yetober 22, 1932 AE. Os OOO AD e———_—_—_—__—— im rage ee ee ne “WE SELL FOR LESS” ANNETTE’S, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Oct. 24, 25, 26 oo Ree Season’s Most Sensational Selling Event Annette Bought Entire Surphis Stock of a Prominent Eastern Manufacturer at Less Than Fifty Cents on the Dolar, and We Now Offer You, Without a Doubt— The Greatest Dress Event ever held in Prince Rupert Values up to $15.95, $19.95, $24.50 go on sale Three Low Prices 6.95, 8,95, 1.2 3 DAYS SELLING—MON., TUES. & WED. Credit Privileges as Usual During This Sale Every Dress Pure Silk and at Less Than Manufacturers’ Cost! Jacket Frocks, Combination Effects, the Smart Gigolo Styes, Contrast Effects — Last Word in Style Sizes 14 te 50 and Lets of Half Sizes Who else but “Annette” could give you such an offer? KNITTED GOODS | Coats! Woollen Suite—8 pes. 643.95 Coats! © $24.50; Speci this quality double TY) | Pullover Suits—Suitable for office 1 wear $6.95 ie $12.95: Special HATS t and Feather Trimmed Hats—All al models $4.95 to $12.95: Spec {OSE iM ch ana Semi-Service W eight Hose—All all sizes, all perfect — 7Q@ us Wearing value Last season coats of sold price, so fine are they. Rich fabrics, sumptuous! y Kolinsky Muskrat, and Wolf. All silk crepe lined and warmly in- for more than this furred with Persian Lamb terlined. Every coat a distinguished ja] model Mode! Coats, $21.50 to $45.00 $17.50 SALE STARTS AT 9 A.M. MONDAY Assured — See Our Window Display Tonight ‘ Prompt and Efficient Service Annette Ladies’ Wear Co. Ltd. ; emermean VANCOUVER PRINCE RUPERT been en- » has instructor In ‘Rupert Brand” 300 DRESSES a4 er patrol servic? mre? i] 1 Ib. Sliced Bacon & 49 here during the pi immer, sail Cc ~f : : ert Famous ' ht on the Prineess Ad- 1 lb. Creamery Butts ¢Fish which made Prince Rup act night o@ the Prisedee ‘AGS 2 Cee aero | Ge family resides. Mr. Ross was form- Ham, Sliced, 49¢ | LOCAL NEWS NOTES | Taxi 35—-Ernie Large. R Marr’s Messenger Service. Phone 1290. tf} Tonight’s train from the East, due at 8 pm., was reported this} ' ‘ ’ ‘morning to be on time. } Hyde Transfer—aAll coals are in; midry shed. See adv. for prices. $1.00) per ton lower than any other com- pany in town. tf} } Power and light will be off in| bike City Sunday, Oct. 23, between | the hours of 730 and 8 am. to change connections. Northern B “7 Power Co. Ltd. Ted Smith sailed last night on | he Princess Adelaide for Vancou- ver whence he will proceed to Cal- eary to enter technical school for 4 course in draftsmanship. Harold McEwen, C.N R. divisional freight and passenger agent, is on rip to Ketcl.ikan on efficial bus- “iness. He is expected to return to the city at the first of the week. Mrs. E. G. Osborne and daught- Misses. Millicent and Aileen Osborne, who have been on a trip ‘o England, are expected to return to the city towards the end of next week ers, Coastwise Steamship & Barge Co.’s freighter Mogul, Capt. Alex Cameron, enroute from Anyox and Stewart to Tacoma with ofe cargo, called here this morning to dis- charge a parcel of local freight. Mrs. Jack Woods (Annette Stone) rived in the cily on the Princess Acelaide yesterday afvernoon from Vancouver being here on one of periodical visits to her local She will be in town for a hel fore week Mail Schedule For the Gabe 5: Monday. Wednesday and Friday 8:30 am Yor Queen Chariottes— Octaber 14 and 28 From Queen Charlottes— 9 Dm. For quick returns Try a Want Advertisement ~ ee 49¢ Special For This Week-End Boneless 1 Cauliflower, 1 Celery 1 doz. Corn on Cob 49¢c 1 Ib. Areo Golden Blend Tea & 1 can Rowntree's 49¢ SMOKED | Announcements ——— Hill 60 Hallowe'en Bridge 1; lance, Oct, 28, 1.0.D.E. Hall. Ladies 25c, 500 tiission, Gents Prepared Daily By Rebekah anadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Lid. ow's Hall PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | * Concert ber 23, | Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov 24. eee AY 6 eS BPO A) OS ow Do you read the classified advertisements? and Pagies’ Dance October 28. Ad- 2 Moose Hallowe’en Dance, Oct, 31. November 9, Elks’ Bridge and Whist Novem- Cocoa, quarters 1 can Blueberries, 2's, 1 can Gooseberries, 2's, 1 can 49e Blackberries, 2's lin the new Odrfellow’s Hall 4th Ave, B., 8:30. Adm. 25c. Every- body welcome, 245 | | CLD.L, Dance tonight. Badminton! Get your supplies at| Gordon’s Hardware. A complete) stock of rackets and shuttles. tf! Sons of Norway dance tonight | Nervous Headaches No medical treatment can be of much real help to you which does not enrich the blood. Be- cause it does positively make the blood rich and red, Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food restores the vigor of the nervous system and removes the cause of these symptoms from which you are suffering. Good restful sleep, improved digestion and freedom from headaches : will soon convince you that this treatment is re- storing your health and happi- Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food | Restores fired, Sleepless Nerves The local Moose Lodge is pro- ceeding with plans for the organi- zation of a debating society in the city. At a meeting last evening it was decided to call a public meet- - ‘Classified Ads FOR SALE LOST FOR SALE—Mink, Quebec. Labra- dor, young or adult. $20 per pair. F. Hoppe, Lochdale, B.C. tf. FOR RENT Six-ROOM. House, 239 4th Ave. West. Phone Green 89. 250 FIVE-ROOM turnished modern house. Two unfurnished. Phone Green 698. tf STORE for Rent. Third Avenue, adjoining Wrathall’s, low rental. MeClymont. tf MODERN House Dunsmuir Street | available for rent November rst | —Official Administretor. tf FOR RENT — Modern house, full besement, hot-air furnace. Close in. Ready for occupancy Novem- | ber 1. Phone Red 720 tf | MALE HELP WANTED HOW to get a Government job. | Free Booklet. The MCC, Ltd.,; Winnipeg. LOST—Cameo Broach between Post Office and Eighth Ave. East. Finder please return to Daily News, Reward. 246 PIANO TUNING PIANOS Tuned $3.00. Walker’s Mu- sic Store. tf PERSONAL Sk iS elie tain aseianial PRIVATE Kindergartens pay. Ad- vice given free by the Canadian indergarten Institute. Winnipeg, CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall | rhree Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 ‘ypen Evenings 6 Exchange Bik. DAIRIES AGENTS WANTED WANTED—ambitious man to re- present regular line. See Mr. Crow, St. Elmo, Saturday even- ing or Sunday for further par- ticulars 245 XIRECT SALESMAN WANTED — To sell a well established exclu- sive line of Ladies’ Knitted Suits and Sweaters. Applicant must be able to prove previous success in direct selling. Unlimited puossibil- | } ' i } for promotion. CALGARY KNIT- TING COMPANY, LTD., CALGARY, Alberta TRANSFERS Cameron’s Transfer— Cordwood, says it’s my | prettiest dress” | ; }* ers, B.C. . **+e eee 44 ing on November 7 for the pur-j|_. : bvahd the ‘Minato pose of organizing Firewood, Furnacewood, Kindling, Tuesday. Thursday and Satur- ak Poles, Piling aay : . om. Union steamer Venture, Captain or Vancouver— , Ernest Georgeson, arrived in port DANCING re 12:30 p.m at 1:30 this morning form the a a EE nn " PD | south and sailed about an hour la-| ap DANCING taught by Miss El- Friday -1) P.M ‘ter on her return to Tancouverand| eanor Tite. Phone 20 cae October 3, 12 and 24 P.™ | waypoints. She was delayed on ac- from Vancouver— count of calling at Kitimaat on CNR. TRAINS SUMGAY naesnneneereeveeecseemmen-veee PID |the way north Cin te ont. ' — Wednesday 9:30 a.m steal ie 2 . a i di Friday ; p.m, | os . ondays, Wednesday an r d lratrick, a former superin- ; October 8, 20 and 29 ad he dap tne © aiaiahied to-heee 9:30 a.m For Stewart and Anyox— | tion 4] Railw aa it Gilde eee rom the Bast— a es ae 7 pm low an ' 5 : - , te Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- : fipatrick of this city. is re achat © vere PM. ortedt to be making @ satisfactory | — : ™ rom Stewart and eayeene lrecovery in Montreal following aj/@#@#@#*@e @s1@*Oe@ 4 aioe cc He a a.m. recent serious illness and opera-|® 4 F ‘an rf 4 Port Si P.M! tion, Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick who | The Daily News con be pur- @ = pon ae ™? om— visited here last year, now make | @ chased at— 7 arene Soca ie P.™ ‘their home in Montreal # Post Office News Stand, 325 @ "ae — River and er @ Granville St.. Vancouver 4 ce noe ay OU a.m ~|\@ Karl Anderson, Prince ¢ or a. } @ George, B.C. . Pa tober 8, 20 and 29 a.m * R. W. Riley, ‘Terrace, B.C, é — ane i = My husband |@ General Store, Anyox. + | October 3, 12 and 24 p.m . }®* Smithers Drug Store, Smith- ¢ - « > ities for the man who is looking} All Our— Milk and Cream SHIPMENTS Guaranteed Bulkley Valley Products VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 |For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 AUCTIONEER List your goods with us—Prince Ruperi’s leading Auctioneer. _ G. M. HUNT rd Ave. Phone Ked 637 The AUCTIONEER | Packing — Crating — Wrapping | and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. PAWES—Phone Black 120 WHY LOOK AT SHABBY & DIRTY WALLS? We paperhang a room for $5.00 and up, Calsomine, $2.50 and up. Call, Red 802. | ‘J. P. MOLLER PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Rose, Cowan & Latta ' Phone 234 | “I want to tell you how I got acquainted with Diamond Tints,” says a cordial letter from a Windsor | woman. “I was in the drug store and saw some attractive Diamond Tint packages. The druggist told me they were for tinting light shades without boiling. He said they were made by the Diamond Dyes people. I have always used Diamond Dyes for dye- ing dark colors and know they are the best dyes made. When I saw Diamond Tints I thought of a 2-year old dress which I had to quil wearing because it was so faded. I got a package and gave my dress the simple rinsing called for. It came out the loveliest shade—a lustrous, shim- mering yellow. I have laundered it several {imes but have never had to retint. It certainly holds the color. I’m perfectly delighted with my new dress, as I call it, and my husband says it’s the prettiest one I have.” <\ DIAMOND TINTS 1 ean Baby Beets, 2's, 1 can Peas, 2's, 1 can Spinach, 8-02. 49e cans Handslick, good for cleaning hands, MUSSALLEM’S | Economy Store Where dollars have more cents 18 — Phones — 360 317 and 319 Third Avenne Jasper Hard Coal a ALL COALS A BGG--Fer TUR. 3.505. . coh ee ivis $11.50 MINEHEAD LUMP—Per Ton ..... 12.50 JASPER LUMP—Per Ton ........ 12.50 Dry Cedar and Jackpine For Sale HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 RE IN A DRYSHED ‘ANADIAN PACIFIC To Vancouver PRINCESS NORAH- -Oct. 12, 24. Nov. 2. To Vancouver PRINCESS ADELAIDE—Fridays, 10 p.m, via Ocean AT ALL Falls and Way Ports. 15¢ DRUG STORES To Ketehikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway PRINCESS NORAH-~ \ Oct. 8, 20, 29 Por Information call or write— W. L. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.U. | me os Miss D. Hogan TEACHER OF MUSIC Phone—Black 232 YRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver:— T.S.8. CARDENA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Via Waypoints, arriving Vancouver, Thursday a.m. ; 7.8.8. VENTURE EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight. approx. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm, Anyox, Stewart and Naas River points, Sunday, 8 p.m. Purther information regard! all satll Secon and tickets at, -— A venue. . Phone 568, Oe eee ee | Bil ewes we ery varie © we tee eT er we fo ee - wee 4