" &ettittla j, i PAflfi FOUR TEE bklVT KITvVS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu, Keep Your Feet Dry I ( rue pcx CHL mc CT jj ( well AT LOT, a."-, ne: ta III J -Mr- II PftlTTTltf tT OME v f YCM tV Hun- . 11 V ArNeAI HAe . I i t o s" bp re - i n v r . x r . v Hi i r.er. -a. i i i i i r r n Wet Feet Lead to Much Slcknett. Scrubbers;I Now on Sale lit lw-il PoiMe, Pi Family Shoe Store "The Sin r Sal isfarM.-n !ihe rhair and fteorjrr NEW PRESIDENT acted a eerelary fur Jam Phone 357. P.O. Box 166S. .Mil-hrl h a not present. Modern ' News Classified Ads. The nieelln adjourned until Daily FOR BASKETBALL nnt Tuesday, date nf rere.e in i entries being extended till linn. S CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ar1-rtlmnt Tahn for L than flOe Edson Coal Co. Laundry Jack Venablea Elected President At ast we are aiiU- to sup-ply In Place of John Mitchell BOARD. WANTED J Chat j our Sport all preliminary arrangement. ' Service Who Cannot Act. AIU: eaall) made m the iilo The ink ainrrreaton i eipertrdinoAltl) Inlander. 83 pee nil I ltalaaa. Number of Entries Were Alao to lie ne .if (he !riel tem Thouaand of men i Aene phone Ia7 tft Famous The landinr in llie Kralrmal 1NMM o Ml iMreainE a. i We offer li s Put In tit the rnnnm?. I 1 - 3 "Iul lasue rnnipptilion txlay FOR RENT niaml for CheHifTeur Me -ban- range ..f v ,, , .1. F. VfnablcK wa rlrtinl how; ft oMielial different mm. Hie ir. Hatlery and I suit ion Kl- i lie CuMdlan National llml. EDSON COAL :in-iitnl f li' Princ Hniwrl plosion than lal year. Hie si. way Mairaiflir rarrie the following Tn RKNT. 5 -.Mttvtrd flat wia l Tel and yow ran tfistvlify fr, tconomy Laundry Servlc. IUk'M! Afiali..ii Ml Hip Andrew anil Son of iWiaM from it I k rorreMnd b:i'ti In giM-d etwiiHU. :,. tin. ar of (hear His pafinaj IraaV Damp Wash; toft FlnUh, infi'lin? mglil in iilare of team art leadinr wi4h three ie. r-nt: i i - 1 1 ' pH-aiin :..r. Kol. ia a few weaVfea at fiall ewtai ; Rough Dry, Dry CUsnini, in any quantity, by the ton John MilrliPir who hail hwti Hi-Kinally orie each and no loe wJiile "lnnal flheriiien' he brrn I tun and s. . nth .... Apdy at HesnpMir Hi .iia atad Pressing and Ojralng, n. or carload. Get your order rlrrlnl, Iml who satr the Valhalla and Knisht f tUtt. M T R"d ! !(l tf Knii.-iiHa .rii.H.i. i rtt I ; and Carpet CteanlSg, sng-the iweltiHic iim ralrhe fri in eaii t a",ii the rush. nut Ire Hint it would Iiiik. iiinhu Irani. Iat year' leader kmh tiranville StreVe anrAtator. Regular Laundry tee. I lie Skvrna and -nidMer mm.HH HKM I. m.xM fur- Phone B8. ill fr him In r nn account lind tliemee ouiPwhat further ; vice. I'lie iAiimer tooril wtxt prnl n f niln- riMin eM.iMI r ; Office of Prince Rupert Feed of the fart that lie wuM ! mil down lhan I hey are art-iistomed .w la I he tlmew We ran iif-i a " a r few Heri at ie I.akele Iwike re. Hi' nlh i 'i 'om. f ifth e, Co., Cor. Second Ave. and of tUf fily for iiiilr a while In In. the former with tw irtorte Your 1 Wlo-n in i j"t or refxtrlral the NliinK llo l-li .'SI Seventh St. Hip rimrne of Ihe paon. and line lo and the taller wil ar ... . lel e and the by lite Knlrin wpi ieil al Ihr one virtory and lwi reere. A And AeMrr.a Canadfan Steam Launilrg old Sminiioinir hole" i alt rmlit W (in-fiina fnun four Senior lram: rhanve -in Hie uual trend of aaa xjttitaaxigtitgTOtg ' hi onl and end Inatay i Anooe wi.hinK idhmI i Phone . Kk. Son of inaihr. toll' and tiling will doulitle add nter. n plan' lept. T. fr hrc feddrr and eild a hotnty rannot d 1 1. r icorge Caf KnixliN of HoIihiiIhi; fmir In. el lo I lie roinpeition. . fee. titan nw Trrra.-e a t..p. f iertnliap : Mk, Sun of )oinl. W'r liave I be holt.-t and i.lBl. Wanted for r.-nernl hou. lanada. CoIIh an lirolto; and The F3k. at aineetlnjr held n rne of the larire) toil irm8t . w-r Apf l M a Y C.. i. American Express NEW CAFE two lailie: Maple l.eaf and Thursday nitilil, dfiled lo ruler Onada. I tie honiinit and filni - ilv. i Fifth A.. If Adanar wilh prrtlH,l f lw nly one Irani in Hie haketlNill tin MkeUe Lake i- firt r .1-- Orders !rnuiMntioa Money We serve the Ret CHOP UMirr. tlii winter that Die Skerna lli i fih h; W I KIl ft hand .-an ' An agreement wild the Fair,our o be. in the Senior I-Hgne.1 nin.i lie g.M.,1 prtre riatlit SUEY an l NOODLES llnard for the ne of thriHxhi- II a found that the material al an inters ling Ida. II. 1. Ihsilv New oWre .' ! Issued on bition liuitdinz for the playinir. availalde made the artieipatioii' III. C r. SiK Slrl and 2nd Aku d the winter (tame wa alun nf the lodge poihle only ! that iPrincc dtcorsc W WTMl - lllrl f,,r ajenrral Norway, Sweden & Phone Blue 471 iaiiiionil. extent. Art tiaon ha Iteen p. HOW FRENCH WOMEN li 'iterworw. Apady Mr. i kt.i Dcnmurk at Lowest - I'ri'-idi-nl VenaMe, a in pointed raplain nl he i makixv, iirme. Wtew. if Current Rates DO THEIR WASHING TORONTO FOR SALE In Centre of Shopping A FORD COUPE FOR AN IDEA! lra4M Without walini iMtihlltf " -ini.uund. and Business 230 ROOMS District tllll With gAI.K Ulll. I'll Ms til viewed.V.eoue.iuaaar tUH, Norwegian Swedish Agents American American fee Line Lin Frvnarti hlrwir hang n Uo-ir 'ah and sea pr riMxith Scandlnsvlan America wiii i eMe. mire. awe. life lhV flnel table hn-n and ' l.ot 31. I line. . See I Meat Line. want a slogan or motto as a eatebline for oar new weekly rHOl dainty liflejerie. blmie. j ;aKiiaiinirainnannoii IrtfMt. WE Journal dealing with all forms of sport, including football, awl wfaMe gMrmrni. eery Lot IS and It. Hlora 32. Hr. Oliver Typewriters pb-rf fe from I rare of tain -zum. Csry Safes baseball, golf, tennis, hunting, fisLIng, etc., and conducting a 10 and .a. Mi-tewama I., lilw. j. FIRC INSURANCE Football Competition clvlnc X1&09 In prtiea. Tbe Aral laiue appeara wtiksul a and a- white a staow. fw e S ..Tin loemlHT J. Isle I? aaai IN. fll.k IS. same, prizes aiauntluj to tliw bavlDS been offered, for a suitable ooe. Tbla Tlie erret nf till urre lie Keayt last ill. Fur fur'If , i liurti.-uur. write will be announced lo laane of November 4th. our the or Wlni.- in Painty equipped Nov we offer a beautiful Ford Coupe, fully equipped, or Its equivalent In cash, prearation ii e whirh ha been Url a all City Tbkri ietN,e. fUm. M. M. BtoiaVwa. if Dybhavn & Hanson Ford Coupe for the slogan to be adopted-SucgriUona sboald be not more tnaa etght words la dlan National Hallway. SIM with Mlf-iurtir BtautU and length, for example "Snapshots and Sketches of Interest to Sportsmen." TUs all ver Frnne for mrr M Third Aviiiir I'll,,,. Itui-Tl. ft. IwlATS, rlREtnes a ad ewaiae fit-llnge; Third Avenue lectric light. whip, slogan competition will close on November ZSlh, and subscribers are entitled to one year. Tim ia not a washing Hhiin.' .'rtli as Aaiek and aalo pari Prince Rupert, B. C. fully uphelttvrtd, Ideal suggestion for every fire week's subscription s-nt In from this date onwarda. la r'rnpKind. nor d it ronlalii slfltes, tienls, anelrara, r cord interior. The addition to Estimate Coupon In the Football ooe Competition. whirh blfteke, eheimral are hanl on peelriedlnea. aeatr. and all-wtather car. To become a subscriber, and at the same time to participate In this com pet 1- RUPERT LADY WEDS fabrir It i nrfMlrly harHi. a variety of miarrtlanron tlon. fill in the coupon below with your estlmste and amount of cash for your subscription, st the following rates: Five weeks. 25c and 1 coupon; ten weeka. (Oc and tr wdution 3ldr lo water in filling al Hw prir. NorUi-rti S coupon; fifteen weeks, 75c and S coopons; twenty weeks. 11.00 and S coupons. Send to National publishing whirh I he linen h garment are A KETCHIKAN MAN Hxrhswge. t( HYDE Co, Vancouver, D.C Stamps and personal cheques not sccepted. Miaked after lt tail u I wahins Ft HI HAI.K.- KVenin uit. liainly While art like mavir Mrs. Johnson Becomes Bride of near, ly aw. alie iii. I jaa smmmi Net mere than ll rentier erferlly nlaiii from Andrew Nelson and Will Lies TRANSFER Competition Slogan Write Has 42. lUily Football Suggestions .w-afflee. Eight Wards ) lea. enlTee. frtill, Mimh, Era. Here rir., and alo hWehe to nnowy if EXPRESS AND BAQOAOC. whiienrn. Ii avr all boilinir A w-rddina- of loral intere! look FOIl KAI.K. -rr..nd baml lype. I" tuy and Night Phone $7,500 w.'iirh ha a trtxlenry ta yHlow idarr at the MrttttaWnt puroonafc'P, writer, SS.na. Phone Mia the artirle ami rwl waelnlay of Kelrbikan. on (ertowrr 21. wliefi Kawia, lilaek 7tW. US.I 3 thai tfih.me bihI nlramy prorwaa -Mr, liinra Johnnon of I hie eiijr Best Coal IN PRIZES KOH aM.fk0i J8r Mine. I.i-tliiilller. Vih'we faniMy rrewaaaprra. 4 wise married to Andrew) Nroai ajf rtnl Prlae See! Prfae ha had the formula for lalivly far iarxn lMdle. I tally Nerwa; $4500 $2000 $1000 W lnle for is KeirHisa. jaa allaiata weve nfftee. ( , year now inanti (I. .Nelm. a bred tier of the Wood Wood fni lnriii ; the preparation in lrpleKCtMM nail il. H Iswranci, a Foil SAI.F..-er, Suuiteaui flak Heal. Stove Lengths, Split FOOTBALL COMPETITION NO. Yani-Miivr . l.Hiewie who de. friend of tier Irriate. ir nod a new. H bo ne Hed ligtH ia a niwy while wali Mr. and Mrs. "Neoon arrived All. 139 2nd Ave. WssL NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO, 436 Richards St, Vancotmr, B. C 2 btHM Irv il: it ia not intended la.I eve tax oa llje I'rinre Mary Out-cf-tawo lubarrlbers abovld mall coupon te P O. Drawer UM, Vanoeaver, B. C. lor ilk r woollen. and wew (riven a hearty WeJeiiHe TAXI Phone 6 SO. I lar this FotbiN Ceffipctltlen with th unrUnSIe tt I ajr te aktSa hy Phone 93 tha eueiuticd rwUt evrnit aama ana ta accept t Auattae'a a4i at nnai at lire some of the lrMe legally binding. Twenty.five cent enclaeeS far floe weka' eaceitii aMItie mm THROUGH fdURIST hrulher. K. liatlirrrtr. Ninth Ave. (Call Cieomr Una te one eetlmatet tOc, ten weeka ana two eetlmatee) TSe, flfuen week ane tneee ettimeteti Ounes Nov. Five.passenirer Touring ijr tl.OO, twenty weeka and five teUmatee. ami Mrltrtdr Hlr.-.-t. Tleey will to bej SLEEPING CARS GO Prompt and Night 8. Let Advise You ay riee Us NOTE Mark with an X In column provided whether you thlab ? HOME team w8t 'niake thir honf Hh ecer MORE. LESS oe tM MM5 number el geaie ae lit th corretpdki gama laet eeaaen. played 4 Stand: Boston OHM Third Avenue TO THE SHIP'S SIDE nly. with lifetime's ei;r NAMC Competition Advertise in the Imily News. CLOTHES CLEANED nee m all branches ' ' NOV. The i:anadian National lull-way and preaed by latest BTF.AM lliiildliiff Trade . ADDRESS closet nnn.iiin.e thai in irii-r lo presalnE process. Mark with X la cceuenn pre Tided. "M" 1 mora; "IT la leaa; --m ama Midnight 3 make r and eonvrnb'tit run. H uits called for and delivered. Brickwork, nertloii willi Fall and Ohri!-utas Phone 64S Stonework, lIT ' Coupon No. Coupon Na. 2 Ceupoa No. 1 Coupon No. 4 Coupon No. I aailtnc from Montreal. Si. TIMSIM SSlt X 44T1. LINO. The Taller HOME TEAM 1 Away Team Slre1 lender. will I reivivrS bp IM etc. John and Halifax for the old Concrete, scoai M L MLS MLS MLS MLS lieotHr Hrr-iei I'm...- Miilirn Bl AUCTION SALES. OmiHtry. they will operate the later lliea wi "li III Sinlli iU if Conducted In Plans and Ppe ifu at a Miee. l. ftir your home. Nalra OLDHAM Attor .V. Kir Mii.heM f fJeaflM ..... following I broil li Turtl Sleep, X 1171 r lUwl I evtu I n wi aft. every Thursday at 3 In fr.T in all uur clients, PRESTON N.E. Ctietoea Tf "l I ( inif Car from F.ilinonliiii l; the hWkr IllMMIiel. h. .Ill H.1 U rnunl frrl p.m. our uf r, HVaaturk Malxui awl urur rooms. Bend In your Roods early. lii( aide without change. Hit , I. yr will Ik urrii fur re OEORQE William Watts & Co. Sunder Und NEWCASTLE U ill UHteel nf Umlier LEF.K, Auctioneer, Leaving Kdmonlnn Nmember rurtlwr urtli uUi. ..f Uh- . lttT rnro Si3 Third Ave, notts ea Blartipool IS and II. for s. "fianada" for irr, nrmm, or IH oi.irnt liiTNUr, Builders and Contractors -J L- erne-o Sown, h.i Phonesi Black 81 6 Red 187. P ' ' llox 823 Phone PORT VALE I.UeriHMil; "Anthla" to I'ly. Cury i. , . i ... . i.u... i TIMatR SSLI S44TS. Office. 1017 3rd Ave ..i T-t - 1 BEAUTY CULTURE iirmiu anil ioni'io, "T aWd T. will If ti-nvrii by thr PARLOR WEDNESDAY CryeUi P. tr;tna" for iilujiiw, nil vailinir.iwirki i rr.ier I'rMMv Huiwri. a ' nuf Phone lllark 0?S. Jobbing Work of all Kinds. later ttiaa awm i He- Viulla .let EXETER C Norwich C f4 f r mi Montreal NnviMiiber IH. enilier. r. i III' .r.h. ,.r Mrrnrr , MRS. STEPHENS .44.., Hit. sear I "i H - Inb-I Aiudher ear leave Ivliiionton , lo rN above Wiuthalla Hi .,,.. NEWPORT CO. Luton T. fun U txiarrt l-kek i -,.,,.. n,.4i, Una t i Noeinliec JM, fr a.s. 'lte(ina" ami ijNlai Third Avenue. WE HAVEj ABEROARC Que l'k. .1:1.: TT lo .ie fivtH Halifax. Ihi . nf.ai i ..r M iimt..at, ,H lie . fr tr llalrdreealnif. 8haiiii...ni Hen 3, aiul leave lniinl,.n aiirtiirt imin, r ih. rtlrf r..roe naiiiE, Marcel Ammunition rr ORIMIBY Crw .j li ti.li,. . me i. .. , i ,,,.. Irr Wuvlng; Violet . lieeeiiilrer 5 and for "Mhk. Vttttrm Hup. 1 1 j ouy ri-rj nun reaip Ireatllient HARTLEPOOL KocImUIo s ii lie" In l.iveejw,,! front Halifax Manicuring. awlltWiea made to and Shot Shells WIOAN B. llmllfaa ..ir leeener Hi; uUp s.s. tiaa-:iiilr" order. In 0la8iw and a la All SUe and C.U CLYDE CUtto ri: ' CHIMNEY SWEEPINQ .... "Atwlaata l .iteiMil liet-em DUNDEE AlrdrleunUoa r-. ber Cars II. lea, Kdmnnlnn !e"m-tiea j Phone I Hue ,! k f(1(. STORK'Slfardware RANOERS l-artkk T. i x: i OLD NICK t.. 1.. aa "Qanada" to !t:illllllieys f Limited every d-.rripo f.iverponl es. Halifax Iiereintier I w'l'1 Work guaranteed. Phono Dlsok 114.