vi'ui iliiV ft. '..In PAGE nix THE DAILY NEWS toollllle han't lxn doing very much IslMy and the effrets of the THE MANAGEMENT WE GIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION TO Waterfront Whiffs liipnd venter have rvidrnllv OF nENTAL PROPERTY Intruited lo our car. WESTHOLME THEATRE off. I had worki'il prmtion ( it you need the services of an agent of known reliability and experience who It a good collector of rents, thoroughly will Coiitinufil from Vnu In kit-Hive h'a(i parly and it laol was night sonte thr Tonight, Saturday, 7 nn-J 9. 25c and 55c with rental values and leasing conditions, conversant Harry ai.m, w up a- f i Ani'itiK lhoe pMHifnt wrrr ior. attend to repairs carefully, pay water rates and taxes when I'ort 8iinpon hvit lai Siinitioi. Hlmy Hipp, ilo- "due, see that Insurance policies are kept In force and who wuh n parly of frlniil- Rh , and one iou hai H :tt.'T iiiarvel: Jimmy mil Ihr will remit to you promptly and render you detailed statements, on a lii)firt (n rtnaMhii-. tailed this golden vn p. snord 'aHvwer: Mr. rim and; brew trill know "The ride. you Queen Ihc consult us. Dii arrival -f that th na;w uou aTnfnl M a WaN-i. thf niilkman and! H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. Slar(on the native of li. a'way -Vjl' Ititiffb, aa drivr thr! Rentals. Insurance. Real Estate. ihem Kn stiwvti asham for, It gfATa a $. Toniaiy TkMigh, thr I bevy of lxanty wlinh ni i in s ly. Lilly li nly. wot I from t Jrk'n of i!ap. khave iH.ndhy rutt. not Utah Xdles to add a vim LAND ACT, f u' the pa try ,x a intintiow to abl tiior wa Aprnt. . v nonce or arrt.v to hi LCASt LAND. iie; and hat of other of Sheba" lnl Uaniiurl brtnar Itfld In rrbwe Unpen t ttut tnir1-t Reronl-int u! . Ktart-d tff Willi a VARIETY DIMrtrt. cua.t nur S. B.C. and til on MiHiday nishl. uain 11 rniir. ml run rniwr Ruff rt, a g d feral of tripe ard itar iniitxMtuiH ran or o.T.r. nr. brMr is the spice of life I month nt Boatyard Crerk on norik New Cannery You'll aha hke and "da water. I doti't ahnre of 'Irrni alter. what wa in llae IHur or We find the ti'iiiniid , Takr Monro ihal I, Brrt Bitter, ft Charlrn Nrl4Hl of S-al I BBBBB ISAUOOVUttttr world's same Mayrpnrt. B . orrupatinn farmrr. WilrwJ. fBBJ Hp - da ivater Nil after lr ra The story of the greatest love. for variety even in Apples. I lo apply tor frtmucum I kiw the fl-dr.rribrd ban b Hartkmlarly ru-v i . J ;i.n(y i"ili I uVdvr kIuhI and' land.: CtmmeiuMnK SIS I) calmhi? w.l J fruit, wlm I. . bo Stupendous Spectacular Sensational No matter how good or itrrl weal of paal planted tt the fwnlh-wl .wa l" d all the kkiive. r ihovj mrwr ir 57. Ban t. Cal mrdiBff lo refiule. par - . how popular certain Apples iDMtMirt B.C.. timer I 1 wtterty dire. hi.VP tiied I" pull off MHite Hill! in their respective seasons, ItlMi frrt a Inn a O.T.r fly., tbenr In I !- Hi QUaltly anal -i. ' FOX NEWS GAZETTE are, ! anatherly dlrertinn to Inw ratr nark. liavr a wil r-pnlaHnn. i lia i. 1 ail ii)"i'- fluiil shJ bit Tiiohov wc find a certain percentage ithriK In an ra.trrly direction ahmr law I . ..Ii tvli" prtrvevl a Imich nut nater mark In a point rflrertly aoalk or the ha a swHI IHtlp aitttou i.i.t . of Hie public who pnmi or nnmen-etneni. ihti In northerly r 1 i Uidn t trl tar in hi' direrttan lo point of eunmeore-meat. ninnin? Willi a f tiiiui: II want other line. lo-elbly some ii u'i'1 Kul laM nail HH-e and eooumini t crr r lea. i al ir'"nl illni np n . i - lliey want a different BERT BITUR. I'l-l a- we were in the uuddb' ame of Applicant. fi.urinz out an autonuitn' w id colored apple or a different taim Sept tth, I ttt. j rral ip si limr Podife. that brry piekpr. taste. ctBTiricATC or laeaovcacNT, id.- .M.illr lad yaaj kiMrw. rani' Th irlifMnr In i m- wn However it is not for u W.aav," -rrsony ino dik" anl .l' ii-iair in hia ptjama- anl You stand chance "Htm nraE o. t." Situale la one by clock work, and wh-n wkihhI a lo decide.. :CHBt.OTTE VI5I0 DIVISION. Sk.CE.11 wit 11 1,-,I In nlart Mor(liiRr. i miarantrd t... up pick DISTRICT, Iwatrd on Lotnae lland. up At any tale wv have Tak NoUr that I. that. 1. M, anything. rvn dime. W in n th.-invrHikm wan't li'inf in larll"Jg oiirthiHK found an apple of a different fm amy Nlneri dty Certificate from th No.rttte limit..hereof, Intend lo i not l lorikinst rilhrr. hllr w wrrr trvtna i. color and alo of a different or apply Improvetnenta,to I or kiaiai ttt nerortlrr the purpnac for Ortinrat of obtain.: brrif. Cliartlr will pmlialdy ill- III.) T. i-i in-y pull Kilio)- Hipp nrHH.1 l'oU r.t to win a $135 V i'It I HI i' hit-, tin i i li.,- til!! taste Try a box of .tut a Cronn Gram of tbo abor dalma. ! wind It up and ri H hwn-l i-nlo ib- Inbl ami tacked lb ; 1 And further tak notice that artfcm, -i l"l MilCW II.1 1 II,' (...- Hill whop- darned AhuHiHir irmtrli of under Strtion Ik, mun b eoanmenred be iown jhi i r ir nwr- i :J-!11H.1 Grimes Golden Apples for the I u tlx- of aura Ortinrat of , I'lr l)i I II.'1 rlliM,l Hale, rte., iirt lw the flonr. A; Improvement. iray maiiitr lyin ariHtRMt iHr Diamond See tliis line in our store Laird tbla tint day or Atitaau A D. Itf. i in in.I. lurk woold have it Ijidy nm. Ring ! C. J. BEJSEV, I and taste il. we Vnow iu nl lb mttpiil "f th plant i little wa doirw a Utile viltiH(t or CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT. I to- IMiiko, -rtt. Andy Audr-r. I ihJM have FOR ONE DOLLAn. will atri' ihal il is a winner. lakrn rarr of ilootrlirally. Mfir br lrr an-! "IROS Dl kE .Ko. I.- "IHOS DIKE !. --Mel The pi n e very reus, J, MHii't rrartioa and ARFIFLO" son. pwil h TlaurM) iMiyr.1. In erapiliB up lire brk-! 3 DIAMOND RINGS AS PRIZES Muvril rlaua. Sitaat In 01 rr.1 CHAR. mi.riiinaj fur Uar hirh afkola ufLn on able. I.OTTF. MIMXO DIVIli1. SkKF.IA DISTRICT. Captain Paddy llayttaon i rti i nwk-ry iKtrtHhy KUh not a On View In Window. Tak Loratrd Mntii- that m L.miiiw I. Alt.liland.Rorri, Frre !at ialalli in hi palatial rr-i-dnrr a anTtil rfL fin lie in Imr fMisrr, and Mr. TICKETS WILL BE GIVEN AWAY WITH EVERY Rupert Table Supply Mlnrn i rriin -itr .1 f7iiR.. Iniro.l alttv on ,MikHil Point and I H 4. StMir lipp H on the Ihi Iter andi DOLLAn PURCHASE. day rrtxn tb itato Im n-r, i.i apply la th McCaffery Wharf Busy fottiidalion f lrih ndinv nearlj brtdtp hrr new yar rrolu-l Mlntnr R'"rr tor ortiftrat nt Im-ptvvMienK, an al Phones 211-212. tar tho purpi. uf nfcialalnf Ihal kmt i -iaitlih) Thr Prinrc AIIhtI arrHiwI from litipn. I'Nr kilehrai ke like . Finest Selection of Jewellery, Silverware, Cut Gists, a C.mmn Rrant if thr .'lalraa. iiiiw an thr Mitiili oa Moinlay wtHi m Ivory and Ivory Sets, Umbrellas, In Northern B.C. to choott And rurthrr tak txrti" that artlon. fa-l. Tli" vi-w from lh hay firl linr iFrrint- alallon an lov urxlrr 'tl niKI br r.innml be-furr ton of rnkl hiwI VI toaan of pia. from. RIGHT PRICES. the Itiaanr or aarh Ortinrat or wiixlnw'' nf hi -rw rrui'iir brother IrH alol al wwr. 1'iHli.r lmpniinnt. Irr for Ukr Att.rl .V. .Mrtiffrry ttPHked all Ibr i irwly retuarkaMr. lir ran uptairn aHnjr Datd thia titt or Anmat. lift. day ALEX ROOEH 'ihf niKki fall ami rvrn hrar tna lnlrrtn. Tvttt i-ar lat of flr-rsrtianT Bjaiiae with a pot of jaKi w laii Ii In day brwak. luutfcrr an rtwta4 Li Itot nnrlj pMterel all ovrr lb Max Heilbroner Christmas arrive by same boat over tbe wei iMNteloltie. II wan nontr nialtl all Oets Blp Buck nd. riabl. W hen yoti write atrain gel Jeweller. Third Avenui ilapt. Harry Wrlsblaaaii. f your Mler printml. I'.S. Jimmy ,1111111 iiu fann wa tfifl al Shaw. Thr Johanska, Jipl. Wick, aflrr Oulp haan't rtHjvhed up the atlan ariy in llir weJi trytNfr (akinK n tea Mud bait rlmrrl fair Isttvaw) yet." Greeting lr irxp r fUkiHa vrotJkMSt on flw hi op(ial kill oh a irrf. TO EUROPE TtMrJa. Cap. I reput! lu k lb iui-U Arrivals This Wask ,rl tiuitlr on rwrl. Hit kin - --. 'llie follow itift boat have mar. HUE BESEBYIIKKS KV. jlrip h" aaHa?ml lo rrrop up Deep Sea Fun aHeI Mali tturina the week: Seattle. Cards a bia buck while il a alcrp. K.veii .oil raa l he drey nra finh. MiMred II.. torward. K. Lip. RED MOUNTAIN QUEBEC-CHERBOURO-SOUTHAMPTON um.u.a and Ihi marvIUHi feal a an. ina RDMinda wilb brnarer Inrkinw H1. YbmMi. Yellow.tone, liir. Oct.S1 Empraaa of nuiiroillplihr4 w1IhH ruMarr hrr nearli) the boya will have Ikeir rtstlHrr. Muriaeaa. Mur. (trwlh. tun. Th Rlaateatl. rauat- Ieo Pral in 1 1. ii ..I jf..M 1 1 . 1! i 1 1 hi a null vt ' Printed In our own office. Ikxih tt ffii ""' " dr I llll nkrrping. Nafft. Nurtarol. Suomer. Mab. Alii, R. IT of Brnala, anaHar. ehanoe tn he out oft tbe Viwinotule, KiotootiHt. iMreen. daily , n ..i 1 1 of iiiiv inn- w rrnuiied a Phone for Sample Book. N.M0NTREALS0UTNAMPTOWANTWKRr.a .. iita. Tlir halibut bwal li.C.f.. IjiI bia-ti apoi with smr surely Oladatone. ViviaH, IM.!'.. (iray- IbniiiJarv lleti Mountain Mn on HalurtJa U Order early for Foreign . oartiiL to iLiuovu MIMiriiHrlr aiiar. i PPfilliMtf in preaal inMl (o rajaiee the wHy bal-ibul liiitr. Hallir, LaHrlnir. leetit. lobcr 81-1. There hail bt-. n an mlfrnipti i iNa, 1S MtUfama Gow liay preparatory lo hill in? Ihrepon wlten lapt. II. nt. N'ortiia. TfinleiiakJatM, eaHlia five week- In milling ' !- on jit,"!..1 Malls fit f'. 4 MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL TunlaiM (lie high pol fur more fiab. ien. ,41 ibr brwitfr of Ike flaitina Pol art. Johanna. Alllartee, Y. T. a lire thai damaged llie ore I ran portal ion -leni. No. IT MMtulm1 boat iHirren. rnpietl bin rollPMKUf PanaiiMi, lniKrial. Iloald AimuimI. I Not, 24 ManUUrtt Rose, Cowan&Latta ' ST. JOHN TO LIVERPOOL. Caygeon Doing Fine. without bring teen bintoelf. Ji rrn. lilarier. 1'.. NeilatMi. I'eliran HoiiiMhirv lied MihiiiUiii had made Umited ussFaiLzs KuSri! The old rrliablr halibul rba.rr o.Hlnle away a few lHe Houoonto ami the Antlrw Kelly. vaio-e of St wr enl 101 thr Vam otiver SIm k ri Prince Rupert, B.C. ' 'Jt'.'John to aUsaovv.",""M!':ay,,w,n' ,,-,'t- Ji" k" Harry ttiietly n Hi oil tn" ortMitary rliaiiKe hi jut foiih week. DH.tlJu.'iiaar, t . MMotamaisrrttinir much bfttrr aftrr the) toioy roie uf Io pear anal hit '11 ir Prinee John. Iipt. Njden, Phone 234. September 26 - 49c bid; 50c asked !,'8T,"oHn)lUsoow4.WERPoV nurnig il ha r-rived al ched iltrrelo a nire lona heavy arrive! from the ulh on Tbur. 1D.ST, MHN-CHERB0URO.S0UTHAMPTOW.B Toriaia llir S.-ul. (Vive Marinr W'av ia piece of I I-1 rarh raWe anal day mailt DM tithiled a earao Yesterday - 63c bid; 64c asked Antwerp. 1 fact i pulling on weishl rroiark. wltMMl r to walpfi lite fun. of rvturoe! eioidy flali bote- foe It 1 mm I - on Ibi- protii 'rotu ..rtn J VuE?i ably tiuick. The krl wlin h bail Ailrr a wlille I.eo eaoae on Hie Allln l lhcrie bihI the ('.ana iiih'ii'-. irn lute ii- In bt'lii'w id.,! die ronipi' The House of Better Values' Mar.ST, 40HN-CHERaOURO-SOUTHAMPTON a An, 14 Mliiaa krrlrd uvrr ouuhat has bmMl deek lo haul in lai jrear. ami by'.ira,, n, A lkld bluraire t. ve inform.ti not In lie al Ui niii. i- well w,.i i' HAMBURa. re-bu-hfil, ami a nrw floor ha thr wvlKMl of tlir pull eierletl lo lerdav iHornin?, of uiir mi ne rt I ion. JUST RECEIVED. . .Mallui" ,U,,J in tbe privaU daiina haul in a record ealrti. So.ih un- a. M Mar. 24 - New Shipment from the liast Fak.10 Vltrli,a, The laiKiivtliiK hall will wratiinialieal hWI were beard to 'I1ii ,Hlrrw Kelly, Capt. I, WOLVERTON AND COMPANY PPV ,iww.m, wr m. a. or LATEST roRSTEIt. MfVfiia amaral lMl, Cf A. Station, lie fin ninlo-d in Japaliee nlylr. the ron.r forth a lie jzrabbea bold ol lUindow, arrivj In jmiI yealenlav Vator,CANADIAN Taltohoo PACIFIC 3f"RAILWAY ttlO . lablr and rhair having alrrady tlie raMe wf allroatale weiKht mornintf with a earjfo of ;o.oihj Limited. Traffic ItML brrii rnnoved. I'ap. evpl to and length wfiteh be found e. IKMinda of halibut. I'ap. reHM'. i Memleer Vminiiiirr Sim k lixi-liaiigr. Fall have all in readino for a dr. i-ori-ly tied to lit buoy key tlte Itaviiiit riiewuntered heavy wealb-i 704 Dominion Bank Building. Styles SUITCASES (rriniurd dah to (lit high apotn liook I'oiitainfHg a few iiieuaiy er on hi return trip. I VANCOUVER, B.C. early in the coming wk ftab. Mi-anlUqy Harry in having TRUNKS .. 4 he lime of itp, life wutt lmiK thn Mrs. YV. K. IUillion ami hrr I '.n I it. Art 0wald of the liick run from the i port lode of bis later, Mi liavie. are booked I in Dresses CLUB BAGS liillnutiiit fleet ha born koiih. 'raft. I-eo mmii eauflht oil lo Hie lit leave for ulwouwr lit what iudipoed tin k anil joke wbirli iaa, ,Jiren pullr.) al Prince Ituiierl loiiioiiow nijilil. tia not luken ativ artite turt in '11. 'Xii'iic aaU like a vootl uml. Large Stock hand. LAND ACT. Valch Thursday issue for on 'the fmhinir game Tlir ereai nc. iir'd aalior JtaJrHx iH lb IttUjfli. further announcement. Prlcei very low. i I he jok.: Mill be on Hurry itekt NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLV TO PROBTIGT LAND. Agents for The Yukon Fur J. F. MAGUIRE time. In onlint Oarra Dl.lrltl l harMtr of krnt,I lad B L Mnirlri. tint Co. IM I on lu nr.t nia.l uf Murb; Rain Hats Nckt th Prince Kupert Hotel Red Mountain Omaney at Juneau lalanit. Tak Kullt that Harry MrMann. i.f 'l'li' Imribut nebiMMier fioiHiiry, Vlrtana. a r rarrnDatH miu r. !&:,u.. , Lad'ut Ready-to-Dent It" uit4r fur iwruttMH In pnwpm iU ; S We have perilenlly ail-vied oT K.'iilllc, llnpl. J. Jullllaolt, put rllolb( oVwrlbni laiKta rr :.l. rir i Wear Store your inriiiutiini of '"i. ai. rmruih wilb a t atcb iT.l; "5!'MrtiOl al a' Third Ave. the opMrtunitv offfi'iil r -'ii imiii ..,uinl ami llieii went t"Jjy ir Timlwr ....Urrte-e or I raw I 1 1' lh,M. a. Opp. Bank of Montreal. Silversides llirough purrhave of Hound hai'k tn tlie litsb iauia. ".,tii. dIJ lkjt awiib I rbain.: loriM- ral ary lied Mountain aliares, nol ronoer (he euleb of auffi-eient nHinii pumi f inrnr miiniiinrrnwol.miria ao rnama lit IB) FREE! which are now offering earlier volume to warrant tlie lunv batfxl Aurual Ulh. Ittt IIUiliV HrVl, investor a profit of 3i joiiriM-y liuitert. He esp4Htl lo lir i.f Apnllranl. Bros. per rent. be burl in Ihe HI 'ole Mtrt with rr Ckrta. Cim.talil. A ami. , Second Street, In addition to n rompre-lieunive hi in-x t rated. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT, LADIES the NOTICE. THIS IS A GENUINE OFFER. reiort on properly, "UIXIMtL SPIuvi" Minrral rialm. alio- DIRECT AOENT8 FOR we are now prepared lit.' Ir,dlr ria.t.nn.1 l.vtlui left V?! iVIlUV to offer our client, for their port early III .'be Wk for the.THICT. kM-alnl u l.oula l.laiid. Attention! guidance, a definite opinion b,d of tiNrdiH-r Canal. The i,ii-L,' .JftJ SiUrtkeaT. Hexes the Reason - A il.:.i.. .11 .1 In ia (mju llu Amt tuo... a a I am a specialist in Ladies' on the anpects and merit of nra air KillK oioo iniriy nine "1" ,VViVIi.V.T.. . r.V..:' V 11 . tonsorial requirements and Ihe mine by an independent luiaiid on a winter tramiing ex- iiucimtrtnrnia, rur im tiunw. or obtain. l,n Oram of llw a rlalui. ,u,llli.. -rwa am the holder of five French miniusr authority of uu. imniioii. f AlMj rurtbrr tak Willi that anion. ua W ara ovaratockad with niimrniTa . ni nl to " ueUoned reputation. You dr Krril, ST, tiimt t ruiiiinrnrrd orfor i " Medals and eight Diplomas " tM" tr""r,U ' 1 every purchaser of a for should loe no lime in ar. Flos.T Entertains SSaiT" i""""- Raincoat, a RAIN HAT, or If preferr llairdressiny. quaintink yourelf with thl privileJis'.r'' ""' ""' tf KU' an umbraiia value to 33.00. My specialities Include Marcel I h4 .riven Waving, Face Massage, luformalloii. of iiiliTlaiuihif a few of he.-! ' Tbi offer upplu-H to all our Htoek of i..:OATX Shampooing, Singeing, Hair friend in thn kiti'hen of Hie l.mly RAINCOATS, bit S14.S0. (juu'iiy Uubber Tweed, from Dyeing, Scalp Treatment and iltoolilllf elablUhm'eiit' reeeutly, CADOMIN A FOOTHILLS Violet Ray Treatment, C. H. Oliver & Co.Lid 'and Ih i letter tn the Ailmirul tell, ENQLI8H GABERDINES fioiii 21.S0. Toupees and wigs for gentlemen linn of llie night is worth recount- 430.434 Rogers Building, COAL All and transformations Vancouver, B.O. ina. H ri- e go. .Note the lone Weather Twd and Coverta. guaranteed Waterproof for ladies. Switches made i f iidraruieiit. from $29.60 to $47.50. up from ladles' own combings. ' I .'ni i, ioy: I haven't notic- Kent Coal mined lu Alberlu, SEE WINDOWS. d any o( )our writinb lrnlu l.lean, l.llUe Ah Mure Ilea!. Am at your service any time RAMSAY& PAINTS Ladies' and Gents' Ihiough our letter box liitely; YOU'LL LIKE IT. by appointment, phone 001. Tht R1CHT PAINT TO PAINT RIGHT Tailor. what tlie bl2 dliuT I on't you Phones 7 and 311, try and trifle Willi ine or you'll Chas.LeClercq It Will Phone Pay 22.You to P.O.Qt Our Box Prices,120. M. T. LEE Bead poln e preji , tnn when uue!I hit Consumers Goal Go. Lid H. S. WALLACE CO., LIU 320 Sixth Street. P.O. Boa S77 Phono Rod 136 llupert. art tlsat .' Anyway I jjiiii v,' I., i-n Uu, pei'ltap. L'l