FRED STORK ON The Daily News CRIPPLED WITH DAYLIGHT SAVING '; pniNCl: UUPBHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Iiblished Kvery Afternoon, exropl .Sunday, 1hc-Tli Prince RHEUMATISM Says Would Be Wrong to Chil . Rupert llaily News, Limited, Third Avenue dren Also Confusing. j ', H. F IMJM.F.N, Managing Editor. 1 Th.n She Took -FRUIT-A-TIVES" In speaking to the motion in lbe ' AikI Ha Bh Wll Eve Si House of Commons lo prohibit the. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: J of saving. adoption thnllghl I'redj City Delivery, hy mail or carrier, per month. . v . i . .$1.00! Stork, Ihe local member, accord-i By' mall to nil farts of the British Krnpire ami the United Stntev jim lo Hansard, said: in ndvnnre. per ypnr $0.00 Mr. Speaker. I niu jrointf l To all other countries, in advance, per year. . . .$7,B0 support Ihe amendment beeauso niy ohervalign has shown me Unit TELEPHONE 88 all allemiils lo interfere with tlmj vvorkinfrs of Kallior Time liavoj rrsnsienl Display Advertising t.40 per inch per insertion) boon failures. The only man, who Transient Adverting nil Front Page $2.80 per inch made a sueoess of nllerinir time Local ncnders.'per Insertion U.i..-. 25c per line was Joshua, when bo made Ihe! Classified, Advertising, per insertion 2c, per word -nil sliiml still. W'c have bad day- Legal Xotices. each insertion 1 5c per ngale IJne. I it;hi savitia- in operation in lbe Hc.nlracl Bates on Application. pal. in Ihe provineo of Hril'sIM 'All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day pre. Ciilumbia, and I think I can speak! ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval.! MADAM LOAT fii: the people who lio in thai Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Perth Junction, Jan.22nd,1920 wosleny'province when I say lliali I hey have" mil found il to be a "For mauy years, I was a great In Luce where we. siieress. a DAILY EDITION B: Saturday,. April 20, from liuligestiun,.Cuastiat'ua. pro sufferer have daylisbt eiiuuj-'b lo reiul a nn'ti Rheumatism. Stomach was -My newspaper by at tl o'clock at Georgetown Illustrates weak and gave me constant distress, uiidil. I Ihink ample lime js (.icn while llheuniallsmin my joints made Local Handicap.' for. labor, ror rest and for re. me almost u cripple, was treated by The fact that the Georgetown mill is compelled to ship ils two different doctors but"their medicine creation, and davlisfhl savimr " ilear spruce for he overseas market direct to Vancouver to be did me jio good. Isimply makes I'ourusii.ii. nere we have iliirercnl limes, w nere me rjransferred there, to Canadian. Onvenimenl Merchant Marine Jlirn J irieii "Fruit-arrives" and at railroad operates on one lime and f learners is iiiMraHvenf a rondilion in regard lo I his porl which once that fruit medicine helped me. Hie factory ami foundry on another, 5 4hould Viol be allowed.lo exist. There are, Ihree main reasons why Soon the Constipation and Jndiges. Mini, do not make for municipal I -1 tion wererelie-ved and the Ilhpiinia. fieorgelown ami other mill in the dislriel can not handle (heir progress. -I have pnt'licii-larly to and in a few tism' legau go away, in. view Iho cause and welfare .lumber Ihroiiirh Prince Hnpert: First, freiglit rales are so high months entirely disappeared. For of (011 children. Children Cairdj :lhat it can not lm shipped across-Canada by rail; second, Ihere is twelve years now, my health has beta c-oinj.' to school arc, 'unuor uay- no lumber assembly dock here, and, Ihirdly, Canadian fJovernnienl J first of"Fruit cU.ts, and a-tles"I attribute which It I takerefu to the use iliiil saving, compelled lo rise an Merrhanl Marine steamers do not make Prince ltupert a port of lady". hour earlier in the, morniny: Ihey call. The city is looking for n remedyfor these conditions and it! Mrs. CLARA SI.OAT. Ido r;o. po In bed at night at Ihe ....... .. ! a u I inn.l fillip nil.I 1 j li'ia IlIlJ.ll ls very likely that it will come before long. Of .one thing, we are COca box, 6 for f2.50, trial size 25c. ! pointed out before, the iiiolliei" Fruit-a-tives At dealers or seut postpaid by Marine assured, that is Hint Canadian (invernmenl .Merchant Limited, Ottawa. hakinjr are of Hie cliiblren .irej (.earners will be calling here before long lo undergo repairs in penaliri'd lo Dial extent. .the.local shipyard. At the same time they can load cargo here if Much Confusion. ,i offers. The remedying of the freight rlils situation is now SUITCASES "I remember in Hrilish Columbia being dealt with at Ottawa. As far as (he lumber assembly wharf some years ago a lirpor TRUNKS prosecution was on, and Ihe vfholo - js concerned wo have not yet been given ally definite assurance. triaj binped on the ones!inn. of .With all the Canadian pacific ports clamoring for harbor improvements CLUB BAGS lime. A clarire was laid that, a and e'nlargoii facilities, it infty be a little early as yet lo Violaliorv of Ihe art look-place at expect much in this regard. However, afler the visit of the ministers Large Stock on hand. a certain specilied hour. Afler a and Hie. "THE CHARM SCHOOL" ih'iijrlhy expensive trial, here iul't!ie-'summer, 'sonic.'action will likely be decided Prices very low. case was ilisniissed on Iho ground upon ami I'rineo Huperl is pretty certain of getting her share of J. F. MAGUIRE 1 1 hut sfandacil time was set at. Vic IS WORTHY SEQUEL CJlC'E Dl what, is going, toria and in the eastern pari of Next the Prince Rupert Hotel TO "DANCING FOOL" Wc havc received v the province of Hrilish Columbia, ,-.-' Vj" Our Fresh Another Development and thai this iufrinKcmcnt bad not In Dolly Varden Case. taken place within Ihe spei-ilied Wallace Reld Scores Heavily In Spring Stock of The despatch from Vancouver,.published today lelling that - H tune. VeN have "lire- insurance New Comedy. Oeorge Vinglleld, (he Colorado creditor of the Dolly Varden mine The Man in the Moeri ' policies isslied in this country, "The Charm School," which Garden and Field Seeds' and if any one who has a tiro insurance and railway, is faking foreclosure" proceedings on, (he mortgage SAYS:-. I policy will read it he will scored heavily at die Westholme 'which he holds on the properly may mean good news for Alice I nd that it reads Hint 'Ibis policy Theatre last ni'Bbt, is a typical FERTILIZER (Fertab's Concentrated Fertilizer) Wallace lleid jiizz picture and du Arm mining district., Cerlainly the .situation can' iiot be any worse U'llCII would you sooner do is for one year from a certain plicales the success of 'The Fresh stock of PRATT'S BABY dHlCK FOOD and than it is with Nui which or go risliuig? dale lo a certain dale ami expiron today, eighteen-mile railway line, on a . " ll.incjrif.' Fool." The iiiclui'e Is a SPRATT'S ElOG BiSCUlTS ,. o'clock , at ti noon.' whole mining district is dependent, lying idle? As far as can be Pl.KSSKI) is he that, expects genuine blues vliaser. Heid puts Mail orders promptly attended to ascertained financial the over a lot of kooiI snappy action (roubles are holding Taylor' Mining up nothing- for lie shall yel il.' HAZELTON LIBERALS and he is well I.ila supported by Prince Feed Co Co. Ltd. from goingvon with development work on the properly. Rupert I,eo and a capable cast. An milled The outlook under the present does not look l. the spring a maid's manageme'nt bright, young HAD ORGANIZATION feature is Hie presence of a larpe P.O. Box 333 Phone 58 .and it is probably In view of this that Mr. Wingfleld has decided fancy liglilly (Urns In thoughts number of younjr "charmers," all of ire sundaes. to lake immediate action. Whether he. means to realize on his cream Enthusiasm Great and Many Ex under twenty, wbirare Hie pupils credit by seizing and disposing of the equipment of Hie railway XOW-lhat ."Knglish seniors pressions or C6nfidence in of Iho' pirl' boardjnv' school 'and mine or whether he wishes to gain control lo proceed with have actually arrived at the Q, Governments. which lleid, as Austin Itevans. In-herilfj, and of which he make development work and get his niouey-out that way is not indicated, C. Islands we look for a golf himself principal. Dr. S. TAIT if the Dolly Varden is really worthy of further development he course and a cricket pilch belli; At a meftintr I hat was charac II is easy to imagine the romantic . mapped .nil in the vicinity of terized by enthusiasm and many -Would 'likely follow the latter course, while if that is not the case complications uiiicl) result Massed. expressions of confidence in Ihe (hero would be no danger of his doing so. Al.any rale, if lie goe.s overnnients at ViHnria aud.Ot- when a lianijsniiie youiifr inait Dental Surgeon through with his intentions the Dolly Varden nITair may be cleared Till? moth is nn easy animal lawa, Hie Haeltiur District f.ib-eral becomes'' principal of a ira' bonrdjjiir school uhil supplants up once and for alk While some mining 'authorities -are skeptical to feed. II lives on hides. Association was reorganized Ihe oh), molhods of academic .in. as to (io Dolly Varden and some or them have gone so far as to last Saturday, inanv well known struclHdi wilb lessons on how lo ". IKiHT for a Homo" would business men and prjvalo citizens Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 686 express that skepticism, Alice Arm people are lill coulident that tie clijir.minir. The support is ex . he a jaiHiil Hllc, for a, iimvic sory bcin' named nn Hie coiumitlees as Ihe. Dolly VardciV is capabje of great-production and liken it's singed in Prince .flnporl. follows: cedent; Jiislory lo that of the Hidden Creek and Premier mines, hulh of Honorary pn blent, V. H. Mac. .which lay idle for periods of years before their ulliinale polen-'tialilics II-" you broke one of the. len Kins.' were developed and brought to light by operation. cumiuamirncnis whal would hap Honorary vice-presidents, Hon. Ten Years Ago DON'T TELL US YOUR SIZE, ASK US TO "FIT'' YOU pen: -I hen; would he nine left. A. M. Manson, Hon. John Oliver in Pr'nce Interesting' News' , ' and J'red Slnrk, M.P. Rupart "INVICTUS" "The Best Good Shoe" For Rum Runners. linSIXKSS- must ho looking President, W. W. Anderson, up when it s flal on H's hack. Vice-presidents, A, Hoy Mc-jjonell'of April 29. 1912. Clime in nud see. the Iwo n"1- liisls Alaska is o change its scheme of dealing with illicit Importers Xcw Haelton and Henry A. V. Ajiuew was anions Ihe BOND STREET and LIBERTY. of Junior if Hits recommendation of the grand Jury at .lunea.ii IM.VI, doug, bell, ifretjns of Hazellon. iasseners leaviiiif for Ihe li $11.60.. Wo stand behind qvery pair, , I ilon'l feel very well, on lluf steamer I'rineoss fpecial 'offerinj? see ladies' wfndovy flrcy S'.ubuck ''-'i ...-..-M.nj utieii upon ny me nuiiiorilies. This may be oT Secretary-treasurer, A. A. Oon-non. interest lo local people, for it is generally understood Ihr.t Think I, know the reason, " , lloyal 'last evening. Mr. Ar. , y Haby LOuis heei; til. $7.85., AUo .Ut lilai' k and "rum Spvinjr cleaning is in season llxoculiv'e, Messrs'. Walfio, Paul new wjlt' bo illisejit fiom , 'J. ' brown kid s.itiu) jirie' runners" are. plying their trade in Alaska, working out of Prince cily for somo weeks. And nmv lind McHean of Hazellon, Messrs. FAMILY SHOE STORE! Huperl aijd A'anco'uver. While, present laws make this permissible RESULTS OF RECENT Sienkpiel niid Sarsent of New Hazellon, possibly exloiid his trip to Ihe '' ' " " Third Avenue, (Operating Foot Comfoft Service Dept.) Kasl. as far'as Canada is , Concerned, it is not legal in Alaska,, and litl .McLaren of Skeona the Jm purlers are. merely "bootleggers" as far as Ihe northern FOREST EXAMINATIONS Crossing anl l.ouis Moron of k -A' Tor the sleaiilur Harrison terrilory is concerned, , Kispinx. liner Director, the first of boats Several Men In Prince Rupert itiR direcl "from Ihe Old sail. D X IT Our frozen herring halt I conceded by flberinen Country to ba tho finest Paeiflo .Goad procurable at BAPTIST CHURCH any District Qualified In Various o Prince Huperl, J. . r,?(.rli Portand It is "FUhy." Price, 130 ton. The Secret of Good , Classes. has been iipiioiuled local apent. per Health i TEA AND SALE WAS The Director is due. In arrive in IfF lie8t Wfty of insurin8 a good quality trip to have, plenty of our hard frozen lee. l'ric- When Nature VIUTOIHA, April it). The Civil .Mine. requires assistance, she HELD YESTERDAY $t per Jon. Assist will not be slow in conveying to you Service Department bas announ Outfit ur Wfi"'-oail,PPftd stnro can supply fishing res'i ced Hie of results Ihe recent Nature an intimation of the fact. Decline of forestry department, examinations A very successful lea and sale f8licrinen'8 clolhing, groceries and provlsin'" back energy, inability to sleep well, headache, held at various points, in was hei in Hie Hapllst Church and hardware, to biliousness, constipation, a general Hie province. yeslerrjay afternoon under Ihe NEW ENGLAND FISH Company normal sluggishness of mind and body and The list of successful candidates auspices of 4he Ladies' Aid. any sign of digestive "unrest" should includes: Mrs. .lames Hampton bad Ketchikan, Alaska Branch action 0 radu A II. W. Sharpe and T. charpe of Ihe sewinp brtolh, and impel you to seek the aid of a reliable medicine Williams, prince ntiperl; It. fl. was asslnted by Jt flobin-l without delay. There is no Kden, Williams Lake. son, iwrs. j. flici'onnnt and Take better no surer no safer than this, Hrade It A. H. Calvert, Prince Mrs. OonrRo Jlibhard presided proven remedy,- Ituporl : A. Hunter and C. A. over Ihe sale of hnme'enokihtr and Forbes, Prince, fienrjrd. the randy stall. The lea room prince (Seorse To Unemployed Men! tira.lo n II. H. Miller, I Mar. was in chaw of Mr. II. SIkk:1-loy, Beecham's I in ami .1. li. Scidt, Prince Itu. who was assjsteo hy Mrs. C. perl, , II. F.Ikin.s, Mrs. (ieore John, TORONTO Tho flranby Co, wishes to announce, n,at there js already K. K. Anlle. of Ocean falls, stone, Mrs. D, M. Peyton and Mrs. In Centre of Shopping qualifird in Ihe assistant healers.' it, M. Newell. Durinpr the afler-nnon and Business District SURPLUS OF LABOR IN ANYOX Sold 2Sc-40pilU examination. musical select ions were Z50 ROOMS everywhere Pills piven by Miss Mary Must ami Miss liUMJPEAN 10O with Prinneithi PLAN and Iherefore advise you o save your money and not W in boxes 50c S0 pilh Skating Ihin Eileen both being l WINNII IHOMSOM.MAN'. on, lcP nniy be (larruthers, OIH. waste it on )mu( fare tS Anyot, nice but it depiand u price. much appreciated. nuitnnt6iuvimaunnwiitutSu