GOOD PROGRESS WITH DRUG CENTRE The Daily News NEW tW.VJL BLOCK pftiNcr. nupr.RT - nniTisn Columbia . Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince AT VANCOUVER Club Rooms to be Removed to Hupert Itoily New, Limited, Third Avenue. Upstair Part When Completed H. P. PULLEN. Managing Editor. Janey Canuck Comas Back at, Chief Anderson In Interview r'.xrcllent. pmuress. is lelna nraOV with the permanent steel SUBSCRIPTION RATES: at Toronto alia icnncrcln I Irree. door addition City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .$1.00 the W.WW.A. headquarters on Hy mail to all parts of the Hrilish Empire and the United 8tatea, In connection with nn Third Avenue. The cement nnd In advance, per year 10.00 rWmierofWca Thursday hy W. K. Hlanelan.l. 'J1 t,rnrl",'ft,,v "y' .P( To all other countries, in advance per year 17.50 ....,! . ed on lln three floor, till lit ing roiuineneeil Ihe exter- was on in which lie said the headiitiarlrr TELEPHONE 91 or on Monday awl the ptasterine of the (Irusr ritiu had shifted ami finishing of the floors Mill he from ;iiloniro to Vancouver, il Transient Display Advertising '.$1.40 per Inch per Insertion twin that IMice MnnUtralf coiunicnccil a "'soon as weather Transient Advertising on Front Page 12.80 per Inch P.nilly Murphy of I'dmonlnn, Ih. leriitlts. have Coal weaUjerKmhavc. Local Readers, per Insertion 25c per line ter known hh Janey Canuck, had The iiiper floor of the newi wcJ1)n0.1 Classified Advertising, per Insertion 2c per won! Imlltling will be useii as chih COLD made n similar statement recent- keeplnfMheirferyvwarrn. f,ega Notices, each Insertion IBc per agale line rooms lo nccomnntilate the mem-' coalby lly which wn denied by Ihe Van- Contract Hates on Application hers of Ihe fl.W.V.A. ami the All advertising .honld he in The Daily News Office-on day pre- frm Toronn ,,, " ,,(,ll0n,,,n urou mt floor with' riHm fur two ceding puhlication. All advertising received subject to approval. !,,., ,., nf.Pive. ,... ,,v. stores, wrl'l be rehleil. The Ml-Uard The knitted wool and tailMarmepj,s6rt3tanfleld'3 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. Janey Canuck's Interview room, hath and liltfnry will Magistrate I'.ntily Murphy he sitlialeil ort thr sN-oml floor. Unsl'nnkaWendMaf are your' best protection The completion of the third floor DAILT EDITION tD Pal unlay, October , 1022. Janey C.nnurk of Kdmontnn. will le undertaken at a figure Alia., when interviewed here on dale. Saturday concerning the despatch 8llly Objection In which r.hief of Pollre James To Local Director. Anderson, of Vancouver, is allee- N.P.I. CLASSES ARE These unshrinkable wool gamentAbre delightfully The Vancouver Sun is assuming Ihe role tif a village news- 'l to have contradicted her stale- WELL UNDER WAY blfj that Startfield's in its criticism of Ihe n"' concerning the operations . paper appointment of Fred llawson to the UW.V, u SI V. ls w jm w.. "" y ll.a 11.111. .iiur I. Vnni.nniA. position of director of the.Canadian .National Hailways. lucre ... ..i,. . .i...i n..i.. ... . than theV:heaper, It lll lit Will, II II PII1IMI .1. Three Classes Opened Last Night actually costs less per yearpi weai are n quarter of million a people living in that city, the fact years Ihe illicit ilruir traffic w-as with Good Attendance. should add dignity to its newspaper ami not tempt them to dis nerr less, replied that the re- less comfortable kinds I I plays of childish temper iturps of Hue federal government The gas engineering oln hel, V We take no exception lo Ihe suggestion that our population !fnr 1981 how the convictions on. at Ihe King KilwriJ seluMil la-l Is smnll lha V niahl was well atlemlei,. The J P vcr hu, we do take exception , the eu,-, sliiilenls lo-ik much interest in geslion that a large population ,kel,er to develop n man of the ,Vancouver daily papers have ta-proper the lecture on this subject hy II. calibre for a big job. History suggests the opposite. ted rthcre will le n . marked in. I. Ilohiiisnn who is in charge There is no man in Vancouver better filled for Ihe position than ereaVe for ivt2. of thl elas frtr the I'olylpchnir f J In combination mnd ! Mr. llawson and Ihe Sun knows iL i Magistrate Murphy says old- The elementary ilressniaklng Mc Sif, in mil Unfth. kntt Again,he Sun Haims that the Vancouver branch of the IrS class uinbr Miss HiHlon. held and tlbow Unflh, mnJ r the last niahl' In the llonth SchfM4 , fot Mtn mnj Womin. Stanfield's Canadian National brings in fifty times more revenue than does j lhat city and not the minimum provett very siiec'sfn anl ojMiie StantflJ't Adjatlabl Combine ine mam tine to I'rmce Ilupert. To this we lake exception, as suggested by r.hief Anderson. a number of ladies look advant tniUrtn front and PottntedU ltpr$ or growing While no figures are available just now. it Is well known that " was true that the chief pre. age of the privilege ! learn Samptt Bvok, t homing woighll iVrJkhOriJkeMu Ihe travel this way has ,een greater all summer than the travel ,,,H',""'",r- rbM -Mc,'nnn. w something Of this iirl in neetlle. mnJ ttnlurti, mmiltd Jrtt. lo Vancouver, I lha. i addi.ion ,o the immense express Im.lJLrTS'C:! S" UZ work.Xlne students were in at Writ for il. Underwear lies done from this port and from places in the interior. As a thai tin- gae the conviction, tendance lal nighi ai the type.' STANFIELD'3 LIMITED matter of fact the attempt lo stifle this port and to carry all the. twenty-five per cent less than writing and shorthand clns 1KUKU, N S- business to Vancouver was a failure for in snite of the handi. this yer. The magistrate claim. under Mls K. M. Karl, and all SI caps, the people Mill came this way. ed In have on her files in Edmon available yteriters were in ton, incontrovertible data estab If Ihe numter of students m 1 1 Vancouver Will Get lishing her statements, tlrese lie subject Incrmses it will hi' ne A Square Deal. tinr not only front the chiefs own cessary lo iiht' the tune he- office hut from prominent offi Iwecn the shurlhainl aii'l up..-writiug In anything Ihe new board of directors does it will lin rials in provincial police circle seclhm l iiuide .'U'-ii uonmeuiy give ancouver a square ileal. What it vill not do istconcerninic Ihe appalling Jraffii shhlenl (he usp ..f a ivpi-w i it. r. ; Irj' lo Mifle any other place for the benefit of the tiiir nort i"d II" consemienl ravace ii, TEAS AT TERRACE . We all like. Vancouver and we all visit the city occasionally, ,,'"!,ri,y The Kiwanis Huh ha PRESENTATION MADE ; j :jml...... .lrtii....... Itnf.M, naittil. d.Y. ...I .,n I r.l nt M nL . . imi,ii reports lo the same ef. ........ - in ,.i miiiiri mrrc. I ne (lf fl TO MRS. ROBERSON i Mr. Sundal Was Hostess on Con- ( veiopmeni oi i'rmce ilupert is goof for Vancouver, but there'aro , Figures Never Contradicted secutlve Days This Wees , '.some small minds in Ihe big city lhat cannot see far enough lo The inagislrate lo hn Hip BY GIRL GUIDES Visualize' the fact. liinss from the Vancouver daily ! 1i:ftltAi:K. Nt. 7. Mrs Sun However, it is good to know that they are Creams giving the number of ad dal was hosU-ss at a iple of not all lhat way. (apers Who Is Leavln? City. iaieliahtful dicts lo three leas on 'Itui'sitay nnd be thousand, irr Captain of Local Organisation All that Prince nupert has.eyer asked ha been lhat it should iieelive of the Orientals. These iFrbtay. get a fair deal and no favors.' That it expects in future. figures, so far as she knows, Mrs. H. I.. Hobersnn. captain On Thursday Mrs. (leo. l.ilUe have never been contradicted and of Ihe local ttirl liuides nnd presided at thf ten tabic wlrich Cold and Combination Always Knocking rp ireeiv quoteii last winter llrownies, who Is tensing fur inejuiy ifT4iruie wtin ail- This City. when all the associations in Van. Victoria on Sunday night lo take jtujan flowers. She was assistol, Reduced The Vancouver Sun seeks readers in this city. Only recently couver nearly one hundred in up permanent residence, was the iby Mrs. l-kl. Kenney ami Mrs. II. in price, now 50c a jar. recipient of a set of steel knives Chandler. Among those present numlter. Including the hoard oi il had a canvasser here during Ihe fair week. Yet that paper trade look iart in a prolonged at the regular meeting of Ihe wrre the Meodauit-w Aldous. They art- also put up in n new style jar and will goes out of its way often to try to injure us. It constantly, in and persistent campaign lo arouse (iirl (luides held In Ihe Anglican op, Ule. iMver. 4'.harHlkr. Warren. keep indefinitely as they are air tight season and out, objected lo our getting Ihe new governmrut Ihe public to the danger, not oiritj church on Thursday night. The I.tltte. Kenney. Marsh. White. buildings and misrepresented the cost staling It as $000,000 in-Mead in 4her own city, tint in tire whole presentation was made hy Ml"s F. Halt and M. Unit. Itoss. Mr. Margaret Palmer on behalf of Kinnoli, Olson, Von lleen. Moore, of $400,000, Such action as that will he resented. The dominion. ORMES LIMITED the dirt (iuideA and llrownies. II. Kenney nnd Miss Cousin. Mrs. Murphy that this people of Prince Itupert Are long suffering and are not thin skinned, says con Mrs. Hobersnn has been very On Kriilay Mrs. leo. Keith was dition of affairs reflect no dis, 3rd Ave. and Gth St. P.O. Box 1C80 but they will not continue to support any newspaper that is cretin on i.hler Anderson or ;ipon active In Ihe (Iirl litilde movement in charge or the tea laMe and was always knocking them and their institutions! his men, who apparently ar-' during her residence in assisted by Mrs. MrKinix.n, hikI Phones 82, 200 and 134 the eily and took charge of Ihe .Miss Kerr. faithful and IndefaUgihle officers. THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REX ALL STORES Will Be Given 'Hie conditions result largely, sh- (iirl Oiihle and Hrownie eaiup on Among those present w.ere lh Porcher Island during the past Mexiaiiies Keilh. hllerl. Miuro. Banquet Tonight. said, front Vancouver bring a sea summer, which prove, In he one Hrewer, llr.M,ks. Illeak. Fred Dawson will be given an Idea of what Ihe local people iorl and Ihe he,diiurters of he of the most success fill girl Feler. Kirkpalrirk. Ilonagliy.r. Juieg. drug ring. The same conditions, think of his appointment when be is their guest tonight at a according to Mrs. Murphy, apply camping ventures ever held lo I'arsons. . I.itlle. Ikirker ..or. banquet in Ihe St. Itegi Cnfe. Unfortunately the accommodation in Montreal. cally. t lon and Smiili, ami the Misses of the dining room is not sufficient to allow of a very large "At any rate," said .Magistrate Her presence will be sadly iMiald. Kerr ami Fowiter. Canadian National Railways crowd being present but what it lacks in numbers will be made Murphy, In contra.lifting my missed not only hy her a-irt ' Laao ACT. charges but hy a wide circle of up in enthusiasm. Anyone wishing tickets for the event should statements Chief Anderson Is not imtimtIon - noticc or friends in the eily. to areiv to act quickly. While the event is under Ihe Auspices of the board 'lily taking an ihsolutHy untenable j LISC LA WO. Prince Rupert of trade it will, far as siilile, he open to all citizens who position, hut is ih'fending a I la friar Riirvrt Und IMslMrl. Hror4-in wish lo attend. battlement which in not Ihe liotrtri, Cim.i htnr i. Hi iimI til isle l oiMss rati inmi I'rim- liuwrl. I-ord's " Ten Years Ago Iln InrtWNlntljr, rot uf o.T.C Br brklre DRYDOCK I nlh uf Labor Htrnftrd tferS Dnrlli Represented The Statement In Pr'nca Rupart ntnrr of Sksrn Him, On Railway Board. The statement to which Chief Tike Mlee Ihsl I. Ben K.itUr. of lUysfsirt. B.l... i.ii.ii.H, rtrnsr. AND Labor organisations will doubtless feel pleased that lalxir of police Anderson look exception to nr Ikt twnMMksi n inn Ihe iuimmH fu. has been represented on the board of directors of the Canadian was according to the Toronto I.. C. Marhen, manager of the Iiiwinr frt tlescrltira r fm UnH Atr.Wn i jsiimomini! IImi uMilh-lit National Hailways. Tom Moore is a well known and trusted Slar, that 4be he.idqurrters f the Prince Ilupert Hardware Co. Ltd.. l nwr f l.t sT. Hsnr . CikM SHIPYARD leader and one who will exert a good influence at the railway drug traffic nre in Vancouver, was a passenger on the Prince IMslrifl llim toil g.i...rwt Ihmr sliMir il in T a I' Ht.(,rlv. Ilieni 0irr.In board. His presence there will I welcomed hy businessmen as western Canada. Comlilions there Ilupert this morning on a visit tliettre MMiilHrly In an dins-iiisi rs.trrlji illr... k. msrk. iim, um Operating Q. T. P. the lowvr 20,000 Ton well as labor men for (he idea of capital and labor getting to. are worse than in Pan Franriscia, coast cities. Mr. slr InsrS lu tsSiit dirm iit a,na uf ttm Floating Dry Dock gether is gaining ground everywhere. Co-operation rather than Scalle, Los Angi4es, or other Marhen who wrll only be away piilnt Ilierljr r dlrerlksi nsnnwiiifnii'iii.tii insnt ih..,f n r.srinwnr m a ni,r. Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers. Blaoksmlths, Pattern class conscious enmity is what is desired. large wvstern nitres. In 1010 about twti wveks, Is going on bus IfMftl. rMiUinmi t, m n.rr ..r w makers, Founders, Woodworkers, EU. NfcHI hi TII Vancouver had ?1'3 convictions iness connected with tits company. siiia nf Alifillrsnt.H. Electric and Plied Srpl. toth. Kit Acetylene Welding. for ding selling or taking: In tUII. 858; and In 1932 over I.-i'0. The weather report at 5 a.m. Our plant Is equipped lo handts all kinds of this morning read: llaroiartcr Edson Coal Co. THE AVERAGE MAN Marine and Commercial S'J.MV; maximum tmipcratur.'. Work ATTENDANCE AT GAME !t; minimum teintpcrature, &n; At last we are able to supply r precipitation 1.07 inches. our PHONES 43 AND 3SS o Fllifj spoils his future because he thinks Official Receipts at World Series bis savings too small to be worth banking. Eent Yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. ,. J. Morris left Famous on the boat (his morning for Do not wait until you tuve NF.W YOllK, (let. 7. The offl. California when they will naik" acruunt$100 to ilrposit ilb (1 ud oprn nuk u rial atleiidaneit i-eceipls at Ihe an exlejided visit, Mr. Morris lots Helgtrton Block, Prince Raptrt. PAon 686 it grow. third gaum of the world baseball not Iweii feeling very .well lately EDSON COAL cries whs as follows. . and the trip to tie1' south is for Dr. THE ROYAL BANK Allendsuee. 37.3711. ids health. in any quantity, by the ton E. S.TAIT OF CANADA Ileceipls I2:,W. YukoiJ or carload, net our orders Players share d2(luo,SI. Itishop Slringrr. of the in early to avoid the ruth. Dental Surgeon Clubs share, f O.MOO.t H. territory, with hfii'l'iuurlerw ui Phone 6S. K. J. MA0I.F.OO, Manager, Office Oimmissloiier's slmre, II H. lUwson City, paised through llourt, 9. a.m. h9 p.m. Prince. Ilupert Druiioh. Office of Prince Rupert Feed trM.10. I'rluce Itiiped C'sterday oji the Co., Cor. Second Ave. and Sunday by Appointment Princess sphia on bs way to Seventh SU Hubscrlbe for tbe Dally News. Victoria.