TAXI For main YOKOHAMA THE NEW Phone CAFE HOME BAKERY Beat Service and PRINCE RUPERT The Beat of Everything. Deal Cars In the City Try our service Z Black 89 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone VOL. Kill. NO. 7S. IMUXCH III I'KilT. H. U., TIILIISOAY, MAllCIl 30. 1021. Vttttrtfty'i Circulation 1702. lr.t talM, 491. PRICE FIVE CENTS Around the World Fliers Here in May COUNCIL BADLY SPLIT ON CIVIC WAGE REDUCTION QUESTION LAPOINTE IS Aviators Pass This Way miS GIRL THE SPOOK OF ANT1GONI5H. CHARLES IN JAMES M'KAY . Round the World Trip f:iX t-. x? i:-iis.., COMING HERE on BAD SHAPE OF HAZELTON IN SUMMER Leaving London April 20 ri7 'jf Former Court Physician Is WAS KILLED Called to Side of Former VANCOtVKIt, March 30. ll was announced this morning Austrian Emperor. Minister of Marine lo Bo One of by Major McLaiirin, Miperiiilcndenl of the Jericho .Seaplane Thrown from Wagon Last Night Delegation of Cabinet Ministers Station here, thai lie has been instructed by Ultuwu lo prepare VIENNA, Mar. 30. Dr. and Dragged Dying In ' to Visit Rupert. lor Hie arrival here early in May uf fciir litis Smllli and Hie Keith Delug, formerly Austrian Hospital. Smith, aviators, who will start on a round the world airplane court physician, left Vienna OTTAWA, March .10. The Might from Loudon on April SO. today for Funchal, where he WAS FORMERLY HERE. Fis heric regulations for 1022 From London the airmen will go lo France, cross Southern will attend former Emperor will contain no chaiuc wllh the Kunipe. Asia Minor, India,. China, Japan and Siberia. Crossing Charles. Reports recoived 1 1 A A Kl.TON, M a re.1 1 :i0 I a i ne s exci'iition of tin local regulation Hie Pacific ul Hehring Straits, lie will lly down the Alaskan hero toCay from Funchal say McKay, a well Known oldtimer, In liquid lo a .a itrli I lengthening' coast lo Iirilish Columbia. that the condition of Charles running a transfer and laxl of the close season. Major McLauiiu slates thai Is critical. service in this district met wit lit An application for a cannery gasoline and other necessities for The sum of three million a fatal accident last night when license in the riorlli has been airmen will be sent north lo some ' LOCL CONTRACTORS francs has been raised among enroiite to Uio railway , station. grunted. point between Vancouver and WILL BUILD MENTAL the monarchists here In aid The wagon evidently skidded The embargo or export lax on Wrangell, so that supplies may be HOSPITAL, ESSOND&LE of the ex-ruler. when it struck ice ii Hie road, fresh .salmon oil I of ' Iirilish replenished, lie bus not yet de throwing McKay from Ihe scat Columbia made by tlx couriers cided on n suitable harbor up VKmillA. March 30. down between the front wheels ha been refused. The request norlh, fays McLaurin. The conlracl has been MAY DEPOSE where be hung on.and was' dragged for permission to use gas boat awarded to McDougall & soi)jjff.4lauce. No was tak-'ll?y'ne on the .Skeena HlvVr has been McNeill Limited, contractors hospital where ho died held over pending investigation GOVERNOR TO for the Prince Ilupert W.J. BOWSER ((iJce hours later, never regain- . by the minister in personam , court house, lo erect the Vug consciousness. II is likely a delegation of new mental hospital .it McKay ran a parcel and delivery cabinet ministers will visit VISIT CITY Kssondale for Hie piVvin-, Growth of Sent'ment .In Conser service here for some years, Prince after the session ! vatlvc Ranks Aqalnst His Ilupert cial government, the work having been formerly In partner-: and one of the number will be lo"Commence I mined lately. The Antlconlili ghost is a girl, 16 yrttrspld'according to JJr. I Leadership Increase. ship with Andrew lluddk'of .IJiia Walter Franklin Prince of the Xmrican Ilecijrihvoi;lety;,after al,. the minister of marine and fish, Fred Stork Announces That The contract price is rit-wi llnfct'rt lhn"l lin Tun- u most a week's search (or a solution ofolhe myBterjrT H.-ath-danKh- erics, F.rnest Lapuinte. Lord Byng Will Be Here . 1 i5no,ino. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander MacDonald ot CaledonH"Mflla,. Nnra VANCOfVKP., Marcli 30. One) n:i reel delivery service, in l'rineei In Summer. Fcotla Mary Ellen MacDonald-- who. Impelled poislbly by ellscajrnat. VI of the. iiiiportaiit mailers lo be Ilupert during rxiilway construe i Intelllgencr, took clothes from the line, braided the taijs of cows and jTlisciisei.L jalr ll'e big Conservative lion days. He leaves - a widow.; atarted within the farmhouse all the ftres. The picture aboia ihowi CHURCHUNION c6iiv.'nb"ptr ltjt"'b "held luire Word has been received llary Ellen MacDonatd. - ' and Jlih-'i'5imilVhlltrren Jivi.ny in from.Frd Stork, M. P. at . - 1 , . ''"J in .luiid next v)l' be. Ihe question Hazelioit' ami ' moifivr and rr -"r , 7 : Ottawa that His Exoellency BOATS COULD of'lead.i'rs.liip. The ynung Conw brother and sister in Calvary.. IN AUSTRALIA the Qovernor-General Is to Council Turns Down Res6liition serviitiviyare out in open rebellion : -ntraiust '.Uie, Ilowser leniler-ship visit Prince Rupert during the comlnq summer... Lord EASIMOCK wJJixt, many dllicrs. of the CHILDREN BURN Important Protestant Conference Bynq will tour the whole of and Tw 3 Amendments bniMqiffef f parfyfVari;, coming rpuud lo the In Sydney Is Dobatlng the Canada, oolng north to the Lltlitlli.ilt Ifiill.tlll. M:l I'i v-M-milil lift! Question. at Yukon,this and city,will make a stop LOCAL" YARDS of Wage and Salary Reductions stronger The reee!il'-sWiaB.Wt,aJ.w'fflf (t''ew. leader.Die ip-lerior TO DEATH AND LONDON, March .to. An tm-porlaut As soon as a date Is set elcclions d a -di1- conference of rrpresriij-alies Is I. J. Suoerintendent iressllig errect on tile MOTHER DYING for tho visit, tt expected Tail, Engineer session lilCjUmjrs The city father.- wrangled for Iwo hours in special of the Anglican, Presbyterian, local organizations will make C. G. M. M., to Report of tin- parly here ami in ofJief fdestioil ami the afternoon the civic and salar yeslertlay on wage Mclhoilisl and Oougrega-lional arrangements for. a suitable on Local Situation. pai l. of Ihe province, and drastic 5 proposed reductions and, ufter producing Iwu aincndiiieiils aml a Churches in Sydney. Australia, civic reception to the Governor, mens tires are 'likely lo be decider! Father Is" In Jail on Charge of I. .1. Tail, superintendent motion pertaining thereto, both nf which were defeated on the the engineer to reinstall' is debating I hi" itiesliuii of whose military record ('ui to try Stolen Being in Possession Oliurrh Union slates a Sydney's commander of the Canadians for Ihe Canadian (iovern-meiil voles being takeut found themselves no further ahead, on the party Hi the confidence of the as lleuters' correspondent. In France Is well Merchant. Marine, who nr. mailer than.they were when it was h( brought up lal month, people. - Property.-, , Archbishop press Charles. W rigid. Prl-mnle known. rived yesterday from Ihe south, As a result nT the tlclibcrulinns ami actions Ihe whole iiiallec is II is ponded "tit here that Mr. of Australia, is presiding at will return to Vancouver lo-nighl.ou practically at u standstill without progress having been made as Ilowser secured his position as NAN'AIMO, March -30. Jame Hie conference. The discussion the Prince Ilupert on far as changes .are concerned. Many hours during Ihe pasl mouth head of Ihe parly, not by being and" Craee Isibley, II) mouths and has been cordial and the pros, B. C. BOARDS his way back lo Montreal; his have been spent on lb question elected lo thai position bill by years respect ivcly, were burned peels for an agreement ure said headuarlcrs. Mr. Tail is making and about I In only gaiuers as a nosing out the lale Premier Mc-Jlride. lo ilenjli and their mother Mrs. hopeful. a lour of tin- Pacific Coasl result are the eily fathers, themselves, IRISH JOURNAL All these old scores arc Victor. Dildey, was burned, prob-alily bo to very, OF TRADE ON and was sent to Prince Itupcrl lo who may or may not being now remembered against filially, when their home on look inlo tin local silualioii with have learned a llltie umre ahoulj him. log Fish Island was destroyed' womIngiven regard lo Ihe docking oT the civic administration and ils cosl, BADLY TREATED by fire yesterday. MANY TOPICS ships here. 'Ihe company operates ifler delving inlo (he wage and! PLUGGING CASE IS The fire is believed to have nliouf- Ifi vessels oil the salary guest ion. ! been the, result of Mrs. Dibley equal rights coast and Prince Ilupert and Oulsidn of a . blanket reeom-meiidatiou Office Freeman's Journal Wrecked DELAYED IN SOUTH uttemp,titig to start a fire' with Kstuiuiall it r Ihe only places and Fired SUIT Taken but gasoline , , Restriction for general cut of Favor More Rigid on a Leading where they can lie docked, Mr. ten cent in all and Afterwards Released. TILL ANSON BACK The wlniuin's husband is" being Oriental Immigration per wages JW held in Jail here, on a charge of will what lias Tall Ije on Electoral Disqualification to Do to Total Exclusion. report of Ihe alaries, which emalialed from a I! lll.IX, March an. A large being in possession of stolen to the .head office Government Measure seen eouuuil coiumillee meetiiig The Comox-Alberiii plugging Removed by of armed held tip the parly men . .. a . . I...1 1 property. In Parliament. YICTOItIA, March :m. -The company. where it was rrpiii'led lo have ollices of the Freeman's Journal, ease, in which tiranam lhiiiimicii Mr. Tail said that he Although Associated Hoards of Trade in been decided upon unanimously, liroke the poured gasoline has Iniiiiched'prosecullou against OTTAWA, Mar. 30. The Filler session here yesterday appointed was not in a position to make a. from the outset lheo has been ul Hint and presses,(Jred the building. Cordon S. Wismer on Flection Act HEAVY VOTE to the. motion 'demanding the abolition a .special c.ommitteee lot report on definite announcement as of a definite i ui tu re pro They held the slatf in custody for charges, has been remanded Tor of the clause In the Flections Act the cfTect 'the importallon or intention of ihe company or as lo duced on the question and the a'.few hours and, then released eight days in Vancouver until Hon, all the thai disfranchising women not born foreign oil is having on the coal his report, -he said ili ffercut views of the mayor ami Ihem. Managiug Kdilor Moore is A. M. Maiison; attorney-general, FOR POINCARE be fleet could easily on the American conti it ,wns industry of the province. ships of the aldermen as expressed yesterday, a Toronto man. who is to personally investigate curried in' the llouso oT Commons Thomas. Oraham, of the Can handled here. were instrumental in killing Nearly all lhn motor lorries in till"' mailer, returns from Ottawa. yesterday without a division ufier adian Collieries (Dunsmuir) Lid., Ihe whole matter of propo-ed revision, I lie eily of Cork have been commandeered A proviso has been made thai the French Chamber of Deputies the Premier had promised government said the novernment was willing THOUSAND no one course of action and driven -lo an unknown lime, may be further extended if Supports Government on measure placing' all lo Imposts a high duty if the FOUR being acceptable to all mem destination, presumably by Mr. Manson bus not returned Army Service. women on an eijual stains and removing cimdilioiis warrant. bers, On lie. whole it was a llepublicaiis. witlliu the eight days. the liecessily for a speeial A resolution, was passed urg MILE FLIGHT fight belwcen Hie rinanee Coiu Captain Collins, (lie Cork harbor W. 1). Carter, K.fJ., depul 1'AltlS, Mar. 30. The government millee, who were apparently allorney.general, appeared in the ccilillfUte. ing Hie enactment of a town commission, was kidnapped. of premier poincare yesterday agreed on the ten rent cut Vancouver police court slating The clause was originully u war planning act. per receixed a vole of conlldencts measure and wax incorporated in Another resolution wa passed with final seliiemvnt by uu arbitration that. Mr. Alaiison had wi'cd from in the Chamber nf leuties,- tho lliu 1U20 Flections Acl. endorsing the "made in Iirilish Aviators Took Air at 7 This board, and the majority NEGOTIATIONS Ottawa asking (hat ihe pfneccd-i vole -standing 105 for the government Columbia" campaign. Morning and Hope to Reach of the rest of IJi'e council who ml's be delayed until lie returns. and to" againsl. 11 wa.4 the chief Brazli Sixty Hours. were of varied .opinion. Tin' premier Oliver was THREE YOUNG MEN taken on the army service iues- Hoard of Works claimed thai it at Ihe luncheon yester PROGRESSING speaker I.ISIiON, Starch ao. -An al-lempleij lion. A motion for a reduction of had done Its share, towards retrenchment WERE ASPHYXIATED day. He urged increaseu pro (light from Lisbon lo military service to eight months in civic administration GEDDES duction and optimism. Pcriiambuco, started this SIR AUCKLAND FREIGHT CAR convention wenl on record and the I'tilitics Committee ARRIVES IN SEATTLE IN The morning, nuvul Captains Haeaduta Irish Question Is Being Considered tied with union ui favoring more rigid ix-stric-tious ami (Jouliuh'' taking Ihe uir at 7 dial, il was no. at Conference' In tn oriental immigration agreemcnls and interlocking of SKATTLF. Murch 30. ITALIAN HARBOR u'clock. London Today. Tlil'.vmN Mn.. March 30. offices wilh the Finance, (Jom-uiillee. tho and landTcnuie leading up to Ihe lo make the trans. Hir Auckland Ceddes, r II Is hoped r. found STRIKE IS OVER Three young- men were tolal exclusion of Asiatics. Allanlie lliglit of more limit IQ00 Although reductions or LONHON. Mur. 30. -Leading Iirilish umbussador to tho asphyxiated iti a rrcigiii cav readjustment! in- salaries ami representatives of the llritish L'uiled Slates, and Lady liero yesli'iday. miles in sixty hours. wages of employees .of Ihe cily CoMrnmeul, the Irish Free Klale Ceddes are here today. HOMF, Murch 30, Leaders of WH i.t.. IUU nilff. IHV.11.1.1'. jis"- BIRKENHEAD MUST LENIN AGAIN DEAD. are fur the lime being "up in the and the I'lsler Oovernmcnl galh-t!ied Civic olllcials are welcoming I lie burbor strike wfiich has been Hint of fleorge Cyok, aged 25, TAKE MONTH'S REST LONDON, March ao. A Central air" il is expected thai the question today to co'iisider projiosuls them this afternoon called for two weeks in sympathy of Toronto.. A letter in liU news despatch from Paris wj make its appearance advanced yesterday at tho initial and loulglil ir Auckland willt the striking porL noekcl i in1)Ifn I I'll lliul li.. was Oil before the council again Jit u very to will address meeting of LONDON. March .'iO. Lord says a report, thai premier I.t;'-liill session of the. conference consider a worker are satisfied with IhoV route,tol'oronlo because of the llirkenhead. Lord INK" Chancellor, of fioviet Ilussia Is dead Is shorl time. r means fur pacifying Ireland. the iirilish societies of the meusures taken by tho govern--merit dculh'of his sister nnd the ill- been ordered lo lake a publielied here by Homo newspapers,' Resolution Passed. That negotiations uro progressing, vHV .- , to end the strike and huvu -nvfll iuttf'...if lil lu.i. Tliix em has, rest owing lo overwork who treat the report with 'Ihe inceling yesterday opened 'wy satlsfuctorjly" is Ihe only, yi' ' word to .'nil ports-culling it mouth's In'wiijeh tho young men were affected his e'slghl. reserve', (Continued on. I.'Ho'o i' authoritative word given out. off. - ' l.uuml sa consigned o i annua hawtlB 'l