Sal Unlay llrlobei PAM5 FOOH THE DAILY NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus ANNOUNCEMENT! t TUK TO Mr WITHOUT ' y,EU- . JICA WHEN COCV-lM Ol MC PtUt 1 I VJ tSrT COL. 1 1 m n MAKt T hi M f Kri1 ftlSI V' fr A wVl .A er B We can offer the genuine "INVICTUS" Shoe for man from $10.50. No heller shoe made at Ihe price nnil every pair fully guaran. teed, All shapes and sites. "Tha Store of Shoa Satisfaction." FaiTlllv Shflt StfiTf organisation in Anynx. those JUST A FEW DAYS TO 4 - inenlloneil he in a t lie Klks Club. Phone 357. P.O. Box 166S. Mine Club. Parent-Teachers A. CLOSE COMPETITION Modern News Classified Ads. ' soclatinln, Anynx Service Atsnr.. Daily I'lion, the Churrhe anil IIk lln. Verses Still Come In But Must pitnl Auxiliary. to nk thpm In 2 CENTS PER WOHD IN ADVANCE. No AdvtrtlMRMnl T-kn for than BOe Laundry ACTIVITIES OF Come Quick to Be Admitted. pic nn outline of their activities (turlntr Hip coming eanii p Inly a few day longer and 1 WANTED FOR SALE lliat in event would not he 1 jj ANYOX LEAGUE (he limerick competition will raining recognition in Hune Service srtering wild the other, thus IK there is a certified leacher nf Splendid l.n with natural base. "loe. Then will whip Hip difficult quarlere to which Ibis country mutually benefitting every nrgan'. piano and voice, preferably Iiient, Third Aentie and First mailer of jtulging which .nisi look for Mil no ptgre. talion in Anynx. with orchestral exerlenee, Slreel. ft.OOfl. Fy term We offer the follow mr will likrly lake day. The ureahM- forvvtinl tei ha lieen a ew Cntartalnmanta for Smaller Town Library Grant who would appreciate the op. 1M 3. Illock 30. SC. I with S range of oerviee to Uie puD Form Chief Subjects for Dl-cuaelon winning verse and the name made to this efid than In the se. He: ! I.. McAliater, nn ex-councillor, pnrluulty nf making a fairly roomed houe, VI feet front of Jlie author of each will be Ieclnn nf F. O. Ilaw'fnn, of rsked if it were possible In in. gnU Hvinir in a nieller town ge, lllggar Place, MHl Economy Laundry Service- published. Jlere are a few M 'rince llupert. B n tl'Mvlnr nf ( crease Hip monthly grant In Hip nf enme two thousand Inhabitant, Lots H and 09. Illock II. Sec. I.1 Damp Wash; Sort Finish, Ihe contribution: .J Hie Onnlinti National llailwnv. ANYOX. Orl. 7. A counril :n,rar. the present monthly wrile for particular to Ylew ld H5.fi0 Ihe pair. Rough Dry, Dry Cleaning, meeting of Hip Anynx Community Branl j, ,,5.00 a nmnth dm nn Rich As a Jew. It I not neeeary In go very far the Secretary, Anyux Cnmmiin. 30-50 II. I. Sterthig Marine Hn- 1 Pressing and Dyeing, Rug league wa held in Hip recreation A movie man came friwu I'eru Into bistory; the rilory of rail. ,Mmks Mr. Armour, who was Ity l.eof,ue, Anynx. It. 1:. !3 gtne. and Carpet Cleaning, and hall nn Wednesday night last. S poor he had nnlhlng t chew. witv inanipulation for rxdilieal ,,rm,n of the Fnntni and LI. Launch Triton. 25-10 Sterling. the Regular Laundry Service. The business embodied Hip irary committee last year, Mated He started n play gin is nn a blek page for Nor KX(II I A Xn F It a ne h on I'nrcher 11000, or Launch rh,1A-tn nucslinn of n smoking conrerL ,nBl , tjrary was Hip best Made'a Ihousnnd n day. thern reailiHg. With Mr. Iawn Island, t acre eleareil, nn lliiffaln, Auto.Marlne, t9fo. W'r can surely serve you, homorou talk, n raise In salar- ,rawinlf raP,r n,e p-aBue ,mp.. And now he' a rich n a Jew. on the raMwmy iMwrd intony nf Hh government mad. Will exchange House and lot an easy term. hen Hoi we . altt ie fur employees of Hip league. Something Went Influence wxvrkiiiK to the iletri. fnr gashoal in good n ,llrtnB ,tl(. winl(.r months ami Wrong. Logging machinery, boat, en. Hi- erection of a skating rink at ,, ,,,,, ow,ntr ril,utp to Mr. There wa a young hi who ment nf Nnrlhern II.C. in Ihe comllttnn. Apply Jud Cn.y. gine. etc. Canadian Steam Laundry the beach, nnl Hip formation of a MoA)j,rP for ,(,neer work no rain. Hraml Tmuk Pacific xone hould I'hnne lllue 91. SIS M. M, RTF.PHF.N. Phone S, of coming eenl in A Limerick prize would disappeer anl in that npcrt irogram jirary chalrmnn. A resolution attain. WANTHIl -Woman help. Apply I'hnne m. u. Anynx. TIip league financial fnn)y ,,a,sPj to Increase Hie He tried lo rhyme "Wally," there is a grnt ileal to stimulate personally Inlander helweeo t Mateinent wan read, and 'an In- inrBry fr ,w ,oi& to With "Itudolph" hy golly plimim. In a larger way w in n OH SAI.K Oaruoal Slarslon Kra an,I p.m. tf ceased itrant for Hip- library f.5.110 month, Then something went wrung with Ihe interior nre reguteteil to a 10 ft. x II ft. 0 ln fitle.1 with j appropriated. Milliard and Jmw, per Billiards and Pool hi brain. rent extent hy Hie pmgre of FOR RENT 33 h.p. Union engine. Ac, American Express the seaport tnw-n of Prince Itn. comiiodalion fnr ix. Hull two, tournament fof Hip winter sea-j 11h. lnalPr nr Miliars and pool Rudolph Valentino. pert. FneMUee are required l TO IIKNT Store on Fifth Ave. year old. Hull, engine ani( Orders con are to le arranged and it a tmirnMineiil wa tiroutrlit up hy He i a bright star f the Money bring to that tnwn Ihe position it nue Kal. fully eiiipie with Interior in excellent coo.iii..n puinne.1 lo ereri n loiM.jijtan s Scree Mr Armour, wlio HuniKht that hy no, lMMlrt hare occupied no butchering accessories. Living Pric 1.000, term ann le arranged. year a Issued if the thU to report queU.n on KVjn(f a Kood priie to pU? f-nhiHillp.l Thi wonderful guy, Vnlntlno. on immI at lite estme time lo put the quarters in rear. Heasonalde For pariieulars apply lo Hip roundl at h ,. m,i,i f(1-rvm thp!. in ihe Cae Man bis line. laler dale i i'ailin in a lielti-r sha on the rent Apply Mualeni Grocery Capt. Watson. P. O. Hox 517. Norway, Sweden & natUfartory Ihe fd And he forfeit no fine. room. balance sheet. N w lniine- is (.. Fifth Aveuue Fl. If City. if Denmark nt Lowest Qymnaalum Chairman No!, of Hip house If he bam hi -werl love m the Secretary Kelly announced tha' cominiltep, onld that lie had thU hean. to he matte for the railway to Fftll 1 1 FAT Five riM.oie.1 house IK)ATS, F.ngine and engine fit- Current Rates Hip new Kymnaium for the I.each j,,,.- , ,,,, ,t me ( Actor with Charm. bring revenne -front a fiebl that with bath. Furniture for sale, Units; Auto and auto parts; had been commenced. The new player tiad Ulready Htarted a billiard Inm Melnhan's nu actor wMh lias low g beeii'stunteil by nrtlfi- including McC.rary range; stoves, loo, anchors, chain-blocks, Agenla foe chvl obstruetkoi. I leS tlieso liiliildiliK i to he erected lit the tournament. charm. M?nec gramophone, with rec. prnpellnr. scale, and Noeweglsn Arr terlean Line fHCilitte lie Hi cp ricciliiel hy tha ncrnnd cut. Toboggan Slid Hi play cannot do one mweh can provided onl. In Hivhth Avenue a variety nf miscellaneous Swedish American Line will all the feel -1 inner eunlry latie from S'o. 2 pirr houoefac. Councillor Sherman introduced harm. lt. Phone lllue 501. 30J fitting at low price. Northern Scandinavian American Hie benefit hy alteiid.ini enlarge. In tho linrse cement Idock. The " Fjtchange, tf In The Prince iaiap." he Line. the matter of tnhnpFnii nliih and a Hunt of rnilwtty umlerlnkings. FOIt IIK.NT Furnishe.1 hnie. OiNiiulori ill l lecture hy I H an w aid lie xaw no reaoon why Aliyox great, i tiers- is no man in the Vl with keedng suite, steam healeiL. On HALF,. Ilallon Adding Ma Oliver Typewriter I rid Or tuber 20. on llaudome, id and sedate, fhonld not hue one. Councillor? prm a more ibnrougti anowieittte 01 hot anil cobl water. Norfolk chine, wide carriage; Toledo Cary Safea Smoking Concert III talenl gie rival alarm. Chairman Seidlcman, of tha re. Sherman and Seidleman wa appointed wliat ha token place and nf what (loom, phone lilark 3I. 53 H Computing Scale, new. Apply FIRE INSURANCE a fommitlie to look into Man of Renown. i neede than Mr. Iawsnn. and Fuller' Orrery. tf rrratioii dcparliiH'ttl, Inliirated , ...alloH. an.l mi.nrl l.ak I. Il.n Hill Kariium, a man of reHnwii. we ran look fur early realiiation run HK.M mrnlstiej house that a smiikinjr concert would l. .... ., Oil SALFV-Sallina Yacht II III & H Make a llr when he come to i-f tle giHsl tiring which have so keeping suite. 410 Sixth Av Dybhavn ins on lodd in Hip Iterreation Hall on Humorou Talk town. enue lst. Phone lllue JI7. tf or with Kvinrude engine ?ii tar ennsliluteil the lupin part ol (tel. 13, hut did not expect that Puttetl. Daily New Office If Third Avenue . . A letter wan read front J. A. The children all love him. rnilwny bll-of-fare for toinor- .1.. 1 1 r 1 1. -.4 BOARD. Prince B. O. And Hie Rupert, ladies could hug Iihii, eirAls. FOH SAI.l-SliBhlly used Ger i would he ready lw .Mim ( fom,,rl.ed or On hi face you will ne'er sep a IIOAIll Inlander, 030 Second hard lleintiman piano. I Vet 1 11 lliuv naif uhiiimikii no ' " hunvoniun lalkn, the leasire to frown. Avenue. Phone 117. t' BETTER COOKING FOR icI's, III Third Avenue. ?3' Ihe fu Id receive them In near iKtipply the halt and lake SO per Mary and Doug. .lure. . 1-1 rnl of the proceed. ThU inat. When Mary and lioug went In SOLDIERS OF ARMY FOR SALE FOH SAI.K Old newspapers ?5c . Councillor Murdoch -Meii Hi.ter wa left with the necretary to lllighty for large Mmdle. Daily New HYDE the I.e;iaue employee were to re-eivw LAOICS WRAIt Mr. Onldhlonni. arrange a nuilahle dale for thU They didn't lake even a nighty offiea. tf an inrreane in wape, now The weather wa hot Old Country Regulations Provide Thinl Avenue, 1 making- a feature in Any ox. 4liat Hip workmen thmushout Hip Financial Statement And whelher nr not Better Service For Men scclally of large sire in ORIENTAL OOOOS TRANSFER recelvinir increafcfl. i,aiiie itean in wear. Also an camp were an Without, they wer far frm un- Mr. Armour anted about the fi apanese Klmonas, Crockery, 'chairman Fertuion na-id that tho LONDON. Oct. Ohl-lltne exeluivp line of Lingerie and EXPRESS AND BAQQAQE, ighlly. H boo Furniture. Ornament. . , nancial ntatement nf the league am sokdier will read the Millinery I always fn stock. Day and Nmht phone 580, new regu .m...,,.--r.r- - "" ...naot Children's which used to he given to each Star Versus King Ilakets, Homitera, hi matter thoroughly. hxl for Hie feeiling of the If our stock doe nn include Mo toils .councillor monthly hut had not The praise nf the movie I ing. Toys, Ktc. Armour reminded with and aslonlst; what you want a week' no. (...uncM-lor artnv envy for Amusement o milli.m they LOWIT pnicis tho rouncil that there wn u,llIvr hoyy 01(Ul nM bring. ment, Tliey remember Ihe three lice will gel it from our Van. F. K. AKASE Best Coal v au. In the "reemeirt bctwee.. Hseals a Uy lea and bread, iiteat muver siore. Any got! o ( ,hfjnanpitt, nUlfmniwu4 To young and In obi, P. O. llnx 01 Tel. lied H5 I up urailliy 1). aim inn iranur n' Their i told; Und itotatne- for dinner and bread obtained will be held on ap Third Avenue be nut in about ten day time. tnessag Wood Wood the effect that when wane chanK I'll rather play star than be fin tea. and nil extra to lie pmd proval and may be returned -d in the ramp tiro aalarie nf the Membership Drive king for. II uspd to be uShI that Ihe if not suitable. tf WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. Stove Lengths, Split. Councillor Murdoch tboupht it IcasiiP employee were to ron. Chuckles with Mirth. nriwy iMMk was a man who wa no PllIYATH sate nf Ladies silk F.xpert watch, dock and fnMii Ir. IIiama jtinnoo nnil in till wa alKiut time for a ineiiderhi; elah 119 2nd giMHl for marching. In the elnih chronometer maker. Ave. West r'l""n (li. onre a pir fal man named nn suit, silk waists, caNe they were entitled to an in.j,riv'. f'"1, this matter "T Worth. orate new direct lou we read that coats, aprons, underwear, Waleh and Jewellery llepslr a Phone 6S0. creaw?. taken Wa worried about hi great the arnry conk, new slvle, must on stockings, etc. Call in and spctllty. Skating Rink up soon. girth; no rcmiit te gin hi day's wttrk see tlieui In our salesroom, Mall onlcra promptly executed.) Hie new hcarh akatlnfr rink He saw on the ereen. without teiiiif staved and mok. Prices are right. Oeorge Leek OEO. OIBB I question wa dUcued. Councillor HOTEL ARRIVALS How he could gel Imhi, ing is to he rigidly prohibited in Hit 3 Third Avenue. MJ Opp. Post Office (P. O. llnx 71 Lei Us Advise You llowley aid that he would An. now he jii chuckle Willi Itl cook house and there nre Prince llupert. tf. have the. complete estimate, for Prince Rupert. mirth. innny other detailed rciuiremenU FOIt SAI.Fr-llelle Oak Healer with a lifetime's experience next week' meeting. He alo In Mr. and Mr. W. Oreighton, r!ty; Half and Half. fhr Hie purioe nf prevent ing and Kmad Library Itlook. Table. No,831 I Phone TAXI 693 in all branches of the font if-d the meeting' thai there Mr. and Mr. T. liagshaw. Win Young Johnny liked only U laugh fno.1 from being contaminated (Call Oeorge PSos , Ibuidlng Trade . was enough muterial in town to nl peg; Mr. and Mr. J. Anthony. His Mary In bawl like a etilf, Cup of Tea LOST Flve.paenger Touring Cur Brickwork, i ompletn this work. He also had Winnipeg; Mr. A. O. Wilson, He said " Ciilm your fear, Ttie new time soldier 4s lo have Prompt Day and Night Service about HO native of people who nitawa; It. A. Hoffman, Seattle; You shall soon have jyhiV hi early cup nf tea followed by LOST Pearl crescent brKli. Standi Boelen Orill Third Avenue Stonework, would buy season tickets which J. F. Ilauge, J. S. fttickney, Van tear; n liberal breakfast. The midday Finder please return to Dally w-oikl.l cosl 5 for the nen and wiuver; W. A. llryanl. Ketchikan, Hie movie provide half am! nipal is to consist of roast or j News office. tf. CLOTHES CLEANED Concrete, etc. r.Sn for the ladies. As this ven. K. feeley, Vancouver. half. holletl meat, vegetable and and pressed hy latest BTI'.AM Plans and Specifications lure ha the appearance of being Central. The Fair One. lew eels. wMh tm and supper later Mr. O. C. Perry and family pressing process. fren to 0UP . lienls. n good revenue producer the gen. Mr. and Mm II O. Olsen, fa on. No longer hate soldiers to left on Hie Prince (lealrice ai Hulls called for and delivered. movie star galore There rul njrfnion nf the meeting wa,atlle At the are Westhnlme by the shore line up in queues to receive their noon for Nansimo wber she will Phone 49 William Watts & Co. .that it wxmld he proceeded with as Hut the lady whose smile rations. Comfortable Keating ac. visit her parent. It i prohabl una. The Tailor t oon n the complete fidure nf heat mile eomiiiodaiion mjist lie arranged, that C. C. Perry, the Indian Agenl Builder and Conlractora cost n'ceived from Mr.r Has Hieui by a and the fond distributed from ser here who is taking over siinila AUCTION SALES. P u Itox H? i Phone 4S2. the Smllh, rnlnictlon were foreman of I the fair one at Hie ib"i vice table in Ihe mess rooms, to Uiiiip 111, vaiirsMiver,. ... will- ,.. join. . III Conducted In your home. Sale Office: 1017 3rd Av. the (iranby Co, insure th(H the dishes are sencil laiiiuy 111 1 ne south Ui Use near every Thursday at 3 p.m. in our Jobbing Work of all Kind. COMPLIMENTS rooms. Send lu your goods (uincillor Armour nguln w 1 SMITHERS hot. future. early. brouHbt the question of a pro. II is slated that the cost of a QEOROE LEEK, Auctlonser, grillll of up esents, which could be V. 7lV so good DAWSON ON POSITION ilty's fooil works out lit I. Hd The publicity roinmiltep of Hi 823 Third Ave., WE HAVfc. and distributed long but what W The Name menu would cost at Hoard nf trade is charged wll Phonset Black 816; Red 1ST, printed with the Oranby New, CouneiU v ii I will make yoa V Editorial In Interior News Mentions least 3. 't'l bought at Hie cheap. Ihe work of preparing a leaflet BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR Ammunition Tor llowley told the meeting that Need of Developing 1 ! caterer utilsiile. 'I hi I for the use of lourishi lellln Phone ItlacL 033 he had such a program ready for Port of Prince Rupert .oitle umlec tho new nrgatiif. I hem where In yn and what MRS. STEPHENS and Shot Shells printing but he had heanl of aev-iral er!4ll lion hy eoreful aywhtanfe of waste see in und around Prlncp llu above Wrathall Store. events at the meeting which The following 1 an editorial itI by crediting to .the iiumw perl. They will also lake up Ih Third Avenue. la All Sits sad C.llksr. he did not know about before. Onj on Ihe Iwson upMiiiitiioiit from iuss fund IU (iiuney obUiine,! matter nf uniform tiixieab Halrdressing. Shampnoirm. Hennaing, a motion ielng put by Coimclllorsj Ihe Interior New: from the ile of.I.refute tt.t . and 1 nmpty 1.. 1 charge. points of Interest. . lb Marcel Waving; Violet STORK'STardware Armour und Hheruwn 11 vus de-. "Many event and development nou i i- All tin usrti iip MiilMdllll Hilling: iippn viiMiie Ilia Hay Face and Sa!p Treat me nt. i-ided lht the secretary ba In-j of Hie nasi veur have gnHS lu pi riiuuiii- fur lloieook and til; In......some eases exorbitant charge Manicuring. Swllrhe made l Limit! tructed to WTita to the various 1 1 rove that Hit North It gradual!" nail,.i.ft I nci made. ordsr. Phone Blaok 114,