMiIrt or l: t llani-i' .". mill Kitmiti' iimro or less. KATIII.KKM MoM:kTO.. Ed Pnssenuer Ayenls' As. l''nsi,vu Salmon, only 15c in t li lnily or I'm I l.lnHoii. li. :. I'. M. Mmii klnll, Vlti-lll. Mieialion. Mr. Mc.Nicholl said liiku iiitiiri. iiiiii Ju nil. jniiiksiiii una SO Fresh Herring, lull lins. .. 20o VViiltcr Klriiil. r l'rl Ksslnirloii. II. :.. HIM:!-: III PMlT I.AM lilSTIIICT -Mi I this moruiiij.' Ihal I here were-no l.ibliy's lluller , !iiri iiiiUiiii il 1 m riiK-ii. luleiiil in ti i I y fur Titier or i:oast. ii.i:i:,i. at Apple 25c ni'i inlssli.n in Iciim. Hi,, follow 1 1 i if il.'M i-ll.i'il Takn lioliro I hill I, l, M. Moinklon. of new ainiouiicenienl.s in regard lo Smoked lllack Cod, tin 25c land: Huihiiii'Ik lux al u pusl liUnlril ul I'liuro. II. i:.. oci'unai Ion mid kiirvt-vor. service lo Prince Hunerl. 'the i-uint'r of l.ul I., llaiiku 5, (.un.-l Iiitciid In niil.v fur a licensn tu prnspei l Corned ll.vf, tins. 20c and 35o illlil. 1 1 nil re inn I li,-a n 1 iliiiiii.', in low for li hi I. i a til an I Ka- anil plri.l'iiin nil I In Lowest Prices which we are offering at the matter oT dully train service was l.jirgo Oranges, guaranteed wo lor iiiiit k, llii'iii n i Hi it rhalim n l.-tiir rmiiiwinit jlrsi'rllM'il lands: Ouniiit'iii'liiir ala still beiiitf considered llm low wmer iiiark. lliruir nr.l :i chain In pnst plailM'll nllP l.llllt Vvest of tlio linl'tll-ui'M by extra lilch of lot ?K. I liHMi-e liollh ft) quality, only 70c Uiilcr Inmk, lliciii'i' 5 I'liuins nlniiir iiiinir following prices railway company. iiikii uiiii-r inurK lo uiiiu nr i'ihiiiiii'Iiitiiii iii clialns.' llit'iii i' vvnst So i liiiln. Ilii'in c soulli Hesl llllflef. II lb. boxes .... 40c anil rtiiilalnliitr .ltd hitch, limn- nr let. . Sii rlialus, thi'iiru cast ml clialns In point Order Extra Special (2 Jl l.ll s joll.xso.v of rniiiiiifiirriiii-iil, I'onlalnlnir Olu arri'i, Now! Phone 58 MINE RUN, in bulk $10 7 The C. p. II. steamer, Princess Days Only) W.M.TCII MKMI, I.oi'Uti'il January VII, I08. boiiiid 'Z local eggs, I tin Corn AMi-anta. . I'. .1. MLMl.k I o.. ; i J Mary, from Vancouver for delivered p Iminl Fvliruary SB. IB. I per ton, Heef Hash or Irish Slew .soulhcas.lern Alaska porls. arrived SCREENED LUMP, sacked djl Q C( from the soulli al 13 and I tin -.' lb. Australian l'lii.xt:!': iiiiitiit i.axo ihstiuct ms-tiiict " or Du.vsr, hamo; n. llabbit. Tolal value if 1.7". per ton, delivered iplO.OV o'clock today and a few hours later Kxlra Special $1.15 lake notlie thai I, I'. M. Muniktuii. or Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE resumed her norlh. Served .voyage Toriuiw, U. i:., urvi'.vor. Inlniil In apply First First Come, I'asscuycr.s boarding (lie vessel for a lln.'Usi'lu pruit'i't fur i'oal, prirulcuiu anil natural nun on .tiit rolluuiiiK ilosi riui'il here were Man Johnson and Chas. ANNOUNCEMENTS lauds: Ciiiiiiuciitiint at a pool plaiiteil I' ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. llichl, for Whitelnirse; .1. Huahes, I'liaiiis Lot Km?,.outli Iliiiurr of tlir tmrtli i,utlim 80 t-liulint.lui'iiiii'Ilium or DENTIST Phones 116 and 564 W. 'I'eirord and Miss llarloii, for The Ladies or the llnyal Purple run Ilit'si'p S(l went clialii.1,ho itialii.llii'llri- to unulli nolut 8tl of ilijlu.loin Visit his omce Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Ketchikan; .1. C. Moran, for Car- Sale of Fancy Work and iiiiiii'ciiii'iit, and voiilalnlnx liin urns nnri Block or phone for an appointment. cross, and J. P. Hicdy, for kag. or lo. p. M. .vio.i:hro.. Homo Cooking Tuesday,. April 11. riati-il January tint, lli. Phone 675 way. The latter is a- Calgary Ofllco hours: 0-12, 1 to 0 and 7 to 9 BAIT Our frozen herring bait is conceded by flslienncn jfoui'is.l who is making the round Tlje Ladies' Aid of the Presby. evenings. to tm the finest procurable at any I'aciflo Coast trip. leriau :iiuicl: will hold a llazaar' Belli Crossed Sunday Appointments Lady Assistant 1 1'oi-Jr .and It s "Fishy." Price, 30 per ton. April 12. lluy vegetables fPP ' The best way of insuring a good quality trip la your green tlio Cily Market. Palnlors and Docorators The Flks' Annual Faster Novelty lo lltV(J pjeniy 0f our 1 1 a I'd frozen ice. Price, l per ton. Hall in the Audilorlum Friday. PAPERHANGINQ UNION STEAMSHH COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED Do not uffr Oiiffifc 0ur well-eipiipped store can supply fishing gear, another day wita April 21. I KALSOMININQ , SAILINGS llltS fishermen's clothing, groceries and provisions PILES Inc.1 tell or in.rrotrtid HI led' - j 1're.war Prices For Vancouver, Ocean Falls ami Swausou Hay, Tuesday. H p.m. and hardware. lug aurirlaa.1 Piles.cdcn No The Wfiiueps' Auxiliary of SI.. Work orally and quickly For Vancouver, Alert Hay and Port Hurdy. Saturday p.m. .atioD required. Pel'er's Church : Seal ,Cove will For Anyox, Alice Ann, Arrnndule and Wales Island, Sunday NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Pr.aud Ch.o'a adord lasting Olnbnont benefit."111 relieve Dou. you a boii at once all bold a Sale of Work find Home done. midnight. dealer!, or Gdmananu, Hale tt Co., Limited, Cooking in Hie ChureTi on April 318 Fifth Street Phone 477 For Port Simpson and Naus Iliver Canneries, Friday a.m. Ketchikan, Alaska Branch Toronto. Sample llox free l( you mention tula J I parer and encloie tc. tump to pay pontage. -'. - !! 623 Second Aye. JACK BARNSLEY, Agent Prince Rupert, B,C.