Wednesday, June 21, 1922. THE DAILY 'EWS " PAGE THREE w Make to every thine habit it morning with cm Launch Local "Oh and Baby."Personal Slue 648. MAID ON AID'S mm 11. C. Undertakers.4.- Phone 41. tf .Summer Dresses al homers. Hayners, Undertakers. Phone ShoePolislies 361. - if Cash for Victory bonds. Thus BRIER WEALTHY WOMEN ARE McClymonl. If DUPED Kale continues on all ready Ip Genuine Black Morocco BY MAN WHO wear. Wallaces. 144 LOOSE LEAF MEMO BOOKS POSED AS A MYSTIC Three dozen eggs for $1, Vest Pocket Size, 4 x 2.J, .complete. ... $3.05 guaranteed. City Market.' ' IL Pocket Size, GJ x complete 4.0 Dr. Tangier, Seff-Stylcd Buddhist Priest, Leaves for Part Unknown Sale prices, on Ladies' Suits, Open End Size, x G, complete 4.10 Suits, Coals, Dresses and Waists. ATT A!?&y&dAWS 77 iiHkk.r:VIiiW A Am-AMCWf AW Solid Cowhide Price Books WINNIPEG. June 20. ...-While Wallaces.. lit 72 lb. Open Side Size, GJ x 3J, complete $7.10 tlio city and Dominion police W, Gogheu of Vancouver arrived TIN were dosing about him a net of in lhc city on the Prince evidence on allegations of bigamy, (Jcorge this morning. 854 narcotic selling-, and false, representations. Dr. Arnold Tangier, DKXNY A LI.FN CO.S JUNE 15 Packages Kclf-Mlyled Duddliist priest, SALE. Willi every $1 purchase i proplieil, mystic and spiritualist, a chance itii our $20.00 Tea Set. lias fled from Winnipeg, leaving tr 23. behind liim hundreds of victims of - what police declare to bo an elaborate Will (ieorge Ellis Watson ' fraud scheme which lias communicate willi cousin, Grace ELKS! Itemeinber Decoration netted him thousands of dollars (). Parker, 125 South Hunting Day June 25. Leave the Home from residents of the city. Ion Avenue, lloston, Mass. If al 2:30 p.m. 147 Fresh Surrounding himself with an Columbia aura of Oriental mysticism, Dr. Hamilton Douglas, Hie well Mystery Trips. Every week- Tangier Is said in (lie five weeks known pioneer innl former alder evening at 7:30 "Narbethong."!' lie was in Winnipeg, to have duped man, arrived today from Seattle Fare $1.00. Phone Black 400. tf many wealthy society women, to lake part in the Masonic fes , FLAT among others, into paying him livilies of the week. , ll. Arnold returned to lhc! Rupert Records large sums of money for seances city from a business trip to die J held in his room al the Fort Alfred Allan was found guilty soulh by the Prince Oeorge this) (!rry hotel, where, clad in flowing of indecency by Magistrate .Mc- morning. I robes of eastern pattern, Clymoiii in Hie police court to BrjndJ sealed in a gorgeous tent, about day and was fined s50 with the V.. II. Paul, principal of Victoria FISH 25c. 50c. arrived from Hie which were hung cabalistic signs option of thirty days imprison College, und symbols, he told unsuspecting ment. soulli willi the Masonic convention Any 10 inch Record Any 12 inch Record ilctolecs of the occult, the parly today. Mr. Paul will past and future, expatiated on Aid. Collarl reported a last take charge of the matricola-lion available from the psycho-analysis, all under pretence night's hospital board meeting examination here, opening now of being lltidhisl that Hie ambulance at Hie High School next Saturday. a priest, new was now ORMES LIMITED w'hihs police ileclaru ho is a under coiislruclion and would lie He is a past grand master local retail stores. of the Oram! Masonic Lodge of French-Canadian, who never was ready for ervice before a very 3rd Ave. and 6th St. in Thibet. time. II. C. alid is lhc fallicr of A. S. P.O. Box 1680 great & Cold Ltd. Canadian Fish Storage Co., In addition to private meetings . . Paul, Seventh Avenue. whose Phones 82, 200 and 134 in the Oriental splendor of his .lust received new eastern guest lie will be while in the PRINCE RUPERT THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES own apartments. Dr. Tangier, in shipment of semi-ready suits city. s J public addresses, made startling lite suits iiiat will give you a prophecies of a great world war hand tailored fit at half Hit SUITCASES in 1U20, in which the-yellow races usual cost. Call in. Woods, Hie were to rise and overpower the Tailor, Sixth Street. TRUNKS white nations of 'the world. lie ' : LiihiifFnawFn?inTnMiCTPTiit-i was. lie claimed,"an agent of the ' ' John"!!; formerly eily CLUB BAGS B. & K. Poultry Mash Thibetan government, three of I treasurer here and now deputy whom he said were sent Into heniiiiilcr of finance in Victoria, GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Large Stock on hand. means world each year to spy out general wa anion;; (lie arrivals In (In 8. S. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT will sail Thursday cmiililions. India, he said, is to city rod ay to attend lhc (iruud Prices vey low. ami Sunday al 1:: o'clock Midnight for Swanson Bay, throw off Ilritish rule, in the gen-1 Lodge .Masonic convention. J. F. MAGUIRE More Eggs Ocean Falls, Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. era! uprising of the east against I For Anyox Wednesday, 11 ji.iik. Tor Stewart, Saturday, 8 run. lliu west. C. II. Orme, Masonic district Next the Prince Kupert Hold Dr. Tangier is known to police depuly, returned today on Hie PRINCE JOHN Fur all Northern and Southern This is balanced Laying Food. S. S. point us Prof. Tangier and Dr. Laval lee. Princess Charlollc from Ocean a Queen Charlotte Islands, May Uth and 27 III, J n no DJlh and ind is said to hac been convicted Falls lo which point he went Each sack has attached a tag giving the ingredients 2 illi, July Htli and 22ud. August 5I!i and l'Jlli, Sept. 2nd, lOtli LATEST MODELS of a charge of selling narcotics on Sunday etcning to meet the and and 30lh. in Ilritish Columbia. HoyalCan- ronveiitionisls and give .(hem IN SUMMER guaranteed analysis. Train Service adian Mounted poliee were inves- preliminary welcome, Passenger Dally Except Sunday, 6.45 p.m. liguliug bis actions here, on sus- Hats and Caps THE BRACKMAMER MILLING CO., LTD. For Sniithers, Prineo (Jcorge, Edmonton, und Winnipeg, piefoii of dope peddling, but had und Mrs. Wrinch, of Hazel making dure I connections for all points in Eastern Canada nut obtained sufficient evidence n". "'ft early litis week for P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 and L niled .Slates. on which lo issue u warrant, up llochcsler, Minnesota, where Mrs. at moderate prices. ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME lo the time uf his departure. In " rineh may enter the Mayo Agency for all Ocean Steamship Linos addition, Ik; is said lo be guilty of '.lime lo receive treatment for steveYing bigamy, haling married a woman illness from which she lias been 528 Third Ave. Phono 260. City Ticket Office, in Saskatchewan, it Is said, while suffering for several mouths Third Avenues SPECIALS Until Thursday lie already bad u wife somewhere During Hie absence of Dr. else in Canada. Local nolice can- " rineh. Dr. Paine of Telkwa, is not proceed against him on this '" charge of the llazellon Hos- Ddd Lot Men's Shoes; alt welled soles, Any pair ul . . $5.95 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY charge, il is said, it being in the l"lal- TERRACE Oild Lot Ladij'S' Shoes. Any pair al , $3.95 jurisdiction of another province. Call and See Them. B.C. Coast Services The alleged faker is said bv ..-"c.wordie was the FRUIT LANDS "INVICTUS" SHOES STILL GOING STRONG. officials who were Jmcsliuuliux recipient recently of .a hound I I acres unimproved laud close uis actions, lo oe possessed or u volume or (lie "Saueouter Pro Sailings from Prince Rupert fan-mating personality, tinged vince containing numbers of to school bouse, one mile from FAMILY SHOE STORE good road, (iood soil Willi mslicislii, which led dab that paper recording Hie -annual town, on (Tho Store of Pleasant Service.) Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway ami walcr on Hie Jaud. Price For Ketchikan, biers in the spiritualistic to lie. convention of Hie National simpler, JUNE 12, 19, 26. JULY 3, 7, 14, 17, 24 and 28. come easy victims or ins suave Imperial Order Daughters ol 75U cash, or .8nu on terms of For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle polished manners, lie is said to the Empire, held early this one-half cash, balance one year JUNE 17. 24. JULY 1, 8, 12, 19. 22 and 23. have described in a picturesque inonlh in Vancouver. Mrs. S. P. I'll I sis a good bargain. GET BACK ON THE FARM S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, Mc.Mordie. who Is regent of the manner his early life, und eduva Namu, Alert Camp IKENNEY BROS. & CO. 160 Acres '2 mile from Morlcetown. Frame house and Ocean Falls, Bay, East Bella Bella, lion as a disciple of Iliuldha, tell- Municipal Chiipler, wu delegate two barns. Forty Acres Meadowland, balance Poplar and bell River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. 10 11,0 onveulioii fruin Ibis his city. & ing fascinated vicitims uf the Real Estate Insurance Brokers. Spruce. 60 Acres fenced. Snap for either cash or terms. Agency for all Steamship Lines. great leiiinles anil Hie mvslio rites " TERRACE, B.C. Enquire THOS. McCLYMONT Full Information from nnicticed in tbem. lie staled lie '"e regular monthly meeling W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, had been a priest in a Thibetan "r ""' "ospilui lioar.l was held in Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. monastery, and. once be left the ,Ih' t-"" Council chamber last wulls of the - institution, could ' u "eing present The of never return lo it. President D. (i. Stewart. Mrs Beauty Police officials denv Ihrv will rl.eod, .1. Lome Mlle- LADYSMITH- fAAI NOTARY llake aelioii to nlaen umler Laren, E. II. Morliiuer, W. E THEO COLL LTD.- iinv lie- ART, pun Lie I ... ' ...- .... ir.niiit.Mi .u . I). Cut Glass re i uie iiurgeii r reiicii-i.auadian ,: JW- -Mcl.eod, C. Mcllae, Col. S. . unpoMur. who is said lo liuvu Mc.Mordie. WELLINGTON Ll AL Five Roomed House and Bath For Sale on Ninth Ave. E. duped hundreds of people of Hie Aid. Then. Collarl, Dr. J. P. Hade il is impossible lo.describe $2,000. 5t0 cash, balance otic two and throe years. eily niul province. and Major (I. E. tlilison, secre il, especially when it is eul lary. Itouline business included BULK on Dock $12.75 per ton gluss'that IS cut glass. General Insurance (hp passing for payment of ae BULK Delivered . $14.25 per ton Rentals Real Estate We hate il. A new stock TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY counts to umounliiig id, Phone Blus 69 Westholme Theatre Blook P. O. Box 66 113.03. just in, SACKED on Dock $13.75 per ton I'OIl SALE I'uinilure of three The latest report reeeiveil re lleautiriil Howls $0.50 to SACKED Delivered $16.00 per ton i 1 5.00. roomed house, complete, everything gardiug the progress uf (',. o. Whiskey Scls PJ to 25. The Ladysmlth-Welllngton Coal has been mined continuously iuelude.L I'on $100. Presl, the United Slutes, avialor Little things sjt.CO- lo for the past fifty years. Thl$ splendid coal Is unequalled you walk in nml I walk out. who is reluming lo Jliese parts 0.50. for all purposes Steaming, Household, and Furnaces. DENTISTRY! Also gramophone and fifty records. this year In the course- of i.u You're welcome In only til.()0, Apply 1203 fliglil fruin lluffalu lo Siberia, Prk Avenue. was oil his arrival at Helena. look. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Service Modern X-RAY Molilalia, at the end of last John week. Aviator Pres wu scheduled Bulger, Exclusive Agents for Ludysinilh-Wellington and Yellow lieu J FCZEMA iti- lo huve crossed the border The Jeweller Coals. DR. BAYNE into Canada (Iris week. He fore HI 1 C? Phune in your orders uny hour, day 109 bkln Irrltv Jrnone id or night, uiw'o will always bo phone reacinng iieienii, ino nyer run soiimono looms 4, 6, 6, Helgerson Blook M tluiii. 11 relieve! l one. and gradu-kllr GIFTS THAT LAST is In. bcx Dr. into ul the desk to receive them. Afternoons, 1:30-5:JO; be tlia sk Hauil'la a rainslorm which ueeessl. Olllco Hours: Mornings, 0-12; OliiUiiciit free II uieuUun till Evenings. 7-9. Piwr Vhm't und ioinlsciiHiiip ooc. tilled his reluming lo Anaconda Peter Black, Agent. Main Office, Central Hotel. bok i nil dealor ur r.duini. M.i & (U. piultwt.Tor''!" " I