WHEN YOU WANT A TAXI je mil r. Fish Market BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, 99 VEAL, PORK. in hurry a Fresh and Smoked Fish. Phone Sausages Fresh Mad Dally, PRINCE RUPERT Crab and Oysters. ALL NEVVJCAK3 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 671. V it Mil X'l I'HINl.K III I'KItT II.C 8ATI lltlAY. OCTOHKft 7. 1022. T4U'r'l Cii-CalatlM IM1 PRICE MVP. CKNT8 - ' '', BRITAIN m FRANCE ARE IN AGREEMENT MAR LAW CAUSES A SENSATION BY LETTER WRITTEN TO NEWSPAPERS France and Britain Agree Upon LIQUOR VESSELS ON AMERICAN PROHIBITED FISHING rMnHJ..!.Fl FFT Giants 7m Third Game in World Series at New York Today when IS DlSlUStU Being Taken at Once to Enforce Terms for Occupation of Thrace'"" Measure they Defeated Yankees 4 to 3 American Duty Affects Local I Aflll.XiiTO.V 'H-l. 7. Hi Boats Adversely Com-plalnta PARI8, Oct. 7, Great Britain and France, at represented by OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL mIiv braifli of lt" mtH- Made, NBW YOIIK. Oct 7. The flwril won Uie IhinJ irory Lord Curxon, Foreign Secretary, and Premier Polncalre, have from Ihe w York Yankfe Uiii aftrriiixin by a wore of I to 3. agreed In principle that troop of the Turk Nationalist shall be imiiMtlialrlv ) HlrrHatHn r Ih- .i-u-nl iwlu.n ait t,rj Tlie world erie iiovk- I.iiii1: (iianU 'i. Yankeen 0. allowed to occupy Eastern Thrare only after the conclusion of ENOLISH LEAGUE. tlw wrftliiMMMii imu.lmril aaaj (laHliaH fi.lilHa fll wn. The rouletit Unly iii plnyed in driving rain. The National the Peace Treaty. The solution agreed upon provides! First Division " wrtHfMiHwrt a t r If- l"al esj,,! at liulh u.i nfit leajrtier fell iifmii the niilniiarine linrler Uarl Mays in the fifth (1 1 The Creek army and those of the population desiring to r.'iial .. ft Id iiiiri I. I raneli rlilliMinjr Ih Iran. y JtAi, ,hliaii art.I iMlir at intiiii? hammering him for five hit that rore four run. leave must evacuate Immediately, -!n fila .'. Tottenham H. lrlellnr) w h aal- -f liH-- tbp lktaM ,f TraO mrriiitB. The Yankee tar(nl (rime like winner hilliiiir McQuilliiii (2) Turkish civil administration Is to be Installed at the Illarkburn Rover I, Htmil?.?-Inw itmvrsnsti se4 vlwrrvr . ,MrMN llrbfcavn IMaf t hani IhiI the (limit lilrhrr recovered hinielf and for the next same time the allied troops take the place of the Greek forces to I. alnl ami tl? ns'-Mri .f liHi rt-rtdl.i yrara lh Canadian fi.fc- five inniiifr- ImI not viebl the Yankees m hit. IWillofl aajderer. I. Hu..f rf.ii Wunl rahed home for Ihe YankeM in Hie neveutti T preserve order. i ii f.Tian Ui- mulhifi AmrrsiNin iaz f-l ha grlmllr i a rim find f 11 That Turkish irm la to ha allowed to eroaa the atralta of . vk-ab-r. kttiill ami I.tiI HllA hJ the Yankee threaleneit in the ninth, but the defem e kept Ibeni Dardanelles and enter Thrace upon the conclusion of the peace Nrralle I u. Bur ArtMHi MkHi imiiiIUM luteal thir mkhht in il. Thr away from the plate. treaty and It will not be until Eastern Thrace Is restored arum I. rvoo-nnii.i i. iiamn ! Hllietii ft of Ih- Matin, bad kwa a ah rent a hnjiuI Only Turkey. i:fcHra . ShefrieM I nil-il o. i mm banml l. wti by II r .l.-H. rb rMitHZ in v.1nl,. lltr 'Liverpool 4, Kveriori I. Html i f JuImv on t li- nunr uf l"RilMl htaln lio rrfiWM-iil b, BONARLAW BRITISH BRING !Moir I. Manrbe.ler t. Chairman I-h1 t Ibe iab iniiM-l no iluly. lnailian fih DIRECTORS OF BULKLEY BEEF Ol.rbaiM s. MhMieaboro . r Ir" talkm .f I u w nlml llir- rimnlrr fiw. AND FRANCE IN MORE SHIPS jotl. Form! S. Preston V K. . iMHWmiH'Hl hiM. IV- rnfi rtv. II bad ntrw emn" abHil Ibal I CAflt4 DIvlklAfl On! arainsl furritfn .Ihm lw. whib ho fili an iiixrlrl. RAILWAY WILL FOR THIS CITY -koool .1. Itrrbv I Wiunly Bin a iHin a riiiilainni ran law a larf riMHi Iiuiik' :ia4oo tn-ient St. Ia-v4 n. fi-itmiilKalfil. anil ibe AmHeaH liinrnimenl Pronouncement Is Thought Delegates Go to Constantinople Mylnl Patoce 1. Hull CM- t. hail impA4t a txtt nt ditty, fl to be Equivalent to Threat But Preparations Continue. TOUR SYSTEM Farmer Anilous to Sell But Th U iMRxeter t. FuJIhssm . ANY PUPILS ELIGIBLE H(i frll Ibal !bi a in r. to EnUnla 1. I coxsTAXTixni'l.K. rrr. Complain That There la ;vt Ham I. s.UMsNa4M lalialHfi for ll.r mir i-rul duty !ltrlfira) t'Mf LvSMHtt.re t. FOR MATRICULATION iii AMrrsraw flli. A a run LONDON, OcL 7. A sensation (The Allied ami Ttlrklh repre-, No MarkeL Mr. Dawson to Meet the Others rir-Mlrv :! 3. Hairy M. riucn-r. the bwal fli-l ws has been caused by a tentative left for Mudania to at Winnipeg Probably Neil j j4Nrk-lfr I I. Hwrt Valr t. haiHlH'airl anl may ba letter from Andrew Bonar 1 resume the conference etpectiiigr ween i ABBATOIR SUGGESTED KMilb hMflV 3. tHiw-astnrt t. . Not Necessary to Attend High ni all'iicHbr. Mr u?-intMj Law upholding the British that instruction will follow I U lrrhH44 3. Il4!irrliai :l. School to Get Into University lhal"lr. Stork Hiiitht lair Government's altitude In the thrin there by wirele. Three Tbr l'.rl ..f Ireib- be U4 i.a. I-- rweie4 In the . Third Division Southern Section U ibr aatpe. or tbr near east crisis, which has more llrilinb dreailnauiilila have h itMttaVs thai Ikr am f-. mt nu,l .h lirtsHWai & M. 3. OstlMSJtaHN . It i wt najre-aaijr lo.lrl . tlsail. If .rb- lUiwwIien been gWen conspicuous a rtived-he h eiH Ui aha k ma k I nff a mmmtij naM Ilia .jittf-ilPy ffi i:xrf nt Ilrevsl Saini 2 lo anetftl Rftb nrlei-il at all. ,MeriaWMNM nuiovl ila ilutr publicity In all London morning .total of flrl rla batttroliii .Merlhr Imii ?. WaUWvl 3. Ur tliry are reian-d fiH- Ibr lh I -Me.1 Slalea tiovrrniurnl nine wlurli are prrusretl l baek papers. ft. aa 1R uesre Mat a .... it Myii.. f m Uiir .N'urwM-h :. I. NtMitawf4n nnlrr.llr malrH ulalioi etamii:. m1y, , Hkri.r. The pronouncement Is up HritUli naval concentrations of ttir wboe .t. aurvey (r,.MI j Warresi of Itwund !.eke NataMMSI and t.canl jMn' I'ari H. 0. HwMMlufl 2. ation. rr.inB lo a b-tter Iron- r. stork nabl the mallrr bad widely held to be equivalent in (be afraitt. f..m,: hwe)ra 'I ina ti I. Hrtaitd C. I. Jobn Kyle, ornanuer of lerbmeai alrvadj ben la ken Ui witl Ibe to a direct threat to withdraw wcel nieel taw I ikr lo tint .wir HHatM R. S. SoutbrtRl 1'. e). edio-aliem for tbe pranime. ad. ,rnily uaiHixtrr of fixberiwa the British troops from boa I.. allentioa. a the fiM-l thai Pel FAVORITE WINS V l.uU I n t. ,hrnSare I. 4rewd l i J. Plii.b-r.MH of U Ur rwntlv. Mr the Rhine and completely .Umo- iiinipeg Hum. il.ii Sif1 A (Jo. t"bl Maliwsll NM.rl ikMinl) . orilH-rn Pvdylrrbnir. Mr. Kjle bail proui.e. lo ine4tiaate llsor. terminate the entente unless ' t-nl of !'' n-k. load of beef into Hu- ' . Hit- I o! i iiik rar pwrUHMMitii I. HiwniIIi A. :. Ul that lite examina!" onably aal try lo 8H tbe bandi- France comes Into line with a itoalr i 1 , ..-rl rrry week Inwi law KEMPTON PARK ! Nr4iiiC i. l'4iarilN A. I. wbH-b Use technical boya farr at rap removed. the British policy in the near i (. to al oil .i4iii-. u twn tv farmer Item lsliob.1 Northern Section Ibr srerHt time ar Serious Complaint, easL in II ran t anr beef si ArrrlvutttM . MrtB) Bir . Frettrli. Htaknry. Mallieiaialie.1 Mr. Stork vieuls am to ay be AA for I lliukitiu tiitl lii.m,Mi t.rl iirr. ui ' Twwn 3. TAeMertM-W I 'JuHMtvlry, Pbyir hi4 Itotany. bad beard a erbi rftmnlaini i Belting Against Soubriquet Was 'rswaby . .I in IWoolo a ,f ., .eHllriMra wNiM i GIVEN PRAYER MAT nv-ellM I,,,.. nrasM MarlleiMMtl ( . i, liar km 8 Ibere i a Movement on foot to thai day. While I lie .bily vta j Only Five to One: Others Inui W4 mat Haw- tor t.mr influeurr y.HJ row4bMMi SiaseybeMte . utioti(Htr Mteeltanien tr bilor. only Iwo eenla be ii told Ibal j Outsiders for Ibr thor lo bay J. Ui.-rr iitilio-r rofHaMNM a WaUall I. Crew AMn h-(ui I. in wbirli rae the fowre of tHly Ukiuz advaataze of the tlua. Winston Chu-chlll Presented! ill ltowrcT. ! tem ,,ur ! t In.lrad of sretliH; il lorb4b- 1, lrHnftMi . wiB le very prllrjt ami bor. item, buyers bad mmJ Ijsiiadian with Fabric Made Wholly by I KKMI'TUX-PARK. Ktun Oct. 7. i in- olbera anal .iiiiimom r al ri-om Ibe iralrie. I bia la iMttab- . 've-.rlf a Hweb a four reni British. Soiilin.net. Sir FiwnJ lltilton's UU in U buaiiM a th i.altfa io i. imrsia its j Kalberii sH,,ary r rriiu Ahintt 3. Mr. Kyle in hia letter rite- the b tban tinadian. The iitti-inaiaHee ftliree year old. won Ibe IhiVe of . iliiln- l-rf in It. C rau'l ear--on t. . a.l..mi fvr hi- " . . fariuera.. ... .1.. f IV.....-.. II Kr.tr.,ni II of a finlieriihan froi loal nki a that an attempt I.iiXImiX. icl. Winlon;York llandicaii of t.iMi run here i. u. ..r ut.in jiiiihi i- inrir r.i I iw utrr imw w in-i .iw..". - - - Ihemiirr Ibroqarh alwriaar ..f fwd." vVivtliaiu . 1.'ii...In Ikt f. TdfiMo aim arrived in Vianmo-f nale to pry an eitra two ceU (SiHrrliill. who 1 Minr M. I'.'today. Major I la roM Uayiar's i"-u 1'OiiAnar m. anaoin Ul year ami tried to set into Uo- from Ibe Ciiu.IiaH filiernejL fur liundee a well a SccretMry ,I'oiioHii Arrow ranae econd ami Ii .ui lloai. J. II KiiiM. HIIHI--I Ho- mailer wma liarue a SCOTTISH LEAGUE. Tevbnieal School b'.i a tie lia.l While Ibe ailualMHi i bail, M ffr the lUiloiiic. ba received a Talterall' IVrabusia tbird. .ii l.l it- wirk from oiuf I.-nti Ui h Ibr Bieinbera First Division u4 ae. entrance l bnrii W4 tbeir doty lo are that 110 Jireenl of ofie of Ibe prayer-! Twelve hre ularted and Ui 1 M . Ii.i.alil of Van "irr. J. H.I llliany WTIIIH iv rfri" tbe Airdrn 3. MrJen . hhmii How. . not azi;ravated. whfVh made five oo be wti not admitted. rae ttval are in ai betting wa lo one airaimt . i . uf Yam oii,m , and Harry inaMrr ! Ibe TraOr and illN- I. PartN-k Thialle 3. The ijurtition- of duly tm fiU of Mn-liaiMMvedaii fiver. he went to Victoria and a aHSittuency for the u-e the winner anal againt the nreond H .nit) a i mM- fitfin Hon. T nwrrf rMNiitlee to lnrliaU-: m,,,,. t r inn4 lor Ibr Matru iilalion 1 iiivert? a diffirult oe. 'alinost at M-ibiwn. It ami third hore rertively ton I ' '';l' I l U .,.11. 'Il ami rriorl Falkirk 3. Morton . Miul wilb a I11&I1 uen-ent-: fUbermen were a-kins fWe a vs. rnl by a gtwup of mill stria lo t and lot) to 30. Permission to Buy.diMHa-ioii Heart o. Ra4lb Rover . aar ( mark much hifber duty than lw SHiihiyefl at Ih julr factory, uf tike In Ibe rowriM- Kilin.iriiiH'k Alloa S. -ent on Ameriraii aliHen. Our who forwurdeil the following RIOT OYER ARREST WitwJUavat mui hr WIRELESS REPORT lieore Motlifwvll 11. Hamilton A. 0. 1.ranch of Ibe fiibcrsra wafttH.letter K. MO-re. ltllier UNDERGROUND CABLE BALTIMORE KEEPER HMdrrpliaaJ to Ilaiiiiem S. HnVrulaiia n. tin duty and auother a uinlier liear Sir We Iwew you will for Pal Horn, bail perniUaiwn St. Mirrt'ii I. Albion loVfr ihi S WIRCQ ARC rPOQPn "ttl ece.i from u ni law- a.m. aH Httertor and iMiy OF DRINKING SALOON so inn.ealik-fb- ee .afeeina llur.i Lanark 1. '.lviif- o. iiiiiw niu. wwiAJnu Alderosah lybba etHalneJ example our wwfk in one of iii! 1st.AMI - Raining; Ibe fltai Ibe Atakan aMnai that the farlori' of your con.-lilu-emy. lrog iMMithea! wind: barouiet. n.oi .1 .flUi' tSMP ntaurr Cause of Telephone Trouble Is hi had been eontinz in wa iiially It t a pnayer.nvat of velvet 3V.; tHtoerature. 52; sea l:l.riMOHI.. N-l. I. A UwHja. if.) SI..Ik alliltftHlt Located Wire Chief I HOLD by a'i'H rr;,: BANQUET et'.ind ola- which roold Bail te i-ilf jute, made tbrouzhout nMigb. I p.m. sfaoke ateamer "I (M-oiar tieaiiml Me maun 'f an irolii-ii'x.ii Tlie Ifleiihone troulJe which "r " enre by llnli-ti labor. TU design tiriffeo arriving Amtjx norlh- '" four Loin- four whfre II"' IMirna bour Willi in with the No Discrimination dome, moons and minaret iMind. p.m. spoke leamer (tyiiiu I" ' a niai ui.- i-ed yeatenlay, off nam aart paiiy ii 01.1111011 FOR MR. DAWSON r.::;; .1...1 .a 1..1...1. In regard to the UiT-.wa done in luutlee. We our. l.ibby Maine Sol mile from Se. iMH-tetMWr. Use H""-"' cdulmn "f Iirom""'" '."i tiff.. .-.. .v ...'..TTt.r .; ... I. ..J...I...!.... . . . . .. 1 .. .k. li""f A wrf iHll of ri.iiillliKIU ba reoii mi in-fsniiiiiniiim aeite ae ijhih iin mrn mr atlle, H. p.m. ojthbouud. Yen. i.iitinMtr irla"e to ne;i i-allle ' " were jo lirinit Ho' the aaain.1 Canadian fUbermen. Ifjjuir out of wbieh it ha been lure in M a. m. ) ami when Ibi- olhi'i. .iM.ki 111 regard teen I.K-aled in underground ilmlurUaHee iiiiiiiIk-i of Will be at SI. Regis Cafe This P"W for Ibe fish it wa 1 protlui'ed, and il rel. blurs. UKAIi THF.K PUI.VT Clear; i IimiI broken iw mitm lo- to Ibr mat'.' qiielloi.. of 1 able on Fulton Street, A ?anir of olfirera and oiuliiioiiuiB ami kill- Evening and Tickets are Being ur .,- tM.v lnrlinir a tcHtv reaaon. iiier wrre L-rrrii. ami yellow are an iroin calm: harometer S9.7ti leuipera. ' nkiiiK Ui Use fitarkrliiiK l Sold ,.i.l- u.i .,irrilnu- it.- ,j.t'a nuiobei ..f buyiT and he for Uye m.w made in (ireal lliilain ture U; tea sasooth. .ll'""",- ii-lu-il the aftlovn wiumIowk tbey HII illjj l-OIIIIMK "' '" u.i.v ill lu, ..i.li.o.-. onr vii not going to let hi We feel ibal you will find it a IU'1.1. IIAIUKUl Overcast; offura one. -! Iaina U.r Al a iiMetlUt of Ibe buard of Mitprlilor gel the beat of Mm nurprixugly beautiful proof of wind outba tieli -liaroiiHtlrr week end and the leavi-. ner Ibe wire " Mir .aloon afraiil PREPARATIONS MADE liade btl Hindi it wa 4ecblW to chief etpecta that by Miimbiy ,n the buine if he knew R. the wurtbine. of modem Hntivh XUJJM lMMinir !; light hold a l.iiuiil al the SL Hetrt Tbr whole uialtrr wa turiirdl(-raflmariuip. well. 7 p 01. arMikf steattirr Ala. LIST OF FATALITIES AT BUCKLEY BAY FOR lafe till eveniux. Ttckats a it work HMirniHg will the be roiiiiletrd.ierNUuenl repair over to tbr fiberir i'.Milnfloi. ; . meda M p. in. 3S lylte from He. lielng Mild today and a rieKen. allte outhhyuitd. MILL SOON Ii" '.tt. AMERICAN PLANE IN FIRE INCREASES STARTING alive vatherinsr will lm preaent. FISH ARRIVALS. -w,,MTa Noon. the affair I heinjf art a 11 is I by SI.irk FLEW 45 HOURS AND lilUHV ISLAM Glumly, wind Located But Arrangminil. '"'h' '' the entertaluiik'iit eoHiiuittre of Sivty.llirrr lliiUliil imiUuiU uf oulhei freh, bariMueter 2V.88 Said to be 51 Bodies This May be Slight Esaggor-atlon II.. nliH at Hilikl. v U I- lurn tnr Imntvl. balUiul wa markeleJ by seven CANADA'S NET DEBT . I BROKE ALL RECORDS temperature 51; ttgli ewerll. ovrr Una vierk or aHy el In The number of sl will In boala at the Fih Kxajiauge thl TURK POIJi'T Clear; irmliiw.ii for tl.' arrnal "f F. J liutlleil l-y the ! f the diuiiH: morning. 'Hie arrival were: DECREASED BY THREE 1 KAN 1H. iO. (M 7 . Lirulen- raliu. barouieler, IU.H5; temperature "'h Uuealey Who ia rX. tril from the room I hi I m far b puaalbte alt Talioma, SS.mM) pound, al s ..m as... 55; uHt aiouwlli. .HALT. b't. 7 "iilty'iBii aer. aoulll aMin. uoaaibly rsl week. aeetbiMa at ilia fUiiluintiita' will I l.JOe and tf.lue; aud lllpiia, 1 1.-immi AltU llALT ITllLLlUil l SUlr air force drMWIlibxl HULL IIAIlllOll Uverea.t; I 1 1 1 if rr tut ti friMii ib Mr liueklev arrived in Veiwou,. W reMttUl. Tfekete are be. iioubd. 1 I.SOoi and TJiiH in a monoplane uere anr 19 wind auwlbraat ligbl; baromrlr1 'nr "f tlH lltallM Ih-t va-Uted" r-l"iti ,er from Imm AnKele on 'fn-day I it It Mttd try tlie ecMMHitlee and lUt lo tUnsadian Fih and Gukl islwr. i- VV . Ict. talenieut boitre tM minute eoutinuou fly 3U.02; UtMperatur 41. Unlit Wtt1ajr f and will he enming north very rcrelao of the lioitril. age Co. iurd from the departJie-nt of ing, 'tin onntitutea a record tr. well. i4Mii1 In r.-ii.. .0011 but no dflnlle iiiforimiiioi liroili, imoo pound at ll.H Holw. Iirre aliowst that the net inalioii. l'lt lt ilAl r' " ... .....,..i 1.. 1 I.f .Ulf liu- t-t been Hi.' Prince Royal call.-,! iu-. iii.I Wr; Klar, IMM)0 pound at ilrlA ol 1. ltail.1 urcrea.ru 10 me Mr. and Mr 1'iuua and Uaby, '"Il deflNilftft ln i'i-.I t t Hi' ri -I rl at 7:15 lal nuhl from II 5Ui- and l : II & It. :.u0U tasestl of IS.atl.3St during the ITALY WITH FRANCE of llalm-ial. I. ft n Hi- PHiieeas iinadf ther NNsy l "' llal Skaaway rn route l n. ..u i i.ound al I -' 30. and 7.50c Msontb of SSeplentber. Ib'atrii'f tins aflemoi.il for Vau. Iui4ica Mi i...dl.y .f ! m wiiti a full ''iiiiliiiifiu -r .-- I h. 1 mm II. .uon . .tiiid al f I'.. OIlXHTA-VriXOfl tl. tJi. 1. .-..(jwi Mi ibi.ua La- Oihws cm. tIH'"U' iij. i- in. lulling sfvrial limn him i and -'Hi.' li' A1U11 r tain 1 ir M ia.k II inabv i. iuHM"i i lly ba .mmm iHUal. .VOW-. rt.tyr. b- ai . .iiMint a' tjia Hal. I 1 ' 1 1 .1 in H.,I .many m a lae..' ta n. J Keiltl mt Ml.n' 1 ...i .1 I Mi li.Mh lit- tiu tiaiii ai Qigirtiem vnai isair wne wwuri inoi ai ' JjJai.a (lie pal ii. c ity Unlay ou the prinr eVw- el tbv tin. wiy inuralKe' slm ctea.'ud p.rt al ji ul. Ii..l T 5u. . o thi Moysil Fi.U C ti h 4 !;doy ir:u to tbti Ea-t H'v. I..-' . 1 i-.u. L4 i.. ' u reu'e bom Hurr1'