. ' ' V", wiirn you wan .;;;. THE NEW TAXI nil YOKOHAMA in ht.rrv T1 Phone CAFE PRINCE RUPERT HOME OAKERY r-w CAKS ALL Phone G36 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper III IMUNCK 1U PEHT. H.U.. EIUDAY AlOl'HT 2r., I22. TMUfl'l Olf(llifl (Hi SIMSt Salts 4M, PRICK KIVK CKNTH Bifif Business Of Cold Storao-e Planr PRESIDENT PERRY GIVES SPLENDID ADDRESS ON REPARATIONS I. - m a B-j ---. LABOR LEADER. SHOT MATE German Question is Discussed KILLED COLLINS BUT NOW SAYS NO; OF WHALER by Montreal Financier at the District JOINS NATIONALS Association: Luncheon ' "IIK. Auk. 25. T iJIK Rotary Yesterday Sailor at Massetl Wounded iian-v Mini im aim a i f'M 'llf l' ,ll l ll. ..I.jrfl. IM nl i-iiniiLiility fur First Officer of "Whlta" "Thai Ihe amount of tfi indemnity against Germany would utpanizuiiun lUKziuiii linl'' a i 1 1- nf Hiv i ii k infiiriii- amli'i-li Mhirli killrij Mi h With Rifle Bullet have lo he reduced hut that pressure would have to he brought to Elects R. ill I.HI In 1 1- iloi'rilllrnl ailll a-l i "llinn. ri'idiiJidl' J hear on her eventually fo enforce payment," w.is the opinion ex-preaned Boyd Young i-Iiii in iiry ay imk.i,. m i'-'imi;i . ll UirrM' if.w ii MASSETT Queen Charlotte hy F. Perry, of, Montreal, president of the Uanadian Collieries 'iiu-raluiii tiiranurrn. ln rtim- and ufCi-i'tl I Islands Aug. 25. During the Duinmiiir Lid., who addressed the Club of Port Simpson its j Rotary yeMer-day. . NHL visit of the whaler "White" tin Natii.nal full Offlcara juiii - Eltcttd. KaBVaK Mr. Perry was also a member of the Imperial Munition hero yesterday, two of her First President Tbi o((tt rlreiH fir ir- Hoard during Ihe Mar. sailors while ashoro obtained folluwa; Mr. Perry outlined, step by (ep. the different phases of the some lemon attract and became lrtalttnl. It. Ilnjral Youim. I'n reparation claims by the Allies against Germany under which ii H : Fur eiceedlngly drunk. 11 m driiled lo demand thirty ( " . 1 1, lltr first REPARATIONS When they returned aboard, ,-- Vir).raMiit, V. J. M Neill. Hire and a half billion dollars of if fur dralrrs ill rniillirr. one of the men named Mc-Eachern ATTEMPTS TO Mhirli iMelve and a half millions I iltr piovinrr. waa went to th bridge Herrt-lary.Ofiiaawr, V. ii. Mas to he a preferred claim. 'Hi ally and surresaful- Mpimih. Haipllun. NOT SETTLED and abused Captain Anderson, interest on this preferred claini 1 ' I iit m- who slapped his faca and epTr In nfirntiijc Ihr inorl tag. Mr. liad now been defaulted and tin END SHOPMEN i Him . 'lii in- ordered him below. McEach-ern Hnyd Vihiiik rirM Iter b-rU impasse in lUirop had to do Milh II (! OltiMM". 1 f t I ana) Commlttlon Laavc Berlin For TOM MOORE obtained possession of an iurpoar of tit or-Hlialin what mhs the next step to take. last V...I1 U and ttr a hrirf ul. Paris Whera Moratorium 1 army rifle belonging to an STRIKE FAILS nrrtr nli an-i iinr ..f ihr l.. INal bail 14 Will b Oltcuaaad .:. n : t r i other member of the crew ! In inlroduein? his subjret Mr. siiilfieaiicc ilrlllbt ( tlir ui In iU liirrpttnti. TUry I'lui'i. and returned to deck, when he Perry rsplainrd Ihe rt PARIK. Ana. :h X.'..iia'i..n of tin- figures lie Mas about to mt . W mh-r- ri-rUlly fortuHalr m liavina a -IB shot at th first head he saw , Santa Fe Line Reports Conditions II . llMn WlM-n llo' n-parat i-m-AiitlwiaaatHl above the storm of th ' quote by saytntr that Ihe public - Hay fM' i' canvas a uirni.. r nf br lianir Itnard prr.. GAME I Improved And Will Not Take aa1 tb lirrimn fi -rtnnnl BIG CON !debt of Canada amounted to tie-iM'rrn n ibav uf I ri. Mi tiiitwum, of HarrltiMi. bridge. His victim proved to iiflii lal- iitil UnUy ! two and Hire billion dollars; Back Strikers i .) . .mw-.h Mi m''i in, bin callnl be Mr. Matthews, the mat. Hi ll Ii. M' ( wltboul n"iirinn a romininiiir The bullet lore along th officer's Hoekfellr was supposed iimmi. iMirtfil im Ik trrruX wn tb iM-rnian rMralina (nr- IS UNCOVERED ! ; to In. worth one billion. The in-:dmnlty EXTENSIVE VIOLENCE ..f and th J G N. ill iin . Mir (iaM Ituanl at scalp through j tton aritalil to both tb llrilinli lo Germany paid by A K fulfil-, nf Virtoiia ami I obi ut a uruawal smokestack, Th mat Is s-riously rod tb Frnrb rirtilBti. 'Franc follow tug III previous End of Eighth Week Marked Bf I' It d Port but not dangerously i !' Ibai lial I-m-ii mit in hVr an I DENVER CIHi amounted billion dol. Tb rriilali ar laiMK war to one I I F Otih'im and ufru wa- 'ii fur bivr btMicil wounded. Bombing and Greasing of Ikrlia Uii aftii..n for tbt M. lars. These figure wiwilj inve r , ujf . t February I aanj AaM M. Captain Anderson rushed ida-if byi .Ralls Many.Pxlacat I'll tit Manual Ion 11i- Nu rtklC . tMUMlt MtVflal, m ninanabl m i ubniill4 at McEachern who' Jumped mine -wlntl-waeinant J unantfMiMv t-y the roaoluliona wnbiatytwn rUl wf lb cwwatt nut mt not mm. Thlrty.tHroa Persons. Arrested overboard. After lowering a a billion. CHICAGO. Aug-. 25. The rail-May ilrd nnush to . Alleged to Have Fleeced Public The financial ipielion Milh luiporlanl ar boat, the captain dragged h litrlri ami tb hvmihac Ibe latilnairy IImI arr shopmen's strike reached the lit mibti rtiiaiHM? hi of $1,500,000. lieniiany Munmeneed willi the tieinbri bip, ii i- l b Itta ilr nf lb trmlMtal V rani McEachern aboard, took him end of the eighth Meek today to ti be in IN1 iiati r- mmtil. AmuMjr lhr trr a Martin lotiar. ashore and gave him In Treaty of Versailles in the spi-in? Ihe accompaniment of bombs, explosions II m lwlivil 1 1.tit lb rowHnia- UK.WKH An-. -'.V Tlinly-Mi charge of th police. Th of IVIV. rii Alli did not ask violence.' rriHl tor Ibn rrdurl iiki -f Ik and extensile Mill lioi'l . bllnn jron alli'jtnl to Iibm' Gniany lo the war rots pay I hi- (ill u..In.try royally mi lrar nklHa lr iimi -I'l-rial . preliminary hearing Is taking Attempts to end the strike by sep on M"ini.iy ai Ii lb mra t n ! ron fulfil iiratniii-' but only the damaite dune In the in mipoc .i. ii Hi'' ban HI iitrb in lMlh (nun place her today before Judge arate settlements Milh individual lorluin j'i. -Ii..i a ill Ii dmiMiartl i In .iiith.iiil lli' I nitnl Slaii--fl civilian Mpulalion. Tlier was a ' ,l,'l i" has il-f ' I Sin-. rbanlM of lb irn- Mallory. roads failed and Ihe conferences ..in. ir..i - of Rtiir 'Inn differene of opinion as to B. i garni IHII nf the rii I rrforaliiijr wtlbHl of Mere broken off this morning. fl.SIMi.MM miti- arrculisl b llnJ whether there should be a set ' 'lie m.ith Willi laMpl akliia In a arlf raa- Bombing followed a night of rail HMlhiM ill bfii- i'ly. fTir ..f- TOM MOORE amount or whether Ihe account " hi M ;ll I -n- rHttmr ur Uim y-im in iw ARE SOLVING streaming and cutlinK airlireaW firr wii iimrli mull, all .Mould be rendered later. The p ' I i .1 j.1 H 1 :l lull f lb itiHwtf thai Mrfralin hose. kinil" of MPiipoii-. Ilirapb businessmen al the conference aud In lb larjirr pH; At the roadlioose of the IllinoU .ai'Nln and jiai Hlirnalui nf tin PRESIDENT favored a fixed amount. Tliey of fra BIRD FLIGHT divisional oiut. bombs ma pntnt- tj prial were exploded busiuess lo uiii vuvviiiru -.iiM-k i'i'lianu aili-grdly ud in rousidered it bad . tiarli bamalnlHK for aViim illr- near the hotel and round imi ,ii ..Mil in I Tlic ml folloMd nation with -w. 1 1 ul - i. an leave Hi lierman bii ) wilb lb lm4r. l alao house and the town Mas p!uned iii.-liii.iiiiii l a-1 i a nr a yiar. uiicrrlalii liability IibiuIhk over tf atkJ Ihal lb umtiiirtMl German Aviator Remain In Is Electrd Head of Canada's Labor Th GnaHs also into darkness. Disturbances in pressed it. LABOR CONGRESS oiilabl art ax yam warln Air Mora Than 3 Hours RESIGNATION OF FRANK Congress For (f th Time for a fixed amount. The sujj-KestkiH other parts of the country are re in nmaiirr niir a no a rr. Without Motor was made by Ihvs who ported. A New Orleans passenger l jialN wanlrn h aMilnl MONTREAL. Auu Tofn train was stoned by - the crowd toona Ok lvr I Inn In for lb lamr larr. BERLIN, Aug. 25-A record SCOn, VICE-PRESIDENT jM.i...r'Maui..V.i....u.ly ilectedtc UWW " ,'"'r ""l"1 which was dispersed by the police. That Union Should Incorporate. II Wtl ilrlili to hold lb for sustained flight In a GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY , fifth term a. pn-snlent of the' ?! -I"-" W The Santa Fe llallroad an-nouced ..., lOiuitHi puunus or a itniiiHiaifij nil annual iin-i-liiit at Hatrllnn motorloss airplane was set iH.nnmomrad.- and Labot s-s.uoo.ono.OdO. bul that amount that condition Mere improving ' by Herr Hentien In a gliding ' f "l main. 'T'f "'Iwas to be spread over a period and that it wou)d be impossible ' lit Al An. iV !h It. II. ViHing, of I'orl Simi-iii. competition at Qersfeld. MONTREAL Aug. -T. Tin' .....,.. j and Us wiMi for them to take back vears present I Labor li.saeress rlos-: an4 J. K. Ornibnu of I'rlno Hu- Hentien ramalned In th air i i-i.iial mil i nunouiiri'd of i'. .ii ifiaiifi wa iii"!"th m ....... ....I. -K....I l.-lf ll.ul aui..nnl Ihe strikers. mini i'iiiii wild tin prl. who altrnirrd III ihIiiih more I Iran three hours and Frank Soil I. ire ireidi'iil and rlli .1 h.m.elf ., -'- ;t0-! n w,ilUI. hoMcver. deelded f Hi. report r the rturnixl n lb rlly lal nulii landed 350 meters above the IrvBsurrr "f the Grand Trunk 1 1 I'il-111 IT that Hie renderiiiit of the ac with pi actually im op-f'"tn Mr. ViMiHa. Mil" arriuiipanii'il starling point. Aa a result HaiiMay. In aro'idillK the rr.. p i III 111 "f fl count would Mime later. Hoth DELORME WAS the ilaJ'State by lil tUuahti-r. Mi llntli of oiperlments the secret of iaii.it ion. lb board of directors Enitlish and American politician M I'ort bird flight seems In th way expreaaeil appreciatkm of In-loiia I irur ieitiitued a ViMina. Mill for Simp Mere aKreeiJ in regard to this.1 Mial trades unions mmi Imlay. of being solved. srrvices. EMPLOYMENT OF There Mas uotbiiiK to choose between GOOD MANAGER Yates has " (impelled In lniirHir. James A. len appointed them when they Dirood on ability companies and treasurer by GeiM-ral Ihe basis of bavin? lo Germany Plant TO Cold ORIENTALS Storage Shipped Mauayer llobb. .-a unanimously adopt-inlf pay an amount lo be arrived at Look After Murdered Brother's iiiiiulnni and v.rut later. Estate and Increased Its mli fltflll iijnal III.' union.nUHHollon 160,000,000 Pounds Fresh Fish FIGHT TONIGHT BE DISCOURAGED Valid Liability. Value. I The next question thai had to " Years Fred Fulton and Billy Miske to. OL'KHEC. Auk. 25 -11 is un-diyslood Since Opened Eight Ago be considered was a to what Have a Ten Round Go at the reason Supvrln-tendeut FREE STATE Campaign to Bs Conducted by should (Miuslilute a valid liability liruchu uf St. Paul. Municipalise Dole System under Ihe treaty. There uas th lleapert I Ml i Hie right jeur the Cuniniiuii Fih and Utld Sluragr Not In Favor. no difference of opinion a to Asylum concluded Adelard De- r ntr ST. PAI L. Minn.. Au. S5.-A Ion capable nf bundling bii TO CONTINUE Oimiuiny hui lirrn m hiiMiir'S hrre it h hipd o-r the (Iraiid Ihe devasted areas aud Ihe pay. f I or several poslpucieuieuls Hie own airairs is tbe uoi that tna Trunk I'anfic JUiIwny IHO.OOO.OOU hiuihU of frnh fih which, MlVloaiA. Aun. S5. tlrilish inent for merchant ship but the ten round tMiut btMeH Fred Mate of Hauul Delonne, the. iKirkeil in railway iar plai-ed end on end, wtnild reat'h half wuj CoiuiiibM uiuimipahlii's will bill for Mar pensions Mere introduced Fulton Mist, m'urderrd Ottawa and Hilly liravy-wi'iuilU. student was Cardinal Ihe Atlanta, mid T. II. Jnhiumi. manager of Bain-l indusl i lal em-pk.) and iu the ed accept Logua Uauat Manlfaalo fnmi Ihe Pm ifii- lo 1'auipiHKH is l for toot 12 ht al the administered by Hie priest so held iu Ihe Oriiiital' HirsMiall ed. The basis was to add the Cluh luncheon company or Aiklng for Pcaca In the niiMiiiy ut the Notary baseball park. The flxhl is uue iinnl ably as to increase in value from .kins lo the ailM-rli-nnf. it Mas war pen damages. Iraland. dinuiK niuin ul el iaie enieniaj. of Ihe most important affairs as newspaper I 10.000 to t-'AO.ooo. The priest ri.li iiirt ha manufactured at coiifi-rrnce altetl by This doubled Ihe oruinal amount .....ii, decided i t. i.. i. nir isiiiiikunv u III' aijiiiinio i" iw..,....0 1 Hi w inner is einectrd to ot- carefully improved the properly. SI.IX IikIi of Ihe bill to be sent iu. The Tin- to distuss ,uif. .'b. uf 17.000 Um year. "" . M. Maiisuii of ice. an axcrage Mini mild 125.000 ton, laiu a bout Milh Jack lmuiey It is belii'v.'j information item of of the of ali' linXi-rillllHiil Mill (Mill. unemployment, ut wlueli returned upkeep army It has paid out in Maura to em for the M'orld's rhauipiouship about tin tat', not available at " inn- lunl ilnwu I") 1300.00(1 of mackerel on the Atlantic or by and disabled soldier problem occupation was also added a aiinriiximately trial nliivees Ihe tiuif of Mo- of (lelornie, 1 Hii'l p.lliiin. William Siberian fish on Ihe Pacific. discussed aud the general well as Hie losses of allied cili-(Coutinued have Ihe were in addition to Mhat they has bi-fii plari'd before Hrochu. Vi' ii'l lUclmnl Mulcahy. year paid Ihe finhermcn for their cai-i Mr. Johnson expressed the IRISH NATIONALISTS luesiiou of unemployment Cian- on Page t.) i tin Hip workihK m- the fish busines of vussed. hea. This iies an Idea of Hit pinion that CAPTURE POSITIONS DE YALERA IS AGAIN f"i lime will rmi-' m noiiic benefit to the cily of a plant sucti Prince llupeil " '""' ll f;; LLOYD GEORGE LOSES mvi- ailliorfnw l Hi' fanj. Theri- Miia u brunen or inr that ut t?el tone. ACTIVE IN IRELAND -Ii tri'uly. hs Mr Joliiisoii aiild that one " business utui li more Important HKLfAST. Aug. 25 The national favored fit relief of mauried PART OF HIS HOLIDAY l'uiiliii liowi iirlKf uui who l than any iMffe today which hud army yesterday ouplured men only next wtnlo. niHeilie of man 11 till' l IHMUM flllloM'- the a is lo hute no i ol vet bn tarted. He referred Kiiidale aud DuuinaiiMay, Hie last It is expected that l'renilfr Ha Large Force of Rebela, According "ly "f MkliuW IiIIIik iu the fish business handlliiK fresh flh Is to thu eurimc f fish. He said he two positions liWd by the irregulars Oliver will go to Ullawa for (he LONDON. Aug. :'5 Lloyd to Belfast Despatch, -"Uiiml Uikiup tuU a nerves, for II is on Id luwBtio' r.iw 4,f uh In County Cork. federal uneuiployiueiit confereii George, who was expected lo ie-lliuln .ir' -'" piiiinailiiit lliv u iiene ruekiuir business. (iirinv establishments all Hie wuy Mliii'h is lo be held on Septein in Wales several weeks LONDON, Aug. 25- He Valera '-tliiimii wliu hau lirvu Impossible to plan uheud in ueai- aon the slu i-' f oin Seal Uno to I'lo' second of Hie dances giv. bt'i 5. jel, Telurnrd tb I guidon last has eiHerxed . front seel u ion J " nir Milh such a perishable eoin- last nhjht,.presumably regarding the sine Hi dratlt Collin. I'airlntUiii b ilri'iti liinK iw....i...n 'rum ith smoke housr llir De Lux' (.lull night at Michael "", "I bliMId WUUliJ ll"W n.odily. Direct y ti.e i.s.i - , " ,,. w.ollt nwm i.y N.'wi'll i i iri-lii'slra was al - EXCHANGE. Irish situation. and baa hM rr purled lo 1 f tliftr wny-- " "' ..ZrVL Th,. I S tV - r... Hup--. t.-n.l.tl by lib" Hi CD rnufb . I si.-iimg, it.; h tu ai ti' mii n u l.i' ti f.irce uf 1,1 l"itinuil inretmit f 1 . 1 1 it (Hal il M-uui'l i. i.'V.'U I'V'i'y hi' is fully us Hi.' i ,,ii.-j isielea, t ii. Sut-fish-iiit uui. Hi. r.'Ui-l. a l . Ili'lfasl U ad h. f hunBed rapidly uta.k 's i lCof, " would b affected by a --