vVHKN YOU WANT A ' . J TAXI Of T main YOKOHAMA THE NEW in a hurry Phone CAFE PRINCE RUPERT Vl9f HOME BAKERY ALL NEW CANS Phone - - - - 636 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Mil. N" n l'HINCK III I'KIIT. II.U, Tl KSIjAY AlfiU.ST 2, K22. VHKXir'l Clrtalatla 1St trttt 2. PRICK FIVE CKNT8 Ford is Fiffhtinsf The Goal Profiteers HA KHAN U M MSHhKIKN MW NNI N A .KN h INIMINIKY Kvnors:m rrnnrooYinrr M Mm v in V i V nnri BIG DROP IN FINAL FIGURES Change Fishing Industry From m. m m m a ar a ai & BL, m. m-v mm Eastern United r States BOOZE PRICE OF FISH PACK Seasonal to All Year Round Says I Occupation for White People Government Stores Will, be Totals For Rivers Inlet Skeena Them1 Selling Cheaper After and Naas Figures Not Yet ! ' : ' Ford Who is Fighting Thursday This Week Available VASCOL'VKH, Aug. 2t. If the Hritih Columbia fishing ih- dutr i to be iJevrloiietl to it fullft extent, means niut he VICTORIA, Aug. 29 Sharp Final figures gf Hie a linen fuiuid lo rhatige it from a seasonal o rmMtioii to one winch could nrritOIT. An. W. Following Henry Ford", auiioiimr tnrnl linCplTAI ROARH reductions In liquor prices park I II hers Inlet Uir the awii he followed Hie venr nMind, deiiared William Huff, M.l chair-are it.n- ago the Ford plant will be r.ed on Medeiiihcr WJIIIrtL DUrtlUJ villi be gaietted by the provincial a follow: imaii of the Fiiheriet timmiion in an interview liere today. . ci otiditioiia in ewtl i ml Hairy, it m mimI by aoorrr GETS ITS MONEY government on ! r.e. I Silmon fi.hing will always he a teaoiiAl one, nuid Mr. fluff. lip manufacturer ItmUy that he began thr right fort what Thursday effective that day. ivN-keyee So,IftO bul Imlilmt, cihI. herring mid flat fih should ii(iH)rt a largo Even heavier cuts will be ink S3,W while fihing ioiuliilioii the year round. J",, Show. That Institution made In the prices of beer i:..hr 7BB i " t ! detl.c.' Ilia! there1, a coal .hnriage. Hi. Ime.tigalmtM 1 Um f and light wines than had Kpi int I .ni Unit there i an enormous roI u(H) in the hand ' been previously decided upon. riiiiion ttw. MEN CONFESS KILLED WHEN Kfr- Hard liquor reductions j Fiiftire fir Hie mmimhi oh the . . ver.il week rt rtHtpi.i- has been flooded will, eJu pjJ ,.)N)nr iimlii !- atone will take $750,000 from Skeena and N Hier HI not ,ttri w,r w, ,, this year's profit. le axmUMe fur several week, TRAIN WRECK COMING FROM smil of tin- IIk- -.-.. raiuierten IH1 lieiiis all etoel imlrd ht i rnl mIhivc norm. cutL mimM Wimm half "f I lii" et profit runnnt to tbr i ft . i GENERAL STRIKE Police Declare Widespread MAYO CHURCH RACTE the MvtiMriaJ tvrrnni-iil. WELSH COAL FOR Sabotage Plot Has Been rvMift vma muIiiiiiIImI Kliovtuiii Unearthed MARRIAQC BECOMES HABIT WITH McCOY Ihat tbr k(MHl will i on FRANCE TODAY THIS CONTINENT ! IIF.I.FAST. Ail. 3. llepubli. COAL STRIKE LICENSE FOR NINTH Autwl 31. the .urn of K'.;i;l T: CHICAGO, Aug. 29 A confession Jean irrejrular fired ypon the with l.v6fl in iiiiinl-ial aiol of actual participation renare?alhin of nourner leaving Pressure Mines In Old Country oxrrumnnt yranu tur. I"1 French Eitremlsl Federation Call on In wrecking the lprt, Mayo county -."V. express !.lis Wi.lVM. NEAR ITS END: Marrutff ha .i-.-..Hir oit i via a tenatby dirMaion in tli" Men Out In Sympathy With Increases Demand.Daily Canadian train near Uary, Indiana, recently eliureti, having attended maa In hattii Willi Kill Miij.y. thr i'Hire of vthirh AM Moiilxonieiy Havre by the removal of honor or (be late Michael Col. rhaiU'-'l III' IioiII Imiiii.I Willi spikes from the rails wsr liim. y a mea?e tu. the Del. t'f fiahlrr who i aiHojt I.HNIMIN. m. Uea. iiilinaiiau'iiiiil . I h 1 1 ti w thai I'ARIS. Auk. SU. - Moonte I made four All ' fa.! telegraph. nil is opinion or u.s. aaminis- 10 rnlrr Mir uiMlriuayaJal lion of itnioetjial.. inmeltear in- by men. are rliarae i.'o lui ant ami ruanl. and lrnfip potire force Mi unorii-iai meaze ars declared to be Uitloni Opposed to Radical Ulr lr tlir ntolli Itw. lereat. raiarat in K.nilUlHl by lit strlklg shop- tber' lini-t ! l ak oii'liere. wer larwwa aeiMiiwI the Mir in-damtruU men and are h.ld In wnDCc4 ''' wound. Action . Ameiirau HrilWU VrftUrilay a Hmh wev b'lMpl. Is rUrta-if FeaMce Uy whlch" "Wfreenielff mv ed and Hon with the disaster M4tJ thr -oal. iliat "t Wre At ly Noffiwi Jvllijr. eniweriy t Ihe loc '.'I liiwr atrlkr Hie reimblieaiia were driven off. ' tl f I'lllA. Ann '? It krlii(iK namr of tbr knl. SCHOONER LEONOR owina tin' tiriii.li iHittf hit Imlu.try lo cost the lives of two engineers, i alli-il for Imlav l.v llifi ttrnii.( -' .! Ihat President liar, 11 i I hi- mnlli thai In-l-n meet l lie demand witli the leal according to the police. i .l tiiaajr menrWer of Ihe mim linl for the ! SOLD AT VICTORIA '--rtioi, in ..y,,,athy wtm injur)- to the rriirefoeiil of It was Indicated that no STEAMER GREY Ihe llatrr worki'is wliu lruc union officials were Implicated v !. riiiare re op- -anr namr. olber ru.loiner. br idea t Ifce !- Fetched Only Half the Charges The preurr l oollnwe to in- In Hie ploL The authorities - ng over boms" if the Aalnst Her at Auction rreae. and il i elnated tliat assert that they had unearthed GONE ASHORE J ih- kja wtU be ilfc Yesterday. RACING INTERESTS the .Vuwrnan reuireHent will evidence of widespread mkni apprusunatr I u,WMl too sabotage plans which Mit grnrral tw-hrl in n-l TO RE-SUBMIT VimilHIA u - Tin- anx FIGHT PROHIBITION a dav. The tonnage already developed at small meetings Had Wabash in Tow In Active unaulhorlxed union officials. "irrlr lal mtt rhM'liei l.eniior, pirkeil by "p lliary Pass and Beth Are Aground .. . . ... . k.u nui.ivi.ui . n iv 11 . . . . t luu , .... bm ill ' i ikr ..f hiiKii a-H- mill U lii me iiini "i iiuornia uji nniiiu ni uau vni mm .--i ..- i w f-iiilrtl in a f- BRIDGE BYLAW the rruiarr Hainbow luriny lliej Hire reportea aipce ine imini VAXCi U VF.lt. Aug. 9. In a tii.-nt tin in (iinna war aa a ii-mi-1. wa ld here Application to Quash Bylaw to reprenl a deadweight oa-i-.terdav FISH ARRIVALS heavy fog Ibe freighter Wabanh ! Imtt tin- i-jiiIm'- bv au. lioii in order lo. Coma Bafora Me. Ju.tlra 'paelly of between Wl.tK and and Hie whaling alramer Cray pay for me inmi-'-i rjiwuwi Morrison Tomorrow I'iki.immi lo only. A rireuui-Llaiice wcul aground thi monilny in Council Already Taking Steps to lo be reckoned with i the Nine Boats Marketed 125,000 ihiniig the lal ix yer. Active l'a. It l expected the this End bv Calling for I bu.iiie. Pounds of Halibut at Exchange of I uad advent lan t here wen- only two bHMera r VAf.orVF.It. Au. ?. Vabah will be refloated at IIP DAMRI PR Tenders. and Hie iMial went ! V. II. lire. I morrow Mr. Ju.tn e Morrl.on will1 " '"a,,y '4u" ' This Morning high lide. will d V((i im I'M .l..ill le hear an applN-ation from the rue aborlaae in Hie nuppty of lulu- A aalvage veel I on hr I he...elty. eiMineil. . .. l ii"l.. . ret-. Ihan half Ho- iipk.-ep exienes. ing in(erela when the Oak Hay iiuiioii. and a ul h no-lie eoal from; Nine iMtat marketed l?5.O0r way Hie aid of I lift two tes. - m It which Can- of halihul at the Fih Ex-ada. ueieai oi mr na-r.reek Ihe In iled Stale on j pound KILLS CHINK ma IIH me MunieialitV will be required to el. Neil her is believed to be bridge b-la lat w'.k under normal i-oiidilioii,iehaHKe thia mtirninz. the Iraiifar. CREEKS EVACUATE allow cauae why Hie II or re Hr-in in danger. and i ulren4) taimit lej I" deeiid. etvluaivelv, and in Ihe lions lieinst a fidlow- Prevention Hylaw oIiihiUI not Active Pai i a narrow strait hae I be mailer re.imbenttted t event of a eoMliiiuanry of the .Norma. 6.00(1 ihhiihI i ii. I Now Being Sought by Police IMPORTANT POINT be iiualied. May ne Inland about In orrfer to e. coal and railway difficulty In ami 6Hc; Vela. tt.000 pounds.' the raleper. t8,f between Victoria and In Vancouver Where he Ttie rlaiin i made that the Oak wa ulaiH tb m-eeaity fT the IN ASIA MINOR the I tilled Slate, a Irons demand at II.ic ami rc; inetuta it., i.- vaiir.mver Shot Old Man llay SMuuiripalily i nut etunpelent UrMae ami obtain definite r-timale for large auppliea of Km Jill. Mo jmund.. at I0.?c and Ac. t llo hn uh a meaure and the of ro.l, it ii derided pa Ii roal from Canada wUI the Hood Fi.lierie Canadian Co Vl "I VKH. J Whvn The I'rovinrial Iut.lature has no t. OMIO.V. Auirii-i I U.i iiiuhl l rail for tender for itouiiMe-. aooii have to be rmk. Urayiing. H.uoo imhiihI. MOTOR BANDITS 'l.lrtl to pi r fill ail Ul uleei . riMe.. pumrimw l.rei'ka he earuatel Atiiim- ruilit lo ale them Ker of ttia'. oned wilb. Coincident with the 10 He and 6 He; baatern iouil ' nimblrr makin a under forre of Ihe kind. iiiiw- Irel and I miner brnle ami a karahiasar umuuie from America, there 4.CMJ0 pound, at 1 1 He and OVic.j .v iill H-'ii Mhit h thi 1'iiiki.b Satioiialiit nH.irk -ay Oak llay i an Drgnnired muni- limber brtda-e. IHW ... . .... 1-1.. .... ... a I. ...lil. r ! i a itiwin deMMiid from Uor. ami J. P. TiMld. 7.UO0 pound. a: MAKE BIG HAUL !! iii a namr yrlir-Mraiahi an .'nen in.iiiien i in. imi- i ipaiiiy on mr oumairia ui i ve Scandinavian will lake nil iielober ? and tfteii. many and the lie and 6c. lo Hie Atlfn Fiiheries. mii. hii iifl I'.liniaMtfii. in r lull t I'lMilrul i'"int in the oi in where the Willows rare .NorlhumberUtld, If the tr-eaary itelititin i count riea for Forwanl. 1 1.000 lannnl. atj ' tliti I lir auinori. (ireek line m .V-1.. Minor a ttm'k .. ilualed. ile. a new by-law will Ie ub- Hurliain, York h ire and Seolili 11.3c and (IHr, to the Petfie.Union Bank at Foremost. Alberta. IId' in an if Turk-J f u i in rity yielded in fare aiiperior liwarl the end or mai eoal. Fialierie. UHlted Was Robbed of $12,000 ' fmil Mii- nun il'Ti-r. h ' ' iPnnspcrTnn rAiiccn Other Markets. entire ulluallon in Jamia C-irrulher. 65.000 inoutll. The 1 UUlH liUIVII vnviLi Cash and $70,000 reyard to the rulliiiK IT f S.t-HtMia "la. -... astvaa uui et aal al lt uliLll Ittuud. at l.3c and ic; Mab. I,-000 Securities. JOHNNY DUNDEE ' 7 and H ttmMiarli the Uik C.P.R. MAY TAKE OYER FIRE KLEANZA YALLEYS.mlh Wale, cnopele only ihiuihI. at 1 1 He and 6Hr. to of a brldae wan diou"d. an iiiaignificaHl extent, but the the Canadian Fih and Cold Storage I.KTHimilMlK. August 29. REMAINS CHAMPION TRACKAGE IN THE Aid. Mi'lieod aid lie wouw like C.N. i st a u It i. i-i.iuuri.nl more uoHUern coalfield exmtt Co. Ltd. Tin- 1'iiion Hank at Foremost. tu ee KttUiellilltit ilone iihhi COWICHAN LAKE DISRICT Hint a pniapector wlm waa eamp-iug to the Conilnenl or Kurope, ine Altierta. was robber by motor ' .V Jiftliunjr ...i.. 1 1. they will have for ahipment ultK. Auj .1 - e i mm wa no uihiih mm' al B mile up Kleatua Valley, iiaiidit early this morning. The? fullly llfflMUllHl olw had iHaile a wieiafce. oi alMiul 0 in lies from Uk, lat week to America and Ihe more acule MEN TRAPPED rohiHjir "ap.d with 1 2.000 "f liirtil. !- N : 1 till V. Aim 2H.--riiei.n-ririiied will heroine Ihe demand from w..i, juiiiwr only were the reileul or il left hia camp-fire liuruiuK and a'li and 7U,HI0 tu pegollable 1 liiiiiioii. riTPUlilit Hi" i..... ) un.l m aoneriim bill Hi.o iiiinoi have it that l. thereby el the Crown ..jijplthe l ulled ale lr NVet.li eoal. ies. After binding and - ili'i-i.ioii , omt Vllievut I lie uUaineaa Mope il"l tow n C. r.oleliian, ire.president of Ibe afire. jThi gUe rie lo Ihe ipieatmn IN GOLDMINES K mi' rierk wno were Mai1m of llrooklyli Fire iirwleoliiHl would b prar. r..l'.IL i H"W in Victoria imesl-luatum The manager of Ihe, Kleamu a lo whal Ihe Welaii coalfltld i in Hie quarters above, - - flflffll rilllllllK. lieallv eilt oiT for the r.nterii tlio poaaibililie of taking 'can ell to America under es- Company. John Williuan, baa i In- thrive tdew the safe door. end of town when tinier rame over pail of Ihe Canadian tAken the aawmill gang to the l.ling iioiidilion. Cut Off In Blind Tunnels by Fire The vifeiiien i ii the parly cut QiRMANY SENDS DELEGATE Aid. MrKeiHl uImj referred to Hie National Irarkaue in the Jnwie-hau place and will likely gel the fire The margin fr the coaUex-porliug and Await Death all wire, i.-adiug into town and the Hi tireek illtriel to give aiceaa in dialrirl ia about tlHO,. tiroiMMal lo have oiider control. blocked all load. ' ' i iil.lN Au. fl. (ifrinany liniil in Hie Caiwio-han 0Hl Uui a week. No arbitrary to the dry Hie timber eiuder iMilh trtiiliiiK The i 'limbered olley deuncly "' JACKSON. tUilifornia, Aug. 2U. i"nl an n iiuiioii t ion. limit can be placed to the quantity .lock widened into a rornl. The lake rev and il ia ealimlaleil to be about 300 FEDEIUtToN a" i" Wfiliirnilav mlling in which it impossible fur Ifctwn at the bottom of a preit, FRENCH fltieai arade lo the waterfront million ft. H.M. of timber there. ' in prtrnnaut Bold mine, nejirly a utile nFtttion i)iiiini"ii produoe a i Hie. eollierie lo Ihe city wu here offered. mid n LOSS OF LIFE aeven-liour day. but the etreum. below the surface. 4H miner, have OF LABOR OPPOSED eoutd he made tliia road AGAINST PROHIBITION Ui ure a under wUteli trade hai been Implied by fire in blind tun pruwncUl . TO STRIKE AT PARIS onueeted with the nel aiure midnight Sunday ami r"ttl1 il been carried on during I lie pa I WRESTLING K..XTHU nl'a Hay CHILEAN SHIP 12 mouth go to allow Hut it I await Ihe self-aumo fire to vl the J"' u ..eden Gives Majority of 45,000 would nerve imrtHwe not poaaible lo improve to any their lives if it has not already PAIIIS. Aug. 2. The Conservative Favor of hridiia. Liquor Jli Olten vs Ad. Oustavo. wi ll a the dieilloii ll wa appreciative ex ten I Oil that done so. A rescue crew is bud federation of labor has derided After woine Numbered 150 and quantity. lust evry effort to effect a reseuet. against the general strike derided lo tiike Die Utlar mat-ler Passengers STOCKHOLM, Aug. JU.- The BOXING Crew 72 All Went Down The mine superintendent do ailed fur tomorrow iu Pafis In wllli the railway ouwiiiany final count in the liquor referendum uji SANTAHIO. t't'de. Auk. W. -Ibe DROWNED AT NANAIMO le a red lliev may not be able to uualliy with Hie striker at with the minuter III Sweden tliow'a Ihat confer tddle Craggs s Also Roy. and al Chilean leiiur lUle. 2200 NANAIMO, Aug. . Joe Tom rcat'li Hie entombed men for lH;tl.,wt' Instead, demonstration of railway on his furlli- there ia a majorily of , Ib.000 Empress Theatre, nlnu viait with a Mew 4i bv- lone, tank today otf Ibe, Cbilaao u:iinr prohibition hi tlial uud bis four-year old sou wu lujHire. ..( protest will he liatdS and the wanesday Night at S.30. uninted fitr Ihe coaai. in irouuiry. drowned from a launch ueari teitri ation ( Utiui will eoutrl- ' - ' at (hi k L.roilo and ..i-iiiUaioii would lie u Iiel'illg (Ml .uui Hie rrew or 72 here. Tile lad fell into Hie water W i lung . fur fiab fllleth ttotlbute one Uy pay lo lb tinkers rio.kinif that l I' ll I'.mi llooin. !..t I Advertlta in the pllly Newt. j Jil l !!li t.t' i hiii- ill.. ii. t Havre