AUgu,t im' . ' TUB DAILY BKWB " 101 THAE1 . k "M. 7 g. M Foid U fonVltl al 7:18s Local and Personal SSLW I '"""" "i "! "ICED" New Books lianeball. Ilasr Iay Pprclal.I rrsus Prince flupert al K.'cp August 9 for tlie F.Iks f! IAnyox Hill Wednesday, 7 p.m. - I Adoilselon 50e. 181 II. C. Undertakers, Phone 41. tf The best of the "BEST SELLERS" for 1922 Quard of Honor Training Par- "SALADA" Books you should read. 351,Hsyners. Undertakers Phone tf ads,Headquarters,North B. Second C. Regiment Avenue, Wednesdsy, S p.m, Everybody See our window for prices in attend. each $2.00 ur Cioaing Out gale. Itryal 8h..- a Tea will prove a revelation mure. if Tim contract for the supplying By Mail, 10c extra if two collector's rolls and two in summer beverages. M,M Fishermen. All our rubber asvrspiiieiit rolls was awarded HMte are m sat at Coal Price hy the council lal night I Sold everywhere In sealed metal packets only. IF WINTER COMES By Hutchenson. Hoyal Shoe Stre. if llotc. Cowan Sl I.alta, their ti-nd- THE GREAT PRINCE 8HAN Oppenhelm. Purity does it der bring 1137.50. Mcltae Ilro. H M. Ilrmtttfttffe ft on la.I lender was 8 1 60. MAKINQ OOOD IN BUSINESS R. W. Babton. "uiu Ttk k.lf t.k f S.likt, train for Hay.port on SIMON CALLED PETER- Robart Keable. ih to th cannery. ft (I l.l k.l ia (Mf J. C. Krrirh, of llrloit, Kan.a Canadian National Railways wiibcr ni ilir l.t. rich PLACES OF THE HEART -H. Q. Weill. arrived ill Ihr eily lal rveniiig m4t. Fmt ia Ik cl.l.t, t4 HIDDEN PLACES B. W. Sinclair. w ulill Nate a few pairs of ru Ik .iibo. Llr, Mr. Krrtrii. who in. a brolher-in. while in ford and Pumps left law of Jame McAlernan, of Ihu TO THE LAST MAN Zane Grey. riaa laralya mi yr Prince Rupert U 11.00 iH-r pair. Iluyat Shoe will k. k...tir.tlr ! i-ily. ha con.iderahle inel- utore. tf 4 tmmy wkit. menls in ihe city and dintricl and is here on his annual visit. Tk rick immh! 4 .lai DRYDOCK ' W ilmsaji, ireidenf nnd it hUmi it Ik tttrtl f Ik win-mi manage of the Klaanzt 8alikl U...U tr. The hotle Imlll by Mrx. V. . I.i.l i-cturMd U Us on last tuf !..- ill fmttly HtN Kerr under the Hnldiem' llou AND "iil train. ln wheme lo be Iraliiferred a.. llo Walter Hume. Mr. K-n hav SHIPYARD W H Tnhey, Canadian Xa- Its? decied to leave the Hly to 'i"iiiil Hallways divisional en eeltle al Wistaria. Hie Iran ,-" ' "tartird from a period. Tf Ifer wa authorUnl by the coun Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock -i mi or taieetion on last Ti li-il lal niuiil on recomtiii-mlalioi Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern niiilii train. SB lof the houin? eomtuiltee. makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Eva. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Jofcn Monro la o iiurrha.e I'-itiloIll (oae, of the Electric and Acetylene Welding. rifim Hi.- rily I...I , It lock 20 Mlllery Packing UouiMny, H. O Bargains in ewion a for lli- nam of 23o. llell.lrviii. of the Pack Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of He Intend, to build on the prop lie a kiddie f. i a day" Klks na. UHip4iiy. and . Mariin, lis. The -tale authorised Hag and uliiidren t Hay. Wl-Ii lh.- l.van. Uilnian r.van Marine and Commercial Work at last niaht'e council snretlna neadar. IS! utwaHjr all of Vancouver, ar Toilet SOAP 43 AND 35 PHONES rnvej friii ilir nortb on the hundred ton. of Nanalnsn Ihi reennsmesvdalKm of the luhekmtm this morniiig and left llinaln coal ha been landed l lilitie Committee, tae eUy lr hhHw Kitecier on a viii V 50c, 25c and 15c Soaps I our wharf. W arc aMiou lo call for lewder fr Ihe nnp-llhe Sunny.Me and oilier l.-al n weiivrr ii at jmm houa or oly of 5oO feai of 2S imi MHieeanirrir. Tlie parly will return to clear at ltiaM 110 or Mi for fur the fire detriment. w Nanrtniver on Hie l.lieioti.iit offer Another rrirre. Alkert & Mrtfcffrir. lilts evening. good 2 I.U. if A lil of -isMlioii by AW.I for 25c. Collarl dealke wilb .1 reel.I Ml Heiiee II. Mem and M! Mr. H. Ulimn.W ard. Ih aulh. Mdewalk. boW-4 and .dttrr ub-J'," Mowal, two well known Black Suede French Heel, 2-Strap Shoes- For Ladies' street 4rp win i vlnllrd llvr Jitnrf in-li. ha. brrn uilonllle.1 to lite liournaHl of Gil lea If o. were or evening wear. All slies $8.95 rrrmlly wllh ib prin inrial mm. .ity cierh. Answer will be lire-aenarr pa.ning Slin.uali Ih LECKIE Shoes for Msn, Boys and Children the genuine red ORMES LIMITED i l trial Mrty, kae wHtlm a oared f-r neat MonaUy cun-elly tm Hit rrincrns l.oui,o ve sliti h all aucs in stock, at Lowest Prices. Hiixttd illulralmJ arliflr ..n I meeiiita;. Mrruay encoule for iawou anJ 3rd Ave and Cth St. P.O. Box 1680 ..rtlirm brilioh (ilninbia l.Mim. Ml. Mem was formerly FAMILY SHOE STORE Phones 82, 2 CO and 134 wlii-li aHar i it the la.t Van ..morrow. Immk Uie Mk 1 managing ruiior oi uie vv omen Third Avenue. Phono 357 Third Avenue. Mirr World l band. Mac lo. a elvks bait holi-Uy inlNVerlily and a contributor to th THE PIONEER DRUOQISTS TWO REXALL STORES be declared. A rrdMeat loPoulli.1. Umipanion. ...Mi. Mowal II rxrird ml lal nlahl tWs effeei fruSM M. tttisitabx.lta writing an artkle for tli . mio.iI ntrvUny Ibat ibe lr-ft rmaMed ruirr of iaal Imddg. wu I"extern Amerleun Magaime oil orfai-iiia a Third Amiu- br acted utKtn Iht Ilea city ewijitril her present trip.. E. H. SHOCKLEY tw.-.-ii M-MriV and Srnd lal sjiatbt, Ihv maywr bring au Sti.-.-. i ! ralhr flniebNl thorised lo carrv oJt the itece. M. asxl Mr. l. II. Planing Mills: Cow Bay. Wharf: Nail Imperial Oil Dock. ). t and furtker wurk lo be donr ary adverliaing. aiMj family will rail by Ihe Pnn Phone I 3S3. .-.iilj n.. by rlad a etlra cr. l.uui.e on Saturday for I FIR DIMENSION, FINISHING LUMBER, PLANKING AND wok hut iail wart of Ihr Several hasy lustlisg aaiiiplr Angelee wnere Ihey intend to TIMBERS, SHINGLES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOWS. RAILWAY .i.h .- atbwlril. 'Iha rot of f water, alleged I hav cotne Imake 4lieir future home. J'i..n- Agent for: GRAND PACIFIC TRUNK finilinia IbrM two Mork will rrom Use cily' iHabs on Ninth leer Ml, the rity and o long Ilobertson & Hacketls Saw Mills, Ltd. 1. 1. PRINCE GEORQE AND PRINCE RUPERT sa Thurs-c Im- i .'i- jwr uarr yard. Avenue !, were) ;tbmilleJ to eelivr in church. .-ul am pub J. Fyfe Smith's Hardwood. i t mtajr a I 4 M sin sill t - Swanaon Bay, I - the city council liv Hears- SmiiUi lie circles of the rity. Ihe de- "Lamalco" 3 ply Cottonwood Panelling. 04n Falls, Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. A. I.. Hr.'Wiiln- ha. rvviaTii a laal iiuibt. They watw rrferrrd lrlurr of Mr. and Mrs. Mor Garland Company, Roofing PainL Anyos tlnr-.iajr. II p ... J.., Stewart, Saturday. 8 p.m. iiix-i inif udrnl fuymrrr for Ihr to th,. health Hterlor'm and their family will lie I. P. lUia.l Slraiiibii i. on Hoard of Work- tmr revort be-U iwlltr uf general regret. Mr. I- S. PRINCE JOHN I m a: point Northern ami Southern a.-r.ouil of ill to'slth and V fore brine dealt with by Ihe Merriww leiny made the rai- Qwten CharlotU Islande, May Uth and tllh. Jane llh and himx. formrrly rhirf rnyiio-rr rouncil. tui d'etre lot several farewell ii J ml. August Sib and IVlli, Sep. Sftd, 161b oi ili Prime form but wh - -7 ocial tuiasltvii this week. lia lo-rn arlmu uprrinlifid-nl A rafrnrt from ilit Hoard of Htlgtnon Block, Prince Raptrt. Phone 686 Train Service fur .mir liiw ha. twn apHiiiil. Wee eikiini tbttl the Mi Irene Todd, of Toront... Passenger Dally Escept Sunday, 8.4S p.m. nl ) otM-red hint. Airs. Munr letter frtHii J. A. Uurti coim- who is atlaelird to the publicity Dr. E. S. TAIT SiiiHhera, Prune fleorge. Ldmonlon. and Winnipeg. i. now rUtrt on tbi Prinrr plaiuiug of the iiuhimt in wbirh detriment uf tlie Canadian .National ; ii r. i , ouuertions for all points in Kaslern Canada iirarir aawi W ill in at llaililr on the city bavll wa lalttbwl tr re. Itailways. is a visitor in Dental Surgeon t ' ' J ui.-. I to I'rincr llupcrt. reived and filed i adeplrd by the rity getting data for articles -- -liiffK-ullic i ne couitcn ia-i sua in. il wa he will write, fbe is eeing all ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME Office Hoars, 9. a.m. to9 p.m. in I be pulilii- admittesj by AiiL .MirHtwmrry there i lo be Meu here and i Agency for all Ocean Steamship Lines work- dtwartmrHl wrrr brtxiaht that rei flea lions Isad been aUo vioiliHg mining i-amin and Sunday by Appointment Clly Ticket Office, 52S Third Ave. Phone 260. 1o Mi.- cilv rouiiril Iw.t nhrbl in riiana-ed asnl the wH itot car other Miu4 of uilere-t in tin the f -riii of a rrMrt isnMoaiina ried owl a orsginaUy iuttYMdeU. ilctrk-l. Mlm I'odd wa form that it... rity toifrincir was rrally . erly oh the staff of the Toront. I lie .ullir work. upriiilinVnl W. u. Fulton nkluroed lat Telrgrani and i well acuaiiited llo- nuinr rMrlfd inlerfcr. even my from l.akeeei wberr lr with Normun Mackutlosh, who The balance of our )reieii for PACIFIC RAILWAY .-m-f from oulidv partlett on ban been flahniK over the week. was. formerly wHh Hie : luily little ,'irU to clear at IU off s2 CANADIAN .'-rlain work ft ti bring; al-l. end. He asvys thai Ihe salmon New hete. "Wee Mae" ia ftllin llhcliaul and Kasoii. IHI CARTAG E ESSES -mi.I.-.I llf a.uivd by tb in the atreauix ar driving out tan important poti on the trie. B.C. Coast Services mayor that il tht ruunril'a other fi.h lo a etwiurU rxlritt ram. FUNERAL SERVICE Limited wi.k thai bis order tn all witrk although he uen sful in Sailings from PrinceRupert Im- rarrird out and if inUrfIMW 1-atchinp a few k mmI Iis trout. FISH ARRIVALS. THIS AFTERNOON; Phone 93 wa mlrmplrd that it sbould be Ham fell on J lnnU,iy at wlucli per KeUhlkan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway rrporird prompt ly. damoened Oown ih frA to a Ki fly-nine lhouand hhukI uf Over Remains of G. B. Barrle,i Furniture, Piano and August 4, 7, 14, 18, 25, and 28. ouaiderablr dVtU'-e nnd Uie fw- halibut wu markelri at Die Fish or Naas Rivsr Who Died on ! Safe Moving 'or Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-August ELKS FLAQ DAY e.lry uVpaHnieut uow have them tarliauge Ihi morning. The Sunday, 1 2, 9, 12, 19. 23 and 30. well iii baad. ah were: Coal Sand General and Cartage Gravel PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, All Children are e.iieled lo - Canadian Fi.h und Cold Slor- A funeral service will be held tatl Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell m.vl in front of the KlkV lloitte The rcHirl from lite Hoard of age tki. lla .prncer, l,uoo at 3 o'clock this aftrrnoon in II. River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Tlnrtl Avenue at I clia'k. Wed- Work reromniendliig the uur. Hund at ?.Me and 6r. C Undertaker' chapel over the lereive IheiU hae of a truck cliai IUmiIIi FUherie l'riuuidi, ft,. aflemoon l" -ton Steamship Lines. iii-day remains of th late (i .11. llarrie. Agency Full for inform.all itmn from Nuns and a-.inhl,- for lite ar- for the pablh- w. i'kw deiuirtuieHl noti pouudf. al 7Jo and Ik", and who died in the t.eiieral Hopital Stork's Hardware, Lid, ' referred to il.e fjtwttee com. Scrub, lO.tKiO pouud at Vc and on Sunday afternoon. Father Corner of 4th W,Street O, ORCHARD,and 3rd Avenue,Oeneral Prince-Agent,Rupert, B. C. nultee by h roiiurN last niyhl. tc. McO rath will conduct the nervier. We a complete '-. ud reiort from the com Atlin Fisheries. Selmu lf.000 There ore floral offerings carry mit lee to th,. .fieel that the IHiund at M.2i- and (-, and II. from Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harm- line of We Have Your olihlii'ii commit!. e truck could and It. 7,10(1 iM-uiul at K.5c ley and the Knights of Columbus. not be aa'tCfaeturil- Mechanics' Tools akitrwil wan and e. The body will be shipped for fetveil uiut fil -U, A scfond Suhseribe for lha Dally News. interment at Vancouver on the . . The . . mud truck in th.' I Iyer Oarage is Chclohsiu this evening. including the famous Lodgi Emblems he examined with u view- to e toiiThasing if iutable. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY "Starrett" Line Silo Solution iiildl.-ii'-ws. iv '. "Hotel arrivals Phone Black 114. ,., . -t.-i . K Hintier. A rwpuH from the building FOIl SAI.F Handy pleasure Ull. I U- W I I etc. commiaioa m niitieiidlug that launch and row boat cheap. Prince Rupert THE "HOARD" SILO. inrr.K-ni -ti" "f i-i'i lite roviiun -r Ihr building Phone lllue 5."J. tf P. II. Kelly, Nanaimo; II. W. Farm." ...... .... (.....,. rot.' to 5 m. bylaw rrgurdiiig parage be liv. Swulsland and Hoy C. Wright. "A Silo n Every run i n..w aliH-k ..f dlffeiflllTU I ui to ami )"' aetiou of ihe WANTIIU Woman for hid el Vancouver; W. I.atug, Victoria; Dr. Geo. L Barton ' il No lumps N.. cVlf-adju-ting. '" fire marshal in . ondrmulng Ihe work. Apply Hotel Central. A. W'. Carter. Oceanic: J. C. yone can erect a HOARD SILO In his spare time. LiHlne llllltl Hoo.1 tv Kri.'ii garage be eu-dorsnl 18a Kreaeti, lleloit,; Mr. and (Palmer) ,J' !:i!y ma,,,,,., 0f the li.IU over the H""l' 8,10 John Bulger, wa adxnied by the city ......... . . l. -J Mrs. W. J. Meade. Chieagu; W. ciplaincd in 111' ri- nl1iK- council a lllk-iit. The difficulty i:. Iavis aikl sun. giiiilhers: A. WiiU f..i r.atals'"' P"l,' Tha JawelUr with Huh i iitwulur garage fCZEMA $M II. Malbesou, Port H.iligtoii; Chiropractor i tba Iber. u" living ijuarter Karl llanswii. Kelehikau. 1 'CtTATMST'3 above it co il. . v to Ihe bylaw-. SSIa Itrtta. WALLACE BLOCK THE ! Central. a 'S 4 LTD. iiuug. Ii SI f BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., he fire chief ihad given inttrur- CfctM'BBJ .I.6u.lm.Bl a W la th.Irt..Ik U yw Haaaiti.aiMittaa huK Uilt lit. S. Sragg and 0. Stewart, Vancouver Phone SCO. iM 350. i"ii in regard t. it mid ail ap aad traS St.iut rur twuin dv, a u .. Urangen. tdniull- . Prince Rupert B.C. Phone ' l! I1 1,1 In-, II ,, , I, EPr all M UtiWMti tub A Ok : V " . - ...