Tueaday, An. P PAGK SIX Till DAILY XIWR G. H. Arnold, Notary Public NATIONAL HOME Mi- Klitabeth STEWART. lUyntoti. WESTHOLME THEATRE daughter of Mr. and Mr. Arthur FOR SALE. On of the best Dwellings In the City. FOR THE JEWS llaynton and Louis I.egge. a Tonight, Tuesday Diotieer, of Ih llyder Excellent condition. finest marine view. young Seven Rooms. Very ramp and a member of the llytler Beet residential district. Very close In. Fully modern with Difficulties With Arabs In Re-sard Tranfer tW.. were married laf furnace and fire-place. Double lane corner. In fact a home to Re-Settlement of Friday arternoun in HI. Mark Lionel Barrymore to be proud of. We will be pleased to show It. Palestine. church, Stewart, by the nex. IUJ-win " Mo, Hie wedding ww H. Q, HELQERSON, LTD. I.OXlMiX. Aug. 7. Iry ... public and the church was pack IN Real Estate. Insurance. Rentals. elated I'eex . The frovrrniiH'n' ed. i iiiiremltling in its eff.M-N i find a solution nf tke I'al.-lm.-l'rblem. Ib foie lea ink for Seattle lent Bill" ! Xt-va-snaper advert iinsr reaches To this end H has Stind.iv. V. It. ItMikiM, prenident omerang out ilimughiiul the community among olhr ttiiugn, i...iH and general manager of the Mh Tuesday Special and Ml lht wtin waul to buy putdiahed the cfrntal iinri.. HMMaaw I reek Milling lHHM tated about the thing you have to sell. po neater thai ha pacd l -Iween ? that I'oudition al the mine were HALL ROOM BOYS iPctcy and erdlei Comedy Ni'wpairr advert iinK. with a the goeriMiicnl, the I'ali s-line more than alifaetry. A second Two Faces West" Prices, 13c l guaranteed circulation, in ar :- PASTRY a ne- Arab di'lxatiii mm' in 'hoot of high-grade ore had 'ecttsiiy in miKlern tin tineas. tf London, and the Xioninl organi been encountered in the drift sation eine' tait F'-bruar. from tbe c'rtMmeul tunnel on the Included I an offieial ctal' upper lead, where the lead now men! nf ltrilili poln-jr, n gui.n l ame, two ami one-half feel of FLOUR ut July I. to thf ffeel t liar n stood ore with ii inches of solid TIMStN sale xm. Jewth national home be founded a icy i..tiier aasaylRf 10J ounreo "Supreme" Brand tMMtmi mil be rarrnrd bjr um in l'alclm. and Jewish ('-pl f Miter and ttH in pdd. a Miniairr of Las it Vtrtorta. laiar ml Snowflake or than nuoa m th I Tlh Any of A a run. I til, will 1m- in Palestine a . f ! t! Ml I lie or iitl a Ion. Ie. hit tlw rrrtjae if Urrea-c X Mil. to rl riglit and not aufferaiu'C i. l ..n,eiil work i tlig puhed M.oo frrt of Sprar. Cnkr, Italua a Ml Wildrose llrmlork, on an r tnn n,T.U SSUft, The diai'aram r Aubordin i Hie limit by foreman Angu RaMte iripirrdi 4. CmI mmMi Land altar Dliinri of atrauicr Cintl, ation of ih,. Arab populate i Ml.., . 1 let ween IS ami itt FRESH FRt'SH Te (t) J rare mil bt aHowrt far re- language or culture i not . ..i i--- "f lngh-grale ire ha been1 Coffee 10 lb. Sacks 50c mi nr timber. ROASTED ROASTl D Fitrthrr jrtlctilr of the Cat: (corptaled. and the etblihiu n' -a ked and the are about l lr. lrlnrla. P : , or lllilrirl l-rnwa npn n r.. "i a nin ineaiirf r ieii.gov'i u- l-'ii- additional on the dump. Green Stuff. Ucnt in lal-tinc will be ft.-1 - Iteiiular shipments hate ci-uienced. The Coffee Thst Tastes as Good as It Smells. Hubbard Squash, lb. 10c. erctl. The special Hwiim of hi Kjigljinl , 1 uimJ ,i. will f Heard In the Hornet Betal)f Marrtiw. 3 lbs 25c. Zioniel Hxn iiiivc doe not en . the .').I w)i.. in. i'oiiiiieed coffee smells good," father's that first Oirn on f b. 3 for 25c. title it In hare in the govern that thi'ae V. O, t'Jeeettey. preKlent of "My, was iie.inl. Ii,t r.nne to when he down lo breakfast. It Xrw Green Pea. 4 lbs. 35c timber sals x iss. ment of the country. teangte them. vrui.. d'""- W"t the' Kureks Oil OHiipany, owning remark came was tin-en I'a'piwr, lb. 25c -alt IrniVni lll be itwnrt by Mat Zionists Interfere. trus a perfectly delicious aroma filled the room, .'450 acre, of tail laaeatioH in allow the iTi tl i ,t -oii: i.f 'tii-irwt Infuw. Inure Kikti, MM real coffee! he he "That's eiclalmed, as tatted Outdoor Tunml'H'i, 2 lbs. 25c Sinlk et The A rait delegation hai replied later than trxm m the day io...,.-t l ,.'rt...n f . ieo- Ho- Katalla fvehl ami a iHiilar Aiieii.i. lt. fur tbe imrrtiaaf- itt lrenr to hi vlatemenl of his first cup, "Why, It's the best coffse I er l uf-utnlM r-t. 5c, 10c and 15c. X 1P near nvmlh at klltentt Buer. AIM xdiey le4 o dlffereni. ar reave at Gobi I My, arrivel in New Bcctj. large V.iinlir-, rff. riMiir ia -w taa am fea-t of Pftntre, Kelrhttan laot drank. What kind Is It?" llrnilork. Balaam and CiHK1. I lie lael l in.H lli .Vlajeaiy a ll)dei iiiam with P'"mJ i, 3 for 25c Eirkfea muaikt mill tie aHoed tor re-ni.al "Since il enlabtiebaicnt in ii over tl nieltt ka nlared ileelf m Tlnirdv ami la iirmmd gelling "SUPREWt' Coffee," mother replied. f taMlr Palestine l tie uiniel Ohimiiiioii lorthrr MrlK-nlara a ike :Wef Tnrea-irr. he in tuition of a partisan in arqwaiNted wUti Hie reaMents. Rupert Table Supply Co. VH-tnria. the liietnel For!". ha vorv much interfered with I'nb-atine i if a certain poliey Ground, Hnaatoxt anil Patcksal at th Wnrotiouao of the attminialration f l'atetlrie wkieh the Arak raunot aeeeM he. Ml OtertiHee o Xeill. ..f STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. Phones 211 A 212. nonet. under one irclex .n another, all raue "ooner or later it mean .elon. It. f. nteee of I'at ha I?, 15 THE MATTER of an appJMattM for of which were fa-1 on .olu-i- Coff Importer and Holr I'HINCE RUPERT, M eItimtkH.', ilitretaw of the Daly the iHue nr a rreok foruflrale of MM V managing tilde for .lewill inleie.l- an uiwIirMed tme Iktrdi - Intereat In Uncomfortably Sandwiched. Alaaka. I aytHt the llyder and to Lota II and ft, Stork J I, Lege u "On "One military administrator and ti. Blork . and Lata II. tl and tt. ramp a wait and i the home Himk tl, all In Scttloa I, CttJ of Prlnc after another, and one (Htimeiiling on lhi official M. It guet of Mr. sin.J Mr. Hupert (Map fj. llriltati official after rrrrnMHMleiif?, a diplomatic Modern Satitfactorr proof ot the V ef the another, ailllenon. rrrtiriraM or title eormr tlx aba had to jfn !eratie they i-ould not eorrenpondent write in the land, iurinr been prod arm It If mj In-leetliMi to lain, after the rtfrtranoa of and would not goern the rotin. Sunday TiMien: Mr. li. A.Hunk arrtveil . Lumber & Lath ! muntk rrntn tne rirtt publlratton hereof, try mi tinea laid down by the I trie fly put, the Unli-b ..- a freak rerurirale or title In tfcc Stewart from Vancouver iat Laundry name or rmtirri sm:;n and Henrr Smltn. Zionit iv.iniiiii..n. eruioent find itself uiicouifort-aMy mhirh rprtinat of till If ,tted Ittk wek and ha joined her huabaud "We ee divteion and teiiaion oaitdwiehecj in between two nuieniiier. 1111. and i numbered tsil-l ' Silver II. the mine Dated at tbe Lfi1 Berntr Olfirt. iMTWf Arab and Zmnii in- et lt i miiinea. leriven by tbe at Shiplap-Boards and t.n.- at... n i- .k. (ih .w ii. lift ' exigeiiriea of the area! war io i-reaaiitg day by day and teult-ing Service Advertl In th lll New m r MA XE m, temand bvHtalf of tbe Allien on Rctlttrar of TlUef. in general relrogreaeion. he. ai)e Ibe immigrauU dumpml the ro.oiieratton of the Arab Dimension We off'-r the following iioii the country from different again! live lurk, llrilani SYNOPSIS OF and htorrd I - ThuriHjKlily An Idled J'oWr vr range of service to tbe public: iari of the work! are ignoranl agnt-d to rMWtsise their inde of the language, r u I mi and lendenrc within a territory LANDACT AMENDMENTS Economy Laundry Service I'haracler of the Arabs, and en which included Paleatine and Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding Damp Wash; Soft Finish, ler Pale-liue by the might of Syria. That wan on Orloftcr 21 Rough Dry, Dry Cleaning, I'JIS. TO EUROPE CAVA WAV SATKl.Vtl. RAILWAYS. M"lme rt of rirat-naaa u,M and Finish Pressing and Dyeing, Rug (Weataeii Uueai. "On Noveiulaer 2. Itfl?, mi. rlc4 I tt a art att-e'aa le and Carpet Cleaning, and lily with view to idttaiMiug tf a oat arra ! UHA.VU THI.Vi PALinc RAIL WAV. lT-HVf4lel Ml aftlla I - the Regular Laundry Service. HUE RESEBY1TBKS NCW! Hlier and I'HSHalty neiry tra4 la amir. SPRUCE LATH Scaled Tendera. RrSa win k riaM er1s ? AaVtraweal to n caarf tarkse. Wan U4irt, liarl Ikilfour mnde hi KM oMl for agrtcviltaral anirpooM We can surely serve you. Qucaso-CMsaaouaa-souTHAMPTON. er, Man., and leaxlera anardlar t the faiiMfu deelaratlon in favor of ana aahtrkj H o-Omar la m4 Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prk HAMBURQ nature of tke work leavlered an ntM Imi Partoarohlp a--mptlaa abotloajaa. When may we call? . 12 .! Oct. 17 Emaeaaa t Sctl rerrived al tlw of rlra of lla cmI lafiit- lite eJaMiiiioeii of a Jewiah Bartto of a rnara I ha a faair mmf eer until to rite orlark nuua, Wauueeda' rraria for a4lrM " I Sap. lOcl. S Oct. SI Cmpeaaa f fraac urwai ih. mi. home in I'ale lire," llh Hnt raaMoiar. ail aarh mkl Canadian Steam Laundry MONTREAL-tOUTHAMCTON-ANTWERe I. lor tke euwirurWiaa of a fire by rt The paaiie of the louc of ajoraaaarr IHpro 0 roataartlaa PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. rlalma. naii rr lurorrear ronrrei nimn at i Au. SO Sap.27 Oct. 2S . . Mlneafeaa II.i U,rll nk-dlvtalua Altierta. Lord the luiter part of June of lra-amoora muat oervpa eraifi la Phone 8. Sap. 13 Oct. 11 Nf. S Mallu t ri- Ike rumlrurttun of a M by the Islington motion. diapnv ria jaara an ma a a Impniaomtnt l Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 111 een rm4 re uarorrea raiarreie nmti a vara of II pt met: IrMrltHInf rlaar MOMTRCAL TO LIVERPOOL mile istc. Balklri Hub OVTIMan. B.C. ing tin- llalf'.tir declaration, wa leg S rultlTailoat of al laaat V roa elan. pnniea. i(rriraUaaia and form kof.H-o raralTlfg Cram lraot n.1SSp.1SOct.1S . VIcUelM itt runtrart lauiy be and form f inimeniwly e.pular in laleiine. W'kar pra-maor lo . upaiKiai Ave- 2S Sap. 22 Oct. 20 MenUalm tetMier ftttaMie1 al tar orrlee w the where tin uieiafeut l regarded loao than I far. "4 ka maa r, Sap. 1.Sap.2S Mentclar :kter taiaaii. WtnnMf. Man. prtrf Ia4.ata lmproamnl. It a ma jr t BENT'S LINGERIE Aaatotanl larUtwr. Matnlenanee nf Way, as a notable Arab victory. rouaa at lll-haalth. or a hat rava. Sap. S Oct. S Nat. S Mantraaa : VaaaHititee. B.C. rraol4 leiarmodial a-arnfw-ata ol las MONTREAL TO OLASAOW Iiotrtrt larliwrf. Prlnre Rwieft. R.c prv omooi a4 iranafar ht claim. Closing Out SALE TencVn IH lie nwatdered IMtew llor4 wit raa, LADIES' READY TO WEAR nt fiout parmaaant (Aoe.Se Sap. 23 Oct. 21 ... . . . . Matatama made mi Ike rorm auMlld by Ike Rallnar WIRELESS REPORT 4M-a ma la laa, pn44 pll 3rd Avenue. Sap. S Oct. 7 Net, 4 Tvnlaian tHMiny. and aerimieanled by an arrefiel ram raak Impranontoata I ainl of lap. IS , IchecHie on a Ckarlered Bank eqiaal to t ) por aaaaai a4 rwraa uml aai i. .sssxa NO MONEY IN SF.LLINQ SHOES. wwv lof Ike alw: of the work. Datable l lb tar Kallura to anaka Iroprovamaiila niirarn in iiimnni ordor i.f Hie Treaurer. rjnadlan VaOial 8 a.m. aar r-r4 aaio trat lo. We I.. I..I...I ...,t M.V Al.... af.H'k Big Reduction llull-ia. VlrMM Roftd" -iable l bearer fallur Till ril oMaiRoa) In III.. Sap. 12 Oct. 10 Nat. 7 Emp.ata af Briuin .,,rUMt In Itru at arrefted rbecnm lit IX HAHIMUl r.loudy. calm ,a than aaara, aiwl Impraiaaiaii,. hoet tnui pi. in ..f. I,. ....i ttiiii iiijr . ii-.ii... ON I!wntl..iw.l Tewlrr mot be eirneai barometer. tf II og rr a ra inHtrlg I aj i a .".i.JM: uvn,rir.vur...uui-.riu j'i.l m.M. auttiiied by tbe Hallnay temperature. rlaa r4 an4 ntniraioa, o4 raMar The most sensational price cutting Shoe Sale ever sUo4 Sap. 1 Cmpreaa f India omaio SM; .ea ainooth: 8:31 p.m.. (okr vf at loaal t aara ara rel"4. The lrl or any leinler nut nerraaarlly rr-mpor IvoMlrg crown llranl In the city will be carried on at 350 Third Avenue, SUITS Aapl t Aaanla triwkara. I. t. U Canadian Hover bound for max raa.a-4 aitothar ira-afitaiofi. if h a rORITER. d antral Aaaat. O.e.R. SUtlM. ! A. E WARRED Aloria: m ;hi p.m. tio4e t aqu'ra an4 In ro-iJtiiartWw oitk au The Hart Block Oeueral Manatee. f aria oilhwjl actual orcvjpalton. rf" Vaacur, Tlph 3aiteur 2S30 vVimiM-r Man. t earner I'riiire Huprit in Uueen Ma4 MatMtory tr-proamanla nada CANADIAN PACIFiO RAILWAY I Amu.i itn. i lit o4 roaMatar malnlolfi4 on t'nwn He.le In I'niil iiiur i,niil fw-rjr jian hi- In--n :iiarlolie Coats, Traffl AaaaL Sound aoiiiUUmud graoloil Ian4 ami SIH on .itu..n . ut m half H:20 ji.ili., awdie to el earner lairvr4 arra. iroan.g ? orroa. mar t la a.ad a Komaaliaa, (Jiieen in Uneeb Chariot t,. Snjiiil III I ha vMalrad aftar f itfiillog raal Let Us Advise You HYDE oiitlilHiund. daolUI For graairg an4 Intprovamanl a ad Inajaiitai eoattftlkuna rmr M. McArthur, The Shoe Man Dresses, etc. lF-ll Tit lUf WI1NT-Ohwdy. ra airaadlng lit arraa ma j b iaaaat br on a paraon or ramaiai. with a lifetime's experience aim; haromeUr Jtt.HI; iMiiper Mill. fa tr j or loduairlal altaa v 350 Third Avsnue. ature. r:i; Miiioeth. ilmhat land not trdlrg 4 arraa in all branches of the m TRANSFER may bo purch4: crmditlue locliada Iiuilding Trade . IMI.IIY iSI.AMt Clowjjy. ralm laartnom of Mumpag. Natoral hay maaloara lror.-oa lbl liaiometei Jit.HM; temperature hy aiiattrg ro4a may ha putrhaat.4 BENT'S Brickwork, EXPRESS AND BAQQAOE. tU; M-a iii".,ih. rtMidillonal pon oMwIrunlon of a ro4 lo I ham. Habat of ona-half of txmt ot Day and Night I'hone 580. Noon,. road. rM atraadlng half of ptarrnaa Stonework, Third Ave. HI I.I. IIAIinOll Chmdy. win prlro. a mada, ant CMPTOftt' rmit omants act. Opp, Bank of Montreal. Concrete, etc. Best Coal iiortliwe-l hijlit; tearomeler, jy. Tba -nop of hla Aet I anlargod , Something ti'.'. temuei ature (J?; ea uuolh iiariuda all naranna Jntnlng and rv I'lans and Specifications 1 g with Hi Majaaly a rurc. Th 1 ::m a.m. Mbe to tkiinoeiiu free to all our clients. lira wlthli. ohlrh h holr or 4naa due Shiiahailie Hay IS:15 ii.m f daraaaat pr-nptor may apply Wood Wood for lllla undar iha Act I ailandad William Watts & Co. ultihoupd. trnn tor on yaar from Iha daalb ,.f Stove Lengths, Split. Ii:l TilkiB I'UINT i;iudy aurh parson, a formarly, until on yaar ariar tha ronrlualon of th gioal LADIES Builders and Contractors i-alm. Iiaroiiieler, SV.HO; temper. ar Thl prlallaf la ala. mada la New! xxxxo 139 2nd Ave. West. rocallva. ooooo l'.O. liox 823. Phone 482. ature, 5'J ken fiiiMjli. N faoa ralallng lo pr-mpllonc ara Office 1017 3rd Ave. Phone 680. IHtillY ISI,..M tUoudy. eulm rlua or payablo by ol4lor on pra mpilon rrorda4 aftar Jio l. (ill, Attention! Jobbing Work of all Kinds. hirmueler. -.'tf.HI; tenrperulure Tia ar ramlllad for fla yaar. 57; ea Kinoirtb. aruad.rravtaton duo and for baaa ralur paid of alnra monaja Augjat ae I have something new arriving all the time m I am a aperiahst in Ladies' 4. 114. on account of pymanla. ?aaa r lata on aobtiar' era aTtptlona. loiunrial ruriuirnments utic! From the Farm EXCHANQE. Inlaraat on grmont piirrhava am the holder of five Frencn town or city lot hl4 by mambar of Ladies' Ready-to-wear Last Vlllod Vorrmn. or danondanta. arqulrod Medals and eight Oipiomas day to the Table l ulled Stale. 7-88. direct or Indirect, remltt4 from llatmant lo March II, It:. for Jlalrdressmg. Slerlnuf. t.J7H. My specialities Include Marcel BulkleyValley Hong Hmut, SHJ30. sua-PUncHAsens LANDS of crown Just received from the south a shipment of Waving, Face of Sale rroTlalon mada for laauanca of Massage, Croon granla lo auh-pirchaaara ol advanced styles in Shampooing, Singeing, Hair FLAQ DAY. Croon fjoida. acoulrlng rlghta fruro BEEP Dyeing, 8calp Treatment. Saturday, 12th August PORK pirrhaae,purchaaar lnvdvlng who failed forfallur.to complete on ful. All einidtiyera of labor are re. fillruont of eonaltutne of purchue. In. Fur Coats and Capes Toupees and U'lg for gentlemen MUTTON lareat and laaaa. Where ub-purcfa- and trutiHfoiinatioiis VEAL ueted to giv their empluyee ara not claim wnai pi original par All Summer a half tiolidayWfti WmlueMluy, raj, purehaa ilc due and laiee may for ladles. Switches made FRESH KILLED POULTRY tint allovviiiic ttiiwii to attend the be hole d'etrlvuted area. Appllcallona proportionately muat or You are invited to call In and make an inspection up from iadieV own comb-in. Skeena Rlvee Farm Produce bf Mar U ! Goods Third off l'.lk-' Han I My ijWattrulloii with VANDERHOOP CREAMERY oaAziNO their i ll i l.li ii. llraalrc Art, 111, for aratamatla Am ut your survice any tune BUTTER II li ItiiCllKHTHIt. Mayor. tfavalopm! or IWaaterk InSuatr pra. Mrs. R. G0LDBL00M Idaa tor iraalns Slatrlola ana by appointment 1'lioiie 00 1 rauga NORTHERN INTERIOR adminlatrallan unSar Csmmlaalvnar. "DEMERS" Annual graalns Srrall laau4 baaa4 Chas.LeClercq Take a l k over the Uaaifled on nunbrra rangaJ. priority (or aatab Third Averiue Maha4 nara. Slorkwnara CO-OPERATIVE mar 'I'iIdii toiiuv There is soinethiiiaT . In... aaaoa.la.llBa for vanaa h a k Vannuver 320 Slith Street. Phone 27 P. O. Bos 327 Phone 81 fur sale there thut may interest meal. rr. or oartiaUy iia, inaua Branch of Tho Hochello Style Shop, 1 for aeitlara. camper e or IreTeUere. us 1 u tea sea. I