Saturday, April 59. j0?!( TAQK IUC TUB DAILY NEWB. SMITHERS nn Wait SMOIf F. SPECIAL SCHOOL FOR VN'E OK Tllip On EAT NEEDS OF OUtl CITY is a more v vw iyriwa.-i nntiinrc nn -rrrniri riuntu ur iunftni WESTHOLME 1 J abundant supply or money available for utiiklirig loans J. . JiMini!iiy rfittrtii'ii on TOO MUCH THEATRE Whal more public-spirited use con you find for your sav Wcdnrstlny front a lnislnoin trii Are Found to B Lacking In Mil Tonight, Saturday ings than assisting some young married couple lo acquire the lo Struitr(.v ' Tlirro ire nunr men on whoe licart anl itary As Wll As Qeneral Iioinc need? Is not more usefully nervou j Atrin toliarro produces tho most Edueatlon. they so greatly your money .Mrs. J. 1'. Kirktiatrick ami ferlous results, It causes palpitation, pain t employed, both to you and the borrower, when invested in gilt daughter, Arlcnc, lmvc returned In the heart, Irrrrularlty of Its Pest, makes edged morlgages at 8 per cent, than in the savings-bank at 3pcr from u 'tuliday Iriii sppiil .al the causes hands sJiorloess tremble, of sets lirratti Ihe nerves and 011 loss cdir,ol CO.VSTAMINOIM.i:,princes liave la-eti Mr found I --Turkish -.AkaLLaaCE And make of the for ICd.ton. sleep. cent.? vc will sure security you. lacking In educational qualifications To counteract this drtnoraliilnr Innu Ml.ii.' Miirjurie Warner it ml rnce on the heart mil nerves there ts to by I he Council for the. Af H. G. HELGERSON, LIMITED tcrncdy to equal fairs of t lie Imperial l ainily. REID Muriel Adams liavc left for MILBURN'S which has decided lo establish I'rlnee llupert where (licy will HEART AND NERVE PILLS school exclusively secondary resume Mieir Mludie.s til si. Jos. lliey make the heart licit trou( and ' OENCRAL STORE BUSINESS FOR SALE. epli's Aeadomy. steady, rcMorr tone and ltur to the for the use. of young scions of IN i - - nrnes, ami remove ill the oil results royally. TE.MHiiiS Will lie n-i't-lvril tv the under. i-lmicil fur I lie nurcln-p (if tlio liuslnnss aUfpil liy U: toltacro. An investigation by the Coun- ia a twliir iimi-i-rn lui-si-ntly rarrlril on liy I.. II. Warner and T. A. Me- Mr. frank Lines 71 Terrace 1 1 1 1 1 SI ri disclosed that since IU0H only urn Miwiia mvrr co-iipi-rantc as.wciihom, .Martin vi.ilnJ Terrttee dtirin? Branlford, out writes: "I had been "The Charm School" Hartt l.tllilli'll. HI 'irrrarp. II, li. three. Imperial Princes havi) been 'I hi- lui-rrlMiiillM Suvdilnrv amount Hie week and were I lie- nests troubled Willi palpitation of the heart for '.,KVJ.U mil onis'lsls i.r l.mllis' ami Opiih' number of ftjirs, and by spells It would well educated in military iiiat- rnrnl-lilins Orciri-rlp. Totiarrn, there of (Seorge 'I.illle. bother me a lot. The doctor told me It and thuy art! of aaHawaaMMiaaH aaajajMaHamaa ers, g-raduules II.S03.S7. Hardware Hnnl rti. ai.IK8.36, would If I stop oil me some time did not ami Mine iixn.aii. i lie .wuoie morK 1.4 ieriiian insliltillous. One of fifth ami In i-irlpil riinilitlun. Tho tin W. T. Wal)s of I'rincc llu cut out tobacco. When I wou)l (re I a spell HALL ROOM COMKDY B.C. GAZETTE tlltlnrs ami riimlsliiiiirs amount lo II.SBr my heart would iouiid, and I would break I1m.mii now holds the rank of is tiiiikin lour of Ihe in-lerior Shoes (i. The rrlit ft rlurp Is am fwr month, pert, a Admission, 15c and 35c out In a perspiration, and p-t so weak I major, while Ihe other two are f til i-uar'M I iiriifivrf. aiiitiiiiitAfl In flit linn in lite eottrsc of whieli irtalli-l Invpiiinrlfs ran tin InstnTlert at would have to sit rlitlit down and quit my aptainx. Omar Farotik l-.ffenii. I in nnicn nf III HI K A SMALL. O.A.. Knd- he vl.-iil.eil this town. Mr. Walts work; at." In the nil-lit I would wale up rrul liiillillnir, I'rliii'n HupPl-l, II. C... am is anl heart would be I Miould son or Ihe iicirappari-ni, is a looking im-r Ihe ground with my a-olnir, ray, Theatre Oiipc worn, will so fully win from xox l.niid'iii win'in further niiiKliiiir,i-arlli-ular anrmivrr,ran Im It. l:. the ohjet-l of making a move abvut tsu beats 1 tnliiule. About three :raduate of the Vienna Thercs- Empress '"ug will UIihmI on ni'i'Nrallnn. yrar ao I (rot a Ihi or Mlthurn's Heart lllllllll. your cDiiildcnce lli;il ynu onvrs will tm mmivcd up to and In front (he coasl. and .Nerve fills, tuuk them, and round that rifleen oilier princes are s.iitl rluilliia- in May, 19it. accept (In next pair without GKOIKiK ItoitlK. C.S., they did Ihe Job. I am fccllnir fine and have little if lo have any itiilitary Aiilhorlind TniMm-. .1. K. l-'rost and James 'rurn- trained over SO pounds In weight." Jack Pickford ftillliei- inlrodiicliMii or rec-uiiiiiiviidaliii, liiiK-rt, H. but limited sulinol- ITIm-n r... mih April, fluff. education anil liull, of the provineial forestry price, soc s iwx al all dealers, or mailed as old friends LAND ACT. Itlff, reached Siuitltcr On Mon- direct on receipt or price by The T. Mil ijr in jfeiiernl siilijects. Iis.-ail Nolle of Intention to Apply to Luatt Land. bum Co.. Limited. Toronto. Out. asba. rx-JIinisler of Marine, whose dependability and IN . 111 rrinrn iiiiikti Land liltr rt. INi-onl- ay, in teonneclioii with business line lil.otrlrt of Oia't lianrn 5. and annate has been inslrnrltfil lo draw up worlli are fully proven. in viriuiiy or run Msiiurtmi. H. c. for thai deparJiiient. Mr. l-'rost lake imtlcn that Julius Johnson and OLD COUNTRY SOCCER dans for their ediicatlou itnd wr, will Uu li-avins- sliorlly to-lake up The Man who had Waller Klrml. or fori Fs hicion. rt. f: elect n site for flu royal school. Everything' on-iiliatlon llslieriuin. I li I cm I in apply fur his posilion in tln forestry pro-It'elion IwrmlnslMi to lease the rnllowliifr ilesrrilieil serviee al l-'rnneois l.ttke. English League First Division lanils: ComiiK-iKinir al a nist pi.niP'd 11 son I lies'I turner or Lot is. Ilanre 5, Alon Villa. 2; Olilliiiin A., C ROCHDALE WINS Comedy and Serial, "Son of Tarzan" nisirici, incnrn northeast 4 mains lo low KIRKPATRICK walpr mark, thenei; mnilll S chains lini .Mrs. ,. .merH ainl e 11 Ui-i-it 1 tend Ion I r, 0; At-scmil, 2. Admission, 15c and 35c low water mark. Iheiiii- west 3 chains In liave left lite city lo vjsil Prince. Huliili-y, 2; I'mm-Ioii, 0. NORTH UNION CUP The Store of Satisfaction Ihiirh wamr mark 10 mint of niniiineiiepmen' Ion, Onlni'ii). They have dis- UicIm'u - lluilili'rilk-ld,. not ami romaming 3 u aeres, mure or less. JL'MI.S JolfXSO.N, po-jed Of I heir liouseliold effects iilaycd. I.ONhO.V. April 2t.- llochdale WALTtll Appluaiin MKW1. tnd Mr. Affleck will lettve for I.iv-riooi, 1 ; V. Urotnwieli A 2 won lite Miriiicrn tnion rtisny I'dmontiin short ly. Manclti'sler U., I; Carditr C. I. up tliis afl (-1)1(11)11. di'featiltz We cordially mule you and LAND ACT. Miilillcsliiiro, S; llollon, 2. Hull ten to nine al Ileadiiiu'ly. Xewcastlc, Maiiclii-.ster I. 5; O., your friends to our Nolle of Intention to Apply to Laat Land In Ouncn Charlotte IsiamH Land liisirn-t. I'rrxluii Nortli llnil-lliiniiiif,'-liain, STERN RETRIBUTION. Ileenrrtlna- Dlsiiln or f-rlnee lumrrt. ann riot ilayi-il. Supreme Brand situate In rrnnl or Blink "A" In Ul 0.6 Spring Lanirara Island. flu-nii-Iil, I; .Sunik-rland. I, Old you lynch the man whu Take notlrn Canadian llrli A Pn'il Slur DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. age Company Llmllnd or I'rlnti' lliipnrt. B Notlca to Contractor!. Tollt-iiliniii. 2; lllni-kliiirit It.;-1 . tole your automobile?" ('.., orrupallon tish-riealera. Inlnnd to appl) Second Division .Vo." replied l'lnli; Pete. 'He for lf niilloii lo lease the rollowlnir de Sealed tenders, endorsed -near llPTrr English scribed lands Cnnimrnclnir at a post planted llriilfre Kmbaukiueiit Construction," will be llarnslcy, 3; Notts County, n. of away. FRESH COFFEE FRESH Ope rerelvd by the Honorable the Minister of ning one foot In a southwesterly direction from I lie nortliwe.Meily po.i or Indian Reserve Public Works, up to IK o'clock noon, the llristol (!., 2; lnkc, 0. "Unpunished?" ROASTED ROASTED .ao. 10, tnenre I6U reet more or ie?s in a IIHh day or May. for Ihe building- or em- Jtnry I ; I'ulliaiii, 0. ".No. sir. If that bunch of direction Imnknieiit approaches to Hear Itlver lirldire. tnw KoiilhweKlerly to water mark, thence "00 feel wenterly alonir low water Mcwari, ii. i.. tiovcntiy 0., I; Crystal I'al-iti-e, pernickety Junk treats him the Sal mark, tnenre 100 reel northerly to hltrh ruins. Mice nicaiioiis, conirart and roinis water mark, tnenre 800 Tret easterly glona lemler nuy be wen nn and after the I. way it lias my lie's bavin' pun- Tin- ului; of colTi-c as u lii:e!;j!'! t. hlfh water mark lo point or commenie- Sllli day of Al'ill, Uti, at the ofllre of hiiieiil enoujxh." ashinjrloo Dorliy Itotlii-rliutii C., I; mint and rontalnlnir two (S) arret or Ics P. .-carlelt, Provincial Constable. 0, 0. Iiriiiiai ily In lis slrc-nglli ami (lav ir In our new premises In the CA.HAni..n FISH K C.OLD STOitAGE It-wait. It. C: Ihe onice ir A. I . Car- l.t-icfslt-r C, I ; TIil Wrdni-.t- Slur. Brand COMI'A.W LTr Appllranl. culiicrs, lilstrict KuKiueer, Prlm-e Unpen, 'Supreme" (il-ffl fo'lfec will kei-p illili-llllil 1; Frlzzell Block. Duncan C. mid the licnartmcnt or Public Works. day, t. tlated fehmary By 1. I0 Kennedy, A(tent. Victoria. II. C. NOTICE. is Fresh siivli is nol the cast! ufli-r II liai l-'.o.. We have arranged for your i.oiiiractors may obtain a copy or the Nottliigljam K., I; l.t-t-ds V., 0. convenient viewing the PIll.NCE tll'fF.IIT LAND DHTIIICT DIS ins unci MH-clllcatlous for len dollars I'orlvali', I; Hi-mHoi-d, 0, We, Ihe undersigned, wMt lo Roasted ri a (ril. Uln.oui wbirh will be refunded thc-lr TIIICT OF COA3T, IIANGE 5. In on Soulh Sllii-lds, innounce to (lie public inai ttic lirint-'s mil (lie lluvoi- cream of the new Spring return iohmI order. I; Clajilon HoastiiiK ami a: Take ii'itlcc that I. n. F. Munckton. of Kuril proiHisat must be accompanied by Ork-iil, . partnership of James Ilrcaden Modes developed in the most an accepted bank cheque on a chartered ColTi-i! Ih-coiih's stalit brrausc oT lu.-s -f Victoria, B. C. Intend intner, to ror Bpply a hank or Canada, made to the Honorable and Albert A Ltd.. payable favored of the Season's 'leeime to priKpeit ror roal, petroleum and Wfsllinm U., 0; niackjiool. 2. -McCaffery Ihe Minister of Public Works, for a llii.'sc aioiiiallc pfineipfi---. natural on tile rollnwinn ileseritied known the Itreadcn Transfer na Fabrics. uni equal to ten . per cent. '. f lc ) of Wolveflidlniiton. 0; Hull City, as land:halns comiiicui'lnB'south or the at,euihwet a post planted corner ta ol tender, which "hall bo rnrrelled If the party i Ciiiiipiiiiy is dissolved lhls 21 si Tastes as Good as Wii art- roa.stjitfr and lmckiiit; for ctirr-n declim BENT'S went Lot I0.17.80 chullii.thence thence nouth 80 north chains,80 (lidlii.i,thence when fenderinir called upon to to du enter so. or Into ir be contract rail to Final Games Scottish League. day of AVril 1022, and that all it Smells fi'iltilrt-mciils only, rcnliiii lliul esscn. complele Ihe work contracted ror. I hence rant 80 rlmlni lo point or com .Alii-iili-t-n, accj'Uiils payable to tin' IJrcadeii 0; Hearts. . Tenders will imiI be mnsldert-d unless 1 tally. i-oITi-i' must hi' fri-sh rnah" -J I' meiiceiiicnt. conialiilns an acres morv or made out on the rorni supplied and slimed I'liir-l Transfer Company will now be less. O. r. MO.XCKTft.X. Ijjitark. 2: Kilt.tai no-k, 0, by the aciual lirnatum or the lendercr. Frlzzell Block, Third Avenue P M Vonckion. A rent paid only lo Albert A McCaffery )fof K-ifecll.v ralifniloiy. riie low est or any lender not necessarily Air !iir, i : (.ii'ici-it!" iMrk, I. l-ltl.NCi: lltt'EIlT LAND DISTIIICT PIS accepted. ! P. PHILIP. ' Ayr UniU-l. o; Itiiiiiltv, 2. Ltd. Sold only In 1-pound airtight cartons TlltCT OF COAST, IIA.NCE 3. Public Works engineer. J AMI-IS JIIIKAOICN. Clyde, Ha Iiefuirlment of Public Works, O.v litre is, (I. Take notice that I. I'. M. Mmirkton. of Vlrlorln, II c. I'alkiik, 0; Diiiiil-iiiliin, li. Al.Ill'.lt r A McCAI l KUV, l.ld. Terrace. B. C occuiialioii land mirvevor. Iiilend to apply for a llienx: to prufpeit Ililii-riiiaits, a; illyileliank, (t. Prince lluperl, J ,C. April 21, ror coal, natural tt and Petroli-uin on the TJ22. 101 STEWART & LTD. For Sale foltowins' dniicrlbed liindii: Cofninenciiia' at M. rtun l', C-lii-. I. M0BLEY, -ost mile of the a idanted 0110 wct north west corner of lit HJ8. llience. north 80 MiitlierVvell. t; Alliion 11., I, Coffees Impcrtors and Roasters chiliiH, thence eat 80 chains, thence Houth Haitli Hint-)--. I 1 1 ii r 1 1 1 0. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 80 chains, thi-iicn west ko chnliis to ihuiiI TIMBER SALE ,X3964. PRINCE RUPERT I'racllcally new modern of rniiiiiieiicfiiiciit. roiitalulnt; C4V acres. St. Mirri-ti. 1 : 1'arliVk l 2. Located January 83, W'il. Scaled lenilera will be rerelted by Ihe Second Division residence in excellent resi-denlial P. M. Mol;WTN. Minister of Lands at Victoria not later Scottish. Saturday, April 2'.'. IIiiiii noon on the. I III day or May, iV1J. Halliale, 0; St. .loltnsloiR', 0. High- Itil a.m., 21.2 feet. section, splendid harbor ror tin- purchase or Licence NaSI, to cut lig.CUU reel or, (pruce. Ileuilock. OU.OUU Ilmiess, 3; Arbroath, t. I t:.VJ p.m., I8.U feet, view. Central lineal reel or Cedar Piles and .'.o.noo lineal lli oxlitini heating. United, I Kings ; Low 8:52 3.1 feet, - a.m.. feet of Cedar Poles, on nn area situated Offered at less than cost. ni-a- Skeena i.rossliiir, O, T. P. Hallway. I'ark, 2. 20: to p.m., 7.0 feel. May Day Caspar nistrirt. Two is years will be allowed for IjiiihIi-c IliliiMiii.-iiis. ii.Arina- SiiiMiay, April .'10. 'Agents for removal liiriher or paillculars Umber. of the Chief loresler, d.ile, t. Ilish 2.'10 a.m., 20.8 reel, Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE Norwegian American Line Victoria, r c or lilslrlcl (orcsler, frluri-liuiiert. iMinreiiiiline, o; Strnltousf! '15.38 p.m., 18.3 feet, Swedish American Line Specials Mnir, 0. Low 0:18 a.m., 3.5 feet, Scandinavian American piii.m.k THICT iini-KiiT OK COAST.i.a.mi HA.Ol:nisriitcr i. -nis.'lifri?lly, 0! .loliiixlone, I, 21:23 p.m., 7.5 feel. Line! Tuke notice tlial I. kallileen Moorkinii. Vale of l.evi-n, 3;' Kasl Stirliii?, Victoria, II, c., married woman. Intend to Oliver 11-l-lv fur a license to prospect foe coal. Advertise In Ihe Oaly'Nw. DENTIST Typewriters COMBINATION CANNED icirnieitin ami natural Kas on the follow-njr Kasl Kife, 2; Claekniaiinan, 3. Cary Safes described lands: Coiniiieucliiir al a inis! . . . . VEGETABLES planted l& chains 4it til of Hie sout)iwe?t Alloa, 2; Si. Iteriiardi, I. 1 FlflE INSURANCE of Lot 1037. thence corner north (l chains, Malkln's bost tomatoes, 2 'is I heme west HO chains, thence youth an 1 Mai kin's best corn, 2s chains,commencement,llieuee cast and HU eoniaiiilnir chains to litu miii ai-4-es of WILL ADD SIX FLYING Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block more less. KATIILKKN of Ma nd riaharlii. Dybhavn & Hanson or MiiCliTf.'M, Dapartmint Quaker Early June Peas, 2s P. M. Monehloll. Alfelil. BOATS TO AIR STATION Scaled proposal accumpaiiloi liy ccrtl-llril Third Avenue Quaker Beans, 2s, Wax or I'HIACK lll'l-KIIT l.tMi lilSTIIICT MS cheqiif or War limuls fur d'i of Hie Phone 575 TIIICT Of COAST, IIA.NUC 0. aui'iiiut of tcuilcr, which will bo lirld until Prince Rupert, B. C. Refugee. Fleet to Be Doubled at Victoria couiilctlon of llic wurk. will lc rcccivcO Take nolicn that I. P. M. Moiicktmi. of aililrmsrd o Hie Chief InrtM-clor of FMi Almve (ire tin- llnest lines of Tecraec. It. C. occupation land surveyor, Beach, Hobbs Announces. rrlqs, Molsiiii'ii Hank liuilOniff. Vancouver, ctineii vcjretabli-s we have Intend lo apply for a llecn-e to pne.perl It, c until fi P.m. Hi" vuili ilay of May, for inal, natural Kas and pi'tioleiiin on the WINNIPKo, April 2D. Sir tViJ. for the removal of portion of tlm lov The Price ever slocked. follouiuir described lands: (Uimiiieiiclnir al a Jam al the new Hi of Vakuuu lllvcr, lira post plained one inlle west or the northwest l(l-passenxer flying boats will be liana lalamJ, II, . SPECIAL. PER DOZEN corner of Lot Him. thence north tio used llw work to be roiiiplctcU cn or licfort-I al the Victoria' SALE rlwlii, llienee west CO chains, thence south llcach air he sutli day of July, ISi-.'f. Special Assorted, taking three tins no chains, llienee east 80 chains lo point station thiM year,'which Is double IntcniliiiK- lilililera must examiuii llin Jain of commencement, coiilaiiiinir 040 acres. ami Hnle Hie iiicIIhhI lliey IlilenJ i ajopt of each Located Jauuary its, iVll. the number in operation last rcmovliiir ramii and Hie naturi- of Hie ofliislt clus.t ili-ntistry riiNtrt no 'iikii-i' llian lite slio'l'ly u'iW" P. M. Mfl.VCkTIIN. iiiai hlnery lliey contcinphiiu iislnif In connection Hasil summer, Major Hobbs, superintendent, thcrcullh. Islii-d vurlnly often m-cn in oiitlylntf ilisli ifls tit tin- ''',V '' l-Itl.N'CK Illll-KIIT I.A.n IilSTIIICT DISTRICT announces. The additional Coiilet- of the iecinriilloiia can tic procured Hosiery $20 or coast. iiANut: s. at the Onice nf the Inspector of Tlio futisu is (Jut; to flicai mall-rial, iiIho lo unskillful d''" Take notice that 1. Lavender Moncklon. machines are now bcinsr t'lulM-rlvk. I'rincc liuiM-rt, II. C. or from Mr. who liavo iiifunled tlii-so iliHli jcls ft-oin tinio to linf 'I'll'"1' la1 r Terrace, B. C, married woman, intend assembled at the plant at .the W. s. slntrvr, l-orl (.iii-nls, li, t' on to annlv ror a llreiiM to prospect ror coal payment of tin.- uiu nf ll.uo. no lici-nci; and are i-ccci vl iljc your Inoncy under fur;-" l1'' pell-oleum and natural ra on the rollowlnn foot of Glasgow Avenue, Winnipeg. Lowest or any tender not necessarily all this week described lands: Coiiiuieiiclmr at a lM accepted. tt-ncfs when jiosiiijf as .dc-ntisls. planted li chains aoutn or.inn soiiinwest Cheipies acciimiianylnt- uiisiiifesf ful eu-ilers lien1''1' 10 cent. Discount Rupert Table Supply Co. corner or Lot 1037, thence mm Hi 80 chains. It is expected aecordintr lo ttill he re I ii rued Immediately the coil-tract' My office niii f(ui))(.-d in t-vi-i-y detail for your per thence east 80 rna ins. llienee norm no li awarded. and llto lieallli of Uie cotuiuiinily at In iy c. chains, llienee west 80 cballis. to point of Major llobbs, wireless stations (Sljrnedl ;. A. MOTIIMIWKLL, Drawing Winner, Miss Phones 211 and 212 commencement, coiilaiiiinir 040 acres more will be chler Inspector of t'l'lierlci. established at Iho Jleacli oint-aa. LAVENflEII MO.NCKTO.N. Vlliiniiver. II. C, Your Appearance and Health W. Dyer, No. 7. P M. Moncklon A-ent. and at Xoi-yvay House wHh a view M-rll Villi, !?. 91-9.1 Pltl.NCE nCI-EIIT IANK HITIIICT Did-TltlCT lo incrcaslnj.' the efficiency of Wni.lcd to dinner, two (rasollne him Is Demand GOOD TEETH OF COAST. IIA0E 5. the air . rroiu So to H feet In length. Must lie From the Farm station. irixiil fed LinaK with reliable nifrlmta and DEMERS" Take notice that I, P. M. Mouckton. of As soon as tho ice goes out at have accommodation for four men. lie-partiiieiili 'J'ako slock of yourself. Aiu you Km mm- cent I'Mri1'"' the Table Terrace, ft. c surveyor. Intend to apply to supply rijfl, lubrlratlnir oils iirit-es tlio to My arc lowest considering tlio niati-rtala for a liceuae to prostn-ct ror coal, petroleum Ihe Jleacli, which will probably ud crew. Term nf charter, iiipnuluiately and i-atural iras on the followlnir described be lhri tiioiiHi. Tender Klvlnar illiiiensluiu (lie offices I maintain. about air Ihe station 27 O. Box May .7, Phone P. 327 lauds: Coiiiiiienelnif al a iil planted IS or in ml and other full partleiilnrs. Inrluit-Inir chuins south of the southwest corner of will be- opened. In addition lo lirlce per diem, must lie In the olllcij BulkleyValley Lot 10J7, thence north 80 chains, llienee or the lnpi-ctor of nsherlca, l-rlnco lluperl, Iho service, rendered heretofore not later than Crowns east 80 chains, thence sou III HU chains. noon, Saturday tho thescp west Nil chain 10 point or commencement, by Hie flyers, rnachines may be nth of Mv. BEEF and containing 4ii acre more First Class or less. IV M. MO.NCKTO.X. utilized this season by the department IN PBOSATt. PORK IN THI UPRCME COURT Or RITIkH Dated Jauuary 3fst. 1 of Indian affuirs, In COUiMIIA. MUTTON NOTICE. the payiii-,' of treaty money. Ill the. matter or THE AliMt.MSTIIM'IO.N Plates and Electrical Work VEAL i TMK MiTTtn or an application for ACT and In the- mailer or tlm I .late of FRESH KILLED POULTRY Hie Issue of 1 fresh certlllcale of tlllil to WII.I.MM &, .McpO.NALU, Iieccaaod, lot iu. mock 41, section b, uty or rrince Internal. Skeena River Fartp Produce lllijierl. Map 913. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TAki: .NOTICE that pi order of Hl and Accessories .Nil i ll K la lieieliv if U en that It Is my Honor I'. Melt. nulls-, made the foili riav VANDERHOOF CREAMERY (nieiilioii In Issue after Hie eiplrallon ot nf April, iVii. I waa apimlnted AOuilnl-tralor Bridgewoifk Automobile Repairs BUTTER Him limn 1 r com the 1 rat puo lies 11011 I'OII SAI.K -Three, burner J'er-fcclion to the Estate or Wll.l lM jj U-reof, a fresh eellllleaU- of title to the lio.N'Atli, deceased, and all parllci liavlu'i and Parts uluive ineiitiiiiieil nronertv In the name or Oif Stove, laro oven, rlalina airalnsi the said ratale am lierehv NORTHERN INTERIOR J. Arthur I load ley, which certlllcale of reoulred to furnlah Hiiine, properly verlllril title Is- dated the 3rd March. IVI&. and Is Phone lied 281, Posi Office In me on or hefiire the sin day of Mac' Office- Hours U til 12 t'lio"" noon, 1 to 5 H. PATTINSON d.hi, numbered 7341-1. llox una. v 103 t. and all parlle ludeuled to the es ate CO-OPERATIVE 11. r. nisci.r.i'ii. are required to pay the amount of their Onen evenings 7 to 0. l.udy Assistant IterUtrar of Titles, Indclitediieai to me forthwith, First Avenue Phone 81 (.and Heirlstry Ottlie. S.MAI,L lioui)"for rent. V. JOHN II. MrMUUJ.V. i-nono toaay ror appointment. Prince Jiupert. U. C, Hurt Oltlclal Adiiiliditratur lst day or Jlarclt, iV3l. if PatcJ Mil !Ut duy vf AjirM,