,day Aj.rll- 10, 1022. TEW DAILY HMWfl faqs mm DR. HUESTIS SPEAKS ON WORK OF ALLIANCE Sport Chat j Sunlight Soap Was at Presbyterian, and Meth W'ellmr or not 1 1 n I i v 1 1 1, saving odist Churches Yesterday Is In lip ndoiiled in this, city i.i. ,.,iii ,,...i.ni.i.. i...l Has of .11... II II 1 1 1 .Till J,.I 'iiilll r ii,t Support Attorney Purity and quality is the keynote General. decide,) nl, loiirlil'H council Ft J of Sunlight Soap. Unlike many nieelinjr when Ihrf mot irtii of AU, bulky bars it has no useless fillers lr. C. II. Mueslis, president of(Kerr c.illliiir for Ihe ndvancinz llm l.,iiril's nf the clocks oil liour uflen Mav Day Allbinre,, spi'k; iu which harmful to clothes. are your Die llbiireli J and nnlil September .'10 vdll be Jresbyleriiin yester So pure and sweet is the cocoanut nii'ouuhl forward. The mullon day morniii! uii, at the Mi'lli-odisi 1 oil used that it could be made into Chiirclt in Hie eSfninir. will he supported by Mm tellers food. Cocoanut and palm oils Dr.. Ilneslis deall willi Hie Ren- of I" SI. Andrew's Society and the two wonderful cleansers blended eral wilrk Of Ihe Lord's I lay .VI- Mm Sons of ('.a inula. v.hich are lilllic' ' :il bylh serviei's and did already in lln, hands of Ihe in 'Sunlidht-make thi great liol mejiUon the l'i'iciil sjlitalioii, council, asking for Ihe adoption soap themost efficient and economical liarlieiifarly. of ilaylipht. saving and the favorable soap you ever used. It is all "There Is an idea abroad," be resolution passeil unanimously-by pure soap. lid, "thai Mm Sunday oliscrv- Ihe Hoard nf Trade The 'mailer lias leeii 131 mi Friday. anee law is not in effect until Ihe city or municipality .'idopU. receiving a rood deal uf dis-eussinn LtVlR bROTIISBJ LIMITED .r il llirmiali J lie irovrrluuf nl. I his in tin cly during the TwuK 1 2 is a m is ake for llii law comes past few days anil feelinsr seems lo be rather divided. Kpnrl. or. into effect as soon as il. is adnpli'il by the municipality or sranTalioiis are prelly well in. lie cily. The Alliance does Uftl favor nf the change ami Ihe SI. iliterferi' with the cilies. ill Ihe Andrew'.1 Society,,.Trades ami Labor uialler and if limy do not want Council, Sorts 'if lOiuilamf, to lake action Ihaf is llmir'husi- Hoard of Trade 'and Sons of ness and not. ours. Il is entirely Canada have already -.'one on record pndorsinfj II. It is fnrc. , . up In Ihe police commissioners a MM i H 11 liSSSSSw'W V II 1 I i II IVlHiK - -wsrn In enforce I lie law." ;roim conclusion INal tioiit ine MM Will Enforce Law. llaseball iiinij Football Assic.iar Dr. Ilneslis slated that linn. Notts will also favor il. Thej - rz- x v i vugs nasi pppnsilinn. ai'aiiisl dayli.ilil sav-' - A. M. .Mil II-fill, iiltnrney general CHARGE OF ALL- had assured him Ihat the law ins; is in n I nly nn -Mm firmim! I hat TAKE would lie enforced' wherever the the chantre of lime will make BOXING IN MONTREAL cilies or miinii'ipalilles asked for confusion in Mm city Tor il is il. I'rnseciil would have In understood thai Ihe transportation jons to Conduct Made companies were not adopl- Suggestions as PACIFIC RAILWAY jfii llirouch Ihe atlnrney general. of Contests and Powers or GRAND TRUNK k'ials would have lo be arunli'il ilifr il. An opinion seems lo be it for Commission. S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will sail Wcihmsday p.m. Ihat il would nnl he adopted him ill each individual case by rails, 12 for S'wanson Hay. Ocean, Thursday nl p.m. and Ihere would he no blankel locally unless Mm chanpe is gen MILNTIIFAL. Ajjril 10. Some Anyox. Victoria ami Seal If n. Powell Uiver. Vancouver. lil'iiseclltioii iertnissios. uiveii. eral Ihroushonl Ihe country. itileresl ins siisseiu,ins mr urn PRINCE ALBERT For all poinls Northern nml S. S. V Many .more people would favor Kacli Indiviiliiul case wfnilil .be proposi'iL .viouireai iiiunw i-ihh- Soiillmin Oneen Cbarlolle. Islands, April 10 nml 2i. Fnr II if il could be made general. taken tif sep;ii ali'ly .so thai, petty mission are i lanivtl in Hie idler As llm flays are very Ions here Slewarl, April 13 ami 27. caes wolibl be avoided.. senl lo Him city council by The work o( the .nrd's Day ii't Ihe siimmerlime, anyway. Ihe Chiules II. Spimscr, which were WtDNESDAY'and Train Service. SATURDAY at H:16 Alliance was cliieflv of an edii. rhailjre wnilbl be only beneficial referred by tlm jildermeii lo the . ttsKerio-er MONDAY, I'llmonton nml VYiiin.-pes,' in Ihe cily durinS' Hm months of i m For Siif'lhers, Vrince Ceors-, calional nalure cnnsisliiifj in de-vetoiiliiy commission when il is fucineil, direcl uonneclion for nil points In F.aslern XT lk H11 w in lion al Viiijciiiivor a liiTi'tiifnnv makins April, May, Ail'rusl an,I Sep. K VIII I IN Tliri-i' wi'ri' si'iil I" llii; iiuhlic opinion. II also for that reason Mr. Sprieser submitted his ideas Camid.i and United State-. teiuber. Perhaps II lllllili III tried to keep on. Mm follower of ami n.ne pressure a sport Steamship Lines. InmlM mi SaJiiriluy 11 1 l.i 1 1 1:1 1 I ln alone, however, il would be as Agency All Ocean aiilli.oritii's. Court cases were with past experience, expressins 52G Third Avenue .Phone 260 incl iiffiri'. ' City Ticket Office, BEING BUILT Thri'i ramp oniiiliiyiii!? aliniii avoided as far us possible and well In adopt it. llm opinion thai il was in Ihe in-Ic-iesl it was esliiiuled lhal. pracllcitlly of sport in seneral, as il sixty iiiin an imw rnnniiij.' al "Tim llirlh of Fnolball" is Mm JO perccnjl oT the cases taken up was really ii shame to think Ihat I'lllllxlll'Wil Illli'l lllil U timi- -U lilh iulereslin article by I be Alliance were set lied by of a very Indus larse sum of, money was Ulaiu DalnM But In D 1 1 hlc lliariwn mini ramps, rawing a iliiilual aKreeineiil. mil nf courts. that amicars In a n nl issue pent by Ihe public without any CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Die Inlal miinlii'r In 100, ma aim d ;uiu m iavnu r m r This inelhnd was proving salis-faelory. of Hie All Sports Weekly, an evenins k eiiveriainmeni in June 1. ,larl npt'l'alions lii'fnri Inn" Old Country allilelic publication. Ilowovcr, nilvieo is Immiiji awaifnl oro iib-il for llieiu. B.C. Coast Services The. soccer same Is siihl in litis The law which the Lord's Day Mr. Sprlesef slISSI.'.slcil that I lie frnm T. A. Kelly, tin- 1nait nf article, In have, had itn.-.orijririVin -T ALSO Alliance forbade all supported nf SHINGLE MILL - commission should consist tli -nrnpaiiy. Iiofiuv litis will lie Home and known in Britain known ili'finili'ly. work on llm Sabbath except work was seven persons, beliiivins lhal only Sailings from Prince Rupert tin, oreveniii ecu The.as cany as and of imcessily .mercy. four or live would attend llm exhibitions nee Georae Man One of Part- tttry. In Ihe sixteenth cenlury Juneau and Skagway .' acl did not forbid sport as Ionic of liovins or wresllins, For Ketchikan, Wrangell, In Now lndotijr Cast as II was nnl commercialized, it was a furious, brutal "same o appoinlmenl, tie says, should march 10, 20, 31; April 10, 21, of Town. In the Letter Box . The whole idea was. In sive ever-, tlinl Fnslisli laws were, passed he made, from oer.-ons hoblins For Vancouver,' Victoria and Seattle body, a free day.. The law was prohibilins il. A-I.IH.'I writer public iiosilions itml Mint. I In se March 4, 15, 25; April 5, 14, 25. K, Ann III. -rsk nrmn .cs described it "a ilevllithe mil ii religions one or a "blue" as pastime lections be made only from true S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Bgtedale, Swanson Bay, be ii busy plnccMii fiinimor. A WARNING1. out of which fcft'nwi'lh envy, Ocean Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell law. lovers of snnrl and Ihosi U East Bella Bella, Falls, lumber ituluslf'y will in; ac-iliiiiiip- local Lord's Day Alliance rancour, and malice ami some-limes Saturday at 1 The understand exhibit bins of Ibis nature River and Vancouver, every p.m. anil J l summer fjlilor Daily NVw.s: duniiilllee will meet this afternoon brail ins, utiirlher, hotni-cid In Lines. in particular, so as for all Steamship every Agency mar suipmcnts win in' mane amt Si'aV effiisilu or blood silua-llon I liv'lhi' Vaiii'iiiiviT Pro- to consider the local mm' be tin' Knlcrn ensure Khe conlidenci nf it pub Full information from markets. leaclmlh.' will In as experience dally Mueslis vinci lli.il tlii' SliipiiinsliM's' (inllil and Mr. lie. The commissioners should W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, 1 lift Rl,.!ili?i. I .11 l lil lifW Durins Mie reisvs of llii Stuarts is. inaklMK aiiiilliiT alli'inpl I" present at lhal meet ins. mid the (.corses il was allowed sive llieir services without salary Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. mU of lln rivlil In our ppoiiti- oilier remuneration with 11 tifni iidiuii inn ni 11,:i. n I n.rv. . it seemed In liae become nr any i- ' ' " i .i.... j hut buy ami sell sirviri'. Of lln WEATHER oT the secretary. SPRING the exception lm mill. Tin' new lujr rar-lias iolent n Mm point of brutality. riwhl In lln waliTwnys iii been placed in pni- Ill 18.10 bulb sexes and all uses To Protect Public. "fio.l Ii a x jrlvi'ii us." CAUSES ACTIVITY In bouts beins ur-ransed i ii nun inn nii"inii is in inuri. joined in, Mm same, Sliroye Tuesday Previous Our small Imal fieri lins now icil ar sawn will be insliumil TERRACE RANCHES belli? Mm favorite day for the clulis concerned tinisl DENTISTRY ri'arlii'il s,ui'li . prnpnWiniis thai. the In llm conimi.sion li'inl of tin- hand saw, ns wai playlns il. As it was played in present Mm imfiilii'i's niifraKCil in il out- names of the cnnleslanls prior to intended. boiler mid Tip evlmtsly Ihe shopkeeper iiiunlii'r illl nllii'r si'a-fnrini.' TKIjllAf.i:, Aprir 10. With Ihe streets, adverlisiltir or tlm ncceplance of don't neglect your teeth. One decayed or mlsslns trioth s vei in tin iirii'keii in. a ii huh iiihecs were forced lo bar up il'k will lu iiinlrliikin in Mm i-iiiiiiiiiiiiily. ii 1 1 ve'ii I of spiintrlike wealkcr rnn-sidcralile their windows ns a necessary Mich muls, The articles.of nsree- lowers your vitality, - . .i . . Thai limy an liamlliTl pffir- activity is lakln? pl.ic About the, middle limnt must also lie furnished he II ,111111, Illl llli: ,..!.,..' precaution. . . jiMilly ami ufcU' lln'l'i' '"an In' nn in the vicinity prior to Ihe 'ohi-mencoinpnt secretary of- jlu commission, DR. BAYNE ifl'. nr... Illlllllllllllj i iii I ii ii ..-.ii'L. ii.. .-in of llm nlneipenlli century Mm iiii'.sliin, Tlmsn sainr. if ficionl nf lln slrawtKiVr.v which shall i licit llx (lie lax for Illl'lltll 11.1 III tt-lll Illl 111 fill. laws Of1 the same were small lioaliimn will not pay planlini-- seaso;i. first such cxhiliilioii, tin i'ee ransins Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Block Phone 109 'iiinii I'.iriy in iiuur. ih-ii- mi- drawn up anl since lhal time lllil prescill MllH! OUT two j.'raft. nor cnulil-lfmy jrn'up for Sexernl iiwihji',1 of slrawherry tin rub's, have been modified and from ijiloo to ikliioo, lie also siis-sesled Ofllcn Hours: Mornings, 0-12; Afternoons, i ;30-5;30 lllllll feet. Ilf lnrS slacked ill Ihfir pxHininaliniis ami pa'ss. ranches arrived on Saliiiday's itlleied but the principles laid that all conteslaiils lie exi F.venings,: 79., null. When filially coin- Tln'ir rinn wnulil . nnl . poiiiiI. train from Prince MUp'ert In pre. ilon llten. remain, today. Out nf amineil anil wejplied.by a doclur ' li'il. Ilif mill will In cnpahle of Tlii. nlisiii'l.'il ion xliuiilil first si'it iniie for IUe coiniiu.' fruit season, Mm chaos of riot itnd 'xt rumble not taler I han three o'clock" in the .10.000 Jed (y jn. per ilay racily, Dial lln fnn) laws tiro al.liTPil so and tin depot Ls piickeil willi mvw had evolved a sf.ientiric and dls-fiplincd al terniMiit of I lie day ( the exhl-bflinn, .lohti Wlllmnn, Ihe Dial 1 Iii'so ii mi iffii'iinl nii'ii bushes nf every descriplion . smim, .Hip. playins of Mm docinr to niVie Ihe Phone 60 P. O. Box 743 "lili'iil amt general inannner of nn scriiri Ihi'ir tirki'ls wilh- l-einly for plaulin'K. It is Ihe iu-lenlion Which If. now vccfisn.'ueil n be comiillssion its lo the 111 or iiillll company,. In al present i" oiil prn f I. Tlmy slinulil also uf sewral. fruH ranchers (be best leacher of unselfishness condition of Hie conies I an Is im-nmitinlcl.v JAMES HUNTER i' I'ily no rpriipany business. We Dial Ihi'ir nii'ii sell servlcn In. put in raspberries litis year in uiid jnililie spirit. Football after siiclt exaiiiimttjon Shlnqle Industry. insleait of hi'inpr slick-iip arlisls. conjunction with .strawberries, ns mnulds chij'acler breeds and the weiSbt In he aJiiionnced.oii GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND CAR BODY No Dry Nurses. experiments hae Ihe Ihe conleslanls eiiteiiiis the rins. now shineie nun is in hp past proven men but "lonkins nn" will tint BUILDER i Our small lioalinen iln nnt Tcrrnce soil to be Udinirubly .The coiiiiiijs'sinn, Air. Sprieser ill llritlsh hreeil mi Hid railway siibi of tin1 help Mm bull dog it. ui'imii 'mill, niul' n linlf need dry nurses, nor do llm people iiLiplci for thjs class of fruil. --play Mm samel siissesls,, sbinili'l be sive'n .power Agent for Traffic, Day-Elder and Ruggles Truoke V t of I'hV kImIIhIi,' nitd'will be who use Hunt, and the prop, In stop any and all ennlesls. itjid Teruirf can bo arranged -for purciiiserti. '' " I ll.nl nil mi llm liinliiin limitu in- iilHi-e for I hose sleamsliili USK SONS OF CANADA WIN ilut'inir siicli contests 4f Ifie.v di'eiu First Avenue and Cow Bay men who tin or think llieir neigh 'it udvisable and in tliivVvenl nf (144 1 tlV tlii, ll.-IVU.'111'il I.Illlllllll bors tin is an asyluin nr( llm ien. Prince Rupert, D. C. . fake INTERMEDIATE OYER GROTTO bout beins coivsiderid a 'liiumy. ,Imi' (iatillili-r nf is no decent reason why The ice has sliirled In break any There accordance with the men (ionrifc ami .lfi'v.nlliiiin Mi"'"" 'liiia Is, beinr Ciinadiati awny in the Skecuu river, and BILLIARDS niul not in our iisrcement, the contestant in' coti-lestixnts caMPiii caiiaila urn juirliii'if (Wimd, sliouJil not. H'll service. Uteri.' is opi'U waler frniu bank la sueliexhibillonshnntil llni. uinliTlaUiix. caiiiiol sell servlet' wil limit, bank, wlih'li permits nf nntu of Tim iii'iM'is.al-y macliitii'ry lius They-eiislmners. There Is no crnssinff wit h a rowlioal. The lu lasl Nvcek's Iivlermediiile forfeit (heir end of the purse una Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, Main Office Hotel Central ii hi 1 1 ii iini-ii illlll lit t-inil" liiinnnible reason why work. Iioals ferry iV belny overliaiileil and llilllurd l.eastte (nurnauieiit, the lln- amount handed over by the PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO. 15 at anytime, day or night. I'sk, Tho roilar rifilils liavn n'u rollen lo Sons nf flanada defealed tin club ciMU'eiued. The referpes will sliimbl lie nl srealer diadvnnl-HK pluced prior . There, will always be some one to take them. of tlie 8nr In 7H0 be urnler the Jurisdiction 'I'll hPi'1 1 rii i iiv i.iiniivif'1 iriiui hnaU or iov-niiiriienriiiiat.1. launchiliK for the coining season. (Iroll'k by u score of I han pleiiure if llaywaiil l.iunlior ('oniiiany. The Ouild would which it Is uillicipaled will take bavins hi.it but one nf the six cojiliuisjoil. Prince Rupert CoarCompany I Mm iiiloiiliiui nf lie owuvrv like In make llm pei'tni'miiiici- nf placV Ibis week. sanies in llm series. I"III.v.. llii. iiilll iii lull finai'il I mil MTvlre. a erime. my cniiieniion The individual scores were as AMSBURY LUMBER Exclusive Representatives Ladysmlth-Wetllngton, Pembina, 'f'iri! .Iiiiio. Wlii'ii coiiipl''!''" f.anadiun who has A, .1, Thompson, manarer nf follows; Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. Is I ha I. nny ! Ml Mill ft III I Will UIVO Clll- his inVesli'il in a boat Ihe Kilsela.s . .Mniiulaln .(.upper !. Anderson, (Sons of 1 MILL IS EMPLOYING 1 1 1 '1 1 1 in ffiiinn Tishl nr lou has' III money Hhl In imerale il f'r (Jompaiiy. wjll return frmn I'ort- Camilla), ir.8; Hick Howe (OmU THIRTY TO FORTY MEN Yellowhead Coal I'll .niul will in. ii wiiiiTiiviii iin. llm nr mukiiiff a living lund, Die., shortly. Upon his nr. to). 133. iitn i... ... t...i....i..:..l purpose who rival il is exiieclcd work will be- IL IL' Sentt 1.10; H. llu.isjdl. ""lllillt Jlv Ull I I.I."4 I' II.I. serviee. nnri Ibm-i 1;i iiiljir i n t . by selliitfr iw.l u'llltnir to sell service in resiUiiU'il on Hie jiroMily. All 131. ''In Aiusbijiy lumber mill On Doric Delivered ,..a willi any ojher the ore mineil last vear has been i:. Fenelon, 150; A. Oreep, 0-?. sturleil up. in full foive last week LUMP, Bulk S11.00 $12.50 open I'limpeliiioii Shipped ff the TiU'iJinn fiim'Hep, a. lllylhi. ID0; C. Sloiu', KM. miller llm inaiitiycmeiil nf (ieorse Sacked 11.75 14.00 KN FOR M.CAUn flaiiadian lioali are nn K'"1" 1 "-iem, ' LUMP, limver, MO.aod. 10 men Charlton, ly.lj'll. Me. and between (nn' law f"!' all). Tlmrn II. II, MINE RUN, Bulk only 9.75 11.25 CAMPS ON ISLANDS sliotild he one straight nininr IL KilbraiJJi of Haml, bat, lean,. 15,0. are employed. This mill has re-siimcil NUT, Sold In Carloads only .... 8.50 boat law Tor ui nil. Hiat inw four nieii cniiloyeil cull inn out II. Mcn.ie-i, 150; II. Mefccr, openilioiis afler a shutdown Analysis Fixed Carbon, lO.per rent; volatile mutter, 37.1 TO GO FROM HERE Kliould be based on eniiurion poles iu.lhe vicinity of Usk si a. I to. in November lasl. Already percent; ash, 0.8 per cent; moisture, 3.H per cent; hulpbuiv Imve of lumber several carloads sense mid Hu' sleamshiii iiVmi. nro lion. Tills work has- been Ull. 0.19 per cent; IL Ti U. air dried, 1 1,050. derliiRcii by conti'itcl ami Miss A. McKiniion, of llm been shipped to eaif lern points. shouM be prio,lu who Uiluminous Steaming Coal, especially, llih Orado AiranKcrni'niH linv hwou iiiml llm lust people Tills is a do il is exiecled wilt take all the Ilonlh MeinorliU tcluu'l. leaeh-ItiK A iiuiiitily of loss urn up river, I" nnyllilntr Hollers and Furnaces. The lump lifi'i'by inpii I uk cm nn al lli allowed In Imve the suitable, for lliah pressure siiiiiiiier tu i'nmplele; titarf, sailed on Kuturiluy ready fur the mill, as mmhi us Slenuiship !nspeiMnri Cual. Let send a trial load of 'Hy U'SfKl.nK cnmpM al Cum-"'wa Willi II. ullernoi-m for Vauwutvi'i' by Mm ri mi- cliev KUllicicntly to permit is a very Superior Slovu us you Inli't, M'nrcxliy Inland, will csneeially Mine Run Tor your furnace or half ton Lump for your ,...,., Peter C-uTisan, o( lliwllon, ITlucess U;itrke, eiilleii, snlli ot Uu'm lilrux towed down itrma. 1 fulunj u iuit tliniuKh Hi" rcaclmd Hie city mi but nitrnt'a In attend the funer.il of be if Itnth routh uod llnished lumber is heating stove. al I'liipli'ymnnl boi'diu IiihIchiI News, train. father who 'lied last week. being manufactured. f llirouch Hit.. Inrrofni!- nasnclll- Subscribe for Ilia Pally. - C (! -