we ae tS I, ee ‘ pag Bde ae Se wawe es “8 a ata = ail _ es —: — ’ ae "7 THE. DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH ' COLUMBIA ' i PubMshed Every Afternoon. Except’ Sunday, by Prince Rupert e, Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue otnten rth ttaatinmnaes ee HF. PULLEN’- - -- Matiaing-Editor = fy a : it F d od ¥ e ° team-in spite of the many rever- TH. VIC E LEY brad : ——__—————-- Football Had Good Year im City ty rebelvea CAR IC FOLEY ¢° DAILY BDITION “2 : inussday, October: 20: 1982 . a ‘ an» e The’ ck: f football played was Cee yuite up to the mark and -was thor- ; ’ Despite Depression; Activities of =e om nacmon DR ETECTED FOR NORTH ANNUAL FISH WEEK Sea . R ° ed b E Me yt a. & ee i inter playets eanetitls an 4 Canada’s aan ial “Fish Week” commences Monday. The son: eview 'y xeculive’ peedéd up the games’ whieh were 4:6 School Softball! Meéting Ext Pormer aa Vaneoaver Boxer’ observance has been arranged by the Canadian Fisheries fast and intefesting to the’specta- — tenas Deev' Sympathy to Mr. Here’ gy ten Enroute : Ass0ciation, a nation-wide organization, and the plan of SM le a tors. eke aes Giffflané come 4 a setting aside a particular week in the year for the purpose Res ne Re nn ee ee is 2 SE > 5 a i! ™ of directing special atterition’ to the natioral’ importance of the fishing industry, and the diet value of Canadian iisheries products, has the cordial approval of the Doniin- ion's fisheries authorities. Some of the most interesting research work in corinec- tion with foodstuffs in recent years has centred about the nealth values of fish and shellfish, and-very important dis- coveries have been made. It has been found ont} for in- stance; that fish foods contain vitamins which aré essen- tial ‘to health, particularly Vitamin D., which is most’ valu- able in the diet of growing children because it prevents such troubles as rickets. Different foods contain vitamins, of course, but fish has been found to be richer in Vitamin D: than other foodstuffs. COMBAT ANAEMIA Then, too, it has been ascertained that fish is beneficial in cases of anaemia, while; of course, it has* been: known for some time past that sea fish and shellfish have much iarger content of iodine—the great goitre preventative— than any other foods. When it is also remembered ‘that fish contains such elements as calcium, the bone and teeth building substance, and that it is nourishing and easily di- gested, it is easy to see why its use is stressed increasingly by diet authorities. Canadian fish is available in such variety, and sueh satisfactory quality, that there is no-need for anyone in the Dominion to buy imported goods. Canada’s fisheries resources are remarkable both.in extent and in the var- iety of fish and shellfish which they yield, and fishing and proeessing operations are carried on by an industry which uses thoroughly modern methods and equipment.—Con- tributed. IN THE. LETTER BOX CHIPPING IN vided work for a good many people but have consumeti two-thirds Editor, Daily News:— (roughly) of ‘the funds intended for L* I would like to chip in and contri- |"ellef’ of the workless’ workers iy bute a consideration or two on the Now the other point is‘ that’ the sudséct’ of the controversy between DPOPts made in production and sale the city council and the unemployed of these materiais: (especially if one F reme’ $ cases like the°one repor- y™ assdtiation of Prince Rupert oe ae ses like theone repor i It has been inferred that the un- ‘© last winter in the’ lecal’ press ¥ employed’ want “something for “here in @ camp octupied by 308 nothing.” This inference like any- weer ay picks, 300'shovels and thifig else can be viewed from more 20 Other kinds:of tools were sent in th . on ie " Nich wy ryreerrm abiv pochseaty or tip- ey \wease’lb¥ #4iie tf’ the aldérmen ment¥ ffom' the Marxivn: stara- wiilé if the intention of'the un oint are’ a' portion of the surptus dc.tened. to bring attention of in- V@ime produced’ by the’ work'ng alt ter**téd parties to one of the other ©/@SS 48 a whole and'in fact consti- J ae ute the something for nothing It is known that the Dominicn Hence it appears unreasonable te ' an’ thé prov'neial governments PME a Enger at the unvoluntary cor riby’> two-'hirds of the cost of Werkless worker who is reluctant to ; ibt ire he antes a ES , - thes ventio ictal rAd” Neasten the. "et" hid labor for a portion of its ety remainine third to be financed by market price esbecially since his ! : : ; infor nat ! nO ‘lief is ex- ; the miinieimality concerned. Now if U? fortunate position on relief is ex ou* rity counci saving one-third. ™elted for production of unholy +1 if of the cost and demands three- ofits thi ‘* power so nur- é che*?d in return then the infer- ieee ted i ts, ener of “something for nothine” to ae , a certain extent has the effect of g RELIEF WORKERS CRITICIZED a) boomerang 3 ag, | A In view of the fact that the city Editor, Daily News:— of" the M. ANDERSON. ybor covneil has offered examination of , the hooks in connection with ad- intimate that most of the mi¥iresting to look over some fi- gu’es in cornmection with national relief matters as a-whole Th ‘he of’ time from OF¢to- ber’ 1: 1980 to January 31; 1932, $44.- 00H War paid out in wages*t? re- lief’ workers However, the total am* “ry of pric fund? exnenced by ‘e fecoral, provincial and mu- nici*al governments during the sanrv was $146:899.219. An- eem to vas Like you. I admire a man who is! willing and anxieus to work but I/ have no admiration for most of the! velief gangs I have seen. I am will-| ine to wager that merch work in an hour:as some of} them do in two days. I think. vou ean keen your sympathy. for a bet- Nwerice Lime Thursday, October 20, 193» existence alhover the world today, which are naturally be- ing felt in this community, your executive feels that. the > yarious ered during the playing season by) ye nostp I clubs was as fdllows Canadian Legion, 25; Merchants neha med annual nreetin® of | he YW xh S *h -tetday afternoon with | afternoon Vie Foley; fortiverly ‘prominent jy 9l Softball League Vancouver as a boxer, was here this aboard the Leamer 1932-football season has been highly successful,” said. the R*giment. 21; Home Oi, 29. ‘ar] Smith im the chair. Soon af- Princess Nbral. He was bownd north report of the executive for 1932 presented ‘last night at the! The following is the complete mening the meéting Carl, 9 Dawson) annual méeting'of the Prince Ritpert Football Association. |tist of trophies competed for to- smith turned over the chair tt via ae - M All debts have been paid and ther with the winners of same Mt: Johns 4° starge of drunkenness against Your editorial of yesterday would | of| these men and their anxiety to! preserve the work is so great that! they do very little of it. If they were | working for me. I'd fire the lot. | I could do as : : t ’ : M y Cur le u€ hampion- B Tobey moved a iy Regiment that th nesting extena it ; : : very large, we feel quit tisfis ve : ‘ , - : 1ion Day Cup. Merehamts moathy to Mri Gfiifiand: ir MEET = we have 5 Gilhuly Cuy Regiment hi s tin He also ‘wished ING turning over affair Stuart Benefit Shield, Merch- thonk Mr. Cilliland for ns co- ine executive showin t loneration and for his consent at C. L. Youmeman New Secretary of “Al! games throughout ‘ne se s Shield (juniors), High >> 1>a0ne'b irtiedion Seceer Association—Laidier's son were played in ry good spit hool For the second consecutive’ year} Services Appretia’ of sportsmanship and the team The Dunedin Intermediate Cup rl Smith was clected asthe heat, om = were all 7 nly > shed. 11 yot conipeted for during the + of the High Sehoot seft-; With the exception of the secre- of the fact that the Canadian | 1932 hell Tehene. The first cast of the} tary-treasurer and one member of gion cid not win one of ‘he tropic Gate Receipts ball revealed that Smith’ the board of control, the Prince Ru- they were always in th Gate receipts: for 1932 showed a *nd W Tobey had each received pert Football Association, at its an- and miy bad breaks reven ided falline off. from» the vre- 96 votes. Under this civcumsance nual meeting last- night. re-elected them from being rewarded. Spe j r. This was due principally rations were azi*1 opened for 1932 ‘officers and executive to carry :pention is also due to the Hon o the presence of ‘Old Man Depres- dency. Moxley and Morgan on for another year. G. W: Laidier, Oi]-Club who. im spite of diff the district although wea- nin This: time Suvi who announced it. was impossible ties: were always om the job. The n were far from ideal 1 ved thirty votes, over half of for him to continue as secretary- deserve a lot of e fer th football and the ite recent he l'ot (Continued on Page Four) sportsmanship in ways fieidin Continued on Page Four) Bef he close of the meeting _——aee resolution (deen — othér item of’ expenditure in con- necfion with administration of thete relief fands was cost of: ma- terials and cost of administration The cost of administration of these furfa@s> and’! prod@uetion of the ma- terfals used) no doubt. have pro- Miss: D. Hogan TEACHER OF MUSIC Phone—Black 232 7 7 , =. Vancouver, ., ter lot of men than’those who have| been exhibiting their loafing abil- | itv when supposed to be working| for the city I expect to arouse resentment) among some of the unemployed. That is my object in writing. It is time some one spoke up. Yours for a good day's work for ® day's pay. SCRUTINBER: Mrs. J. B. Gibson, who has been nia ttip’to Toronto 'té attend Bo- minion: séssions of the Abhetican Woman's’ Auxiliary, returned ‘to the city on the Princess Norah '‘this‘af+/ ternoon. having’ travelled’ west ‘via pe ee Feri i Sandy Cook was dismissed by Ma- gistrate MeClymont in y “our! vesterday: afternoon M?i Johns congratulated the mem- bers for carrying on the League jy its present efficient manner. He wished to be withthe boys and help carry the League on and hop- ed that Mr. Gilliland would soon recover The League is now being con- ducted by the president, his execu- tive and Mr. Johns aeting as an adviser Yesterday’ss game between the Tobey Tigers ani Moxley Cub; was postponed owing te bad condi- tion of the grounds. You pay for it . ~ Yow deserve it... NOW you have it... ALL. that’s good in cigurettes rolied into ONE Finest Tobacto— Yea, Delightful: Flavour—Yes, Extra Mildness= Yes; Smooth to your Throat— Yea; Gello- phane Protection — Yes, AHL these desirable qualities, heretofore indi« vidual characteristics of many different brands of. cigarettes, now perfectly rolled into ONE—for YOU, Now fora new delight in cigarettes, after years of waiting. It’s all yours, at the popular price, MILD VIRGINIA CIGARETTES L. O- GROTHE LIMITED Purveyors of Finest Tobaccos