pxtra rum THB DAIL-T RIWD Tnesdni BIG LUMBER BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu! 1 si 1 . BUSINESS IS COLLX . THACT woz O'lO SOU MFAH, AliOT ?-HAu:OE aOTMeK AVv TCC PONCh in THE DEVELOPING CAvVE. Melt's COTHC HE"i Or- TMC. POL.iR FOLICE.Mch! ijLS anna COME DOV Ht MAWT fcBfif. AHOUMO - -- row tt nc oot I - 1 ' 11. I V"llsTr J I Prank L. Buckley Is Vlce-Pr. 1 V ..V nnea ' rii dent of New Concern to Handle KiBtDB i T CD Masselt Lumbar SCHOONERS COMINO. War Baby Being Turned Into a Peace Qlant Say Lot Angeles Newspaper Development in connection rrv, -r- wild Ihe new giant lumber 8 22 shifhuilding concern at Lns Angele which is to manufacture tln Crs I'll kt Ui I fM laa I tj liimhehr cut at Massed, Queen Charlotte Island, art iirorccdinir npace according tn the Lns An- lumlier then will ,V automatically may justify. The present ;fbel grle Times, which, in an illn- buund in the four-foot unit ami laa Im-cii recti rilencij, Um ship t rat ml article in a recent number, "hunted lo Hie transfer track lo be K(ten the Spanish nwue of American Express tell of tho work that is going on fro,n which they will e taken to the three kind of luinler forming Daily News Classified Ads. in connection with; The Time the storage Marks hy a nuuiltor the principal output PJ Ahela, ijys: of dev ice. I'J Cedaro and Kl Cirula. a CErfTS tEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdTr(lsmMil Takan for Ls tUmn HO Money Orders More than loon men are al- 'l''e immense cement-floored For the purMtM' of thi gigan. rendy emiloyeil on the ronolida- stacking yard will hae a capac- tic new luiidier, mill and Ihix ip- Issued on POR PCNT WANTKD l:XPP.IUFr.FD .. wair. wanted led activities in the seventy acre Hy f l7.Oon.ono feet of lumber, duslry the thirty-five acre allct. O.mhI Norway, Sweden & wage. ioo. Fat I'.afiv of what wa, until the completion f it arranged a to be u. Iel are tteing entirely changed. Foil It KM -llou.e ;:t Fourth N lit lit Kit. tPHyteehmc Institute Denmark of the lat of the eel vessel eeptible of transfer to truck or Iloildinu are being torn down; Avemie Kal, i' silling. 3 ped of It. I: want eert-enced If at Lowest huilt for the government during fat wi I ti a miniimim of cost a to the site of the sawmill being onj ritoHi, kitchen, pantry, bathroom, men and women to POR SALE Current Rate. pud after the war. the property of lin ami lalor. Six railroad the ground formerly ttccupiett by, dressing room, conservatory. haeh part lime rle in ele-mentary the lit Angele Shipbuilding and track traverse the stackinic yard. the marine machine shop, which' Holwuler heating. 50. Knglih for foreign. SplefolKl .m with nalucal l.a-e Agent for Drk Ibick Company. Work for nd innnense travelling crane ha already diapcared. The ApHy Horie, f ederal Itiilld. er; public school and hiali nient, Thlrl Aveeme an. Se. Norwegian Amsrlesa Dm ndditlonal lalHir i.. rapidly being will lift the unit and tack them. great dry dock, however, with it Inn. Phime 3m; if srhiM.I subject: language; oml Street. li.eMH. Kay term Sedlh Amsrlesa Us i rganired, and it will not he Inng.J Various Pactorics adjoining shop buildings, will re business subject; fiie ail Twn view I at Sertlon f. fftoil Scandinavian AmeHssa in all .likelihood, before the war- Also adjoining the sorting ta-time main al the western end of thei foii nn.vi snail , gi sitlijett liiart writing: Ihe mlr. , Lin. location. Furniture ft le. IM 3. Itloek M. Sec. I 1 with basin heretofore. meebanial and architectural a strength of 3000 hand will Me to the westward i to he a Oliver Typewriter Apl) fill Foarih Avenue rwome. hu VI feH attain i earning their livelihood , planing and finishing mill, a Ship on Way drawing; building cousiriic. front Cary Safes on Mil site, under the rnmtjnml shook storage warehouse and a Two steel ferry boat for San Hast. 3u9 Iin; marine architecture; age, Illggai Plisce. f I iMei). PIUS INSURANCE o-rallon of the shipbuilding box factory with facilities for Francisco are now on the way PAItT IIMUSK tn real, furnishe.1 steam, electrical, meelianteal. 30-aO II p. Sterling Marina I n company anil the Lo Ansrele turn ins out a tremendous volume in the plant of the shipbuilding al Jap Inlet, poreher Island. civil and motor eneiiHHMina. laHMeh gin. Lumber Product Company, which ,.f shook and nailed-up slock in company. Two great ocean liner. PloSHe Wm. Sims, lireen JJ If navixatloii; atineralogv; ge. iHioo. jj-io terlinr Dybhavn & Hanson were recently merged or consoli.reping with the growing de. th City of Lo Angele and the ogy; uiaehile lotp praeltce; flnmi, or Launch Fsvho.tA.70, laled in a l0.000.nno corporation,mauds of the fruit and vegetable Cily of Honolulu are in the slip FLAT far ftent in llesner Apart-metvl. frge shop pruellee; sheet INffaeo. Aulit.Marine. lyoO. Third Avsnws under the latter title, although the Industrie of the Southland and adjoining the way, where they Mt U. Stephen. If metal work; tin aad epf. Thre rooron) heaiae and two' Prince Rupert, B. 0. lot. Section S. film es.t,. jui-! activities or each will be coi.dticl- the constantly inereaing packing are being reconditioned, the City LOST smithing: repwu; ihr ant .I separately. iani lMin Industrie whose f l-o Angele. which i tn sail gold smithing; and ecafl jew. anee like rent, Thlrty-Flve-Acre Plant (quirement of shook and boxes re. for the island on her maiden LOST, on Saturday afternoon. ellery work; rel and flbr llmse and tola on easy term 1 From the lagging machinery, boal. Farm Ihiity.rive acre at the north-ji,av been a growing tat on the yage. September 9. being al e Fourth Avenue near Hay' weaving; rarpeniry: cablaH en-' crl) M.rtion of the site, with slip iro,.tivp rapacitie of the ready advanced to her first coat tve Circle, sum II gray pHre and furniture making; h gines. ete to the Table M. M STF.PMKNS. and water frontage along its en- Southland" lumber mills, if white paint. The three new enntaHMng pot it lee key. carving aal burning; china Pnone JJ2. f tire eastern side adjoining tin ,v dry kiln, with initial eapar-harM.r' lumber schooner are due in the Finder please return to the painting; nurlng; eskiHg; BulldeyValley west basin, are now the u, of 75.000 feet for the first next few week all of which l DaHy New Ollte. ewlua: ehemislry; dieleti.; FOH SAI.F. KJeven acre. ..f land w ene of tremendou activities de-un,t lt to D(l al nnt., quadrupled making the shipyard portion of LOST- -liHween Wolfe Island dreasotaking; 111 i 1 1 1 h e ry: t.t VanetHiver Nlaiol i.artlv tip signed to place the lumber m.lls't,,. lMe addition of three more the plant a scene of industrial ac ami Metlaluilla, Peterborn mw nerdlework;I know physical culture. impmved. Ideal fitr sMltry. PORK mwl yard, the dry kilns, planing Unit, and total ranacitr of ann . tivity that i making fat pay rotd bsal. FifMler -el ii your specialty. nee ami frulL Will ell please phone You oeed MUTTOR Im no I a regular end finishing; mills, sorting and 000 feL i also part of the plant for a big force. I Si. 213 learher. but onl tltwse eleeap. Apfdy Itox M Daily VIAL transfer equipment, shook mitt ,low ,. t.nce of heino- built bv lie ide the buibnug and repair. of New Of fire. ;o3 PRSSH KILLED and box factory, all into produr. ing (if ship, however, thi part of thorough qualiflcatHMi and P0ULTTT lh .nipany own forces, under other capital and a variety of in experience will imi' eoosi.ir-re.1. FOII SAI.Fe SaHmg yacht, com. Sknsna Rlvsc Parm Pree the i lion by the first of next lWem.i,urjnteiHence pfaht iieing rapidl.v turned of Mr. Mereen. iustries, mi that the San I'edro Apply letter l'. by to O. lUx plete with sail. In good condition; VAR0KRH00P CRCAKUn iHr. ine pian ior tint work.:.ii with id riiiii .r ih mm 10 general utility under the energetic and Wilmington rsiiij.ined pay Haj, Prince ltiirt. II. O. 501 a lo Rvinrude. Apply BUTTER building and equiptnenL arc al: shipyard management of (l. pany own machine shop and rwi lojy are greater than they TuHen. Da My Ntw office tf umler executive of It. Ml-ele. in the manufacture of IIKLI supervision WA.M'Kf structural plant on the ground. were at any time during' the ruh SleimgraptHsrV NORTHERN INTERIOR Arno Mereen, wlio ha joined the all ro.oeraling for completion by all sort of large work for which of ar wurk when the Industrie Kxaminatloii for II. C. civil FOH SAI.F Halt .hare in Isoat enterprise in the capacity of production iwcember I. the machine tool of the plant are were Urge but few. And with the Service: An examination for wrth 6j) h.. engine mnr working CO-OPERATIVE manager. The tlO.OOil.OOO )Lo JAngelc siecially adapted. prosiiert of earjy return lo junior and senior stenographer on lgv4M ewnlnu'i. Apply Phone SI Mr. Mereen i one of (W most Lutnter Product Company, under Heavy work at present going. working barbtr district of !.o will e held ou Saturday. P. O. Ilm Hn. f.lly. tftf prominent lumber and milling ex. the consolidation, become the through these shop.include a Amieles i anticipating a season October 7, iVii in Vancouver. ceiitive on the I'acifie Coast, owner of the Lo Angele Ship. number of ten.fool band wheel of Victoria. Newt Weiminier Full SAI.F--1 Hd newspaiier. ?ie pntsierity -wli a it ha where in latter he ha had for oil.well ulut the and such other iint for large tuu4le. Daily News year iiiitding and Dry lnrk Company pump; ma dreamed of. but had hardly dared a TERRACE MOTORS complete charge of the Marsh, and of the .Maetl Timber Corn. chinery for oil barge of the to hope fnr m soon after the war there may be five or more office. If field or Con Hay plant of the pany, Ltd.. of Iiritih Columbia. Union Oil Company: nil tank of rush had changed to a peace candidate. Candidate must BOARD. Terrace, B.C. great C. A. mith A Co. lumber in. various sue nre being turned le llritish subject. reileni Steamship Company stand-till throughout all the in. teres!, where he is credited with out. and hnge steel duct for the of Canaila for at least me ItOAHD--Inlander, ajn s-cond the introduction of lalior-saving The latent development In this ndary kiln of the California lust rial world -except Lo An year, of lite full age of v-eiiteeii Avenue. Phone 137. 1 TAXI tnd cost-reducing method and enterprise i the incorporation of Portland Cement Company at Col-ton, Heles. year, and not more appliance that have become established another organization to handle large enough for a street car When you buy advertising you than Ihirty.five year of age. ORIENTAL QOOOS practice in lumber op. thi shipping interest, with spe to drive through, form a pictur buy OUtr.l I.ATIO.N. and see that Application lo write will be Japanese Kimonaa, Crockery, Service erations of first magnitude. ial reference to bringing tht- esque foreground to the scene of oil get it received up to iwmoi, Wrdne. ItarntMHi Furniture, Ornament. Chief among these is what I squareij log from the Masselt marine activity, with it maze of day September 27, 1922. Ap. Itaskets. Children e Ilompers. known a lb "unit ytem" of Harbor mill on Orahaia Island to mast and spars, funnel and plication form and full par-lii'iiUr Toys. Ktc Eapress and Bsggai handling lumber all the way fror. the Lo Angele plant and for hull, way and derrick, a all the MAIL SCHCOULC may be obtaine from MlWFHT PMICFJ1 Transfer. the mill to destination in standard such (fiber water transportation work i done In the njien. in true the undersigned or from any P. K. AKASC One Price t' All. unit or teel-bound bundle four a may te necessary In handling Southern California and Lo An-ee For the Kaal. government Agem. II. O. Ilox At i Ited Hi r-t-'ti' Lei make feet wide and four feet high. raw and finished product , such style, taking full advantage Mondays. Wednesday Bud Mat. Maclmie. Civil Service Commissioner. Third Avenue us y;:- whereby every detail of handling, a red' cedar hingle and lath, of the climatic conditions obtainable unlay at 6 (5 p.m. Victoria. It. C. lions at recording; and accounting ia simplified, which will be turned out in the at no other industrial point rom lht Kaet. WAXTJiD Tn Itade two lots; WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. Lakelse Hot-Sprlngs HeUk both at the home norflu the United States. Mondays. Wednendaya and Frl. or pro. in Kxpert watch. eloek Mil block II, I, section m and and The Lo Angele Lumber prod day at 7:15 during mill and at the receiving p.m. Men Behind Ouna lot 12, block Id. etku 7 for chronometer maker. oris Meamsnip company, with a Por Vancouver and South. ttandn. The energetic, roniivnl and pleasure lauiM-h thai will go. Watch and JewHery Itenalr a 1'he local harltor yard of the capital of $1,000,000, ha len Sunday p. m, Let Advise You skillful turning of a war baby into Apply Ihn Ml Dally New Of. penalty. .Us formed ha and already secured Tuesday I.o Angele Lumber Product p. ni. k giant which ha char tf'. Mall order promptly executed. peace If. Company will lie operated on thi the schooner by the purchase of Thursday ... . p. m. wtlh a llfeiuoea ei;" acterized the management of the QEO, QIBB U" three hip on the east coast Saturdays m. ROOMS Wanled-Lady ence in all brent 'ic tf ame unit system, which will no p. learlo-r " Lo Angele Shipbuilding and lry tipp. Post Office O. Ilox 71 doubt be keenly appreciated by which are now oh their way to thi Dock Company, and speed With Aug. . ti, 19. 33 alll 3l1 require one or Iwo furiulied Print;e Ilupert tf 1 lluilding T ade the lumber trade. All the other port for reconditioning and service which commercial production ha Prom Vancouver and South. rrwinu with heater; or small Brickwork, improvement embraced laa com with the nvw owner. These been found to lake the place of Sunday p.m. suite or collage. Apply by BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR. pb-te ytem of electrical handling tee schooner are each of 1100 Wednesday 10:30 a.ui. letter lo Ilox IK, Daily New Stonework, the ship demanded by war condi Phone Staok S2S. ton deadweight tonnage and will Friday .m. Office. 202 of all the operation of mill, index to the deter tion, are an etc. Halrdresslng, KhainKMdng. Hen. orler. transfer, stacking, load h changed lo oil burner immediately Saturday 0:30 a.m. Concrete, mination of the men behind thi STI1NI M I It A P II lilt wanted, with naing, Marcel Waving, Mancur. " ing and unloading of the unit upon their arrivel. The Aug. I. ?. 1 k. 8, S3 and IH. Plan and Spr ' developed by Mr. Mereen during first of the three I due Septem enterprise to continue finding Por Anyos and Alica Arm knowledge of bookkeeping. ing, Faee and Halp Treatment. free to all our ' employment for a many thousands Iteply by letter, slaliug experience Above Wrathall'e, of experience and constant ber I and the other shortly fol Uednes.lays y p.m. year or more. as imrtiripaled in and salary required lo P. Third Ave. & Co. ly progressive standardization of lowing will each require about Siimtiy p.m. William Watts Hie turning out of the war contract. Prom o. Ilox MMJ, Prince ItupcrL H. for the Anyoi and Alice Arm. production and handling costs. forty tlay necessary Thi, It is declared by both c. 101 TAXI Builder and ContraeWrt will be installed in the local plant change, after which they will President Fred L. Itaker and Vice-PresiJent-fienrral Tuesday a. m. Phone 693 P.O. Ilox 23 PheceeM- (mm the beginning, making Ihli ruh up north for log, a it I de, Manager Krt Mim-day, p.m. HOOM and Hoard WantedLady (Call icc.ifjo (. 1017 ii-J Ave the most nhMlern and must effi. sired l have about 10.000.000 M. Leaf, 1 Hie dominant impulse Foe Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mill teacher wishes healed room, Five -pasengi r Toonng F.ar Jobbing Office Wock of ell Kle rieut. a well a most economical feet on hand for the beginning of behind these new developments. Bay, Wale Island with whole or partial board. Prompl Day and Night Kcrvtce of the great lumber plant of thlt operation a soon a the saw Having played leading part In Sundays 10 p.m. Apply Mm to Daily New Of. SUndi Boston OrlH Third Avenue a city and port the largest lumber mill are ready. Thi new ship Frpm n. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill fire. 202 lartlnx the era of progress in in TOWINO AND TERRACE port on the Pacific Coast. ping company, like the other in Bay, Wales Island FREIQHTINQ dustrial production, which put in Tuesday STOIIFKF.F.I'F.H in interior coun Labor-Saving Device the enterprise, i officered by a. m. dustry to the fore a the creator lUwart, Maple try require housekeeper. Oood Tug "Hanaeo," Cow Bay LANDS Automatic conveyor ylem Fred L. Itaker, president; Krln M. Bay and Swamp FRUIT of a commercial white spot in Point. home and wage. Apply Hoi KALVAOR WonK bnUI and tractor and romp re Leaf, vice-president and general Southern California; hating given FOH IS Daily New Offia. tf. Kxperlenced diver and diving ed air lift will conduct the oper manager Frank L. Dudley, Mce 12.000 Outfit. Sell d u1 employmet to men when,at,ir,fly) Plve Aorea Good ttion on a continuous plane from president. Laurence Macomber 1 the at p m, WA.Yir.ls Small (hish Heglsler BRANNCN'S ahipbuildiiif was program From Land Due mil" Mart to finish. The )uare-saw'. added 'In the office of Secretary. it peak; the fact wa recognized tfuudaya Wale prce. Apply Hm 17. Phone litue 711 and o82 Frame cabin t? I id log will be brought by the Other ship are to be added to that the good demanded 4.. ...-.p. in. Dully New Office. If P.O. Ilox 60U Prince Rupert. ll.C. .ii.l ' common Queen ChariotU Island. ... . .. sown company' own schooner front this fleet, a fast a requirement 1 peacetime continuance of I hi employment Ft HI WAN I F.D to rent small furnish- CLOTHES CLEANED foo casn. Ull4 the Masset Inlet dock at flraham and atep vre taken to Auausi Sand III. ed house or collage. Apply P 10U Acres Oood Level Island. These will be dumped in lot I,I M to II i. CATARRH l-rovid it, even though It took the FIIOM-. ft. Ilox 20S. 202 and pressed br latest hikam IH mile from 1 ' " f lt0 the at the local audi lo. slip plant field and Into new un. pressing principal August 17 and 31. prore. a.l iTnlhini n run uy conveyor uireci 10 tne aw-mill. BLADDER i stial hazard. Skagway, Alaska and Yukon. O H.N Fit A L Servant wauled. Apply 8ult called for and delivered. From thi point conveyor Oood for Los Angeles FOII Mr, relheretonhaugh, Firet Phone 49 i?FNNFV CO- will carry the sawed lumber to an Avenue, J02 RRflS. & The momentum given port in. Aug. I, 7, It, H, J3 and 24. UNO, The Tailor immense automatic sorting table dustrle ha fortunately spread I HUM vn....hTCi. -Aug. WANTF.f Woman for Hotel 700 feet in length. The sorted Perlslent advertising is absolutely and been the means of attracting e. t. ifl, 23, and 80 work. Apply Hotel Central 203 urcessiry to tuocen. TERRACS B-Ci