Turt.iv A page en TBI DAILY IVWB a t- iijiii i h a 1 1 i ii IJ-UJLI LI .ai j I . -Jill 1 RADIO BREED WIIITEFISH SETS G. H. Arnold, Notary Public LaaaallalalaiaalB9lallalalalas WESTHOLME Millions of Fry Turned Into Lake THEATRE FOR HOSPITAL Winnipeg From Hatchery FIRE INSURANCE It carefully written by us In reliable luiiiKiitf lusiuijr companies. We are permanently engaged In the buttneee and WINMi'Kn. Ana. : Uurliia our record are accurately kept so that when your policy expiree Victoria Proposing Installation I l:.-' IIS.UI3.000 whllefish fry BcAutiful you will be notified In sufficient tlmeto keep your pro or Patlente Who are Bedridden. were 1'ird in the Dauphin river fish iiad hery and turned Hit perty protected. We solicit your business. l..ak WinnipeK, WelhiiKton .Mr-( Katherine Macdonald H. O. HELQERSON, LTD. annan. superlnlendenl of Uie Rentals. Insurance. Loans. vh:tiiii.. un. as. w it.' w ir lian. hcry. sold loday. HuriiiR lV2l pnni' Hi,. inlallaliuu of !-le (he number of whitefiU rry turn. IN telephone liilrimieiil in Ihe lake totalled 110.750. d into Ihe new win? if tin- Hnyal pr.it m-rial 000 46 MS Hospital, no Unit si"me 00 In (he years ItfIA and 191? the The Infidel" pa Ileum in perpetuity may enjoy total distribution of whllefiat. Ihe ilrlighlM of radio run. aaaaa-yapp frv for Ihe ItomiHion was 501,. Comedy "Torchy's Promotion" rert. while bed.ridden That i i;.i.i.ooo ami Ihe total illtributioti ralrd Irnrirra Kill he rlt k. tha the ue!lhn, thai la exercising from Manitoba's four hati herie- Ailmwamn, 15c and ;jTc Wtrtrt lormtrr. rnnce. Rupert, nl liter the management of ihe hnpilal. than mam on lb i.1 tilth 1y of itri.irtnbrr, WH 24MMK,eiH. Mr. Mctjinnan lfi. for II purrhae of l.lcrnr X lltT, A member of Ihe lliiilal I rat rei iviiik ' .1 1 II III . The urmr nsrirquin na.itt, i..h. a., i mi Hoard hoijtal, Wllh Hi liigh liM-atioii raid, wiiiie .Mnmi"iNi nan oni.. outline! Ihe letilatite Jdo.ooo board frrt of fpruce, tedar. the nmoler of white- ii rnn it b ami pai.am. plana which l i lnied may he ould he I hili pl.ii.il willnti !one-lenlh (Hie l year mill be illumed for rr-imvl Ii.h liatrlierien in the dominion nf umber. carried into effeel wllh aid from radio news and i ni fii.tn THEO COLLAR 1 LTD. itirtnnr particular er the Chirr Vvrrt well.wtuher. II Uixlaiiee of 3.000 1 or iriore.l"" hiIhI of ytmnif full is one Irf, Vlrinria, nr the btrlrlct I turner, some yediwuiK Ihe 'half the lhwlnH's lolal. I11U11- iiKiftllui. 1 ....ii.. 1-1- j Prti" Bupert, B.C. appear thai roiidulf for in- TlWSSn Salt X4US. il hid tin I telephone are now t phoMes for Die benefit of ho. jH. .M?.6W fWi were di We are now AgenU for the New York Life Insursnce Com pin. he laid to eery ward, puhlie pilal palienl la ....t a new Idea. ,,rtlM1,H fr,,,H etftUl baleheriea 111 The most liberal and strongest company on ths conilntni paint irtxtrn mill be rerrired br Ihe a Ihe frheme ,a. been aUr. f while JOI.III.riO were put Assets, $9S2,632,13.80. Let ue show you how to site THE GENUINE Minister of Land at Victoria nol latrr and private, In Ihe new wins. ua I nan noon on ibe flat flay of September, ed with a rem deajreP of Me.!"t" l-r Winniir from Mam monsy. GEO. A. SLATER. lt, for Ibe purchase or l.u-nea X 4114. The.e e.inliiip eoold earry jm-other In rn t.t.n.tiaa fret of idar, Jprurr, wire, and H ha Neen ii3-pivled re., in KMplrni :Mxil arwl ,"' t"f halrherie dunnn the Hemlock and Balaam, on an arra altuated Phone Blue 69. Weelholme Thsstre Block. p.o, b4, at Sir iJk'. Kllerrlle Channel, lunre S. (hat thi facility nhutiid eolith f Ihe line, lite benefit aine year, iNVICTUS" Coal Land DIMrlrt, lo laetl-riiMeH Wtli-ota i to! Three S yrari mill tie lllomed for re nt he allowed to remain unused. ai, moral of umber Authorities Support Plan. be inealelllable. hP ca of a-ajRIfQCIA RHVQ MFAT lurlhee parlirnlara of Die 'thief roree-rr ilioe Is our staple line. All Victoria. a. or DIMIict I ore iter, Wire from a central rereUitij? tiies ami shapes. Every rrlnr nuperl, B.C siitliiMi, rmryiii,' the niultilud romprete, of awh a eMIioMJ FROM ARGENTINA pair guaranteed. iimu iiipnajjen of Ihe elher in wimkl be 9y motrerale. it it ihe form nf radio emeert, liek ohl. M'lSCMW . Aiu V Tin- Ilu-plain PRESERVING FRUIT Family SHOE Store m ifp,rt. addree and all lii.il-ler llovernmeni lrain I'nwlot of interest, imhiM le pUieeMl P.O. Box 1668. Phone 357. HAZELTON IUoofaii ha piirrhaed ?,0on.lMn in Ibeae eonduil at llii la?e. uirl of 1 new I In the Argentine hill nH later. The IwnipHal au. Itayins JMHI.tW) B4il ruWee 1.1 W. Ihoriliea ihiinei Ilarrn im Tureil a . . are with i. 1 it. i. TO EUROPE 'a'1. " lMr rrarararr' in iinsmmi. CARNIVAL lie Xiinrlaat litre. ear ihii, m I the real -anti Irene fie ia I vnloe of iiiiHe l1""'"- areordkHii lo uri NlHe and,""' a .Mil M.Hii.lain There Will Be A Coal Shortage llii rerrealion that Ihev now aulhorite iwMIr ameml 'for lnw In men wnrlkiiiit n the I eWaM4pef a This Winter HUE BESEfnriTtCKS NW! a fund to hrinir thl almttl. pmxri)'. A fifty ftuM ahafl w.iil 'Ihe netl IW'i W". t.- -I a' t.I til. ill- .' he nHftL ia one nf the tein OFFERS TO MARRY .rr.nrt IIUI frntl thai rr. ..ff.riMl in IS ii Be wise! Ouisto-CHtaaouea-souTHAMrTOfi. Cost of Installation. whieh i ftww.ina ummJ ore. were neter o fatorabif for cheap (ruiU f..t pi. Hteaufta While Ihe rol of Ihe inlallit- S. S Oct. S Oct. . tiar Itt raitnNMl lr,ke in the hlate ba nil St ef franca Imp tion m ia lit lie deemed exeerve Woman Detained Comely Young Order Your S.1S.Ott.17,Nt.14 tinpraa af Stall" V. I-'. iHinn, the New Harelloit pletHy Ihe rompetllmn f l'tt-ett mtt-keU mi nvexliiralion Inlo Ihe equip at Ellis Island Seeks MatrU ieraU.r. H fNireiael Hie old that IWra.t iiiarkrl nrr ylnilcil Willi fiiirf thai MON.TRIAL-tOUTHAMrTOM-AN.TWf R.P ment rteedetl will ehow. It I !hP-ed, fnony as Mesne of Release. t. tS Oct. It,Net. S Main that the radio teleplMtfte L'nitHi Hank IxjiltHnK anil hit rruanlleaa f profii. Mere t )mur ttptnurtuail) St.ITOtL, IS Mat, 1 1 Minna and Mill make hi hme I ire re. by annlRR your own fruit Goal Now miht lie inlalled at a fhture NKW VHIK f. -nffer. MONTMCAL TO LIVERPOOL that would lie welt within I be J. ina- lo warrr uny man wli. would nemember Monday, Sept, 4th, Is Labor Day, I. 'allou,-ar. Saa. S Oct. S S rei4enl win. Naf. Meairet. means of even one publie-iril. lep firrward lor the puru.,. ... Shop early this week. Saa.tS Oct. IS Nat. 10 Vltela inn engineer. In t-arl frm lwi Don't get left Saa. IS Oct, 20 Nat, IT Mantcalm ed resident. It i iottiled mil iiHtitlh trip to the C.rttMMi e..un. Ihwl a he wttlihl nol lie hlil up Bartlett Peare for Pre. Hubbard s.r .-' tc Sap.tS Oct. ST Nat, 24 ManUlara that all Dial n iuir.-d would le try tn ileiwrtiHrnl huaine... hy immiaralioM "f(ifial. Mi- aertllia. We irlfer for ar. Ve Merrutt i- Sc. We have arranged for delivery the uliahl addiiional wirinti in ll we i'tieti. a eiNMoty jrmintf woman, rital I.atmr lhay. .Iflitery Medtlirtl-Hii.l i MONTREAL TO OLASOOW of 3.000 tons or Sap. S Oct. T Nat. 4 Tvalalaa the pi en! i-oimIuiIh and a rrtl- .N. II. Nelnt, ( Any.it. ha win. hail llft-tl in New ork Tue-xfay. 41 Hte of Kaira 2 foe 15c, 4 foe ISc Nanaimo-Wellington Sap. IS Ceealcaa leen Itere fir neveral day es-amiuinv len year, arriteil utt Ibr .Irani- Kane Wraptretl Htoek al I.are H.nU- I fir Sap. 23 Oct. 21 Nat. IS Melatam hip Mmmt l'.U of the I ihIh.I 25c. SYNOPSIS OF tmrrtme minine irr- S2.C5 Pee Boi. Coal QUIBIC TO OLASOOW, ertie in the di4rel tnriuttlna Anteriean line., awl i ielaimil jet Nit weinh at lel IS eltow llatil in . Sap. T tmpreaa at li LAND ACT AMENDMENTS a wine n linihry t;reek iru,nei al Ivlli I land. lb. nlt and we awr yoti per dor tOc. Phone 116 564. QUtBIO TP LIVIRPOOL ! by Joe lltrkn aitJ A. It. MaMxhw. Ml l"Hi. who i emplojii.d thai AO sr poll ltd tba ant r.ht.ire W Im. or Sap. II Oct.10 Net. T Binpraaa at BelUI1 ahl, Ihe IhtMsie II..) atitj Ihe Irjr Ihe hole I Pnnlt ani4, hail ieatr Ihe pTtJWr enMtwil to tanre h.. 3Sc, 40c, ik Albert & McCaffery lf ta Aatnte ?arr-rStr, ee J. J. 1 iwum pri a of flratiaa. .anS liebenlure. a gtmf 20 In In iil Uern reUlite Utrev anal month frleml pay ftr Uie bose. Ue will rkMVN i.i.,- FONSTIN, Aanaral Anl. C.F Jt. Stat, r-n to It an arra: eaeaM .Ha la -.-- book Ar4rm only to Uan fee 25c, LIMITED Vre, Talaan 3tfnr ieso 1 lTmHti-n new con filial t ar-aavaa Jerry l'attl. ttito ha Keit Iwl Ire fore her ilepjrlnre htl aniotint ws hate arrttinir. New Care!. lb. fee IU. CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY landa amir, ranehine in Ihe Jilriel for awttre lalett 011 1 only her f ir-l uaturil .New Meet. i.n. ! Rrcorda win b (ranla anvarlnc jmit iialiH Traffic Aa. Urd ruliabla for attiniHral nr linie lr.t reluniet lo Cliieazu paer. Freestone Elberla Peachee 3 foe 25s. i4 whlrh la non-timber lan4 Mia I'oeh male her offer rartnaraMp pr.-rmplkma atnllati4. where he wM remain. now in nturk, plenty of ltrne Olllihxar Tom I . lirarrtaze after the hlp arrue.l 4 mora than four mat but partiaa not Ue. at k-l. 50c. Edson Coal Co. for adjar.nl pra-amntlon tin I she had heen arranta Mm. ShaaVe al 11 a rati a in with lnt roaManra. bu aach maklnf h re4rtil In $1.45 Per Boi. Hothotte 1 nacaaaarr Impreaemanta on ropaetla her home Veoeotiter apprtaetl of her rer tain delen. in Tier a 75c. Silversides Clalma. We hope lo hate an eten lMket. Iraemptura muat orrvpr claim. m hatiilK npeut the U III later tinit. lkM. Several yiMinx men. aitxHia lower but would ad-tine Mti.k Melon. 15c sn 20c prit-e Famous flra yaara and milt Improaamanta l IhetH "He tr lw newpaperten v.iHi her Mrs. ralua of II par arra. Inclu4ln( rlrar-lug ma daughter, A. Ii. you nol to wait anatba Melon- SC. aia eultliraOon of at laaat S to. Chappelle. aitisii-j .leeplr' litlerlitl Init hafura ncildm Cmmn Uiant iiwrfttaii!! a tiereel .ilenre. Italian Prunes now in l--k. W atertneluli- ; Bros. Wh.ra pra-amptor In MrrutatMn nv 4. 5n ll lli.i.-. f..r $3.50 Hite tew Mi i 1$ ' l-m than I raara. arul haa ma4a pru Ml-..K l.ee, of EDSON COAL Second Street. ponkmata ImproTarxaMa, ha mar bo KaHltotipfS. CLEAN-UP. .mi lb I. I...I. (or $1.60 20c fauna of lU-h.allh. nr Mhar rauM. vr i Iter filnijc Willi her iUf. 2 lb. foe Malaga rranta4 I'tarnvMitale rartlfmia ol im l'-r i It. lU.kil 400 i.rai- - DIRECT AGENTS FOR pntriMM ana traaafar hl claim Mr. John Ni-wirk. Fresh Shipment of North Estra Special This Wm. Now u the lime to get Kcrprda without prmannt roa, "Ii. rur t aealion do ) kj oVmo mar M ta4. pruTtd4 appti West Biscuits Just arrlsd. Swift's Premium Msmt. your winter supply. rant make. Improrvmoata to anant of jjmnjr ... NORRIS OF MANITOBA We iitrluded trial tinier fur nw ln-k. jiu ' A SPECIAL PRICE FOR tM pr annum an4 raror4a una I-ar "Yy atl il, I rstoe hone a Kalluro lo maka ImproTamanta lirahain Wafer in tt ntotildy. AUGUST DELIVERY. nr rorura am a III oparata na to. broke." -I'nftlarxl Kipremt. parked GOES BACK TO FARM frltbra. Tttlo rannot ha obtainea In lb. W iMMlen Uite wtileh l Takattg W l-I. i . For further information. aar tldiB i j ra m, ae4 hnwaiHi of f te m par arra. Inrluatri S I W hile here al Ihe wek-eiL bin talue at $1.25 pee boi. 45c. Phone 58. rlrar ut at.4 lal and t rultiralwt..r are raqulrad.and rarldanra Says Hs Will Havs Twrenty Bush- .. A (i, Ihe VniiatMivtMr liny I hem how. The' an U2 Uaw ? 1 '' Office of Prince Rupert Feed l-r-mpor hnlilli Crown (Irani els to Acre of Wheat This tfi-t, iiMiie an exaKilnalhHi of I lu fre.h. 47c Co., Cor. Second Ave. and may ianra r.t land ar.othrr In roniuorttnn pra-amptkm.with If hk ha Year ll w a I Hank of Montreal buildm r.tlri.n. p-t ll. So. I..' Ham II' ' ' Seventh SL farm,TMr4 without alatutury artuxl Ipiprvvamanta occupation, mad.pro Mr. ikii ha been enaauel by Pumpkin, i" i lb. Sc. 50c. a ad r-wMrnca matntalnad on Crown I ean mil a binder ju.l a well Ihe hank in erect niit many nf il- (rahtad t'Paurvarad land ara not atr4int S a I ever roulij." nakl T. C. Nurrl,'builditiits 111 the Vel. Co nrrao. may ba iaaard aa bomaaltao, former premier of Manitoba, who 1 11 The Rupert Table Supply tltlr im bo iihtalnrd aftar f jlfUtM( r.l-dr.'tul and ln.-imnt eondltkaia u..i,l u ,l...ri vl.il I.. 11.- .u.rii. " th lurm-i . cou-T or bpjitish PAG F G (MAG E For (raiier and Ipdd.lrial inrp.a Phones 211.212. inent the enoearc arraa ricaadinc 14 acrra may b. biiihJina, alter spettdifix . 1. br rwmu Mr i. paraon " Mill, fx lor j or Induatrlal altaa n past ten nay on the rarnt, a)s is ii mure of tit Adtuim.tnuoa An. - umbrr land not airradmc IS acraa 1 1.a t. . tiM.. and Limited ,v a... a " - I I,. ... U.Oa. ... Hm, l.l.l. atf mmf ba purchaaed: crnditino Includa imymaiil of alumpria. .nr. .Tttrrin .am uie erups in lue a- iinanmj, wriwa. intuir. Phone 93 Natural Aa maa.lowa teacrawrtbla I w."Mrr.i iwiar. ri. foiaj- j. mrws PAINTS rikwolii dlalnel. where he RAMSAY farnm. tit auatlrf road mar ba puirhaat.4 mtmt. Thurad). ttwr llti d of Auru.i ondlt lonal upon cbnatrtartlon of road will not trite a bunker yield HiU,iVL,x Furniture, Piano and TMC B6MT PAINT TO PAINT RIGHT o ihrm Kabata of nna-half of coot ot 1U mkm , , H .., road, not half of purchaaa lear. hut Will le a uoimI averase offlrul AdmMalralur. UPn rrlint thr aaraadliif Safe Moving lit Will Pay You to Get Our Prices. i.rK'm la mada t rop. lie aayn llM Wheal Will BO Albrrt affWanit darO.of na l ai AIanor I, H M.Uullin latm and of Big Shipment Just Received al General Cartage ut cmcto'I' east grants act. 20 l.ualielH to (he aera and the J"..?! 'S. XSTJVZlf Jf.r Tli. out of thla Art la anlariad Phone 22. P.O. Box 120. V.UCU Sand and Gravel ... lud. all paraona lolnlnc and ar. Oal CO. I IT 'in OHIilHtlt llMt the death of thr r. with Ilia MaJo.tr Forraa. Tha "How 1I0 .l.u.Vl.iv le Btiwd G.-rr f.rui.h Inwrbty hlt . unr llhn. which tha halra or dariaaoa v" "k u. MAMituad to bar orntrred t lb fMh ' "f a drceaaad pra-amptor mar appt a?ain" the former eiiiier was ? of aiii. a i.. itrt. at Mik LADIES' i for tltla undrr tha Art I. aitanded ' ,iitoi. Urakant I.UikI. ttniito ilumblt. , frotn for on y.ar from Iba daath t.f Bkel. IT It II HTHIN OHM RI.Ii thai in Mid uch prraon, aa formarlr, untU ona "Well he I il.oi'l I- M. MrviMllm na applr for adminlttri Ladies' 1 raar afl.r tha ronclualon of tha (taal reiiueu, ilk" 1L, ,k. ..1,1 ..1.1. a..I ,b.l.ia 10 Modern I ar Thla .rlvlr(a la alt, mada ra-rorailva. It tUile as Well us ruilllillK lht dralh Utinr orrurrod upon lb ;id Si' f.a. rrl.llrf to pra-rmptlofia ar ;llller. lieeai.) wliea one get as M a ir.ir pblitn-. and rtrrulaimr rtua or parabl br arMlara on pra. will a. I am -too kin gets rather mt,XV com Ready-to-Wear . .mptlona racordad aftar Juna tt. lull Uf VeVVi 'X Si Tat.a ara ramlttad for flra yaara. ITuvlaton for ratum of monaia ae-'ru.it U.i Laundry Lowest Prices dun and baan paid alnco Autfuat "Hut (Juecn't uperaliiiir the i 4, Hit, on account of parm.nta. .caa uinuer iiet'eRitale more cuss Advance Styles 'f taiaa on nnldir. nr.-.mpllofui. Intrraal on arrramanta to purer. word?" he was Hslexl. Service town tilled or Korr.rttr Iota or dapand.nta hald br m.mbrra artulrad i.f "Nol if you know how to run it HYDE Mrs. R. Goldbloom W dlrart lutm.ni or lo tndlrart,March II,remltlM lt. from a-i and keep it in ixk ah ape, and my NO TWO ALIKE. All these Roods are of the We offer the following Third Ave. sua.puncHAsens LANDS or chown are four just binder,as good although as cter."not new. est models such as have never leen tshown " the range of service to the pub. rYarlalon mad for laauanca of Ami Farmer Niirrla, with his TRANSFER lie: Cronn aranta to aubprchaaara ol history of Prince Rupert Crown Lnda. acaulrlm rlfhu frvra cheery smile, was off to firuali EXPRESS AND S3AOOAOE. Economy Laundry Service-Damp purchaaara who faliad to compiai evtasirBMaM.rHHBktassiBBHnMfaSM (falli-riiitf in his before tak. Wash; Soft Finish, f.jrchaa,of Intmrlrg conniliona forf.lt of purchaaa.ur a, on fu.In. (nil his seat in crop(he oppoaitioti Day and Mht Phono 680. All Sizes at Moderate Prices Dr. Geo. L. Barton I.r.t and laiaa. Wh.ra aub.purchaa. Rough Dry, Dry Cleaning, ra do not claim whoi 4f orlfinat pal beiitliea, where lie will ail when Pressing and Dyeing, Rug 1.1, purchaa prlca dua and tai.a mar the legislature Now Show b dtatnbutad proportional.Ir ntrar convene again. Best Coal on and Carpet Cleaning, and (Palmer) "hoi. ara Appllcaiiona muat ba mad the Regular Laundry Service. br alar t. It. SUFFICIENCY. Chiropractor Urailiif Art,ONAZINO lll. for rtaraattr Wood Wood RFNT'Q LINGERIE AND LADIES' W e can surely serve you. darajopmael of ll.tork tnduatrr pro. When calif rld.a for crarlnf dlatricta and rang I'aul- Where do you upend Stove Lengths. Split. O may we adminiatratlon undar Comralaaionar. ytwr uinmr vueatkriis? READY-TO-WEAR WALLACE BLOCK Aanu-tl fraalrs uarmlt laauad baaad on nuigb.ra rai.faU, prtorltr for taii I'auliite- hi (Tie iiwuutaliis. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone MO. tlahad for. AaaoelUa ownara. Slork-own.ra for rang nili(.mar Paul lu w.,u hayt a guideT 13t tnd Ave. West. Thinl Ave. opposite Hank of Montre Phone S. m.aL r"ra, or partlatljr fr.a. pruut I'auline iinty my eonaelenee. Phone 510. far aaitl.ra, campara or trataUara, ua to Ua aV -Urn! Hvi. na.