THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVB Sport Chat J achieved The Callies'(m long foollmll awaited first rluh Martin Suit Prices viriory of the season in tlefeiil O'Reilly's iriff Ptimiriion Hip Sons lav of run Knirlnnd scml-riii...In Jhe on Afonrlay f venlnft and nrrat was imp rpjoirinjy in Hip Scttlish enmp, as ji result,, ew hopes are iieiti mil. for the nossiliiliiv of (he Se.ols repealing in their away winning the slride run in the and final parrying on .lulv will crowd the store again IP nir J, ngnint the Sims of ('anada. I he latter are riot a hit. Afraid if uweu of the result, .however, and have no intent ion of sustaining I heir first defeat of the year on this occasion- Monday niglil's This Week End Profit Big game saw holh Ihe f.allies and -You'll . lie H H If n I Sons, of Knglani) playiirg weakenetl teams and Ihe outcome from the very stnrt was jn donhl. wllh neilher side very confident. Hip Callies hope to havp a at This Stupendous, Irresistible jVIM Ul stronger Hnenp for Hip final nexi week ami are counting on the return of l.ric Mackintosh from or rrospenty in Jasper 1'ark to prove n slrone this rrovmce factor in their hid for victory. They do the household buying and thereby dictate Tickcls nre hejng snld for n Employment. henefil foollinll gamp under Hie Thev can hrlnn nhnut auspices of the Sons yif Eng Better Tlmos and Improve land o he played next Tuesday conditions If they will evening helween Ihe Sons of !Kmland and a stdecl team from jlhe l.eaaue. A good disf rihuliou B.C. !ol players from Ihe Ihree oilier Buy ilcaiu of ihe League is lo he nr. !ranged and the contest gives )iniiiNe of liej'ng a clo-iely ron-tesled one. Therefore there will Products die a real pood game for the fans to acl as an inducement liesides Ihe worthi ness of I tip cause. A player who is put out on account of injuries sustained in a game' U entitled NY X m hS lo the monetary Sons' effort consideralion is worthy and of Entire Men's Suit Stock Sale-Tagged at Extraordinary Price Reductions ON ALICE ARM genern! siiiprrt, especially among soccer patrons. Away Below the Last Cent of Cost 1 The first haseliall game of the 101"-I UWII B41CUdll UUIIIB LdlL season tie)ween Vanilerhiiof and Sunday Resulted 14 to 7 Win Prince leorge is lo lake pl'tce For Smelter- Town., in Prince (ieore litis aflernoon. AJ.ia- AIIM, .iune 2 1.- Anyo Ilnlh (earns are to have similar line-ups last and good REGULAR $25.00 SUITS. There, are REGULAR $35.00 TWEED and WORSTED mi .Mill' .iiiii uiiii'ii 11:1 i(ii:i 1 1 o year n Sunday nflprnoou nml Hip Iconics! lias been expectantly only 15 suits nl this pr"n;e lint they jirft wonderful SUITS, nnd ant for many days have Inwailed for some lime. War-jren guild values nt that. The first fifteen sncli values lieen offered nl this price. iipruiMi vieiorinus irnin n crnmp .IoIiiimiii, pitcher for' Vnn- Hrnwii nnd firey effects in the new Spring ilerhoiif, has heen selected cap lucky ones wilt get theiri at the tiiair'if if." ,ft..-... .1.1.- jiiiii. iiiun.1-4 Models, AND NOW THEY GO AT THE r a s-iirp in i i in i n-, Arm lain for his learn. The first foollmll game ttelwcen the.p I,... i i Iwo towns look place last Sun RIP-nOARIN' RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE $17.50 ii iiirii iiji mm ri-jmy. in.- .iriinii. day morning. An effort is he SALE PRICE $23.40 ii i ing made in create good sporting il wii pitchers, llnllcntine go. spirit lietween the ulhletic associations ill for Drnndson in I lie six III of Ihe I he Iwo towns I mpii-p 1 1 1'nlr.i mi nffic- and many inter-city games hit BLUE SERGE SUITS. Here's where being planned for the season. REGULAR $45.00 SUITS. This fine ynu arc offered exlrnordinary value, fiiinr-nnleed Hummed Little Song. lot of Tweed nnd Worsted Suits nre shown all WOOL, IKDKiO DYE, nml great I ttl ..fll.tJI lfll It, Willi I AV llazclton Is also in have a in nil the wanted colors and newest jiatlerns, value at Hip new low price of $.'15.00. " ii I tut 1 1 1 on (icological su r-ulinary dominion Jay celebration this sinff, facing the year. Ihe program will mciudr new Spring Models. ...... . 1...H.... i',. ni....i i JlilMI'l. III jllHIIII lllli-i" children's sports, a luy-of-war RIP-ROARIN' r In' allowed only three and n haehall frame. In the SALE PRICE $26.80 - Illlt ullOlll IlliS period Jilt! evening there will he a dance as RIP-ROARIN' li 'i men got iinln his flap-- usual. Tor a dozen years or SALE PRICE $26.80 ii 've and everybody lial il more llarclion has .always cele y lull Hip srorekceper. .lust hrnlcd Iromini'm I'ay ami il is 20 OZ. BLUE SERGE SUITS. Hegnlar i proposed o continue (hut day as wns noun, i in .irii'i' .win $50.(1(1 sellers and lliey are suarauteed Ihe annual celebration dale. t iiiii .. - REGULAR $45.00 SUITS. Splendid I'IMU: ALL WOOL and INDKiO DYE. Also "I won'I receive from Telkwa is already preparing Pallenis and Colorings in Ihfl Newest beautiful PATTERNS and COLORINGS IN irv anymore," ami Young Oray for Ihe Labor Iay Ila.rt.pqup, IMPORTED TWEEDS and WORSTEDS. Models. Hrnwii and flrey mixtures in the i nut In. (I ray adjusted his which has lieciime a red-letter Handsome Tailored Models, and every suit iiiiaiir n ml sanded I ho liall day for sports and nlhlcHes in finesl TWKKDS and WOIISTKDS. demdes style and fit. ul fin uM inn nira nllnvvAd flit M nieel-ing the Hulktey Valley. a i - liiit tin' smeller I own i held last week the arrangements ...i. .1 IIL rl"ll t'llll" I -.... for the pvenl were placed RIP-ROARIN' RIP-ROARIN' jU ii Oalinim iiit 'in Tommy ill the hands of Die following SALE PRICE $33.40 SALE PRICE $38.40 ;a k nf Hip hotel staff. Tommy committee: -i an inning ami tiit'ti was Track and flrnund 1 AV. A. irfil in renlrc. field whom th Maplelon .(chairman), .1, .1. McNeil, a.- ? wa greener. Then Or, KM. Wilson. in-icn, of 1 ho Cienlngical sur- Advertising II. H. Phillips 1 was called In Hip mound (chairman., O. II. Wall, J. C. Allro Ann ami, feeling pcr-'ll.v Lowe. at home, pitched the rt'- Kinance T. !. Thorp (chair- SENSATIONAL MEN'S WEAR BARGAINS iiniiini i r i h a iriinm w i itiin iu man), .1. J. McNeil, A. Fairbiini, N J. M. who ' , Morrison, wore J. P. Wheeler, "mod up, were not used. MnrhPpiHv II. A. Heck ami as- It was Anyox' Kami nil the. sisiarn. Shirts Men's Hose Underwear iy Alice Ann maim two or Slock H. M. Ilnop, (chair I'l'"'!' rallies in Hie Inller part man i, ft, L. Murray, .1. P. 1 Hie ame anil though -they Wheeler. A big grouping of all of nnr regular $2.00 REGULAR 50c FINE BLACK CASHMERE A 'fine lug lot of MEN'S HEAVY RIBBZD, I he Anyox lead down f mm Tree Thos. McDonald MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS. All the newest shirting HOSE. Double Sole. Extra Special Value. ALL WOOL SHIRTS and DRAWERS, to clear at ' l: it to Ii ti 7, they were (chairman i, Hugh McLean, It. A. materials. Soft double cuffs; all sizes, RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE 80c 'laMp lo overcome the majority lliinsjieivi'r, A. Cliislmlm, M. RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE $1.45 3 pairs for $1.00 '"I 'lie name ended in n two Hi Saunders, S. Johnson. 'ifl victory for Hie visitors. Ilacea and Hronclm Unsung VERY FINE DRESSY SHIRTS ill the best MEN'S HEAVY WORK SOCKS. All wool. fiolored, Spring Needle, Clastic nibbed I lie teams, were as follows: l- II. r.I.ellleburgh (chairman). makes. Heimliful imported materials in Hie newest RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE COMBINATIONS, llegnlnr $5.00. Anynx -I.dm1rr.imi, .Ibf Dr. .1. .!. McNeil, O. L. .Murray, l. coloring nml patterns; soft double cuffs, 5 pairs for $1.00 RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE $1.00 "'Uler. Horry tli; Malum, If; M, Ovrns. riegolar 2.50. vik rf; liallenline, rf nml p; I)r;cinil'ion Ladies of Ihe RIPrROARIN' SALE PRICE $1.90 HEAVY BLACK COTTON, and NEAR LISLE 'aiiilson, mm: Moliertson, i;; iliilriel. Mrs. K. M. Hoops, convener. HOSE. Double Sole. Special Values, "RED LABEL" SHIRTS and DRAWERS. liorley. p umVTf. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS nf Gray Near Fl ui-nel. RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE Heavy ribbed nnd gunrnnleed nil Wool. Alice Ann llnwley, .Hi; Ilosi, nnd amusemenls . Spoils nenernu fitters. Metfnlnr $1.50. RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE $1.45 I": T V. fioovvn .1, 0. Lowe. 5 for $1.00 I'ulciiner, tit; M. 'lloyle (chairman), RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE $1.20 pairs SAMi: IN fiOMHINATIONS $2.90 futfyy. If; Hlacli. ff and n: A. II. It. Millar. P. fnouse, fl. r.ood. Iilcdiii.r. if; (.irity sh iiikI p; Oat- acre, C. P. Hnsslngcr. r'. e; Itiley, p; Dr. Hansen, tuildings- N. Svensnn (chair-uiaii, J. A. McDonald. .las. flrahnin.Ilerreshmenls r.. M. H'"P chnirmnn), .1. . fi""dwill, J. V. MARTIN O'REILLY BEEchans PIUS llanley. .Mr, nnd Mrs. John Conway arrived for Constipation in Uih dly frm Anyox ou the Chelohein yesterday.