fagb roxm Saturday. April ?u 1 BRINGING UP FATHER - ' By George Ml A good point to remember ' . 1 , , t f T r- if 1 : , . r-; 1 & Tfr 'I 1 IN 1TTN SICK Or 1 Qj ALLHBCAN ACV -rf ',.. s ' ft R D ITi C A NUMBER- rN5QlN- ' XLU AHOTELUKBTHli W ) f MINOTkT. J rWlTE. j J DOWN W TELL THAT f JJoL OCHT to MAvE WT J. V U-., r J RtSHT; j ' ' J '-i- A OPERATOR A p Ctt' t'CE? T- ' -?J 0. , lPAlNfT! tH'Ni -y ' fj siuSdes j ""fet ""j K Jl E gP ! ROS. . ' -K , W22 1M '"f-L rAluiti: 5eivire. lw , , Second Street " L" 7T .""'" . - TAKE PRINCE RUPERT TO START OPERATIONS DOCK TO VANCOUVER; ON KITSELAJ5 MINE in me Letter box jji Daily News Classified Ads. Terrace Acreage HANDLE BIG STEAMERS Two Shifts Numbering Eight REPtY TO T. & U )n-aere lol cleared ' anil 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE, No Advertisement Taken for La than no. Ten Men to Be Put slumped niiil plowed rcaily In put TIip followins i. an oxrorpl on, Says IMilor Daily News: 'in ynnlon. Soil I'rst-elnSs. -This froiu tlm Idler wrillen liy .ii-ol A. Q. Thompson. I see by a reoonl issue of the WANTED FOR SALC. 210 ncres rornorlnff BOARD. Tol is- .dose lo Ihe InwnsitV and rhaiiriisiin of Vniii'niivor In I lie .Vews thai I he Trades nd Labor '- Recreation I'nrk nml ill iin'idoaf Vancouver World lliis Aveek urtr- A; f. Thniiipsoii4 treneral man-ayer Oiuncil. pa.sed a rosoluiion colt VAi rr.li Men and women lo oik,station railway,for Iwo 2,0i)h.miles Apply from lo ri.rtitiAjninnilor, H.m locution fop it lioniff. - Price. ftCflfl.. iwt li i' n-mosal of part of the of the Kilsepts .Mountain dvmiiiiix the liiiecn Charlolle l.l learn the Barber Trade by the. ivnuir. I'linnif It. DuVernel, .I.P., Kii.wnnxa. To mmh lialT. cnsJi, ll,infc ar Prinre Uui"'-. iioutnon ilork In Copper Co. I.ti. al L'sk, who has amis iiiiiniralion scheme. I am only iiiclbnd in Ihe world that "I ranged. ' Vnuriiuver: just returned from an extended surprised lo Ihink thai stick j will save you lime and money 100 BOATS FOR HIRE. -: 4 Aero lol all imir-r cultivation I lie frnvernmeni now invns a business Irip In. Purllaiiil, Oregon I oify of incit was so short-sishlci and fit yo;i . for a position l-'Oll SAI.K- -lloiiuliiis hniin, wild la r ft i t itu n t"Anriipiiiontr. -ami fenced. New house, 20 by.22 national ro.nN hot It the (',. N. It. stiili'. lhat the- iHi-essary arrange. as in jiass a resolution for the worth whilo. Wo truarttuloo Iweitly-fivc rooms completely .ervice iMionn vfi-fl. throe rooms. Woodshed K' (iienM have been made to permit sending of letter lo Mr. ork, furiiished. Oooil j UlacK WO. and the a. 'I'. I'. Al I'finv Itu. a . . . sleady employment at frond lease, 1,(100. i ; by 20, liarn 10 .y 10,.good we'll perl it has a 20,001).Inn lloalin? of continued iifierationi being- in-II. iiiuiveii I.;.....'..iuen in it sjiack in wajre?. Write now for beautiful AlcCnffory A (iibbons ,Lld. . ff HYDE TRANSFER pi 200 strawberry plants, 2(10 rasp. dock, whieh is seriously delerinr-allnp undertaken on the new liiuiie the early days so ynti cannol e illustrated calalnjrtte. Mnlex s iicrry canes, '.luse. lntown on for want nTheinff used. This vhicli was started last fall lo lai him nnyjliins: about, this cotiu- Harbor Collogo, 300 Main St., "OR SAI.K.-riajre. .Knsllsh Uahy C.lr-sititp. Phone 580 ( good rimd. Aniilcnl summer home is a lloalin pontoon- ihiek Imilt the blind veins., Iry. Il( knows. 'I'he Trades Vancouver, H. C. A Apply The Baggage and Express for a small family. Price. Si 7511 in sections. One seetion uv two iwo shifts yil be employed. mid Labor Council should show Ark. 101 and on lorin hair cnh. balance ,ir ponloons of I li is doek will easily consisting of eiuht to ten men. the people of Prince Riiucrl the RKLIAHI.K affect wanted for Ru ENGINES FOR SALE.. Coal and Wood. ran sod. lake care of the fishing lleet and these shifts will be put on rixhl. they have lo crilici.e the pert Dial rial. Th Snvereif(n AKoniK Ruperi aiti inh-,a U immediately. The work will Iifo Assurance Company. Head I-HI.I-. trial. .loiins.ua Globe Airless Tubes. ivralins out of Urinee- Itupert for con liuiblins up of Ibis northern lislil. KENNEY BROS. & CO. soine years, lo come, The remain tinue Ihrnunlioul the summer. country with while poptilutiuju office, innipeg-, Man. Write Siecily, oulboard niotot-s. Hyde Second Aveni.e There is a small amiiunl of online always IhoiijJhl Ihe Trades and Chas. A. Pyno, Princo Cenrfrn, propellers, ' accesHorii's, cut Real Estate Insurance ing seelinns ot Ihis dock could he BAGGAGE and EXPRESS I awed lo Vancouver and leased In the dump al the mine at present, tbor Council was ajrainst the maoager for .Norlhflrn llritish pricesi free deliveries. Large by the Wallace Shipyards, who would conceplralesa bavins' been Asiatic ami favpred the advance. Columbia.'' variety engines, new, rclniilt. WAKErlELD a FAST PARCEL I receive the proportion of the shipped since l-i-d December. men! of one district. Rather K.'PI:RI:.'CI:D ensinei.T wishes Canoes, llicycle motors. Free DELIVERY EDSON COAL subsidy for thai iiart of the dock. SpMkinjr of ooinlilions in the than condemn Ihe prosress of situation on 'jra boat. ApJy catalogues. Canadian lUial ami Pronifit Sorvii-i' The Understanding. south, Mr. Thoumson said that the country I hey had belter by W. J. Howell Huperl lloal-hnuse. llrigine i:chauife. Phone Blue 418 business generally was piie, al-Ihotish far close tip their hall if that is "This section of the Huperl (t; Second hand and in good running; Slaml: fill's ( ir COMPANY there was considerable activity ill the benefit the lown sets. dock, would enable. Wallace lo order. 1-2!) h.p. Standard; 1-30 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. lake care nf I he bulk of I he ship- in the building line, particularly; H, IIA.X.NA. WA.Ti:nHole or Restaurant h.p. heavy duly lluffalo; I- CLOTHES CLEANED so in Los Anpcles. While Pioneer lOOf!. work in or mil of town by pins' coniins to Vancouver and it the InurisJ Irallic had been very lady. Dyer Apartments. No. lit. h.p. Callle Perreclions. Apply and pressed by latisl KTI'.Ul could In done the on understand-injr ipiiet this winter, the Prince Rupert lloathnuse. pressing' pew Best Coal lhat he build a section equal otlieials are optimistic transportation and TREE LINE IS NOW SHACK wanted In renU Apply 1.1 Phone Red .101. If Suits i-alliil for and dfii ir,, lo that left in Prince Huperl Dyer Apartments or P. O. Hox look for a marked Phone 649 increase in which would enable him to dock MOVING WESTWARD 99. 102 MISCELLANEOUS. business, this sprinfr. LINO, The Tailor at steamers like ItmKmprcs of litis WA.NTKD (Jirl for 50.OO RKWARD if I fail to xrow 5 in- or anyinins: uiKci)- in come general BOATS FOR SALE. Experience- of United States Is hair. Oriental Hair Root Hair here for It could alsn ho GREEH housework. Phono Rod .11.1. 102 carpo. REFUGEES Also Being Felt In Canada Orower. World's Greatest 1-IM ft. boat filled wild ; lu Lowest Prices done oh the tinderslandinfr thai If FOR SALZ Hair Oroweri Ornws hair on Caille Perfect ARRIVE ion v : a line of WITHOUT a steamers eslab- was evpr OITAWA, April 28 What has bald heads. It must not bo fpy top, in jrs! -I., s 'in( lishcd FOR SALE in Tus connection with the or fishboat, happened in -the I'nilcd Stnlcs put (whcre hair is not wanted. Prince Apply FOOD Rip. it (It-ami AT PORTE 4Gl2.Crl, 32 X. A S. Trunk Pacific and engine, Order Nowf Phone 58 Railway - midille west is jtNo hapionins $2,000.00. Cures dandruff nnd all scalp botise. Phono Red "91. c other shipping deve-Inped in and on Hie Canadian nrairies. iinme troubles. $1.75 per Jar. out of the Tuff 37s 1 0x4 32 H.P. N. & S Port CO.STA. of Prince nuoorl.fl TI.XOPLK, April ,. FOR RENT ly, the Iree line, which fifly years Agents wanted., Prof. M. S. the portion of (he dock leased In I.ivinjr for 10 days engine. S2.000.00. on mixed ajro was localod a comparatively Crosse, 448 Logran Ave., Winnipeg. , USE . . Wallace should he returned to sea and fresh water and limited short distance west of Ihe Thirty font, srenoral purpose boat, Man. l-OR RK.NT.-1 l-room a .iii il Huperl. aud hy ihat lime I ho Wallace bread ralinns, 500 children and Mississippi and Red Rivers has 5, H.P. Y'aJe, dynamo, storage Slephen's Hlock. St. am j iW Shamrock Shipyards would have io 3000 adult fireeks. have arrived advanced several hundred miles electric light, 800.00. SCIF.NTIITU Secrets lo LntiK Life, Apply Prince Run ' li dillieully in financing and buildim; here on the (ireek steamer Midi, into what was formerly the bald I'tts 57 fU So IL P. Fairbanks Love, Happiness and Business. ance Agencies. a lloatins dock ael Novorossi.sk" semi-dicsel engine. power Send birlh dale, month dry of their own Archansol. from your prairie. The. line has moved GOOD Clean Hods from l '" yl larpe onoiipli lo accommodale the Russia,- with no food or. water forward boldly but' "islands" windlass. Auxiliaries. and year and one dollar. Professor week. FLshernien - Hi IjtI 5 BACON shipping nf the jjnrl. Ily litis iiboard. ' Loggers 2iti( stern wheel Wood, 5V1 Nelson awLcnivc f trees are lodav to Pioneer Rooms, to; ;ni i HAM means a larpe. amount of money Siifferinpr from -cholera and !j- found like oidnosfs in dis scow, 40 H.P. sloani boiler and Street, Vancouver, 11. C. Read-ings would be saverl to the port of Vancouver, other cpideniic diseases, mam- of tricts, wbero. (hero were formerly winch, wilh house 20xi0. May scnl by relurn mail. - If K) RKNT. -Modern Apart! I BUTTER the expense of handling the refugees were ill and Iwo no trees, This is believed lo be usod'.n camp and donkey. ST. ELMO HOTEL furnished Of llllCl); I -li-il. f I t EGGS steamers here would he considerably had died ill sea. Croon military be due lo Ihe fad thai the progress fl7!50. W. Hart. reduced, mi injustice would authorities and deefrates of the of set I lenient has slopped,, H.P. Fairbanks 'A type stationary Rooms lo let from $3 per'week up. p LARD he done lo Prince Rupert and considerable Creek lllsh Corundssion inspec-led more or less completely, prairie engine. Wilh pump two Running hot nnd cold walor in FLAT for Renl in incuts. M. M. unjustifiable expenditure the ship, supplied .medical Tires and given the I roes a iiiinilroil, pounds pressure, nil rooms. of -public miyiey saved." aid and arranged for emergency chance. Pro?ress westward has geared up. K2.r0.00 . . Hath. Sloani Heated. Modern SHOE REPAIRS The Empire's Standard. food siiiilies lo. last llje vessel boon slow because the prevailing-winds Pile Driver and 10 H.P. dnnkev Phone Green 510 until she reached Salun'jki, engine, 2100 lb. hammer. $1,-250.IO. Umbrella Repairs wln'ie P.BURNS GIRL GUIDES' DANCE are front the west., nnd CO., LTD. the able bodied will be debarked Iree seeds are carried, largely by TAXI Clothes cleaned and I H.P, Guarantee, marine enainp. Hulls called for nnd di-hW for LAST transportation In the tobacco NIGHT VERY wind. In the last firtecn years ' Phone. 693 farms and. road in the 350.00. Phone lllne "01 camps however, the rale of advance (Call lieorgrt Rossi 05 fat bonis 3-V inch tested an LEM JOHN ENJOYABLE AFFAIR vicinity of Kavalla. has been because more rapid larpely Five.passenger Touring Car Nljfht Hitmen - J. G; Steen, 371 These refuscos were recruited chor chain. 844 Third Avenua of the del cruiinei! more and Prompt Day Night Service W. lyn)fwill. Blue 270' trout Ollfor boats nnd engines, St. Andrew's Hall las! nicrlil anions lite more than 20,-000 fishl afrainst prairie fires; Stand: Boston Qrlll.-Thlrd Avenue REt-AIR SHOP Day Phone 6 M, M. STKPIIKNS. was the scene of a pretty and sTtci (i recks who were driven Trees arc now spreading STEEN 5 LONG WILL ctfssful dance irivon by Ihe Ciirl from their homes by the Hol-sheviki soulhward from life well established F0l "sVLF, Monarch typewriter. HAULAGE AND TRANSFER Oeneral repairs, gas entml (Hides Chapter, Imperial Order and who havoheen a wall-ins fores) along- Ihe Saskatchewan. slovos, locks, keys. ewin-.- $50,110; Ilolchoc ... .. block, 30.00; Phone. 189 ..n Sheet Metal Workl Daughters of Ihe l'mpire. Some Iwo years for repatriation. In addition to this Cash clilnes, lilcycles. - .titn'i'" - I 00 couples indulged in the Ihe condition of fb'e others is tegUler. mahogany finish Furniture Removals nnd electrical "i1'-ROKKJAR Agent for McClary Fanieae lerp-skhoieitit natural process of forest growth 200.00; Sure, (llall-NorrLs) Prompt Service appi art until the early said to bf serious, with from 5 Individuals and communities' BROS. Sanitary Heating and Engineer bout's lo Hie melodious' strains of In :i6 dyins daily of Jiuusnr. have planted grovOs all over Ihet fceales,inidn 41x23 Toledo,l-l $75.00;inches, $150,Ford Prince.JIM Rupert STURGEON Transfer S-20 Third AVenu- W'-1 Arthur's Orchestra. The arrangements West. The Dominion forest nursery delivery Phone Red "1 6tb Street and Frascr Street were admirably carried Mrs. (l. M. Drown left on Mil station at. Indian Head, has desk,van, $250.00;5.ti0: Walch.typewriter WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. Prince Rupert r. -i - B. C onl by Mrs. Robert morning's train for Moid real MUSIC, j lllanee, and sent out over si.vty million trees loan's clock (llardingnj and I resent, and Mrs. McMullin, convenor, New York.' Mrs. Hrown has iroiie lo forty thousand farmers in the-last ft'slallons, 55.00; Store KxpTirt watch, block, and PIANO SCHOOL r.ssisled Mr, to join her liusyaml, who conn, chronometer maker. f.escJiclljikV Mel hod. All fTrji ,y (iconic was Iwenly years, and Ihis wilh-nivic 2i 1 0.00. For your next Woodland, Mrs. O. II. Xclson and encased for some lime as pay and school planting- lis lor,.Rorie & feefc Small, C. A., Apply posl Of,o Wnl eh nnd Jewellery Repairs .a Inken and special all1'"" Mrs. ficorse Tito. Mrs. McMordie master by Ihe Canadian Fish and helping lo "change Ihe. appearance flee IJuilding. Phone 387. specially. to begin tiers. Term Shoe acled in the capacity of nirieial Cold Slorusc Co. Lid., and who. of. the prairies. Mail orders promptly- executed. modern to. Repair dob chaperon. Cm. K. P. McMordie look up a position In New York FOR SALK. Kight room house, GEO. GIBB CHAS. P. HALAIiNO, was the mnsler of ceremonies, some four mould nso. DOUBLE-SEATED bath, twu lots fenced and in Opp. Post Office (P. O.. llox 71) Rnmi Hlock, corner Sixth j try Delicious refreshments were garden. $2,500. Kasy tiM-ms. Ptinco Rupert, If vuiinn, innue i""" J. C. EMERTON served at It o'clock, nfler which PANTS DEMANDED ONK LKVKL l.(T. Ileacb Place. ORIENTAL GOODS dancing was continued until 1 $325.00. SHIPS a. ICE BOUND Champion Shoe Repair Shop ni. Hubert IHanee and fieorpe BY BIKE POSTIES TWO F.xcellent View Lois, blk. lapnnese Klmonas, Crockery, F.mnd' lilock, Third Avenue W midland were no ((. ,),., .1, Alliu Avenut. $75(1 for he llatnboo Furniture, Ornaments. IN GULF OF RIGA "Repairs while LONDON, April 2&c.WIiHn Iwo. Half cash. - ItaskHs, Children's Roninet-s. AVIATfl you wait" LOT 3il. block 7. Section I. FED BY FIRE Toys, Klc. MARSHAL WAS union 'labor has laken lis stand on To hT $;?5'eus!i, before- May I. N I G LOW K.ST PRICKS, such li illns as mure wages, hours ' UP TOSHAWATLANS Tomorrow Alright and wnrkinu conditions, lh third IQi T M. M. Stephens. F. K. AKASE HIOA, LaUin, Apr 0. T NR Tablets atop tick headache. annual conferencw of Hie Hrilish FOR SALK Cedar rowhoal. 18 . O, llo 01 Tel. Red 85 crews oT four (letiimi' Bell a Grossett Fire .Marshal Thomas, toirelh. leCave billoua attack, tone and Poslal Workers'.. Uninn has come, ft. long with wid beam, in Third Avenui) which fot: weekx ''''''' 1 ix r with F. J. Whllfaker. cilv in regulate the eliminative organ, III IP.n f!,,r ..r lli.r'l v out ith conilitlm. - w 'which n program around good, I'rico $0(1. CYCLE .il nil; ..llll .11 H'w .j. inoc and R. Walker of the make you feel fine. ihe down REPAIRS. plic.r regularly with f'-'11 Painters and Decorators I Hidden proletariat Also KvinrudM, price $100, PAPERHANGINd city water department, visited "Btttej Tlta Pill F.r Uru 111" everywhere can tally. To lh rullvti. tftiily News. jf Cycles of all makes repaired by Latvian niililn.iv the city waterworks al Shawal. cnpilalist tin wear,and (ear of life nnd baby carriages re.lired. ITsherinen i-cporled 'n v' , KALSOMININQ lans yesterday. 'Ihe fire FOR SALl-V-"Marbethoiix.M n w ' propvi!"1'- mar. awheel presents no problems, but Cycle Accessories. fiiiiuintf sliori. of Pre.war prices ,hal report that h found the is lo thiMnipor 'ffovnrnmputul em my iutention to take the cusu Out of lown orders pi-ntiml.lv airmen froiji Rifr'.'i , Work nealfy and quickly pipe line lit fairly tcood shape, ployee a burniutr Iseue, am so on into. th( Admiralty Court and I alleuded lo. every few days carryiii- f'"'4 , allboijjlt in fiome pluci-8 U re-iuirc'd nei the money. Price, $1500. - -i J the Ihe done. Ihe- agenda, of if.he cnfe,renc up. J. GAWTH0RN . sailors,. . . , concrete llooine. K, Fre!tnan. a ICR " 318 Fifth Street Phone 477 stipporfs in place pears Ihis slogan; "A douldc tcat 517 Fulton Street. aroppeu m sucks on ' of Umber. 'lb spill-way arfd in Iho trouser of tlinsw emploj od F.I.ITK Cafe for "ale, furnished Ihn hemmed in sli'iim" dum also needed sonic repair. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER on cycle dulv." oomplete. Phone 173. f M. F.arl, I'hutie Ne- Jtlac 320 Advertise In Iho Dnily