PAOE TOUR THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, March 7. 10. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus MOVING? NO NfiA. BROWN A.RC CEUCbCllNC ir MAilE THINKS A. o: -lOORCt v - R IHNNA BLOW sO KINO TO tCOLD 5 Wt-OO.N, TOD - , WANT IN A, PREtErVT THINK OF U? I liT ANO ouv " PeaCNT LOT,OF MOMCf PER FROr- MR FlfH. rc th A PRESENT tsHtTiv If cpovro to THC.,R HOObC. ) ft SO, ) yLANu WAIT.UNTIL Call Us Up Kxpcricijced men give satisfaction in household ro. moval. Orders for general 'cartage work given eareful attention. We promise prompt delivery nf nil "iaf orders given to us. ; no PACIFIC CARTAGE i.iii. I(c;ii2 lit: r.-n.-.ce Limited Phone 93 CITY COUNCIL TO It M u 14m CATARRH i RECEIVE SAME PAY LTUiaUiLI IBLADDER t Sport Chat- a Daily News Classified Ads. AGAIN THIS YEAR' Kmcb Cac N 'W that the hakcfhaU sea- bears hud4 t si.n. ill willed the ladies look 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Lees than ftOc Metropole Hal The indemnity liylaw for Ihc RfitwofeoMnirrteiU .such an active part, is over, i! year l!22 providing fur 300 pay j might Im well to i-imsider what FOR SALS for rent to aldermen 1 1 here is goinur o he offering in lodge or similar l anil l30rt in the WATIR NOTICE. organizations. mayor, villi a deduction of 3 fur ANOTHER FISHING ;ilhlelie line for llie gentler sex FOH SAl.h lintel enuipment. As each meeting missed by the abler-men, luring the coming summer. As the expiration of my lease on TtkT MlTITl(sikiui;k Ihsl in,. '...)... a. .. SCHOONER TO FACE ' Mu-y hate shown so much enthusiasm Ihe Fmpress Hotel is drawing dai.u v. s. a. p.vA tuu wm?, ZT': OFFICE SPACE part flrM an.I .-iv.m.! ny, h. r.. will apply fnr 38 by 21, heated, stiilahle for ro.lcliuv- liofort- lln- pity ruiiril BLUENOSE FOR, CUP and skill in the in.I..or TtwaCR SALE Xtttl. near, ami prior lo nrranging for Ihe ml finran. nr nui. in, t..,a i...n., .....r. professional man, for rent. I.kI niclil. -'ame it seems ihaj Jhey might SMlwl iMMb-r vwC lr rrrHvrl by Hie siorage, oiTcr at I he following n.l nf drain lall rreek.into nn-rvainrv wlilrli nnw n.1.1 itl rn Xl.iw.irr oi uihIs ai irioru mil Uicr than 4nynx. ,. . .. . be v.ell organize.! "for outdoor low prices: llie tr,rarV. .lam l.ii i.. In ronnt'p'ioii willi th liylaw- n...n nn I Ik- (tin day ..r Uar.ti. Itii. lt alsiUI r.nne reel Agents for HALIFAX. Mnr. 7. Most Nova sporfs. Haseliall .and grass llie nirrhje r Mrm-e Xis. !. rvl Seven pool Tables. 75 each. dam, Ihe rarij iitrram t,r . r,.,,.,.,,,,,'frmn , ..'" Mil. Collar I inovnl Hint I In" aMi-r-nin 1.IIS.O00 trt nt llrmbirli. SeriHt-. Iialani, Norwegian- American Line Sicilians ret-ani the I.inienliuri: hockey lihve been taken up with Allre Two Howling Alleys, Ulflrt each, rrMl'il l alMHit Ji.non a. re r. ,.i mrt 7, OiHlar ami I'llinr. imi i, mi. will for?o llii'ir 300 for tlio nnnrt ahnni in arr' r . Swedish American Line yoar sehoner IHiienose. winner of I he success hy flie girls in other 'alar l.aixl liisirlrt. (ine good Lunch Counter water will lie n-ltrrird ilw inn u. im rn,.. for reasons of ri-nnoiny. Ttn one Hi year will I allowed fnr rv- . Scandinavian American inlernalional tlsliermen's cities and should be given a trial iiwnal r Itmlir. llange, ?I5. i-hiii aiii.Mri.-,i nntier ' ..n.:!! :t, i i i.irrn .o. ;i,iii. ip,- iiiiilinn vn. Mipporloil liv Alii. Surttirr or Hie ruler nre- !1 l.lli f. Line. parllrnUrs lhlili.i Aftor ili-i'iision. ehaiiipionsliip trophy, as the luteal here. Football, which takes such lr. Virtoria. II. : or PMlrlrt Fiirwier. Also small bar, back bar .indl'T-'c!? 'i1 V Oliver Typewriters n. .omi ilefen.ier of I lie Innkur.l for a prominent part on the men's prinr loisrr. B. c. accessories. jJJSS. 1hl nnilre . i Im 'lh. in nillrli A lit. Sihorsitli's. AM. Cary Safes Mi.nlpomory anil Mayor Hiotii-.tor this year. A "Mark horse program, is more or less "taboo" LAND ACT. Itedticlion on combined nt.(A ropy r.f thu iuee'.nrt an r,f.,i ,1. , is luiiMin? at Lunenburg aiul far the ladies '""W H"! now as as are concern Nolle f Inttntlon to Apply lo Laaa Land. Apply A. linss, llnre'r,,"'",,, , Ihe ,r,?.,r 'J;l m FIRE INSURANCE xirpso( i)iMilinn lo lli Put, irnhalily will pompete in tlie .il so thought of il mav lie In SLrrna Laml Intire I, llminlnii tis-trlrt Hotel. . 57 water lirorlr at erinre lu iu-ri i..,,, . Ho' rt was AM. tlollurl if Crlnm lluprrt. B. ami Mluale in piii elimination races raees oil llali iliandone.l. When they are pre kiiiili Inlet, seroml biirtil frxn rnirance on - in in ippjirailOf) may .U jllMl Kllll anil AM. IHMinvn Aon1 tlio only fas next Seplemlier. when the ile paring for I he season, ihi or eal Tak side.noiire that Fdrar llarnkl Crawford. l Oll SAI.I-l.ramaplione and 10 i4nptroibr the ald Val-r r Waier il.-(.r.let lumi- r laiurii't. tik- Dybhavn & Hanson iiii-iiiImts of In- I'oaril who volifi feinler will lie selecteil, lint Hi gamier and the alhielic asso--iatious nerupallnn Inrtw, Inirnct In apply fiir Mecords. r.O cah. One alr innZH"' X!rli ii nrrniissimi in Irase llie folKiwin ilrsrrlbm for III.- i-liiiiinatinsr of the nWor- ehonner rare' enlliusia of might well consider the land: Criimenrinr al a poi piaiuni in pillows and some dishes, Ap i."-! newspafr. in. nu, .-.r iiw r.-i Third Avenue llie femml hlthl rnmi the enlranree of P'",','m or "" ""'"' - ,u,r m,. manic "lipcml. nlv 2fir. Xinlh Avenue r.f. possibilities of. ladies' Halifax anil l.nnenliurfr piek the having ral' t(1' nf Khiiix Inlet. tlK-nr So riiain' . Prince Rupert, B. C. 1'h" liylaw then il for - ., t iiu r.iuxnv cooi p:iseii Hluenose winner of llie sport continued into the summer. uilh. thcnri Chains ei. itwnre o inTfji mim: as thf Uwnr rlialn hi ami Ki.rii Cafe for i rtiains nor in. sale, furnished w'eU".v. mal willionl further i ea-tin iletav. trial contest. Xolbing afon?- Ibis line has ever rt.nn.n.nt in mere .r le.- ' I'lii- iliileninilies iiiiiileil for EPfln iHRoi.n cmawkibi. Arpiirani complete hone I7.'l. If Hy William V..m. Aaeai. el been taken in the cily As for the inlernalional rares. up rrr wiii. I. w.-iu. .r. llii ;,! are llie -iaine as las which, in accordance with the hul there seem no reason FOW RENT l W. S- !. t. Titr. cor.TV USE ... ye r. leeil oT gift, w ill lie hehl off (iou-cester why il .sliuul.l not be given a i.x tiik sri-iifcxii: coniT or hhitiii td rniT. iioiniA at coiriT i'i:ix :k or nii-iii,piuir :oi.i win -IX IA. III PTC v. FOIl UF.XT three riioiu House:. this prohaMv in IV- dart "now. BIRTHDAY PARTY year, In the Iiiatlrr wf tlie I'-aiikmptr) .f SVo.M- furnilure for sale. Also ninii'"lwn r. o. inwsox uutTr.n, AT tnher. there is n'A siich cerlninty- Shamrock Tow. nt MiIim- nnr in iwide eliiel.eiis. Plionn lie.I 'Krl i',.ll I rii init. ihoiigh many ""Hlueiioses" priNliet All the major, baseball -liihs name r llie Java C.IIee IIimim, i. ,. FISHERMEN'S REST another OamnHan victory Fore- ire now down, soiilli in their nobler. . i-:(t Fourth Avenue Fast. lajm;:ll wnxn,lH'k.c.ioncr earrrln m n tn,i t." iiw-MIX it if casllo lalk anil Ihere is much nl graining ramps busily engaged in .XOTICK IS IIIIII IIV IIIVK.X. Hut .Hir FOlt HKXT Six-room house with MIX.I SVNC, COMI'AXV li.I Viv. MI ENJOYABLE EVENT few. f.iniM-Hv rrshlinr ami' rarHina1 aii i:OMPAV. BACON it these col.I ilays, with the hank preparing for the strenuous season t.ii.liH-. al the :it.v r l'rln- liaprrt. In sun parlor: well furnished: P-f' 'JltH. ahead. The training season llie frioliire of Hrili'h. :liinlU. antler t HA.M ischooners nu? at tlieir- herlhs llie trade narne of Hie Java Coflre llntise. every modern convenience. TAWl: JOTirr tiiat a ruliu'ou'Vn TJierewf.,! l,irtli..y uady Justjfnr the winlcr or else freihtinv this ,ear;.vill be more intensive imiw 0" 13 ket-fcr sireei. lu llie I3l.v or Phone Hlack 288 orfi.1.1. If fnirred 1n.l1 snmionus l"wl mwl , i than VaiHiNin-r. KtllfH c.ilumbu. a adJiMUed In Ihe above Cnuniv r.Miri In 1 " In t BUTTER J nihl at lh home or Miss Irene south creilils the "ilownhomer" in, jirevious vears iKinkrupi and a rerlln( nrtlrr ina.h- m llloiited for Ihe Mini of air' ; ' ' i l j Wilson, Hie Fishermen's ltet, with chance ind tlie sijuads, taken as a whole, llie 3rd day or Marrn. A.n. IVii. FOH IlKXT Two furnished "I.I and deiivrred an,l au .' ' Irrfl a f.-oo. of winning - MlTIIK Is liTIIEIt GI1:V. hi Uie I I EGGS t niale llial llie imbliratkin or ill be smaller than rooms. Can do ft i'l'hiril considerably llrst merllinr of rmlilors In ll- aliuve light house. v Avenue, il hemp the hirtli- hut poe.s no further. Ike enlry of snrli rUnil awl heretofore. Many nf the rookie Kstale will Im Im-UI al Hit i.nire lit" 1lor keeping. Phono lied 2551. f!s(Tninm In a nr-w.aer put : ' ' 3 LARD Irtays or Miss WiUnn. Miss Josie Dimensions Not Known. k snail. 'narl-rel Ai-rminianl. Third in ine uy ni rmr - k i..-n ,vlio had hfgh Impes of wearing l loor. ledcral lilork. Crlnre lumerl. PrliNn inrre inserii.i al interval llcuiptilon art.l Miss HnHs Rose. The Xon Scotia fisherman i i major lea?uv uniform for at otiumiiia. on llie i:ii day "f March: A; I. FrilXI.SIIKH room lo renl. Suitable and tlw latsilna of a rab.i i ' ' i'l'here was ilancin? an.I music anil proverl.ially ran I ion- in his com. 1911. al IIh- iKHir of tiiu rhs-k io.I'x- for lady or gentleman. al.l Siiinmnns ami a true .-..p the least short lime had their aficrwion. rl a order .In Ihe ftrllry oniee ..f li.;. The Empire Standard. 'refreshments were serveil. mi-nl. Aiiil lie is parlirularh Tn t nlitle you lu vole tlirrral lusf..i.r I'hone Mine r'. ,-,9 at I'nnee riiilHri. I. sliall lie iVeine i. t Miss Zdna I i rector ileliphteil when it comes in hopes daslied to the ground hy yiMir rljim inu.i le t.l?rl with me lfore I m,m1 and mflleletit ervire of Itie I' il P. BURNS LTD. canny compar "ceiving the blue enelope during IIh- nm-tinr l Im-m. FOH HF.XT .anu s.iiiiiiM.n nnoii .,n. CO., :t rortmed h . .... Jilie company with her skilful in? the known sailing ipialilies o: I' id he n-e.1 al Ihe meeiinr nmsl Olise K-aiilenV I., enter a T le r fhe .winter . nionlhs. The lie bln-l Willi ns- prior thereto. near Pioneer Laundry, xtinlv 1IMu ten dava rnmi tin- dale ' the piano playing: Mis-. Hall an.I Miss the IHiienose. which spent a sea-oi najorily of I he clubs will finish Wli I I IITIII II TAkK WlTI'IK itmilrvrai 'insertion of ilil noiire al i?.- H't 'i itlilthli'li .lan.M-.t si Spanish tlance on the hanks, racpil anil is havi- jii rlaiin srainl ilir ib rwr ivlilrli firandview llolel. 58 oniee ..f lhl CAurl al Ihe IL -e. limbering on towards Ihe end of you are mulled lo rank, pn-.r oF Hiril I'rliiee Itiiiwrt. H. f... and if t... i . ittliifh was much apprepialeil hy now on her seroml oaro li-'p U week series of! rljim must Im; Hied with me nlttiln Ihlrly inn l(r,. 1 two rooms am I ent'r sneh dii-tulc ihi.-. pulau. ' " his then and a lay fr.Mii Hie dale or lhl imiii..- fir r.s ir 'llet.! aejln.l t..i an.! Ill I i..:. ;:t T. Nlybt Pbones J. G; n, S71 llie ol.ler memhers of llie home; the West In.lies, wnlh the unknown exhibition games will he played Ml after ll- riplrallnn of the linn- IIuhI halh. Apply K8I Siimmil Ave iierel lo evernlli.n. W Loogwill, Hlae 270 Miss Wilson an.I .Miss Josie sailing ijiinlities of tin-llsliin'-' by Siitiserilon nr Serlloii 3J of (lie said, evenings. litTl.b at I'rliire llnoerl, Pr f. first with lue minor eague Art I ball distribute Ihe piw.-ed- '.' llie nue; - tf tila, Ihla 1 7 1 h daj of ebr.ian .I'll, Day Phone S lloiishlon jrave an amusinp ilance schooner I'ui-Haii, now ilb.r elale IIh- parti.- i-tilllled l .-t.' learns niui Mini ami n ruins in ine "Turkey in the Straw," liiiiMiug at Kssex for (Slouceslet opposite league. Then Ihe learn llHmn.wl.irh luvinr have rriranl then nollrr ml) to llie rliinr-if MOIH'.ltN Aiiartmenl In rent. To nilN for riianl Pirk-. STEEN 8 LONGWILL uhich caiiseil a lot of amusement, men who wish In avenjre the will work north until Ihe season day IMTMl or I'rliire Hi llurrl. II. i:.. Oil. Aili Plume Hlack 451. If She st Metal Works il lieinjr souielhin? new in the way Klsie, ilefenlt'il hy the hitr I.iinen-luirv peps around April 12. . ;i: ilir.F toiiiF.. music. NOTICE. of fancy tlances; Hie Highland vessel in (he iiiternalioncil Aulliortird Trulee. TAIX lOTICr that after the puhll 'inw Agent for Karnue t.r l.l nollee Tir one HMim llie Uke's" MeCUry Fliny wn well cscptitf.l hy Miss off Halifax last year. The exact The signing by John Me!rav PIANO SCHOOL. H..I SprlDt l.liniled will apply lo hate It Sanitary and Xeilii- ii!rvich ami Mis Huhy tlimeiisions nf the Puritan are not if five to Cleveland. Miller Huggiiis. Yan I.e.cheizky Mrlhod. AH grades name rtuhjed In the Mkel- lint p ' a year r-oiilract "manage kees, ir,0iin. and llniiich lloldint Comptnv IJinlird. Heating Engineer and rtlhers showed their known here. 4ml it is penerally ac i ball club at the. record salary St. I. uis (Vanliiials, who receives iliekey, taken and special altenlinn t1i.liATMi Jiili Jlh day or January ad Lib Street and Fraaer Stmt skill in oilier ilirerli. ns. tue alli. cepted that, ilesifrncil hy V. Slarl- f Gr,OIM per vear has started tu beginners. Terms IVIl.tKM. VSON 1 liMl'IW, . a paltry i;,noo. In. ihe Prine Kupert ' - - - B. C rin hreakinu up with llie ins lluress, hc will he capahle some speculation regarding man class are Wilhert It.Jiinsnn.n.ono moderate.' Hot Solicitor Snrlnr fr IJimi'-L tarl National Anthem. of show in? a Clean -pair of heels agers salaries in general, .vi I'll (trooklyu. CHAS. P. IIALAO.VO, r iihson. I'illshiirti, IN PttOaATC. In inns; lishinirM'.Hsels ami that raw lops Ihe list but several mil Oleasoii, Chicago. Itcceiv- flanrl Hlnck, corner sixth ami Fulton. Phone Illue t.1 tf n tiik strriir.Me ou-nr or nr.msn Captain Allans Wallers,.the Itlue-nose's K. P. CRIBBAGE iIit mauagers receive princely ing 7.r.fiil are I u fry of the lied iipUviiia. clever lillle skipiei-, will In lh liuller of TIIK llMIsTIU""J sularies. .Next lo Mctiravv comes Sox, Milrhell. Ilosfon llraves; MISCELLANEOUS. i:t arl In Ihe mailer of Ihe Mi I' ' M. T. LEE Games In Second Round Played flnil llie new Yankee si-hoouer i ly Cobb who plays with and Milan, Washington ami Killifer. n.WMiii m vM.v.xn paik. a-. Last Night Draw for harl nut In crack. Paptaiii Angus, managed ihe iielnul I igers lor Chicago Cubs. Fold, SI. I..mi FIslll'.ltMF.N! HFMFMHI'ni! Our leae.!. Inle.laie. home now at I.uiienhiirv :io.oit(i. Hien follows Tris mat hinn and blacksmilh simp' TAkK MlTirr. thai IrTonler .f III Ladies & Gentlemen's Third Round. draws ,iu even 7.0(ki and Wil- r. ina.t" tlie ,u '' Watching the sale nf the fish his Speaker- who receives i'5.lMUi at helm. I'Billi.-s. gels siVikiii. is open We do new and repair ivbriury..Men, lt. I wa appmnl' ' TAILOR i;ames in the secoiiil roiiml or vessel caught on the banks lust work in all Hues. Sails, ininlirator land l'aron.lo tlw derease.1.lai ir ami l itv-i all i i'"1 ' the Knighl of I'ylhias crihhage's is moilerately nptiinistic hut faction guaranteed. Nojrnen batlnr eiann' aaalnsl th.- ai.l r.l.r Kit Guaranteed eart Would Beat FIXING RESPONSIBILITY Parent Co.'. New Masset. berrhy required to fnrnl-li ime. pr l1 tournament wore plaveil ai not lalkat ivp. He say he will re verliie.1, lo nie on or Hie i"1 , iHht anil resulted serve his views imlil the nh. A.l. I?, ami all parties " s follows: like a Nothing the PIANO TUNING. IA llM eme are reniilr.-.! in f'J. Third Avenue, opposite P. O. U. Wispins heal. I. Ivarson. over. escapes si ie-ilisls alil.sinl of llieir lnit-Me.llM's l Uie Phone Red 138 W. Iturkvn Leal S. J. Howe. TRIP HAMMER r ihe Mellon Inslilule when OOOli Piano Tuning lengthens JOIIM II. ViMI'M.IV F. K. W ermig,he.u F. M. I'axies. WHIST DRIVE AND on ihey laundered analyze the fabric.cause Fven uf wear the the life ami enhances the PNTFn Ihlv lh day nmnal of fi-liriiari dinlnltrinr.I'-!-' II. Hlake heat J. Sturgeon. sweetness and power nf your II. M. haggell heal F. Oarlon. DANCE BY ADAIR Heart trouble hat of late yrari become iinsuspecled dollies linH is ques- instrument. Poor Inning destroys lanp act. . very prrvalrnl. SonieUDie a pain ratrbe 1 ifined as o its repoiisibiljy Ntllca f Inlanilon lo Apply to Leait C Westaway C!. Jehn- H. O. .Nightingale, P. T. vs. CARSS CHAPTER jou In tbe rrrton i.r tbe heart, now and Here, as i often the case, thai lu Oueen Oiailolie Ula'Hl I and t'l I' T. A. Walker's Music Mothers! islone. not yel played. il-n y.sir heart akip but, paliillti't. supposed friend' of the Slnre. 57 heroriilnr Mlrl-I of nine.- Imp; ' " t lie draw for the third round i throb, or twin with turn rapidity d4 housewife, slliiale lu fr.Mil of r-I.M-k '.V In I-l.annra The Adair Carss Chapter. Imperial is found lo be ipi(e culpable. BOARD. I.Un.l. . follows: W. violeiH-e you lliinl. It la roinr to bunt. rana.llan 'lti .'id -K' m Hurkcii laka iMUlre II. M, Bring the children vs. Order Oaiighlers of the You have wrak and dlxzy prll, sluktoi Kipert lesls hafe shown I hat ari r.Mi.pany tlmue.1 of frlue.. """;,,!; )aggeit. H. HlakrtVK. C. C. Wesla. Knipire. held a very pleasant vvhisl tensallon, are nrrroui. Irritable aod dc- clothing exposed for St hoiirs on HOAIII) Inlander, 830 Second i: oeeupalHin rili-dealer. Hiiend h l'i"' to the )way or i. Jolmslnne. F. F.. Wcr- drive and dance 4n the Si. Itegis prrd, and If you 14 walk up the clothesline, ha suffered a Avenue, phnnn IS7. tf for rrlled pennll..n lands Cnniiiieiirtnir lo lease IIh?al a follow pn-l i'W"' " inig anl l. turn or any dutante yon (ft all out f iilhelerl) Hr-i. Wiggins, hyes. one fof.l lu a j dining last evening. There loss of 2 cent. nioin Uralh. per BOATS FOR HIRE. llie iM.rlhwri.ifi ly .t of Indian Rex Barber Shop were 18 lnhles of cards and Hi-fi We know or im rrmedy that will do so Tiiis. explains in no small .No. It, tlien.-e 150 fret more low -r walei K--ui-' soutbueslerlr dirrrlloa to Ji TWO CHINESE HAD rs I prie winners were Mrs. S. I murn w nuxe the heart renin itrrortn , measure the' almost universal LAUNCH "NarlehougM We eell llieiH- luu irri srrin.j - and vltor. rertilile lit beat and relor II . f:1 ..f t.-iee' rtnin. Im.i mark, tlielirw 100 feel nnrlherly I" iii-e eo i. Sixth St. Phone Blue 78 McMnrdie nnd H. F. niasy. con Service. Phone Hlack 100. tf waler mark, llnnrr miii irei r-ii.-. to a beallhy normal condition at wilt BATH OPIUM IN POSSESSION solation awards going In Mi.s M. MILIURN'S low the line nf Ihe opened win. rre ' ment and ronulninr to () r 'f Carter and fi. W. McKay. HEART AND NERVE PILLS dnw eiish. LOST t t.lX IISII A COLn utohh.i-COMPAW j Sang and Mali Sing, Chinese, Ueliglilfnl refreshments were Mr. Cladlrk, Pclhi. Onl- writ': Hy tins tost, ihe laundry in. LOST I.TH..Imuran Applicant.kennedy. l liad nalullatlon r.r llie tiearl. and the'.,... . fiirsu belweeu Hand hy 'atvsled hy tlie tloyal FUiuadian served, in the course of which . , , uiisiry i viiiuu-aieo, anu we are Hlock lined fehr.urv In. Ie. The best in Mounted I'olico. were found musical number were rendered up a hill, tnr bean woald beat like a trip-l"'"' arteroll. even Ihe iiieuis. and Finder Waldron Apart, LAND ACT, . town guilty in the police rourt llii by Mrs. C. II. Tupper, Mr, siahley lammer and at time I w dlizr-headed home laundry jirK-es ha its please phone Nolle of InlMllon to Applf to LaaM k- liliie :uin nr relurii to Suite 10, morning of having opium in 's- liennell, Mr. and Mrs. Stockdale and had a atnkint fenaallon a If any liiuaj imperfections. In rrlnee Minri lJ"d ni-irlrl He f'1 Waldron '-. session and were near. I v- .In nnl use el.illd lino a:.. Apartments, Inr lilsirlrt of lunar ' were each fined $2nn and I'ryce's Orchestra. A short Mllbura't' In vlrlnlir of fort Ksktimtou. M. i , "A friend I Strand vvilli the option of six months' imprisonment. dance 'followed. mrr cited irj .... ' ' .i.u.i .' BOATS FOR SALE lake iwllre Hut Jiillu Jolin'. n Heart and Serve rill, to I procured three V , Waller MmiiI, or lrl rinfion, I.nule tlhoe and Mgo The general committee in bovea, and by Ibe lime tho flrt on wa mus saveq iin. ji.-r peiii o. oeriiKilon iWlM-niieii. Inleud i. api" ' ,llimv frequenters of an opium charge comprised Mr.. S. J. F.vans used I began lo improve. In til I took tx which may In evfn greater here WHK.N in need of boats, engines, UimKi-eniill.r.r.ininetiriiia'n I lease tie at followmr a 'i pwiit'" Joint, were lined each. and Mrs. F. fihh, wilh Mrs. S. V. t l and now alihourb In tny tttb year w),,, ,,1, high w1nd prevail. anchors, compasses, magnetos, ioulhrat rnrnrr of N.l i:.. I tin re ' ' . Cafe i iw uie a jouna: urii no ouiinrta or TI,U i. carburettors, propellnrs, etc. Pisirlei, Ihenee Dortbea! I .'Iwln ""leei at '' dl. Cnx Inking after rcfreshinent. neartMhomplnr, ind cap walk mile, with- jour walrr mark. Ilieuf ksiiii .-toalns go In Hie -.Northern Kxchangri. low mark. Ihenee wei .1 ''""',., To expect a single advertise out fillrue. At tlnv of By ikicex I posai. hlah water waur luaik. tbenre .". .lulii- "r"'. All White ment to jmy in an foolish as to I urnislierl modern house for welih-d lr ponndi. bow 1 walrt lte I Phone CIO. (f Mill wainr mark lo iiiit tt eoumienr'i'i""' Help. bnp to grow la I from llie effect ! Prtfr, JO ti tl ll dealer, or mailed I ANAniAnl NIK AM I AIlNllPV and eonialiilnt 1 rrs, iih J' e" ri'nt eenlrally loenfeil. Am.'v ...... .. " r..n, r, v.. -r wn viiiiiiviiui wauitot uiauiiiii J I I II s J.-n Persistent advert Mm; j ah. ".VI of one meal, Hox 8 Daily N.;w ..flice. tfjbura Co, Limited, Toronto, Out. j Phone H. (advt.) fcolutcly neceiiuiy to succesi. WAt.TKM Kit. A -I'll' Cited, ntruliy l,