I ,'For P.R.Fish Market TAXI Pork, Beef, Liver and Phone Blood Shusnge Fresh Killed neii:Servlcncl PRINCE RUPERT Local Host Carln tlicf Poultry ''"'Ms. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 071 Mil N. V.l P1UNCB HL'I'iiHT, H, C, I'M I DAY, FHUIIL'AHY 17, 19S2. TnlwM)'i Circulation 1111 Sirt tt t t. PKICF, FIVK HEM'S ftBaSBj Irish Treaty Amendment Voted Down MUCH ENTHUSIASM SHOWN fiVFR PIIRIIf I.IRRARY PROPOSALS Irish Free State Rill ENGLISH TANDEM IMPORTED FOR HORSE SHOW Library Movement Passes British Commons Kidnapped Men Returned Given Good Start LONDON, t'cb. 1 7. Tlie Mil esliiblishuig Hie Irili Free .siulcj BBBBBBBBBBBLhaBHBBBBBB at Initial Meeting llie second tending of the I loti? of Omnium today aflcrj nt i Imeiit olfcrcil ly Oipt. Charles Crnfg. leader of Hie L'Jler! -I. Iiml been defeated by vole of IW2 lo 00. The unu'ii'l-j J l.iil evening Uic public library niOvt-inciil got off to a good prcvidrd for the altering of Hip boundary commission pro-(if jt;irt at an MiHYuiuslic pict-liug in (lie city police court rooin, Hie Anglo-lriIi I t ea I y. j 'when Hit wliolf fitnatidii wars canva.cd and u committee HH.FAST. IVIi. I". The forly-lwo liiioiu.ts wlio won' appointed lo rarrj' on J lip work. This committee consisting of : pped during Ho recent raid across (In- border from Ihrj Ikv. (!. ti. Ilf.ckrr, Howard While. T. llos McKay, fi. V. Wilkiji-mim Ii have Lppii released. Michael Collins. FYec SLile president. I and Mrs, If. l'atliuoii, met later and cho-ir Mr. Ilackcr chairman : i inin t.linn liill. , and Mr. While M-crelnry. . H w,,!i u'rt tleeideil lo try to JliK V"U. 17. When the mall ! r tn inimiii armeo Here, SHIPS ARE .irninge lo meet the city council Monday nighl to place the .... m m f tt I l.nfi.M II..in. un n oriy oi iirme.i '("'ir7& UVJUIW lllllll.. il nil .'pie atf lli Irish Tin- coriliitil( ijecij'nl lhal FROZEN wlial was ni'-nVd raiil (BOYCOTT i BEER; I: : il hi and Freeman' Jujir- IN was a Hi Nationalist paper, uml of ;,r(iy lliis j i-ar and a ,ilacv lo j 'IT Dicrrl!oa mni IsJUcrelloB. Iioum- ,r hook., preferably I M A JTD A rTITIirnP in automobiles. The BALTIC SEA Mrs. IajuU Ijubx Combs, wlio won tbe cbampljnuhlp prizes for both slotle Jiarne borwt and pairs (he reajinc room. TliN would) 11 A Vt I f At . I I K T.K.l i v ii ioii I dues niiil I h I .iiu- t tbe National Horse Show of 1911. will hare a new pilr and tandem in tbe fiM aeit seaun.. The horses ii ' i. --paper Arm untouched. re hetnut. under 1S.1 hands. She calls them Ulsiretlon and Indlncrrtlou, but they are rejlftered In lie exMPndeii, fi.OOU lo pay a Iil.ll AST. Feb. 1 7-Last niglil Kntland, where Iher were bred, as Cadegan I'earl aid CalUoruia Koy. Mrs. Cumlts on many occasions has trained librarian and l.ui0 loj PROFITEERING li iiulelesl esppririired hupp Nine Vessels Wera Carrying proved ber worth as a rood Judge ot horse . buy nrw books, llie oilier 500j fur ilK-iilrntuI expenses. This J nirnk n Sunday niulit of Food for Starving ... ... . . would mukp Hip library a inuni-I I. II -- rt. Russians. VISENi,?SDv British Columbia Delegates at cipal library' and insure its con British Transport Workers Recommend ARE ENTERTAINED BY i tinuous support. I Action Against Old it lo their home if n . .. AIRPLANES IN USE. An active canvass is lo roin-i Country Brewers. iiilwr of Ulmiixd I ft lull ANYOX ELKS LODGE uuawa urge new urgamzauon linrnre to juvure luniks bx'ally, an lui'J u ttmiilaliu effect STOCKHOLM, Veb. 17. i onjpciive M IU00 ieimf l asl LOXDOX, Feb. I7.lecausff .llr opinion In UMcr, 1ml Eighty atcamara are adrift A.N VOX. F-b. 17. A very happy to Administrate Pacific Affairs Hip nuiul.-r il is desired lo e-j0rwage reductions in the Drew-pun. nliofi mi Uic border con. or froien in tha lea In tha TIipsp musl bp well bound Pry trade the .National Transport Jvm'jiiiib wa m-iii u I lie realm of ' lie one of dunjiiT owinsi Kattlgala and tha Sound, tha and in condition. - i workers- federation has difidrd r proximity of rivnl force nl two narrow entrance to tha Million oil etinfiay laeiMim -.iATLXUU.t'U 17.rleuiierIljver-juJHherni(rtJUerw-f Praclleallr AII-ABped.-- rt Baltic Seai. Thaeiela Include -Jwlitt niiii.Wliig fonr.Tl An'v--hMl:r'-ut honor TavT of flu-n Hie llrilNh Colombia freight rale. delegaliop lo the Iiearmg Of Flip public mi l which was Jvvurkcrs generally to boycott nlna American relief I'rlnre llupiTl 1 11 k visitors: lialph lli at 11 n 1 1 taji a lttriViit.jlsaj II 1 1 itfriiiii'm I 1 rti tif t It"I it T I presided over by II. F. Fullen j,Wr. Il is charged that they are ' ships with food for tha , . .'Willi Howard lute as secretary, euiltr of scandalous lirofileerimr LA lv vLI I IRII starving Russians. lA'pfii''. dfpuly dislricL e.alli"l ami olhcr eahinel xninl.-lers ypsterday. They that Hip ....iiomiaHiir .,l practically. Airplanes are attempting nifcr? V. V. lUibcrj-'f, esleenn-d tytciflc (Jo.it province vva being iliscriniinulcd agaiust by the all were agreed as. to what was to carry supplies to steam-era lii-liiriii kuii.Mil. ami I'.riiesl L'n-win. present scalp of rales which, in fact, coii.lilnled il breach of the iippijed. .Mr. NVIiIIp oulliiiPtl whal FREIGHT RATES AT BIG PRICES all ol I.o.Ikp 10. which are undersup-plied. South' ami musical Hrlcetions term of union uiider which ltrilih OjJumbia liud culen-d had been tl"iip at n prpviou. iin-.'liiiK .it ypar ami eiplaiin-.l lirnniMnnAnTV were lb.' order of the cvriihur. (kuifcileraliou. Dial IIotp .-eeineil lo 1p no hope CONSIDERATION nwmm mix 1 1 while (l"'rK litirkli ami dl Wal-!tixr AuolliiT jsiiltl Urged by Hie delegation was Hie esL-iblishmeut of iiPtling a Cirnegie Library ioffer of city to a pri'lly Iwniiu exhibilion. of a fi-Weral government orgauizalion lo cuulrol find administer so Hipy musl ridy on their own CONNECT DIGBY ISLD. Aflt-r Hip I I o'rloek lilk nerviee. affairs t.f Hip Pacille. It vva elaiiin.-.l that dirticulties resulted Troiii'resources. C. P. R. Engineer Questioned Regarding BMftk R I M. 9 UM.J..... .....I rpfrpuhiiipnls vmmp .hpisI in the Hip fuel thai the cpntn of organiatioii al. Hip present lime was .Mr. Pullen lold of an interview Effect of Connaught Boofa to View Royal Procession POWER IS ACCEPTED l.:iniui'liuK hall. lln.tisaii.l of miles away from llie scene or nt-lion. The creation of he had Willi .Mis Slewart, prrsi, Tunnel. to Abbey. poll the r'ruiiition of Hip i-u-Iprlaimiieitl a complete and independent unit of organiaJion in Ilrili-.lt Columbia i't'""! ol llie I'rovinrial Library llalph l.i'pinr iivAaii to iidmiiiiMcr Hie tisherles or the I'aeilic was urged. (iiiiniissi.m. Hie strongly re- OTTAWA, Feb. 17. The cross The .Naval llepartliM'til, of Ol- a.lilnvss on Hie objects of Flxdoiii . . I commended tin; formation of a examination of V. 11. Lanigan, HIGH AS IS PAIO. $73 luwii, hits wirril lo lli rily rlerk which was altilenlively li-lrnnl municipal library supporicii tty a C.P.II. Freight Iraffic IIk acei-pliinee of the offer re-(nlly to. 'J'he siiiRiil-j of "For 'I'lipy An- MAV m CllKR INFLUENZA IS ON millage rate secured by the pass- first willies of Iho llailway manager,Association, VIM..N Fi h. 17. It will rout niiiilo by the cily couuci! mm uu viuuiu Jollv (ioo.l Fellow" an.I Hip Na -nn who run urfrl In lo .i.ii.i ruM (lie line to Diaby tional A nl li in l.-rioir.ul.tt a DECREASE IN LONDON!!!;:' ,"J :,..fflw:,.rSd, noon loday ppeuejl In the shortly freight before rales iiluhiiliMil of 7.i or 1-linnl ronncllnK no wih the ' H.pmli. evviiinp. GERMANY SOON than -..50nvolumes of which TtOU hearing before the llailway Commission. a ylimpiM- of the lloyul rily lulit and power lines nl a Number of Deaths Last Week might be sepured locally. The . . Lanigan was preceded n lii'lwri'li lliirkliiuliiim il of ."iM7fi. 'hip work will I, . I C A VMIIVU Will V M Provincial liovernmenl would the stand J. M. on by Fairbairn, EXPENSIVE TOOTH uml Veliulilpr Ahl'"y nnd onlers Marl iiitiiii'.liiilHy Taxation Causing Uneasiness ! Thst Cause. fend 10(10 volume for a year or chief engineer oT Hie G.P.H., who ilny ir I'ritipPKN Mnry'"' il have been IssiiimI .o.'rinu Vote for Government Personal possibly two nnlil Hie library was questioned regarding the ef-fecl n Fcbrtiury 3H. Illil-wiiu from Olluwn. Th'-r will h a Lady Qeta Judgment for $7,600 Triumph. I I.O.NDUX. Feb. 17. orfieial (Continued on Page 5.) of (he Connaught Tunnel un nl winliiv or un rabb" aeros llie harbor from ! fiKiin-.s show Hie number of One Tooth Being Valued at llie operations of (li CP.ft. line 'f- or MiililiiiKx flanking Welvii w. $1250. HF.ltl.LN. Feb. 17. I'ro-ailmin- tlealhs from influenza in Lou-don throughout the mountain section. Ksiomil route about a and Hie towns of the islrdlioii papers lake the view thai great OLIVER URGES in liitlli in proceeding DRILL OPERATOR IS XI AV YOIIK. l i b. 1 7. A toolfi llie vote of piuilldeiice jsiven llie L'uiled Kingdom lust week total-d-d stowawaysIaken worlh I250 was In a Xpw York goverpuiPiil by Hie UeiehstaK is ui 7 3D compared wilh I.UI for ON WAY TO TERRACE judgment enleird njinliKl Hie city personal victory ror-11..,Chancpllorl11"; Wl,t'k wk" fiurM,H'l,ruar' the UNITY CANADA off prince reupert in the sum oT ?7,5(m) in favor or Wirtl. and express hope ll.all, ,'us,1 are Qlen Rasche Arrived Last Night .Ml .Mae V. Tracry for the loss the miveriimeut will ' now' have lowest since the week beginning From Anyox to Take Charge of six leeth. more force at the Henoa confer December UI. At Ottawa Luncheon B. C. Premier Tom Murphy and Joe Mitchell Removed from O. T, P. BELFAST MEN Up River Oil Drilling. The youiiK lady's leclh wpre ence. Appeals That Sectionalism Steamer Last Evening-Trial kljoeki'd out hint April. Miss I'lie situation in Oermany is FISH ARRIVALS Be Forgotten. Today. lil.-n Haix'he, who has Iippji in I'raeey teslifjpd, when she was still considered subjeel ia a po "o Untoward Incidents Yesterday ehure Of the dfamoiul drilling struck in the race by a relrieviiig litical crisis, parlieulurly in the Eighty Thousand Pounds Sold OTTAWA, Feb. 17. An appeal Two men. named Joe Mitchell out Police and Military operalluns at the Anyox mine, royo of a trolley pole. working mil of the taxation program This Morning at Slightly lo Canadian outside of his own and Tom Murphy, were turned Attend Burylngs. arrived in the city lat nihl on lo provide the money wilh Lower Prices. province to forgpt sectionalism oevr by the purser (if the Princo his way to Terrace where he will LIBERAL CANDIDATE which lo meet the reparations and co-operale for the good of ftupert last night on her arrival U:i, AST. Feb. 17. The day be In charge or the diamond demands. KiShty thousand pounds of Canada was voiced by Premier from Anyox lo Provincial Polico "a (ii eupnil in coinluetiuK ""'' ilrillUiK opcralloiis. lie was with halibut from leu llsh schooners John Oliver, of liritish Columbia, Chief Miuly and City Constable f"tl! il'l Of VliMllilM ,,t llil ll'Cl'lll Hoyle Ilrolhers of HpoKane for Kenneth Campbell Chosen to HIGH SCHOOL CLUB sold al lite Fish F..change this yesterday afternoon al a luncheon Pnuglic and litis, ufternoou will " '' nif. Ariiiured ear uml d. some year. beeomltiK u expert Contest Nelson Provincial morning al prices slightly lower tendered by the Otla-.ya face charges of Licllig stowaway ' iiiiiimiU of military and uperiul in diamond eUhuf Hi' wu " Riding at By-electlon. AT ANYOX HEARS AN than have been prevailing for th6 Hoard of Trade lo Hie Western before stipendiary Magistrate L llr li rr 1 1 1 ii i ii ti I...I lli, riiiinrula iiioihI drill operator Tor many past few weeks. prime minister and other Hritish MrMullin. It is alleged that they ''''vwliCfe In nriwiTvn niiliT. years with the ,'Oranby interests XKI.SOX. IV!.. 17. Ki'lilirlli INSTRUCTIVE ADDRESS The arrivals uml sules'werp us Columbia guests. Premier OJivcr were attempting to Deal tneir were no untoward Incidents in Flioentx. Cainplirll, president oj the Nel folhiw's: deplored "the narrow spirit of way from Anyux to Prince Hu-pnrt '"llilV son .literal Association was ANYOX, IVIi. 17. -The nionlhly Fuirwuy, 13,000 pounds: t'.on-venlitm. localism in Canada" and declared and were discovered. hosen Liberal candiilale for Nel SALT LOANS IN CHINA son provincial riding nl a convention tii-eliiii of Hie II full School Hbli 10,000 pounds, uud lliuv-leader, that Canada hud resources which without SILVER FOX SALE held here last-night. The was held in the High School on 2000 poumls, old ltlie could the whole not bo heurled developed co-operation DAUGHTER OF CITY Proposed Consolidation Opposiid seal was made vacant by the Monday evening. J. S. Holmes, I'acllle Fihenies al I0.7e and 0c. of ull Hie Three by Britain and United Statea. retirement of Dr. )tose, who resigned siiperiutemleul of Uu (iraulty Laura, 5000 pounds; MulamufV, provinces. SOLICITOR PRINCE Hundred Thousand Skins to. enter the Federal Hompauy coke plant, gave a very 1000 pounds, and D. '.. 1',. t,000 Offered the Hlqhest Reaching pFKIN. Feb. 17 I'he Lulled arena bu who wa defeated. interesliiuB and luslrurtive address pounds, sold lo the Canadian FUli LENINE NOT LIKEY GEORGE PASSED AWAY $C26. lliillsh leKullonn are to the students on the working uml Cold Sloragu i'o. ut 15.Ho rUntr and CONFERENCE GENOA and organisation of Iho coke and Ce. AT the consolidation or if SEVERE EXPLOSION. PIUNCt: OF.OIKii; Feb. 17. ''MO.NTHKAI,, Feb, 17. Hilver opposing and surplus loans, lukint? he plant, and laid particular emphu-sis F. C. llergert, B000 pounds; Jill Wilson, iho 13 year .old fckln were the utlraollon ut salt thul (h! Koverniiitut lisl XFAVAIIK, Feb.17.- The Atlas on the iinpnrtunc.c of education Annie Tuck, 8000 pounds, and LONDON, Feb. 17. II Is considered daughter of City Solicitor uud 'vii'iijv,.,.alu of ruw fur here, tho (trouud dlscilinlnutuiy l' tl'"l 11 ,!X-cludes I'owdcr AVurk ,ut hamlln, X. J,, both lei'hnically au uea-demically. llenuell, 7500 pounds, sold lo (he extremely unlikely that Mrs. P. K. Wilson, died from uiiiii'oxiniiiiiiiir :nin.nun l bona lido United stales and wu rocked by a verut'e explosion The ineellug was well Itoyal Fish Co, ul 11.8o ami 5c. Premier I.enine of Husslu will spinal meningitis, Tho funeral I'l'lffn I'uuufd u liluh us credit and Includes according lo a report recelveit attended uud the students showed Star. 1000 pound sold (o the ulleud" the (ienou economic con. was held on Sunday. Tho little lli-itlsli iii'lnclpul biiyera beltiK credit whM'h have never here. Several person are reported keen intercut U llie spcukei s re. Canadian F'ish ami Cold Storage ftirence, uccordlng to the llula girl wus ill for neuily u fort-: doubtful ' lines. f.oin lulled Mtntea uud been aeeured by the urplm. to have been killed, mark jl'.o. hL I IV uud re. trade ooiumlsjUoner ficre. Ulfllt.