February, 17, 10?8. p-iday. THE DAILY NEWS PAOE TUREB L . j In the Letter Box j Local and Personal $1.00 $1.00 DEFENDS ENGINEER. Tor a lax I, phone C If F-difur Daily Ncwn: A Genuine I Hunk il ii only fair In the Qoorge Leek, Auctioneer. tf !JJI"is?Llv" Gillette ' Hy I'liKinci'i- flint il should lie Safety brought in l attention ,,f iiiu-c Launch "Oh Baby." Blue'648. who ri-u.i Mr. Mafruire letter. Razor for $1. Mini lliniiyli tdi' lalier en(omau D. (J. Undertakers. Phone 41. tf m entirely al liberty lo nay what I in I'.ihul i-uii'ij unu tin' price In' like about ir Seventh Sirecj Huyners, Undertakers. Phone ili-i from- j In III. l i. Mir proponiliiin, ,P hardly elllilteil 351. If .inn' identical article except Uial to ri-ilifi.t IIh' "pinion of u pro-rKii.jiul ii lia UlaiJl .Jli of llllliZl'll. i-imiici'r, particularly , Onh for Victory llnnd. Tlion. ihi'iiiiwli tin' pren which mort' or MtCIymyiit; " ' tf The Twinplex Stropper $5 !' preclude that cujiinccr ' ' fruin i-iyitK- More m?al for your money. Jin-' iwo f iiit k a ii'iiiri - 1 1 1 li ii ii 1 ion Hull mi man ulm I urllii'r I would like lo hear Cily Market. (I ., iv - run iiflWd In lf Mitlmut. 'I'tii' TwiuplfA liurn n the I In- opinion of transfer men ami c ... .ij.M-, IhiIIi nidi-v alli i nalel) . One hlade IunIi three li-aiimtern on ncvernl of tlio New shipment of nniarl up-to- in imhI every nhaye ii perfect nhavc heller limn wilh a -traden IipxiiioI;i a practical for date Spring" 'bi-enne at Oeinern. tn w MaiJi'. liauliiiK hcaty load. in I mi Wnei oliers vex z?.2i'." Plans of City, '. Hi,i , 'Hidil'MHT in luilli in absolute niul we offer either or Imlli lie also (inoles I lie original K. L'liwin. relumed from Anyox ti one month's free trial. Your money back. Vou lake no planner, i f I lie town He an ii Hie S. S. Prinee I In perl lanl i:j!u Hatinlled eiintomi-r are wir beat advcrttm-nieiitn. uulliiii-ily. I wan iniili-r (In- ini- night. V o mimi In- nutinlled. ,renniini (hat thee gentlemen were somewhat ilinereditcd in (iuy W. Davis relumed lanl their iceplion of lliti layout of nielli on Hie I'rinre )liiierl In McRAE BROS, LIMITED lliitf lii fuel-ilv I iihifer.nlnnd lh( the Vancouver. i-iiy wan iiriiilnally planned hy a Mrn. Iv Vmnii' nailed al Tm in nf landscape gardeners to ft Jif 111 on Uie Prince Itupcrl for wli'i..- fn Ut Development Vaiirouver.. i. .iiiianyV en-Huccr endeaVored ' Rex I.. r..llfi. Hi ille Micrjflco of V. I-. Iliihiir'i'. arrived in Die i Stocktaking Comes in 2 Months. niiii-i-iiii principles. oily lant nly lit on the S. S. Prince In time. Hip savin? ftf n fw It u perl from Aiiyoi. iliuiiKiiiiil dollam in construction f Hie sleeper frrnden Iisik 4i J)e Mr. II. Ii: ScJiull. of Salvim. Until that time we will offer paiil fur liuiiilreil of fimrs ovrtr naile, oil the X'jihei' Ituperl lanl SMOKING in liaulae i-fIi, for all Jinie to nijflil for Viineouver. Specials in Several Lines i "Ilie. . I In- main ii-aini l.p. raxy Minn (ileemin wan a iai-ll'er jrrinle foe lite exIi'lriKN f Ilie leavins for Vannuner on Hie Mixture I CHOCOLATES n. T. P. Hallway nml Ineiiienlully I'lillre llupert lant liishl. French Mlii nly. i Hie wiiiie ream in, thai i Mr. Maanire emleavorit to xanw Jin- Hem, Hie tadie.n' ftirnili. i a Iii-iiik int reason. iiik dealer, naileil lanl mailt ou :. II. I CMtMIIY. P.lt.K. a lnllienn Irlii In vaneouver. Ivory STATIONERY The Kaiiinliaii Niilinnal -li-aiiiei 'Ilie lleeven Vacuum Chillier I'lim-i- J ilt n i ilue hHek from conln only I C.Ort- and nolhius (he Jffu t'.harliille Nlainl at lo inrale. Phone lllack "no. If These will be sold at cost to clear. II it'eliK-k (miiylil ami will nail al niiilni?lit fur Slewni-1.- II. 'I'. Newlmi, of 'I'errare. or Cgorotfe reached Hie rily lal nilil and 0RMESL1ITED PrivnlP lellern iii i-iiiinerlioii in reinlercd at lilt lli(e Prince Willi llii MISS aeHMHlt were Ituperl. ilieui.eil at a Iliree Imur private 9 9 The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store ni-o.iim nf Hip fily cmiiiril Mr. and Mrn. Af w. Mcl.fean l.iot Hindi. II in innleriH tM -nailed timl nlslll fifr frail le' en- William Duduward, iitixlaiitial riiliirtionn in niHui' rmite lo (laHforttia fwliere Ihry Simpnim, reacheil llic if i lie vsalerfronl priierl(e liavi will ill fiHurX-ItaM exeililt?. J li art'rally Im-n ileciileil u pi in hy Canadian National Railways flu- emiiirll. l. V. (Jray. of Atice Arm J. Marm, of .North Pacific Cannery, . , RUPERT BRAND . . eatne in on Ilie Prlncei llupert reached the "ity try last; Ii. I'. Jnllll-iiille. IIIMilioil a- lat nishi ami fn 'resisteriHl a train. izfi(ji 'jimiuI llailwny cily liekel asenl Hie Hotel Pi-inec ltn.erl. and Bloaters Kippers Prince Rupert ii-liiriiril lanl nixlit In the rily llalph KePine, 'rt-liirniil to- Ho- after liavinp niieiil five wrek- mi Itr.erve Friday iiijrlil the ?lili cily on (he S. Prince Ituperl a linliil.iy iriji In Onteru (Camilla for Ihe lloyn' .atul llrfcrade lanl nirhl from Anyox. iiUUIm oilier nlar n lie vinilnl Dane' at SI. Andrew'n Hall. Ar. Montreal. IUIinonl.ui. Turoulo. Ilinr'n nix nlii'e orrlip.Hira. Jenlln in ciiuilli-r noon. Inline for Sale at Shipyards Viiiiiiitf. SI. .lnliii untl Halifax. and hear almiil il from CimI's RETAIL ALL STORES lie reporln ruiulitioiin K'Mirrjitly iiuual Hfiii'ral Mi-ctin-.' of tin Word. Penli-rontal Minnimi. If Hiiiel in (he Knl. Harry Wrihl. Prince Itiiperi Mimical Society Operating O, T P. 20,000 Ton (Floating Dry Dock The Most Breakfast Food IraM'lliiii: nanoenuer nuciit. who will ie held in Uie Prenhvlerian J. I'. Sullie, iii'iivim-ial sov- Tasty Engineers, Machinists Oollermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern lia lii-en relietin in Hie Im-al hiirrli Hall on Momlay next at eniiiii-nl imlilic workn i-niuccr. makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ' JIhiIihh''k K Obtainable nffii-e ilurinu Mr. n.m. 41 nailn on the Prince John tonlclit Electric and Acetylene Welding. ali-i-iii-i-. reliirneil lo Vniit-onver for Stewart where he will loeale lanl night. Whint Ihixe and Dance iinili-r i nile for Ihe new liiiiljre which Ilie aimplcen of Hie SI. Alldrew'n in lo lie lllll ov.'r ihe Itrar lliver Smoked Daily by Our iil.uil is i'iniiii'tl to liandln nil kiwi uf NOTICE. MM-iey will lie lurht ill St. An- lo the which replace one was My wife. Malik V. AUamn or Irew'n Hall Friday i-vi-niii;.. I7lli taken mil in lanl fall's floodn. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. MARINE AND lefl I will nol lime, haviiiii me, il n ii.in. nil arii. .vriliur s munic. lie lYnimnnihle fur any ileliln in- to I'liere were four coillenlanln in PRINCE RUPERT COMMERCIAL WORK curreil hy her It. A OA MS. Hie Jackie ("noan inipemonalion .Mi Hlish, wlio for nollie lime al Ihe Wenlholme. Theatre lanl PHONCS 43 AND 385 There may De noinelliifiic yn han lieen lady nUM'iiuti'ndeul al i 1 1 1 ami the iirinen were uhiiiiI- want. See Hi rlnifli-i1 rnliiiii Hie Haiellmi Honpilal, panm-il d a follows: l-'irnl, Harry lln-ouli (he eily lanl eveniii'. rn-roule Cleiueiilnon: t-eeolld, Mike Che- FULLER'S SPECIALS lo Pi'tllictfou where sh nonki; Ihinl, Kcnenl Wenluway: will take a nimllar posit inn. ourlh, lenient Italchford. Tin CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Nanaimo-Wellington Pfi A J iliilscn were Minn Mills, teinv' Swifl n I.art), per III. ici lii'iii-ue McAfee, inaiia'rei' of Frizzi-ll and (ieur-.-e Muiiro. B.C. Coast Services i I'urily Flour, wick . . $2.25 ilie (ieor'ilinvn sawmill, nailed AT REDUCED PRICES VVXlli i Fruit A V Co 1 1... niulil on Ihe Prince llimerl Tlie cane helwcen Jaeoh Mouka LASTS .LONGER WORE HEAT BETTER SERVICE 'l.oeal N. I.. Krnn 60c fm- Vancoiivei- where he will and Helen Itlackbiirn, in wliicli Sailings from Prince Rupert, Wnli-li m-.ii III--M til -ft'ii ami ' a'111"' J"liiitniii-' Fluid lli-ef. $1.25 v,if family. The Hit- Hav Jude Yuan-.- thin week jtave NANAIMO-WELLINQTON Is the Cheapest and Best. Freneh Mimlari ZSelmill jJ jin-M-nl cloned down jiid-iiii-iil in favor oT Hie plaintiff, For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skaaway Our Osmi Hrand HuUer 45o fi- overhaul al which all I he in lo he apiiealed. The cane ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. French Muhhrooiiix 75c nlaff of emnloveen are hunv. involves iandlord and tenant January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27. II. i Milk, pec cane' . . t.su lawn and the plaintiff wan j.'jv- For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-January Phones. 116 and 564 Itojjfrn' Svrup. 5n. per tin uc Mr urn Mrs I. I While mi.l en pon.ne nniiu in the Jiiilj-'ineiu. 7, 21; February 4, 18. Corn Sliuvli, special 10c family nailed lanl nl-.-lii on Hie M. liouiales aiii-aied fir Hie j llnllf-l Oals, SOn. only 85c Prince for Seattle after llupert plaintiff and II. u Ou-lit ii fm , for all Steamship Llnss. Agency Oried 111 Pen, ,1 llm. 25c cell npec. liaMII".' npeut niilin- iiiontiK III the defendant. O. Box 743 Phone 66 P. Climax Jam. in, ner Hu 75c Hie cily. They plan nn eventu Full information from iCarnaliou and St. Charlen, per ally iiMuruin-f to Calirn-nia to W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent JAMES HUNTER j fane S7.25 lic. Mr. While While in Ihe Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avonue, Prlnoe Rupert, . O. jliuntilc Soai. In ham 25c nun of Mr. and Mm. lleor-.e II. AND CAR BODY TWO DOLLAR GENERAL BLaCKSMITHING il.inilnliy Starch, 2 naekaKen. .25o While, Foitrtli Avenue J'ant. BUILDER lliiipren Mariualaile 90c Agent for'Tramo, Day-Elder and Ruggles Trucks Fl-enh i'-olTce. .'I llm, for $1 Ihe Itnlary Clllh will hold ll Cn-nin of Wheat 25c iniuvernary mei-lln next lhur.n- CLOCKS for purchasers. arriuwo Terms can be Clll'inlic'n Soilan, linn 65c ilay eveniii-- when Uio wivi'i atid First Avenue and Cow Bay I'.urn, IiiK linn, .i fm . 50c lady frieudn of Hie iiiciiilicrn will (iood clocks, loo. The nor! Prince Rupert, B. C. lie euleiiallied nt h baiiilict al that roul you out of bed In ANNOUNCEMENTS ocliM-k...the St. Ite-fin proxraiu Cafe comintttec III feCVcil Ihe morning. You know GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY t liem I lla" the"mailer in hand and will S. S, PRINCE RUPERT will sail 11 p.m. Wednesday fur Well, the price has been Ho.nplial Woinen'M Auxiliary provide a nuifahle elili'llainnn'iil reduced. Anyox. Midnight Thursday for Swunson Hay, Ocean Falls, lately MAGUIRE Silver Tea Friday, I7lh. Honpilal, for I lie occanion. Powell Hiver, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Dr. JOS. One will last for years. Kn is Ms of Columbus m Annual Also Hit,' lien:- am) Little S. S, PRINCE JOHN For all points on Northern and OancP, i'elnuary !ti. IM ward C. Van Anuii, tnaiiaer. lieu al V00. Southern uiu-en Charlotte islands January 30, February 13 DENTIST in n director or tin- American and 27. For Stewart. February 2 and 16. Carhuuizatinu Co., miuiuK de John Train Service. Bulger, , Visit his omco Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Vou r nut ptrt-iirn-Bg nuuern. hullder.-t and njicratom Passcicer MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al 11:16 Block or phono for an appointment. r CZEMA wheu of New York, punned.' throutili the The Jeweller . in. For Sin'' tiers. Prince. Deoriro, I'jliuonti'ii and Winn Phone 575 (1io'ymi us OluV-lir. city lan ni-zhl hound noulh uflcr icR. iiiakfn'r direei connection lor all po'iils I, Jlastern 0 7 lo 9 mriit fur Ecieni and bklu Irrlt- Canada and United Stales. n,lu 1 week in Olllco hours: U-12. liaviny. cpcnl a Anyox. J iimi. it rrllnr it on mid cmdu- 'GIFTS THAT evening. tllr hrlt Ui tkln. Hjm. Nix lr. Mr. Vim Annijn will return to . LASTi, Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. Sunday Appointments ''' A"'""' finiwr lltikH'i mid(ilnuiieiit ciiU OT.lump trt II fur you lKUie.uirntiun to-this N-w York by way of Mexico and City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue Phons 260 klliielen or K.liuunt- Ht & fu.. I UinllvU.Toron"" tin- I'aiiauiii I'amil.