FAQK FOTTH THB DAILY NEW! Tuesday, April L IP?" BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus 1 1 1 7" Recapitulation tVO A.M. AND THAT WALROtt eV Th OULY:RECORD trE"S will,OPr win I HOPE H ORUNC,- I AM CROWltS OLD- l lr I VE.HrVE. H NOT her. HOME TT- WELU I'LL bT UP AMD. yMT FO HIM . Wo are mailing yon, Mrs. uu n'SHT IT-L Fix t.urv J .IWggEj Housewife, an attractive, booklet' containing n resume of ciur recent, advert is'ntr. nml many nlhep fads, nliout laundry (scrviee. ' Should yon' (ml receive a copy kinlly call us. Phone 8, giving your address, nml we wijl gladly mail you yours. I II II 1 IV t. r J. IU aBBBI Canadian Steam Laundry 3 28 y int-u rATUR smvicy. ' "111 Phone 8 EXTENSION OF COULDN'T DO ADAIR CARSS HELD j HOUSEWORK FINE WHIST DRIVE Daily News Classified Ads. UNEMPLOYMENT !sec-d "m For HpART WAS SO BAD Sale Dlnlno Room was Very 2 CENTS PER WORD Iff ADVANCE. No AdvnrtUemenf Taken for Lea than SOc Successful 22 Tables RELIEF WORK Mqny wnnipn gft weak nnd run down I.nls 25 and 2(1, ti.pk , anil uniililn to ik arior llielr Iinuselmlil i ,h ' i.i,.:..'" , . ... ' Iliu WANTED AUCTION SALE. Section .1. Jlnsl excellent iliitlvt ovlntr In the hvarf arll'iii liecnininK I -l'ader. sile, for home op npartmenl. Impmrrd or lli norvniis syslcni unstrung. Ipepial Order Daujfhteri of lie WATIn Men and women In AIKVI'ION SALK of cily lots will Adjoining the WnMron. Cpuncll Chambebr Was , filled heallhy.VaUirp and Inlcnrtwl happy women Inslead lo of hi!sick Mron?,'and (essrul Kmpil:e, vbls,lield. aiolll'r drive in Very Hie sue-SI. learn the. Ilarber 'j'rado hy Ilin he held sliortly. Persons desirous Splendid view- .' Scaled lenders Last Night With Workless Asking wrelrlied.. Hut hew ran a woman liu .. . r..,p ,l .ii. ni ,. nnly ineHind in Ihe world lhat of selling Iheir lot or fop paxli will Iip received Continuation of Relief. . i Ihisl fvciiin! TIici-p Aver., ' will save ynu lime and money properly,, write, or call on ("leo. TIMBER SALE X-3870. unlil April I5lh. llial tlif mil Mir mm in fit iiiiiiiiku iiiu phiiiu lim- j - 1 ' ,-"....r. - and fit. ynu for n position I.eek, Auetinnpep. If Sealed lelidern will lie received liy the Hip I'l-psPiilinfr rpfiuosl tino or, work, .weeping. iIu-Hmk, cnoklng-.i tallies of yhisl and the first while. MMilnlec i.r Mnds al Victoria iml later than pjty pplipf work wliipli, aflep vo- washhiR, etc.? H It any wonder that tho tpci.o Wl'lHiePs were Mrs, Sllliltt worth Wo guaranlea A!fCTI()tV lomoiiTow (.Wednesday? iHH.ii am lite t a 111 dar r .April. Iii, tur Agents for . sleaiy employment at good Ihe piirrhain of l.leeiire -VJain.i In i- it m art ncconiea airecteo aim sm Keu irn-1 . iiifr nn fit)" sonip two months luring , p i.-1llm ,.nlwnl illon n at i!:i(l p.iji. of household fur- f.iii.hiMi reel i.r Hainan). Ucmiittk and Norwegian American Line Hip wasres. Wfjle. now for beautiful r i " rtmr. "Mii.ir nn mi flri mi lite -nillll Swedish American Line llipvyintpri idospd dpwn al nml illizv Knell. smoOierlni and Klnklri Ward !foilL' ll .Miss Warrior alld illustrated catalogue. Molar Ilillire ami olhep ifoods at H'.M.Oioee of :vn Ann, fiane j-.tSiasl Land pid of last wppk, lip ppstiniivl ,lor pell anil ean'j eep at nlglit? .Mr. Hellack. Tliiru Avenue. (UNIrtci. (leore Scandinavian American all women wliose Heart H wenK M.irber College, 3 00 Main St., 1 i Two Hi year will he allowed for the at Ipast two wpi-kfi lonfTPp, a dolp- X(j '1'hepe vi." ' i 'musical prop ram Aiicliniieer. removal of Umber. Line. and V1'""' nerven are unstrung we woliiiH Vancouver, M. O. Ilirl her iuirlrtilar of therriilrr furrier. p.onsi.xlinp of V. Dick- which .Mi's. Mrs, A. liljon reeominend j1" jslockdale, Victoria, II. i: or KHIiL l Fureiei' Oliver Typewriter ini, c. (;iin)inan, k. ii. iiidiiip- MILBURN'S lllinlep, Ml'.s. .1. A. Ten?, Kd. ItKMAItl,!': asenfnnted for-tin BOARD. Prlliee IImmtI. II. I'. Cary Safes son, 1. W'liilp and W. Wicks, rpp-iTsi'iilinK- HEART AND NERVE PILLS lloss and Mult James, look part. perl pistricl. 'I'he Royprpiffn HOAIll) LAND ACT. FIRE INSURANCE (Iip it i im 1 1 1 1 '' I. Iarkpd a (lie lmin remedy to tone up tlm aysteni '-hc riillllllitlPi In charge ciim- Life Assnraiiop Company. Head -inlander, 830 Second Notlca of InUnllon to Applr tei Land. ' Avenue, phono If virk- and HienR-lUen tlio weakened organs, uri ,.,1 c I . V,iiiii.'iiinn 137. If liy alionl nriy Of Ilio liijy's ' office, Winnipeg,' Man. Write ll.o l,....lbl lln.nn.nn li.utnvllla V Q OlsfrlK Ill Prince Land ! nupert Ilecurd- ivss, which iiPurly fillnil I Iip writes': "As I was trouiii'ed with a weak eonvener, Mrs. S. I.. Warrior and ,Chas, A. pyne, Prince llorwfc, MUSIC. Itig olslplct or i:oast liaiike A. and llnate Dybhavn & Hanson cliamlipp, aippai'pil at Iho nini'l- heart ror nearly (wo years I am wrltlnj Mrs, S. V. Cox, who looked after rnanaser for Northern Mrilish In like vlrliilly linllre of Port that Kintnn.wi , Julius II.JoliusAn c. and Third Avenue iug of .llp council last niplil, I'.ach lo tell you what your great remedy. Nil- the refreshments. ' Columbia. I'ANO SCHOOL. Waller Meml, or Port Lssluglon. II i: hurn'n Heart anil Aery? PIN, has dono ocriipation nhermeti. Intend in applv for mcnilipp of Hip ilPlPiralion v.as I.esehclizky Method. All grades Iiermi'slon to lea-e Ihe following ih'-"rllie, Prince Rupert, B. C. for me, '. , , - WA."l:i) A ftnod maid. Mrs. l.iniK: Commeneing at a liarins- hv taken piist planted al ifixpn (i sympathetic I IIVII. MlK l.h I apd special allentinn My heart was ;o-t)ad at night I cnulil I INI, ouilii'ai corner of Lot 41. Haure i:nasi Ci'j itt Maciloiiald, next Waldrnn. llip council and -Mayor lloclii'slei' not slPfp, I would take snioilic ring (pells, t.u beginners. Terms lil.lrli l. llienre northeast i CtriOK in n w gave assurance that it would Iip and vit so weak I could not do my housework, ON VOTERS' LIST -IS H I moderate. low waler water mark,mark,llienre thence smith west! -rliatns 3 rhalip.alung p ascertained immeilialcly if (lie ( tried wo dolors, hut got no OIIAS. P. IJALAONO, high water mark, llienre it cli.iln. along From the Farm results, A rrlend advised me. to try your WANTIT. At nlander, e,xiieri- high waier mi rk In polrit of romnieiiremeiit provincial mid federal govern-iiipuIs pills, t used all liies and am romplelely NOW EXTENDED eneeil chambepinaid; sleep in. f Hand lllock, corner Sixth and anil eontaliiiiig 3U acres, more or le- tp the Table would liPap a share iii con-liuiipd relieved. I pilpk they arc the hest rpmedy I'ullon. Phone Hlue on It Jl l.ll s JllllXSOV. WAl.TLIl MKMf. relief work as in the past for heart Irouiiln there Is." The time for registering Tor SITUATION WANTED DOMESTIC Appllrants. price. 50c a hot at all dealers, or mnlle.1 has MISCELLANEOUS. Hated Fehruary , IQJ. Ihe voters' list and if this assistance was lill provincial BulkleyValley dlrerl on reeelpt of price liy The T. Mil-tiurn YOl'.NO Knglish iciv wants posi fortlipuininpr Hip mailer would he Co.. Limited, been extended in May 8, accord-inx LAND ACT. Toronto, Ont, tion as (leneral, Willi private ..0.00 HKW.Allll if I fail lo grow BEEF placpd lipfoi-p Hip llnancp com-inillei'. lo aiiuounceinenl made this fouiily. Write Mux 21, Ocean hair. Oripnlnl Jf air Hoot jlnir Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Ltaa Land. 'I'll o mayor said that al city. J, M. Campbell, eiiiplOymeisl morning by (iovernmenl AtrenLJ. (Irower. World's PORK " I'alls. H. n. H2 (Irealesl In Oueeu r.harloite Islands Land OlKtrlrl, MUTTON llioupli iIip nliliKlul set out by jp awent, was now Inking ip will) the II. McMulliu. The court if revision Hair Orowerv (irows hair nn lleeordlng liinlrlri or Prime HiiniTt. and VEAL oily council for expenditure .alopu tiovernment Ilie matter of i-xli-mt-ihtc on IhiviliM will be held FOR SALS tin Id .heads, It must not be Mngara.Ituate In Itland.front or liiork A" In Lot (. FRESH KILLED POULTRY this line had Ions fdnce been e.v-liauslPil, its participation in relief six weeks later,, oil .tune The put 'where hair is not wanted. Takv iioliee ranadlan l lsli A Cild ftmr voters' list rcgi.sl ration o FOIl HAI.1J One American aae Company Llmlleil of Prince liuperl, II, lie was siirp Hip councjl work. werp Cheap C orcii.ilon lliih-draler. Skeena Farm Cures dandruff, and all scalp iiuend n apply Ryer Produce have clospil yesterday. 'Plie lime Halibut hull. Killiep rue Mt mission to lease Ihn rollowlug di voulil do all possible lo continue Aid. Collal'l Ihoutthl il a shame complrlp troubles. $1.7.1 per Jar, snrllied lands Commencing VANDERHOOF CREAMERY al a poii planted Hip H'tlef as ppiiupsIpiI. II, had thai, some men were froiti.' without exlensioi) will alliw for Ihosii or not. One pleasure boat 2.1 Agents wanted. Prof. M. S. on foot In a ftoullmp-icrly dlrerllou rniiu BUTTER who' have neglected l feel fine for litis harbor. Urn norlliursleily post or Indian lieerve qualified ; One been Hiiilei'stooil llial Hip hpvppp-Itieill work when ome of Ihe city's Crosse, 118 Logan Ave.. Winnipeg, No. 10, llienre I5U fri t morn or less In a NORTHERN INTERIOR sipinrl lo ndipf work in -lie eniployies were ppltins' OTic an io so.. n re-islpr now. All those open s-ra.s boat 18 leeel. Other Man. MiulllW.esterly (IiiitiUiii to low water mark, cily px)ired on .Maicli ;tl and tic liour ahd some were on salaries. who did not vi(p al I lie last pro-yincial boats nnd engine. Apply. mark,tlience llinwe 700 feel toil westerly reel northerly along low In water high CO-OPERATIVE point lo'bp now ascertained is Aid. 1'erry tliouplit that Hie e.ly eletdiou Jiave had their Husrn, Mayview lintel. tf NOTICE to Automobile Owners-- high water waier mark, mark llienre lo k.'iu imiIiu feet'or Kisterlv eom'mei along Phone 81 whether extensions that have been mijrhl carry on some if its lopql ! names struck otf (lie list and il I'filt SAI.i: "XarhelhoiiR." Il is New Auto Ilepair Shop just nient and coiiialnlng t n ?, acre i let CA.NADIVX Hsu f:i.LI) STOHAUK made o April 15 in some cases improvemeiHs al ilhls lime Hi an will lie necessary to register intention to take Hip opened corner l;raer and C.OMPA.VV I.TIi.. Applicant, ' asain lo have Hie names restored. my cusp Sixth Slreel. rtrsl class mechanic. By loitiran Kennedy. Arent, apply aUo lo Prince Ituperl. elforl lo uive relief lo Ihe liuem-plnyed. into the Admiralty Courl and I Paled Fehruary Id. m. Emphasize Necessity. There wore poads Specialist on ignition many dppiI Hip Makp money. me an TERRACE Kaeli member of Ihp delegation ill Hip city that needed rpp'tiriiiu offer, llmuuc K. I'reemnn. work. Work guaranteed. piuvcn liner ni pFRT op coast.'i,4.i n nisTiiicT lu.MiE . ins spoke, c.iupliasizim.' the necessity under Hie local improvement plan. SENDING BODY"oT . Phone 01) IT in I rouble' day or nollre" FRUIT LANDS for the coul inual ion of relief Direct Action Needed. roil SAl.K. Kleyen ."icres, oul of night r Take Terrace, ft. thai married I, l.aiender woman.Momkton.Iritenil measure. The situation today, Aid. .Mcl.eoil said llial Ihc situ FRANK WALSH EAST N'auaimo, Vancouver Island, CYCLE REPAIRS. fto siroleiim apply for and a natural llcrne to ga urosnert mi the following for coal. llipy ileclared, was even vorse ation needed direct an! inn. Ir the Partly improved. Ideal fqr ilescrllied landsi Coiuioenrlug al a uil CALGARY SATURDAY Cycles of all. makes repaired planted IS ihalna noiiih of Hie souihweHt Unimproved iO-ncrc litli Iwd than il was Jinfore and there win uovcrnmcul would extend il.s fruit and chickens. Apply Mux rorner ur U IU.17, llienre jumili so rhalnv In Ihppp miles from, Terraei;, 31.1 much peal need. While a few had issfslance for Iwo weeks he would 1 1, Daily New" Olllce. 8.1 and baby carriages rc-lired, llienre eal Kit flialu.i. llienre norlli ail Word lias been, received here hy Cycle Accessories. chains, Ihenee wesl'gn eliaim. to imlnt of lo $(10 jipp iicpp on term. been sent out 'In jobs, more lunl he' in favor of carryiiifr on lb - eiiliiiiiHiii'einent. cnntalnlnir iUii irns nmn. Till IN ITU UK for sale and three- lack llial .1. .Slrauff or leas. I.AVi:lii:il llarnslcy MOC.KTO., Parity improved id-aero lots; come into (lie cily from Hie ou:-ide lief work. This should be ascertained M. moiiijOoii. Agent. and V. Alexainb-p of this cily, wlut room house for rent. Apply 2(i(i Out of town orders promptly 7il lo .Kino ipp acre. and Ihc r.lnks or Hip uiipmi-idoyed al once. However, Ihe un have been looking- after Hie re Ninth Avenue Kast, Phone lied al tended to. piuifi: impFiit t.. n n rusTmcT his One fivp.nppp tract, .all cleared were as larpe as ever. The employed should know llial th iiui.T or r.insr. ihvuiv r,. 281. 81 and plowed am fenced, Heady fop viluAljnit miisf be me) Iriiipfn'u-rjly city of Prince lliifierl poiibl not mains of the latej-'rauk Walsh at J. GAWTHORN " Take notice that I. T. IV Monrkion. nf asked lo n 1 7 I'ullon Slreel. lla.ellon. have ship farming. Oio) soil, (food loci, and Hie lielecralinn I'onsidecpd support evpry innn who ili ifieil in, been KOll. Household furniture, Victoria. H. C. miner, Intend to apply ror a license to nrosnert Tor coal, neli-oleum and Hie hodv lion. Onp.lialf initn from Mown Hint il was juslilie.l in asking foe and Hie relief work could only lasl lo C.alsrary. They have piano -a snap at $.150. . Apply WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. natural gas on Ihe following descrlhed in Rood .road. Price $2000 cash. continuation of nMief work. Tin" for another week or ten days al maile suitable arrangements, hut 22.1 Ninth Avenue Hast. ' 82 Kxperi watch, clock and chaliiH lamiii .Commencing sou III of (tie al soiilliwesl a imisi planted corner 1 or Write fop our free booklet on uieil did not waul charity lull jiesl. He did not believe in (he !lipiioiy will mil lejyjp lililil after chronometer maker. Lot 11137, thence smith go rhalns. thence Ihe hupiesl, .aluiday roil .SAl.K, Ftnall wesl hii rhalris. ihence portli rhalns, ,iiobiiblyon phononraih u Terraca and islricl. merely Hie opportunity lo work. I cilv (pedhiK every mn wlut came Watch and .lewellery llepairs a llienre east ail chains In point nf ruin-iiieiicrment, One of the speak pi' said he knew in from the outside and said he niuhl. -V and records. Apply P.O, Jinx siecially. conlalnlug BIO, acres more ,n Mi'ssrs. and Alexander 33. 80 . less. O. p.1 MOMCKTOI, KENNEY BROS. & CO. f cases where, men had lived all was buiimy. llowevpr, Hip c'ly Siinany Mail orders promptly execuled. P. M. Moncklon, Agent. vill lie here but iwlnler oh I he (;iii'liflye scow and houhl look aftpr lliu-e who had louiplil, will KI4TK Cafo for sale, furnished , GEO. GIBB Real Estate and Insurance Brokers leave avain the' nexl I rain. piii.vci: luipltvr t.A.Mi nisTnicT ms Terrace, B. C. were weapinir rast.olT f I 1 1 1 i 1 1 . A been here all winter. on complete. I'linno 173. If Opp.'PosI Office (P.O. Ilox 2331 nucf or c.oAsr, uv.ii: . poiide of. .the ilelefrales weid Aid. Monliioiuery fell Hull Hie Prince Ituperl. tf Take lioilrr thai I,p: M. Monrkion. or rather farther alleld iii Iheir cily should continue Ihe work if JAP FINED FOR RENT Tetraee. II. C occupation laud siirvevor Intend lo apply ror. a license to pro(ieci statements and had to lie checked the (oivernmeal would lengthen BELL & CROSSETT rnr coal, imtiical gas and pelndeimi on the . . USE . . by the mayor. One aid llial its period of assistance, At Haysport Yesterday for Hav foil'ajid ItK.YIV-l'lal,hath. Hot and four cold water.rooms Painters and Decorators isist fo lowing planled descrlhed nun mile land.:west I.inioeiielnir or the mirth.ata iiijouey could more rightly be Mayor Hocliester said lie was ing Wild Ducks Unlawfully Paperhanglrig l's rorner or Lot Mfg. llienre nnrlli Sil Possession Plastered. Never occupied clialus, llienre west Hit rhalns, thenrn south speiil in relievlns unemployment in favor of it m t i i)1 1 ik if al all in finished, Kalsomlnlng gu chains, ilii-uee east NO chains In i-olnl niciy limit USB Shamrock than in pivir.a: i(irfl lo a deficient possible. Hp ilul not wanl to see T. Nakafrawa, a Japanese fjsh- iiiiuilli. Iniuirt McCaf fiMy per& Pre-war Prices.. of ciaiimeiicemenT,.oeaed January rouialnlng 0 nan Brie- Hoard of Trade, llilaucintf'. a public anyone i h on pry, and the tirsi f rman, was fined $?r yesterday Oibboii, .(.Id. or II. I.elom ne.'iu Work Neatly and (julckly Hone I.. MO.NCKTON. library and ip-coriljnn recep-lions di-'rye. shoubl li cili.ens and al Haysport, bavins been found rorner Siitfi Avenue and J'nl-Inn 318 riflh Sfi I. Phone 177 I'm v:i: iirifciiT I.ami rusTiucT nt- I BACON I to visitors. The unempbiypd iiU'ri'ii'd men. All who possibly uilty of liavintr giinw, namely Slreel, 80 TAXI TlllCf OP CliAHf. IHMii: a. would waloh (tin acliville nn this coih should pv) oui and rusle wild dueks. unlawfully In hi Phone 693 Take n it ten thiiM. I M. Monrkion. id HAM e Hiallpp of Ulie two nldfbien who and Iry lo tlm) emiiloyinunt else, TO HKNT I'liinlslied rooin. Terrace, II, C, occiipallon laud surves'or. possession. The, arre w-as piaile (Call (lenrup lloss Intend to apply Mr a license lo prospe i BUTTER had jieep pleclpd hy the labor vole. where. 'iet Ihpy had ap nuswvr hy (lame Warden Martin and' the Steam boated. Hoard if desired, 1'ive-passenger Touring Car rullowliig ror coal, natural derrlhi'i gua and iclroleuni on the at I ! Lpok to Cocntry. Iroui H.c ffovi.'roniit he would case was tried before (. Taylor. Hniiie Conkinsr. Noroik Prompt nnd NiKlil Service a pni. planted mm mile lands;west Commenrlng or the noille EGGS I f.l'iYO HiicliPiler explained teal (!ll Hie lliiunee cnmuiiltpp to. Port Kssiuttlon Justice of Ihe Hoom. Phono Itlack 321). tf ay west rorner of Ij.I Kg. ihenee nnrlli noiiih HO Stand: Boston Grill, Third Avenue chains, them e east 80 chains, ilil-nce LARD 'Ihc provincial and federal ftovepn Ret Iter '.villi' a view to llnaucint.' peace.. . hii rhalns. thence west an chains to point fiOOl) Clean lleds from l.50 of iuienl had S'i far been shaiinj.' in rnnllnualioii of work, In he per HAULAGE AND TRANSFER uicaieq ronuneiieemenl.January 1-oiitalnlng ii, IUV. 040 acre-. week. I'Mshermen's llest. I,alp lliii pplipf work, Tim city liad set iiieaatime he would assure the in;, ,Phone 189 P, M. MONCKTON, The Empire' Standard. aside a certain fpiid for this pup. employed a liai the council wouhl PRINCE RUPERT TIDES t Pioneer llooijis, 1(17 :rfd Ave,;K.102 rurnilure llPinovals PIIIMX lU'PLliT MNti IilSTIIICT HIS pnc, wip wii not only now ex. do all in it powep In assist them, t Prompt Spi-yipp tiui:t iiAM.ii: ft. P.BURNS CO., LTD. jlliuMi'd Hi' was overdrawn. More Tuesday, April . roil IlKNTKilchen am) two Prince Ituperl Transfer Tuke tioilce that I, P. M. Monrkion, of I federal assistance 'would he nee. CANADIAN CLUB Illffh- - T,:Xi a.ni., 18.3 feet, bedrooms willi hot and cold JIM STURGEON Tarrare,for tt license B, to C,nroslu'rl surveyor,ror Intend eonl. oetroh Pi appi'lllll lensnry jf Ihe city was to carry it I B : i r p.m., 1(5 feet. water. I'Imuip Hcd 250, If and iialuial gas on tlm following desmoid Low 12:12 p.m. 0,1. feet. UT. ELMO HOTEL luiids: Commeuelng at a post planted I 'on, Thcvniayoi: Ihouphl that if ASKS PRESIDENT rhalns goiiih pf Pie. aotiUovrM cornei or it .were roiilinueil for another Wednesday, April ft. IT'ltNIKIIKI) housekeepini,' sujlc Unions 1o let from 3 per week tip. Lot 0U7. Iheiii'ti north Ao chains, llienr UIkIi ;IO a I7.H feet. fop rent, Apply Kmpress lloiel. Ituniiing hoi and cold water in run ko rlmlus, llii-nrc smith 0 rhaliP PACIFIC CARTAG E fuitiiiulil Hie slluulioii iiiiyl'l'lhcn TO VISIT HERE Ihesre west HO chiilua to unl of coin be no jieller than it was now. lie 20:0(1 p.ni, U'-l i''''t-l.ow phone llhk B02. 8t all rooin. "f lueiirriurnt,less. and rouialnlng P, M,cit MONCk'TOl.acres nmiv 0:32 0.2 feet. I'len jUiuueslub Hial as many men as The Canadian cluh of this cily p.m., l'i:lNISIi:t) modern Hat to rent, llalh,. Slriclly Modern naieu January gist, tsy. Limited !iossiie pel nut lo iUhi pniiitiT IhroiiKh V.. A. Wakelhtd, U. S. t:i:27 P.m., (l.a feel. 210 Ninth Avenue, upstairs. Phone Green 610 rillSCK Itl prnT I AMI niSTIIir.T IdS Phone 93 where bere possililv would, he consul, mid the conul-jrcncril at Jir r. YV. Harl. If HYDE TRANSFER llill.l W MI.4.9T, IIAMIK 0 job now Ibiit the sprint-' activity Ottawa, ha invited resilient W. In)I.T.U-QwIi It RiWit Phone 5S0 Ti,L. ."'ifr n.ilA .I.A,mi. I, AUIIIieril....,. iili'in.i.i.llf,lt." Furniture, Piano and was niiiimencfnir. Th "city vu !. Ilardintr to visit the ry In id CATARRH p,VNO ruoip fur mil. Ku liable General Haulage apply i rtorla.ror R.a r.ilretiso to prospect ho.iuI for I'1 MiltluK In d nil it ('(Mild hut it course of lu Irip he proposes aaaaa77TTTTTTiHi BLADDER fur nics. Apply Kavoy Hotel, t "am Iwlroleum tad natural gaa'on lint folio' Safe Moving eolli loke lie duties uf uiakitiK to Alaska Hii (Jt,SkcWiI lug difsrrlhed lands; commenrlng at a pn' po oypp summer. BQATf FOR hTbE. Coal planted li chains smith of the southwed O 1 General Cartage Hie pnivlncial and federal ji"Vr (ir. llaidiiiK y j 1 1 he npkei in iu. iMllkl . . r Agent Ituperl and District for I'urn.i,........lheur n urn t I,. til IA4.,,.ii,rhalns.,i iiii'iiri-Iheiue nnrdi un nv oi)lh! l,uiiii.;x VUttl gand and Crave! ernnieiils in llndinif work fur dress IhiCanndinu Club if be decides 1 Bswanof counterfeit LAUNCH "Narbetltonu" Wn sell Globe Airless Tubes. rhalns.i.iiiiiiii.ii.j.ii.-i,i thence etit...... ......0 rhalns Id..i point f 'very man who drifted into Hid to call at this city. Service. lhone Hlack itift. If Second Avenue more: or less...iin, Bin.katiii riiiiiMining H!N' moickto iiiu c. iu, aioitvivit '