When You THE NEW Want a TAXI YOKOHAMA in a hurry CAFE i PHONE HOME BAKERY J Deal Service und PRINCE RUPERT Till Best of Everything. J Try our service J licit Cnn in the City Phone Blnck 50 r Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL. XIII NO. . I'fUNOR riL'l.'F.UT, H. 0., MONDAY. APRIL 10, 11SM. ttturdty'i Circulation 177. ttrtft ! 460. PRICE FIVE CENTS Immense Gathering At Conference CLASH BETWEEN MILITARY FORCES OF RIVAL IRISH FACTIONS Economic Conference Opens SEES FALL OF SOVIET.1 SUGGESTED CONAN DOYLE Today at Genoa with Many UPRISING IN MAKING RAID EASTER WEEK Will Lecture on This Continent on 8pr!tuallsm to Convert Delegates Present; Speeches Sceptics. iir. Talk in England and Ireland That May Be Trouble on NEW YORK, April 10. Conan (!F,NOA, April 10. -Tim (icnoa Iuiniiiir Conference was. fyr los.s which has heen eaus.rd Anniversary. Doyle, author of the famous furinully lift) this arirriiiMin in I hi; historic palace of SI. (icorgc through lln- rutifisralion of Sherlock Holmes, detective stories by Premier Facta of Italy, who drlivcrcirihe opening address. IN properly and estiiblish legal punishment LONDON, April 10. Will and a sincere believer in was followed by Premier Lloyd fleorgc of (ircal Hritain. lo assure the impartial the socalled extreml&t republicans spiritualism, arrived here last Nations of four ronliiinils were rrprrsciiled in un endeavor execution of all commercial or in Ireland observe the night to raid America. lo itsIuco lo the world normal conditions. The. nation und slates olher contracts. anniversary of thT Easter "I propose to make a raid on n presented and lhc size of their delegations an; as follows: The resolution also' suggests week uprising against Great American scepticism" he said, In ,South Arrini, Albania, l; Austria, (i; Australia, li; Belgium. that Ho. nations, ought to have Britain In 1016 by attempting explaining the purpose of his It; Hnlyarin. 1T; Canada. 2u: Cceho-.Slovakin,' lilt; n convenient means of exchange; this Easter week to oust the proposed lecture tour. "I propose Denmark. 10; Kslhonia, 25; Fin that all nations should.agree tu provisional government and lo raid church and laiety alike." land, 7; France, K0; Ocrmaiiy, abstain frtim propaganda subversive establish a republic in Its JAIL BREAKER HO: (I real itriluin, 128; Orreec, of lh political system placa. This is the question NEW STEWART MINE 22; lii-land, fl; Italy, loo; l.elvla, iir oilier countries ami all nations that is being seriously discussed C; l.illiuaiiiii, 7; Luxembcrg, i: take a common ciizage-iiicpi both in England and COMPANY IS FORMED IS KILLED BY Norway, H; New Zealand, i(': Id alisliiin from agression Ireland. Holland, IG; Poland, ill; Portugal, on Iheir nciiHiiiors. M. C. Mining Co. Limited Incorporated U llumntiia, 22; Itussia, 12: Official Recoqnltion." : ; GOOD AMOUNT FISH CONFEDERATE With Capital of $500,000 Jugoslavia, 12; San Miirinn. 10; Ilcgardiug Itussia, I In- resolution and Head Office In Victoria. Spain, 10; Sweden, lo; Switzerland, concludes: IS MARKETED TODAY 8; Hungary, 7. "If the ltus.siifn government Throe Tried to Escape, One of claims official recognition in The M. C, Mining; Co. Limited Eyes on Russia. Hundred and Thirty Thou- bus beu incorporat,ejl Willi acapi- Whom Was Formerly London order o assure ie eliipiricnl of jTwo All eyes are nimi Itussia, fur 1nliV..lt,.rt .,r C'.flll lllin Tlw. l.nn.l its commerce, the Allieil powers sand Pounds or naiiout aeus at i.Ullf.U.IUll l. V"',l'l," 4 II... Ill UU Clergyman. it Is Un- firol lime Ihi grcal aceoril the only, 'nMlee. is in icloria and the activi- nut, same upon Low Prices some Salmon. nation has' participated in world acceptance of (he foregoing lies will be in Ihc Portland Canal l.OS ANOF.LF.S. April III-. -Hni affairs since I In overthrow of ' ' 1.1!..I..!.!. stipulations." . filtil 111 I'll II. UI9UI l.l i Twaa lillftilf-aial I ...1 i Wilson, formerly a rlrr- Kcrensky'Jv irovisioiiiiL govern,. IIU.I.I iti. l-44.4Mltv"i,d',JI tn-i KaiidlMnin.Is or i.wllb.irfls-i.iai'd .wof;lhet.rprtIuii Mifl itf-yi7r Afi 1 hcsprlng ( lion of her In the partieinaiioir keled at the Fish. Fxchange tliU .V. "V0"', ninl killed a fellow prisoner and Icr nmiv llnin four years of ex. r. outside Oi1im;i mci'tiu which idayed an Uen. Wrangle anti-lJobtievik uauei now living 01 exile durinc morning from boats thai arrived uf.-iuiie u) puiiHMse uiiu liC'-wiiplirr jtisl Hie penitentiary pen.oeniai ovcrumeui, .Mciioiai j,,,,,,,,.,,,,,, iyr , pr,.mipr Hri 1 rectnt intcrvinv, said that while rcCofi ition would prolong the ex take over (lie following mineral week-ciid. The during tin allelilpei jail 1 ' 'eoncr, nasla1., SII),PI1 ,,J,.,.Ui ( return titenle of the Soviet! in Russia not' ing can prevent their ultimate over the price was claims situated iu (he Portland agaili hv in most cases, this con Making. aliaii.lone.J niucli or what f, ,,.,rN 1IIM nK.. i:.1IinPj4 ,,., UIL Cnal mining division and recorded dition bejng due to the large Wilson, llerlierl Cox, (he de;ji previously i i-rcu esseuiiai ij,,,,,..,. ,.,..,. ,,. ,;,M,1.r al ihf city of Stewart. H. C, man, and Ivldie O'lfrien wen o llnlshev ism and has consented of Deputies, in I lie hope of n Civil War in Ireland is amount of llsh'lhat. is arriving in namely: M. O. niiiie'ral claim, M. at Hie present linii:. port mail tinder with arrel charged In participate' in u coufrreiici eeivinu' a Mde of confluence. C. No. I mineral claim, and the rubbery of million 1 I 'called nations.' Following is the list of arrivals over a by "capitalistic llriloii mineral After a lengthy and eloquent claim, frruu (he till J Tliey nllelllpled lo eseape On Hie ground that Ihc xalh speech, he suddenly auiiouuced Inevitable Unless Change and Fisher,sales: li'.uui) pounds: Kaieii. Mulders thereof, Humphrey C. liD" W're recaptured. will be r.illiei Heven, Charles A. eriuy piililical his resigual hoi and was suc .MeKeiuie. Iioi) poiiuds, aiid'Laura I... i'lioil than economic, Hie I'niled Slates ceeded by Premier I'oincare, wh Tactics There Soon Harry Hastings and W. D. Drown, Very poumls, s'lld to Hie Sinclair Fish FINE SONG SERVICE has ib'cliiicil I lab's iuviliilion lo fiirmed a new eabinel. by issue uiilo said parlies of eries at IPc and lc. send rcprrsenlalhes. 'I'lie I'rance was flatly against irr- shares in the capital s.oek of lhe Seattle, ir.(MI0 pounds, sold lo PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH American people. Secretary iiiilliiig llussia lo cuter Hie DI'IU.I.N, April lo. .Michael Collins in a speech ul Wexford the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage company to tlie amouiil of lluidu-s said in ilis'liuin the iu- Oenoa conference wilhoul lb said it looked as if civil war in Ireland can be. averled only by a 150,000. Co. ail (5.0c aud Sc. vilalioii. are anxious lo assist imii'osition of advance, restric miracle unless lliere is an Iniiuediak' change, of tunc and ladies Quartette, Duet and Scvoral Solos Ilepilblie, 15,(101) pounds, sold to Murope in recovering its ecoii tions oil Hie subjects the tol-shevjki of- certain people. MAURETANIA MAKES Wore Acceptably Rendorcd (he Month Fisheries ('..inailian Co. omie life hut feel thai tlu-.iQcaii-noL shouhl participate with LONDON, April 10. II is rumored in Loudon aud Dublin that lo. ami Service. at ('..lie at Evening involie themselves in lln- out restrictions other Hunt wore a .secret meeting of the Irish Tlepublicun Army deposed lie Vitlera Kodiak, .'jn.omi pounds rud RECORD VOYAGE IN iroieau polities. melillouei) in the resoliiliou as as republican leader and a statement, was afterwards given out Oil" lln- service Morengeii, t.'i.nuil pounds, sold to of linesi song Decision lo call I In- (icnoa apply In1- to all nations. MiSil Do Valcra now has 110 'governing part in Hie Irish llepub FIVE DAYS TEN HOURS Hint has pei'ii heard III tin Prcs-lileijaii Hie Sinclair Fisheries al. (i.fie conference was reached by lln Prime .Minis er l.Io.vd Oeorge lira.11 Army. : - months was ami ic. Church fur Allied Supreme Council uieeliusr also' experienced oniel Iting of a LONDON. April HI. The police (hat which was rendered last eve-inn. Sritalor, I'l.OOi'i piinuds. and CIIFIIIUH'HO, April 10. Tim at Cannes early in January flare back from Itrilish political barracks at Ilroadford, Ouuty SERIOUS FIGHTING D. 0. Meltae pesidci and Helen D., 1 01:0 pounds, sold lo Hie Cunai-d liner Maiirclania arrived llapidly dimlnishiii!,' I'.uropean leaders, with the (Icnoa confer- tare, were occupied by ollicial BETWEEN QREEKS from New York Ilia the soloists Mrs. Jaris Mr-l.eoil, Pacific Fisheries at 7.tc and le. today making were . cxchaiive. billions of dollars in and its Mussina question eiu'e Irisli llcpulilicaii Arniy units, who AND TURKS IN ASIA Mrs. I,. O. I.aisen. Mrs. II. Myra, I 1.0110 pounds, and K 3101 miles iu f days, 10 hours, unpaid debts, Ocruian repara entering into Ihc difficulty. atbicked early this tuorii i iim.; I) minutes. Tins j declared to (1. I Mrs. CI. II. Tuppcr and Ncilson, 111,11(1(1 pounds, sold (o laser, necessity of reci in si riieliu Tlie Prime Minister's desire lo April' lions, I'liere was an exeliaiqji. of lire for ATJIIW'S. ill. Se- the be best tjiuo recorded sinco V. the Canadian' Fish and Cold Sto I Happed A duel was given on. ilevastaled the ltussian llimush tlie (.amies areas, carry pro-aram a considerable time, the besieged! rious lighting occurred lie- In Mr.-. 'Mel.eod and .1. A. rage (.0. al H.Ve Hint lc. August. Il 10. Jarvis sil nation and hope lha( Hie I ni ureciniliiled a virtual crisis rcfusjng In surrender! Caplainj Iwecn llreek and Turkish 'I'eiiB, niiil a ipiarcll comprising led Stales would lend itself as a In his coalition government, fid-lowing Daly. 17.01111 pounds, and Tlinr, O'Drien, who was in charge of tin forces on the Dory lee front Mrs. McLco.l. Mr. II. O. Fraer, the 15000 pounds, sold to the Pacific FATHER OF TROPICAL stahiliiiiif Infliiencii consliluled which he went before besieged I roups, was fatally in Asia Minor iu Spile of lidni Ciirrie and A. Cluppcrlwi the pressure behind Ihis 1eeis- House of Commons for a vote' of wounded. the efforts of Hie allied Fisheries al He and Ic. r"inlei-rd Teddy J., U'.OOO pounds MEDICINE IS DEAD a very acceptable iuii. confidence on the subject. to bring about, Rumors Not True. powers a lllllillier. 1 Tlielma, unmr pounds, and It 1 1 1 1 1 Germany Active there. Or. II. II. (iranl. pastor, will In Dt Jit,IN, April Idr The stale- truce IjOO pounds, sold lo Hi" Alliii (ierinaiiy. rcpnisenleil in a LONDON, April 10.- Sir Patrick hack iln Wednesday from attend capacil'y in nearly a HIDDEN MINE menl by (he Irish republican puh- Fisheries at Vv and 4c. -Manson is dcaiL The Times ing Hie llolary convention ul. passic I icily department contradicts .Hie Valid, L'000 pounds, sold to tlio lUiropeun conferences sincn Ver WIRELESS REPORT. refers to him as the father of Yaucouwr. rumors thai !) Valcra lias been Sinclair Fisheries al 10c and ic is In a tropical medicine and says the sallies, expecleil piny deposed leader of the White Lily. I'OOO pounds, sold lo arlhc part ul (icnoa. Mirny KILLED 23 as repuldi- S a.m. completion of the Panama Canal more ans at. a .secret mei-liug of the DKillY ISLAND ealm; Hie Sinclair Fisheries at Uc BREAKING BACK OF observers even o so far lis lo -Clear, was made poss-ibe by the appli predict thai (ireiil llritain anfl cjiublicaii army in Diildin yen. barnmeler. 2U.I53; tcinperaluie, and 4c. cation by Major Oenera,! Uoethals RUSSIAN FAMINE IN (icrniaiiy will dominate the as-sen Diggers Struck Detonating Ma Irrday. it); sea smooth. Liineiidahl, 180(1 pounds of red of Sir Patrick's discoveries. saliuoii and SOU pounds of white DFAD TUKK I'OINT ibly by work I uar hand iii liaud chine on Graveyard with Cloiidy, O. M. Walker, of' Alice Arm, Icaliii; barometer, 2'J.07; tempera- salmon, sold lo (he Sinclair Fish THE VOLGA VALLEY for I he salvation of .J heir In Disastrous Results. CHOIR GIRL SHOT ilnsli-ial lives llirouah Ira- I'osurv leaded guilty In the theft of lure, .'15; sea .smooth. cries al I'J.'Jp Jor rod und 00 lor fcclion markets the watch on appearing before HULL HAHHOH Iluliilng, while. HERSELF IN CHURCH of their ja MAV Y.OI IK. April Hi. A - KATTOWITZ, Silesia, April 10. ludge Y'jiintr this morning nflcrisouthwest fresh wind; barometer. lean (H'ii, inieclias',1 with the east am) south, conference will While French soldiers were having elected fur 'speedy trial 20.77; temperature. 10; .sea rough; BIG GATHERING TO '.'n.(iiiu.(Km approprialed by Con. llrii'fly, Hie : digging in a graveyard for hidden Ho was. released on . suspended . 10:.'l0 0.111, spoke Venture. Alert Seattle. April 10.- Miss Ilertha f-'ress in breaking (lie buck of seek o accoiiiplish some means arms " spade struck a detonating Deckel!, L'5 years of age, a choir sentence HEAR SPEAKER OF extension of pulling up a surely ofjllay, southbound . 1 1 p.m. spoke foe Ibc irranlililC or (lie lliissjan famine in the VoIku machine and blew up a singer, shot herself during Iho fli500 for one year. AV. K. Fisher: princess MaiV In' Milbank .Sound most lo (he enfeebled rorelmt crcditsi hidden iiilne. The-expiusioii kill Milley, BIBLE STUDENTS services al (he First Haptist will then appeared for the crown aud '.". northbound: 8 a.m. spoke' princess countries and French soldiers and one ed died 211 Church here last night and machinery for Hooper for the defence. Illealrice ju Oueer 'Charlotte attempt lo set up Herman foreman. this morning. PROBABLY NO TREATY assuring sueli , foreign capital iSoiind southbound. J. II. NVilliams. Jravelling rep that the fruils scif Hs investment FSTFA'AN -- Overcast, calm; resentative of the International Japanese Forelnn Minister Falls will not be lusll. FIREMEN ARE BURIED barometer, ;.'-,80; temperature, Jiible Slmleuls' Association, ad WAS FINED $200 - The rcs.oluli'ii rallinjr lhn CANADA PREFERENCE 15; sea smooth, dressed a gathering of 350 per to Confirm Report. conference set fuiin tnai ine RUINS OF ELKS HOME IN WEST INDIES IS Noon. sons iu Hie Westholiue Theatre AT OCEAN FALLS FOR TOKIO. April Id, Viscount nallohs or Europe caniioi pre-snine CITY NEW ORLEANS ANNOUNCED TODAY DIHIIY ISLAND Cloudy, calm, last evening on the subject HAVING A STILL LYhida, .lajiaiicsc foreign mill. lo dictate to one unolher barometer, i'U.tf'J; leniperalure, "Lasting Peace World Wide Isler, in u hlaleiuenl in the native, the principle under wliieii up-y OTTAWA, April Id. 15; sea smooth; V.'Mi a.111, spoke Soon." Mr. NVilliams made s.omp , , press failed to confirm (ho must conduct Iheir Internal af MAV OKI,FANS. April 10. The Jamaica Legislature Princess Mary due Prince ltu. Interesting prognostic at ions OOFiAN FALLS, ' April 10. A. reported agreement between rep. fairs hut adds thai foreign cupl- I'wo firemen buried in the ruins has sanctioned 11 trade pert noon. which .were also tinged with a Isbii, a Japanese who was arrested agreement between Canada TIlliF good deal of hopefulness. K. K. by Cv'istuble Heaven a few lesenlallycs, of the Fur Hastcfn lul cannot be expected to conm in of the- Elks' Home, which was Dial) I'OINTCloudy; republic and Japanese delcirules, unless Ilia nullons recognlio ull purliully destroyed by fire last und the West Indies giving calm: barometer, il.70; temperature, Yager was chairman. days ago, came up before Stipendiary oblij-ulions and public debls previously nlghl. ScAenterh firemen were Canada a preference ranging !.'; sea siuootli, Magislruln Tyson Friduy WJIIiaiu J.everclt, of llubinc contracted or to bo con. injured and tliu financial loss is from i5 to 00 per cent. HULL HAUHOlt Cloudy, fresh M. I'orlcr, of Swausou Hay, and wus ehurged with the unlawful Hiilcbery, arrived on the train traded In the future, agree iu estimated at a quarter of a million southwest wind; barometer, 29.-I:1: arrived in the city on the Che- possession of a still. Accused lut liigliL front lliu ialciiur. Indemnify ull forcijfU interogis dollars. (enijierature, 12; sua roujli. loli sin last night. Was 'lined 8200 uinfcoit s.