Tuesday, March 7, 1022 THE DAILY NEWS PAGB THB1H1 For a Taxi, phone C7. If Local and Personal Cash for Victory Uonds Thus, SUCCESSFUL McUlynionl. tf . . . . George Leek, Auctioneer. If Cut l-'lowersi J'ol Plants in bloom. City Market. tf PLAYER'S SOCIAL FUNCTIONS. Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 548. 1 A" Tin. 1.1 ivn 1 (Iriler if tiiii will Ti. C. Uimerlakern. Phone 41. tf hold a WlilsV l)rie and lanee -.-. on Wednesday, March K, in (he Mi' AiU'CCsHful sorirly million t ogui.r (hat. in order (u Hall NAVY CUT Hayners, Undertakers; Miotic Melropole al ::i(J p.m. I,, ! ullllll her pnilion u- il ...ciely leader flit- IIMI-.I. follow 351. u ,i,ilinii well ! II! I liiii': hlic must mil forget Hie "frills"-Hi. The. Pylhlaii Sislers will hold 11111c aid Ihal limy menu Mm- difference between the More meat for your hio,ney. a Whist Iirivu ami Pancc on CIGARETTES failure of her all"air. City Market. ti Thursday, .March 'J al H::i0 in the iicrcs - . . K. P. Hall. Come aloujr ami havi' pn.lialJly you inlend holding a whlsl drive mill da lice, a bridge The. llrevo Vacjilini Cloaner a pood lliut ; 50 nr Ihu.bumlrc.l parly, an at hnmc" ,n ji birthday parly in costs only $ii.iio-aml nothing .A 'from Ihe Hoard lo Operalc. Phone Hlack 7J0. If report of liMlmt- ill" a ilalixlili'l or friend. If so, you will rcqillri! dance Worku recomlnemlinj.' 'flio wl.U in nfriaiiiH, tally ru-d. place cards, bridge seme or live-bunded Imlian A K-fitl C. C. 0tty I euiiiir of the main entrance lo pad, iv the cae may be. In liny euc, whatever your visiling Poll SNupsoii ilf ron-wilh tin fire hall ill a cost of 70 was adopted by the cily council neclioii consult 1 1 j-i departmental heroic i-cquiiciuonls, u buying elsewhere. Wo carry duties. lasl ntehl. an excellent slock or artistic design, unexcelled material, ami . .. ,0 a reasonable price. Jame, il. ThOlilpjon. xvhu is The il I y "COuntril. on recoin-memlaliou isiling hi old. home In Ontario of Ihe femelery com-mitlee is expected hum.' in about a fori-, has--decided lo make a night" linn'. . ' ' Jrniiil of Iwii burial plots al . .. l-'airview Ceinelery In the (ireal Tin- I:.-ii.-.ilciil ami Protective War Veleran' Associaliou. tinier ut Flks low. been granted i ; permission ,y Hie fOllllfil III Ti'iiih'rs, for pole line inaler-ial hold a la;; day foy relief pur-Iio-o-m from (lie Iluperl Marine Iron al a dale lo be el laler. Work, Paltlnsou A l.iiijr, Parkin ; . .1 Ward, Iho Canadian Ceneral .lark Knvanatipli, Jlie Vaiieou-ver ICIeclric Co. and Ihe Niiillierii Kleclric Co. y'!iv opened by Ihe Soeialil orator, will arrive Specials in Columbia in Hie i I y from Prince (ii-ore cily council last niylil and re ferred (o Ihe Utilities CnmmilteeH Ihin wi-ek aiid vill addiyii a inecliiiK of Ihe local fiiiemployi'd wilh power lo act. Grafonalas & Records next Sunday iiihl. - The cily council, on recommendation Mrn. (iilwon, wli.i ha. been ill of Ihe Hoard of Works to clear Ihe eily for .oim week viiliilff has decided lo accept Ihe offer wilh her ilanchler, Mr.. .1. It. of Jim I's I il lo to rive free One $95.00 Grafonola for $75 (iil I in. MeMiirdie- Ajiarl meal.. rock from hi lots at llic .e-orner returns lo hi-r limine in Vancouver oT Seventh SlrejfJ and 1irsl Avenue. One $55.00 $40 on Hi,. Prinei! Ilupi'il Thursday Tile matter of sewer con-lieelion nielli. lo th'i'Jtlraudview Hotel Superh Quality One $75.00 $60 v . . and these lols.viich Mr. -Posluln An offer f-om I-'. I-'. Sli-vi'.. lo ha asked ' for, wa referred lo Finest Workmanship Records, 85c for 65c; $1.50 for $1.10 purchae I...I 07, lllock iu. Section Ihe eily eniiiec?" for report. Greatest Value for wn accepted by All' other Records in proportion. We wish to clear Ihe city coutie.il la.l ni?hl. Mr. Tenders for. drilling material in ifie World out this line. Sle.vi-. inlimalcd in his application including a coinpri'ssor, drills, -.'Are you in the market for Columbia Agency? thai ht iiili'iub-d Lo' build on tripod ami air' receiver were the! 'properly. opened by Ihe cily council last 10 forlS? iAnd in tins . iiiuhl ami referr.ed to the Hoard ORMES. LIMITED '(The Infer Mmpire Trade Association's or Works Tor 'report. Tenders 20 " 55 ofSO&IOO j Idler asking for co-opcraliou were from Mussons. Limited: A. . Phones 82, 200 and 134 of Ihe cily in its ef-lorjs It. Wjtliams, .National Machine The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Iwwards 'piHi'molins' Uana. Co., I.Id.. ' Ituiierl Marine Iron tUpi.Trade was laid on -(he. -(able WorKs, Kraiik Hailing & Co., tpf . nolhi-r week by Ihe city Hole Co., Canadian Inyersol. The offer of Akerbei-ji & rf,i,ujjcjM lal nihl. Hand Co., and Sullivan Machinery Thomson lo sell lo the cily the Co. lease and Imil.lilies on the wuler. We" Jiave on, hand, a very limited, (.'rallied The eily jie.'iuisiim Vouiicil lasl lo .l)aid nihl Aid; !o1laVI VMnVilWn "cjillin fronl reM for acco'rdinii J'J.'i.OUO cannot lo a report be eon-side -of Lumber & Lath (lleunie lo Irausfer his lease of supply of for the installation of permanent Ihe l-'iiilnce Commillee which Ihe i.ily Markel lo K. V concrete catch basin on Thir was adopted by Ihe council lasl .Mpers'cli. .Wj-'olialinils have been ami Second Avenue .where lh night. .iMiil.-.'.I whereby Mr. .Moersch Shiplap-Boards and si reel. are Iieinfr surfaced was wi1 lake over Hie business. Edson Coal referred by the council lo the I). .. Cook, a Pari lie CarliiKc ' Ihe rcnorl of Ihe lluil'lintr In- eily engineer for report la leamsler, was admitted lo the Dimension iiifjhl. Mayor Itoehester fell thai Ueneral Hospital yesterday afternoon sn'elor for the in.mill of l-'ehru 'I'horouKhly Air Pried and Stored Under Cover II was noi ii'cpnry lo put in siifferiiiti from alidomiual a'ry showing thai 17 bllildiiii permanent catch basins on semi injuries sustained when he which the wa offering at we are lil'ilnils representing a l.uil.liii; value of IH,riM5 had been issued permanent work. Already wood jammed between a truck and Un Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding en calcli liasllls have lieeli lull lu ravel bunkers al Cow Pay when following prices was r.-ceiveil liy I In eily collll-eil on Second Avenue where Hi his horseM bolted. lal iiihl. lluiblin permit and Finish work was completed. MINE RUN, in bulk 0 7 fees amojllileil n .s.'l(i..'l5, plumli A O A Idler from the eily fire per ton, delivered P injf fees .I0 ami 2H) business i lie toiiowin:. leleprain was license colleclums had been men asking that, final disposition SPRUCE LATH v received yesterday from Vancou SCREENED LUMP, sacked o r-f much'. oT Ihe matter of adopt wa per ton, delivered P A O.OU ' ver, aildressed lo (lie K. of C Hie two platoon system in the manufactured in Princo Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices l,oneerl Commillee: Have signed local file hall left be until over First Come, First Served In Hie Saskatoon Star of last Ihlrd .aily for SI. Patrick's Pay (he present raJcs controversy be Saturday apiiear a idclure and l.oneerl ami special- lualiuee Sal scllled received PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. was -Hie by lieleli of coun Ilo .Mayor Harry II. urtiay. imiii in l.rnesi nutter ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. cil lasl nii-'lil and Ihe requesl Chester, or-lfiis cily. The arli il'' of Loudon, laihiml wa uTanlcd. Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 Phones 116 and 564 le lell of (lie re-elect iuu of Headline. a- follows; Krnie llnl- Mayor lloehesler lat, .lauuary cr, Comedy Conjurer, iulroduc- hl. CollaiTs motion rear.linn and also of. some of Ihe work in iulereslfii'f' and ainusin Hi., limitation, of (he kccMiii; of lie i. planum;.- alnn flic line of novelties, -iiJld-up (O dale cleve lien-, and pi: in Hid city, ex- liermaiieul si reel iuiproveimMu. illusion, namely sleiy lil-or-liaii.l I'lii iireseul street. are deserih ricksV wilh lols of, comedy, n ejit within certain exempted area, was iticued furllier DENTISTRY FIRE! FIRE! ladders."I as li.-iiiL' mi stilts and a "hen I'-Vcollenl Inlk'er ami cnlerlainer, Ihe council last uiulit and was hy trick with card, eajfs. ehiarelles. refenvd to the cily ror Tlic Hie inspectors liaM lii'i'ii round mi.I w,- know ju-,1 what lilies, paekayes, clc, specially. eport. Mr. Curl is -appeared engineer be-1,'i'e Pou'l neglect your leclh. One decayed or inissiiih' loolh I lie cily solicitor reported In lu addition In lowers vitality. yni( n I,, protect miiii- walls, pai'liliniis an.I eeilin-s. programme you ilu- con iicil ami staled Ihal your Wo make ASH BARRELS and everything for your protection Mo' council lat niulil thai Ihe now have on liainl. my danshter properly of his south of Klevnnlh against firo. eily could nol-be held j'cspoiisihh' Xorah and I will iiroviib' any Vxcuuc had already been made DR. BAYNE for Ihe aecideiil lo .Mrs. II. II. ,(ras required in cae of cin- worthless because Ihe had. Mill and her child in falling on eney for either iierforiilalice. cily Rooms 4, 5, G, Holgerson Block Phone 109 Rowe's Sheet Metal Works allowed Ihe erection uf a dairy! a defective plank on Sixth Ave. Huller ha splendid rec.ii.ls from ihuHiit tliem. Aid. Cullurt's Olllco Hours: Mornings, U-12; Artcrnonus, 1 :JU-D :30; Phone 340 nue. A claim or . :() for ex-peases II reports. Signed , Harry nioliou would make all the prop- I; KveninKs, 7-9. had been enlercd. Several Sliaumm. rly there worthies. of the aldermen fell Ihal some eonideraliou should be given Ihe CARD OF THANKS. r a inn Our frozen lierring hail Is conceded by fishermen lc 'ami it was referred to the Dfl 1 o be iho flucxt procurable at any Paciflo Coast mayor wilh power In act. The mother ami family of fhe! Phono 15. Peter Black, Agent, Main Office Hotel Central Port- "and II Is "Fishy." Price. $30 per ton. late l-'red Ive wish lo Ihaukl Do You Need PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO. 15 at any time, day or night. IPF lm' l'ht vvuy t,f 'nsulinS n food quality trip is ANNOUPJCEIVIEIMTS poet or Kerjiin, Miss Wood. Mtssj I Thoro will always be some one to take them. to have plenty of our hard frozen Ico. Price, Hlack and Ihe nursing slalT of It per Un, SI. Andrew's, Sale of Work and Ihe Prince Itupert, llosiiilal, and An Umbrella Prince Rupert Coal Company Onffife ur w?n-tMiiippi store can supply fishing near, Homo Cookinjf,. April D, St. Andrew's irieuiis lor ineir Kimi enquiries,, fifriiermen's clolhintr, groceries and provisions Hall. girts and floral tributes, nl.o Ihe Exclusive Representatives Ladysmlth-Welllnglon, Pombina, We have umbrellas for bolh nnd hardware. F.Iks for Pie miny .kindnesses Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. dress ami for service. The Ladies of the Itnyal Pur- shown, and lo the U.W.V.A. for NEW ENGLAND FISH Company ole Sale of Fancy Work and Hie kind maniH-r in which Ihey We also have Hue a combining,really remarkable Yellowhead Coal Ketchikan, Alaska Branch Homo Cooking Tuesday, April 1 comlucli'il the last sad riles. service ami quality with Tho Ladies' Aid of Ihe Presbyterian fashionable appearance. On Pock Delivered Church will hold a llazaar FULLER'S SPECIALS Wo are selling these al $7.50 LUMP, Bulk $11.00 $12.50 A mil I". - ,. Some were originally priced LUMP, Sacked 11.75 14.00 Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE iruie uouey, o in 51,75 a high as 10. MINE Bulk 9.75 11.25 RUN, only Tho Klki' Annual jaisler .Nov-'oulario Cheese, per lb... . 25c You should ail at yourself of NUT, Sold In Carloads only . . . . 8.50 cily Hall in Ihe Auditorium I'll- Saanicli Clams, per tin.... . 15c this (ipporluu'iv. DENTIST day April St. i ll-'.agle Lobster, 'i 's. each.... . 25c Analysis ---Fixed Carbon, U.- per cent; volatile mailer, Ilueberries, per Ilu . 25c John percent: ash. !).0 per cent: moisture, II.H per cenl; sulphur, Visit his OHlco Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Acadia Codfish, - .Ik box . 50o Bulger, U.l'j per cent; II. T. V. air dried, ?t.(no. , Block or phone for an appointment. fCZEMA il Kinjr Oscar Sardines, a fpr 35c Tlio Jeweller This is a High (lia.lc Hilumiuous Straining Coal, especially Phone 575 Pry Salt J'ork, per Hi . 30o suitable fur High Pressor!: Boilers and Furnace. The, lump Olllco hours: U-12, I to i and 7 to 9 skin JrMtv Christie'. Sodas, jier tin . 65o is a very Superior Stove Coal. Let us send you a trial load of M tlniu. t rf llov.- ( unc and eradu- 'GIFTS THAT 2 evcniiifrrH. all brals tlie kln. Hainrle txn Dr. Wrinkle Corn Flake 10o Mine Run for your furnace or half ton Lump for your C'baio'i OInliiieiit (re l( you lueuUon Uili Sunday Appointments l''"lv Assistant pan-r aud aend lie.ammp forioiage. 60c, a Fresh (1 round Coffee, 3 lb. $1.00 heating stove. Ihii Uuuted,I all dealer ToronK or E4ni,'". Htt. & Vu., Choice Dairy Duller, 3 lbs $1,00