Max TWO TJTI IIATCT fniWB - MOTHER OF LOCAL I The Daily News RESIDENT DIES AT pmncb nupRnT - nniTisii Columbia Published Every Aflernoon, except Sunday, the Prince TORONTO LAST WEEK .... , Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. ----- r R. L. Mcintosh, Farmer Postmaster . II. P. PUI.I.RX, Managing Editor. Here, Arrived Too LaU to Sh Parent SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Alive. Ciiy Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month. . . . . Il.uo On Monday nfieni.ii li -week By mail to all parts of the British Kmpire and the United Htate I lie re natt away P'-ac-fully, in advance, per year ftt.tx- after n eeimpamiix' lr - To ail other countries, in advance per year $7.t( i line, on nT the old. ' be doing your preservinR soon. Any day now Are .lent f Tornfllh Mr. M.n a YOU'LL ready for It? Have you got your preserving ketMes, TELEPHONE SS M. lnliMh, wWow of Ho- la-- V li Melnlh.tTi iatei pint "f your spoons and ladles, your cups and dippers, your cullenders, transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch per insertion wlne niarrietit life wa i ml funnels and your fruit jar filler? If not, listen to this. Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per im under happv ailiiee n their1 Sets at run- old hlone. No. 5 liivnv ihr Preserving Local Headers, per insertion 2c per line street, wbleh Ibey oceupie.t t-(fether Reduced Prices Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per wor' for ve forty vear. and Legal Notices, earn insertion tfic per agate lim liero niueli gracious and genu-i You can buy a full set of preservlne utensils In beautiful Contract Rates on Application. ue hnsnllnUly w diienesl. Diamond Wire or Pesrl Wire from any hardwire merchant AH. should , Hie Toronto iilofe of reeeal SUP goods if a special price. Cut this ad from the advertising he in The Daily News Ofbce on day pre carrying ceding publication. All advertising received subject to date. Tike It to any good hardwire store where SMP approval Was Scottish.. Eiper. sell Wire or Peirl Wire is sold, and he will you a Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Like her late hitsfraiwL Mr the preserving stt it right price. .lnt..h eame fr.w f the li..ner conn lie, of eeland. Our high gride emmeled wire Is wonderfully well made, DAILT EDITION TO Tuesday, August -.'9. 19.' s.iiv.- of llawlek. "be eame ! very durible. absolutely clein ind sanitary, ind cannot l itna.tK In the reiH" IHSM. and absorb grease or odors. There Is no possibility of tsintlng. Value Of Chautauqua .....ii .. tiled In t'oronlo. Her Ini. Use either Dlimond or Peirl and your preserves will be. the To A Community. ...n.l a native of J".Horgli. Sh.I-.hi.I most delicious you ever put up. . ame to Canada aaHil the The minimi Chautauqua commenres here tomorrow evening) lime ami shortly after their The Sheet Matal Product Co., with a musical entertainment and lerture and continues n-WIRELESS MAY i ii it I Ihev were married in MmHI TOaONTO Saturday night with varied program of a tniitirnl and instruct live, by the lies. nr. J'n- VMM lll nature. The idea is a good one and should le well supported. iiuig. the minister of "Id Imiv STOP SPARKING ii i lrehvleriHii t.hiireh. "e i There js no other way in whirh Prince Rupert people can get a l.iHii. li of wtiieh afl'-nsard be 1 , group of entertainer together who ran reach widely scattered . i.iiie timild !lreet Church, now SMPlWARE I points, such as the of Northern Hritih tVilumbin and Alaska. Marconi Firm at Outs with Em. m Jitnie' Snuare Chureh. With V There is little teuliiheiit about thi Chautauqua entertain-meut. ployes Through fcffort to i,.- iiteiiil-rtlp ..r taai congn gallon, they berante I tin eariy "A face of Force tain and A Heart of St biil.lhere is lot of benefit be Reduce Wages. a to obtained from it. We arc identified, and during their long cut off from the rest of the country so that, we are unable to attend ife I.aether Mr. and Mr Mr entertainments as we would like. We seldom gel an opportunity YIClOlltA. Aug. in. Wircle. I ii I ash eajyr,l unaridlen fellow Diamond Wirt is sky thi coaf are affected white operator on tlut ind ovttldc, to hear aii)thing class in the of hip in the obi ehureh lllln high hiusiral way events hy the I SHinpMS-wUte die-pMle with a pure white llnlnj. or good speakers. Now we have the opportunity and this is the Hm hi nr.iarre with Ihe untler every One of if mhilier and ha thf t coats ol the town lo tlie preenl palrate tt taamal fustd oA time t take advantage of it. Marroni Wireles f the Itev. I. N. MirUn. In shapes of sttfL of Canada. The tympany everything HHeetel with the Pearl Wars Is ptarly alt the Round The World Spark"" employed on wrH.beiflg af tar ehureh they try insidt and oaf and In An Airplane. natwie lp. Hefrhwt Ihe ook the lese-t and t yii hat two coats of sptclal flheri a il naval patrol steam. MjrH 3&JP tnamtl fustd to To go around the world in an airplane is a big order. Major er In the water. an,the men pathetto tfttariMt. H heeawe stupes of opa htafta iiroverhial that the .4d ehiireli Rlake did not realize what it the transpacific liners of the stctl. quite meant to fly day after day in Hi ... in a very real ee their new country, among new people, and with new difficulties ret-ting C.P.O.S., Llit., '.. f. M. M. and life' miaby. Xa awl bee Do you know that tS Hollar Lin are all supplied ay Diamond or Peart Wars him and with the continual mental strain of the journey on for the welfare f the Preby pot or pan thai sold laat Ibis They are company. ..ppo- him. Home day we may have flying so perfected that it will be ing a cut in salary recently nn-iii termn eomitHinioe) and of la Ltar for SI M can new fof 90 centtf of the King.Umi wa eier thing rather a simple matter to fly around the world, hut in the meantime Hi need by the Marconi firm. nroooonde.! thai did not find In there are. a lot of big flights to be taken individually with-.nut there is miisf lark of striking. I he m it tealou iii.iMirter. In trying to make them all consecutively. bill' II i not considered likely al tliesr Ihhtg the tale Mr. Me mai anion oi inai or win no , Ho far no one has'flowu ncm'the Pacific. Prest tried to lakerl. tloh wa a Iriie helpmeet to reach Siberia and failed. Had Major Rlake managed to get to the like operator, who belong to her devoted huhand. . . ... A U. f " In token of her eal for the Parifia coast it i doubtful if he could have crued Dehring ihe Commercial TelmraDher the dollar The eject i n tight ehureh. and in memory of her Sea in the autumn and flown down the coast to Vancouver. lnirin of America, system divis late huland and of her An. Ihe detriment will ro.l SH.'...' Hi.ftJ ion No. 59, have applied to Ol. 11 tk puiilir work. Sio.noo - Ule V. I. MelnUh. Jr.. Mr inwa for a hoard or rnsteHialHw - - Life Insurance v Mrlnloh preentM to St. Jame Lumber & Lath and have named Thonm Taylor, lies. Canusi Jorelyn I'eilin S.Hre CJuireb Ihe fine memorial And Success. of Toronto, as their rrjirernla f V'e.lmlHler Abbey. I...II.I.HI window whleh adofM Ih now That the principle of protecting bank loans by life insurance. live. NecnHIalioNS are now u li- i in the rily, the gue.t of lli.h- MHilh facade, and i a matter U haed upon the fundamentals of business, was the statement der way. of very ureal uride to the eon op and Mr, f . II. I hi Vernel. lie Shiplap-Boards and Shotikl elf oris to ring about and a i aent of the Ahitey a made by If. W. Manning to the delegates of the joint convention greigattsm. Mr. Mliilh a oltlemenl fall, Itie strike wit had rtiarge of all eccle. of Life Underwriters of the United States and Canada in Toronto, weiiUI include about son men. urvive.l by her on, Mr. Ilolterl Iatical d'tail in c..nn'.'ti..ii with Dimension Life insurance is a gauge whereby the banks may determine about 1wo-lhir.l of whom are, formerly l'olmaler the coronal i- n of King lieorfre of Prince llupert. lb C. and by ( the extent of a man's ability, and his determination to pay, two board ship on both eoasl her daughter, Mr. Mereer and Oueen Mary la-1 year. ThumuKhly Air Dried and Hlored Inter factors in advancing credit. A policy payable on death provides Should the ofteratom .quit thoir .Uin of No. AS Avenue road, immIs. the Irounle woo I.I b fell ready cash for meeting loans, releasing invested capital and ar in vnrtou parts of the worbl this city; al by 4i grandchi! PRINCE RtJrKRT TIDES Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding ranging the immediate exiene of readjustmeiiL Ample life wherever Canadinn-ioanfletl mIiI dreu atui five grandchildren insurance indicates to the banker that the person that are plying. Tlie elah l tin re. Vine granloit. Mr. Mereer Job TuewLiy. .ugiii IV and Finish Adams, died reeenlly in New .ea High t::i a jo.. I7.U feet. quality of mind which prompts him to provide for the greatest of nil of the company' riMive to of illne eon land, a a re-ult I M:3H III.. I HO feel. all his obligation- that of hi home. The who eut wage 15 per cent, altering lb SPRUCE LATH man neglect I rue I e, white ering with Low 0:Ot a.m.. 5.1 feel. the eah wtiieh ha been In this will probably bold in slight regard hi obligations to thoe effeet inre January, I9IU New Zealand eontiiigwnl during 1 1:OU p.m.. feel. Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prlctf further removed from him. Wage run from 70 lo ft 20 the great war. Wednesday, August 30 Mr Mclnio.h wa on the way ::IH la feel In Canada, be pointed out, a canvas of the banks ha shown per month, escluaive of allow, limb- a.m.. lu ee hi mother when her lt:6) 1JU, IM.I feel CO. that without exception they have regard to life insurance in mak aitre. and from to 4175 death occurred. lw t:ll a.m., .? feel. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER loonlh. ineludiiig allowance ing loans. The largest banks insert in their application for credit per made for board and I.Mixing on 13:17 p.m.. ! feet Sail Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone Mt specific question to the amount and Mains of life insurance shipboard. There are thirty! 'lliursday, AuhuI :tl carried, Some banks prefer that a client submit a statement of cojmI ulatbinii of the eoin(any in Ten Years Ago High - U:0M a.m.. Ifl ? fe.-l. SI :lll IK : feel his affairs in his own way. The banks who do not ask actual (Unada, each with a staff of In Pr'nca Kupsrt p.m.. Low s:.n a.m.. ti n fe. t question regarding life inurnuce in the application for credit, three men. The 500 and morrt II UH . in . ; fee: reinainmg operator involved are are in the minority. The practice is general though the procedure at sen. August 29, 1912 "Supreme" is different. The bank i interested not only in the intrinsic The ale .,f government lots BP vale of the. life insurance, but aUo in the extent to which it denotes CHANGES IN STREET on Ihe 1ownii conclude,' tin (lie character and type of mind of the client, because they afternoon. High value were el Mrs. Rfi realize that that quality of mind which induces one to take out SURFACING PLANS in the price and the aggregate ran over the million and, a half Carpenter FRESH FRFSH life insurance is the quality that best insures success iu business. mark. Mulling wa keen w CqffeE KOASTM) Board of Works to Bring In Full throughout. KOASTED Report on Work Third Av-enue . Tried East and Fulton lr. J. O. Meddle, Ihe pioneer Street phylebm of I'rinre lliipert. Everything Why Fresh Roasted? Printing pae. away lat tilghl after a Way d lit bvat Ukcr tny kl ld of rllln a R The down town street surfacing long and plucky flghl again! a Mr. H. C. Carpenter says that flour la tlk ana Ixkr rid. tt al a urns or ifcr- c 1 work was under dUrtission by the seriou internal afflielion. two of her neighbors recommended ami rkf dallrT We imUM I" " city council last night, a report . another brand of milk, Wby a.- ilw bnlrhrr tllr his Int uft H'isl ' 1 Irlwi tef l ml ur.i ihry are ply llie tfiti" from the Imanl of work recom It. A. Itenwiek, deputy minister which she tried, not being MlM tf Hitil r kulii( I Unit earn ! m' US about next mending certain rhanges In I lie nf land for the provineial gov. familiar with the brands on rraily Im-UT Iiim llul fltM lx ,u CONSULT your printing lop mirfaeing of certain portions ertiiiient, lind Mr. Itenwiek arn sale iu the Went, hide says thev Why dots tlx hM-al fmli ur or Ithlnf .rorr. a.'iii n of the work having been received. visitor in the eiU'- tasted ntrollg. seemjng to ho ann nin r.l pniit daily In livery lb ' 01 order, IK ajiih Ik pr.SiKl. tin motion of Aid. Perry, seconded tainted by Ihe tin, though, o' Whether it he Letterheads, Account Forms, Loose Leaf by Aid. Montgomery, It was d-i-ideil'lo Tlie asilp of government lot course, Ibis I not the fart. Ground, HonaleU and Pocked at thm Wrhouo' hae the board of works in the Hrince mentioned Parifio Hitpert lownsile Homeone - Forms, Emvtlopet, Window Cards, Posters, Visiting bring in n fnll report cohering all starts liwlay, Auctioneer Frank Milk on day in a grocers STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. Cards or Wedding Stationery. streets involved. r.lli4 in charge. Intense Inler-eJ Nlore and he tried that. In her Coff.. Import.r. and Koattars I'KINCE KUI'W ' LEGAL FORMS. The taria finishing of Klrt ha been etcileil amonif rinl letter b says that not only Avenue from Heeond rtreet to estate men, cillren and Ihn doe It seem much "richer, but The Best Equipped Plant in the North. Mansnn Way is to be eliminated many visitors who are In Ihe the flavor I like that of fresli UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LlM'TtP and Third Avenue from MeHrtdn elly for Ihe occasion. High cream, and has none of that SAILINGS to the provincial government's price re predicted. Heveral of "ran lat.' foe, Ocean Falls and Kwanson Hay, Tuei P , SERVICE road done Instead. II was nl- the made to port QUALITY new visitor a trip roe ' Halunhiy Vancouver, Alert Illy and Port Hardy V o decided last nlgjit to eliminate Howard, the innulrial suburb, Pacific Milk Co. foe Anyos, Alice Arm, Port Simpson and Wales lf-'ni1, p the finishing of J'jKblb Btreetiyeslerday. Limited midnight. ROSE, COWAN, LATTA, Ltd. from lo Fulton recond Street lo Third to Fifth Avenue Avenue and The clyle finance committee. Head Office: Vancouver, B.C. foe Naaa Rlvee Oannerles. Friday instead. After uitirh tabor, ha presented factories at Ladnsr and Abbots Fourth Street Phone 234 Prince Rupert, B.C. it esliiiiiite for Ihe year The ford, B.C. Subscribe for The Daily NeW' J Subscribe for the Ditty f-i, tax i at. will he 20 1 mills on