1 I PAfJR TWO TTTfl DATET lOVS Balurday, Vn SMUHERS MAN WILL FIRST THE BOY GO TO BELGIUM TO THEN THE MAN BRING HOME BRIDE lxy has the right to YOUR loy any Banna of John W, KllpatHck of OGDEN'S expect from his parent the lest they can Smlthsrs and Miss Jsnny Bl afford to Rive him to equip him to right life's : battles when he reaches man's estate. of Oatand, Pronooncsd flofld up Ms Mure ,!0 savrd SMITH I'llS. Xov. II. The con- cadi month for hi duration vri'KHlion m Die I'nion r.lmrchl o wilt mean $1,399 in tlx- bank in ten years. l:ii Sundav vrninB calny nwnil-l Til E ROY A L BAN K I lie familiar weekly animiinre. FINE CUT OF CANADA nienls of I ie "LailieV Abl," "Choir 0 praclice." r..O.I.T.," Iit when the t. J. M.ni.K.(ll, Manager, preaher went n. "I publish the llranrh. ha mis nf marriave between Jhli Prince Rupert . 1 V.- 14 and W. Kilpalriek Jenny Revel of of Smilher.Oslend. II.JH Re). The best Fine Cut Tobacco 1 1 i; -txM Blum." the bearers beyan to it iii and take notice. Many of them "Your Own. for Rolling had often heard sinrilnr an- The Daily News ?!Ouncenienl in Antrtiean I'hureb PMINCK HUPKIIT BMTISII COLUMBIA es. luit never in a Presbyterian or V 10 7 ou per paciiGT'--2iu.iii Mehoil Church. However, in l'ublihed Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince pile of it heinir lh first lin e, Hupert Itaily News, Limited, Thin Avenue. it seemed perfectly in order, and OGDCM'S L1VERKX)L If. P. PULLEN, Managing Kditor. ulany fcticilalion are Iwinj; et-lenle to Jack Kiloatrick of the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: CX.lt. office slaff. who i plan, Ggaretk Papers trfA Sac A fhcht City.Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month , .Sl.Oi nine in take anoi!-r trip oversea Dy mail to all part of the British Empire and the United State on a much more ileliuhlfiil ' In advance, per year ....' $fl.U0 mission than the at. To all other countries, in advance per year $7.S BOY SCOUTS DANCE TELEPHONE 88 HELD LAST NIGHT Contract Rates on Application. AH advertising should be in The Daily News OHIce on day pre Delightful Affair Last Night In even the, funniest, he pleaded a California, They iiili-iiit ceding publication. All ndvertisinir received subject to approva De Lust Hall Undar Aittp!ea eaue. In "A oeeiieiil Van- lum 1 Prince Uuih-iI ih I he 'iJBlllliiiiiBllBllBBBBBBBBjBJBJBBJBJBBB Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. No. 1 Troop kce" he arvue foe the HMMleni sf-rln. way of doinit thinK. nn-tl irtc j DAILY EDITION atjKOUfc Saturday Xov II, l!ff. The oirf lioide were the etiesf lhat we are Jueky l lie lit inc to. Two Indian were release.! m of the Hoy Scouts Xo. I Troop al ' ",n'' n"1 in l"v "M eHiii on Saturttay 011 si.M-inc.i HARD ICE Armistice Day e very deliBhtful dtnee del,I la.I when knighls were Nl. sentence after twine char-tcl Being Observed. niahl in the He Luxe Hall. The Martin CavefHtish, the Yankee with killing beaver io the . losel allendince. which al.o m. l'j.le.i . shreM. np-liudale. find . .Maaiiraic i.uiie ,,f Today i Armistice Hay, the fourth anniversary of November many amwn.ups. numliered ;5,i"i,o.'lf suddenly Mek in I he rerrce released them afiirl II, IUIN. wben the titanic struggle in Kurope, in which democracy all of whom n,nl a uvo.t enjoy-;M"'die Aj-e. aiomsK Kinir Ar- l"nun(r 001 mat the Hn ineial ( Guaranteed and liberty were pilled on one side ajrainst aulocrnry able rnng from 9 to I daneine hur Kniahl of the llmind mat me inoiaic ..r. and in ihe .Irain. .if ,,... 1.1 TaMe. Hi. adventure thre are. Lbrt. Slikine an4 leaee Ituerl slavery on the other, came In au end. The enre of the past (bir new ice lank and marhinery now e by Arlhtir's Orchestra. made n play a -art in Martin' district, the n-niheriiioi-t parti fotirvears, however, has imI beeu entire, for arms are not yet en-tirely Alex. Milrhell was master of MMMlern ! roioaoee. f the foot iltce are tempi " ihis! coast aide us to fruaranlre that mrr ice is as hahl laid down allbougb organized warfare may hate reaed. eereirfnnies and also chairman of There i hardlv Ml . cearn. ihe arCMe, men had! Mtfl There hat heen.aud Mill is, a great struggle, lo actually bring aIhui! Ihe ......Hi ..r out a Innuli Tit elll... m-"'", wnen arresieo. 1 Fishermeii now lell us that mrrs i. the nniiiiii ' ?a - s minrii - - -- - those conditions and ideal. Tor wbicli the war wax fought bv the had the affair in Intnl. Ilefresli.i"lerli notably the ene .f the tamable. Allien. Ilivalry, jealousy and discontent Subscribe for the iMiljr Xews. will allow have prevailed and intrigue menu were oerveil in Ihe down, losirnaineni. whecHn Martha, t-ladlv inspection of our i. and treachery ha been rife between the nation We d. tairs hall, the serviee rendemt dres.ed a a eowlwiy and ,lf1Mel LAXO ACT. demottinttc tlml bv reason uf freeilHK ""i ikm ceienraie ine coming of jwaee today. Rathe r, by Mrs. James Sinrp.on and Mr.!4'"' eelve and lat at. mmiI all iTf.y tSP MStaiCT WSTMCT or boor longer than Ire fore it M hanl. ttie ceauon of 'slaoghler. lalirerno in this cnneclion be.,i e-iiin Vrllnn s kinthts. VI III I IMRUITTIi wejcelebrate Tk NasVe lat we. Ike iMiiti nh nu s really appreciated. All cake tae sod ewkai mi iw. ..r Situation Not Rotv Yet.It and refreshmenls were privldei r Martnr,tor pel trnttHHm inw (.umm.Maw (he iMefsH rS)t.i Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Hi Py the parents and Jack Kelly was The Man in the Moon j Though (our year have elap.ed since the armMb'' mm ftiasjiea atsMH ts team 4 PRINCE RUPERT was declared in charve of the tiroiip of Scvuts Vtkas rl, onkaa Olasd lasHwe imeia the outlook lixlay cannot be described as a ro 'one. For who looled afler Cie serxinp. SAYSe- j S raaiaa I. h.w stler mark lhc M ! etwMn aMir en a-r mark Itmrr Ibe pas tew months the situation in the Near Hat ha,been giving Ilartdd f tell prnsideil al the d.wir. - .son. rnaiaa u aim staler nark. Ike eao a rhaias ak kiaa water mark grave'eoiiceru i .1 and......the bre.ikliiir. " out of another ..in. ?!.. i.,.. IT Is heller to have and at, ml.iMi lis aerea mara or tmmt u nn.re man once imminent almost unavoidable. The i.i man to lv a lundlonl with l nn nimo sn pvrkivo Air is not clear today and the world gyrate belweeu hope and PROCEEDS OF ROYAL an emiily Imuso. -Li'M.arraa hw. im.CUT ITU. , n, wiidi me npi Hour may unng rorln. Willi (he jim. PURPLE BAZAAR LAND aCT. $800 irmjHiniruy ai ieai, in meek, me Terrible Turk Willi hi AUK i.ibl you haaariiis to-djy, fkitv tvn mfTaicV- wstbut or filiauces gives grave concern. learr- is Hie lae. feminme jrtri ClMBIOTTE. This'Leckie' work boot Announcemsnt Made by Commit Take HaM Ihal we ike I i..ir. r..s. utation. SaT aad earkksa ij,m tiA at Jite War Not Desire tee or Winners In Postponed inarW, arrMaillen CaiMien. Intewl. t i MfW tar preiMaaaun tt Se IM raW.w But Duty. Baffles H1MI-. Ihlnjr. ewme In he who Iktt ilearrtcwa Ul - CMweeMtr at S . . ... psst 4aMe4 abeajl t rkawa nurth of (lie f?AIIAll.? tlt fl 1 1 1,a.1 A.m.. .11... l..ltl B bails- . " ""j ":r i iiii'fi naiioii wwii i war if only an nerastonal MrtJa-al nrtsr at VM ST1, orj , uiewr is built water nil, iyuia.1.1 nke ail otrier civilized nations will again respond and The Ladles of the Royal Purple sucker. tasaafS near anna! rbalaa eitatn nrrrlWrlv In Saw water aloajf mark k.w on a giye.of her best if it i deemed necessary that arms should be reailte. in the neinlilM.rh.MXl of waatr mark: Iheore an Ik a rhawa Hi bin. aaler atarki Omimw is rluai mtk again taken up to preserve the freedom of the world and the hi uieir annual Pataar on why is ii ufat a pewtaptr wmeriT aasar man water mark W proof double sole trcirtiium dtf IIia Hoili.!, (.. :. ;- - i. . Wednesday accontintr lo final khaw MM 1 IS arrea runr. ue l. v i"ri niiiMiif one ne. reporter 'Swfjhtntr and et n.iy gives more t.vavnv nsitivn svn rirmn taiiiu fc air we ..niruiar iiiougiit to the purposes and resulU of the war. the counlinsr which has Ju-I been Ihe Hew.piapee .jp,' f uf Pilal . LTD. tier I arae fat Sept. nn, made. ..-.ah I nr . - " cejejiraieii, in doing o the first Ihoutrhi uievt day? I.- m rootwa . . . The follow inir IASJ0 ACT.. .. . uir iir surressmi, nun are us niijecl heing realized are Ihe results t n ' ef Ihe postponed raffles; Tlir. heaHly of hot!! Isjir I skriT tvip pisTftiCT- wstaicr or fer ate aa.ki(ist ii aa ji Ol FM Mope For The. Best llnx of apples, won by Hart thai Ihe ieal.ui. utr aau'i ri...l Take Satire that tlHMOTTC.we. Hie lanaira ri.k mt ra.t. a4 - w While rearing Worst. Mchenie. ilonr hair nn her bustu.i'. ,ui sat llartwr aa4 rarkisr 1.14 . or aJ-o, Vf rei warm SV ai W a.'.-'te TIia . ....I :i.. i: i . ..... ... Chicken, donated by Prince flu ftl'lT far prentiaiMin periaiaaWMt cannera.w lease the lntea fbOw kl W i: J0 ic-m Fiiiiniioo woiiiu icau io ue itejier that the ureal 1st ilwnM laixta limnwin al a War was only partially successful even (hough the .foulest of perl Fih Market, won by fieorne HKIMTi are In be longer ae-rrdin Ml Manie, alsi pImIim nnrth ea YOUN OEALEft Nil ended , Miaw. lo (he latest fashion ail the nwlh eal rnrner nt M lS. uri arms victoriously. If the war was not entirely successful henr nurtk S rhaisa lo kw water mark then it may have to be continued lo wipe out entirely the blight Lejr of pork, donated by Frir- radio in price lv, Ihenre-er is rhaina nor Ik raaierlr abme fc.w LECKIE'S mara; tnense "Kin Kami Ineare on Europe tdl the centre.' of the wirld thai appear lo he el's Meat Market, won by It. raaai. anaili weiterle u,m hi.s breaking out again. Thus it U thai Ibe uncertainly rouse us to Hryson. ITi a poo farrier thai ean'l water vr luari lev.In a.es. renlainlsf It aeees hope for a continuation of peace while we-cannot but fear fur a t"ke, donated hy,H Iteuis Cafe keep a few rats. LvatRt nsiiivQ (Tn rcivo Aiwa !t" IT, "" -J- Leckie Co., Ltl renewal in ine Horrors, won by James .Neville. Paled irpi. tio, f "Uekl on ., Cake, donated y Electric Penny II pint bepf" i Ihe Vancouctr, d.l cinTiricaTi oe 4 Our Dutlea To Hakery, won by Mrs. Ilenninir. latest elect i..11 .li.yall ftl IUllllaR.1. noticl mea0WCM(NT i Those Who Fought. Luncheon set. donatei .y Mr. What an iiHliiceuiejit to iioitii. -uiirBAL srniso" wineral claim, allu- Our fold if rs have now been bomo foe tiral ..- 0...1 It. h . Self, won by Mrs. J. l.orn oration if u become a reality. aia ivmoT in inn nf OUiri uttr.y iHtkliiTTl rmni.OTTr. PIS afler Ihelr MaeLaren. THICT. karaied n IauIu i.u.l.. perbsl of fIor. have settled down once again lo lake Take V'lM-a I.itlle thai I. Iiunran Indies' Her.peep Irtaer. free i uieir piaces as civilians in the strife of workaday competition sweater, won by Mrs. L. lisl Mtaer'a CerllOrale .to. salta ,i.. C FJiy. her steep, Mtiir uara rruiH ine aals hareoT, tt,pi fAstovid 1 noe or them who back are unmarred by their experience may Horn of Plenty, Mr. When her new home brew. to Urn Minim Heeoriler tor t Ceril Urate ,1 ini o. iiirinseives aunough uieir services must not be won by for-gollen. Fell miii the street. Is- a crown Aram of o aUire rlalra. (iawthorne. However, there is still the responsibility lo the stricken And furtlier lake luiiire oi.t . l.. um. Two hoie of der Serlla IT. lni be rimuurivMt bre handkerchiefs. ours huh 10 me oepeuueni of those who are gone. Therefore the lwi vl fJ'b Certiri.au of lniuro. J Shoes in romnlemnraling our Glorious Jjcad forgei js-oii by Mi Clara Nickerson. peit.B. today, let u not Patrd Ihla I lib dar nf s , n uie maier-ai tilings we owe to Ibose who have not lost life but Ten Years Ago 11. Tailor Mads? JrPatlilarTxat uieir laciiines icenjoy it in the ordinary manner. We can best "YANKEE" IS GREAT I In Pr'nc Rupert show our appreciation of the dead by ji.sisIiiir the living. COMEDY SPECTACLE You Buy Tailored Clothes- Mark Twain's Novel mi,.. ' Noaembse Tiiiyo, collector 11, 1t12 of eu CHRISTMAS Why Not Buy Tailored Shoes? aa.w. ari. rivmni. ion.a ' cnwnie unu... Hiver ar- Hands MMy Trembled wi.uw run imyrsas.on at r.te.l SHOPPING Weslholms Theatr Last iil the .( on Maturdav You choose a tailored auit, because it ia made and I Could Not Sleep" Night going May to south on the Prioress from choice material, by akilled liandf. and it Victoria, where he will IS A PLEASURE made to aixe in that he nlaiion.-d for the winter. The your a atyle auita you. Mr. Thotnaa Honey, Brant or d, Ont., writes The William' Fot special pro r lucllon of Mark Twaln'a "A Hon port of Hlikine ha been closed For exactly the aame reason, you should buy "Whtn I tcita uliag Dr. necticiit Yankee in King If you have our New tailor-made shoes. Astoria, AU-Leather Shoei Quit's Ncrtt loiirl," which opened are tailor-made to site, and in Food. 1 your wi M ... .. . -.- 'Catalogue to II.. I guide I. I... ri4 i. nervous thst when 1 picked it top rstnoiiiie incuire, oe.i ti.. ...., .... lsSs7n styles that suit your loot Astoria up .erves to rank w.U, the ,,st pie..',,,; V.r ,,,7 '.X materW iaflawlesa. Astoria Shoe I cup of let my hand would uma.ioiu of famu. literary J(J f rl I., you. Gifts as low jjWj ,(,llU f h , tremble like a leaf. I could lus.los which bae been uiven en...., r,... ... . . 1 ., .. 25c, Send not tleep well, could aot rt lo the public. It made an eicel.;. , ' " -'V, "".T"'"1 as for Good shoes. Ilka good clothes, member thingt, and there were ent impression on an enthu.las. w,lch ... ,". u. ...... the Book today IHHjjHk vsai longer- tha Talua is thers. neurslgic psini through my body. audience j,Mf, lhtt u(((( t, mienllon After taking seven lioies ! Dr. A Uinneellcut Yankee" 1 a of fUtilnH u,i Chase' Nerve Food, however, I purely American classic. It ha.labia .li, ul.e 'm.riuLen t. am in perfect health. "en translated fulfbfully lo (be the stori.T "r sereen, and all the rnlllfklrtr InuJ ... DR. CHASE'S NE51VE FOOD mor of the book la heightened by Mr. m Mrg 0(jl8 ,e ft ne visual a.al. Palurdjy .hi .e PrJne May ta U a tuu. all dtalrra or tCdjuaasua, Hslrs M t ., Md., Turuulu. Murk Twain wan not a humor.tun on aiien.ie.1 irlsll In the smith t alune; In eaeb of hi I ooka.'lneludlna Portland. Pootane and