rJrjE two Tins 'riXiLT Kicws Wednesday. June i . The Daily News . LIBRARIAN IS The Man in the Moon -X I I tikx PRINCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA SAYSt-: I tzm Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, Ihe Prince APPOINTED BY . h. . . Huperl Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. WHAT i rare as a June ..y.l il. F. PULLF.N, Managing Editor. LOCAL BOARD WRIGL 9 iare as a SUBSCRIPTION RATES: I -rmu Mason? City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per -month" . $1.00 Miss Grant of Victoria Cemlns By mail to all parts of the Hriti.h Empire nd the United,blales. to Oroanlze First Public iJ3rincc C$cov$z Whai i a jag? Auk any old In advance, per year Sfl.00 Llrbary In This City. ' 'iner. To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 gotci m Library Hoard at its. first Horribly Mean. -uilHHHbiiininiiliK TELEPHONE 93 Jmetinr yesterday afternoon an-l In Cantr TORONTO of Shonirg The Winnipeg e !. bu-iiiorit ...tfUJMIL ixdnled .Mi Muriel Urani oft Ooinct thai isii Buurs at il lutantin; transient Display Advertising f 1.40 per inch per insertion Virions librarian for Ihe rily -'fj 2S0 ROOMS h..ue, in Winnipeg of eoirse, Transient Advertising on Front Page ?2.S0 per inch Prinee flunert. Ir apnointement i EUKUtt ICC W AN .Vif i(i.t- ai mo ehiblren. a hoy and Local Header?, per insertion. 25c per line to take e.ffeel on .September I j a irl. lite luy is the living Clarified Advertising, per'iriserlinn 2c per word next. j il"ioprah l his father and Ihe Legal Notice, each insertion 15c per njrale line .Mi Uranl is a graduate of ihe J tztri is the very phmograph ot Gt4itrart Rales on Application. Tniversitr of British Columbia; . her RMther. f I9?0 took addf-. is Hi Ha?. Mis Ethel AH advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day preceding and hi the summer- -. i a i ray rer;i.-d jiiihlicatior- AIJ advertising received subject In approval. sn'n course in luirarj work under i rendered a d K).MK f the viiHnx Masons; Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. tin Victoria public library bnwpht Ihnir wive and olhersj Mis Helen lewarl. The fol raw for a holiday, at least v lowing winler she t.-A .links say, .and he uftit ! "."COLLECTING DAILY JttJlTION Wedneday. June ?l, 9?i. months librarian's course know. , I"niversMv of Washington and ' j Juicy Fruit,Peppermint and Welcome To Visitors for th. pal year has xen en-frn 1 OF ACCOUNTS "All. il a jrrwn.l bxlyc meet- """ Spearmint certainly make Is Extended. ?cl a senior assistant at lit inp!" dec la ml a delegate, "a I'rinre Huperl is aiwnv readv to welcome viitor and es Onrnesrie Library in Victoria. prand meeting. 'e I'll take just three delightful flavors to pecially when thee viilor are men and women of prominence havin? charre of be reference one more." Hospital Board Considers Favorably j choose trom. in the affairs of the world. Today we welrdme member of the deiarlment. Mantnic Crafl who have ehoen this citj as their annual meeting The salary io be natd Mis to Engage Special A Ma-wnic visitor in talking t place: We appreciate the compliment they have jwid ti. They (Irani is l.00 a year. Jusl Agency. I! .i citizen tin- jiwrninx out And the new RIPS the. come from all"pari of llrilish Columbia. There are represenla-lives now she i earning a pood 'teal !S-mil Aenue .ifkel If Prince! candy-coated In oflOri ! make c.-illecl inn peppermint from Vancouver and Victoria and lo from the southern metre than that ind the Victoria An tlert owned a hospital. P"int- , interior. The north is well represented. To all we extend the libranr would like t.i retain her f mO.lan.lin iinnint. Ihe ho. ' I" a well known iaint since! gum, is also a great treat for r.ilal h...inJ la.I nicbl rrtrrml tik heartiest welcome and hope they will enjoy their short tay. If erviees. but sbe is willinc l h" replied. "Jul le! tooth. nwe,",M,',' they do not eojojy- themselves we trust it will not he our fault. rout l I'rince llueii to pet ex. its finance committee with ' hen auI lell be your sweet perieoee jn r?anixinir. l. n si nm!!?!inii J.. eiMl.i..y Growing And " -. The opinion of Ihe member a siMYiai oillectiuc asencv la lcrif itiui j-ntMf mi-rr i All from the Wrigley factories !m II fpnod and you'll uv Ue nf the Library Fbvani is tbal tbey lake lira.tic measures li yet in Struggling. where has !busilal practice in abotH five minute." overdue debts. Prince Rupert K n city in embryo. It is a growing, "strug-gling are farlunalc in bavin? ecurHl the lojijr little city hut is gradually getting on a ' firm foundation. Ihe services, of a trained librarian President Stewart broujrnl tliet "Are Mason?" akel made perfection. - yu a a Thoe who pioneered in Vnncotixer or Victoria will realize what with rciuisile ualificali'n a mailer up and I. C ileflae,j fmiliiur lailv of m yvntlemau .il- a struggle il is for a new city to get a place in the Min. Wef believe tlicrt are nt many librarians in chairman of the finance com-1 the i!ina oonosuV to her in I be restaurant. that there is a place fur Prince Rupert in this, province and III ciinntrv. iiiiltee, exlaiuril working "Mo he Madam" replied we are lriing' b make it worthy of its deliny. Competition i-keeu r Ihe plan. The idea f the I'm a (dumber."' and We often have to match our wits against the superior apency wa Io write form letters i strength of our southern neighlmrs. This we shall continue to MANY PRODUCTS t . tliosc owin; lolls. If tliee the uh mammy in't that a hie reHtl then to obtain do. We ha!l assert our rights at all lime. Today, many of our failed worthy opponent. are.our guests and we hall hope to let them account. nmuVI be tnrnetl over to wheel" said a little hoy Packed 1-71 WRIGLEYS7 iuu to the Ilolary I'Uub etublem as OF COKE PLANT the uliicb would advenis.. see that we can be as worthy hosts as we are in a small way ajrene.y rivals. them for sab to the bijrhest bid-'We caine up iron wie siaiiou tins V ku;mhsTsr-73r) der. Mr. MclUe said Ibal reull i"'rninc. Should Remember Anyox Made Reoord In Smelting were promisei and lie nail no Our Handicaps. and Rtfinln? For Year. doubt that they would be detained. j VlsriVift.'s I hi week may wo bontc happy, Prince II u pert While this scheme might Visitors are asked to remember our handicaps. We are struggling in Ihe face of nature to build a city here. The con-lour ANYO.V, June 21. By increasing not be altogether a ile.sirable one, (people never teM. as sm of our townsite is nigged and has to be changed into fine Ihe output nf inetals by l.-226,323 something ftad to be done. Tie streets and Itqwlerards, Jlertijsdl'the .problems of the average jrounds in "1921 over aseney charged for the forms Jl'lMSI.MJ from slrie one bears, il i a jommI jrdi Ihe M. and also required 33 1-3 percent city with a few added. Vtre scarcely twelve years of age the corresponding period for aoo yei mncn nas ieen arcampir-neu. u in me next twelve years 1920, !be (Ira nli y Mining, Smel on collections. .mhs at- a secret onrauiiation. there is similar progress, the citv.will then le gocwl to liKik upon. ling and Power On, Ltd. ha E. H. Mortimer innuired if it 1 llowvfr, e fxtlojeninore Uanvthat When the laconic accomplished, a, record in smell 'would not Ik Possible for the? JINKS .says If Crand Masleri 44 tries to keep control of F Gr.id Ll:meet?irerflesrwxpe"ct to have'dOflble the'pres- in?, as tbey1 are-one of a very 'hospital -do! undertake sttchr,rr1 method .itself. J. MarLarn that bunch he has some job on Suprem rnt jiopulation. few concerns in Ihe world which R i can show an increase in la replied that the. a?ejjcy was ofhU band. Can Sympathize year' production. JV wider scope than the hospital) E With Our Aspirations. The production of copper last l.nard and peyjjile. were afrhl of I'KtU'LH are wondering what Brand Fresh Roasted " Visitors who came irt litis morning on one of the fine coast year amounted to yy.9;o,o;2 it. Some merchants bad tried the visitors this week have been S liig steamers will see thai .we fiave iiol made a Iad commence puunds a a?ains 23.7ii,.1?A the sjvtcm wilh.d re.-ulls. jdoln? to overeome the scarcity of ment and thai our aspirations to become a real port are likelv to pound, in 1920. Major ib.on said that any- corkscrews. Xo need to wonder H COFFEE &e realized. We have the harlor, the railway, the ditcking facil Many useful commercial cm- thin? from 10,000 J S0,uoo! I ne corkscrews are heroin inz ities, the position every thing is ours except the business. That fuoditie were also produced by mishl be collected . in such a;scarcer. A Blend of Coffee that has no superior. we are gmiK out after. That we intend to geL We are strong lh Coke Plant Jelon?inK io tbo manner. R THE RIGHT BODY Il was moved by Mr. Mortimer j TIIK wrl Ibhis about that nd virile and anxious to succeed. We have everything in our company. THE RIGHT FLAVOR favor and we shall win ouL Kor instance 213,Iftj gallons and seconded by IJol. McMordie ,Koiary bunch was their hals. 0 I The people of the outhern cities have shown a commend of crude ienzol. and lx,?3rt ral- that the finance coiuniiltee tro ' THE RIGHT TANG able spirit in' not only sympathizing with n- in ourims but also lon of refined benzol, btsides into the mabler of eiv-JSiuei HOW eope will behave when A PERFECT QUALITY. ui aiding us in earning them ouL The newspapers of the south fil..tno gallons of 'naphthaline the asejicy Willi svview to avail-,"uy k-i away iroin Home: A quality that produces such a delicious aroms fcave leen prtwligal with their space which they devole to the de-felopment were produced. in? ilself of the oporlunHyi S that only the taste of "SUPREME" can satisfy IL of the north. There has been no MinL They are They nlo distilled H7,9t-2 of wlbn-ting mit-taniiiim ai". Miss Xancy Davies arrived T Eold only In 1 lb. airtight cartons. working with us and we in the north appreciate this. Tbey realise imperial gallons of tar, and 9,1 89 etunts. from Victoria on Ihe prince that the future is ours and that what !enefits us Iteuefils gallons of tar paint were matte. i;-..rj."' today and will spend a E them. They have the right vision. If our hii-inesMiien of the Sirly-fivp thousand and twenty Persistent advertising is ab- r..irniitil here visiting with her! Stewart 5 Ltd yinth will .co-operate with the oewpapers in their work it will one tons of rnke and 5,587 tons solulely necessary to success. brothers. Allan and Frank lavics. .D Mobley He appreciated. ' - . of coke breeze were taken from . I Prince RupertL B.C. .Some Vancouver people are jealous of our drydoek and the ovens. would move it away. Others fear the competition from the purl flie needs of the farmer were ajud would stifle us. These are not the people, of vision. The not fnr?often, and the fertilizing hig men and women of Vancouver and Victoria are aiixiou in of ihe "rounds was provided co-operate, for they realize that what is good for Hritish Columbia for Io some extent by Ihe pro as a whole is good for them. ; duction of 2.it;.ir5 pounds of Follow the Crowd! I are not ashamed of Prmce Rupert. On the other hand ammonium sulnhale. we are proud of our city, small though it be ami somewhat crude. m The pleasant health odour We realize thai this is just the embryo from which a mighlv seaport will grow and we welcome all ifur visitors to look carefully 1 m of Lifebuoy disappears in and watch us grow and we ask their co-operation in our effort Ten Years Ago but 'it Fuller's General Store to secure for ourselves our rightful place. in Pi'acM Kuprt m using leaves a :: to :: delightful freshness in its HAYS COVE AVENUE June 21, 1912. A Revelation in Green Tea r. justice .Morrison has re- We are now moved and doing a tremendous business see,j judgment in the .nonenl HARDWARE, DRUGS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, SHOES AND IT'S SO SWEETLY PURE, CLEAN AND r.. J. .Maynard and J. Arthur m it is one of Lifebuoy's m STATIONERY Reduced to a Minimum. DELICIOUS j Smith against the act of the license most wonderful Ciroeeries. Fresh Fruits and Vegetable. of the Highest t rsiif commission in refusing qualities, m Fuller's Bulk Tea, 2 lbs. for 95c. t hem a renewal of Ibeip bottle Fresh Ground Coffee, 3 lbs. for $1.00. ' hcnM, Car ibdivery to All I'arts of City. SALADA" lirlifthtfu for Phone 45 Phone 45 The iKiauties of Ihe llulkley ialrey as a field for agriculture are being given 'much oildieity 'now. Willi the early advent of I the railway there it is expected is sold on merit and merit alone. Try ran i boom.there will be juile a settlement Htlgerson Block, Prince Raptrt. Phone 6S6 it once and you will never tin bnck f Japans. At all grocers. ! Under the aupire cf the Dr. E. S. TAIT jjiaughter of the Umpire an At. 'jiraclit and pretty flag drill was Dental Surgeon held in Ihe Knight of I'ylliias DA IT Our frozen herring bait is conceded by Usbermen nail J-"1 yesierday afternoon. Mrs Office Hours, 9. a.m. to 9 p.m. to be Ihe finest procurable at any PaetBo Coast r.ggert, who had charge, of Ihe Port and II is "Fishy." Price, $30 per ton. training, conducted the perform Sunday by Appointment IpE" The beat way of insuring a good quality trip Is ance, mi ij. i. .Martin was to have plenty of our hard frozen tee. Price, accompanist and the following It per ton. little pirlft (ortk pari: Katharine riuffifa ur well-equipped store can supply flubing gear. fillsbury, fors lKr-ing. Muriel LIMITED vul,,w fishermen's UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., clothing, groceries and orovwtr.n. I'atmore, Majorie Sing. Madeline. SAILINGS and hardware. .XeNon. KMher Naib-n, Kalherine yJFor Vancouver, Ocean Fall and Snanson Hay, Tuesday 5 h.m. NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Tile,Iiavi.Owstanc Violej Mortimer, Lorna Oer-trnde For Vancouver, Alert Hay and 1'ort Hardy. Saturday P.m. MeMullln. For Anyox, Alice Arm, Port Sinmson and Wales Island, Sundsy Katohlkan, Alaska Branch XVon anJ Oracle Man. midnight. on. Hev. W. H. McLeod gave an For Naas River Osnnsrlsi, Frldiy a.m.