J WMF-N YOUSWANT A Fish Market r. TAXI 99 SPRING SALMON, SOLES, in a hurry Shrimps, Grabs. Fresh Killed Poultry. Phone PRINCE RUPERT Fresh Home Made Sausage. ALL. NEWICARS Northern and Centra! British Columbia' Newspaper Phone 71. v.i XII N PIIINCK lUJI'KHT. H.(i. HATl. HIlAY. UCTOIlKK 28. IU22. Tniixir'i eiraviao ajss. Siraat Salaa M4 PRICK FIVK CKTb Hon. T. D. Pattulo VVoiui LIBERAL CLUB ', LEAGUE IS FORMED BOUNTY ASKED Proclamation Issued in Italy AQAINST DRY MOVE Urging People to Keep Order A Ami nil frntmrrwrnfc ,V WAS FORMED ! I'AIIIS. -X - !. A ON DOG FISH 1UIII1L Ull JtflflfftCf Ulllu Iff filllil ruclijiij; many mil. 4 in race of rascisti movement Officers Elected and Much lion itf fruitc ha been Council of Board of Trade Endorses Hftife & in Good Health thuslaam Shown by pledged Irre.l tf hjr1 tjNrnv Ihe wine In make In. Proposal Bushby of Geo. HOMK, 0 L 28. Tlie rubinel rounril lia. hern in rrion Younger Group itimr fiiHJniglil in onJer lo receive reMrt frurii Hie pruvinc-n a niril' rurtial;rn liere the Fhm tli inovemenl had taken a Milnersive ilirertioii A ini.l of lnlihr I ... airaiiitl pfiiJiibHion in the llrorjtr WiOl VKIl. Oi l '.. ,',k,.,l iB t .a .if.i, hiiii f u.i in.,riaffl I.I ill I lT Lm itFH'-..m r I'nilinl Stale anil other 4 thai In uruVr In rl, llir nf ami in order to udopt nerenary nieunirrn lo meet the situation. ;v ...titer. r Ml ,lli lUe ijiiUuok at fl mil wry Uv-j .., ,nirrri counfrie. f lli- flahl will 4 llir OrnlrirrtKr ilnrili amJ Tin' i-iibinet derided first lo iiie a proelamatioii derlaring Wrei,n,, f IM a rhile uf -iege in ull the pruvineeii hill the latter decision wui hark and alo lu .i,k- to general tn ttit-nl of capital tn Catuaduiu in- 'MrM be wnjrft) thrniiiili riironriiy oi i n - 1 fir Dominion -should give ita earnest attention to oc ur- .n.r-, f lf rMj , newly aVorpnired Inter. 4 imlifirv a irmniv r luo ami a niiHlified unil u pnx'lanialion ws iiiid urging the public to ..ill.. " . I II.... It II-JI..II.. ... : i .. m-w ik.iiii4Iiim wa fontted to national leWio- nscallint 4 ilf or llirrr iliallurx a Ion be niainluin onler in the face of iiiiirre-tionar alletnpli'. ijr inr-r. ruin-, i-iii., imii. i. i it limin, niiiu.irr 01 I.iiuj., (. ,mi) , ((,,. ,bral A.I- . ,, m- rr..irn .rum r.ngiami. A prohibition, Willi head- 4 imm lor tin- a'trMeiiini ofi T'f "I,M I"' n"IHMM that Canada .hoilld ;i.I- huiaiu a..cm.'..l win shown Mwrli lha-rr en I... iHMrltT" tier". 4 Ihr. nr,. of .he .en -" INDIAN SHOOTING BLUENOSE GETS f n.r.i.llv- I imlivHllialor whilr ijtiruMi ov llir roowil .11 llir lirallhy elriir-'iiui sn all full f i.re.rnl, np AFFRAY IN YUKON r ,, ,,nU fn.m Itr.i. ii ..ii.l Ihr I'mlf.I 8 late, lint from olher rW Utwnt ir. in mnxi- Imard of lrar at a ttHwIinz iri... .. .. yrli.rdav aflrrii-Min. Kml hlork. (-........ "-- nrre h In nMlirp Ihr rau CUP AND PURSE .Mivrral naim lur nut anttctpaL ((iw.rr- .li...n " who wa irr-rnl ai llir mrlln2 Hoolchl Joe Kill Mr. HooU LLOYD GEORGE inu any prnnil inrlmnt nf hrw: wri. FISH BANQUET iriwr.-iln3 Mi.i-rii nilirli at! mlrrrl proioivrtl In Ihr, chl Jim and Wound Hootchl iiriii-ii raiiiM in iiiiadian IH-IU- llmi fn.. Bht Hun. I Jim All Proteste Against Vessel by takr Ihr tnaller iii al Dltnwn al TODAY Irn-. l .r-rn Hiahtly or Mai-ai-iuir Kig. TUESDAY NEXT thi. rarlimi poniblr oaeaion. Opponents Wire Disallowed GLASGOW iwronylv ihi- (iraml Trunk Hail-' Hon. ir.rm. Vmi Sli.rk.' II.WVSIlN. a-t. JH. In lli...t. ii by Commute ay l'...i-. Iir lMni nwni Utr M.I' villavr nrar I'.liaiopaune ltinlinit. i rraoimi for niifaMn hl' roan-; I't r.iairnl. bH Mirin. nSH ARRIVALS Ihr Itnynl liiiailian Mounlnl I'o-lirr ONE OF CREW DROWNS Boarl of Trad. Fisheries As rllmrt by Ha Thoutand invrliKalin? lioilina It i i...in iii. imnU. !., Ilwliih lia. are a ftopU Whom Ha Addraaaaa elation and City Council affray In whi-rh Mr. HiHilrhl Jim i.-lary, "m lli.lwrz. Units Forces I'ollr lillilml IiiihIk lliarkrlrtt lWI T.KSTi:il, Ma... Oct. 58. lMi'i-l..r: Jan .Willr. J. (j. wa killril ami her hubanl ealrhr lolallinz Hx.ood hiuihI Tin international committee l S,llV hl. ','K. f'..-lii.r LIPTON WAS naiaii J. J. MiM-in. K. W. I'tMlri ailar wllflI. Mr.llotthi Jor. Who Ihr J tml i( n the Fih Ktrhaii.r I hi iimmi-Inx, In alia .hr ll. fi-li ...u..'. . ' .l"il rf. airviiia Hfnnilia. II. I . Urtt. H. K. Illa- iUm lriiir. tliiMrl l.raiiMi ..f II.r Ihr arrival am -alen lHz hi Ihr nhootlntr. i. in eiilily at the . . , " aw-anlrd cup lo the Can- nO. rii.ii.n VlMMI ..ir tli 'II I Fraaor. M F. V. M.-r--la.I ntMrHn aMi;ili..ii llir rMr follow: hilr llor.e. Ilrr a i i Kir In Jillan M-liooner lllnrnoe. AIo il him hlllllillicitll (. DELIGHTED I hr mmiiiir lrv ho a fi f Ip.innrM ami ihr tr of lralr. a linfirrr. lll.lMHl mmiik1. lo le Ihr Indian rllaar Miy hr wa ... . I m ii'J.'rriitu l Ihr l.i.-ak- priiirtiir wbirh NMmartinl !huMMttirl HI N lu'l-l on Te:iy lliii r'iahersr al 13-Ir. aMtl Vt. Jut eray bol onr dreiarr lhat ... .. ' . , ., , i Ihr fnaliii.Hi thai "tb Vlrii-: vrnnv nf Iw rrli'hrillr Ihr A I In nlsr. So.imio imiHI, and Iherrwa. riMjhlr hrtwrrn h..-V, . In.at were di.altowrd T by in u u li"'ilir ami in' WITH RACE In a.nnrr tHr ranr ol l.ih-rralivm annual l'4-li llay. HrnliHel. J I,olio iHinnd. to Ihr familie. Ilie MoiiHted Pulh-e ar- tinaninoiu drruion. "iiiiiiian Hi ! rannull anal ! lanbiir Hi,. riins; Il ha hrn ruclooiary for (lana.Han l'lh .V O.I J Stornue tryinsc .lo a.rrrlain whrthrr the lhrt lirmrre. onr of the Itlur. i ' imlulir In puny hirkr-' Willi II rrlrWmlr Iayrr i. a iitiirdrrr. or a lima- yriirralii.ii apiril. Ihr iaal vrar r two lu I'a al I t.lr. ami V.Zr. nor rrew and a nrphrw- of Capt. i ii' iiuarrrl. unUI lr na- Saye Ha Could Lift America To Inallarf troilr In Ukr an! I hi- rr. In tin- rtly I a Ik", I'nltliak. 7.0O0 pooilija. lo llir Waltrr. wa. found drowned in a firi'i i aaain. Cup With Walters and intrrrl in Ihr anr rillliri( ..f rotoinv OMtBllrf. flhla IreillZ Ihr ltnailian l'ih .V Gold Moraye TaM" Moiirr.ier llarlmr. Walters i , ' hr I :!) 'il r tnlrl Crer hp I'rioer ltoM-H r.nnnn.r.n roiinlrjr 'xi.'ulii iiMlulr- a. at lair ami tr. uUiuKlOL lAKII soin hark lo l.uneiihurir by rail i Willi r- ility I ha i II wa al-i arrMiitfi-.l I hat llir.,,, n ,S irraion it I uz-Hm '"M'y ani' "lr Hloeiio.e I BOSTON, Oct. 2S. Sir orsranuai ion h.Hil.l inn mi jj.-.ii-d ilial ihr nhrrnrn hnula MDC ITIKj. HIM UAH JAdUUK I4DA1ID OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL both bark with flaics at half inat. 'in In tfc l.ii.'ir nianl. Thoma Llpton, who wltnet fiultlir fuoetionaa mri.uw it- ,j..in in Ihr rrlrlrTai ion bv alli'Hil- f.iriijr .i. i'ilrr aM il aed International Schoon )oirr ami hfHtM oryaiiUr 4t. inn t la limii't m i Tu"lar Pleasant Evening Spent at Homo m . .i a eh' rrii'lif I er race, wat greatly pleated lhal' analhoiH whirh "uMi Tli. I..nr.l of Trade riHineit ENGLISH LEAGUE POLICE CHIEF Local Friend of Merchant by . . 1 1..ti. r- llh Hit'' over the retult and declared I -1 iii I m i - iiiirt-..i in .nilii- af- riui.i'..i ill.- -. in'iiir at iiaiiiri-t. First Division n j ! ii ami r-i It to be the flnetl aalllng ila" Miiy i'l. nc aftr n-mn. Arrrual I. Nrwea.tle I nilrd '.'. The ori-aion heiiiK Mr. Ja- jimI orrit"l ilh aniilv race he had eer wltneeeed. I X I..-. II M- If I.I IMI-iti W andrrrr :i. A.Inn Villa IS SUSPENDED bour' birthday, a larite parly of ii lUily X r M I "The aklll dleplayed by llirioltizhaui 2. Midillbory . a 'cut faVaK-r. It ml both ahlppera wit truly !: ::::. ... .company was ItlavkUu-M " lUabli- eJiklUaiu- anal i.H amailng and to Captain Ur.Iiff l,ity 'Sl. lJriHf. lcrne. b-l nl.l ahd rofnplete- .wieui. coi. eiaiiray or ananiiooa I- million "f , 'lH--lrl-il Walter I hand the palm 'f or Sundrrlaml I, Oirl.ra I ly iirpHrl Ihrni. W'lil.t wa and Subordlnatea Blamed -iiK Mir m-..i(i- ! or.-i true aportemaiithlp, when, METHODST CHURCH TlNtU 51,IaW l.xrrton I. Nnllinaliato ?. played eaHy In the eenlny. the, for Robber Gettlna 1: rliai'Ui- th.- a on the fourth leg, the Pord'e lludder.rirM .1. lid ham 0. prie lliiir won by Mr. Hriht i .-hi l- iii m ih im'-! par gear gave way and he Muiu-Jir.lrr t:ily ?. I'mlon X. K. .wa and MaeOoHald and J. Ilurj.4e.. flrnl. ;Dellghtful Concert Presenla-i k-ti" Iiiii- i ' uhl ' promptly doused three of hla More Liquor' Charpes Were Laid Slokr t. Sheffield I', n. t tlon to Mr. ard Mrs. E. V. ami Mi M. Ilurarn and Jaek I In Clt Police Court This ivvintii i m i kite. W.l llroniwwh 1. Tnttmlmin I. ta hn"i' Ling Features of Last I Mornlnai llnlKrr. eonMilation. iMneiinf M ;,;,.; 'Wo,imf "I consider Nova Scotlans i Night's Proceedings Second Division wa. then enjoyed ami eaui. fire , . ... ,,, the greatest sailor In tha ! ' 'Ihr Noiilii-rn l.iinr lUt.. I.lil. lUrn.ley I, Stekrl I. OMS were iinv lo nrroOH'ani- . tUrum ...i,-.iiu,. DOUBLE SHIFTS world, and feel confident that , A lowrr in hii nf III,, forth-lwa eharirml in ihr ixdirr r.jrt ltlai'kKM. I, l Hum t. loenl. plajixl by Mr. Uuliei on iir I could lift tha America Cup MrlhiNii.t Ladieii Ahl'lbl. otornuM with unlawfully Ilraiifi.nl I. South slu. 0. bw .u..ji by tltb roNinm llir Ullliar. llaial nmn.lUta un iui...I t"u I ..f STORES with CapUIn Walter and hi llhaar Iih .lawa lail ui.M IniM-HlliB Iwo boHh' of in on t:rlal I'atarr I. Ilary I. IheeMllriwof thr birthday eake. ., raii.lr- of ,i., Iir,,iiirial LIQUOR hardy band handling my jlhe rsnirrsi al fMne. Km-'.July 31 !a! and fatradrd snilly. Uerby I. t Gentry U. refre.hii-Mit were erved and ,hc boat." hummm ..r Ibr nMtai'i uriiriml.'l flu.- of SIOOO brln UllH.tll. 1111113111 0. Manehe.ler V. V. cunir, foltvweil. the palherinit ,y ,.rjplurr ...I.?1oMup men I . . ... i... ui i.. n.. Sir Thomas Intends chaU : I.m.a inair.. m moijiii a Hull Cilv :. Ilotlierliain, 3. ina wrre a roajrrrt ami a er. breakinsr up in the .nrall hoiirij,,, Mil Ba Atkad for In Order to lenglng again for the AmerU arHtutkia lo Mr. and Mra. K. V. (ritntalr, aw-an-d lr Hie eni-Lim. lieeter 1. I.erdi United I. wunilHz witta Ihr irHiiis of... pM..,MM.1. We.Jnr.day.... .. al-llhl. Copt With Bootltflgtra, aayt ca Cup, Nott lunty I. 1. m -laff.Miiiii hip irir-- nun ailf lii" pony. rfllirre hearty rhrer for Mr. Ja- brforr the robuer, wa Commlaalonar Falconer roorrrl. wliM'h wroi-rrdedl .lar-r azain-l refer iiiaek The U'rdne.day I. Clapton O. I I air. l.-iiiiiniili.'il - Arrlolrarwolirainrolr, ol an- Hir howrr. liMtk jalee in Ihelaml rrrd IMiiHtrU or ellin? Soutliampton 3, W'olvrrliupmp- Thw.e nre.rttl were Mr. and, . . Mi mil's iki. :a lai-,rM,.r. irH.l rrrnn Ike .mlh I'hurrli. Piano nolo wrra- Birn iwhi-key Tlir.i,li llietr iTant ton 0. Mr. John M hill-June. Mr. and hi' Inn lam .. ui.l'- hif- ,, ,,,. I'ri nr.- HllOrrl Ihi tnorn-ii b Mi iranl and Mi M. I.aii.jand azuin-l lion Self and I rank Third Division (Northern) Mr. Ilnliek. Mr. Heth Maedon- IrlAMilb,,ly,..r AuKfctMtlll urn. ir liipi.T j(f -llt ii, an,.. r Ari'h- ea.lrr. Mr. and Mr. K. Si.M'k-. Strrn. uf . rllniit oeer cloniariy. A.hiiiiiton S. f.h ?.terfleld . old. the Mlr Chamber. Mi., K.-.-iiiiB Id-in ii unUI ,i.,oi and Mr. I' H. Ihanir. ll- Mli. a duet, and I- . wrre rrad ami adjoairnnirul made Harrow- i. I'.rewe Alexander 0. May llnrwr.. Mi.. Annie Walker. CANADA AND FRANCE 4 in lh n.-iii - '"' Koiirtli Ar.. Ka.l. Ho will I.iny and II. llijiHin wrrr until Niim-ioIht Hail of i.Ofl Wull-all S. Iiarlinaloii 1. Ml Sarah Mi-Lend, Mi.. May - I al the fun . -i -m - f I'" i kanksTh in I00 ami lfulifax -,.ai'li al iweial ol'H.I. in llir whi.krv HartleiMMil 3. i. lleid. Mi. Mabrl V.'ir.-. k. Harry Hon. W. S. Fielding Is In Paris .i'iiii- Coin i m i.-i J II. rr irrr lo br atrial IS) SI. Kollowina Ihr roitwrl. Ihr in tin- Ini'i rai' wa. "allowed. I.im-otu I'll) V. Ilradrnrd 0. Maw km. Sam Jabotir. Jack Hur- Foe That Purpose f Ihr l.i iii-ii Itoanl. .,ri . Okurrk lomornnv and tri-.rntalhm of a kaii'Nome M. i.niial. i-.-.i i'ulrd the de Xel.on I. Tranmra lloer 0. (;. J. H- N'-ilon. (Utlph Mar ' Today i inn- IimIv i Inn I will ri-turii kotaar lonewrrow br.l of ronauooiil ihrr wa friu-.. nt an-ii i IbH-loUh' 0, lirinisby Tnwu I. iK.nald. Juuiiin- Tln.ma. Jaek JAIIS. Ik'l. 88. Hon. W. S. may he .' - I o- njs,. made In Mi. and Mr. I.inn. Ib'v. W'iuan Horo t. SoulhKirt w. Huln. i . J Ki.-ld and A. C. XichoU. Kirldinir. Canadian intnLler af i. I.ii a ill lo Willi hoot- U. U. Ilneker. who or. i.rd.1Hf 1 1T rnnimC W'rehaui ?. Aecrinalon t . whn.r Irath' l Imarlv1 o aaHiioion. Ihr forioer 'loetll and finance. 1. here for the pur oe of mad.- Ikr iMMre. lre lljlAil I UUUlJTU Third Division (Southern) ' I mi in llir rwiiinv. rintrirnl rnlUH-r, i in town roncli,diiii! ami .imitn? a roui. Itar ut"r a ifiai whim. um- Hrentford 1. Hriiihlon and It . YUKON RIVER nercial trraly belwern France and loatay on Inr .leamer I'Murr rhurek lo Mr. nnd Mr. I.lnv. Ilri.tnl lloer 0. Milwall U. , RAILWAY SYSTEM IN Nuprrl iMiunaJ for Hyiler wkete for their lots? nnd unUrinir t-virr. OLD COUNTRY Charll m I. Uueen I'ark II. I. unaila tariff.which will modify the ex-stinii k will .o.nd thrrr or four titr Iter eoaisretiaau. aUo F.xeler I'.ily 1. Swan.ea 0. STILL OPEN SPLENDD CONDITION wr.'k inlallintt a Itelro l.iflhl Ike reiirel lhat wnukl W (ri mi Mi rthyr I, Newirt 0. ulanl. Mr. llliiiiMMi i. now ea- llwsr Irttviiw l)aP cily. Mr. and Manifestos and Speeches of Nnrtliuuiiiti.n 3. Abordare I. GREETINGS CABLED TO N.llahlirheJ in Yaneouwr aa alea uiUUI. Rival Faction are Con Mr. Litis replied Swindoei 0. No Decision Regarding I" - ... II. ..... Norwieh t:ity 0. This Is the Latest Open Season SECRETARY. FOR COLONIES u oi me iri-r nr..-v.. ITar julUrrtnn then aliourwed fusing c yHaeer Plymoulh A. I. Luton 0. Work Until Sir Henry In History of White In I'Jerlrk" firm. the downalBlr iuarter wkerr lo Port.unmtli U. Headline o. habitant Hon. Thornton Arrive l.o.NKOY Ot-t .'K. Itiiiht - rrfrrliiiHnl. wrrr rriil nnd II. II. Aiuilh made hit fir.! houlheud . Krilol V.. 3. OTTAWA. Oct. 28.- The aov- ' AW . iirt. '.'M. i.ralaam I. II. Tioailin-nn ari-oiinlant Ihr two hower ka.kri. one adder, of Ihr ratnitalvn chiefly Watford 5. tiillinaliunr t. OAWSjO.N, Oel. 28. --II11. 1 rrnor Oeneral cabled the luke of nf rail- for the W'Ualen I'lilp A Iaaer hoik" nnd Hlr oHarr geulleuieu' llir SCOTTISH LEAGUE Hie tales I ooen -en.oii on the onhire retfanhuif Hie ap-Yuktaa it'-niilv iiiiu lt -1 deiioiuieiiu hnlh l.tnyd Mho irllll I Willi the '... . arrived on Ho- I'rinee llll- were omiied. An uiutetMii) ftm lienriir und Honar Law parlle. First Division river in Ihe meiiMry of i,,oiitncnt a eerelary of the I -1 hiri'i'loi ! Ihr l'.ll-iininal Mri from YnneouviM. Ho i . HMrn.a lot ol iau work ami oilier He said llrftaiu had the u.ual Aberdr.'ii 1. Hamilton U. white re.ideuln the end oflvwloiiien: "All your old friend in liiat and will lenve loinvni w uw urtU'lea' for ale had beeu ilonal Oetober .eetny llr river .1111 Uilwii from an Mrlai'le of Iwo uf the ailtlmr Airdrie 1. tHyde I. ,, Dominion join me in hearti-o(aeu Prini'i. John for lhurlon liar. ed il fouud. for Utile .lu.li was I. reesl a iee.jMl Atloa Hibernian ,.onralulatioii." . trii ..I I In' road a of the roaliliou wri(luir rival bor. I he rr.rnlalion roiniiiillee Xaviiialk.n is IIU i.ible be- -lUf, In -n I he ylem ridtaph upon it tnndi. Ayr ltiile.1 I. Morton 0. lhlWl. rrplied: "Many iili-mlid i-iiiiditiiMi and oiMiirl-ei V. II. lkruih. M. T W'inalou Ohurehill, wrilinv Celtic I. Hanifer 3. Iween Oaw.on and W hile Hor.e ,,UMkB. Breriig t t,d ii r.oolkon an-ivril from l.n I-. win. .i.i.ll und three dredue .till Hlhli, in larjie are Heart I. Kalkirk I. frjenj," the hed iutl man) -- nil. boomiiiy all alonu llUert from a ik a -Mib..iitrr on Ibr I'lini'e nakinv the re.enlnlion. and Third Lanark I. illtfailiia o. alnnr llir creek. 1. . .... Motherwell I. Tin' nut look appear lo be r - feato Bondrmulnir the Anpiltli i (hi iorHin ami win '""i1 'r llev. (I. II. Hurler, llrio-iul ur Parlirk ThUHe 3. Albion lloxrrs ( They line now lo operate until a, , 4 4. 4, . a 4. a 4 4, 4, 4, , 4 l in ynir. aeouii ana epm.tinr nravr ri.r.l..u llurbor uli the rriner ronitemenl wvre looked afler hy Chri.ima. lloers 0. lumVe 3. arrived llailh il' ti-iiiii. liuM- hreu fear of the l.abor.hocialiat -ai'illtilt deaelopinrnl or e. Joliu (olliillll. inemlier of the l.adie' Aid. iiHivemenl and UUjfuraiiihif Ike St. Mirren S. KUmariu-vk 0. THE BOY SCOUTS " work uulil Sir llenry iLilklMMliiOr elasae for Mil llouar Law imliey. C.liuri'lilll HARRY GREB KNOCKED LOCAL ASSOCIATION I) ri'turim In C.iilMiilri. STOWAWAY ON PRINCE a.k In he aivepled a a Liberal C. O. Clarke, repreeiitative of Wnery am) Busllsli fr l-.dwa.-d ff'i"'-Jr. and free trader tandinr by W. I'.. Hudiie. Ikiuidator for the OUT HARRY WILUAMS T Ii r annual tfeueral Km STOPS wHI mm of Him.III Seliool. RUPERT GOT TEN DAYS Lloyd ileorK''. drfunet I'rine,. Itupert I try loe.k iuvcUhu of lit member PAYMENT OF hHhol.l HMlaail I.udy A.lor aioke u Plymoulh A Kna-lneerinv tka.. arrived from I'UOVIUKNCK. Oct S8. Harry of thi As.nelallon will GXP. BONDS INTEREST i iiuniteneiay Monday. TRIED AT OCEAN FALLS and .aid if her ronl)tuent rt. Vancouver on the 1'rlnee Itupert lireh, American lisht lieuvy-welalil, bo held Ih the Cily Hall. ii... W II. 1irre. nf l"rt nerled eondeinnallon of l.loyd taday. champion knocked mil Polle (kiiirl. on Arvnday elurnotl tin 'Horn J. Iledford, a Biowawuy on the deoryr and Halfour I be mut luirry William, light heavy, eveiiiliti. Oetober 30, lJ3 f '"VImiV. u,t ,n. I.loyd'a ..ltaaBi. r it from .trainer Prim e Hnp.-rt la.I ,Mon. lint euine to her. She alill ud. Corp. Ni-wiiham, who wa rt. weiitht chamtiion of Knxland. in at 8 p,m. lia- ii'ri'ivnl a eable fraani in. am Ihr I'rin. e Uuo. day on the uthlMiuml trip, wa mired both fr (he great iiallou. ceully tranaferred from Una Ihe fourth of 'a twoivat round All frieual of Ihe loove. '- :1 1'' amrllliiat iilruellon- a trip un.'ourr. Ukan from the hlp at Oeeau al work they had done but remained lloyal Canadian Mouuird Police bout. Hieul are HMltetl lu lm ' :,v the couiMm tin N..V- I. il... u..M Liwll i 1 inn' FuM and vamlenUy. on Ilia re ludeneiidi'itl. to the Ihi'Uritneni of Indian Af IM-Weat. "'"' ' ' "ii UoimI- i'iiv i-i mil I he .. I. Ill ..Ku.ll... tlHlMV Oil ,i " "..r il... "1...1.1 h wu tried John Hums, the ejen labor fairs iu tin Xaaa Hivrr dutiicl. 1'. M II . post nun. 1 hi S. Hatelt.JtHHM. Kee. ' " iirani'h linea imaiantrrd IHK man, - rr. Im,!,., luui.lrlH Hill un.l fmiii.l leader, will run an iudepen-Ui returned from llir south on Ih oeetor arris r.1 from YleUoia ou .l.miuir Prllli'i' oi'-'M ""i No reuuin i re- Ih l',"" - ' '" U"s ul tu Hal I"' i.-m-. M'H'.'t 1 -nay t'lr Mr'uce Hiir-t 4' 'I'liriiil!- ,.i f,., eli-wuii H'. .-Iianyi- ni 1 -