I V . TIIE DAILY NEWS PAOX FTTB "ICED"-Iffijffl lportChat ( SONSBEATELKS ESS TEA I (irollo and Hon of F.ngland AT BASEBALL IN niecl loniphl in Ihe erond rllm. "listing gam or lh,. Olthuly Cup VERY POOR GAME ft ere. The winner will lf advance Into Mi final a the "SALADA" opponent for the Callle ir. lh tday.off ri ronnrrllon with Iji-r Canadian Clinched Senior League hay relel.raiion anJ the lo. Honors Through Their 13 to T Will ti mil of Ibo riinnlnir 3 Vletory Lat Night Tea. Is so delicious and refreshing A fooit evenly rmlele,l match i The Son of Canada rlinrhed lehi looked fr and the fan are Ibe eaoira Senior Leanue liae, You certainly must try it. HIM rlofnnVrgr,ipeeird In lie out in force. Ale. lll honor JhkI iiimIiI wlirn tbey tlii pioneer arhiler. lefeated thC IHk ly a urore. of will referee. 13 to a In a pum w.1iili had only i hnbrfiilit ol- Kndy intxl-i The gmpre Theatre ha been filly K'l I'Hrlniig. Ttie 8on ertired a the working miI quar hiirler held the teniif o well ill SPECIAL! SPECIAL! ter fr Ail. f!ulavo ami Jack rnntrnl that hi tani male wre ONen. iliii two , wrecr who railed on few ocraion to hi a will inii pent Wcdneday night. Bargains in ltanr and thu were (riven lit-He MiMtftvn' hour arc 5 in Ihe opportunity of nhowimt wJiat evening anil OIen", 7. daily. Ihey ronld do exempt to lake part training tarlij in mal earel in lh merry round of hit and Toilet SOAP on Wednesday evenlnir nml will Irike that rafue their A way. continue until ! evening f I li far n the Mk were ronrerned. mated wlttflh will alo be held in the F.inprr Theatre. QIVINQ THE ORDERS. 50c, 25c and 15c Soaps Sucre with III blade evl to clear at rt'iiily ha not turned Ihe head YOU TO f youi Waller Hoover of lu 2 for 25c. lulb. whn reeenlly won tbe Pia- see.' Wond HtllU In,' the Henley fir. faff a. av ttir New York InL Hrturning mi the MJellr, the ORMES LIMITED nw champion w'a too inodet to Ml reporter how he had van ri Ave. nml Ctt St. P.O. Ho MSO lihe, the bel Fnaland had In offer In walerirunhip. The I'hones 82. 200 and 131 itlUn he received down Ihe THPJOXECn OnUCGISTS TWO RCXALL STORES tay overwhelmed him, nnil hi iiMMktly aboard hip provoked I lie rotiRitetil of'the R3H paen -u- vr thai riilne Over with him. In bringing Ihe noted trullins 2Jb rofihy lo l.'nlteil Slate. HiMiver Canadian National Railways attained a notable victory, inre Charlie llhrthr n't neetl to only onee before in Ihe hilory l eh Clark Hn.1v nior tMH "f Ike riiwlna- rlal had an nnre. Prince tmeriean wn the try in? rare. Rupert Vi-i ihe royal reeepllon Ihe Kntr- it wa their worl exhltiilioii of the eaon. and everything- for lilt aae httfi eetiMN of more vrtn In him than hi dilay them e-med lo go awry. rSady DRYDOCK kM.rowt0B' rww nn the and ltrti hmiimmI the Caqa riiiine. diau battery ItwiMiejfcMMt. Selman AND HiMner i a real rhamidmt and pilrhed f iniMlfjt fr the iak n rretlit lo ihe eir he repre. ami Krueti, wile, llearite Shaw lieinit behind the bat. The ttk-oiil SHIPYARD e: I'jidy. II; r4ntan, t; I riiiell. i. The irame went Kl Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ten Floating Dry Dock The Man lo the Moen mid a half innlnir and wh wit i Iieie4 l.y a entailer crowd o tuitfltara, Machlnlele, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makeri. Founders, Woodworker. IU. j SATSe- j tan tbau uul. ,i. Lapore wh fc umpire of lull and rtrikea and Electric and Acetylene Welding. Hll.l.OW I.Nd Ihe haet.all It. Moore, bae. lojtu-ii ut .viiiinj ii i report Dlaastroua Second Ouf plnl U equipped to handle, all kind of i-4 l In- rJk i-rnwle.! into a hole If tbimr had tone thnmghoMt and pulled Hi,, hole jit afler a they atartet! in the firt in Marine and Commercial Work i hem. nine ll iniitht have been a -! aame for neither id made PHONES 43 AND 3SS WIII'.HIh oh wtteie ean I rrawl rore and only one man o . ,la liMe my iianieful head, bae; Hnr the Klk. W. Mltrhell Siuf I eanHiM play baebawl, lruek out, Itelroiirt m walked I miuhl a well be dead. lUiMn wa put out on Kaniuhar Klk Team in UuUon. taU-hlnx hi foul, and O. P. Smith Qbnversion of Victory Bonds wa put out at firl. For the JUKIW are all ripht, bul n..t Son. Karihar. Meniie an-i General Ci4ai Co. Limited rrH 8KUV!CS of this Hank aiv ..fTend freo of lo set married lo. llnrli went down in quiek ur- charge to those who wish to arrango the con-ver. rehio,i. eaen leinR pui mil ai Controlled and Operated WHAT rnaV. n ixne of the b firt from m-Iftun' firldiiift. TTi y uiQf Victory Honds maturing on Iht-ember 1, run i be n loo freh. gerund fralne wa a me Iron 12. 14 "the new five or ten your Itoruli. Application ..-r. lart to fiulb. howver llowaid Imperial Tobacco Co. of Canada umited A.NVIIII.Ni you aH al llo rot rltfrll lriirk out for the F.Ik. should he made as early aa pownble, but not later f your elf rrvt mi'l worth hot (ieorye Show managed to Ret it t St'ptemlKT HOth. the prUf. (round llie aek ny nini.rii wnen The Manajter t,f any of our Uranf hv will t Riail to be knocked a fly to rioht field sucreeiiip Selinan proved ono'- TIIK'UMbtl luwhall fan mut which Clmrlie Hlytbe failed lo re. DEMPSEY MAY MEET TERRACE whal of of the neeoiid. rtqutst a repetition furniah full (ikrticulars uin hae kmiwn the m were Koiim trieve, alUwina the runner In (ret i hip rtunn paiitii Ihe five Son ii Hiking more run. THE to make au ethibitMH them.. to third. Shaw finWhed the rlr- rhi F.Ik went to bat eeventh, hut elve. That i why Ih'ry layrl euit for the firl run when Wythe LA ROYAL BANK OF CANADA away. did not get to base and ao the AMERICAN CHAMPION SHAW ON BASES. irurne endeL Charlie. Hlythe, the Stm of Five Acree Good Soil and Laval IT i reported lhal Ihe on j XF.W YOIIK. Aug. 85. Jllr Land One mile from town. i anada mvuivied the of (lauaila tall team had In wear 1 GUI J uwuager, ,e"'"',,y announce ,,,,, w.ll.np. f Mb,n t arte right field poeition for hi lean their barball eap all evrniiic lo K lo Ulh Al,,",ra in S DCf in the firt and neennd innina cleared and own In Hover. Price. Iterance their head would Hot ItaOO E. H. SHOCKLEY mo inlo Ihe retfuUr fflt riHif iKiuala I. I- . rruiell t l- beina V- 1 1.... n nut..I L'.on 1 imiis rirpo, in fvmiii .nmeriean eh. Qood i.nd afler that thirlefii tu Ihrre in. Champion. Tet,,, da'e Uk!""'''1. ...il.. f.,n .t.lion nn anaA Planing Mllltt Cow Bay. Wharf: Neil Imperial Oil Dock. lei at firM for the lory. Phonal 3S3. when the latter went into h lut oad. t niniprnved. Price FIR DIMENSION, FINISHING LUMBER. PLAN Kl NO AND TIIK Rlkii and Ihe d.'fealwl hy lo in the nixtli, replacing SeU cah. Snl TIMBERS,fori SHINQLES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOWS. law with will earh now other.be able In eoudole iiKin.Hie lire-Uv wre a foltoww: BASEBALL KENNEY BROS, i CO. It .bertaon A llanketla Raw Mills. UJ. FJk W. .Mitelietl. If; F. HA- Real Estate Insurance Broker. imirt, 3b; A. A. Koaaon, : t. I NATIONAL LEAGUE. J Kyfe, Smith a llnrdwood. KKTUIIKAN feelii a bit eev. TERRACE B.C. f 11 II .1. ..n.l Philadelphia, t. I'Ht-burtr. 10. Lamatro" 3 ply otbrnwood I'mirUm"-'rlund ed after failinx l put over lhi xitllli, ci, ii. riuini. aim .j I li. Mi aw, r; n. .iiri'ainei. ri; llriMiklyu. ; Chicago, 5. Iloo'inK I'aint. fih duly graft. tympany. 4 Sherman. 2b: It. Selinan, p; H. New York, 1; I'.iiM'iiiiiali, I. Call and see the latest flork. lb. HotMn. IS; SI. Iuii. II. lo try to ITS a pwr policy build a eily al Iho epene of .iiAi',... Son of Canada J. Farqubar, AMERICAN LEAGUE. i lie flhirmen who really make Ua .FJk' cult-In'i- yul a real ot 3b: II. Meniie. Sb; II. Curlix, c; 61. l.oui. 13; llotua. 3. Stoves ft" Hie wenllh "f MW pal- home run but running' not W. il. Anderon. ; V. Sloan. Ift Cleveland, 3; Xew York. 7. Ranges DENTISTRY! hi game. O. Illythe, rf; Poberlon. rf; 11. H. Chicago, 0; Wahinglon. I. Often a worm ralohe a fih In Charllon. lb; 0. X. F-ady. p; 1, Delrntt, II: Vhiladelphia. 8. rendered the ball ami relayed it COAST LEAGUE. Modern X-RAY Service ita turn. to Mrniiew whn overthrew to Friixell,Score lry rf. Inning.: Seattle, 07; Oakland, t-8. third. The Son made no leu than San FraueUao, 10; Salt Lake Flk 0 I I t 0 0 0 3 STORK'S PRINCE R0PEHT TID8 even run in their part of ths 17. Son ..0 7 0 1 0 5 x 13 DR. BAYNE Men run in Ihelr part uf the I.o Angele, 0; Sarrainenlo, Phono Black 114. Friday. Auyut 55. eond when Selman wa appur-iHitly :t. "oom,oiBce 4, S. , Helgeraon Block M AHerti'u, ,O10, lllRh S t7 a.m.. 25.1 feel. helplen before Ihe (lunndlan Portland. 1-7; Yrmon. 5-5. Hour: Mornlnm 7-. 15:11 P.m.. 55.5 feel. hitter and hi field iirtole many! INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE r.vt)pluiit. Low V:! a.iu.. I. leel. error behind him to add In hi I Jeiney City, 3; Toronto, I. Ladies' Costumes 51 .31 P-m.. 5.5 feet. ir.iery t'.harlli n. In the rour' Itatumiuv, 7-0; fWhetet. Sarurday. Auul 5 of tbi wlage of the gume. pol.-.l lleatlmg. 3; Syracme, 2. LTD. NOTARY High 3 33 a.m.. 51.t feel. cut a long one lo thla lde uf the mm Vwaik. S; lluffalo. 0. to Measure THEO COLLART, - I'UHI.IC 15:57 p.ni.. SI.H feel. rock pile which counted him a two I.ow ? 5.7 feel. bagger. Mis orali Kenny Hailed today "ARISTO" Brand now Agente for the N,w York Life Insurance Company. 55:15 P-m- 3.1 feel. The Other Innlnga 'HI the .priiiee ,oine for At-llu Reasonable Th moel liberal and atrongeet company on the continent. -Sunday. Augut 37 The Klk made one molt In Ihel wlieint ahe wiU 1m marrieil to, Ml-, 1961,832,138.80. Let ua how you how to aave your High 4:51 '. third and each abb niade one In Tk( SliWue Renety hr HiY-FEVttj I). II Tilley, 4he fur buyer. Ml STEVE KING money. H:l .m.. I- lire fourth. There wa no arorlh aa4i(lkaia. U fcyall i4 Or.UIUt. Kenny wa given a routing end-iff Block. P.O. Boi 68. I.W . to .'5 a.m 'eel. III Ihe firth, but the aisth, when y f Trti w rIM tr'.Tfla at the hnallde by a gruup Third Avwiue he Blue 8S. Weetholme Theatre 29:03 p.m.. -2 fret. Friiicll wn put in the Elk boi, Bold by ORMES LTD. f well wuhiug fnendf.