PAOK TWO TTTH UATLT HHWB Tuesday July IB. wv'-r-- rrk- r . vf ItiLv UAILY 1NEW5 PLAYER'S pnrNcir huprht - nnmsii Columbia Pnbiihed Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince HEADACHES 1 METLAKATLA V1.- Hnpert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PUI.I.KN, Managing Editor. PreUy Indian- ' Vlllaqa Wall NAVY CUT "Frult-a-tltes" Prevents Worthy of Inspection at Thl SUBSCRIPTION- WATISt - Auto-intoxlcatlofT Season, City Delivery, by rnnil or currier, per month. . . . . $t;Ot Auto-lntotleatlon.means self.polnn Perhaps II i lecaus Princei CIGARETTES By mail In nil pnrU f Ihe Hritish Rmpire end the United Stale. Inf. Many people. nifTer from partial Hnpert people ar' so uil t.. in advanrp, per year ffl.OO Cvnilipatw ef inikficifnt artieaeia MeilakntlA that Hoy ibi not full To aH'other countries, m advance per yer $7.r0 towW VaMe mailer which should reatine llmi nl ilils place, .. x , tuuM out of the hcty e?ery dsy, neap and eouveiiti'nl lo Ihe eily. TELEPHONE 88 rtintioi and poises the blood. n loented one of the io.t nni-pie As a result, tlirrr Is Hea.Urhe; nod quainlesl- little native tVimsient'iMsplnv Advertising $1.40 per inch per iuserlioi Indigestion,dlaturhed tomach, l'io villages In 1unda. fransienl Advertising on Front Page (A.M0 per inch U tha Uek,Ilheumtiin and Kttcuia MetlakallA Is elpeelally lieau- Coon I Headers, per insertion 25c per line and other Vln diiu-ae. ttflll at thl time of Ihe year. As Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word "JVwM-O'tri U twjt rrlir Ihe bright sun -hlne from an Legal Notice, each Insertion Ifin per agale line imtm-iiUtxicatinit aslhene tahlrts,tujun arure sky on Hie pretty paair Contract Hale on Application. from fruit uire, art-1 enily on the an, the many iet 'with Ihelr All advertising should he in The Daily News Ofllce on day pre bcirfltkMbry and skin and keep tM'aulifiil greenwards, Ihe sluhf All reeeived the blood pure and rich isndecil a visual delight. It al ceding publication. advertising sntijcr lp-approval COo a box,6 for trial site?V. most looks like a picture al Wember of Audit Bureau- of Circulations; At dealer or seat iuffiJ ly though one reali'es that pig 'riuta-tliea Ulted. OlUaa. Ihe hands of a inaler DAILY EDITION Tuesday July 18. 193 arlisl con Id nol do It jlisliee. SUITCASES 'I'he (tnnlrt presetil a' inosl Aeropane Are pleaant ncfni" f rofc beauty. Some are well Lepl nod some No Novel. TRUNKS Longer nre no. Hut which are Ihe iuol The vi"lt 'o Prince Hnpert of Ihe firt senplnne In enter the CLUB BAGS i iM'utiilful would be hard lo say. port cnoseu cnn-eiy n ripple or excitement yeientay. n vn no '.Nature's weed, while Ihey tony more interesting Ihan the arrival of the Admiral sdeamer Spokane inol be of any help lo rrop and Large Stock on hand. itlie (trowlh of siieli coniMMiuplAce for the first lime in many years in Ihe afternoon. The plane was Prices very low. ithinys n cahhe ami plaloe. annoiinceii iiy me sonim or Hie engine wtiirring a a pnseii up !urelv Icncl a novel attraction Ihe hartor. It remained n hort time, long enough lo clar Ihe J. F. MAGUIRE lo Ihe a-anlens. I1IIIihiIiic shiny entoms and get fuel and then nwny it went hound for Kelrhikan Nfit the Print Xupcrt HoUl lliullerciips sparkle mH anion; The propoonl lo run a passenger service hetween this place 1'the foryel-me-rtol nn wild rors vie with Ihelr eilllvalel and Kelrhikan is one that .eems likely lo meet With favor. Many 'oiisins. The wild flower grow people would like lo make a trip to the American town if it' were EXPERT REPORT in the gantens and lite iauie-swea "Greafest Value hi the World not for two thing!' Ihe rough water to he crossed and the long ihave preai tlienielv4 miuTdA time it take, to make the rim. If it wre poihle lo go there in the lanes into the ialh and an hour and return the same day, it would seem as if the service CIVIC AFFAIRS!roads.' Honast to Qoodne Soil. would', prove popular. Many Ketchikan people, loo, would Ilk When one ioh off at MHIa-kalla 10 for 20 to viiit lriii e..lioiert if (hey could do o easily And without Oe. Adam Short Advise Victoria he steps on to real honest jJsv in pjc&jjj? of 20 spending too mucli time over it. t.. KMHnei.i wilti nt mils, What to Do to Restore Clvle dndixiHntoTSOSilOO keg al.oiit It. Itne mar lie in Completing ' Finances. Ihe fields' of wild rimer without The. New Dock. fearinjr an lUnqmess ami Soon after ihe election . f it does one pood. The dertri. work 'an the neiWjfchas .een ronimenced Mayor Marchnut and Hi pre4ill Mellakatla is 'peel I y well de. and will he t-ompleted litis fall. -Vl$JTKw J then needed is the eity roonril Yietitnailnt! win.!sWrleil jus now. Ilnly a very fire protection. A sprinkler system T7lunoed hut Ihe work has irr. ii tvas,irrinimiiai as .nuri few of Ihe houses are occupied. not commenced and at present there iuo.means of necess- for lijr finanral affara .een in 'I'he native are away at the lo pay homage to Simon Frsr Ihe fire wagons in cae they should he necifrtllMjA a matter of -orh lm sli;i. tlicjr shmild Call various canneries busy at salmon that induced Ihe riMtune i. call uiitl eiiiejt, t'VtikAI. They Ashing- which i their principal here yestenlay. Canadian National Railways protection it will he nece ary to have a good road huilt to the "'jlil'T'l dr horlt arl revenue producing occupation. dock. .. - ' i ii iMi4e a iirrltiuinary rejxirt Pariie going out there now may Till: candy kid aboard! The. railway company has a very large investment at Ihe nnif tune nyo but Ihe full report Ho from one end of Ihe village wanted lo slt up the lnn Tindl dock and Ihe sooner it is made productive the helle ..WV.:t hand. Ilecoiiiinetidn lo Ihe Mber ami"Wit see a single get a little of Ihe UanaHlin Prince Rupert aaH r aw i& alr'rSir may if suminar- souL ad. i pirit. Whtrt Are People Vltk'.W.; .KilwanKaKDtPofl Simpson All Golno?------ - t a ' ,u, near-ntjau I.evyilljt of a eily income dher villaicxviw 'be dilricl. gr I was dining one day on ! DRYDOCK T; Just after the war houses werearJ'e everywhere. There t arxl aholiliiui of Ihe present widespread adventing altoul seashore was very few cities in Ihe world tlriUidud harir housing pro- inequitable hiMliiess and profes their isldnes. bill .Mellakatla is With my food all cluttered with AND sional license laxe. ftreitlne llian eillier of them oiein on ineir naiius. i. B lid i )y soaring rents eeme!lf.7TTflfcnHllt7gJewVfrkii! H2, Levying (Sf a heavy tax on ami fs rerlainlybetler kept. The And my fingers rlnfrJied at J London were similarly situnletl willi I'rince llupefl ninl nr)iriers. all irfOs on land salea lo curb only thing il lacks i totem poles sandwich ..:,; SHIPYARD Kveryw herein w4 cmyi vu .1 ' r : ''4 rs'VirW'"" ar,d Vive ihe city and when one realties that llio.e Made by some, fairy hand. . ' urii: KreHt-del-f luiil'lilLg. since that jime. a jhT Tllfarlc Ihe return of are really slgii Of a Heathen Opsratlrif O. T, I. 20,000 Ton floatlni Dry 0ok for hnilding '-' hn t"'f" rnhiliili' Vet Iheseareity has reaT eiaiedeaf. lay long gone by Ihey are not kiiow nol what I wis eating Enilnsar. Maohlnlttt, ollrmakar, UkrrUri, Fstlae 'd iMi npea reel. 1 1 Hli00'!Jil& rtiodatk 3. Taxation of hoiroverQciii. mied. Frvme Ihe- point of Or why I was chewing- there makara foundara. Woodworker, IU. anil to spare, h.ven iiiJn ciTy there is a srlerhon of apartmenis I. Ktteusion of he I'JIH llelief view of picturesque ureound. F.xrepl ttUt Ihe band which cut for anyone ahnut lo Fiip housektepiug. Kver where there is a .cl lo Kive properly owners an ings Ihe village i not excelled Hie- loaf Electric and Acetylene Welding. tendency for rents Hr-cdliSId4rw!, although there has a yet lyen opportunity to- postpone pay. by any other. fSeemeif In- nor etrpedlngly fair. infills on Ihe' orfirinal principal At the Church. no reduction here. Our plant I equipped lo handle alt kinds of due ihe city until the revival of Then Mellakatla has a loiieh It may he that there on the Art We Downhearted? . properiljr. of Ihe solemn. The yard of Ihe seashore Marine and Commercial Work S. who lands have People re. preliy SI. Paul's church con We Should Say Not. nttce more f may sll or recline ; ")Are we 'downhearted? Why should we he? What is there verleil lo Ihe City snul.f he aide tains the graves of HIhop ftid Chew and and declare I enjoy it PHONIS 43 AND 1S l ryhly" 4i lowiihearted in a plare where the prospects are so lo jcet Ihein hark by payiutr Hie ley. Ihe fir-t Hi.hop of Ihe And lie a I say "it's all fine.'' pftod? While this is true, it is necessary for us to go carefully annual charge on the capitalif-ei Anglican mission, and hv. .Mr. nfitillthe turn comes. This autumn shouljl see heller business in arrears and the local iiu-proSciiifnl Uiird, hi success4,r, in ' the IT"! a jtreaf life If you iWl 1! (lie nilv and an announcement of the government's policy will rharires. church. Members of their fam. weaken. fl. These extensions of all- E. H. SHOCKLEY die arealso interred there. And rheeVlvrKpne. Til the meantime it in necessary to see that we - nil An into debt. ance to land owner sltoiibl be great care i taken of these HOW skittish ImptvlsYoH DetL dj heedlessly people are lht Planing Mlllai Cow Bay. Wharf: Mail finaikceil by lha issue of fifteen I -Thcvrhole country is passing through a lraiiiliou period graves a the native honor Ihe days. Th- world I- full of vur- Phonal S83. and Prince Hnpert, along with other plares, is Ixiiim) to feel its lyear,?. Taxes serial nhtMlid lnls. be collecleil at memory of those who were prise. Aviator one called' for Plr? OIMINSION, FINISNIlia LUMBER, PLANKINO AN0 tumble of the excessive in flat of among the first f" bring then) few minute in hi of feci. The prices following ion frequent interval durinar the a ITuriis, Tha TIMBERS, SMINQLIS, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOW the few years at the close of the war and after, tends to paralyze light. Spokane make a short call with 9nt foe: year a nearly as fHsilde alonv business and with business quiet there is n general feeling of de the lines of waterworks collee a party of vweet tooths from the Itobertaon A llsekelt Kaw Mills. Ltd, pression and we say times are dull. Iiv the East where they lions. -tales anil l.en ltll start making J Kyfe Smith a Hardwood first fell the depression, there Is a noticeable improvement ami . H. ihe r.ity financial year Ten Years Ago afternoon rail in hi com. f.amateo' 3 ply Cottonwood panellinn. hecit is romiiif. .should eoimneiwe April I. In rVnca Rupart hination flier. Who will drop in Oartand Company. Roofing Paint. ) on us tomorrow. Perhaps it will 0. Tax arrears should be be the clovernor General. 4 irate,! iir the lily's hook at their July 1S, 1912. actual value instead of beiutr The Hank of Montreal, as the Dill you ever see a soeleye. considered as assl. financial agents of the eily run? 10. All eily nse such a rarne up for discussion at last IMgtrton Block, Mntt Ruptit. Pkone 699 liiiiljinjrs, should Ih written in night' meeting of Ihe council THF.Iin'H a small boy the books at their real value in. when various Idlers were read, many long lo Mold the end of thai Dr. E S. TAIT Science stead of at iHriely-lnflfileif fig Krh hank will fi.,1 jlipeellv atfilM tarvla spray when the strain ure. that Ihey refuse to sell slock lo is and the Nock stuff is up II. A new system if account eily customer hut I tying the flowing free. Den fa Surgeon ancy should be established at situation up nevertheless. the Oily Hall m ibrft lb or.lin- Qi&ct Hwrt, 9. a.m. to 9 p.m. Ha nuule it possible to- deliver IHK Weather iiimii ccih i jiry eitizen ran understand the The Meet ion 2 street improve Salada have known that we were making Sunday by Appnintmtei to table, with your a city's financial position by read menf hylaw, which Include the flavor as delicate and appealing mit the annual eily reports. building of a bridge, passed the street and thai if he put a spoke in ne wheel Ihe work as when it left the Hardens. 13. Tax sales which cause I lie city council last nitt Ii I. would lio be finished by a yeiir From across the ocean scaled i version of hum quantities of from next Christina. in a lead chest, opened by us, property to the. city, should be The local daughters of Ihe RAIT 0up fro" hfrrlng halt 1 conceded by flbtrni , avoided time of finait I'.in Premier Mr during; nl re wailed upon MJIE to he the fineat Pacta blended, electrically weighed, procurable at any eiut depression. llichard .Mcltride yesterday am PRINCE RUPCrtT TIDCaT 4 Port and It Is -FUhy." Prlce 130 ton. vacuum packed, and finally re 13. Victoria and the surround asked for a boll'ling site on Fifth Th" per trip u ICE b'1 ar of '" food qusllty sealed in air-tight aluminum, in? municipalities should be con. Avenue near McHrida Htreet. The to haxe Fries. plenty of hard froisu Its. Salada reaches your tea-pot 100 soliilaU)! on a lisw which would premier promised the matter his Tuesday, July 18. 4 per ton. our pure and with every bit of the proleel I lie oulsil, inunlcipaU het eonsbleralion. High H:2l a.m., feet. Outfit 0ur "-,lulpped tor 0 can supply $' fragrant flavor ilies in eonshleratlon of their 20;nH p.m, 18.0 feet, preserved. 0'hernicn'a wni't"M aud tow ?:i clothluv, groeeriea tilerlr financiul position. .t feet. ad II. A provineiat municipal Tk Mm iff tk Mom I3:tll p.m n.n few. hardware. I'ouiinlssion with lMoat powers Wednesday, July 19. NEW ENGLAND FISH SAYBf Company should be formed In exercise Iliuli 9:33 a.m., I1JI feel. "SALADA" coulrol over lolinlclpalitlcs. 21:31 pju.e M,fl fuel. KUhlan, Alaska Branoh in. Kllher the XclpHil Hoard LMTW) HTATFJ lourlsls ,are Low 3'.i2 a.lun 7.3. ffd. shoubj be eoisolidulM with the all geeling to know about Hlnioii 11:51 ikui.. 9.3 feel. eilyi unril er Ihe btar(l shouUI Fraer. They say there U Tburdayk July 20. GET BACK ON THE FARM nq be nnler Ihe control of Ihe street name.L afler him at Prince High 10:32 a.iu., 13.9 feat. mil from MorUetown. Frama ! "t Loimcil in any respect whatever. Hnpert 22:211 p.m., 19.1 fet. tr barns. rty Aorea Meadowland, balance- r,el'B 4 I.ow - t 8.1 a.m., t feet. Speuer. SO res fan. Snap for lthe cash t..W Hubsorlb for the Dally Ntwi ill FY ay it wai the dmir 16(11 p.m., S O ft Enquire THOS. MoCLYMONT