frhUy. Frhmarv PArtR TWO KT THE DAILY TfEWH 17 The Daily IJIews MASQUERADE . nniNRR nui'p.T - mutism' coi.miniA Published Every Afternoon, except Similar, liy The News BALL, ANYOX Printing and Publishing Company. Thinl Avenue. than St. Charles-more a II. T. Pt'LU. MaiiflRinff IMilnr. Valentin Event at Smelter Town We Wonderful Succeia. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: . PRINCE RUPERT JUDQES. Cilv Dnlivery, by mnll or rnrricr, per mnnllw Hynfil In nil p-rU of Ihc? Hrilih Kmpire ami Ihn United Stales ANYO.V. Pep. i;. Klkdnnt ran in advance, per year rt.00 riot here on lai Tuesday milk branded To nil olher countries, in ndvance. per year. $7."n evVhlnjr.tfie occasion liiiR the Most everybody knows that r.nnual Yalehtlne Manneradn with the name St. Charles has "the cream 11 win i Hirmu TELEPHONE 98 Hall, under the direction of fhe Trnnoient DUplayt .ilvcrliinf? M.Jft i-cr nfoh pt insertion Anyox Klk. which waX held In left in', that it contains a minimum of 7.8 ' BACoS rM7Eilll fowr ft Ul.. Tronieiil AdverlWtiff on Front P.ipe ....... 2,M per inch Hie Itecrealion If nil. per cent, butter fat, that it is properly sterilized, ChuU MM, n ! n.i, ,,i I.oca I Headers, per insertion . .2.1c per line II prnxed lo he the oeia event in, mm iMtpaunfal Koutt dli !. CUa?ifll Advertising,, per insertion 2e per word of thn season, and one of the that it is always of the highest pure ku la Ikla mm4 Iff. Tiwn I.) k a lfra Notices, each insertion !" perjipnle line mosl successful and brllllanl rich quality, and always fresh. Ulrltpn.rwr""''iiS It, H hn liU cIJm m .1 bslOf u.........tM i Contract Hale on AnplioaUoti. lances ever held in Anyot. Uf kMl " "4 MT, ( nr. All advcrtiinr hoiid ! in The Haily '.News nnice on day preceding .The spaciou hall was beiii-tifiilty milk obtainable! v turn r we IVm m mm- pit inn. All ndvcrliiiiR received subject In approval. dfcoraicd with Allied fin; is the finest y Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations mid- hiinline, Ihe royal purple pmhlcm of i:iltli.m lioinic in evidence, But St. Charles stands for more than a ;'r molriday. February, IT. 102. while colored ectrie of At left DAILY EDITION lishl were prettily festooned name. It is your unqualified guarantee p itr in .nir( the dance, floor easting a complete satisfaction, it is your assurance Library for City ruirylikp glow over the palmy Seems Vtssured. . or color dilayc hy Hie inas. that your purchase will never disappoint, it I Jiiflfriiifr from Ihc lone ' ,nsl "'P"5 s nieelinff nn.1 rrotn pieraoers. "doubt" from your milk buying. expreiiui or opinion heard on the -trccts, a civic library should sljuiie 115 fancy piunie. removes he arra-'Minl furl in "hurt lime. .The new committee i" pro-pariiiK eiiide,. weri in the floor, while -st e."s5 a! budget and will lay the mallei" before I he city council in an additional -hundred spectator Why b satisfied with any oiher milk but Ihe ne.-ir fiilnrc, taking.that if Ip lakon upas a regular fealure or were sealed around Hip hall. St. Charles particularly as it costs no more? - civic work. At the anie lime Library A.orinlioii i being D.ini ini Vommcjieed promptly at formed to co-operate wiih the ciiy mid In help gather hooks ami 0 .rn. lo the rJrainc of JasH and table use. St. Charles ''y it for cooking Use go inlo the mailer of securing n new building iijjhe npar fuliire. rneloiiy delightfully reodered by It will he the huines of this eonimiltee In footer"evetylliingllial llieAnyo orehesfra "dresel In answers every milk purpose betterand (-more has to ilrt wilh library improvement. , w. . the guise of every known and "A sizo for need." Already mivos is reported in seciirtug.e nneleus of a unknown cannibal lrile, under economically. every ertlleetion nf hooks. Thee are heiug c:i tv fully lored And catalogued the capable leailership of (1. Order a supply from your grocer to-day I und will he available just as soon a Ihe library is ready to liaydeh. I'aAly Hyan acted in open il doors wilh si librarian in charge. a capable manner a floor roan. asrcrv. "L Also makers of B. C. Brand Milk Great Need Is Prince Rupert Jutfoes. Librarian. Four ititr were offerd for II Trained hlh ladies and gentlemen' en. The Borden Company, Limited, Vancouver The one essential In a successful library i"a Irained librarian who will devote her whole lime In Ihe work. To make the library Ium, Ihe judjep. being llalph subsidiary In anj thing ele is to smother it aborning. It ha (o l.ppihe, licpuly r.r.ind Hxalled Ihe northern dUtricL he a ilistinet entity. The new library may very well lake over me Kuler for reading room and the librarian -be given charge of everything W. I', tloberse. Leading Kniirht. object to either Ihe reading room eommiltee of Ihe council or h and K. t'nwiii, 'of the Prince nu- iert l.Hipe No. IC. wh library' eommtsion appointed hy the eouneil but aeling independently weref. ilinjr brother Kll tn the Anynt p of it. In view of Ihe lar?e CHARLES MILK Lodge. num-Iter ST. The reading mom has done good work in the past. It has of elegant costume present provided a place where men may go to read the newspaper" aixl Hie jiilzin? proved a difficult magazines and In spcitd iui hnur when not otherwise employed. Pure CounlrymtkthTheCreamJ&ftfn I ask. A jrrand. march comiuenced If it i. placed under Ihe supervision of the librarian its usefulness for Ihe benefit at 10 o'clock, of should be increased. The librarian would Hud means of adding 'lo:ir the judges, and ul the to the attractiveness of the place and would aid those who wished judging bad been roinplelcd when to take special courses of study. up r amid much merriment the dan. Without a librarian the library would be a dead place. eer.s unmasked. Instance of this it shown in Ihe lied dross library which wa The prizes were, awarded as established' here temporarily during the war. Mrs. Hackii. who follows: laily; Mri.K, J.-C4in-ay, nijrlit; fanner i ahle lo eris swil in was voluntary librarian, took a keen interest in Ihe work, and the i e s Adve rt i 1 n z, M a rv je J. I'imler-Mos, His Satanic an oratorical contest wilh Ihe result was that the library was" used a great deal. Directly she .Mcl.inald. "The Daily New."' Majesty; Mi liamtilin. a folly urighlesl inimls ill ilu- cajiflnl O C7 left, Hie library went out of business. Almost everything depend Characler Jis .Violet McKay, irl: .ure! Sleyari, home furu-ihin; Hid gel the best of lln-ilt. What unAn IliA lihrt-ikii' " " ' f- -'f"" ' ' Mil Haha." llarnlif liollion, Seolch :s wilh Ihnl seuli'nref GAR FREE l-'aney Mrs. J. I'inder-Mnss, soldier: II. M. Mwre. Ilowery Good Class pf "Lady of Ihe Han-m." Jim: Mis H; 0. Stewart. Sc.oU Boohs Donated. tirnlc .ure Stewart, Home land; Ilosie ilWeill. uu old fali-ioneit Ten Years One of Ihc noticeable things about Ihe loiiksso far donated at m.'.iiiiiii i. firl; Dr. Whelan. clowiu Ago to the library is the high class of the literature. Practically, all !enllemenr-dverlisln? f!eo. Mrs. p. W helan, I'leretle; J. II. In Pi nc Ruprt JUST ARRIVED ihe r.ooks were liy well known -author, and many were classic. Mc:oll, "lleint Pickle." Maedonald. radio telegraphist; The books were generally in good condition, well bound, and some Fancy. I. W. How, "The, Pir Mrs. J. II. Maedonald, a white February 17, 1312. hail been little used. ate." sister; Mrs. II. Thorson, Turkish W. C. C Melia.i. gi-io-ral sup-riiiieudenl 2090 lbs. Valentine Tea Those who still have bonks which they do nol use or which Character, liean fliurell, lady; Mr. perry: Jlr. II. .f the iira:id JVun: they feel they could spare for Ihe public Ireuefll are aked to send "Farmer fliles." Hart; Mre. K. Anderson; Mrs. I'acific Railway, 1dn ga- I-4.1)' Rfoular Prlca 60o Dee lb. them in. They may be left at either of the Orme drug stores. Mr. (V,mic W. Ileiahway. "Vice I.. II. ituirdiek, star of Ihe Hast; nolH-e to the eiljr hall, ml-iffice To intrmture thU lea, we vult FOR ONE WEEK 0NLT ijrme na kindly allowed the services of his stores in thai wav Versa." , filadys Hashley, ciarHle; Viv and alt other buildings mi until Ihe library is established. When there is a place to put the ,AI It o'clock the usual K'ks ian Itasbley, a knitting bag; Miss the reserve In utme in order-lo Granulated 2 lbs. B. C. books they will be removed. Mr. Wilkinson is giving his services service was. held ifi utter dark McColl. lio.pcep; I.on-iia Cliani-pion, make way for the starling of Sugar tree ami is cataloguing ihe books as they come in. All hooks, will ness, which wan presided nor Cipsy girl; (itadys Farticll, Ptcavalinn work by the roiupany be acliinwledgrd through Ihe press. liy II. It. hapmau, exalted ruler Valentine girl; Flo KM. Utile for'-new terminals, hwlel and Jlry with avary two lb, or VaUnllp Ta for 95c. inc. nuiicuiiy with making collections of ,js sort is that tf Anyox l.o.lje jfo. 17. l.ord Fauiilleroy; Violet McKay. dork. The n. T. Ilnn i to be UY NOW NO LIMIT TO QUANTITIES ople forget In bring in the bfaiks. The time In do it U today lie fresh rncnls. were served at Turkish lady; Mrs. Frank Miller, moved across from Its present winie ii i jrcsii in me ininu. 1 1 :3(l by coon soldiers, cannibal a washerwoman; Mrs. II. Clay, a location tiRd will lie changed into Un'i, pirate and clowns, dur. Hed Cro nurse; Sid Armstrong. office. , FULLERS, LIMITED Canadian Club in? which Ilalnh'ine pre. Plack Walch; Fred Hale, loco Being Revived. ' nenled Ihe prizes amid-applause engineer; A. Johnson, Plerroll The marine depot nl Digby Phone 45 The new executive of the Canadian Club has already held a Guest Prsnt. and Mrs. Jack rimllli Virginia Nland is rapidly inuring rum. meeting ani arranged for a canvass for members. Thai the club Among the irue present cigarette fdellon and the big rcinfoivcd Koue the institutions were: Harry Thorley, convict Dancing continued until t a. dock will be oi of Ihe eily lhat should be encouraged and nmerete t'enily 1o when the singing .of (he Xn 909; Jack Sherman, clown: Jim m. Kj.i i generally recognized. While the Ilotary Club euler- rvet-ive sleaniers on Ihe firl of tm n-itiiig giipsl-. the Canadian Club is to all my Hlaney, clown; Mrs. Mnnfoeh. llonai Aiillieni lerininaieu a next month. open Ilritish cow fc'irl; l!ert. ' McColl, Hefnr brilliant and happy eeuijg siibjeels and does an allorethee riiuVrcnf rl.i ,,r -rL- n nn - Lumber Lath niche in the lify of the place that oilier pickle; Mr. McCnlt, ;ipsy & no organization fill. SEAL COVE COUPLE can lit: a.iinAAJj ,Inr.a...I . .... It.. . . . . Archie Perry, a chef; Charlie ; K .aiiy, mi m mm fin uir "iipport ir gots tram iho piihlir. Winy, a clowns Mrs. C. Wins j The Man in the Moon j CELEBRATE GOLDEN Mrs. V. F. F.vr. pierette; Marvie and McDonald, 'The Daily Xew I SAYSj- j WEDDING TODAY Shiplap-Boards Saving $1,000 It. It. Chapman, an I'.nylUh iiport; K . g Mrs. Waller Jone, My f.ady WHO aid Prince lltiperl woiibl Dimension Mr. and Mis. T. M. Ol-wcg, of Valentine; Cy Oreenwall, Charlen nol have a lihrary? Through thousand trifling dollars economies, you can accumulate l; II. T. Wrmvn, Colonial gentle. Seal Cove, are today celehi-aNng Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under f or one in few a years. Ihe golden anniversary of their iiiun; Mis McKay, Ali Itaha; I III' all mankind By persistently and regularly depositing $2.00 a W Dow, pirate; Mrs. Yt C. Wil. I clarify Ihe luf wedding day. The groom, co.In Siding week with uswith interest at 3, compounded hy. a June bride; (Si;o, Thomas, Those who liave'sene cidentally, i "I vears of ngc Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceil'ng, semi-annually you wil have $1,211.43 to your a Crtorr Moldler; Fred Morrow, And Ihosn who hae no. having oelfbraled his liirl li.f.iy credit in ten years. elnwn; Donny Moore, Ilabe Uulh; V Just yeslerday. Mr. and Mm. and Finish Copy of mtbrftckur Tb Rawlt of Male draco (irceiij pierette; Tom OF all -mankind firwejr are Ihe parent of .Mrs. in WtekJjr Deposit." free on rcqucat l.ncski, tramp; Mrs. ii. Foxley, I know thin be I rue I.eir Iteilh. Mr. (Jrwcg is well SPRUCE LATH red, wlille and blue' J. Fnxley, Some are successful known along Ihe waterfront a-a UNION BANK OF a waller; Jterniec Clay, a bride; Oilier are n I ways blue, boat builder. . Manufactured In Prlnca Rupert and aelllng at Lowett PH"t CANADA Florence Kollard, safety first; Oracc (lrAii, Folly girl; Mim H. Caitnln drove, f,f tUr Panfii- YOU have heard of Ihe wife Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick.-Manager 0. Lewis,a Mae culey;Hennetl Mrs,beauty;A. Campbell, Itone ami who said asked she her wa husband going o if dres she Klevedvring longshoremen,Vo sailed mid a last party niuhi.if PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Moffatj rafc'time; Phyli ftrejfKjj, should pul on the percolaor. The for flceauFiilis where they will I Seal Coe, Prlnca Rupert Telephone l.lllle lied Hiding Hood; Mr. J. husband remarked that she look assi.t in Hie iiiading of pulp and' . . . ? 1 I'inder.Mn, l.ady of the Harem: imper on a trans-I'anfii i-anier ed all right the way' she was. O. J, llillchlns, Creum of Wheat; D AIT Our froxen herring bait Is conceded by fishermen Mie It tub. aerial post: Hot. WHF..N Dickie's, mother heard SUITCASES ajf lo be the flneil procurable at any Pacific Coast Aftnour, I'ierrotl; Mrs. Hob Ar he had been shooling she Port and It is MPIhy." Price, $30 ton. craps DENTISTRY per mour, good luck; Mr. Pcdvln, wan ntuch annoyed for as she TRUNKS IlTF r'"1 he ay oi ,nt,urin2 a good quality trip is Dutchman; MImn A, McMillan; sam sne never liked Ihe hoy in tooth lo have plenty of our hard frozen ice, Price, Mr. Diipul, a lady; II. D. South. be cruel In anything. CLUB BAGS Don't neglect your teeth. One decayed or mHlnK It per ton. am, country rubn; Jack Haxnall, lower your vitality. Ollffif K 0ur xvl-MIwlPPftd can supply Ashing gear, pirate; J. K, Holnien, plerroll; JOHN OI.IVK.H is one of ihe Large Stock hand. fishermen's clothing, groceries and provUigns A. DobbJn, Ihe candy kid; Mr. mol interesting people thai vis on DR. BAYNE and hardware, Prices low. Champion, folly; K. C Orihaio, it, Ottawa. Thai Is why the very policeman; Mrs. T. A. Lorlki, Mnnm A R. fl. UtldiPMn Blnek fhOfi u newnnapern are so keen lo get J. F. NEW ENGLAND FISH Company water lily; Mrs, 11. H. Munro; him In talk for them. MAGUIRE nnicf llourts Morplnao, 9-12; Afternonna. 30-a 30i Ketchikan, Alaska Branch Mr. V. II. Parens, Cblne Udy; Kt the Prince Kurt Hot! IiveninM, 7-9, Mrs. Chui, MrLaiigbliu, IT U not nfteit a real old-time