mix roTTB " THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, .Tunc ? JS2, BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus CLOSING OUT II I i T illlou' tvcdc . .c I llll f i -AM-r , f ti I f VOL) MAKE ME rcffu I I ILL MEET I ( S.O CVj wiru , " SALE A & KOV ARE WOT with lXrV UJ OOHOW llgSR. 7 I COh f We are closing out the Royal Shoe Store, and every pair of shoes must he sold. Alt our White Canvas Shoes, with leather or rubber soles, in high low or lieels, II I c-U- i r r- v' Bf f -1 3 :a ' K -m I .v . W iw BBBV25 all sues In the lol, From $1.00 per pair. Any pair of the famour ,ntuL, Shoes ior men. Valuer to 1 5.00, for $9.75 Men's Goodyear Welt Shoes in black or drown calf. From, $5.95. Men's Solid Leather Working Shoes, $4.75. Children's Shoes and Slippers from $1.25. RoyalShoeStore sihlv lo a thousand. The' Third Ave. .1 i the two thousand I I r I II 1 II 111 1 llll ready n hand and Ihe new iinr !; r I IO IIFYl'- For July and 4,., ;to he purchased would make a I j Daily News Classified Ads. furnished house, fe .. r modern. FAIR IS WELL nice beginning. So far a pos- 1 Central loeaunn' ible Ihe loks will be purchased J j 2 CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Tokn for L"aa than BOe ply Ibix 133. luily Xewi tiff ( Be Prepared! Ittamusb Uteal likrtlers. COOD Clean Hed from UflT ADVANCED NOW J ll is eeeled In open the new' WANTED TO RENT WANTED week. Fishermen' ftP j,t, library as soon as possible after Fire Risk is always the first of September but it may UNTIMELY DEATH OF WAXTKIl 'I'D HK.YT 5 or 3 Fur- IWANTKI) .Men and wiwiwn to Pioneer rtooms. 167 3rd Avf F. Special Inducements and Efforts be little later sjioubl there In- j If til HUM Two rm.n; ! AWVflY DCCinCWT .Dished Housekeeping K rutins; learn the Harber Trade by Ihe Wil with you to Be Made Towards Increased delay over quarters. Ttu- librarian, nillUA 11a)11L.11 i clean, modern and reasonable. only method In Ihe world lhal alo lare from ; :.;u Agricultural Exhibits. i piiinled .a fria September store. Apply Wallu; ,, We Write Fire Insurance --Full particular to llox 123 will ave yoj time and money of Every Kind I. At any rale' the in. A.Nlil.V Jinn- -,;i. imere Haily News Office and fit jou for a position lllltLK room house fcr Let us quote you ATTRACTION PROGRAM stilulion will lie under was. by syiupatby f' r.-ll fttf :. J. .v- worth while. W guarantee Third veriue. ,ijif- i.;arL NOT BEING FORGOTTEN (.lol.er I. LOST rey (0 he uiiliiiieiy'.deaMi of.hi- steady employnieul at good view , Hotel. ' i A bnd-'el of probable xpeiuii-Inres ( Agents for iff, wh.. jHe KWy suddenly MAIIV'S woollen coal lost in wages. Write now for beauli-ftitfjlluslratcd The XnrHiem I!. C. Ajrricultur-al was prepared and tl was 1'01,'H modern wluie visKtnv a?iroiier. catalogue. Moer rixini npai Norwegian American Line Monday June M, between Mc-Itriib .iciii u Swedish American Line and Industrial Association is -liown thai after providing fr Mr-. I.ovyi-ey. uU tt.iv.ni rn-!!uisiasiie sunt Hays i;rek on Harber College. 300 Main St.. renl. Apply Smith A Malif- getting Ms plans for Ibis year's a salary of 00 a month for Ihe ronmtuitilv worker. Scandinavian American Hi 2 Mil Avenue.- Finder VnneiMiver.'H. ti fall fair well in shape and al librarian and for the necessary wms pofttil.tr in please I'J.AT for Jtenl in lies Aisrv Line. very uyox xM-ial lllne pbonp 132. a hoant meeting held last evening fixture" for the liuiidiii;.'. for cirri.-s, aad tier tb-n-e will leave U'A.VI'KD- An experienced saleslady menlB. M. .M. Stephen. (f Oliver Typewriters 'i-wral important decisions fuel. lip bl and other exiiendi-lures. a vanrancy wlti.-u wii nt be LOST Hunch of keys, etueen for Ladies' ready to wear. Cary Safes were made embodying improve- Iher would still be available easily filled. 1'osl Office And Seventh Avenue One lhal can do alterations. BOARD. FIRE INSURANCE 'iiieiii and attractions over other the .sum of a thousand dol Kal. Finder please leave Mnl have itimmI references. HOARD Inlander. 830 Sp;;tr..l i yirs. lars for hooks. at Daily New Office. Oood wajre paid lo the rinbt Avenue. Phone 137 & Hanson To eneourase an increased All Ihe members of Ihe hoard IMISS MAY SHENTON parly. Apply lienf Lingerie if Dybbavn number "f exhibits fmm the werv present, these lteins Hex. AND JOE RATCHFORD LOST Ittinch of kev.s, between Shop. Third Avenue. 1 1 SUMMER RESORTS. Third Avenue .adjacent agricultural dilriet.. O. fi. Hacker. Aid. Tbeo. Odlarl! I'o-l Office and Sevenlli Avenue Prince Rupert, B. C it wa derided lo have J. F. Ven and II. K. l'ull. n. j WEDDED YESTERDAY Fast. Finder please leave HKI.IAHLF. agent wanted for Ru HILL FARM. Terrice , :ii.T; . dible, itie manager, make a tour al Daily News Office. Reward. pert District. The Sovereign datlon for summer 4inlr . if the interior al an early dale The marriage tiKtk Life Assurance Company. Head Terms miMlerale. scpaij;.-huts with a vi.-w to linin? up farm GILS WINNERS terday niornin' :il Ketchikan place yes of QfEES CJHRLOTTE L.VJID rJnIO.tt. " office, Winnipeg, Man. Write if desired. A; , ?v Cbas. Prince A. g. ,and tair' exhibit. Mr. Ven- Mi May Sbenloii. daughter of lltr iwilirr that V. O. MrMsrrls. Of Pyne, Cenrge, fear, and French t VanrMitw, B.C.. inlurr. IMMxts lo irr'T manager for Northern Hrilirh ables will maVe rail a! all important T. J. Shenton, of la iim Mlnl4r nt-1 su.ll for a Umx-e la Columbia. THE QUEEN'S HOTEL 11 t point and will meet a OVER GROTOi- and Joepli llaU'hfonl, lro..M-t fur rott. itrKuni ami naiural n it and wxlrr tt fiJhrwtmr itrwnlieii Massett. i rniirs many of ibe farmers as possible. dsti of Priuee Itupeii. The couple Und. Uluiir iki Skidrair lioru nralam v . A l l-.l lo tiny a small house f..; T 4h A Jb4kWA W Tbe fair bitanl deci.W lo ltl4, B.:.: CMimirnrliK al a rwl clanus Open July I. j j pay are execled lo return on Satur. al tbe nudbrati iirnrr r Srrtiua It. or cabin on trood lol. Will pay Sportsmen and H1 v ,r ik -l'iliinir. it all esenses in ronneeljon with Second Game of Intermediate lay lo the cily where lliey wilt Tonhip : thrnr ait It fhiini; iuenr cah. Write your offer lo llox Shoiding, It a . n: .1 exhiNl-s eontin? in Ibis year League Season Resulted In make their'bome. lUitb Ml. and ibmre DOrU e rbato la puinl of rutu-1 3(1. Daily Xews Office. Picnics We give ,aud will alo arrange lo super- 15 G Win-, of to Score Mrs. you It.ilclifprd are well kn .wn Loraled Mirth !, M. Rooms from $1. Meal from 50c. W A.NT Kit to rent furnished ivise the putting up and rare of ners Best Team. liere. the jrritom hcinx an er - W. O. McMohRIS, l.rwtlnr. five Private SulUt. Service jthese' exhibits durin? Ihe fair roomed bouse or small turn Jiltyeevor Jen ami Itns-will and C'l'FJLX CIHRLOTTE LXXO DnXWI.K.' J. C. S. Proprietor. DUNN, 'eliminating lht( neeessjjv fftr, Ui- Oulhallin? and outfieldin iIV'l snile. Apply Hox .12 in local ntliieiic prominent cir Tike Buil ikal W. 0. MtMorHt. uf All your little orders receive dividual rihllulhrs bavinjr lo Daily .News Office. 115 i Iheir opftonenls, fiil's a??refa- cles. Vanur. B.C. mtarr. Intnuis to app7 TAXI lo lb Minli r Land fur a. Iwarc lo the closest attention. look come in Ihe eily lo after tion successful in was winninjr pra'fTt lor rati, itntsiin and vaioral FOR SALS We handle only the best their produce. ATL Ihe exhibitors lasl.evenins.'.s Intermediate baseball m uirr and under th foltuvlnr dvrtbrd Phone C93 VANCOUVER BASEBALL uodi. situate os skldrfal Inlet. Oraliara of eterythins but if you will have In do will he attend In leayue fixture from Ihe Island. BX.: CnnunrnrtDt at a plaaied FOR SALK I roomed house, Iwo (Call Ceorge Il s want sonielhhur we haven't Ihe shipping, the fair assoeia. (irollo hy A score of 15 to 6 PLAYER TO WICHITA at TomiHtlip Uw uarthmm 4; thenre nirnrr eal to or Hia'-i;Seruoo Umire 31, lol and all in garden. 11,00, Five-passenger T :x 1 T lion latins responsibility there- souib SO roaln; IVw t ru rtiatnn; S. The winners played a very aoixl half rash or 41500 all cah. Prompt Day and Ni!i! eol tell lis and will Uwwe nortti ss rbalna la putat of rom- we get after. In connection with farm same and were successful in jret-lin;r inetKf n-f)L 7 rhotned bouse wilh additional Stand; Boston Grill. Third stenue it for you. and dairy district exhibits it was Ihe most of Ihe break. The WICHITA. Kansas. June 21. LurtlM MarrS W. O.tl.VrMQRRH.!. Loralrtr. S room apartment, on remeiit The local team of Ihe Weslern CLOTHES CLEANED deeided lo pay also Ihe exense lint tint: of Hie i.rotin squad was piles, bath, etc., excellent condition lt.teliall QIEEX CIUKUITTE UVSn DIVISJO.X. League has signed on Our Motto of one attendant. fair but their main weaknes was. and good location $d,-000 lalrsl STI AM and Attractions. Mark Purtell of the Vancouver Take notlee thai W. O. MrVorrls. nf and pressed by A Square Deal Always Sports in Iheir lieldin?. several bad er Weslern International team. Vaneuurer. B.C- miner. Intend lo apply on easy payments, pressing process Attractions are not heinjr rors provin? rather cosily.. Two lo Ihe Vinlter nf Land for a licence la t room houoe, lot in garden, ddi rrnl. and erepeet for rnal. peiruleum and naiural Suits called for overlAoked by Ihe board anil blow-ups in Ihe fourth and fifth rat urer ana vnder the rouowin dewritjed chicken house. elt near Kihff Inverness plans are now under way for a BASEBALL Und. tliuie tm Sklderaie' lalei. Graham Phons 649 Camp innings, caused by fieldin? er- land. B.C.: Coounenrlnr at a iwl UiniM Hdward School, 1700, lerni. The Tailor 'bis popularity contest, further rtirs. let Oil's boys brill? in four al the MMttheat rorner of Serilon S, Lot 3, block ao. section I, wilh LING, Dundas. Tom-n.kip ; thence et to rbaln; Ihenre diMails of which will be an- runs on each occasion. Ttie bal- NATIONAL LEAGUE.' fxirth ta chain.: Ihe nee eat chain; 91 ft. frontage on Higgar ORIENTAL GOODS later. Titer, will be Ite-iire MMith S rnalM lo pnint of rotn-utence nounciM , nnce or I lie sconnse ws jis-tribuled Cincinnati. 2; Itn-I.ni, 0. ineul. Place and three roomed hoijae s-me prizes offered. pretty evenly lhrMi?h- All other sanies rain. Lnealed March l. It. 1000 cash. Japanen Kimona. Cro Plans are also under way for ut the game. AMERICAN LEAGUE. w. O. Mcyi.HnM. Ijieaior. Lois 31 and 35, Hlock .1. See. Hamlioo Furnilure. Oi nawrni. ..USE.. the holding f a do? show in V. O. Anderson was. umpire of Huston. S; Detroit. 9. 01TE.X CHARU1TTE iJtXD DlVIShCX. 2, View Ifd on Atlill !enue. Haskets, Children s llumi""- ronnectinn wilh life fair. Thi halls and strikes and llflnle New York, C; Cleveland. 5. Take notice that v O UcMorna nr A perfect hnmesite, ?750. half Toys. Klc. will le the first lime Ibis has Curtis made the base decision Philadelphia, 3; St. Louis, ?. lo Ufm-ufr.Ine Minister B.C,or miner.Land IMend tor a licence lo appljr lo cash. One lol on Reach Place LOWUST PRICKS. Shamrock (leen altempleil since Ihe very The teams lined up as follows: Washington, ; Chicago, fl. properi urer and for under mat. the petnle(im follolnr and deecrihed natural fnr3?5, a heauly. ltl fift and F. K. AKASE firs! exhibition lold in the i-ily. lirolto Oenrse Hill, c; K. COAST LEAGUE. lands. Mluaie on siuderaie Islet. Orahatn f9 blick IS, section S, J80. P. O. Ho fll Tel Km i It has lieen decided upon on re- W arren, p; W. V.. WillJscrofl, lb: Los Angeles, 5; Salt Lake, fi. on MaiMl.Seritun BX.: dtfunw-ncmr at tlie Inter al a ectu post nUnird of UK lerins or 750 cash. M. M. Third Avenue BACON ! commendation of local dop faiu It. Harrie, 2h: liny Oilmnur, 3b: Purl laud. 7; Vernon, 0. north line nf II and Uie veal line of lot Stephens. i, ion-nip z; ineiwv vex fa rnalns: REPAIRS- ierR wtio ?lve assurance that . Roy, ss; p. Mriinwan, If: Sain Seal lie, I ; Oakland, 1. Ihenee Milb fe chain-, thence eal as WATCH AND CLOCK HAM I here will lie many entries and a llaudenschield, cf; R. Merrick, San Krancisro, 7: Sacramento, rbaln:of rciinenceiuent.lueoce nortii eo rhama Ut pmnt FOR SALK 15 fool varnished si.J 'ii'iod class of animals shown. rf. LxjcaleO varcn SI. IttJ. clinker built mwboat with two F.ipert watch, clock BUTTER ' W. li. Mr M o H WIS, Ixwa lor. A lumber and mill exhibit is Oil" W. Hamilton. c; W. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. pair of oars and row lock", all chronometer maker E EGGS lalso beiiu; planned. .onlomer-, p: Y. Milcbell. 2b: Ilnffal.. 8: Hall int..re. 10. OI'EES CJItfiLOTTt LA.Mi IHVISION. in first rlas order. Can be Walch and Jewellery R i J m a An additional sport fixture, a Haielt-loues. lb: J. Milcbell. Toronto. 7-:t; Reading, fi-i. Tak re.lee lhal W. 0. McVmtk. of seen at (iovernment Wharf. spcrialty. LARD E drilling ronlest for siiiple VanciMiier. B.C- miner, mtenda ki apply F. T. Mall order promptly i. prize 9h; Sherman, ss.; h. Smith. If: WESTERN INTERNATIONAL. ! the MinOter rf Land fnr a licence to Apply Saunder, Marine J and douside rock drillers is prn- iSel for coal, tn.leurn and natural Station. f GEO. GIBB II. McDaniells, ;fc W.I-imbie, rf. Calvar y. I ; F-dii!iiton. 5. ta ucr and unoer ine roikokinr deserlbnl , M.e. The usual fool ball and land, ailuale on SkKlerale Inlet. Rrahain Opp. Post office tp " n Thm lland. HX-.: Conianewina at a lt ptatiled lU.W.Wt room suite, fumed oak n..r..l 1' Empire's Standard, baseball are also lo he " nut" frame A. I.. Carrulhers, of Ihe Pro al the Mmtbet corner of Sertion 3a, ITIiirr LEAGUE JUYENILE I promoted. Tanship z: inenee north chain: consisting of dining room P.BURNS CO., LTD. vincial department of Puhlic Ue-nce eal i0 chain: thence muih ta chairs, table and buffet, on CYCLE REPAIRS. Works, returned from a departmental rhami; thenra el as rhaiu Pi lat of Falcons Beat Midgets Last Night mrfiMitenceiucnt. sale at ihe salesroom of i Irip south un Ihe Prince Lorated Ml reft f. tt of all makes repair FIRST MEETING by Score of 12 to 9. w. J. McMonms. Locauir. fieorge Leek. Auctioneer, Cycles iieor'e this inornln?. Third Avenue. 1 17 and baby carriages re i f The Kalcons defeated the Midgets IN thc suencne court of BRITISH Cycle Accessories. When in Terrace The resipnation of II. PaHin- by-a score nf 12 lo 9 OLUKSIA IN CROSATEl FOR KALB Fiirniti! nf four J. GAWTHORN LIBRARY BOARD &on a a member of the fair ex in last evening's Juvenile league In the and Mailer lu loe of Mailer Uie Adniral'lrall of Ilia buit Art of roomed flal. Cot 5"n Has removed to rear of VW ecutive was received wilh rejrrrt baseball aine played on - Hie Kraneuls lluneau lie Muj. Will sell fur $300. Or would Rupert Music Store stop at TAkE Milllt Uial IIh ilk daw of hy Ihe -hoard last eveninsr. A successor Si-veittli sireel yround-. J. Mc-Viilly June, t$tt. jrier of mi Adniinitiraliun lo rent lo iiilable tenant. Phone Third Aasnue .Rev. Q. G. Hacker Chosen Chair- lo Mr. Pattinson, who i. ami X. Cheiuski were the !! alerte eeUie ere rrautrd lo iiim II. lllne g73. No. 1 Clapp Huilding. VcUuik-n, official Adiiuuii.kr, i'mtca Tourist Hotel man Qooks to Be Purchased leaving the cily al an early date respect io pilrlicrs while M. Co-inadina ityfri. HYOE TRANSFER au. iihmixs tuvuia account arini,F()H SALK Silly cords hemlock ! at Once. will be ohosen at the next ineel-ins. an.I X. (iurvirh were lie. the e-Ule are required p. etid the tame I the under-Mrned and cedar; cut fine, ft.sn per Phone 5S0 hind tit,, but. tu milda Ihlny day Best Rooms and Dining Room . in I WM" III I..II cord 5 f.o.b. W. Slm. Jap Service in Uie North The initial meeting of the re. AIX O.HSo.Vii oauir raoaiea in Ihe or Baggage and Express from GO ahl e.lale are hereby required to pay toe Inlet, Porcher Island. tf and Room op cenily appointed lilirary board eawe tlie anderirnet fanhmtii. Mrals from SSe up IiTEn al Ihe cily of Prince Rnnerl Coal and Wood. F. iWa held yesterday afternoon and I In the Prutme. of Prltoh iMumbla Ihla FOR SAL1V One fiHeen fod and tconla llm.oel and HUtf: I for DUUORD, Prop. Rev. . O. Hacker was appointed llh day of Jane aji. Ill) one sixteen fiwd cedar rowboal; JOII.X II. MCMI LI.E1. Globs Airless Tubas. chairman. A Librarian was ap frlnca hu-rt. B.C. also lre lent. Phone Itlue pointed attd Ihe matter of lions when nrryou VVj'ti Y fcT iTA V ' J onlytht ricA V IN tmc sueatiac COURT or BRITISH 398. 117 Secoml Avenue I uin lle lilirary was under dis COLUMBIA IN rnosATEi but nolhinc definite vSNJ TRY IT tXXiTyilNa , lpc4urtovxttY FOR SAI.Fc Two cows; fresh BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR. Seaview o'usion In the Mailer of tlie Admialitralloji Aril tlnne, there leins several tenia, . a IMS in llie Matter ut Uie Elte of i milkers. W. Si inn, Jap Inlet, Phone Black 25. Harry L. Warren. Defeated. itive plans for temporary ipiar TAli: SoTIl I! lhal on Uie till A.r r.t Porcher Island. If II.I...I Cl......n.inir Hen- Storage & Transfer ters. June.the aboe iff.estate teller mere of rrinted Adiuinuirauuu to tttm H.'MIH In SALK Piano. Auierican'nalng. Marcel Waving, Man H was deciibl lo spend about Hcauiieu, iiiiH-iai Juuuiuuiraaor. I'noce Trealnicn' nvu, make. Phone Red 511. lining. Face and Scalp Company la thousand dollars in new books , A EL rEltsO'lS taring; account anloM Above Wrathall's. Phone 777. to Atari with and Messers NABOB Ihe Uie e.lite untfer-almed are reautml wlthia ta efid the Value ELITE Cafe for sale, furnished Ihlrt.e day Third Ate. Furniture Cr&llng a Speciality Hacker jind I'ullen reported lhal fr4it iLe dale UlwJ. complete. - Phone 173. If AIX ri-liSliV i.alnr nvle pt tl' , Ihe Provincial Onvernineut was L .tald eUle are heresy teej.Ured to u.l FURNITURE CRATING ,aT a i u m irM i h 1 1 a ! FOUND Eipress Delivery sending about Mx hundred bo-ks hy exiierienced men. also :( F. B40CHU, Proprietor. imiiicdlalely a a loau and this ..n.U7r.V,ncrornSJ. 'fng belonging lo 'uihday a j"7ouVVm? nU'4, M'l'l IaHy News H, II HlBiMLVfiS number would be increased pos v. lie' I Prmta Euwn, b c : Office. Late Hudson a Day