FAGE TW THE DAILY NEWS ea eae THE DAILY NEWS. | ERS LT NT Result Of Forest Fire In Oregon ee PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA, — 1 Publishea Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert | Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue ye H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Edivor a aS re SUBSCRIPTION RATES - City delivery, by nail or carrier, yearly period, paid im advance 5.08) oe For J@sser periods. paid in advance per week 1%? yl! r. By mail to all parts of Northern and Centra) British Columbia. . a paid in advance for yearly period et ec scameeen 3.0%) ¢ By mail to all other parts ef Britisn Columbia, the British Bm- pire and Unitec States, paid in advance. per year . $6.00 | By mail to all other countries, per year fe aaah 9.00 | ADVERTISING RATES - Classified advertising, per insertion, per word U2 | “mont Local readers, per insertion, per line adidindieh 25 | we Legal notices. each insertion, per agate line ilies dion | Transiet display advertising, per ineh. per msertion ... 2.0000... 140) ‘ | ih at DAILY EDITION viapos Saturday, October 22, 032 Ones a forest fire gets under way there’s no stopping it way—that’s just too bad. Cochrrane, Oregon, is a pile of and if debris t a town happens to be in the day alt a recent holocaust. ; Organist, John E. Davey BASKETBALL EXCITEMENT 11 A.M., The Family Service a ie Sermon Subject: “HOW RELIGION APPEALS” 12:15, Sunday School 3 P.M., Sunday School in Westview School 7:30 P.M., Sermon Subject: “IT’S GOD’S WILL!” (Continued from Page 1) more exciting from the standpoint »f the spectators. The Grotto play- ers, however, were just too good for the railway boys and well deserved ' a! ST. ANDREW’S CATHEDRAL ‘ (Chureh of England) 4 Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean ts , By ea y 11 A.M., Morning Prayer and Sermon } ee ee Subject, “LIGHT AND LIFE” ; 12:30, Sunday School ‘ | 7:30 P.M., Evening Prayer and Sermon : Subject, “THE NEED OF THE CHRISTIAN MIND” FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingwerth, B.A. 1 Legion Defeats Fish Packers in Postponed Whist Whist 1 In a postponed eague game last evening, Canadian Legion }defeated Fish Packers by a score of A second postporied game from How shall we think of disease, poverty and disasters? lio win 31-25 4 How much freedom have we? What of free speech? Grotto — Menzies, Currie (4), ' A great use of a great day makes a great soul” Ratchford (12), Morrison (9), Gur- * — vich (3), Nakamoto (3) Rie os —— nee | ©’: &- A—Johnson (2), Stiles |7 to 2. Z (2), Kenny, Kelsey (10), Smith (11).| ! Intermediate League Both Merchants and Tuxis seem- | Thursday night between Sons. of |Norway and Seal Cove is expected to be played over the week-end GETS BOUT _——e Saturday, October 22, 1939 EAN TE mn . ' i | _IN THE LETTER BOX | : | Therefore the unemployed by pas. sive will eventuaily and inevitably lower the standard of a]! ECONOMIC SYSTEM ' ati submissio1 Editor, Daily News | kyom time to time the unem-#° tnelr own (ey ! | ployed, individually and collectively, We: — — any system lare the recipients of harsh eritic- “ Ha we o = ot a {ism, generally voiced in the press which pt 5 eo ly creates so m \‘ihis is mot resented, as we have nisery, While the principalitic | che opportunity of self-defence, but ers of the earth are experini lit is calewlated to prejudice public ‘4 Ith taribes ¢ oC 1UGSing W | spinion and whitewash the auwthor- gold and ver standards, there lities. Our representatives overstep 20 sense 1) the peopie slowly per | the mark also and give offence and hing and we venLure LO assert lthis is most reprehensible and any °VEH 4 te nporary change of | specific instances receive our joy- would prove” so successful, pub- liui attention. We are human be- JJ¢ opinion would never permit a } lings also and have to endure in ad- dition all sorts of annoyances— | flagrant discrimination, eviction ifrom homes, jail and deportation ‘for our active members: We are also reversion to the old system. Am overnment with the interest the people at heart would sweep t! with the stroke of no unemployme: ysoem away pen I Phere 18 laecused of being habitual loafers problem if we can only get met ; when Sherlock Holmes himself ae us i o8 wad ae tied would be baffled in tracking the DY @le-hare prececent now almost extinct job to its lal W. A. HOGG Evidence the arrival of a grain Committee-ma1 boat when several hundred men al- N. WW most break their necks in the for- on. oie lorn hope of earning a few dollars and there are only jobs for the few. We are blamed for not sub- mitting to the blind and blunder- ing dictates of authority whose ap- I would like parent aim is to get the people ac- valuable paper to find out a@ little eustomed to low wages and the!more about this wonder-mar taxpayer continuously shrieks to}human-gorilla) who hides hi high heaven that it is him and the he sings peans of prais¢ likes of hiff who have to pay for}@bout himself, under the nom-de- ul this plume “Scrutineer.” The majority of us have not had| He says that he could do as n employment for two years now and | ¥@ k ip one as the mer are tired of hearing about pros- |ferred to could two days—v perity and suspect “there ain't no |/et hint go ahead, no one will stop uch thing.” No mere ‘job’ will com- | him nensate any man for the wholesale I am sure that, robbery of years of life. With your | his name public POSSIBLY BLOATED EGO Editor, Daily News:— 1 little space in your blushes as hour dao in if he only m it would not permission, Mr. Editor, I would like }}ong before he was hired, his gi n behalf of the unemploved and | ing tribute to himself would bi AT JUNEAU Vtheir organization, to present @}/OUgh for any boss few facts ‘as we see them) in the He concludes his letter wit! Nina Gurvich to Go to Alaska Capi- | hope of stirring up a mere tolerant | Words “Yours for @ good day's work tol on November 19 to Meet lattitude towards our “idle poor.” |for a good day's pay,” thus show Miles Murphy |Unsightly slums invoke curses, not |his ignorance of the whole thin ag on the inmates but the system tha My husb child and vurvich of this city has|is responsible for their existence.|reeeive the large amount en matched to meet Miles Mur-j|Similarly, when we behold unem-|Per meal to ex m and, i f Juneau in a boxing bout to|ployment. why blame the victims /2 290d day's } I quit right : taged at the Alaskan Capital on }and add to their ‘misery? Now if Scrutineer could wi Jovember 18 it is announced There are now two great divisions | “5: ‘et him e head bu Twe years ago this November | n the land—emploved and unem roa m nother ; I defeated wurvich by a| sloyed—and the former refuse or|°2°¢ &8°. Writing to you : h 1 knock-out. However, | dislike to reeognize that we are alt} °l® "eason of h Nina ids a decision over Dick] » the same boat. The National Un-| a. cor rordc if Bellinzham, who ftecent- | employed Workers’ Association is | loafer ue reed be fouxht a draw with Murphy. so the only organization with ma-{°" °! Dems f ) make has hopes of turning the tables chinery to funetion in period 5 nee ” his northern Opponent in the unemployment ind this associatior As rs ice, Mr. E forthcoming bout by its militant stand against low-|"™ "% 4 hamed to put my ! Pe ee ered liiving condit ! wave-cut n bottom f this short time, etc., is in reality fight MRS. JOHN OLSE! FOOTB ALL ing everybody's battle and the soon r er this is realized the better. Pro- fessional men. merchants and wage SCHEDULE so earners are now suffering reductior CRIBBAGE ‘ led over-anxious in the beginning of; __-— -~- t lthe intermediate game. This in- . ‘ idirectly caused fumbling. In the P t % L dul ‘ray first half the ere = their rac Ice Ci € oy : “ 'neegrescsrive 1ay AC tine edge on ie tthe Tuxis 19-43 The second half For Basketball a lstarted out much the same as the first but. towards the end of the Wednesday aoa Raa ge eis at are ; | game, the fans were treated to an-| 7:00-7:35—Warriors a sits i jcther little surprise that often oe- 7:35-8 15 C.N.R ad , ' ‘ feurs in basketball. Hitting their ee . =. ‘, stride of last year, the Tuxis show- | 99-9:°25 Oy Scouts : To Relieve Pain, Stick to led just how it shuuld be done and,! 9:25-10:00—Merchants % PIRI caer ge were easily eee ty Sustiny & | : -1:30—Tuxis |} Tuxis--Morrison (8), Nakamoto} , 0-2:00-—Panthers a 1(15), Smith (1) Moxley (4), Han-} 9.99_9-49 Com. “ ; ; ison (2), Allen 2:30-3:00-—Cardinals The public should be prudent. in seeking relief | Merchants—Pierce (2), F. Ding-| 3-00-3:20—Grotto _ from pain. Take nothing which does not have iwell, E. Dinewell (4), Hunt (9) 9-30-4 on ener , the approval of the medical profession. Windle, Ross (6), McNulty (2) 4°00-4°30 aus Acco ; Aspirin will never do you any harm, and almost Ladies’ Game 4:30-5:00—Meteo: es] always brings the desired relief. But remember et that the high medical endorsement given Aspirin After last Tuesday's game, the : does not apply to all tablets for relief of pain. girls rather disappointed the fan SCHEDUI F OF a See . The Amazons had complete control AE! 4 Doctors use Aspirin for these important reasons: of the eameé and. although the Co- - |mets fought hard, they did not have ithe co-ordination eam work to stand up to the Amazons It has no injurious ingredients. It contains nothing which can depress the heart. No coarse particles to irritate throat or stomach. Nothing to Or . : ~~ » fo jf ractire upset the system. Not even any disagreeable taste. Mey are fast and, with practice, a! : : ishould give the other two teams a And to the absolute safety of Aspirin tablets, gan add speed. Aspirin dissolves so rapidly that you Avnovons—Boddie. (4). Gurvich ie ah get the quickest relief from your headache, cold, (4). Morris (10). Ritehie (4). Tite : neuralgia, neuritis, or other pain. Comets—Steen. Morgan. Smith. ; McLeod (8), Johnson (2), Dickens (2) yt “Aspirin” is trade-mark registered in Canada | Junior League i rs, The junior boys put up an ex- cellent and well-fought game. Both teams were out to win and there was very little to choose between the playing abilities of either side 'The Rovers had lots of weight and used it freely while the Japanese The Greatest Bargain in Nourishment] erness In a elose game like this, it can only be said that it was anybody's game to the last whistle and, as chance would have it, the Rovers scored that last basket to give them the game 11-9 Rovers—McMeekin (2), Greer (3), Bremner (2), Williscroft, McRae, G Williscroft (4) Japanese—Nakeamoto, Obata (4), Kishimoto (4), Kondo, Kanaya (1), Hirano. Referees for the evening were J CVurrie, W. Johnson, B. Irvine and R. Smith | i Advertise in the Daily News. ern depended entirely upon their clev-| However, | BASKETBALL October 25 Cardinals vs Merchants October 28 A.; us Panthers vs. Grotto; Come Warriors vs Scouts vs, Rovers Panthers vs. C. N. R. Amazons vs. Cardinals; Tuxis Warriors; Meteors vs. Japanese SSO Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks | Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Tron and Brass Casting | Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts TONE ITE RAS SO ARA NNO | October 22—-Booth vs. High. October 29—-High vs. Borden November 5--Borden vs. Booth November 12—-Hieh vs. Booth November 19—-Borden vs. High er ree a me of their profits, incomes and wages October 24 | , and wonder why. A year ago thx Canadian Legion vs. Empre unemployed in this district accep Seal Cove vs. Moose ted the government's offer of a Eagle Grott 7% wage cut and immediatels 1l0.0.F Elks neatly every industry followed euit | Special Hard-Time Bargain Offer To Subscribers to the Daily News or Any Wishing to Become Subscribers All our advertisers have bee ers. Here is subscriptions or renew THE DAI This is a very attractive offer and is made subscribers to pay a ye Payment may be made sent the more you get 8 our contribution. Any person tiomnew will get the rest of the vear from January 1, $5.00 Rest of this year to January 1, 1933 FREE THE DAILY NEWS Delivered by one year from January 1, $3.00 — Rest of this year to January 1, 1933 n offering special bargains to the custom- sending in a full year subscrip- 1929 free. This applies either to nev mail out of town FREE ; s for a limited period to induce § j anee during the difficult financial period. » Money order or currency, The sooner it is money, als. LY NEWS Delive>ed ia tne Chy Ofte year ar in adv by check for the DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C.