PAGE 6IX TBI DAILY IIWS Vednc iday June "l io?, -TTJ ii-ijjjjH I'mu Do Your Bowels HAZELTON G. H. Arnold, Notary Public I do more regularly, or they 'J'wo or three iniiuir trnsw caino OLD Up beforo Jiulse IIhIhtIsdii, FIRE INSURANCE become constipated I'riitce (Seorse, who liclil rounly fs carefully wrllen by us In reliable companies. We are per-manenlly court here hi I week. I. Wit engaged In the business and our records are accurately Tlierej Is no medium tliroiith which son uiulA. MclJ. Younir, f J'rliie llsea. sw oflcii attacks the sjslrni as ti) (iforRtv were, counsel mill 'I'. V Kept so that when your policy expires you will be notified alluwlnr t'm bowels to become constipated. Canada's FavoriU llerue clerk of Iho was fuurt. In sufficient time to keep We your property protected. solicit ami Hum Is no other trnublo that flesh Is your business. Mr to thai Is more liable to le nrrlecled, - H. O. HELQERSON, LTD. Imaux iiial-rlal Inconvenience may not be II. I.. Ilainscy. tli'liirt arl Pip Tobacco Insurance. Rentals. frit, al mire. fnm Irrrrular actlonof th cuUuralMl of Hie Si'lilk-rs Set bowels, When there Is not rtrulir action llcmciit llourtl, has lierti In the tho itlcnllim of the decayed and efele district for (he pant fortnight i matter, mill Us ikjIsoiiuiis taes soon poisons tliei whole, system by belnr ab-MTlM'd taking u . matters perla liilnir lo All (hut you hear about lino It, causing- violent sick and his duties, lie not ices n areat Tnc Tobacco blllum hrariarlirs, Internal blecdttnr or iiiiroeineiil in Ihe iliMrii-l since prolruilliic piles, heartburn. Jaundice, etc. his litsl visit vu years siwo and TIMBER SALE X 4064. MILBJRN'8 LAXA-LIVER PILLS Hartt 11.111 rsM-lit al t hiki fls. vf Hit A . a...... said the Neeliako Valley whs una . . .. :ro ru riiijcrn nm im ieii vfii i v irte i MlniMrr uf Land. l Victoria, nut uJV nui nuiinr inrm ! of I hi; imtst promising fiiriniu? man iiwii tm iiH! slitu iijv tr jhiv. to ii-iiar. aim rrumimr me cunsiiDiittin fields he had ever seen, iwr simt Mirriid!r ui Lirrii(fl a 4Ni. li.iani. n ii aMijmI f rviiitiioa uffi?Zi&l&J!' $Z&uWtru,S!!' ! Buckler. T.l.n..,mucl.e. FT. - Ilianre sr. i;oat UHlrlct. 'IS- wrllci: "for over a year I suffered .Ml the leaehers nf llir Van of the Ilaltenbury Co., wild m um in'iiiii 1 1 iWi a,.it, miii Shoes neivaYVf t'linile "0,":(, for re-I'M constipation. I took several different derliuof public school teaching lew lo setllliin lit Iho disliiel. lurlli'er iwrTlrulars of the thief fores- klml ot ,l1',:"e. but rould only iret -taff arc remaining here fr ne.x Iff Vlrlf.ria III' . In.ieiri I iMIirHirarv rtfr I nasi intrl n lev Ull. IITIIHf HuiK-rl. B.l- llllirn-i Illl.lllrr Pill. I r.Ra-iir.,1 i. lerin. I". l!. Mellride, M. I', for 'ail WESTHOLME THEATRE their frood looks, perfect fil, TIMBER SALE X4123 vials of tlirm, but after I had taken one I lion, in wrilinix lo Ihe I'rinee loiip Imluruiice, is fully verified I found tlnl I was relieved nf niv imnhl. Ilie wedditi? of laid Menty (eoive Hoard of Trad", mil Tonight and Tomorrow . .. . . , . the Pennine satisfaction Sealed teuilira ulll Im. Nrolvn;t i. ti.-lt .i.. i by ...L, irj .ii. uu iiui iti-n laic ij rrnimiiiviiu laia-l.iver Hoy and -Miss Kveljn .Mary I Islrlcl forester. Prince liwiwrl. not aler nm. , ....... notinees liinl nrruiisTemeiils It:i you receive when you man ikkhi on Hie 8tli day of June tt-t ' ' '"' ul lltoouifield took place al Kfrf St. been made fop Hon. (Ihas. Slew ' fur the inrriiae uf l.lrenre X 413 near Tire, lie a vial at all dealers, or mailed wear them. "BM,:'-,ifreH,.:!!;,ci,l,,:In:u,k0 T- M" lames at D'o'clock Mmiday iunrii. ill, miuiMer of Ihe i'ulerior. and X"1 Constance r:'p' :bLThe The is low for shoes .iO price l.elar. in-.'. Ilrv. Histiop lliitinc, of lion. V. II. Motherwell, minister Takadge of (his high quality. iimval one of(I iiiiiht.year ulll be allowed for re-1 Prince Ittipert, ami Ilcv. riillicr f a?riiAillnre, lo slop iimt in 1'urlher "articular i.r II... r..... I Dill I flPV HirDPTrn Uocola. Of litis .district, nfficia-tiny. I'rinee in (1ii of $12 50 per pair ler.lrln-a Victoria,Itiiitnirf or II f the KiMrlct Korestc'r.l DULLUtA TTljOjtEI The couple ate sii?ndin llo'ir western Heorge lour this course summer in a Seven Keel Beauty. PROPOSES PUT ON their honeymoon at Stuart Lake. Mrs. W. I'. (?ilvie, Heeompaii-1 "POLLY OF THE FOLLIES" HOSPITAL RECITAL lit. llev, F. II. I)u Vcrnct, Archbishop by her son, left rccenlly to KIRKPATRICK of Caledonia, arrived "it in Portland, Oregon, wbor TIMBER SALE X3983 Major I, Mullock Wehsler. here yesterday iiiornin?. To- they will also attend Ihe Hose The Store of Satisfaction '"''"''' -ity inorrow nitfhl lie will linlj cuii- C;i riiUal. Handsome Hen Tin-pin in a Two Red Super Comedy nn uT,.; ;.V ".. TiV..."" ...,J."!? 'y nils and miw than 141 si Om iiii iUr .r jniv ib. Iiif Yifrlnt'iri li:t nrffi-i,l in n,n,i firiualiou serleivs for a lniinloT ' "Love and Doughnuts." Admission, 35c and 15c 1'fiiiii.w ill Eunice A lllllw.i... ..I I f of candiilales from various purls There is ipiitc controversy in -ul 3,ihiii,o fi-et Of Ci-dar, spruce, own expense itlld 1 1 1 a of the disiricl who iu aim neiiuocK, snuaied mi th t-t ,ii ji' 4 "IM , In Hal, lulf have lieen lue cily over- the recent ap Arm of Blr BIG REDUCTION ON foi.i Hljicict.Lake, tllerslle Bar. i of Hi,, iM-oceeds fter Ihe liall prepared by llev. Ueore J. t iray pointment by the school hoard of re.,V:;Vi f ii,nr;r: ' " ""u"ru ,ur and adv,.rlisii.s are naid for J.. Mr. Smith, of South Fort tieoce, SPRING runner particulars or !lie Chirr tore.- 1 I III- Water on Ihe Talchi lliaT i as principal of the public inispil.ll .111(1 Ilie oilier ler, Victoria. Il.c. or lilslrlit I . Forester, very hisrli and il will be impos schools liiM-e. The Ureal War - "--r-, o ii.iii iti i use to eiiver cv sible lo s.larl the work of clour. Velerans' Association und oilier penses. 'hr iii'oiiosilion was Lumber Lath Suits, in? Ilie bed of Ihe river for have Ihe & protested appointment TKVDEnS for the mirr!ue or the In. I"""-" m.n, lf tills Mll.1l Il.mrU 5,;'.,. "f , B- eCtaire in i-roHncial last ii ij:111 in a Idler from .Major navigation until fall. An appeal liiittiif itittilti: that II should have is licinir mailt- lo lint Dijiiiiiiioii lili Incluftte, and also Tlmlier Lots iii7-jl'Ulloek-ciii!p and the exeeil aoiit- lo .Mr. Foley, another appli 10 io,s, im.iii inclusive, situate on Lvtll. I lv Cilisi-sili of (ioveriiinenl In clear the banks of cant u'lil a reliii'iied joliIi'T. Shiplap-Boards and and (irahain 1IjihI i i.hitr.hi. uin trees in order thai low ;itli he reo-lved by Ihe undersliriied up to the Pri-sidciil . i. Sicwai-I. Co. Mc Dresses i u..r ti jui. ivzr. ine Eiirriesi or can be mnu5. any iciiocr imii necearny accepted, .Mordie .iiui I). C. Mcllae. was 4 (leiiivc IIowIhiiiI Fisher lias Dimension for further particulars apply to Ihe dflc-s-atitl In look itrlo the matter reeetvfil the apiioiiiluienl or unnersiffiiea. Mi"s Kdua lluri'ows, of .Ni'l-nii, AMiERSOX A. EWAIlt. and iqiiirt. Mr. Stewart said fisheries overseer for llu; Cari necrlver. e-o Uwlllim. Crlxp k Markay, I.aiic.-fdiire,fiancee of Lewis Hav-son, Thoroughly Air Wrled and Stored Under Lover lo) Pacific linlldlnir. Vancouver. D.C. lie would iir srniit-; soulh fur his boo disiricl, sdcceediiip' the late Coats holidays im July y ami Would has arrived here and is tlnr 1. F. M. Perkins. QIEEX CIIAni.OTTE LAXD DIVISION. uesl of Mr. and Mrs. Ca?eil Vancouver,Take notice tbat W. O. McMorrls. of Ihen lake lln jirojiosal up personally Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding B.C, miner. Intends to applv Hartley. to the Minister of Lands ror a licence t'n willi Major lliillock-W cli-ster C. II. (filbert, Terrace instir-uice iroM-et for coal. elnileiiin and natural al Yii'loria. iidjiisicr, was iu the city Call In and look and Finish over our aas over and tinder the rullowlna' described selection of lands, sltuale on Sklderale Inlet. Graham .ANDERHOOF last week for a few days on beautiful Sports Island. B.C.: r.igiuiicnrlnir at a post planted IN THE SUPREME COURT r BRITISH Goods. al the northeast corner or Section S7, COLUMBIA IN PROBATE business. Tunhlp ; thence west 80 chains; thence III IIh- MatliT r the Administration Art SPRUCE LATH south SO chains; thence east go chains; ami in iiii. .Mailer or the K.-lale of Ialby II. Murkill sjienl siuitiiI thence mirth 80 Chains to point or commencement. William lliiriiiws .Marl.autrlihii. Knliribf f'- lh Mallv New BENT'S TAkE .NOTICE thai on the IDUi day of days in luwii lat week after In Manufactured In Prince Rupert and telllna at Lowell Prices Located March . lff. . " I'liers or .samiiiHiain.ii iu and lmb llurris had compleli'iJ a MINERAL ACT. W. o. MeMiintilg. trf-ahir. nif auove esuie were sranieu lo 'Mrs.) lima urav. in f:i.rtuee MriHl. V Irli.rla surv'-y if Ihe Silver Jueen llrniip FORM r. 3rd Ave. 0IEE.X Take rilAfll.OTTK lie that W.LAXtl O. McMorrls.MVISIO.f.of BX.ALL ri:ils'i. liavlntr acrounls agalnsl at Owen Lake owned by Or. II, 12. CERTIFICATE KOTIOI.OF IMPROVEMENTS. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. tin- estate Vancouver.' B.C.. miner. Inteml. f im.Iv are r.inntl In semi the same In Ihe to the underslMu..l willilti lliiriv ilv. W'rinch. We fore leaving; here lt "SILVtn lioniit: o. 3- Slid "ssll.VKIt Minister of Mods foe a licence in Mineral Llalms. llolilii: (Iiai:tioX" situ- prosK-rt ror coal, fietroleum and natural nun tut- oaie iwreHir. spend tlie summer al Plewart. Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 ras over and under the rritiiminr iint-tiH ALL lKII"l.i.s nwlnr liemles lo the said ale In the Xaas inter .Mlnlua Dltlslon of lands, situate on Skiderate Inlet. Graham estate are lierrtij reutred In pay Ilie Mr Mrkijl will survey two tir.""1,1-' ,"1'',r'r'-, same 10 ine rortliwilli. ' I On klliault Hirer. Island. B.i: ('jHiinirni-lnr at in.1 niiil.TMjrmil at the miiitheast a HATKIi al llu ntlv of Prince Unpen In three elalilis on llocher dtl Ilnjlt TALK XiiTli t that Lewis W. ratmorr. corner of Section i3, Ihe Pnivlliee or llrlllJi lilnmhla. llin, t ree Mimr'i i:-i nricate o. C as EDSON COAL ownsinp r: ineucc nurtli 80 chains; thence riu uay or Julie, A.l. ivti. mounlaiii. afrnl fur A .V. Miner, tree Miner's Cer tlM-nce tu riiaiiu; iiK-nre soutn cualns IIM.liA II.V (Eveculrlti. tificate .No. twit c, and l. w. tuimeron, east 80 chains to point or com Vlet.irn. Ii ' t ree Miner' HerUflcate Xo. t0 U. Intends, nienceriient.Located March SI. 9JJ. When Ihe airplane, which Is eltty days rrotu Ihe date hereof.; Just Arrived! Shipment of Fletcher's Famous COMPANY w. n. Mi-Minims. Uiea toe. OUEE.X CIIAIILorTE LAXD DIVISIO.X. licit)? brou?hl here from LVInini)-lon to antilv lo Ihe M lulus' lienirder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the pnr- Take notice thai w. O. McMorrls. of L. Hell In into Grant of the 7th 01 EEN CIIMllllTTK LAXD , by no t ran -portal le of obtaining; I cronn Corner Ave. and St. IHVISIOX. 2nd B.C atiuuver, tner. Intends Pj apply above claims. Vancouver Take notiee II.C.thai miner,w n tniemts M,uni..V.r,i..i lo the Minister of Lands for a licence to ion butiiie-. bf'tween here And furllier lake nollre that actlmi, Ayrshire Roll Bacon prosperl for einl. i-tnileum and natural ind iiiirtheni niMlee seelhiii iniMt be rollillienced bi- ilo the Ilie Minister of Ijiids for pruspei-liuv' I licence to Has over and under the rollowlinr described lr..,. tl,A t.r aiicli f"r II f Ira II. Iif iT.psH-ri as over and ior under roai. the peiroieum and natural laiidi. situate on sklderale Inlet. Graham III'IU. illllVf. II will ltT s 1 1 I i 1'(IS I llliini.I Ml.'ll IS, following described Island. H.r..: Coiiinii'tieiiir al a imst ulanied 6tb of A.ti. m. liiTLU this day May. Peameal Back Bacon Best Coal lands,Island, situate fi.t:.: Coninicnclnrr on Sklderrate al a Inlet. Graham al the iiort!reai corner or Section J, of Hs wheels and supplied wit Ii I.KWIS V. HATMOHK. post planted Township ; thmre wet 80 chains; thence al pontoon Dial landings southeast corner of Section 31, Township so cm sniiiii eu mams; uieuce east so cnains; MINERAL ACT. west 80; tlience chains; north thence 80 south chains;80 chains;thence 111,'lireillllV.thence nortb 80 rhalus 10 ooiut of com- be made on I lie river.-s and lakirs FORM r. Boneless Hams, Side Bacon thence east 80 chains lo Dolnt of com. of tlie north. at iiiencement. Located Man h 21. I0IS. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. ioraieu aiarcu vi, ivrg. ; w. ij. .Mc.vulinis. Locator. 4 NOTICE. IM Tl.HFIl S HAMS and IIACOXS Iism )al di t. , I t.-.v W. O. McMoKHIS. Locator. OL'L'EX tllARLOTTK LAXD DIVISIO.X. F. P. (iorniun, ri'pri'senlin . 't.."Sll.Vl.n i" Mineral IIOBI'L"Llalnis,atwi situate"SILVHt In tlie HontiE.Xaas which Old Country people hae been (i'.'''( : Lowest Prices lllvrr Miiiina I'Hlsli.ii or (Jassler District. Ihe Northwest Mining country. Take notice llul V. O. McMorrls. of Trulli Where located:--in kllta'jlt lilver. Vi'jii.uver. B.C., miner. Intends to apply published in Sjo'kaiie, was in Ilia- TAkf. XOTICK thai Lewis V. I'atrnore. Phone Us A Trial Order. lo the .Minuter nr Lands fur a licence In t ree Miner's Orllflrate So. IIKI C. as Arriving irvseri ior cini, iM-iroieuui and natural lislricl last week asseuiblini; aa-'iit for A. Pavedson, Free Miuer'a Or-nricate We deliver to im pari of the city. Order Now! Phone 58 ras over and uinler the followinr described material fer article. No. toss; ;. A. f. Miner. .Free aims, suuaie on Hklileirale Inlet. Graham an Minera (.cr Of Irate Xo. tu8 C. and Ii. w. ! Island, B.C.: I'.miiiiniieiiiir at a imst nlanteii Camensi, Free Miner's Certlfliale No, PEOPLE'S MEAT MARKET Wednesday at the northwest turner of Section , 40V9S L. Inleiid', slity days frmn the date Tounship ; ihenre rasi 80 chains; thence The Trail Hangers are phui hereof, lo apply lo the Mpilna Becorder -"inn m mams: liwiice west so ctuins for a Ortiricale of Improvements, for Phone Blue 719, thence north 80 ttnlns to polnl of com iriur for a weeks campm? at line the puri-ise of obtaining a Crowu Oraiit of mencemeiit. Silver Standard Lak b-'lniiiii Ilie aouve riainis. located Man li, g?. And ruriher lake nollre that action ! Preserving W. ii. MeSinillUS, liealor. Ihe second week iu July. under section S5. miiil be romiuenced be Dr. Geo. L Barton 'Jl Et.X CIIAItLfiTTK LAD DIVISIO.X. 4 llllprot fore tlie emelits.Issuance or aucb terllficate or Take iMiller Um VV. U. McMorrls. of llev. William' Deans left l.if uatlo this t6in nay or May. .n. ir. aurtiuver. B.C., minrr. Intends to apply I i vv'ia vv ulTumir NEW ARRIVALS (Palmer) to Ilie Minister lit lanU roe a tleenre In week for the 'south to assume Strawberries. prosiiert lias over and for under coal, Ilie petroleum rollnnlnr and described natural his new duties iu Vancouver Chiropractor audi, sliuaie on Skideirale Inlet. Graham llcivhl M.' Clmri'li. MlsH Island, n.f..: at nri.t nlanlH at the si mi limes corner of Section l, Hcans is remaining for a limn T'lUllshlD t: Ihenr. so rliiln,. i K,.,.- lo visit with Mrs. J. II. Hewitt. of Federal Block north 80 chains; n1P,re west fo' chains; per crate inencrmeni.,.,.. ..Him Bv i'iiiuj io Kjini oi coin. Phone C60. Located March t. t9t9. Word has been received here VV. (1. NeMllllMIS, fwslor. Ilia! Mrs. McCul clieoli, Miss. King TO EUROPE $2.95 OLFK.X CIIAIII.0TTE LA.XO DIVISION. and Miss Hates, nurses who Canton CrePg .. .. . . . ... .. .v. .-, -- : i ; ii ii. ii. ..:i..i . anrouver. . iner intends to apply 'rat licit III me nuiriiuti iiospiiui HUE RESEBWIONS NOW! ;prosierl- " .-."pirr ror coal,ii iiio iwtnileum mr a and nrence natural loiim.-,. been successful in pass- ,(ras over and under Ilie rollossliir descrllied in? Ihe licensing board of II. ('.. QUEBEC-CHERBOURaVSOUTHAMPTON-HAMBURO Choice Cuts 7 Baskets for $1.00 I lands, situate on fklileirate Inlet. Graham "". n.i.,.- i-iMitineiiriaiir al a poit planted and are now fully Mualified rey. This Is our first preserving at the northwest ruriifr fir Section 18, islered nurses, July 11.Aug. S Sap. S Empraaa of Franca rowuahlp 4: llielne rt 80 chains; thence July 28 Aua. 22 Sap. 18 Empraaa of Sielland of Hit bii.?l meals uwail you shipment and possibly - iiiaios; uifin-e west so ruains; ltei'e. I'hone your order lo our best. We would advise theme nortb 80 chun to point or com-ImenreriienL Rev. Mr. Hudson leave Mils M0NTREALS0UTHAMPT0NANTWERP D IIIuc 719 with the assurance you to ordor Immediately. Located March W. n.II,WiMonni".t. tatoe. week fur Ocean Falls where lie Jnlf111llf.tallD.ia July S Aug. 2 Aua. 30 Mlensdosa SSallla that you will receive just We do not expect lower will lake cliainu of the Anglican B,0. e tian what yolt want ON TIME. prices. ehurelr work tli.-re. Mrs. llodson ud.t.ul to uVraML The Meat Market UIlJ soil Will liol leave Ulllil next ,ue30 Jul2S Aug.2S ManUalm We ri'i-eivi'il on Ilie llupej't Saltiiday a hhiiuiieii' "( mar'- Peoples Table Rupert Supply Co. I iiiunlli. July 14 Ags.11Sp. S Mantreaa 417 Fifth Ave. E. Millinery ! July 21;AUJ.1S Sap.lB Victorian summery, out of the ordinary creations, made of Hi' Phones 211-212. PRINCE GEORGE MONTREAL TO OLASaOW materials for this si-umoi. "High (Juullty (itiiitoit ' ftily I.VuIr 28 Aug-26 Malagama llio most popular shades," July 18 Aug.12 Sap. s Tunisian The Prince (Seoifsc branch nf July 22 Aug.1.Sap. IS Corslcan Wu will bo keenly iiilcitialnl in having you i-P Mlir The Best Restuarant 25 Ilie Ureal War Vrlerans' Associa. tai0. 5 Scotlan them. You want something- de. PACIFIC CARTAG E per cent lion has established uu em. Jily B QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL Empraaa of India liciuus and reasonable these ploymcul comiiiillcv iu order IB Aug. 1S;Ssp. of Britain THE Juily IZ.Cmprast euiiiuit-r days. Wo uro out to Limited thai employers may have ready MONTREAl-SOUTHAMPTONLASOOvV YOU WILL HAVE AN IDEA FROM THE SAMPLES IN eatisfy the most fugtldious. reduction reference of available veterans Jly 3 Scallan WINDOWS. Call in. Phone 93 when (hey have work ly offer. OUEBEC-CHERBOURO'IOUTHAMPTON Ihe Boston Grill Furniture,Safe Moving Piano and "DEMERS" the Alex.committee.Wimbles is chairman uf hit 1 MONTREAL 3 Sap, 1 TO NAPLES,Empraaa GENOA of Caiarta Inalla Jabour Bros., Ltd. Two parlies of land seeker, General Cartage - Aganta ovarywkara, or i. J. Third Ave. Coal one from Idaho and tho other'.ster. s Sand and Gravel Phone 27 P, O. Box 327 o.ear.i Ag.nt, cp.r. station Cor. 3rd and 7th. Phone and Night. Open Day . Irolll Ori'i'011, have arrived by .Viieaufor, Talaphono tsymour 2630 ni"t.M car to look over !ands CA"0,7rJn?lJ,A,lwkv