niat-y, 17. 1022. TTOE .DAILY NEWS PAGE. F1VB CANADIAN CLUB WILL LIBRARY MOVEMENT BRjr.,- GIVEN QOOD START CANVASS CITY AT ONCE AT INITIAL MEETING A Ji, ia! .' rii ai " , ,; 'fifinllliui'rl from Vngo i ) Drive fop IWemb-irs to Be Commenced Everyone Shpuld hramp whn-jy plf-niinlninlnj i Belong. " il.v xlinuM ni-l nnitlp not 'l,o limn M.imio for Hie pur-rliHe J Tin- Canadian Club Vxoeiilivp of atirtiit 1000 books. Tint! ilii't yi'Nloril.iy afli'rilKiiii In Hip wmilil lie KiMiiiirli wlHi which l orriccH nf I'ulimirr 'Fulton ami maki H nlarl. Ily ml.linu nay ii-nuuffrl fnr nit irilmrdhilp i-aiu 1 000 npvt vnltmiK phpIi ytnr Hip nf Hie rlly tnr ini'inhi'Miip. iiiiipim .r n library would mmn So Tired Ill)- Hlllllliil f- belnfr il nl Hin " fiirmoil. low mlf if niic dollar i-atfi. Mutt Have Librarian. the result of imi'om Memliern will WC-ftixvfi lln llrnl. Tin um thin? (in willed .Minn ,'. So when Use kid- .Ii.ilci- .,r tiekpin al huiPlifotin. Wpwart witK .'inprmltr wan Hint I"notify lli blood one Tin .minion wan p,fprpnp Jlial. ii traiiiPil f librarian muni bp pil t indication, m unuuat nil auhWUv hIioiiWI hi !"'"H' "avu eharyp. Tu liy In cut tired fIing and mi'ii)lirn. ' 'iiiiiirl I he library iilherwinn bail, Tin iiiillMr or Inricliflniin wnai" l" 'onin failum. Hln kidnoy trouble lead ,iilo dirnkpil mid In prrileiil """tUI ' '"""'d rind a youii'r tillering from rlicuma- will laki m tin inallPf or ralrr-lln'ly wl"' w"ud litki rliiirsr al a velop into iucIi fatal iiiir wlllt tlir l.ical initliliili.iii rn'9 imiiniinlnr al l..'ft a 1 Uright'i diieaie. .India tin i-Iiiki r work. ?;!,nr w,,"'h "uUl '"fa!' later, j fli. iimll... .it miirvinir lli..i""' lii,rri Hii viry lire ney action i promptly. knfjndii-n Niili.innl Anlj.ri wii '"r, ""' 'ti ami wan In-linPHMM-,l. um of Ih Chase t It wan pniiilml .ml v"l,,i,l,,,,: ! luiillil l.n or v.-ry rr I Mils Hie ktl i I lull IlK-r. wi'i-i. nuiiil.or .rif,"1 v"'"'' '" U,u "'""""'"y- ilalor of kidney, liver .iirr.i-.'iii v..r.i..M. an iikiw-i. ,"'",v,'r "u" w,w '"fl ',"1 "' imput xhrmlil Im- nali.'l an iJir,"""'i w.-m paxoiiliat. fin Ireland. R R. No. iwliifli ilmiil u uofil. Mr. Miillrn aUo npiirtiil that fdtlier IIImh Hlrwarl r huhii )nt., write iitlicr iiiKiiiln-r rtf I In wiiiiiiiinfliiiii frtl woVfrr fiom ! ANNUAL VALENTINE woiilil vil I'rlni-i ltupir( if nci-ili-il ami aid in i'kIiiIiINIiIim arj.r widiMt allHUHHe DANCE AT TERRACE 1 Ik- 1 iiiw iiiftliliiliiiii mill i I j'Ki))r-ljr l'ill Itm l.v is !r,iiri!!rf fli jia-.ix fr !lii Wflteved m ami Mrif m Attractive and Novel Costumes Hif'iar liylaw. Seen at Big AfTalr In Straw- Collected Books. Jr. Oiwt m0i Mir lor berry Town Tuesday Night. i ' V. Wilkiiwoii cxplaini'd what wakes r Jum for a. aa4 you In hail iluiii. lie hail ulrrad) Cleopatra's way up Ti:uit.r,i:( ivi. n. -Jin. mi. cnllivlcd rl v.iliuiKiM and lilt With a world of ancient Vah'titiiip wiri prriii.Ui-.l in adililiiin 1f iiiual iuaiurrnili ilaui' her at beauty arts command, tOute's Kidney-Liver wu lii'lcl in llir I'm?!- Hall mi many vaau iiniiiiiiiti. Ilr foil she depended on ckanstng' This is the real test. Thexrirl who wakes bloom in rr and allurimr. The nowder and pill doie. 2k a box. i'ui'oilay vriimij. 'I'lipn- a rnnfiili'iit .Hint :.uitii v.ilumos with Palm and Olive oils to fresh and radiant, with a clear, smooth rouge you use 'to conceal defects deceive1 or Ld'runion, Fate tt 1 In i- ri'iiwil irfiii ami nmny al. roiihl In M-curoil Int-stly. Hi protect, improve and preserve skin which has no defects to conceal, need no one. , Toronto, the freshness and smoothneis not about her looks. She Ii imI f iMtiiiin wnn iiii. Mr w rnlalnsiiiii; (In- ImoWis a worry possesses The soothing cleanser lhiy wpri ririlvil nml luililin. of her skin. the preatest of all attractions the one 11 hi) .li. C. Muiif-nr 11111I Mr". X'ikIiiii-)- tin hni 11 nl I) llir library wn wnly This beautifying; was not which outshines all others. Palmolive is the modern combination of jinlsn anil Wit- I.i confined to face atone. The This need not discourage the girl whose the same beautifying cosmetic oils Cleo- IL CENSUS prirf- WPrr awnrih'il In Mr. I'. Il'v.ii;'n.(I. (t. Ilarki'r nai.l mi nni bath was a daily ceremonial complexion is not so good. Proper care fatra .used in the days of ancient Egypt, Naih 'liyjv ami , I'liiiwwnr. WiinVli'llT alili lo adviap llirni with all ancient peoples, palm will soon transform a bad skin into one just as valuable today as a fae soothing Sixlifiilli Onlurv iinlliinaii . and olive oils the cleansers admired for its cleanser. I Ii it Minn Kl.-wiirt. Hi- advinil perfection. ii BEEN TAKEN ::; iirii- fur lh iiinl rimliiil auaiiii! atliiiipiijif nnylliiuv lint used. Get rid of the clogging accumulations Massage its smooth, creamy lather imnnlir Mr. l-'iirnll. Bathe with Palmolive and wm mm liy lar,rr or Inn mnall. Hp favnrp.l which cause coarseness and disfiguring softly into the network of my pores ,w!iii wan ilrnMil 11 a "IIuIh." keep your akin smoothand defects and you will soon be complimented which compose the surface of your skin. Un- iiiiinicipal lil.r.iry and white. It. is luxury all 1 a can llub Committee Com SiiiiM' of ilii riiilii'iMl wn:'lil Ihpy riillld irrt 1.11110 afford. . on your fresh blooming complexion. It will . remove the clogging deposits (Compilation or Inter- Mrw. I.a Imii! lliiHirfly , , nli A. -duiiirK Inrally.' It wgiil.l I.i a which enlarge these pores, cause blackheads 10 Set of Satlstlcs. iWliili fmlian (lirl . V. Wliili t-renl imti.-tiiK In liao 11 vUH The secret is simple and about 3,000 and invite blotches. I I nil in 11 Vo. . 'Mr. Vini-r 'Kalinti years old. It was discovered in ancient Dry skins are benefited by cold cream f mm Ml Kirwarl. la v i iub li.i jii-i roiii. lrppiiiir . Mr. Smllli . II Williunin tl:itilil llipy Egypt and practiced by.Cleopatra. after cleansing. If unusual dryness is your iiiiih r tin rioOt I.itll'- Lirl s"HInly Ilrm.k I Wt trouble, apply a little cream before as well niifrlll yi'l B'l nxnilanrf frinii in isv Tir WfnJ Yifimtr l.ily Mm. F. as after washing Hip tlnrm-aip fund. Hp miKgonU. iiii'MinirtA ak- Mr. II. :iiiiinlli, Mm. U nUli p.I tin npMiinHiiPiit nf a emu. The remedy for a coarse skin, for one disfigured Popularity Low price lu' iirm.i'i. on lilt I.iiilii . Maiuiiii with blackheads or ugly blotches, mltl r fmni lltri In fivp In ItMiil) iu'lraiiiry. liandl 1I1P mattrr. TIiIm rum. is daily cleansing with a lather blended Judge Palmolive by other soaps and .i- wat lat'li liv tin will to at least'25 cents a WIRELESS REPORT inillo w.iil.l ak- Hip iiiiittpr from palm and olive oils. you expect pay in iiHiiini' ir tiir with tin- niiineil anil up Such a cleanser is so mild and soothing cake- But the popularity which keeps the i. . ivil u'-l-lninT city pn.ii. that it softens the skin.and Palmolive factories working day and night ;i'ly al Hi" xaniP linn write I In1 ill. ii-iii'li"--. It, 8 a.m. l-'iniPsio Hofnre keeps it smooth. But it removes naturally reduces cost. Quantityprqdttc-tion lrul. ImiK lln)' -'-Kfil ui ji'HtPnlay'x ItUI.I. IIAIlllOlt lvonu-1: the accumulation of is always economical. . -; 'Htrhf imiIIiii wind; liaroni,ir, linulil havp a jbuiiilinfr and dirt, oil and perspiration Thus this finest facial soap is offered at Idi'finllr nf ini-nnir. - : .'ti..10; IcunioiMliirr', 3H: llshl iMirip -tic MfX which are responsible for a very modest price a price all cart afford-You plliDiiRlit llipy wmilil iiit tiki'tl iirliiMil ami wi'i : :5H .lii. npuki" (tnnnwiiii most bad complexions. can economically use Palmolive -for fnldp frnrn lln .nrfpiii. tipMrt : Kn. 1I11! I fl liimi J-'nll ill l:.10 p.m. You can't neglect your every toilet purpose, for it costs no. more nf Hip oily. Hp nimi-il Dial a w tmiiilivil ami iKirihlmiiiid. skin and expect, to keep it than ordinary soap. ninall rniiiiuillrH In- appmnlPd In ui:-iiilit clmri-h ' HK,I 'I'll Ht: IMH.VT lliiininp; linndlp tin' iiiatli-r. 'I'lii wu THE PALMOUVK COMPANY OF CANADA, Limiied ..i a- fulli'w- (if-li iiiiiIm'UmI winil; liarniiiiir wixxsrrc, touoxto. sioxtrial II. I'tttiiiiiinn. ix-iinilil hy - . t .'.'i: M'tii- .t.B; pMpirniiin. 3.1: nca Strewn with Corpses. li lriiiii. T" ; riitili. J. F. Mapuln miid lain nlly M. Ill Mi - liHiliV IS) .,l -Cpr. i-uliu; like u ixreal many ntliprn wns Made "n Army. : lmromttM-. Stt.ll: rTiipirfltiirr'. Hlrt'wn with Hip rnrpnpn nf moil i KllHity-... i.i. ru .iiiiiii. II ji.m. pi)ke worthy on.ani(iiMnn. -Hp had in Canada i. - ii.'I.iiih . In- i;h or Viii.nia, I'lii'lland for im lit'HiJalliin in K.iiiiic that 1 ail llimiir nni l"i IHO mil- frurn I'urllainl pr "fill of ilip failnrps wph UrM-nly-ittif l Noon. .-tu-. hmuiilit iiImiiiI hppiiiixi hr jrllit J- n 'in ..y Hi-.iuln, I lll l.l. ll.MIIKIIl llli'iir, nlrnnii man wn not .xPPitred fur tlio o- 'i 1 mil to Xuvy l.-a- ...uili.-uM wind; liariitnHT. 211.-,:i.t: fTiili.!- iirriwtr. 'I'liis l.'l; HkIiI hwpII. iflirirrlur, wmild ho 11 failure iinltw! Un' 1131 Health Oood. Hi:l Tlll-:K I'OIXT lvir- Iriahl rsii'Pillivp wan chn-.-n. Hp li allh .'laiflralii .!. I iu lit Jfiillii-it-l wind; !ur- niiiil In linlli ahii1 nml willing af 111 siunI In-all Ii '4U.irt; lonippraluri. .Ift; ..iii-li. Id.yive Hip mvp-inary lime. Hmiii' litir uniiva for huokn. If the ti limaliililii. I if hi wi'll: inn npnki li'aiiiir wpi-i alih' hut mil willing, olhpr. ppopli- lipri wrW' shown their TERRACE LOTS 'iiiinirii't' hiiN i)uillil I" I'l iiii'i- Jiilm Hliiriiihoiiiiii 111 .n- QUALITY CLEANLINESS ori wlllinj.' Iml mil alih. Tlir ympalhy would he nrpun-d. i 1 -. 01 Kn- ri-Miii-i livi' (,,,.,1 1 iny tinrlliliniiiid. cliii'f i.xinlivi miii In an cii- II. I.. CnmphPlI Ihnui'ht thin anl- m-Miiiu inn Hu-j ItliillY ISI.AXK- r.liwr. ium: HiiiKiiiKl. IK akid Dial im nnr itiipi'liiiff nlioiild tak iniinfilialP ARE FOR SALE 'It's Better when Baked by Electrlclt r ml ailih-i'ii- Mm t loniporahin,.. nf li,i i'.K'il; ..iiii'lor. IiiKp Hip i(inn iiiiIp hi wa aption with a vh'W In .haviiur tin at; 'lid cliiirrli m'r, i; hihi hiiiimiIIi. lake llir iiiik Iip piniitinn vu library pnlablHiiPit 11.i hihiii a noui mill iiust a pirt alili' to 'ii cry tin lln work. llOlnilllt. Government to Offer by Public " any r-lniri-li. Mr. mill Miv. .1. K. Urilnn ar '' 111. llirr IlKMiylil Imiiiiiii wan Read Mora. BREAD Auction Part of the Old !-! niaiti'il l 1 In prea. iikiil lu4t II 1 (r.uii rrrrnri .-III fant. mn'ii a lliilift an tininy Jno T. Ilos.4 Ak-Kii) . II1A111VI1I if If 'III' lliffi ri'lll ItiivV ni- tin I'l-nn-i Uuprl . . Townslte. and -aili-d -in K.iniPiini had niipr2Pnlitj (( 1 1 i 1 I'rim-p lliipi'i'l .pi-nplp .rp'ail iiion niirfi a Imy kciiiiI. I Hinitil)-. M'. rlii " Pr,l I Ii 4i I Hip 'hniikn might ln IiouhpiI and talked lr il would b( hot N v , 'a n - ami navy Ixauui', 1 ,it Uii lii ai iif "irnw Tin j'l'ii'vthrial (iovprmiit'iil i ,.,,.,M in part nf liin nlni'i. Hp had ltr wily in whieh lo' IIvp. Ho tMiiK mil llii iiann ami .riy mwii. noon a provim-ial lihrafy al Hioui.'ht two rommiUPP.4, "onn to lo hold a na)p nf 'IVrrarf lownsiti nl tmy who 1I0 not ln-a I'nrrhiM- Nlatnl niii nut hy tin cnlli'i'l hunks anil tliUi)tliPr to loin . niij .suluruay.r I'hruary L'5r That gives the satisfaction oT life.ancl is the foundation tiny. aoi;inl mil and LIVER TROUBLE piv.'ii tu iiidprntiiiid..llial .liMikn work mi hip main oivaiiualioir wtmil 438 loin will Iip aui'tioneil 1' rxpicusi'il a ili'-iri' lo would 'In npul hPt'P 'nlno ir wv I'l.nhl .In pffp(tii work. " off. .Tin lot an bnth eaxt and of our daily good health in ifii'iai mil. nml llirii' askt'd for llii'in. .Mr. Maiiir'uryi'd II11U ihnfn fin wi'-it ii f Kill 11 in SI fj'ol anil are part BiiiousAttacks Experience of Past. no dPiity. Hp wan nf opinion uf Ih' octsinal !iwnsip. EAT MORE BREAD Bad S. M. Nowtnii I'pvipwed what lliai ppryonp wanlPil thn library. TIip al will In In'ld nl tin ICAL CONTEST ! livir Iwwanet lluf ftt nl had hi'.'ii iIoiih in (ho pant when Tin imininillpp was then np- nlllrp or tlnpiivinprh Milire al 3 because it is the MOST ECONOMICAL ot all foods Wlwn your SCHOOL PUPILS . r,nir iioi hiim fiitrr. Your Hie ppoplp Ii ml liiniPil down the poinlPil and lln merlins ad. o't'loi'k in Hip ariprnooii. Tell your grocer you want Electric Bread iii. brn-MiM tonitplJ. lli opri CarneKio Library iirnponaL Today Juurnpd. Wilici Hip iiriwp.M't of Hipi'p I.p- Hip prnhli'iu wan nlU llll- intr nil fouml it Tprrart and niuep 111 ntftK rUlUuC ...a .irk. iml Wimm flln "cur c" Hip fi ll i I lands of Ihrdisti tot have cue riilvcil. lo had writli'ii ppmon- holdlin Urk wa lh l""r MANY CANDIDATES Week-End ruiil -if dal to Be Donated to whlfti l i" efniui io prui ally In Hip Carni'Rii' Trui Iml Ipii' kn mitph in dpinnnd. thr.jr Specials ,nrfn-nl i.r Hie lioweH. sud the bile wanlold thorc was no likelihood ban Iippii ionti' I'mtuiry for the LOST THEIR DEPOSITS Per of Prize Essay ol. int.. Ilw tiKxxt. of ,plnf out or nny jfranl Mnc inaili. It rmnii'i' lot., and now Hump inler. Fresh Meat Pies and sward Same rrumiel. Time. ItaruiiiU Um muI "v,r would look an If il would l' en I ei will In JiixtMl H ill 11 1 it y to Tl iiy r n intt,'riil dt'fpi l.nivpr lull Tin niinibi't' of eaniliilales who make pinrliaki'i. Delicious Cream Puffs vi'i to iIi-voIhii mi inli'itMi ml vorkinr piviwrly. thus i wip to no movi t'n U11 llulnry (II til lian ... .1.. i.iv tilllou stUfkl. U l lP in Hip dilvclliiM nf n dpflnivo tont lliell" )n Hip hint pt'll-I'Nil fnr un nralnrk-al I'lmli'! Hi.. imtii ri'Ur t' "blur ni'ii. Hi niiKlf''Hlil that In'Torp 'li'i'tlun wan 102, pi'i'oi'di'njr IN PROBATE, 3 for 25c P' td wtlhii tliu ni'xt fiw MILBURN'S PILLS ImiR llioyl iniulil Hft'iii-i nni' of In 1'alt'ldationn bitspil on Hip of-lleial l. Tilt: ni'i'iiK.UK i:nrnT nr l itiTtsii I.UI.l MHIA. llir Ill-Ill fur- Hi.) 1.-1 nlYnrl purely-.-.LIVER veut. " Hip pi'ovini'itll Iniildiun Hum im. Of thin number, 7 TUry r. piindidalpn in tin inpnnln in tin iium-r iif TIIK mimimmtiiatViW would Iip Irinizpr ni'i'di'd liy wpfp K"ld Friday ivi- no act ami In Hie iHaiirr r 1110 kktati. P"''h It. U MIIHUCHlnl a Un of h "- llm Oovpruuipnt. Hi lipliovpd It it 11 Connprvalivp pnrly, I wpn or iiiicsuie.Mi'llill.AS JJAI.SK.N. lrrearit. Electric Window Bakeries dali- fur tin iviiil. ,. t nd .Ickrnlint would h wiii lo ornniiei tilul ,nirnnlvrn, 13 win llidppeii- Vin (dliprnln. TAkK MITICK lll.ll. ill iM-iUr t Hit di'iiln, and 3S Ily I1' Minn uf the vimtil I In Mr. Jhn Cron, Donivon. 8-.. any on a fnllnw up nynl.-m. I. Mi ll, Yuiiiis. IiuiIh Ilw tllli 1I4.V "Where Quality and Cleanliness Rule" MII Im Ttleai-"! was troubled will, my I ver. 'I'liPfp wan no ri-anoii why lluy pi'ovini'pn tin luiinlipr who onl nr trlHtiar.'. A.II. Mil. I Wat atHHilitlrtl 'a.v'a in tm ivri'ill i-ompi. ,d h..l .ever, b.l.o. ?ll A nlmulil mil yd a stood' iihrury. IliPir dppoolt in an fnllown; Oup. Ailnnui-lrjt..uuMn iivrrwHi.lor l ami Ih Ktlc an puriMn uf .irltUi luvutir VALUE Phone 667 SERVICE. UltlMHl 111. 10 .rjr .-- ... J. C. Ilrndy fell nx In had Jni. Ontnilo. nr.; askntchp-wnn. rUliiK iralnH III" mil null' an IwrHiy -no rn'l!rl in mriilHli miu', prui'iTly mrl-llfd. IIh nf 11. niiulla mill I'lllt, 10 I lonK li lw '" iipvi'I' fp liufon I hnl 1 1 1 iy witb -I: Allierta. UN Manitoba, tu im', mi ur Ix-rorr Ilw I rati Ujv uf k more alUcU. Mri'li, A.I". lt)j. ana all Mrlir liulbt.J now tri'li'tf to jji'I 'library. Thpy 17; Noa fcoliu,-H; .N'rw Ittunp. ?iiI"khIm will I... InvlTcd lii MILDUnn , ' u n ui" iuiK aiv rrauirtu in iny ine hut LAXA-LIVIH PtLH rOinuhl thai iiIkIiI nlari a cam- wurX, 1; Hritink ('olimiliia; airwiuiit r thrir luu.ll'ijiif we nl iho iiviint and nmsl ... .. ... nr nil led rorlliullli. pal and mdialp Hip (Imaphl nf I'riiipp Cilwaid l.iand, , and JOHN II. .MrMiaitN. iiifiulicrM of Ilw. llnlarv t V T. Advertise in "The News" reeelpt of Pile nnii-lal Aitmiuimratitr. Daily ua puhlic llbruiy. He urgi'd, 1. "" be thoro buru Co.. Lliiillett. TurontO. u a; 1 DATED till.- ttta day of i'ebruary, Uii