PAGE TWO THE lUtLT ffEWS tatuwiaf Ottber Wl The Daily News COULD HARDLY WHIST DRIVE AND PniNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA DANCE IN HONOR Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince OF FOOTBALL TEAM MOVE IN HER BED . Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PU1.LRN. Managing Editor. Son and Daughttra of England Eujkt B.s ! -FRUtT-A TIVrj" Hld Dllghtfg Affair Ltt SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Cmplilr RliJ Her. Night Presentation Clly Delivery, by mall or carrier, per month $1.00 to Dave Wiggins By mail to all part of the British Empire and the United Stale. In advance, per year 10.00 1 'Che Snn nn.l llauahler of To all other countries. n advance year $7.6f Ei y la nl nnirrjajneii sViglii fully TELEPHONE 98 al n very enjoy aiili ill trtve Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. 1 n.l dncr lat muni in "f I In itite' fWoiliall UaiH Tn.-affair DAILY EDITION otitDSalurilay, October i. ID.-.'. look plaei- in the Kniiil r I'ytiim hall ami Mien- Spasmodic Enforcement alMMll I ill fMTyoll reenl. Or Criminal Lawi 'l1o i('taiM al ill'- iw.-niv The pnduiodie enforcement of law i not good for uny Ma tnlil f wkUt wed- Me. II M country. To allow people lit break law for month ami then u IMmkII. and Pain vVim, fnt mAke a raid of a spectacular nature i not in lhA iiilrrt of good l.rie, arnt Mr. II.' II. llemaitiMi ami 1 llinte. eenal. government. leMenlay a number of local cilixeti were befori mom eiCHia leurse Kalaano' ieelieira jtrovtild the uir mini mr oiiriir wjnrn jfpm jo nave neen openly ron-iloneil. Labelte, P.Q., April t8th. 1931 mnic for Ihe danrc wfileh con-tlnwetl For month beer ba been mM more or le oeiil ami ."It Is duty to tell ami rnhlixh until an earfy lHvr I hi my yon there jemeil to be no attempt lo elnp it. Then Ihere i a pec- toll what yornr remedy "KrulVa-tie" morn in. IMihlfiil refreh-ntenl taruiar ram and I Tin re unpen gel the name of being a law baa done far me. were irnnl in Ihe roiire breaking plare. which il evidently i, judging by the number of men and wjtmen haled into court at one time. ' It wa liy Uti uffrrri ilk Rknmatism for Itt of III,, evening. mnthi; could hardly mote in bed; A eeml feature if Ihe n-eeeilinK Mich aeljon that Ihe prohibition law wa brought into direputa aod was miserable all tbe lime. I tried wa the ireenlaiHi In and Hie moderation law for which urh n large majority of the several physicians and tk Date WtjTdinn of a hamJMHe nunjr people voled, i lieing di-x-redileil by taxlly in enforcement. remedie, bat they Ipft nie at the trt'lil' ami ayearl tirl0n a 4n IT it I the will or the people to have elling of peii liquor dim pUee, l"d and unrio j, tlxi mark of appTAriafion t hi ,f-x4re and beer, theo Inw to thai rffeel and pa a make evervUtinir etiib Rheumatism was u bad. with Ue leMMlMll open. If. on the other hand, il i Ihe will of the peeirite that there 1iuNr Hariri i taking"fnu4-Mi during Uw mi. K. J. ruller 10 for 15t hall be restriction on the sale of liuor and beer, then Ihe law and reatlnurd the treatment OHxle Ihe (ireeeiilalioH un behalf regularly lo that effect hoithl be enforced, not rcetneiilarly in occa.iotial a I found myself(Hilar Letter. the elwK' at thieii h.- i raid, but all Ihe time. After asing right boies of"Frnrt preiilenl, willi a itaMe pefcli If Some Can Sell tie (nhich cwt only, f 4 ) I sqi 1 1. J. laiinfc maler of Sprorro crualily arA 25 " 35 eemfilelply cell without a trae of eTfiin,iue ami iimc in charae So Should Others. nbeunutUm." ai the dnoe wr II Yale ami II. provx oxcolloivca Tlie point or view or lhne engaged in Ihe limine i reasonable. Madam J. RirilKn. Fennina. I'm lalte' cOmmillee They ay they av oilier celling with linptiHily ami no eouirieit Mr. Jne Howe. eon. Tk ftavor is ddiMfully fiOe 6 for trial i a box, ?.'A 5 tep being taken by Ihe authorities lo olop them. Then why At all dealers sent vner. Mr. M. H. Hemaiiaa should nol they do it? Would it be reasonable lo allow a dozen of o Fniit--Uea Mtpail on Mr. IteorKf, l-eefc. Mr. D. J receipt price by people lo make motley rnmi the Irnde while other refrwied limited, OtUwa. ok, Mr. It. Houller ami Mr. Saiisfyin "hiworce the law una we will all abide by II," w the expre-inn H. W ha Mm a, Joe Hmm, rn- or one violator. All they ak i an equal break with Ihe ener, I. lmeron. rrank Meker. other. FIRST MEETING OF I.. I.. I tamer. It. Vale, lute Wilton ami II. Keiinta made Hp Laws Become ' WELFARE LEAGUE Hi.- mttllemvir "iOHiMlee. sTiiAkT0ACco coNAavCAJuoA.iiMrrta Inoperative. ihi i Ihe lat S. II. K. event In Britain ami in thi country low are often allowed lo be TERRACE THIS WEEK In lake itlae 01 I lie o, ltd II a come itioperative rather than repealed. Take as an instance thai the lwlne i Hiiina hefnre i. occur al Ihe moment. Hie law againl the ue of a1nior egg a THnn.r.K.iei. ?8.--me nrt enilter I, inl" ito- rUttad Mora. ball in trout fihing. That i illegal, yet il provtioii are never OieetiHB of tlie Terrace WVIfijrel " tla nut He M(aloe have tb bromr with '.ik. In i lie in. in 1 1 y i enforced. The law rbed del for all nemleit Mrfliin for the i-be)UHHtajbi of M. i it... again! lioottig fmiti a launch had not been Jeaime wa tiel,J Ih 'Uw 'rehy.i until "recently in thi ( "Mxsell Timber !. Niuibrrn IU: . Uir I'iui.-- Huitert l . ir hltfli-''- or the enforced very part country In England terian flfMirch Iue-,lay ntstit. It In the Letter Box the exiemjon of the Tnirk Aft to farmer wa never enforced. i....1 .wm wu au 1 ei iii.,'i. ny. .1 ami they fnjlww Ihi wilh a let. tllViliail team heat Ihe i I.lere it looked a if Ihe telling or beer in club wa not variety mf irHrMnr k..It amli ler t the Farater' lifiilole being enforced. Then Hidden activity occur and men are haled very H allemletl. FARMERS DISAPPOINTED Ullo.court for doing what ha ben more or lc' openly allowed After the nmHiimr eteretae the "Inform Have Itiilten timt fiir some lime. life of Jolin Ihe llatil wa lml. Kjlib.r Iiaily .Newit: eatiiMil lisp hi Hlaie for 'he Take another instance, that of Ihe export liquor law and ied for a hori time. A artel Ta tw hi Imw the "kseal ron Ibal tri bur eliote,! .i -the. right fop lociil peo4e to purrhaiieflimMir fnim hiirvelcr Itmffram. followed I hen. tn vsliieti eutetjrle" ftre wfieratrtl Ih a-it ileal iu Yaiiruer for all we 'will The hiiine ha been carried on mi openly that il j been a nuinliee nt new arllU tiwik part. Ihe .eMIer. I wUh lo it raw need. jlo dflitefy forced- tie looked upon almost a a legal hulne. Many local citizeu nee Ihe ret tif tii evenfnjt via, jvnr altoltM (A Ihe fact that In lake Ihi step Ih order lo pr-lN tiiought of going to the vendor for Iheir upplie because Uie lenl in old rhione, (rame aml Ihe Mae I'lHiher i:.i.. aflT Pjr need. could gel il cheaper from export lioii'e. Then come the Inuiv r-rrvlimenl wvre erve t Ih lelline le anl other I ha I I hey -Ma.-et l ioiHet r... . d arm of the law. and il i found thai men are implicated who would ladie. The evening a a .i.len. M"eil ' Nireme loca I pm-AliteetHiter Nol imlv my eiiai- - i . jB not liave Iteen mi if Ihe law hail been enforced throughout. lid s.iieie and all thoroiiul.lvt',H evcln.lvely If Mdaloe of other weu- Ivinx njoyed llp'iiiel-. M-ie ili aiHed freight here wallrHjr Ihr efienienee ' TEACHERS AT HOME f the evpnintr and there were eharye f.o.b. ItHekley IUy would Ihe Maet Tlnrtier tU: lo ar. . ,.i violin olo by 1:. WiMklwnHb ae be lialufaeiory. ami after pnt-llnz delivery wilh Ihe flit I know ledice TO FRIENDS LAST ettiiiMnie by )tl London, wbleii WONDERS NEYER CEASE on delivery of imr pr-luels of said ruopany. (were niueh enjoy ei. from lenal to bout on Um IIAVIII III TTI X I hlGHT AT DE LUXEi Follow iiiir the suHie refreh- The wonderful ucee of Ihe ariHimU that they hadn't their jinenl were erve ami birt ad- r'tmily Herald ami Weekly Star sloraye Iioum riHojlele, and after Enjoyable Time Spent With Trus ure.r were ki en by l'rim'iial 'f Mioiireal lia Ihvr mure I had had two ltn of potatoes Tta Man in the Moon tees, Officials and Other as or the llisli School and lr. marked vear by year i-onliiiuoo. I Via it in Ihe warehine on ly for half -iilury. Ihir wharf here for Hirer week SAYSi Quests jV. T. Kertfin. ctialrawn or Uie a e There are ;rhool board. Mr. Ilradv spoke tiouehld literally by ten of wailing Iheir convenience, they 'I Lat evening the leaeliera of i appreciatively .it the work iUmi lhouaml all over linad where wire me - Jl MIK liary wain anoitiei ! the city were at home to their J.y Mr. Liny a trutee, a ImU for thirty, forly and fifty vear "Mr. Itiilten, New Maelt. jwace eonference. What )fcj friend in the w Utxe Hall. Ih.'w,n had formerly bre a leai-Ji-event the Kamilv lb-raid ha not only iriMnt if Ihe I ji. ia to .(ami aloof i bavin? been arranKed by and who now wa leaving. . . Ueen a welcoyie weekly lllle.l. from Ihe other nation. Ihe local, Teacher Aoeiallou Herein poke Utr Uh mwd ..f lint mic imiMiiable to je and Ihe fhool trustee and offi- rutee and iinlioiie.1 the kren Ikiio" if. The miitni nf die THOSF. who have' money fc rtaU were invitrd to Im pre.en!.!inpret Ihe t.M.k mi (he Family Herald of Montreal has bum hiHild ea the eiml dealer. The hall wa very tatily dc- welfare of Ihe Ujieheri. ( heen mi eonspiriMiu and orated with .Hallowe'en ejniileiii,.jr Work. lie wa ttlad to meet verwhelmiiiK thai I'uIiIi-Ihth IN al) Ihi Moltliral i ri.i- f... au'eh a black cat, wltehe. i,m on (bat oraiou ami lhank verywliere refer to 1 a a phenomenal lowinx Ihe Near Kal ni.i. and iiiiikin and full moon, J-cli(,d them for llie- ...orlunity. lb-Biie.t journal. The prii-e ..f later the rurmy rii at iil .ii. iiliTriitinii to it lotk I'idii erler, llie of Ireland ifunte wa on arriol wa preenteil it -ulouly llmiiglil would Im teller if tlo-v Willi Hiall when the wmb---fuj lever inenl foju. How are the a paper cap made by theint oflener. He alo spoke of Uie leaeher to matrh with the Kener- n, the boanl would uUtin in eontani of I f paper arc inljility fallen! al M-heme of deeorations. Hidden Uie ileparluro if Mr. Ling, i-oiiMldreii. 'Tfoawlio d nl in know it nn, we unerland, f I had a boat hat earn wa a charm, written n,0 r.ioin wa cleare.1 of table in ere. have a ample ropy free hy AiM she wouldn't rare l'.ourl whist wa the aiuueiuent anj rnjoyable a ,,nr event.da,,,. cw a most wi-ttinx lo it PiiblisJier. Mon-1 li'yoiilhlnk I'd have her (real. AImiH my plare. I'd fiie her away TERRACE NOTES To ."nine ld hliio. n''e Efficiency Demands To f ikkr bark eal WHY For Baby's Where Ibr wind alway Comfortable Clothing A WOMAN Clia. It. (lilberl i on a hii-ine blow. trip lu Fort lleorge nnd Woollens The mind liiu top k-o, only when NEEDS A BANK BOOKxSP other Knslarn point. I tilt! laxly is nt wise. C VERY wonun has soma little plan of things she will Mr. and Mr. ntni of Prinee The little woolly aarmente 'i Ten Years Ago j Giinforlnhlo Mctvtiry GaniieiitH nM or Baby must be Kept soft t your wiiiler illicieiu-y. Their mil llupert have moved lo Terrace In Pr'nce to Looae krpt Iq your purse suun gors it tempts you and are iMeupyinv I'liriam I or they will irritate the Kupart j cloM-ly woven fahritu krepyou wnrin To save for the hou-e UIHy vnejilnl by Ilia tender skin. Washed in hut not twt warm. They fit Uly. your money 'things you waat to buy, , Lux suds. October 2t, 112 your Baby's woollens you should keep it liere it onnot trnipt you. Money Ford. fecjiiiH lire Hat iiml HintNith. ran be wvtd awre aurrly ami quicker in a Saving Account will keep beautifully soft The CIMl. ateamer I'ruires tlun by keeng it at home or la your putkrt. Mr. and Mr, dark Wauls and! and fluffy. The thin satin Sophia wa in port iiu, arter-nmin Yoiirexnct fancy in style nml weicht THE ROYAL BANK f'llnily hav muted bi town fori like flakes of Lux are made liinklint her lux run t ln, will Ikj found in u fine .Mercury (iar- by out exclusive season lo Hkaaway. own ilia winter. 1 process, Nhi week intlii iu inoai OV CANADA and dissolve instantly she will be taken off at vn gMM MlOJM. fIS into a lather as harmless as comer and ber ,jjer .'hanged J. M ACI.KOI, Mr. tihrMophersno and her Manager. l children pure water itself. mi minora. I lie prinres have arrived In' Ilujien Ilrmidi. Termee to Mr. flhrlslopher- IH i'f Bsby's cUlk let .May, I'rJliCea llny and oi. bewllslof ike lick Las -lint iTiiitfes l ma l r ire will remain in ikvss, ss the the norllirrp rervb-e. surplus wsisr d ki le dij. renior uleHMgraidiefa' eiam. illation in eiiieJoii with the Vf it rliintlik put. SU Jerry Kuab-r arrived ;t night Y THEQ COLLART, LTD. - nomiuion civil service wra held ny it fuUd pacJuu- from NrW llatelton and aild tlhi- week iu Ihe jllsh rliiMi.i tin inoriiing nn the prinro FOR Itujiert for Vancouver. SALE. I'riHaJpaJ J. lirady presiding. Undenifpar I.1 011 Thin! Avenue, only $600.00. This is n goml The eamlidate war tj. 14. Hum. LUX I.biul. H. I. buy for somebody. ,welt. ami .Mi llemlee I'almer. of Hold medal at MeMordie Ihe won Ilia I Ihe IlomiHIoli Fi"herfe "Mire Thanksgiving lay ahiMit at Me.Mrhnll Rreek V ' HOSltay AND UHDISwiS ' Phone Blue S9. Wsstholma Theatre Block. P.O. Bos 08, and Mi Kelly llartuw. LEVER BROTHERS LIMiTED range today with a aeore nf 7. -""".OMN ANO CHILONtN TmmU hi U'. J. ftreer won Hih aiKer medal KithHanhe for the Duily News, ii iii 1 1 v.1111 urt and Hal W U M