y THE NEWB PAGE MX DAILY ARE AGAINST SEYERE EARTHQUAKE WE GIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION TO THE MANAGEMENT RECORDED VICTORIA OF RENTAL PROPERTY Intrusted to our car. If you need Ihe services of an gent or known reliability GASOLINE TAX NABOB and experience who l a good collector of renU, thoroughly . VliTiilllA. Nov. II An .aith-ipink.' conversant with rental values and leasing conditions, will .hock tin' eenlre of whirl) attend to repairs carefully, pay water rates and taxes when WA4 " lllllen nonlh of lielr. .Council of Board of Trade Passed due, see that Insurance policies are kept In force and who Resolution at Wan .'I', nrilril nil Ihe li-llloUTHpti j Meeting will remit to you promptly and render you detailed statements, ' . Last Night In r. ,.i nitilil II lated finlii TE consult us. H i'. i til 1 1 uft. r uiidlliHtll and Wa. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. vi rv -.M'lr A -f..l lf lull ..iinIMn I! Rentals. Insurance. neal Estate. I las. mi .Ki"liiu' and di-iiM lltf fmrl of I'riiire linn, i HOTEL ARRIVALS Toa- 8LO it parsed at n nNtm if tin Should, bo cutlve of the lleni.l f Prince Rupert held lnt tilplit hi tlx U'.y ti.il! I II I'iiI.Ii l.lal"ii. In A I The retutluljon va wire, in Hn-ltiriiev.ienerot I . I i n'inl. I'i.i I Simp. II. 1-1 ) Bulkfey varey Beef M.innn and Un Nii-Ii. Ti'iiaee: M. It. IUhi ? the Hon. I . I). !;!I nil. Minfln -ihiihi nn Hiiiiiliei-: Mr. amd Mi II HlHHaUHBHSaWBtjnUaaM of Land.. Victoria. IMtmmti-tt. StinwaUan.; II Is the Best Obtainable. Mi-. I ... M:it. Hie lUurd of Train nJri - '.111.1 l.illll !( i . . l.'lllKOII. I WEEK-END SPECIALS. MAIL CONTRACT I'd thai the Canadian fi-lin i i .fir ,i fi .i i.i. M. T-Hone Steak or Ilnasl. lb. iwere tmw laboring under a .v. wi It M ShmIhI. iu- l- .trTelwii. WESTHOLME THEATRE 30c. fEMIH TEM'lllt ad.lri-3.rd lo U"atnil fifth airallt! llie II" nieri fiietniaeter u.neral. mill be received Tin' tin- tniuaile ao-wered 11 . Tonight, Saturday, 7 and 9. Sirloin Sti-ak. It. 28c. Tlni. .1 1 1 .-ill u in prr nnaa unlil immhi. un Iridev. the um I Pan. f ihernifn and alt a ?' per real-lithe ill Vli i. ill .venlerday Hound tSlcak. or lb. 25c. Itrrembrr. It, for III ennvcranee of CPnl ,a ...i.i-i. IH Amen, I .! raci. I linli- l . ;. p.m. Hit Mijpjn - Maiu. ihi a i.r.fHed ton- aw,a tin- li .tfie of Mi. J. Illier. ViM llamliuiK'T. ht Hi. 15c. irarl for f.ur ar. Mi limr. prr f ean f i.liertnan were al titi. Vivian aoi'iu K. .l...nli. on the mule brlweea I'rlnce liupert foil I . llacoti jdlrtH-t. t"nn arrival u Vol llnast. lb. 12',c. orrtcf and pn-powi iib ix-iivrrj nfrirr. niune frvm. i lie wK MirtH-n Prinee tillpert : Major K. YeHlj lifli fire found ! I.he Cliirken always on pUUr.0""' frw" " ru,ttn"it rbtnrTtl1 of late .hi I lien. wtmW have a Kreawn. MnMrval: M. J l'lnlti.. rhiinney wa A Connecticut In1 in whleh iemjren wan eally liantl. haxf Fowl, I'rtntrd notleea ronttinlDt rariher ln-ilendeney to ftrtff fUhermen .w WeAltMlnlntiM ; . II. Tett-liMii. furniatlon to condition of propoee..!! rliea-ketl. No damage wa d-iue. Vhttorta: II. Marker. Droller or ltnattnK Cliirk-rn i.iHitrart may tie m and blank form fOperallnp from IBS rl lo oil. which we kill and dress Tender may be itMied at the INed timer' iai,. 11,1.1. Jee liail ami Prilw ItnooH: I., A. Krele. Vajn. ananawanrHanaiaiMnreMaan.Mnw ..r KA iwh Hi aiul at Ihe nffice IIIW. lo order. ,ir 1 Ihi niMrtct superintendent of roaial aoline on the A1uka ide. eoner; It. A. Iiaaji. Vatieott : Stomach Trouble Fresh Spring Salmon, (diced II. Iierfcy. Whll.lmr.r: J a m- !. tilMrlrl fttprrlntendenfa Ofttee. Val- I " ler lb. 30c. rd Urrnr. ,;, TERRACE NOTES In trie. Iritam HiiM-rt. Yankee (We guarantee litis not to Ann. bi.itict uperinifi.ii. - - uIndigestion,, be frozen Muck . Mr. and Mr. llrw.Hii wtlli their LAND ACT. Smoked lllark Cod ,Shrub. Mr. Illeeker mid Mr-went . i.rieat family of thee.- .luldrrn arried alia , lb. 20c. NOTICE Of PHOetCT INTtNTION LAND.TO APPtT TO down lo IIiiimmi on l1tor- a few at. I1..10 tn-nr s. Relieved by Arthur's kaliMHi lo nHtle here. They in King Court" l'irnir Matin, average 4 day train. -fioel In Ourea Cnarlntle Nland l.tn-1 DUIrlfl. Burdock Blood Bitters per lb. 19'ic hmMini Dl.trlrt of Skrena, B C, and - a Mrloajal ..f Iferl llil altuate on tbe rt at of Momej from MarK Twain iHebratcd . t I.ard. in bulk, t lb. for 35c, l.laiwl Ml. Ida Peareon ha iK-e'i Wvek. 8 ry . 6 lb. for $1.00. Take Xrtif that Harry MrMann. of.Bi.iM.lnl.il bv Ihe ILmrd of Trti. -Mr. Vlrmrla, H f oeeiipallon miner. Intend' M. and Mm. I. liar .nrii-cer trwau d.et.-ia. .itdlreii-i. Ilomanello ilhecje. .er lb. In apnlv for nermi.lHi l prmipeel I be ee of llie l.akeMe hiMd dilriel. Matt r niher iMwIi inxiMr. wt. ha Fox News Gazette Admission, 25c fi.llnmlof rtearrlhed land for toil. Petr.., 55c, "- ,akP ehane of llie new eliitl Hull were anli-- at m very; 75c. leom and Natural fit: Comanenelnr It t ftk anal at. find 1. tnr Me.i ni Jark Cheese. mt lli. 60c. pott planted to mile aouth of the .Mk. i .llirre. Mi llelliwell of Terr-tee, enjnyalde I If lie lea 011 Thtin'itnr traMe nf an aMAkHMl. rt rrwr vt I miliar utri.w wr ., (loat Glieee. per Id. 60c. P inenre et Cnall n.-n ailniiin nj m- i I Thone nrrtl were Mr, leeoraje Kea raj Hilar Ilk.I I. calm ran.c. niwii am.Ih 0 rlialna; tnenee eat i . Kelih. Mm. hueean Munro, Mr. a Hf l.l m tmtrf'rii) 11 Hrlek lb. WIeonin i:hi'i.e rhalnt thenr norm is chain to in 50c. turinl nf nimmenrenient. LAND ACT. T. J. Marob an.l Mum Ivy Kerr. bmi miir mu. Dated Aotval I tin. tt ' avfuv yu eta) cot kamriil) anl e l'rilii.(M rjieene, III. 40c. HABRY McVIX. M0TICS or INTtNTION TO APPLT TO Aame ef appln-ant LIASI LAND. II. 1: V. 111. ..f ih u.T.P.. i yinar ruMl. )m nma pan ).i i. Krafl Loaf Clieene. 45c. Per r.hrli. Cnn'tahle, a rent. In Prlnee Rupert Lanil lilatrtrl. Itemed-lar art rtaM Maal it atltl ananwfactwre 11-va Hitrtrt. at Ranre . R.r. and ail-.bale Ktlitionlon. Mefni I inn .lay In I'ullet F.jik. 2 doz. for 51.15 atae-ioe fiiawaa. tl milea ea.t fnn Prwre npee, I Wouldn't Uuaranteed utrictlv new helnr Immediately eal f O.T.P. Rr brtdr iMWII He. Wan. krawarl, ard. M riir. 1 you? at nKMilh of B.meiiard Creek on imrro I unai liane au I tend aaiHe a m rw , laid . :lHre f fkeena hier. ElectricWindow Take Mntire that I. Bert Butler, nf Mi . Leah tile ke- l Mnd- raw ii mm'H trmitai. anatrntniai I ' Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Hayaport. . nrrnpall fanner. IMeanr . few With Mm. MBIiro.,"1- Mrrrly m MtiMaw. nan.ide Sweet 1'olatoen. t lb. for 25c Bakeries jto airily clearrlbed fur pern.'."''land.: la I'.Kiiii.eactna it ft fat-tk.nlnf IIS tiu a say tmm Uattal .al. and ram Mm I.arpe Heads I'.rinp tlery. 'feel r. ..f a l planted at the autith-il . - . 1 a.u. . . .I. . 'fend aalaw after rack anrnl. I treed mm r.ieni-r of lot HJ, Ranre S. Cnaal - aj r r. ieaji i.r.-w.i. ..1 i i.t- .mffr1M Spend Dollar 15c. Dl.lrlrl B.C.. thenre In a meaterljr dirw a H11I1.I1 Army in India, iteitl and and efcMu.1 Frcnh California Tomatoes, Your Afternoon Tea will be .Hon feet almr O.T.P. Hy.. I hence in, nc. . aotnberly dlrrrtlnn In low water mart, lliili wlav in lirwn rellinej infor. eer Urn. mmU. nritWwr refMai lb. 20c. tfuccennful if you Sere ilhrnce In an eaterly direction ilwof I mater mark to t point directly aouth f tw ..Ii.... cn.-er.onn 11,1, Imal.ty to earn $135 Arizona or Florida Ora I iim 11 a .rl Oanr I fell lanrb Retle. vf "rfnmeftr-rmcni. thence In a nne piMnt for th- of retired men Frull. 10c and 15c. Iherly dlrectKm In pnlnl nf cmniere line army m , r,Mawtl b, M w ,mU, , mt, Electric meat, cuntalnlnv S acrea nMre nt leea. fr India wl ina purrhaee panel) rrin-rd I n. mi Maai Y"ll h.l.' ! I - 1 1 I... '" 'l.'ll .1 -HII ii lianana. lb. BI TLIR. I Ijirae Iliiie ! BKRT per lame of Apphcael. laud tn'i'i. Ir a n he. w-t..-r. f. ae afnr Thrt Im-.iiiI 1 1 nl .1. .un.'.'I n,i. -:-i- ill ... 15c. I paled ScpL teta. ltt. : .aril other rue cine-R. telle I ing. King ..ri- mi iIk... in th. wn.l.i. Cauliflower. 20c, 25c, 30c, LAND ACT. R R I- l-"i . . .t l rhc f Mil 35c, and 40c. tifuni.. MI Largest and moH complete stock of Diamonds, Jewellery, ktE" ti DiiTRii:T-MTRirr or Silverware, Cut Glass, Ivory, Umbrellas and No.elUti California Table Viv, per Olltl CHROTTE. ChurcK Notices rut 35c. Pastry Take police that e, the lanrara rith In Northern B.C. tnr and Parklnr Cay. Ltd.. ff a.ten New Date, in bulk, i lb. for Hrlr, ucrupailun Cannera, Intend' WE INVITE INSPECTION. apply f.e periull'n to lea Ihe follnw 35c. In declined land.: 0riuendnr at a VBBBAaaBBaBaBBSBBSaBaMnaSBBSBBSBBSBBSBM lb. Which i Pt planted about 4 rhalna north of the Piptlst Church Crystallized .in?T. per DELICIOUS and nnrtb et ccner nf Lot Inn, or.I.; Mnrnilltf Srl- ii-.- itl II o rloek. Tiaieta sale x its. 40c. DAINTY, thmre 7 ehaine irnrth lo k atcr mark; Tender will lc rcccoed bj the. WHOLESOME. th-nra lt rhalna norlh-ea.terlr akmr tow eolldNetexl ty Mr. I. . Jntill.ltnie. of I J ml al Victoria. ! later Max Heilbroner aier mark; thence 7 chain, eoula. la hirn or oeier. ; Table An expert palry cook it ater niark; Ihcocrf HO rhalna eoulherlw Sunday SeU.o.1 .1 - hi. KAenlnn tV"KT 11S ijreh.4' St Llcenee tlTi Rupert Supply akMir Rirh mater mark to puat, rontamlnr al 7..111. rtiaiikfai ins Serviee. to "i lAel.Se feel of llecubrk aw! 1 Jeweller. at your service to make II acrra nxre oe lc... fttaci, fl.tte) lancal feel of 1 edar Pule.. Third Avenue L.OGARV HHt.0 AID PCkl.tO I'reaetier: Itev. i. li. Marker. of Roll..; I.iee Tie, and If I cord Hhmrle Phones 211-212. anything )ou may desire in OV. LTD. nttk.le on an area on the ekema Ri.ec. the pastry or sweet line Dated Sept. I lib. lift. Solo hy Mm. I. J. MeMillau. near Terrare. Haare . foa.l Land Die Presbyterian Church Phone 7. LAND ACT. Twa (ti year wilt tie allowed fur r ! Moriiiiiit womhHi al 1 1 o'eloek, meal of timber. SkEEXA LAr MTRi"T tMTRICT or " rttrUiee parttcular. of Ihe i;wer 1 QI'l-E CHARLOTTE. Siihjeel: I'll,. I MM ewe Her tee, rrrtorfa. R.i:., WT I'l.lrlf I I orealer. DA IT Our froien herring bait m ri.ncedml by fl'f -t Take police) thai e. the Lanrara FUh-Inr l'at." Siimlay School al Xt.M) rrinea Rnprrl. B.C t lo h- Ihe flne-at prtietirable at any I'aciBo ' jI lid., of ale and Parklnr Coy. STANDARD llarbur, orcupailun lanmr.. iHtewla la Kvoiiih .ervlee at ?.:tll. Stilt. Tiaat n sals x . Port- and It Is "Klihy." I'rire. 130 per Um. apply for prrmlaelon lu lea Ihe fulW-Inr jel "Hie r.hariirder of the Kiua. dewrlbed land. .nuuenclur Sealed Teeelee. will Rc rrrMtad bi llie ICF T,,f ' ,nur,n K001 quality rlp it Christmas MMt minted about rhalna north of the dtein." Spwiul Hiueie. I'reaeh-er MNaniler of Land, al Victoria, not Ulec to hate plenty of our hard froien lee. Vr.:: . north-eat! corner of Lot 7S. O.: !.; Ibeiie H.l. then rea on He- rein del f lo-..mir ' Hey. II. Ii. nrmnl. nnrta a cnaina 10 low naier nwra; incur ilSS. fur the March of lirenir X 4IIV II pnr ton. 110 rbalna volerly alonr hear water nurk; Pentecostal Mission .. rei or eprwe. 1 uji IRONWORKS theiK-e rhalna lo hlrh natcr mark; lie-nee ,. . . . .1 Mm aana Hetneock, an are aUoiainr id, Outfit '"'r ,"l-p,l",l'l''l lre can aupply f)h iif $ lit chain ea.ierly atonr hirh water mark pr ire-n f-uiiuny ,iinreincr la lt. elntn Inlet. (Wi harlot 1. ' fla,eriiien' at In Duel, mnlainlnr U acre, more nr lea. lelaaaV. in.lrict. I Intliniir, ar.M.crie and pi I'ime ami II Te.liinoiiy. LA.MOAHA II1IIIN0 AND eCH0 a.m. year will U- iM.n b tr and hardware. i:OY. LTD. H p.m. Suhject "Klijah on Mount Hwenl of Mnibor. Greeting Dated ept, I4lh. l7t. Partner narltrnlar. or He- htcf I I HUGH SMITH LAND ACT. Uarniel." ater. VteauHa, B.or 1:.llie iM.in.l 'or.ler. NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Ketchikan, Alaska Branca CktEIV l.D DISTRICT liHTRICT Of FISH ARRIVALS TIMBCft SALS 4IM. OrtE.X I'llVRLOTTt. healed Teaeler win lie rrrened b 'lie Blacktmlthlng and Horseshoeing Take Nonce that we. the Lanrart It.b Pivt' lioal. Hurkrlrtl &I.O0O mimtA of I ainli al Victoria, m.l Ulcr Cards Inr and Patklnr Cuy. ltd., of aden IMMIIIil nf lialitNtl at the r-lnh IN) mh wt tl seta d of Wrtuber. Repairs of all 1 Harbor, occupation t annera, inicmi. w !. fc Ur paurMae of I uwr X j ai.l for penul.ioa lo lea llie flbw. l'.ccini:i' tine HMrnt7 Ihe nr. to t.m.oee feel t nprn.-c. r.ia. Kinds. laod.- 1 iniNneurMir al lot described and Hetniwk. un an an-a .niiat.d ..n awl Hanlcd about chain north or the rival wi'it: H.-nni aM. Ua-a i:Uariuii. l-un-1. Printed In our own office. north-ea! corner of lot !. O.C.I.; rirvtan. .'i.lMMi immiiuI-. at Land tdatrlri. north ( chain to low water mark; lltenr Two will be allow.-d for tr Wagon Uepairx, Imh'wk Phone for Sample Book. iltn chain ea.l ahrfir low waier mark; 17 -V. ami I!. In I lie- Alliii!lumal of yer liwlwe. tlhenc aoiitt rhalna In h.rh water mark: I'arlner iwrlrruUr of the i hief l'..i TURNBULL'S Hupplle. ele. Out of town tlK-nc a chain wet abmr turn watet Ki'lii'rio '.(., I.til. elcr. Victoria, nt tbr Dl.lri. t ..r. .lri work promptly attended to. Order early for Foreign 'Biark w to Hf 1, cMilatnlnr 130 acre nr.re I'l.iin-. i III, I H (Mill imiuikU. al rrnve nnpert. n. Malls at 'lanoar. riSHI.10 AID PVCKI.10 Hi 1 1- ami Ilea l'aflfic COY LTD. First Avenue, Prince Rupert, Paled Sept Hlb. Hit Kielirrii-n I'.n., I.tit Ladies' and Gents' Pure Wool Underwear Pun nf Jai-ka. ll.lMi" NUml. al Cowan &Latta Rose, B. C. lit.- iiinl '. ir,: m II. .'I.IMI'I Tailor. Limited l..iin.l.. al lt.3i. a"'I V..V-.: Ii.'l-liliin. P.O. Box 190. Phone Red 2S5 M. T. LEE Prince Rupert, B.C. ri.ooo ihiiiikI, Ml t '. ami P.O. Boa 87T fkoa Re! 13 i.H t.V -n ...g Phone 234. is U.r,r. t.. tin- i nmtillan Kieli .V C'lil SI..un.- i;... TO EUROPE CEETEE PACIFIC G C E Cafe WHALING AT NADEN DENTISTRY King George HUE RESERVATIONS NOW! ! HARBOR IS THROUGH Limited NEW CAFE Net.quiet ST c-CMtRBOuna Cmpreea Southampton.of Rrltale Fralahtlna Tender Qray Was: Pure Wool Phone 93 MONTRIAL-SOUTNAMPTON-ANTWCRP. There Last Week Picking Dr.J.Maguire . ntida Furniture, Piano and We serve the Best CHOP Neia ONTRCAL TO 8LASQ0W Up Crew and Balance Me. IS tU9 of Products Safe Moving SUEY and NOODLES StONTRIAL TO LIVERPOOL Rooms 1 and S Smith Block. UNDERWEAR 1 Ganoral Cartags Nor. Mntclm NAIlll.N IIMtlKia. u. It Office Hours! 9 to 9. VeOai Sand and Gravel Cor. Slk Street anal 2nd Aauo R. ST. JOHN TO UVCRFOOL.Weetcltr I Tin- lialin tfiulir 'iuy Phone S7S Lady Assistant. Ladles' Pure Wool Vests, from $3.50 up. Phone Blue 471 D. Itni, aaue.S Mentcalm, Iiitp tin wt-fk taking on llif iiew Ladles' Pure Wool Combinations, from S7.50 to $8.50. DM.ttitn.f ran. 21 RoMtclari and Ihe hulani'f of the uauti a it. We run mijijily lii.ml.niuti,,!,. , tiK. rolhiMiHK ST. JOHN TO OLASAOW. prndui t f.n- A'icturiu. t'r a Ankle or knee li-iigth, sln-veli -If- x Oaa.tSianMSata, t RUUaam ojit'ialiiin. CADOMIN A --, -tiort tr .,nb Uffi'-'ful ni'aon' FOOTHILLS OROKR YOUR Pre-War Price. fa. S Mar, IT T(ala or Um lie of k '.ho iilunt In-re U mow iloed for t jAiiMt aaaouu.LlvCRROOL. Children's CEETEE Vests, from $1.00 to $2.25. CHRISTMAS 0, aV ' Tunialan the wiuli i. COAL "Launch T'.".OMavCMSRaouRa.eouTHAMTON. , Ak 'or CEETEE .nut Wl) ie pleuM-d to 0. i ntellUj Siiii.ri .in- Mr the I'aily Now. yini all the Uiflereut ,t.. 0f Ihi niuki'. TURKEY D.an. e S . . Vltrln Ileal Coul iniiied in Alberta, tar, S Aar. 14 aainna:' Cleun, Little Ash, Mure Heat. NOW. Narbethong" ST. e-OMW-CMIReOU AO SOUTHAMPTON TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY YOU'LL Fresh Young Turkeys, MAMaURO. LIKE IT. straight from the farm. Ae..tT to Mar,. (4.., Sllneada Mel'U I IUIOM In i. ul, with or Willi.ml Phonea 7 and 311, Jabour Bros., Ltd. Ittar Ian CRUISING HUNTING rak.1S V Gleaned, ready for the oven. hoard. IMioua lllu M. '.'0l PLEASURE Alf u Aala rwh, r t. J. Consumers Coal Go. Ltd FORSTBR. a.eeral Atl, C.P.R. SUtln, Corner Third and Seventh. Phone 6& Atkins Meat Market Phone Black 400 i;i'iiiiui Vanue.ar, Tlnea Jirew' IM-CARAOIAM M Alh Wiintiti. Ai'i'iy i mm RAOiriO RAILWAY II. I !. j at I fVHHHn'HSBsSV'VkValBBBBMBlHBHBV Traffla At. I