Chevrolet Six First in Quality -- First in Value Sold and Serviced by KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Phone 52 “It’s Service That Counts” The Daily News NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’S NEWSPAPER Sa ee PRINCE RUPERT, BC, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1982 vol, XX1La No. 245, a nen wi 62 % | ” “dp, ; Ly >, ne % 4 WILLIAM BAGLEY IS SENT TO SAN QUENTIN PENITENTIARY Single Homeless Men Will Be Moved From Cities Into Camps And Taken Care of There--Tolmie Announces Plan | | | | who program of single unemployed men Premier, Tolmic has made | caring fo! WIDOW OF GOVERNOR SUCCUMBS Marchioness of anstiues Passed Away in London—tIn Canada From 1883 to 1888 LONDON, Oct, 22 The Dowage! M mess of Lansdowne, widow e Governor General of Canada { 883 to 1888. died her norms 1 Her husband, Henry, the } Marquis of Lansdowne, died a Zo LABOR MOVE nee eee cea Bese ete PLAN IS MADE PUBLI Tomorrow’s Tides Sunday, October 23, 1932 WORE heer 8:25 a.m. 16.0 ft. 20:04 p.m. 16.5 ft. BOW his neds 2 am Tim 13:41 p.m. 10.9 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS Relief Board, Serving Without Remuneration, Being Set Up to Supervise Administration—Will Mean Saving For Province and Municipalities | | } | 22:—Creation of a British Columbia federal and provincial government VICTORIA, Oct. 2% relief board under | auspices and early steps to transfer single, homeless men in the cities to camps where they will be cared for by Do- minion arrangement and at federal cost featured an an- nouncement on the unemployment situation which was not @made last night by Premier §S. F. @>0¢%6¢464666%6 0466 «| Tolmie. An administrative board to @ Supervise the plan will be set up ANOTHER GRAIN CARGO # With the following members serving FROM HERE TO ORIENT # “!*hout remuneration 4 «| Major John W. Fordham of Van-, Charter has been arranged #/CoUVer, chairman for a steamer to take another # Col, J. 8. Dennis cargo of grain from the Al- # Prof. W. A. Carrothers of the berta Wheat Pool’s Prince Ru- @ University of British Columbia. | pert elevator to the Orient this # While the exact effect of the fall. it is reported. The name of * plan on provincial and municipal} _immediately cer- | the boat which will ¢take-thie#jfipances 1s ; cargo is not vet known. The tain, the arrangement with respect | Duteh st nat Maasbure. | single men will save about $80,000 SvCadill ‘ avae . c s which was originally to have # monthly to the province, it is esti- come here to load for United # mated Kingdom or Continent in Oc- #! E tober been diverted to # H li b An | | Vancouver. Before another +! FR@ML ut rrivals ) grain cargo can be loaded here # | wheat will have to arrive # American fron , ¢ Baltic, 10,000, refused 4.5c and 2c, * i vp yiding over e+e 400044444 Canadian 9,000; Gony, 9,500; Gul- | | Gibson, § BASKETBALL | | vil 6,500, ¢ Teeny Milly, 4,500, | efused local ind bids of 4.5¢ and 2c old to Edmunds & Walker, | EXCITEMENT ‘: Ne w Westminster, for 6c and 4.5c Catches to be taken south by Gib- | son and Gony.) Grotto Won From C. N. R. A, in Fast and Furious Senior Hoop Game Last Night ow Seriously Hurt Other Matches 7 | i BEA | EN Yuxis Beat Merchants in Interme- diate—Amazons Win in } Ladies’ League Amendment in British House Would liave Made Trade Agreements 5 ent tat ’ ‘ Terminable on Six Months :k Notice = és ; hetwe me i ‘ - — Ca Na Recreat x IN det 9 B i mak 1 ‘ ‘nin +} G vas I e House of Commo! th fa d furious. The ¢ ' lefeated a Labor Opp aka omplete baffled | we to make the Imperk joe ‘tn fa CN R.A. 31-25 ice trade pacts terminabdie | The Sei tenens ’ , ‘thou 4 Be Great Britain | mcern- | Tg ELD Y t Tuesdas ae ; } not i ; | X months’ notice | game, was als of an aggressive na Lb | ' hse } ely ride | '* ds PRICES OF WHEAT AT Tgp snarl beens t) Ae at ‘ _. lin the last few minute defeated tne | 7 WINNIPEG -CHICAGO |" : M rants 30-23. \| leavy chargin cna ’ ‘ WINNIPEG, Oct 22;—-Wheat The ladies’ game prov to be a| Tom Mix, screen star, badly hurt VIN nG, c 22 heat } sa ~~ ee Tony I closed as follows on the local | one-sided affair In whicl e Ama wine rage? Tony x - him , . ‘ . te ¢ 9 i g ry oO yicture, t et on Thursday: October 48%4¢; | zons easily took the Com 22-12 during filming pl h ber, 49%c; May, 54%ec In the Junior League, Rovers a CHICAGO, Oct. 22:—May wheat|feated Japanese 11 to 9 it 54\4e on the local market lay. July closed at 554c and December at 4834¢c Stitt eeeerosese? : NEW DOMINION LOAN + TO BE ISSUED SOON * + eee > * OTTAWA, Oct, 22:—The Do- # + Minion will issue a new loan, * Hon. Edgar N. Rhodes, minister * . °! finance, told the House of # a. mons yesterday for $80, + “000, The probable date of * ue Will be October 31 + + *t+eeeeeeeeeee Senior Game Right from the start « the Grotto pressed i. _TOM MIX nior game ind showed the C. N R.A a IS HURT they would need a lot more mm 12 ce them into oa —o I Rang passing and Veteran Star of { Films Seriously In- 1 fast five-man attack gave the jured When Famous Horse, Grotto the edge from the start. C Tony, Fell on Him N. R. A. tried to play the same pe ed against the) HOLLYWOOD, Cal. Oct, 22: heavy check- tvle of game they us Kaiens but, with the ing of the Grotto they were com- lnletely baffled. In the last few min- the C. N. R, A.‘ orful career, films and other ‘Rigid Investigation Being Conducted by Superintendent | } Nothing to it, tle, hero of the when the freig! aid Eddic Blomberg, 23-year old seaman of Seat- Nevada disast Thirty-six men were drowned iter sant eutian Islands. Eddie swam with a rope to the survivors SHAKE-UP IN KINGSTON PEN STAFF FORESEEN AS RESULT of Peniter OF RIOTS; COWARDICE TALK. itiaries—Five Prisoners Were Injured and Damage is Placed at $5000 KINGSTON, Lroops rem uns tentiaries, qui ihundred prisone1 Tom Mix, veteran star of western | and victim of many shootings | accidents during his col-!at Portsmouth was seriously injured are in tion According number of guards “on to the cowardice in dea orders have bee some days. A staff is The and damage follows: At lea to pe complet duri st five wounded, two on Monday and three on Thursday Damage on Monday estimated at $700, ‘the total being brought to} $5000 on Thursd Redistribution of the prisoners was completed la were taken from marched under heavy new women’s pri was recently con been instrume! Thursday's disot All prisoners not been fed for t | were given theit Report to Minister OTTAWA, Oct tripped and fell Hugh Guthrie, m irom Kingston, yf the game nm tar r to change their style of; on location yesterday when his fa- a report received tartet { - play whie h made the game again mous horse, ‘Tony, (Continued on Page Two | upon him me carpel . shak« also predic but a sullen mood,” yo Oct. in Portsmouth —Just a Penitentiary today. “corporal’s guard” of All) ithrough the night the big grey pile was quiet. Poday a rigid | nesday 5 inv estigation of the recent riots General D, M. Ormond, superintendent of Canadian peni- | is in progress, Br igadier-| stioning every one of the more than nine! in the institu-% rsistent reports a| In Touch will also be called | for rumors of ing with the di 1 prevalent for -up in the prison ted oll of casualti g the week i convicts slightly t night when 100} their cells and! guard to t! e| mn building which yleted. They had tal in starting ers, Hon. Hugh Guthrie, minist:: of some of whom had! justice under whose control wenty-four hours, evening meal. penitentiaries of Canada come, Five Years to Life Sentence is Imposed | On Notorious Bandit British Columbia Criminal and Four Other Members of Oakand Gang Pleaded Guilty to Robbery Charges In California Court Yesterday SAN FRANCISCO, Oct, 22:—William Bagley, bandit, wanted in British Columbia to serve a penitentiary term and take lashes for robbery with violence and to face ad- ditional charges of attempted murder, jail breaking, etc., was sentenced here yesterday to from five years to life imprisonment at San Quentin Penitentiary when he a *%peared with four others of a bandit O00 O00 SOO Oo Saleg, recently arrested in Oakland, * @|on charges of robbery. All five * THIRTEEN HUNDRED # | pleaded guilty. + HOUSES ARE BURNED a cf IN JAPANESE TOW : * Decides to Pay Fine aad af Tokyo. Six thousand persons-#| Doing J Jail Term # were rendered homeless but no #' Fined $300. ak ‘oe of six # casualties are reported. Dam- ¢| }months’ imprisonment, by Harper # age is estimated at close to #/Reed, Justice of the Peace at Tele- ;® $2,000,000. *\craph Creek, on a charge of sup- * @ | plying liquor to Indians, A. K. OOOO S&H @ PiNoney, who was brought to the | Te ee city the day before yesterday aboard | OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL the police boat P. M. L. 8 from Wrangell enroute to Okalla to serve ENGLISH tEAGUE—FIRST oe TOKYO, Japan, Oct. * Thirteen hundred houses were mo # destroyed by fire early this # # morning in the town of Homat- #| # su on the sea coast west of ¢- the time, changed his mind on ar- rival here and this morning paid DIVISION the fine whereupon he was re- Aston Villa 1, Birmingham uv leased. Bolton Wanderers 2, Manches- + \ter City 1. Elks’ Dancels Very Enjoyable Fifty Couples Present Last Night at Opening Function of Season— Balagno’s Music Chelsea 1, Derby County 3. Huddersfield Town 0, Blackburn Leicester City 2, Everton 2. Liverpool 2, Arsenal 3 Midalesborough 1, Sunderland 2 Newcastle United 3, West Brom- wich Albion 0. Portsmouth 2, Blackpool 1. Sheffield United 0, Leeds United The Elks’ Lodge last night held ; its first dance of the coming winter Wolverhampton 3, Sheffield Wed-|season, there being some fifty |couples present at the affair which |proved to be most enjoyable to all. | Splendid music was provided by Charlie Balagno and his Venetian | Orchestra for the dancing which ‘commenced at 9:30 p.m. and con- tinued until 1:30 a.m. Bill Stone was a genial master of ceremonies. SCOTTISH LEAGUE—FIRST DIVISION Airdrieonians 1, Third Lanark 2 Celtic 4, Motherwell 1 Cowdenbeath 4, Dundee 1 East Stirlingshire 2,,St. Mirren 1 Hamilton A.. 1. Clyde 1 At midnight delicious refresh- Rangers 0 j}ments were served, During the sup- ‘per period, Hawthorne Dunn sang ‘aceytable vocal solos, accompanied Partick Thistle 7, Ayr United 0. | by Joey Arseneau on the banjo. Queens Park 1, Falkirk 3. | The committee in charge of the jdance consisted of Mike Budinich, weal" OF ) Bill Stone, Alex Mitchell and David | | | ' Kilmarnock 5, St. Johnstone 4, | | | Hearts 1, | Morton 0, Aberdeen 1. | Milne. Dan Parent presided at the | door. W. H, Howson, M. L. A. For Edmon-| Prince Rupert Clear, calm; bar - ton, Named Head of Grit ometer, 29.90; temperature, 43; sea Party ip Alberta ismooth "dal ales Dead Tree Point — Overcast, EDMONTON. Oct. 22:—W. R. calm; barometer, 29.78; tempera- | Howson, M. L. A. for Edmonton city, ture 44; sea smooth, ‘was unanimously elected leader of; Triple Island—Part cloudy, calm; | the Alberta Liberal party at a con- | Sea moderate |vention here yesterday. | Langara Island — Clear, light sossnars |southeast wind; moderate swell. CHARGES DISMISSED ——- 22:—“All is quiet the prisoners according to today by Hon inister of justice, Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Oct. was quoted at 46%c jexchange today, 22:—Wheat were dismissed by Magistrate Mc- | on the local ,Clymont in city police court yester- | roses _ Interior Weather Charges against Emil Haegbak! Terrace—Foggy, calm 40a, and Arvid Lundstrom of making| false statements in regard to their | Hazelton—Part clear, calm 37. , Smithers—Clear, calm, 37, earnings in order to obtain relief Burns Lake—Clear, calm, tem- | perature, 24, aan day afternoon. nie