WHEN YOU WANT A THE NEW TAXI mdln YOKOHAMA 99 in Phone a hurry CAFE HOME BAKERY PRINCE RUPERT ALL NEW CARS Phone - - - - 636 . --' S Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper voi . xiii. no, m. .PIUNUH HUI'KIIT. II. C, WEDNESDAY. JUNK 21, 1022. Votrd' Circulation 162 8trrt 911. PRICE FIVE CENTS Prince hpert Welcomes Visitors PROPOSAL FOR BIG CORPORATION TO PURCHASE CANADIAN SHIPS Three Hundred Masons Here SUCKLEY DELAYED : DEBATES ON Rotarians From New York IN COMING HERE BY Short Visit to City; Pay TRIP TO THE EAST From South to Take Part in Word was received in Leave For Tour of Canada Hie cily (his iiioruiu? that Great Number of Provisions P. L. Iluckley who was Passed In Committee Grand Lodge Communication 4o have been here lo Yesterday Close'to two hundred Ilolariaiis und their wives uud families open nil (he mill al Puck-ley arrived this inoniiiig'on the Prince George, a lively bunch of buir Itjiy had ji-unc rasl instead LIQUOR DISCUSSION iuess and professional men from New York and New Jersey Tlie UP.lt. coast liner Princess Charlolle, Gupt. V. .1. Iloyee, M. Digou, Mr. and Mrs. II. H. and would be hero slides, and after spending two hours in the pity pulled out on a. gaily bedecked in holiday garb, glided into the harbor ul nine Kvans, 'I'. J. Ivvans, W. (lower, M. later. In the rneantluie Senators Do Not All Approve B.C. special (ruin on a lour of Canada, taking in all the big cities, They came north from the big Notary convention at Los Angeles o'clock Ibis illuming, and berthed nl No. I dock. The decks were Wdraham, Mr. and .Mrs. P. Hall, the scows are bcinjr overhauled Control of Imports Measure crowded lo llie rails with I he joyous throng of visiting Masons of N. 0. Ilaugli, Mr. and Mrs. Ii C. al Hie drydock and and spent a day ul Vancouver en route. t Tlie parly was met at the dock by llie members of the local the (irand Lodge ami their wives, who will slay in Prime lluperl llaywurd, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hen-dcrson, other minor preparations OJTAWA, June 21. The club headed President Tom Johnson and until midnight Friday to hold their FiNy-Kirst Annual (Jommiini-ealion. Mr. and Mrs. II. llether-ingl.on,,J. made with a view lu the House swept through a number by ex-Mayor McUlyiiioul. I Ihen taken tlie. lo hey were While a cooling shower prevailed on the arrival oC llie Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. w ork si art in k. of budget resolutions makin up- parly the sun commenced lo shine shortly after the ship had W. M. Del, P. James, Mr. ami few chaiiKos and defeating stair building room whore of lliey tlie new were station form- RAILWAY RATE been .ufely moored.- I Mrs. S. Jones, I. Lancaster, Hon amendment, brought chiefly by lly welcomed. The wharf was crowded to ca-paeily suitable reply, in which he said A. M. Manson, W. Manson, W. P Proaressives. ' The fore it'n cur with a large welcoming that they were happy to be able to Marchanl, W. Middlelon, J. Mint VOTE TAKEN rency resolution was allowed to President address Johnson,.welcomed in a humorous the BUREAU TO BE parly of local Masonic rclhren, have their annual eommuuica to Miller, Ii Paul, Mr. and Mrs stand after a hot debate parly lo the "metropolis- of tlie Muyur Itoehosler on behalf of llie lion in Prince lluperl and, if they II. Pedeu, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Proposed duties on imported ON west" behalr of Hie local club. on City of Prince Ituporl, hoarded the had as good a time as had been Phillips, W. T. Phillips,- Mr. ami RAILWAY blankets, plows, implement He spoke of Hi,, pleasure it, STARTED HERE islcuiiirr a in I in few well express experienced by lliem in lull Mrs. II. Pout, D. Hoberlson, W. ready-made clothes, boots and gave him lo meet them and ed words welcomed the visitors everyone would be mole than sat Scott, Mr. ami Mrs. S. A. Staden, hoes, fabrics, ciirareltes and Mayor Rochester extended lo lliem the mikI handed to W. S. Terry, the isfied. Three lusty cheers for Mr. ami Mrs. V. W. Stewart, Mi RATES PLAN cigars wore all .adopted by llie freedom of the city. Will Study and Advise Regarding Unuid M,uslcr for H.C., a gilt key I'riiice utipeit were then given ami Mrs. II. Tuvlor. Mr. and Mrs. House. which defeated many Railway Rates Vancouver of Kivautic iiroporlioiis symbolic by Hie visiting Masons ami the W. S. Terry. A. II. Walker, D amendments to these eetiuus. S.nlrit of North. v nf llie freedom of the city. .The (irand Maslcr accompanied by the Walker, W. (). Walluce, Mr. and Crow's Nost Agreement Suspended no excise ouiy on iieel sut'ar Padre (.Irani of (he local eluli Headquarters wailin;,' citizens, upon a call from Mayor left the boat, followed by Mrs. W. Yule mid 11. i:. Morris. and Lower Rale was adopled lo come into effect told them of the spirit of 'Hie VIOTOIttA, June 1. The the Mayor, gave three rousiu Hie remainder of llie party. New Westminster K. I,. Herry to go Into Effect al. Ho- bejnidu? of next year. north whore. Ilnlariauism had vincial will proi, government, grant cheers for the visitors. . S everyone expressed delighl s. Howell, W. Hums, (1. I.. Cas. The sales tax provisions were been practised since the begin-, towards the cost of lerryi llie Cirami .Master, inaile u with tlie trip tip the eousl and sady. J. S. Chile, II. Cullen. Mr OTTAWA, June 21. The held over al Hie reipiest of Hon. niny. In the life of...lhe uorlh- 9.1,11(10 freiglil traffic bureau to give a were in their prunes of llie ex and Mrs. S. J. Cuirie, D, Donald- special House committee W. S. Fielding. west (here was llie spirit of help expert cellenee of llie service received; sou, J. Houston, II. C. HowvlU, voted last night to suspend Liquor Amendments fulness which was Hie basis of study and advise business interests PROMINENT MEN List of Visitors Mr. and Mrs. A. McDonald, II. S. the Crow's Nest Pass Agreement In the Senate the (iipior .amend llotary. mailers in as regard lliey affect to railway the nro-rate Mc(ioeil, Dr.. P.. D.,-.MasSweeii, for another xear with meats were, lntly-MiHalil," Kwue D.'H'JoiV.tbcit went on to 'llie list of Aisjlors, "whiqli con Mr. anTrMrs. Nels Nelson. J. II. the optlorr at the end of that of the senators sup-ge'sted thai peak" of' Hie close friendship hlficr; STfftertaW''a tie. MASONIC tains Hie numes of some of Hie period of a further existing between Canadians and parting nt will be $8,00d towards PARTY laphael. K. K. Ileid, A. llowe'I, suspension llritish Columbia and (Quebec most prominent business and which the Vancouver Hoard of1 for Americans and of the Dr. de Wolfe Smith. one year. wmileil control so that they could llolary professional men of Vancouver The offered reduction which would lend im Trade will Kianl fSOH. Vancouver From Other Points of adulterate the Inpior ahd sell at spirit to Victoria and other southern oil will be the headquarters Many Woll Known Figures In hcvtoke. D. Adams, J. O. rates on basic commodities' n hiiL-e proril. llie IPpior administration prove lhost. relations. iili the Publlo Life of Provlnco Are ics, is us follows: Harder, Mr.' and Mrs. 'J. II.'. Ileus; offered by the railways Is to in Ontario was criticized. union or forces or Hie American of bureau. Prince Rupert Visitors Vancouver P. A. Anderson, M. Miss M. Calliell, K. A. Dickson, T. come Into effect Immediately. Senator Ilobertson dopre- and Urilish peoples, war would Avery. I. T. ilallantyne, 1'. C Hope. The majority In favor of caled the haudiliu' .of federal cease. CONVICTION MADE .Many men. prominent in th llird, Mr. ami Mrs. P. J. Hind NelsiO Jits. Teacue, Jno. susponslon Is believed to rijrhls lo the provinces. I'he president of the New York business, professional and political Mr. ami Mrs. Iuncan Campbell, I'eague. have been small and sharp Sir Oeorge Foster supported elub spoke, briefly in reply, cm. AT WILLIAMS LAKE life of the province are in the J. Clemens, Mr. and .Mrs, A. McC. Kalillonjn A. V. Alexander J. flflhtlnn will probably take provincial control of exports btil diasjzjng their pleasure at be city today with the Oraml I.mbi Crecry, J. A. Davidson, 111. ilev II. Hromley, K. J. Crinrod, W. A. place In the House of Commons thouulit llritish Columbia ouclil in? here and at Hie reception UNDER FOREST ACT Masonic Convention. Some Prince Hishop A. I. Ite Penefer, Mr. and over the proposal. (i. Marlnlt. not o set control of the imparls they were given. lluperl old-timers arc also here Mrs. (i. (.'.. Derby, C. (i. Dixon, Princeton A. (1. Klaek. thus putting wealth under party There was some singm? and WILLIAMS Lake, June 21. having taken the opportunity of Klliotl. T. (i. F.lliolt. Ilev. Samuel Central Park- .Mr. and Mrs. and political control. the visitors gave a number of At Forest Grove yesterday Harry revisitimr old scenes on the auspicious Fca, T. (!. Gilbert, W. II. (irei A. Itrookhotise, Mr. and Mrs. NATIVES FROM humorous and topical refrains. Wilcox was convicted of burning occasion. J. Ilamiltou, Mr. and Mrs. C, W. I.. Wrlglesuorlli. ISLAND" Sharp at noon the train, consisting without a permit in contraven- , Amomr tlie well known men are Ilaruiati, II. 0. N. Harris, Mr. and Port Alherni K. II. Hishop VANCOUVER of nine Pullman ears, one lion of (he Forest Act and was lion. V. J. Ilowser, leader of the Mrs. P. Ii Harrison,. W. I(igh Murilo Campbell ami I', (i. Iox. STRAWBERRY observation and three diners filled ?1() and cost by the mag- i CROP opposition in the provincial government more. , A. Hill, . u. Hooper. Mission City Hauuisler and pulled out bound for Jasper Park istrate. and former premier; F. I. II. Hushes, W. C. Kiltz, Mr. I'. Sinllli. SMALL THIS YEAR which I, the next slop. J. Html, general malinger of the mil Mrs. I). II. Leslie, II. Lynn, It. (irand Forks Mr. and Mrs. W. BELIEVED LOST AMERICAN OFFICIAL I,. Maitland, i. W. Marshall, Win. Vancouver Province; J. Stil'.vell Ilontlu Mr. and Mrs. W. Huff. BIRTH. Chile, barrister of New Westminster; Mourns. .1. J. Miller, II. 0. Moore, man. VICTQIIIA, June 1 1 .Continued A son Was born lo Mr. and COMING TOMORROW III. Ilev. Kisliop A. II. Ie Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Moore, D, D. Sleveslon I,. Caldicott. Mr. and Mrs, Stafford Assumed dry weather is spoiling the Mrs. ('.. (iiggey, of Trrrace, at I'eitcier, of Vancouver; Mark L. Mu urn. (!. Murray, (. A. Miacdou- Ciiiiilieikiiiil T.' II. (!urey, Mr by Police to Be Victims of berry crop of Vancouver Island the (ieueral llospial on June 20. II. II. Mr. and Mrs. and tlie first U.S. Consul Wakefield has indicates Oriminell, barrister and former aid, McDuffee, ml Mrs, A. K. Jefery. Khyex River Tranody output mayor of Merrill; William Ivel, I. A. McNinuell, Mrs. Ii Mcl.cod, Nanaimo--Mrs. and .Mrs. .1. W Report. thai there will be a considerable been notified thai Hon, Claudius drtigcist of Victoria and Liberal II. McMantis, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Vdiurn, Samuel Drake, D. Callo . It is believed by Hie local pro falling off in the output of berries Huston, assistant secretary of New nil, .1. I.. Norlhey. W. II. Pud. this year. ommerco will arrive hero to. candidate for Hie Common in way, c. (iraliam, II. (irifrilli, Mr vincial police office thai Mr. and TREATY STILL IS the last federal'i'leclioli: 1'.. I. Ion, Dr. and M. It. I. Pallen, mil Mrs. W. Lewis, Mr. ami Mrs. Mrs. Stafford, unlives of Kit WINNING IRELAND morrow aboard llie Amencarj I. Pallen. J. W, Prescolt, Mr. ship Lnjuve. Ho will confer with.; Miss treasurer llie WAREHOUSES Johnson, formerly cily Merrifield. J. M. IliidiJ, Mr. wituga. were inuonunale WIPED r of Prince lluperl and now deputy amj Mrs. II. I,. Ileid, Mr. and Mrs. mil Mrs. Jno Shaw, Mr. ami Mrs. people who perished on I lie Khyex LONDON. June 'il.- the consul here. provincial minister of finance;! II. J. lingers, .Mr. ami , Mrs, v . W. K, Thompson, Nicholas' Iliver trail am) whose bodies were OUT IN DISASTROUS Latest Irish election returns: Hon. A. M". Manson, or Prince Iluss, Master I'. Moss, J. II. Itus-sell, Wright, ami A. 1'.. Yales. reporled lo have been found by Coalition treaty. LATESTDESPATCHES lluperl. attorney general; William J. II. Sanderson, .1. Sargin-son, Clillwack J. W. Carmichael, another native .Monday, llns is CRANBROOKE BLAZE 51; Coalition Republicans, Manson, of Victoria, formerly .1. (i. Scott, T. V. Smith, W. assumed by the police its on C, Carter, L, A, La Pierre, and Labor, II; Farmers, Montreal Chargo against member the legislature C. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. having been nsecrlaincil lia( this of June Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Wilson. CIIANHIIOOK, Ifl.-Worden's 5; Independents, 10. The MontiiKue Allen dismissed. for Skeenti and ex-mayor of Thomas, II. W. Thompson, .Mayor Point drey W. L. Corey, family, which also coiilained four flour warehouse and favorable results of the London Prince of Wales ar-i Prince lluperl and Nanaiino; W. C. K. Tisdale, V. Tyre, I,. Ward, (iolden D. P. Kiiupton and J. children left for the headwaters James Kerrigan's feed storehouse elections are being received rived Plymouth lust niyht. Home P. Mure haul, mayor of Victoria; II, II. Wulson, Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Liuiiey. of the Khyex Hiver on a (rapping were destroyed by fire yesterday. here witli great' enthusiasm. today. 0. I'". Nelson, of New Denver, formerly II. While, Peter WriKlit. Ocean Palls Mr. and Mrs. I' expedition last fall am have not The total loss is estimated at Copenhagen Many Jews being member of the legislature North Vancouver .1. W. Fug-, It. Denton,' M. Ilaslelt and C been heard of since. If this a-Ktimpliou SUI.OOn and the damage to C, P. massacred in Ukraine. for Slocan; K. 11, Paul, principal ler. C. L. Jenny ii, C. II. Lane, K. upper. i correct It is likely- 11. freight cars was SI,01)0, WashiiiBton President Hard, of Hie Victoria College; W. S. N. Malthy., A. (i. Perry. Duncan - Mr. uml .Mrs. C. Doli. thai, the children may also have intr unable lo make Western trip Terry, Victoria druggist and Victoria K. P. Allan, It. Haird, on, nr. IK 1-. Kerr, ami Jus. expired in Hie settlement ;io miles this Grand Master of the ("Irand Masonic W. J. Ilowser, Mr. and Mi.s. J, roig. , .. up river uml that when death oc year. I.oilvc; C. K. Tisdull, mayor Ill-ow n, Dr. and Mm:-., Hi J.Jk'Hoy Ileiiiey r. i raser. ;;it. , curred; tlie parent's may have Company Proposes Tenders 'or printing the 192? of Vancouver and formerly member Purges. W. H. Chambers, (io.Mr, Kaslo II. (iii'Ki'ich. been on their way out to the rail fall fair prize list wcio received of llio legislature, ami many anil .Mrs. (!, II. Chisholm, .Merrit Mr. and Mrs. M. 1,. way line to olttaiu supplies. I lie at (he meeting of the exhibition others, Clark, Mr. and Mrs, C. Dcaville, II.I bodies were found about twelve (Irjmiuelt, i Buy and hoard last night and the contract I'eiiticlou --J. Ivirkpatrick and or nriccu nines no m(. trail ami Operate was awarded to Rose, Cow. II. Morley. about midway between tlie rail mi & Latin at $7.20 a page, Me Big Reduction in Deficit of Williams Lake It. W. Ilaggen. way and (he camp. lt ae HroH. also tendered, their bIJ Cn'iHon Major H. Mallandaiue Chief Minty, of llie provincial Merchant Marine Vernon A. Jlegraw. jioliee, was in receipt of a nies.s- Canadian National Railways Ki-rnle N. McCalluin. aKe yesieruay rroin Cousinldo AbbollsfoiNl J. A. Mcliowan. Martin, who was sent witli Constable , Shown in 1921 Annual Report l.adner Mr. and Mrs. II. (iibson lo investigate, OUKHKU, June 'il. A project to have llie Canadian Govern. . A reception will be held Ilich, W. Staples, and W, staling Uml he had left the nient Merchant Marine taken over by a number of Hrilisli 'finan at the Prince lluperl Club Wilson. mouth of the Khyes Iliver at 0 ciers who will build a number of grain elevators ut Uauadiaii uml on Thursday afternoon TOHONTU, June. 21. The. first annual report of llie Laua-dian Iliondel C. I". Slierwin, o'clock yesterday morning for Miropeun points uml u large, flour mill ul Quebec, is outlined in from 3.U0 lo 5.30 for tho National llailways, with all lo'id consolidated muter one Hossland I. II. Slanlou. Hie scene of he Irauedy. If it is ii letter written by T, M, Kirkwood, steamship mugnate, lo tho visiting ladies. All local hisleni, wus issued today. An increase of $i,0i,70:i in gross Hock Creek Mr. and Mrs. 0. found that Hie persons who ex minister of marine und fisheries. Masons' wives are invited. carningK over last is shown. Passenger receipts are down Wheeler. ' pired'un'the trail were really Mr. Mr. Kirkwood says that a group of llritish financiers fuvor Also boats will bo al the 10 per cent ami freiglil year receipts up 3.18 per cenl. 1 he tfriwn New Denver C. F. Nelson. ami Mrs. Stafford, it is, likely (he (he scheme if the Quebec and Ollawu governments will guarantee Prince lluperl Hoathouso earnings $12(1,(1111,10.1 uml the oeraliug expenses, i-i.-7 police parly will continue right the interest on the issun of bonds and will sell the vessels ut for those who' prefer a m n7 ii,,.were.,..) .i.,r:..;i ii.,, !...i,.,r . Hi no:t.,':i2 or less Ihen lialf Mrs, W. A. Williseroft is pass. through lo Hie eump at the a fair price, lu return for this the new company willi give a lower water trio. 114 of llie previous Tlie Physical ussels of tlie road are valued , i g through the city aboard the, headquarter where the children rule on gruiu freights und us security will give llie government nl Si l .ikin Mini nun year. llHU-e George enroute to Any ox. may alfO be found. u first mortgage and llie insurance policies on the vessels.