21, IW. .Tm.Hi.ry THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE f hny- The word of stnle ha hren relifirpened nnd lliln will Waterfront Whiffs he worn liy Ihe .rdiniral oU. The (xiw Hay prclii-filra will he in Ml Htlendntiee If the drummer ran pel a new nklri flxerf on l he drum Doing" of the Mosauitn Fleet MI,:U I. L -n.:r c Since -the fifties . 13 me inci Jouice in lime, Klonnie Wri w-a try of Prince; Rupert's Prosperity Injr nut st jiew harefimlr.l dance on the drum diirinjr the dnim mera ! nee; nnd her loenalle men have looked There i a ii-.-rl.-iI look alimii familiar ui, tfrft local kiltiHU'.n. ripped iliitakfii iff. Cw Itny mid llie waterfront pen. - Jnrkr- 'IVnier will lake the nilly. the majority of the limit iluiiiuln I la nee of IIih Iris, auil winiljaiiiiii- aftf and will for good Tobacco io- "f the .MiiMiiuilo Flrei havho ..I A . ... 1 .. his narliier .llniriiv rein no I in play KUilahUi iiiii-lenj air dtirinp iiiiriiiK ii.t week fiirjp.iri on Wednesday iihrhl. after Hie Interval. riii rif-lI ..f rf.1.i.-tion. an alienee r ver a m..nlh. . The fetiture of (he oernxion 1 III.- herrina- .oininir hu. lured froi,, (ruti.f rip- expedition ,,nd will he mi lee kaliii2 and Ice ' p " '""''' ( Hi.- smaller luii.l.-fl. narsro if lUie -kin. hrenknifr exhiliilioti hy J-'loie MACDONALD'S craft lo Icy llii'll' ,liu-k. witiir H Aliionu oltifr H...r. hy the llffhl of a In.afire, or Backache i.' i.oatx him- aoiic out on fi.-t .-lit mink. iHlliriMviltm Jiifiifire will not he tr.ii'iliiK ex,i (tiiulm. hnitl n Ihe for. i BaUc1if i the oulitanding The hiraer I.omI nre Mttina; H e V. A r-, (Uipliiiii C. fiiaik. The rf(-liiii.-iile will lie nerved vniDlufti'. ' of kidney ducaie. Hie "hiii aMa" .on (he liaUbitl 'f 1 1 'n Thuriuliy niahl for hy Mr. lirfolilJJe Iirinkwaier. -and iheij -found il! Vomrn often make the mistake of fiKliiliR ur.niiirt. Hi"1 il.-i-p ma fihinir jrroiiniN. nnd the menu will mmprie elam iltrilHitinz other cautes and over Ilepiiir work on l.oata Ml III In nenlar, lot) flag, niini.'e.dinv-ed look tlic drratigeniMit of the kid-rrr port i innkiiiir sreni lieartWRy, Tin- Seruh, Captain linlph in w filer, erali-. ami eM pin-nr . I until eioui dcvrlopnirnti Dint Hie iiMih-I' hiv iieeftliifi up him emnpleleil her oer- Ii. jve i&de it difficult tt UiUin tlo'ir efforl. lo eiinlile llielll li t. hn l.y the ,enr llrothera, hihI I'rire will 1w tiikfn for the out ami let I for Hie tmlltml fi-lierle ilniiur at the earllrnri ;.rtninVeli"f- jnm heil raoey .nkiiier- a- follow: nilile Tliiirajiay niirlit. file h.iue loolueiil. pilot i iri prii, ia.iei, w hot d"? letter to a ticatmenl Iih j.r poir.U A few eiil-ririiitg lieen ruiipleli-y re-liiiill, mill iiwiiera of un.lwiehe; ffrl pile, pentle- rlitch La- hern o tlioioiighly Hi- lal liuvr met with )flJ.-. eHl.in refnriiiiitie.il in iiiiilioa. mie-eM IIU'II, k I.tine fur liaed in-ckl.ie. effective tlie" in t;K J anJ proven ro in the nhriirip filna any fleet. Xiw er.M-kery uinl lmi-ne Xanien if will ejtnijM-lilor- he re. rnajonty of caei Ilia I you nliiiiiry uciiil have hm-n aihl-i-il in Iwnl .-rat' wnter. tjjiil il .tiM-j eei.-il at Hi offici- of Ihe Ad. bfford overlook it wlteii jrvidt to to Hi.- .iii',iiii.-nt. U 'II I III I IIM I II I llllll II II I II I III!I III I L- .a f. J. hi fliluri- li. will he fiiuckf riirn- a ininil of Hie Fl iii lo C. p.m. for itwt tiei it ue. red that in future Hie Si-rnli iiiviMM-ii ii.-hi in i-iii-avor iiurm lol)ilil. Mn Albert Biutiet, R.R. No. i ii- Kiiiex inter jen.Mk. ritni Will In- ueil liy Hie Ailllliral a ' Ottawa, OnL. write: Ik a Vh I.MUtl Itiurk.-I fur fit i Ihe reception ilp of Hie M.m-llito Tlie Una; Op' hah undenrnne a I-lee). iii unil.-rp.iinjf exienive repair ln or nli, unit from ?l?aiiLfe IriiHKfi.rinati.oi during uml Dr. Quae Kidnjr-,rf .tiorlf. I u nnd a general overhaul in Cow to Imn.l il i the week, ami tin- main Iium PilU fx ui Iwv awartu. !. juKiviiiB a reiiiiuin -iilnn ! aCntci wiih kidney UoMt, I eralive enlure. 'Hie . Hi, Captain llrandy Xe. hfVli eomplHe4y remoilelled. A. Hay. The en-.'ine lia- Jx-en lli.ir- aw t durtuil' kVM filtttMM lo '. well, left jMirl ou TlniPKil.iy uijit hraiiil new looking Iji-h of pianl rni:hly (rone oxer, anil tin- f'..i. Lumber & Lath (M, omm!aa' gwa rttulu A torad The trapping liraifrb of the on 4ii firMl halil.til fiahiiifr trip like proportion ara.-.-t Hie expects to liave everythiuy in Lr. ljui KMMT-uitcr khape In enable lilpi in hit the jwkw I I.-ei ia proline.-.I .iIim- lUileiulill of Ihe neaiii. Aoulhern wiili, mid lia replaced '. I ui B MsuaJ vu Matk aw fl . hafilnil fUhiii? prittjniU early in -l'eimeni f Mink, Marten aihIi the lare oil paint ins whh-h 1 fouJ OVal hnirr. I Imvc bow miJ Ihr week. aluC mi or tight Lun, J cms-Jml l ili-r -km-, iiioi Hi,, vielinty of The Wijrwum, t'4tlnin :iau.l formerly lump in Hint l. A Shiplap-Boardsand nlWveiL" Low May hn- heeome the hiii K.'l.-liui.i, iiinlerRoiiiK her an-itual iilifiihei of ihe lal-l yporl, nnd i.-viii of uriKi fur IniyerM. overhaul in Cow lltiy. The pieturex of Worldly iiilerel, The Miiriuen, tUiplain Juil Qiae' PflU. Dr. Kidney-Liver Thiirtmr, iii nn the .lip- al the Dimension oo fall a uW. 25c a lox, all The nrrnal of Ihe (ratipiiir boa't nin- nt n-eeivinjr very .-nl'. fiil ailorn the uorlln-rii wait, and X. .M. Mrlan -liipyanl- to un-derpi. dr Jf or EJnunton. Date & and Hi" r.m-.-.iiieni unloiuJiiiy of attention at the han.l of firni have -ii hi-en arriili?ed Joffelher Ihor.nnfli hull overhaul. Thorotiahly Air Dried and Stored Under Cover a . Limttfd, Toronto. kin, wild lli. fur tiuyer i-lul. male .limuiy Thomas, ami the re. I Hint on one walking Hiuartly he i lo he repainted and hav- erfnl nrouiMt xlnliillritr a iieen in. pair .i-fc will Im- nompleied Uy alolii: Ihe kuIou and keeping an i e rent In liny. Hie floaJa around Monday next. ye on Hie pielui,- moving pie-lure h.-ive lone. roniderahle eaulkiu? work j Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding (-v. Hay often have lb)e)iear- .-xliil.il ion is clearly eeen BLUE FOXES ii nee of a lli1"-li Hay tra.linir The atHMton, f'.nptniii llnrry yf either the I;ai'-iil ier-1 li-mp-ey Captain Mytiill-.lon.--, of tin and Finish .ot in- the far north. WatK"n Im- n'turiieii .i port rap. itr e-pU-Jute-r Morn le-inn ... launch Oh Itahy, ha hee particularly Iter hef "inrut.- i liaina" eniise. huhileil a of yoht. It juxi RAISED ON Opium y. V. Wallnre, xililor rnfoiiunulely li- pirilea wi-re il-p.'ii.N ontVliif-h vy row- of ie. husy during llie w4 SPRUCE LATH or "llie (jtiiadian earryins happy -kalinj; purli.- KiMfcei ninn." Hit n4Kiilel mid lit. jfiiu' iiiiO-liine Ilin-- yoli keep your eye on. To nver lo the Sail Ijike, rink. Manufactured In Prlnca Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices and .NiMionat Kerretary of the win. iii-xcr trieil .Kit ai a eon da!.- there have heen mi many THIS Kanadian KiIi.tih .Mkoriatiim. li.'l-e. eyen on 1he SeteuUer Mam pie-tun-.- COAST r.-oiBiieiJ hi pooiliun to lal- im-r Oaptnln IJureyiia renWil Ihe that the lady i1ulics every iiloi PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. f.. to Meir. iliin v the mlil.inaj rtnli.-- of 'llie The Huliy Mae, own.kl hy .1 linn- you look at her. I'ikhinir Uaaelle,'' New Ytri. Mid '. r.urri.-. unit out her Finillay-on who. left. p-rl v. on Another iiiiprocmeii! - life Seal Prince 361 Cove, Rupert Telephone Duka Harris Has Plan for Doing ThiirMlay on a.p-ill m-llin? cuis. ta plain Ualhie- wm one nf Rraidn. r.rnie nn Thumlny nf ....... Into f or Bualnaas on an the liardit wurtm-n on lielinlf of terinKin. Tiie en-'in,- trial h .aqn.1, "; " ,, ' for Ihe Ciiadiaii K-h A Gold i..-u in l.u.i iiw.r laiiru , Itland Narby. I'rinre liiiMH in duinn-iinii with proved nlitly i-fuaUtt) in keii it. in miliMi for leiij SraCP CoilipailJ" the nhtulnhiK af uAiitiniiai fikli at V lie the interior of tin' ron.i refriK'Tutor ear- ilurinc the fUh Weather p.i-inittiliy-ihe Ad-JiftimilAM A n:iipnyprja!e tijnn, notice The Hanaro, CupCaiu C. M: p mn Hi.- ilil-r fcelifin ate nar lrtape in 1171 . lie ifiiral of the IHm, v.W Niaye u hntipH very over -the- reception door lone, i iinderoiii? a general Canadian NatiorialRailvvays overhaul the ,. M. ilrl-aj: t -lei in id.-rniainv f nilter The Won I..M-ker, at' llie author of k Maif Jer (imival 4n Ihe Salt way ii.iorneil in 'n heauliful frill i' tl"'T iietlit, the oimIkI Hlue uier ami The Vikinv f.ale. rink foiHhl. The A.l- frnnie wliieh resnl. "Ili'i -iii yards. The hull i- bavins rmn-ule n the I'BCifte Hi Tn-ininct Ifliravl will 4ke h- ooeiety of the on Hie rx'ilin while wntip-i on atl.-lilinn, and will tie re. in Itlur foe. the fJharle II. CmuIuii, wlo w tlie Heel arrook Ihe hay aiMmrd Hie lahle." Takin? into account pniiHiil -and flioroiiKhly emilkiMi Prince Rupert The work will he in completed - ' ! ulii.-h i ,iUh tush. ilirertur of Hie market inr, pnh- tlie ftaiialiiM, ad' wilt wear Mir nimr ill rami, mnMr,,,,-,,,,,,, f . . .,. ' ' 1 1: -' r- i HMol to tf Very Hetty AimJ tmnfUrtatioii hi-nneh thin reunion, fur the firet lime, intallect. tiiio well known ho ' ' .( .ndurlMj irowrly. of the lleMirttMNtt of Murine and h new AdniirnlV lid. wliieh ar-riv. I).hi I.J lieemne a very pular halihtil trrouuk- on .Monday. I'.r ttarriH ir Hurelloii ia re. Flherie. OIImmu, lia- ueeeede J fiuiii Timothy Fitnn'i Mail meet injr' place ;f or all rlake of . load of leixen arrived Shipyards Cfi'iv ntr-kle( tiimer in Hie (luplulli Uallaee pro lent. Mr. llriK department during Ihe koeiety. Jack s) If om.wiie iqiiw in nri W'ednekday from the - . mill li. pt"i"-Hint to n ltiiloit, along with Hi.- .I'-lega! i.ui W.-.-k. "llie lull if a lilfml (fnr-Kimmis will htrtld another four 0irie- lo p1 Oeorprelnwn mill for Hie 1U111- 11 ' a ii i laid, loeatmn nn In Ihe itaiin.linu I ..h.-i-i''- o. affiei-, anil i trinmi.-d with the Mu ji Tp, lie's utand the ex- ailian l i-b and ;ilil Sioriiye !'. Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock I an.) a iwriner wltli ilic i in! i.in Lofivntton In-lil in nn. mi Her paper a Ml keuiriiU'w fealh-ei. pene of putting In an elevator. rouver in June. Il'-'n. iite with elunlie uiuler Ihe i-hill Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern - .-y ktituirt In- iiMiilalil"- fleorpe .McAfee of the Hi? Hay ' MOlll. ,if . flit liefe mi In- w.i -miIIi ai'il prevenl I hhiwilia "ff iMlo The I tune. Captain I'. XeiUon, makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. l.iunjier Coiiiuny n-turned ! Hie Alaokan rot ainl Cenrselown on WeilneMlay. --Electric and Acetylene Welding. i- .i -fiiily if the Iiiuiih- uihI ' iimi ii im cy miiiile inn! a The kiyret ervice of the Fleet Our plant i.s equipped to handle all klndi of 1 U-)f.-VnklT. have Captain Xcwcnme of I In 1 1 "(ijretfin with Una llie Iiie ltuperl under oh-ervalioii. MARINE AND i l!ltn novernmenl rwwirl liirly on Thtir-day niorniii!; Hie m '' f iriiiina on (lie PrihilolT liie Hupert klienkei) out of jinn COMMERCIAL WORK I- , ' lriliTllflo II HIM- Westholme Theatre on u koj.-rel iiiikAinu. and her Fox Farm Valuable. le-tinatinn i- a invlery. J at PHONES 43 AND 3S5 "ilu-r hlualite natural re-. formation lin- been gleaned Dial -f 'h" l'riliilnf IflniiiU in Saturday Only 1 the Cap, reoU4' purrliakeit 1 "t "I IiIiip fntrK, whirli nre fur tcndiiiK iieen-e and it i "' 'ii-ifiiy ilipiiuint for food on Ihoiihl he huk hi rye m kiuiie vise. Tlie idea is -to cultivate 11 ' .ii i' ,,( hitulK killi'il fop aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw very rare upeetinenx at a rtik- breed of waterfront turkey rc-eruited " 1 I"!!-. t'lJ.T the rnrrful tnut port. from seagull stock, and '' ff t r t lie horil t nw rwriv. with this end in view tie is often SILVERSIDES - "in iuiiiiIkt of iinimnU hu" Captain lliuly .Mortre has' heeu fouud iiiik.v feeding fish to lu-pelii loale1 liy the S. of the Fleet flieui Tin-Culls, i,( "lily mrrraned nnl the yield o prime up. BROS. M IIIMIIIw ! I HWm 1 lf i nj Im lieeoiiie larger than The di-limiuent wns disrovered are evidently a very Irusl- Second Street "' liriore ritrhl al Cow Hay with a luiek i: ttnir bird for1 w'hen Hill comes on uniler povernmenl ' Cat'llk ill hi pnsseKkUill. evkllll tbe mw ne they ktarl In chirp and f " -. The fox tnken rtiiiini? j.ellH Jy i'Oinsr fo alarl n poker pame. shatter like a lot of parrots in Dealers in (1,.. winter of 1010-IOjn. 1 ' However Ihe Admiral of the Fleet Ihe expectation of a feed, little WALLPAPERS 'Hutu Tint Oftl I.I and .17 in- I (iiuifikcated the card- and i- iinlicipaliuK what ill intention li te- Vre Mi,I nt iiuhlie aiio-I""1 liking them hiiftkelf. lliuly i ile lurking in the mind nf their PAINTS n St ,n.,i lii rrJininry.' Mieinv watched pendtUK further jneal ticket." 'r ftn;ci)i). luirinc the I nii-tinn fr.nn the houIIi. WINDOW CLASS i miuip ll lojo.iiut, nrter un TI4P Crier Slarral, . Captain FRAMED and UNFRAMED uiijili tn-i'eilinir reserve lind hern The'CukhaK, Captain T. Heolt Pete Winaham, uf ihe Cauadiati r,,i n'i. Hi., departments nt-witsj left itort Friday morning for the Fi-b and Odd .SlJra?e Conipuny'u PICTURES . x '"n H?r. Mm' 'oxen nmt tl while1 ileep (.fsi f ichitiir KroumN. fleet, returned to port dui-iiiK Ihe WINSOR & NEWTON'S '"- MlniNe kliim will lie cold in . week and' lejk. yesterday for liii Pintrne." The rekiill of the Federal election iSrirthern points with n carj;.! of ART SUPPLIES rn-i-outil w-at a dlapiolu-tnetit fresh herrhijr hail. SPECIALISTS In SIGN and overiiead'cars i certain inemlwr of Hie are I I.-el who had harked the un-kiuiceksfiil 'The folmwing boats are in port SHOW CARD WRITING al Cow Hay: Tulip, 'Wijrwain, EXTREMELY ANCIENT candidalc. -On fe who fyarsluii, Kobe, Loeja, II. & It. other thoke hlitld, were up Phone 22 P. 0. Box 120 Minnie Mali. Krnt. M.U vnilK. Ihe winiiinc hide, have keveral V., Viola, ' 'oJiuti pi-. Jan.New- SO.-.Mty li.-lk lo i-mlh-el and are in jill.il- JJelen !., Itiiufl-ad.r. Pcruji. Alii, - Y-.rker. C u ne, Hekla, Muriiieag, UiVs-tiii. "" "-avel ii n I hquinr. h ami "from Ih.-ir y Kinuiouiil, Huhy Mae and Albn- 7i" ,."n " Wal.'.J rnllwny. or . " n it Im fniiiillai-Jy willed, "lie whitfuier fiutniu'T. jvcrnlly troks, AL T. LEE a m-w fnfiii of auuiM'ipent. Mild to Caiilain Sot-tami hy lb The Provincial and I'arhena. Is and did fitnr.iKO "vini: I.. ft,ui.H Hie ni' nt Canadian )'ih of Hie Swan si 111 Xle'j, have heen tin jr.- iuey are rldlna In. Tlie C.iniiany, left for the deep nea husy during the week uyuliny Ladies' & Gentlemen's re.'iii fishniK Kioiindii on Ibiusilay. , wr.-ck on Hu. Ninth Avn-o , gravel from I'orcbei- Island for . 1 htwuirhf to Itu-til the fnd IJie work on tin' new depot. TAILOR '' wnw 1MU Phmlisall, of Hiioked Mack ,,f n, earn nnw I'll Ue Fit Guaranteed ' uni in iH7u. T, TrntiHlt rod fame, in turning bis paro Harry (illberl, nkipncr of the vntriiuiHHmn attention to "lurkey" farming, lauiu'h 23, rrtumed frnm tbe , H iHUHlderinr the prj.hlei,, of ilft replaeemeDt nf and if hi ecbenie works out itnulh 011 Wednesday utnl has resumed Third Avenue, opposite P. O. he'll wire be dlnif sum nlnfsv tils dutlea at the Prince Phone Heal 1M ""u 'ti-oi curi. uext Chriituia If no onu getn Hupert lloat House.