1 When you want a THE NEW TWIQQ tkixhj m YOKOHAMA CAFE HOME BAKERY I The Best of Everything. ' Phone hJ J PRINCE RUPERT Try our service Phone Black 50 ' Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper OU, XIII. NO. 100. IMUXCK HUI'KHT, II. Ct tf.f L ISDAY, APIUL 20, 1022. YMUr4i'( Circulation 1,087. trot ! M. prick fivk ckntb Are Striving to Harmonize Demands NEW DEVELOPMENT IN CHECKERED CAREER OF ALICE ARM MINE 1 Russian Document Will PRINCE TAKING PRINCESS BIBESCO LEAVES FOR HOME. tiMEIGHEN AND CURIOUS CHARGES MEAN Likely be Ready Today REST IN JAPAN JAIL LEADING SENTENCES COMMUNISTS FOR DUFF CLASH For Special Committee MOSCOW, April 211. After Brilliance of Toklo Four or Four prominent, communists Latter Says Conservative Leader Five Days Being Spent have been sentenced "Molghon by Name and (iKNOA, April 20. In line with I.loyil Ik-urge's declaration Quietly at Kyoto. to prison terms by the supreme Mean by Nature." lli.it the Allied proposuls'lo lhe Ittissiuns vjuld he considered as revolutionary tribunal a wholc ii special drafling tniiiniltee is today endeavoring to KYOTO. April !l-lree. from on the curious ! OTTAWA, April In (he the maze of brilliant ceremonies charge of driving a lech-nichal cooi-se of the department of Jus-lice frame u document which would harmonize the dilTerences in demands which have marked his visit In expert to suicide estimates discussion there submilled by the Hrili.sh and French delegations. The J'okio and other large cities of tin because he was not of was a wordy duel in the House of (pri'.-irnl)! was complcled last night and the remainder of lhe draft north, .the Prince of Wales will Iheir political belief. Commons yesterday hefwecn William I II. ,is expected will lie ready for submission to the full sub-com- spend live or six days resting I)u ff, member for Lunenburg, millet1 on Iliissiuii ulTnirs which Is scheduled to meet today, here before iicsumiug his Journey and lion. Arthur Mcighen, leader (o .lhe soiilhern extremity of the of the opposition.. The incident j Barthou to Explain. empire. Word has gone out (hat chJed when Mr, OtifT objecfeil to a . , A of On entire French cabinet is I PARIS, April -'! fneelfirg DISORDER IS asiuu irom oner welcoming cere remark made by the Conservative I called for Sunday night, when Vice-Premier Harlhuu, head 'of H' monies, the Prince is lo he treated lender land described him as i French delegul iin 10 Oennu, will outline the conference Situation. as an ordimiry. tourist. 'Meialjejt by name and 'mean' by This picturesque city, for CONTINUING nnliii)C iMr. Meitthen replied by many centuries ancient capital of :nfoniiinir the chainiiaii of the BANDITS STEAL NO CHANGE (he nation, still relaius much of committee (hat he wished to preserve the air of sanctity which was Irregular Troops Actlvo In Qal-way the level course .of the de-bale everywhere apparent when royal Paymaster .at .Dublin by not replying. PAPER PAYROLL IN CLOCKS families of (he dim ages made it Robbed. Oood prort'.ss was made on the the scene of court life. tslinmles before tile House ad . Beautiful Place. SIXTY-THREE KILLED journed at 6 o'clock. I Sum of $4,400 Is Taken From Decided to Postpone Daylight I'.ven hail it no associations BELFAST SINCE FEB. From Cashier of Seattle Saving Until Further Discussed wilh Ihc past., Kyoto would lill BOMB IS THROWN Star. by Council. bo utlrnclive- for the heauly of ils KKLI AST, April Sh..linK locution, silu.iled as it, is ul the jointinues in Helfasl und last INTO BUNKHOUSE; SIIATTI.K, April Two Daylight saving will not iuse of uu iiinplilllioutio or pre nlk'bt one man .was wounded, fr-Ircgular masted men ul ii)::in Him imini- come Into effect In the city clpiloifs mountujns covered wjtli Iriwips occupied (he eus-Uomsr MINERS ARE KILLED lug held Up tiie of ficu. manager on Monday, May 1, as decided t great forests of pine, liiuplc und house, jiew-dockB. and a fmtd j h--r n MtU'tLifut urt iiMS.'u(I t4v upon'bjr'the'cltrcounclh atf- Tlx!ii.Jtd rw"a iijhmi sj.TulNuns;f Sir A, I'enua., April $9r ISl.ir as (hey descended from an meeting a fortnight ago. The Govern I f the ancient imperial and and alo olhee public buildings Three miners, wer,. killed and iiulumobllc with Ihc ncw-mapcr finance committee at Its palaces will he open lo (he Prince in ('."tuiily Old way. one was seriously injured when Uerklv miyrol . I he bandits sc- meeting this morning went for inspection, us well Us man) lhe paymaster of lhe Oreatl a bomb was thrown early yes cured The enllro amount of ?t, Into the mattter and decided famous temples eonluiiiiug relics vvesiern Jlallway yas liel, up terday into a bunkhouso at the I no und escaped in a waiting to have It again discussed by of pottery und cloisonne which rrinccss Bibetro, daugh'tet of 4trgot Asquith, wlio'ra ehe i near Dublin and,robbed of about Pallerson mine of lhe Kiski Coal iiulu, the council next Monday evening. uutedale (he old buildings by accenipanyini; back to England, and her husband, the Huraaiiian 8,2fn. Co. near here. In the meantime, or ninny centuries. Minister tu Wnshigton. photographed upon the Maurttaia wlien Ihiit Silica 1'ebruary I (he casnal- PRINCESS LOUISE until a proclamation Is posted Slaying In Palace. vessel wife.sailed for tile Old World. The Prince did not accompany (ies in Helfasl amount In n;i m NOT MUCH PROGRESS by the mayor, the time will Injriug his slay here the royal dead: There-' wer also many other IS COMING TWO remain as It Is at present and ,iilor will occupy (he Omiyn murders nllempled. The firn AT DUBLIN MAYOR'S the clocks will not be advanced. iii-lin palace, siluuletj in an cx-ensive Wingfield, Creditor of loss has been JMllO.nno. WEEKS EARLIER park. This tniihling' is Irrenulars Take Liquor, PEACE CONFERENCE Complications have arisen inilcd Ihroiighoiit .la pan for (he irregular Jlepiiblh'an.troops, (n.. In anticipation of ait unusually over the adoption of the beauty of ils decorations and fur Dolly Varden Mine, Has day seized a bonded store in Kilkenny ami removed the whole DUHLIN, April 20. -The peace nishings, eonlribuled by the greal- and the transportation heavy travel tiilo the niurli this mcasuro stock or whiskey to the ron Terence, called by Lord Mayor Kilkenny l'ueilic companies have finally I masters and painters -in Started Foreclosure the Canadian on MiiMimr, O'Neill oT the empire. jail. Free Slate officers went lu Dublin, held another decided to with standard Hallway has arm hired In. fend Ihc 6tay three, hour session here today Hie jail and issued an nllimutuiii lime. In the event, of daylight new Meanicr Princess Louise lo but aflerward.s dissolved without iSkurwny ulioiit two weeks earlier saving coming Into ef-foct OR DEVELOPMENT YANCOUVUM, April 20. Foreclosure proceedings agitinst (hat unless by 5 the o'clock properly Ibis was evcuinu returned an agreement being arrived than siheihiled. The shjp will it would mean that there (he Dolly Vanleu silver mine, lhe Wolf claims and the Dolly the .Free Stale troops would al. arrive here on 1 lie .route for which would be two separate times NORTH AUSTRALIA Varden railway al Alice Arm have been coniuiencetl in Hie move lo lhe prison and tukc il Uhr was built on .In lie, 2 instead in the city. Supreme Court here by (ieorgc YVinglicld of the Consolitlaled (Sold by force. BARRIEAU BEATS 'if June . The sleainer w ill also Senator in London Makes Sugges make Hie trip id .lime 12. tion That Coolies Be Imported Company of Cripple. Creek, Colorado, who several ear.s ugu lent KLESCH AND MAY (n this hip ii full passenger BIG GUNS ARE at First. n'OO.OOd tu lhe original Dolly Varden Mining Co. Paul C. Chiene, WIRELESS' REPORT I i j-t is assured, A large number receivci' for lhe. creditors, is added as a party lo lhe suit brought NOW MEET BRIHON f steamboat and ulniiiK men PEKIN LONDON, April I'D. -Senator against Hie creditors of (lie Tuylor F.uginceriiig Co., which in 8 a.m. , lone heeil honked, and it is cx- HEARD alrhtirn of Australia advoeales HL'LL IIAHHOII - Overcast; 1020 came iiiloposaessioii of the mine, but who latterly, through TOHONTO, April 20. -Frank I led that Ihc ruh iido lhe Far the drveloiincut of lhe Northern calm: barometer 31),In; teuiperu lliirrieuu, tho Canadian welterweight llnancial ilillieijlhes, have been iinuble lo proceed wilh its North will' he at ils peak. The Australian (errilory by a char- lure 42; sea smooth; 0:l."i p.m. champion, defealed Johnny I."iil.se and Alice will maintain Chinese Generals Are Fighting ered compiiny having the riuhl lo development. spoke PrincesVi Heatrice in Mil-bank Klesch of Cleveliiml in a ten-round Hie Skuuuuy service during lhe Along Line From Machang import coolie labor under govern. iiiglleltl, who is prolecled by n limiting charge on all the Sound, northbound: K:.'15 boul here last niuht. A Miiiiiuer iiinnlhs. replacing the . to Pekln. inent supervision, At Hie end or Dolly Vurdeu assets wliicli he substituted for tin original mortgage, p.m. spoke Canadian Farmer, btiut between Harrienii nnd Jack 1'imccss Mary, which lias hern on lhe contract (he coolies could be has decided. In foreclose on his security. Ocean Fulls, lo San Pedro. leTt llrilton, lhe American champion, Mm- northern run all winter. PFKIN. April IV. - The lighting returned i (heir homes. Ocean Falls 0:30 p.m. . is now possible. alona lhe South l'ekin-Tien Tsin DF.AD TUF.F. POINT Itaiuing, railway, which began at dawn, is ealm; barometer 2D.H.'I; tempera REDUCTION IN SALARY still progressing, and.artillery- in FARRELL CASE ture 37; sen smooth, BRENNAN TO MEET I FOR NEW SOUTH WALES action can he distinctly heard HUDDERSFIELD BEATS DKiltY ISLAND Cloudy; cnlm, PRESTON AND WINS TRACY ON MAY 16 here. The cugiisrciuenl is between Came Up This Morning and Ad. baromeler 30.08; leuipcruture, I LEGISLATORS CARRIES the rones oT (leneral Chang Tso Journed This Afternoon. ENGLISH SOCCER CUP IS AT OTTAWA "il ; sea smooth. I.in, niil'liiry governor or..Manchuria, Noon. , Bout Will be Preliminary to and (ieiteral Wu Tel Fu, iniiii The ease ngailist Frnest a I'll LONDON, April 2'..- -llnddersliebl HULL IIAHHOII Cloudy, wind Meeting with Jack Dempsey, S LONDON, April 2'J. -According Renlrul F.hina. The d e f e a t e d Urges Embargo on Fresh Caught 30.10 of nnrlhwesl baromeler, leader rel lihl; who tary of Vancouver, was r- to World's j despatches from Sydney, the Preston N'orlh Hnd in the Champion. eiiunKeiuent is reported lo extend rested aboard the gas bout (1--5 Fish Canneries Can Not Do" temperature 52; light swell; 0:10 h'gblulure Wales i New South of Kiiulish llual Soccer (Jtip along a line from 'Machang, I'd al Sw'iiiison Hay by the Provin-cJal Without Japs. tun., spoke Camosuu oT Fgg NKW YOltK, April 21. Jim j yeslerduy second reading gave n game loday by n 'scorn of Tien Tsin, lo u uorlhbound. or Island, south milt's police,on April 13 for being In Hie hill lo reduce lhe salaries to nil. There Tracy, lhe Australian heuvy point south of I'ekin. unlawfully in possession of liquor, one was an OTTTAWA, April 21) The suggested I)KA I THKH POINI--Oloiidy; jf ineinbers of Dm asseiuhly und immense crowd, the match weight -champion, has been came Ibis morning' be. embargo on export fresh calm; baromeler 20.HO; temperu-(urn up matched ministers of the government by being the play lo lluish with Hill llreuuan, of a '-'75 Tore i Muglslrale MeMulliu and ran ulit fish from- Jlrillsh Colum 50: sea smooth. New York, the battle to take annually. The reading ear-lied BASEBALL for lite . . 10 to 12, I Ii o Labor members the case was adjourned until game The game cup.was '. bia was strongly advocated by II. JMOUY ISLAND Overcast, pluoo on May 10. 'ft will bo in L'lHO (his ufleriioon, Milton Hon. hotly Hell-lrying, or lhe llritlsh Columbia calm; barometer 29.00; tempera. (ho form of a preliminary for :' vigorously opposing Hie measure. coulesletl and Scores. more than lure W; sen smooth, S. S. Prin. Yesterday's jfiiles, Williams & Manson ap. Canners' Association, be. a bout wiin .lurk Dempsey, AMERICAN LEAGUE. pea red on bclialfof the uiorlgaget (iO.ono spectator were..on fori (he committee on marine cess Ileal rice in iu:;u a.m. wurid's champion. GOLDEN YOUTHS ARE Chicago, t); Ketroil, 0. r (he. boat, und L. W, Pulinore hainl. Tin; Duko or York ami fisheries, yeslerduy. uorlhbound.' Muslim, .1; New York, 10, Tor the crown, represenlini,' King Oeorge, Mr, Hell.Irving udmilted (hat You can't always tell just ARRESTED TRAIN ON the St. Louis, U. preseuled cup tu the the American ition btiyimr compel Cleveland, i!; whining Irani 4fter JACK DEMPSEY LEFT what one kmws by I lie press or i the FISH ARRIVALS. brought a bellrc prh'e for Caiia-ilinu texture of his clothes. ?Stole Clothing and Quns Now In NATIONAL LEAGUE aaiue. The match was fishermen but he urged that PARIS TODAY BOUND Custody of Provincial Police. Philadelphia, 10: Hrooklyu, 7. 5. Lule 'yeslerduy ufleriioon (he played at Slumlord Undue. it was lo Ibe Canadian advunluge New York, 10; lloslon, 0, seirooni-r Poluris sold 28,000 lbs. to have (he work done in Canada. FOR GERMAN CAPITAL OOI.UKN, April 20.- Two 18- Cincinnati, fi I'itls'burg. 3-St. or halihtil' to lhe Canadian Fish An nllempl In operate the SCHOOL NOTICE. p'car-old hoys, whose names are Louis, 1 1 : Chicano, 3, ami Cold Storage ut H.fic and (c. canneries without Japanese f'AHIS, Aprifsu.- Juck Pemp- withheld, were iirrestetl on a ; 'l,'liere were two .urriwiU this DAYLIGHT SAVING. would cause a domestic upheaval, sey,- vyorltis cnniuploii Heavy Miss Smlt's und Miss freight Uu in near here yesterday COAST LEAGoE morning the Tordeuskjold und Mr. Hell.Irving dcelured. No can. weight boxer, bade Turewell o Stone's classes wjll report I Willi clothing alnl II vii revolvers Salt Lake, 5; San Francisco. 0. I lie I'! Nelson. The hitler hud NFLSON, April jjo.--Nelsort tiers, however, ohjeel (o (lie pd. Paris (otlay. A throng of French ul- (be Itoolh School Monday hWiich, between Ihem. they' hnd Saerumeulo, ISs Los Angelos, !(5,000 pounds, Neilher were sold cily will udojit daylight savlnu: icy of favoring while !Uhcrmu. and American admirers accouu piprning at ) o'clock. sl'dCIl at Cohleil. Thev li:ne lieen 10. nt noon today. lomorniw in conipliuneo with the panlcd him to the station and Secrelury School Hourd. hioujjht here by the nrovinuiul Yernoii-I'iirtlund, rain. bylaw passed this week by the All duiub-bulU uro not in gave him u noisy scud.off us he police Oakland Seallle, ruin. Subscribe for the- Pally News. I vie rutepayees. tyuiuus'U'.ns. boarded the lrui for Herlin.