PAGE TWO TTTE IUILT mCWfl Saturday, , t i ii The Daily News SUFFERED YEARS JUNIOR CHOIR PHINC.R nUPRMT - nniTISU COLUMBIA pnblUhed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince WITH GAVE CONCERT JCZEIBA Huperl Haily New, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULI.BN. Managing Editor. Mthodlst Church Young People "Fnilt-a-tlTes" Cleared Delinhted Laeoe Oatherlaa Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. Her Skin Last Nlrht IiaIM rllllluf Oif,lrg5jinilHr.l(i Nov. m, n. Pointic Kj. Pumt, P.Q. llw lnrch "1 sufferol for tlirre )Nn with MeHrli T rrovvulert lal nivla) on 4 he evcrW trrhhU FrwrauL I eonvnltnl tertl Near East Situation if .imiinlt ensyert of M'con.l doctor actl they dwl tiot .lo uw aay Looks Brighter Again. tv. lit.- Mili.hi iiMiMtr ifwsr. The The crii in the Near Kal i apparently ximmrriug down Tba, I nel m N f4 tk. coiicori wa. a pleiHtM aairewi again although CoiituuliH"ile i in h disorderly condition and $ltm"A4 lolwtrif"t''ruit4iieV ainl Wa mven under I9e eafwMe th Mlualinn f generally im-HUfd. JtejHrl Inward I In- etui of aitaijr hanitom bow clear. Tapa. direlloii nf II. IMasaii. the week have been of a brighter nalure and have tended In di-rouut Ugua mltlmlMtMr no return. On eiaxii heine mlwl w I he fear that war might break out. One of the-miitfint-(MirlJml I think It U iurtUiu Wme B txiir luillerv prefiitel a very detelopmetit of 1heveek In rnfiheclinn 11h the question other meilicin lhl m any fvmi piiiiretn anl aniimste 4fi- w (he announcement that France and England had agreed oh until I ael Sutlia-.Hda" sihI ixvwun.'i'. the" cnUre Juftr fwmir Ihe fuiidanienlal condition of a Tnrkih peace. A olid front li heiiMjt irewe.1 in cowl 1 1 we r-iircftha France and Hrilain hmitd have much influence im future c-lion mmi from fruit". "The Kntmle." rh of the Tuck. .Now Ilia I Ihe Hrifih election are over and MiUm PCTtrit i..M.nnK. wliok- tteine .'IT-ci wHIl Sin aim. SOe a boi. 6 for JO triul Jie. irrSale eoloreil liscUnf of laaa-linn. -' Ihe liuiiar Iwtw cabinet i firmly etahHhed al Hie head of I he At (iralen or (cnt potpiJ by I'naoti Ja. ao4 Amnoaa there In mid be further Inward government no delay a elile l Oltaa Pruit-a-livrs ii.n'j. liana. T1m taUlean wa areHM ment with Hie Turk. wrMi eoajWeTah4e pt'ie Put Straits Under First Half League Of Nations. HIGH SCHOOL Each elrl nuiutior of Ihe choir Lord Hubert lcl, one of the creator of the League of Nation ana a pasfrtoiii' onf or ac a and now prominent in it council, analymig the problem rci'HuMon hefillni her prpccllvc Hint will confront delegate to Ihe apprtiarhing conference on MAGAZINE IS larl. The i.iiimeW churn in-iliMle.1 the neulralizaltoft of the IMrdaNclle. wliUvh i to follow Ihe Near Mia lcle IWo, a Kat Peace inference, declared that in hi opinion, and aln the lUniaihi: MK Suuta)e lUihlertMl m DlttlnculilieJ for tlielr suprrtne opinion of League memler who have Miidied Ihe 4lnalioti. there OFF PRESSES a Italy: M4-- mnifred IHhh. a quality arul Jrllcacy uf flavour i no alifactnry olulion poiWe except In hnml over Ihe Strait Illinium: Mi Marvarel Kerein. In league Control, ihiw that both ide of the liar-dandle ap a New alaiHl: Mi itladjr Wirenlly .ire to become TurkiWi territory. Attractive Publication Makts Its iNeAd. a AiiHTi-a; Mi Ktta "The question now rewlv, iUelf into gelling Turkey to First Appearance and Is Siecn. a ImtM: Mi Mary llrtL assent in principle lo freedom of Ihe Slrwil, ulijert o ,er own Wortiijr Effort a Kranet Mt- ijrtherine Irvine, hclligerenl riphl. and undertake no! lo forlify Ihem nor lo ma4n-tain a VwteatSa: Mi tcae submarine lao there.' he added. Tfiee arraujremtl fine of iSic mi m inleriiit roy.l. u Ilr4lanna; Jack Steven. $ fmttKcalfoWi I toil tw nwide M n Mm IHrll: KiMie Mrl.Hvo lO for 15 should be in charge of (he league of N'flimi, which would make fHiearanee in Prince lluftert in a ailoc: end llrnce si even, a a an annual report of Ihe ilnation. A diotinrt advantage of Ihi arrangement i thai no armeil forces would be required by Ihe many a dav I "'Ifjc Aunan," Jilier. IHticr meWatiiT of (tee 25 " 35 :mc RuiH'rl King Kdwwrd Lengue lo carry out the itmviMnv'' Jiiroor iVmst nicldHl ahe Mr IliBh ScsV"l marmiine. The firM Ii. i)hrSlen'in. WvinsV Kvley. Freedom of Dardanelles ' iiliraier i jll vofT ttie ltoe. OoroHiy IMvar. an Flitaar. j-As Necessary Now As Ever. Oiau &. IaMm pre. HoMi la-rr Hawthorn, 'orrie iisiw-lAorn. It is pointed mil in Ihi connection Ibal a view now holding (hn-ton. Hr-ln-ch(cf. r m n d Vie hart Krikev4y. Mary i lhat when any nation i at war. H entire civil populalioa like Stwtao Sirva. rHiine 4naraanr Murear. Ctnic Mofssan and vie i al war. therefore food and olher nppo declined for ralletl on She nHkir f lire daily laeiaiat.'TOMCCO coaeaTCe.Km any civil population may be lopped if Ihe luientj ha Ihe power New ths morninv ami ireMni The a4Viice were very ap. lo do n. For thi reaon. lhoe Undying Ihe proMem of the him vmMi a cmilimenlary coy rvri'HaSlye of Hm ueHens natn- Strait aert that if war occurred between fate ((ordering on cnihaeiiinir Ihe pnini khal the nejr in wtlMi She cHember of ttie THROUGH TOURIST Turkey. Ihe Uller would rind it In Iter financial inter! to init imhtiraMtin. n ;t-Mire, omtly tableau remWttl their reopieriive on the SlraiU remaining neutral. Mil mi the olher hand, if Turkey' riMuer siuil Hevieriy jrol-ut lirt. SLEEPING CARS GO Red Mountain iMHik, w mml in Princv Itupert ere dirertly involved in a war. no lreU-h of diplomats Mr. Hlntn. Hi aMreMine- a imagination emild foree her going again! her own military in m very f'lail from We wrilmv ar reawarti lo IIh alteee on TO THE SHIP'S SIDE teret lo permit neutral veei of war or commence" In pa-throtijrh il eocrHiMi N iUr prliwIiTiu. Hie 'insnmh ,.f He Jimkar ae'ir. The ilitrui.if worlli of Ibnilida'v lie) l the Strait. rtw ..pining arlirlc i n in. aatl (4ial the totems; efctbl The tUina'i.iiiiii National Hallway tain hare i hown by the re. oerv n r " II i nnte) that the freedom of the Strait once wa cnnid n-nwiNiis hkKiry of Prince Itn- ner.Mrily a hapuy eSiilil. iiot auuotiiii',' iiiai in onler lo llc o 5Mc in aeven dav. Profe!.!! r red mvi IHirfi Reboot- w1iic4i lell of lhat il etir retionaiMtMy of toe the side of the mark i ' '-i necary. especially in eee of a general war. wilh Itii. make coe ami convenient eon-' on ellni(r i lined up a a Rnropean ally. II h pointed ,1ml nova, however. pioneer rmdilinn inl ntnlain pareiMa so eoonmiUe ISiear ehihl- neetMtn with Kail ami Crtil.l-I take into aci'iMint Ihe Hi)inir j-iwrr crasr thai in'fhe event of a new war. Hiiia probably wonhl Im armwil hairerinir MnjrniHtiWMk of Site Ml Sn aal Hot Ui iliaroHrave ma ailiug from Montreal. Kl.i anmnincenieiit of pretailinK InilNon pn-! again! Europe, in which cae no mailer what Irewly iliMilAlifl4i hen l!KeHl wImi mifW- khear ap-pearnce Hrrm wa ofiell Hie He John ami llalifav for ihe Old; Ue rate of flirt?, per Jay. had'heen drawn nn, Ihe WeMerii Power would be expected to on !! iienioy day in akd lVJ 484Mir had il io-lliteiw OmtUry. they will o(erate Ihe, We believe that thtpnluei.u re orrl a" 191?. Olher inlerwliH(r feature place war veels at Ihe Aegmn end of Ihe ulrnil lo Wock Ibex Vf Hsa Sntioirf Slmlnl in on riiMdreo mentarly. fnllnwinir llirooh Toiril Sleep. I lift the share lo firiire far in ailvam e a Ih i I. moniiMr anl p4iyoiei)ly. ing Car from Kdmonlon lo thei reretlt level of rtrtc. Motrdaa Ho.In a. Nf1' Wiyoe.'" mlMorial Te. rhd Second Half hip aaie uilh'Nil rhn)re. There i a srapbic ami uniarlml dc-crip: Would Also Remove ln.r. "A llrtp in ah Mie aeroNil half of fee ro- r leave KdeaiMiliia I leeemher of Ihe Itonudiirv (ed Mouulain m Burden From Turk. nlane," Him-cII llltlrer , "Ttie eram n .loenol ih n pouio-forie'Mdo 5 ami for .. Iteviaa" la weeV l-Mie of "Miniiifr Truth." A.-nrv It i mentioned, for in'Unce, IbaL in nae of wnr lHcen UeninK of ParlMHietil." '.Mi hv li. M. A. Wnr Liverpool ex Mallfat I Irceiwker cil free in exchaiifre for thi oupon Ilumauia and Turkey. 4he iiMilrfll Kathleen Stork . ).lio A4U(. eMliUe. "KaiKe-' Paaanini-I. power wtHibl find inter 10. and for .. "IU.anlra" lo in the struggle which would make League mnlnd or Ihe Slmit lie in Prsnee lluperi." 'ibtcdrm It . a well ieMred oioirr helnr UaarA ami .. "Andanta' to WOLVERTON A CO. LTD. a distinct ae. However. i i argued lhat any propnal to for-' MulitMC'. ihI "On the Siibjeci of lewialMleil. l.lerMHt e Halifax lleeeimW 704 Dominion Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. lify Ihe Klrail by indivblual nation or even by Ihe League i I'r4er." Principal J. O. Mrady ave a 11. Ilc("c wMIt ixmin aral vere. Please send me a copy of the "Mlolag out Of (he question lieeniife of Ihf enormou exene lhat would particularly eraVHitMimaff reafkiK flar leave Kdemaafoa I lee em. all manner of willv ayins ihkI, Truth." lie involved, ii i ellnialel tnal to neutmiixe the Strait would SerMKre Xnta Awaking," hy her II for .. 'Canada'; la require a permanent army of ISfl.OOO. HiiHnorttu iierwuialMie eitmpo- IXiarle I iwkeff. LiverfMtol ei. ,lallfal tumtihr Name Amplifying hi plan for League control. Lord Hfdiert lcil nl ttf Hie tiMleii, mi'l nurrytWE A dual hy Mr. aad -Mr. NneL- ft ami .. Manfa to illa-Kw Address w1Ual a fine lot wf aUrtrina lale. "Tit who hoy S1uf1ece. nd cnnlinued: " et. SI. JaoH lieaemher I a. "Any inlernalional npenriion of Hie SlraiU i ure to le ration tiMilter. lt. Aimtra" t a puMi. the Ctui w!ni UmI, wa niuHi For further itaKirular. ante refieeMns much omlit fiMind impmclicflble. The League of Valiou will have to do if IInim H utnl enjoyed and an eneore -TIe or eall Oily IVkei onVe. I'atiui. Wolverton S Co., Ltd. upo vxi szm out it ' without armed force. The League i doing well al U-oizijr. even howhl, lie received wMti mu4i sro)Mia- Sonir. (riven. dtan National Hallway. .." where ha lo Matc William Miamiy, a pu- Tliird Avenue, Prince Member Vancouver Stock Evhanc il. a given terrilory mirvey. and it will not need al pkniiire h1 iprerkitln hy Itie Hupcrt. It the Strait any cpecial neutral zone. puMic generally. il of rfeor Pryre. gate a 701 Dominion Bank Bldg. 8y. t71 "In order In deal with the filiation, we are oblige.I to rmm 1 1 a (uarlerly puhlieaMon. violin moo "HiHiMreVe" ((Ivor- VANCOUVER, B.C. our pre-war conception overboard. II i rurirai. but ino-l oconh-who The Staff ak m whic 1e iiplMyed a Mi M. fh le on tonight' dicn the SlraiU clever nmMory of hi instrument.' I nun fir I Trace, wtiere lill lliink in term of eight year. gn.' I1w Uaff i a follow: . vUhoueh freedom of Ihe SlraiU has cc;i-ed lo be imoorlant in htilor-in-IXiief, Itnl4l Onrdon. an enrol being wiliintrly jriven. lie will join Ihe li-ni'hinii iafT. Ihe old ene hev will sMI prove to be burden to ttv T"i-k-. ilMrrt lldrfoc. Hvki Oavalkr. I'nnoifuil J. C. Hrady pie a and if we help o neniiMlite 'hem. it will be n imnm i ll nd oitiig.-to ' Hiiiue Marrairer. K.lfi itara. re.-MH4on of "tlnw ihe MaC ECONOMY COUNTS Pr.e,i." ' 4,1 tik tiioM hinn-i Turkey I liliicf iil,ltejH-lM",Ibirry Ward.Mr. WieidwArih apprreMile.o manner, A whieSi an wn eneore nnnli he Engraving Eat Good at the I i.Uief Ailvior. Principal Ilnidy. nave h very lautfliaMe Jalk on hi Staff Minnie nepreinUrive - etpericnrc wlh .Way wiiMe on a Hunk. Ki'nur Mwtric; Sam SWnp- larc-iiH' In kunuoer in n ImiI Articlea that repur entiraviny Good Eats Cafe "P. Junior Maine; Alice Neliuin. nlmulil be onlercit BiirHNie rroni n trel. Mr. a onn n-poihe. HARD fiintor l'.la; Honlwii Jaciien. ICE Ilrauly uijee4ct a M f fcieal to enure lhat Ihe I'li-ttirnrwi-y rU; Mi Ityan. AT LESS THAN fXW.WAN PRICKS. ehr I into the an. Mory work he Ifoniniei'rRil I:i a . wliieb Himplelisl in time. Oood Food. OoadXooklng Ooed rle-Private wa. very lantftiahle. K1, A dur hy Mr. nd Mr. Ktock Our patron are nkd to boar Boiss. Pr)M REV. JAMES EVANS OF tale, in luiue, enlitle.1 "Hiiiy this ill mind an. en.J order in Guaranteed an, Joan wa esecetllnyly wHI a early a poihe. You ar- SMITHERS IS GOING ItHrfomiMj Hnd nun u for hud then lire of the lie.I Miilih Our new ice lank and machinery now completed enables TO VISIT ENGLAND apiaiie. A an Orire they aervic. "tun "Hanliuar I am (Irowsnir us lo guarantee that our ice is as bard a Any on the DENTISTRY! co.'inL ,OI.." Nov. lit. ftev Hie HiiHima t,t "OUI Kiusr 4kle" Fishermen now tell us that is the het ice obtainable. our .lame l:an. ihe former popular um the Nallunal Allliieui hy Hie putor of the l nion iJiurcli. ha I lltov Junior IJaur, ronncled Modern X-RAY Service We will gladly allow inpertiou of our new plant, and ticen toiirind Hakalchewan. A 1-1 ' U Hnyiuin hroujHit a vn-y deniotilrale that by renoon of freezing our ice for ten hcrta ami the Pence fliver itialricll eiu.ajrir ".ml il-iHlllly excculed hours longer than before it IS hard. as circuit manager for the nni i hi gntni n rloc DR. BAYNE minion r.liautaiimia Ltd. lie re. Boame 4, B, , Helgereen Block " l-orU a euccenvful eann in pite' VANCOUVER, B.C. Ollloe Hours; MorninKs, 9-18; Afternoous, I ;0.l Mi Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. of hard time and i now fimh-iiib tvenlnirs. 7.0. up a full tour in Manitoba t PRINCE RUPERT ii nd Ontario. (Mr. Knn intend n '.VfJ uilinu for I.i criuiiil mi IIlpkiii 1 r. ..i i bbbb3 I.' i' to lo viit til parent and will a A I'l-nd the winter In the Old Uuin try. While his future plan are No other taw will do WHITE Dr. E. S. TA1T King Georgejatg "in-wiial uncertain, it i more Uaacl In Franc fur THEO COLLART. LTD. - - NOTARY 'than probable that he will return W as much sawing with as 1 V BO yaar. PUBLIC to tin in the CAFE country uprimr. r little effort as WHAT IT DOF5 DENTIST. NEW We are now Agents foe the New York Life Insurance Com BI.Mh.. Lint t4 0Um Hslgsrson Block, The most liberal and the lloyo oeonae jr. elected. 4SIMONDSM Si.rilia. M4, wklu Wa the Ctt CW peny. strongest company on continent. tlthM MU. PBINCE RUPERT, B. C. aerve Assets, $952,632,138.80. Let us show you how to Pl.MllltoKi:. .Nov. 18. Major am?M tl ffMUf, will BUKV and NOODLl save 'wilyin l.lnyil (inorjic. nun of the IINOIIDS CANADA SAW CO. UNITED I MJ m iimui r.k.U. your money. Phone .Premier, wan eecte to the Klnlku ini.Ah,HihiI,I)w, I niwt mi. ,fM, ,m SS. A',,H Open Tuesday, Thursday and C. am 3ir..f- Phone Blue 69. Weetholme Theatre Block. P.O. Bos 08. ll'nic of ruuiinin by n I ost it saow voua inujority. aaocta. Saturday Evsnlngs. Phone Piu 471 V. ,1 i ila in II il ffcl