fuHr- Auguit 29, 192 ma na.rrv t y3py IB ! I ""i an tBsBaBBBBjBBBjBj ' -i - i II iirnAinr CHILDREN'S FANCY HEADQUARTERS for Local and Personal HtALIH MtubAut DRESS PARADE WAS SPECIAL! SPECIAL! YERY SPECTACULAR H. II. Undertakers. I'lione 41. tf TO THEWORLD Bargains in Tlio laat session of I he Junior! H ERE you will find counters and 351.Hayners, Undertakers. Phone Me "Fruit-a-liyes" And Chautauqua took the form of 1! tables loaded down with ovorv If fancy drefln parade through the Toilet SOAP Make Yourself Well principal street of prince Itu-pert requirement that the scholar needs I'-ii and Hal .if limn (.k-"u this morning. The rhlldrenl hi (hi Caihi.lh HHiool Hall "Fruit a n?M",themrTfllomiwi. all the new things and also the dm mad fin mil and planned their .own columes. fi"in a ' il Thuiday afternoon. juicrj toales, 50c, 25c and 15c Soaps items you have always used. U the ismI tiPB fleial medicinal strut many of which were very artisln-und that hu trrr been gittn to mankind. showed great orlirlnalily 01: to clear at Special Jait as oraaces, applet, tf and the part of their wearers. tables, extra service, Full stock of 3'ply Cotton Hp plainly marked wood Veneer la now being car. pruors are nature's own medicine, se II was previously announced 2 for 25c. pricos, will help you rled by Albert A MeCaffery, Ltd., 'Kmlt-atiTes" made from theae that a Child's Chautauqua ticket select what you need. Phone 118 or 644. tf fruit Juieea bat eon eent rated and would lie given- ai a priie for the Intensified is ikt t""t Simk tiA best coltime. After careful eon- Watch our big windows for 'liaultiiUH Umioerla and titrr HfJiri, tht frralrtl Kiivy kideration the judges, Mrs. J. Lrcliliv. mud Bladder UrJirinrlKt if mint Blood Illnton, Mrs. II. O. Crewe and J. ORMES LIMITED new goods. commence tomorrow rurxfrrU gmlril remedy fr Head, F. Maguire, chairman of the lori-l i-itilii ai h o'ekwk in WeaJholme 3rd Ave. and Gth St. P.O. Box 1680 otAei, CoKiUpniion, liuLfUian, Smut- Chautauqua commiltee, awarded Mail orders theatre. I'rire f tickets will receive aeaon immediate Mil and Bad Completion -in ike micrtd. the priie to Lillian Itoberge, w1i advum-en tomorrow. Phones 82, 200 and 134 attention. Write for corn-plcte To bo well, take "Fruit a Uvea" wore an Indian costume &0e box, 6 for t? Ufal aite He. THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES O'e list of a SO, public and high school Ili' rlly council Utt night At dealers or sent postpaid by books with prices. authorised the transfer of the Fruit-a Uves Limited. Ottawa. PAPER TIMBER IS nlral Club ma leaser's Iteeneo from K. . 8(pirroe to Tlwr Oil Floweva and Pot Plants; FOUND IN AUSTRALIA Ls McRaeBros.Ltd. I'hnx.n and ths Tm tellers' largott assortment in town, fire Canadian National ' lull from Harry'KHIai lo W. J. haul and Kason. tf MKI.IOtltK Aust. .'. Tun- Railways toil . her for the manufacture of paper.1 1 lewh ami I'rui arriving a Ion? fell need in Australia, has! i iif tiif department had a rail hi week. Pfie and quality finally been discovered 111 Tas Prince Rupert '-i''i'Ui alteration al a.IS to rtaht. City Market. If mania. in- i. -i..ii- at VIH Kighth Ave 4,. Three important timbers from W.--I ...,ii,lrd by Dip IHoen II. L. Ilrmrfl returnetl Hit that territory have been converted DRYDOCK .park from the chimney iiMiniliiy on stw lieluita from inlo excellent wood pulp in the ti4'l united the riHif. There Anyoi aatl Alte Arm. Perth laboratories, acmrdinsr l! damage, AND an announcement oy t. 11. Knibb.i 8. Mr4ittaR arrived in the Oireclor of the Commonwealth In- ' HERRING N..ltre have been inieted a rity Imeay Sy the Chel4Miu atilute of Science and Industry. SHIPYARD unt the walerfrrtM noala in from Ike .Vita Hiver. forming fcoal I ha I poMtar awtsera mil Pereunat Ifufievtr rr- Hirk Cirectfwvll returned on FIYE YEARS JAIL FOR Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock BAIT iii'". ere mode frflrwMli f" lh I hf Chi-luliata tki uiorning from SETTING FIRE TO PLACE Engineers, Machinists, Boilermaker, Blacksmiths, Pattern l'i " mrial (ll-lor iker will busineae trf U Aayoz. , makers, Founders, Woodworkers, lis. lc fine Ui pay. 4. :. W. Hmmmr, provinekal Attempt to Collect Insurance Electric and Acetylene Welding. Tltr Ifllrr fnian Major H4s- After Removing Some of Be- e..r. rela)nseal thi mntntMa $30.00 Ton n A. It. C. hi Hip pr"r n the r.aeloSHen fr.n Anyoi. longings , Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of per lifii.ml. Ibaakinc In ritr fur ih frrjMi tendm! lbir V.x- Mi V. ttiafcatv. of the Immih KIlMii.MOX. Aun. .'tt lleclar-. Marine and Commercial Work Finest on the Coast re.llipnrkra w rwi 1 ay lal ia(T. rrliseoed tai mvrminn ink Ihal tM many rac or aron PHONES 43 AND SM i'H rnuncil laol nljihl and r- on tae lAetmmi frum a iHWhUv had come before hi notice during l.'tfl arkiMiwirdcr! and fllfd Irip In Anyoi. the pal few niontli. hi honor: Obtainable from llarnn and Lady Itynf t If 4. Jbnlze IiuImk, eiltinz in the di- lliaai'l (or Ibrir yirturr. the Irtct court. eiitencel J. hcheidel rati-n nn deferred rable. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. 4 vrauia over the ltiiadlan .Nat. of KawretL lo a eniteutiary term! Irltli-i fntai N- Wandrrr inal line ! been reduced of fie years for deliberately et-j Back to Pre-War PRINCE RUPERT -tut. M. V. WVantHHilh. . from 18 He per word la t&e tins fire lo hi premiaes in order Shoes i.'lam lalnia; thr rlub'o rhar - 4. - to obtain the insurance money. In vta Ur rkanvrd fruai lh r. u. K. MaUpin. Uttpt. w. Sc he Kiel announced to mini- of Prices in 1 hiiii rt lar llrnrvnlfiit oi'itUe in in ptr toilay having hi eue friend that he had be s... i.-i.r-. Art. lbu nrrrsaitatina rriei lal evsaiiasr from Ike come lieartily tired or lite in I In Ouern CbarUHIe liesnda where country and waited to live in the EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. u- i -l and lirdrrrd fiUat tar th he kaa been aa iaSMrul patrut. city, ilr i alUiied to have fol My Closing Out Sale la an eye-opener, and you cannot afford lowed hi laleiiN-nl by packing S. H. Harper. 1 aceouutanl of i-p mum of hi precious otUmie- to pass up the bargains I am now offering. t itiiniilee ( Ketchikan atarhly 1 he loral bra nek of the Itoyal iiiV' and sending- them to Kdmon They are going fast and you'll need to hurry to male, a GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY iiei..-,i ui i.uautauqaa proftram I tank, retursiee) thi iHornin? ton. Immediately afterward, hi selection while the sixes are complete. tin -mi and rumsnend name froan Alice Arm where he had hour. store and barn at I'awceil I. . PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT will sal Tburs-' mi commillee. Munlral ar- been relievisMT M. l. llo-. the were seen a iim or ruins a a r' and hunday at 13 o Iwk Midnight for Iwtnion Bay, lil are iteciallv Bt4. Whole maaauvr w h las keen on retult of a destructive fire. M. McAr thur, The Shoe Man Ocean, Falls, Powell Rler, Vancouver, Victoria and SaattU. proaram heller than ever. That holidays. I . Anyoi Wednesday II in. For S tax art, Kalurday. pMi. i the test of a telefraw rv-i-etted --r-. JUDGE AFFECTED AS Hart Black, Third Avenue. by J. K Msguire thi I. S. PRINCE JOHN . ail point Northern and Southern The In Mm Meant hip . Queen Charlotte Islands, May I3lh and I7lh. June lUlh and momma- from . C. IHbretl of frewliler 4iHkeMd. Uupt- Jorze PASSED SENTENCE ON Ketchikan. 202 July Mid and .-"iid. August Sib ami Itfth, Kept. 2nd, I6lh mhi. ! la port far a few tun 1 iOlh. ute lhi aieeMiagr obtrttt h ' MURDERER OF GIRL I. Hoaa Mar Kay wrote lo Train Serslce chirk nortbbwtJMd to the .aa the cily eounrll lat nival an Itiver froHi VaHrouvm and lUlgtrson Block, Piinct Raptrt. Phone 6S6 Way IILLIAST Ana- . A., id 8.45 Jus., Paaaangar Daily Eicapt Sunday, p.m. nouncing thai he was iuieisUins porls. lor Hiiiifhers, Prime Uwirie. lUluionlon. and Winnipeg. building a reantence on Tenth lice Andrew. Iirolher of Thomas 1 ' " n ft fjir i ..imi' ii..ii (or all points In Lastern Canada Avi-iiue eat of twrd Street ae m.i.i-. Andrew, the dcjuncr of Hit ill-fated Dr. E. S. TAIT iuy i4rue, how t il I Mini Half and arkiiitf that he he allowed enoaiml ia liner Titanic, and also a belw Hjt Iw1h? ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME 1 he ue of Ike old plank to baltd Ike (Mewa CjMrtolle lUad and victim when the hip was wr ked. Dental Surgeon Agency for all Ocaan Slaamthlp Lines a Hidewaik lo hi prqerl). The cttt poMit, went into I he dry nearly swooned when pauiK hi first death sentence on a prisoner Office Hours, 9. to 9flp.ni. ii'oticl. 011 re'HMHieniilion of daek IM a.m. City Tlckat Offlca. 62S Third Ave. Phone 260. iihih4k for paMiH? 1 h- Hoard of Work. 1 to be here. aai repatret IImi Jb Is iwt Sunday by Appointment 'iiipiicd with. vary exleieriva When he wa neariiu- the end of the death sentence hi word were Prince H Kihibition inaudible and he wa o overcome 11 perl Sefi- .orri PrinMf I li eeeijd of intwr It to IG. tf Ihal he rulird front the court a CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY a letter front Fred tiLetiheM who he tittlhed. i peiMliuit a ear at Sins;liaiiip. The prioaer whom the judso O A f'T Our froien herring bait Is conceded by fishermen B.C. Coast Services Ion. Oniario. FravJ fld the Dl 1 wa addreinK and who had mut- (o be the finest procurable at any Pauiflo Coast outdoor life In tlie Hal verv lered a little girl under brutal Port and it Is "Fishy." Price. 130 per ton. Some fine but au UnLurt liamlet Uck life ahmsviDe eireuHilane, rhiod a if petri tpp The best way of insuring a good quality trip is from Prince Utern town Sailings Rupert like Prince lluiierl. fied until the warder veiled him to have plenty of our hard froien Ice. Price. Per Katchlkan, Wrangalt, Junaau and Skagway and took him lo the cell. It per ton. August 4, 7, 14, 11, 25, and 2. Cut Glass tred laykvr. of Hie iKHiiiniou Otirfire ur "t'l-'Q'PP'd a(r" can supply ashing gear, For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle iroveranaeiit uauriikff dertarlmeiit BASEBALL mhrrmen'a clothing, groceries and provisions August 2, 9, 12, 19, 23 and 30. ln t lunch t if any belter who ha beU Utetiiu2 (he in. and hardware. . . PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butadala, Swanson Bay, Uimii a sihkI quality of the latallon or muniefiHiI electrical (American Leaque) NEW ENGLAND FISH Company East Balls Bslla, Ocaan Falls, Namu, Altrt Bay, Camp-ball article energy in ctNUM'clkoi with h pr-ed St. I.oui. I , New York. J. River and Vancouver, avary Saturday at 1 p.m. It cheap of court a ad I ruby I-land nlHlkJiu, relume Chicai:". "--'. Philadelphia.!!.? Ketchikan, Alaska Brance Agsncy for all Steamship Lines. it looks it. MHilh to Wturia on Ihe Prioeess (National Leaque) Full iiif' i (nation from Hut C.ut (iln- sparkle like Alice tomorrow aflernoo. hin lirooklyn, :i; Pituhunr, i. W. O. ORCHARD, Qeneral Agent, a diamond and ha tk work being ctmiplefM. (Coast League) Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. weight of mm. Portland, I: Vernon. ?. E. H. SHOCKLEY Wonl ha been Look oxer inn ixl.l Mee. leretvetl in Ol her team 1 avelliuy. Price from $3.00 to SI 0.00. Hie cit of tkc death at Vaucou. Planing Mlllsj Cow Bay. Wharf: Next Imperial Oil Dock. ver yelenUv moriihiir r Mr. Phone 3S3. John A. Tepoorlou. wife ut Hie well HOTEL ARRIVALS FIR DIMENSION, FINISHING LUMBER, PLANKING t. AND Bulger, Known w-hoeale drugiint TIMBERS, SHINGLES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOWS. B.&K. Pastry Flour Tha Jeweller Hiirial will take pUicw tomorrow. (Prince Rupert) Agent for: ' 'f Mr. l.p.Kirten and faiiitlv will Mr. M. A. Tavlor and IVjsy flobertson A Hacketts Saw Mills, Ltd, ef- have the syiuivalhy of tuany liavie. Port Hiiititon: Mr. II. J. Fyfe Smith's Hardwood. This is GIFTS THAT LAST 1111 no or me raiuiiy m die rity, A. MrCouver, lUlmoral: J. Xa-inyth "Lainatco" 3 ply Cottonwood Panelling, liari. ii lepoorlen, n on of the and IL H'ay. Vancouver: Garland Company, Roofiog Paint. dc-e.tM, ladv. i Well known A. SI. Clair Hrindle. Victoria: K. n here a a Iravellor or hia Iloyan. Horreen, It. II. (iuid, Your and Our Itt'her i-ot))HII.V. Caiar. Insurance Guarantee SUITCASES II. P. Ponder.(Central)Maell: J. TRUNKS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Itulherford and children. Cupar. DENTISTRY! Sa.k.; M. Maey. CX.lt.; J. CLUB BAGS I Kill IlKXT. l uiui.lM-d house Alluu and J. Ilsily. i-ily. Modern X-RAY Service j -iiii,- Apply ill) sixth Ave, of Quality Goods To r sol Large Stock on hand. i Kal. Phone lllue S17. ir Yo ehouM hava tha Hast. You gat thai Ileal In "II & K" Prices very low. j Hill HAI.K. Siiir Sewinif rCZEMA Rm lag itti M Otnt-IH. DR. BAYNE mahiii null t tue teirmh aa4 Skla Irni. Rooms ,4, ft, 8, Helgereon Block Phone 10S MAGU1RE gramophone. L Own. II rrll.tr. at e "4 Pu-iIIt THE J. F. BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. Phone 700, apply ia-. &t hii Ui kl. SabpI Sua I. OlUce Uours: Mornings, 9.11; Afternoons, l;30.o;30; OluUiMitt lr. it aituUoa UJ. ttwM'a ywi Hutel Prince Rupert Evenings. 7.9, 0, Bo Nest the euue. Eal, plume ItU.-k tai mb4 So.suuvs tor imi. Sua i 7alK n.i-- BnnaPt B ft Phon 350. --e I I MIV f uft I- Il o'. I'.'k. Eirnt