Tuesday, March 7. 10 PAGE BIX THE DAILY NEWS PRINCEGEORGE HEADS roust be hard in Vancouver. A client of TIMES very W. II. Fairlry, t lie Itiuiiiniuii WESTHOLME THEATRE there says he is very hard up and so must government i....I ...... agricultural expert I il... That Ache : iituu i-pK ;.p.-l'ltlll.si, vitoii.-u in.- and Pain sacrifice a fine Double Corner which he owns here dislrict Inst neck imd lectured nl Wednesday Matinee Only Sixth at Cotton Street, in Vandcihouf. I'rufessur Fniilcy 11 i.i bard lo drar lion with i licad Urn I in Prince Rupert on Ave., said lluil I In-it sliuuld be a Kuod clie and palna ill the IIiiip. opening in Die Out nil Interior In nine cases out of ten, pirslalrnl 0 the and lies fine tor Section Six. It is on sewer j fin- egg producers a the differ lipidaclira are due lo polntmed timid, tlio ii Make offer, it must be sold. H. G. ence in I he local ami Vancouver blood lirlnr rrndrrcd Impure itiruURli sonin building. us an dprani-rniciit of llio stmiiacti, liver or wholesale tires should ii inot-e boncli, but no matter which organ is to HELGERSON, LTD., Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance. 1 1 li ii offset (lie disabilities uf the blame tlio cause must be removed before north ill the mallei' uf climulie permanent relief can be oblalned. conditions. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS nlilch has bt-en oil the market for the past . forty-live years, removes the cause of Hie IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH 'I'lie rily i-uuncil has. tleclliieil I.ea.lKlie by martin tlio orpans of COLUMBIA. lo make iiiyinciit in Hie case of elimination aetmr fncl.v, and wlien the liu- Ill III.- mailer nf TIIK AHMI.NIMIIATION Oily uf Viclorin vs. the Catholic purities are carried oil fn.m the sysleui. M l mill Hi llif mailer ir IIK.MIY III II purified blood circulate In the brain cclU, I li.MII illl'WK. ill mo-it. Church tin I In- taxation uf church and the actios vanhh. ! I kl Mi I li.I. ton I mi Ihi' SMIi liny of and pains Jaiiuarv. in; I. letters or niliuluislrallou property. The eilys share uf Miss ulara Murphy. Centre iiuiiuner. were irraiileil li Julm II .Mrwiniln. unirlnl I In eo was ?li?.r)f. out., writes: ".My system nas nn-atly St. Patrick's t:oliiiiihia.Administrator. Prims- IiiiihtI. lirtilsh tun donn and my bliMi.1 out of order. I .Ml hi -mi' Imivmik claims aRalllSt 1 1"' suffered a ureal deal from severe pains In -mil .-slate an- ii-iiiin-il In II lr mii with The I'ri'sliyleriiiu Church in to my bead which made me feel very miser Hip niiil-ri(cio-il Hllliui llnrly day riimi 1'iiilil n 1 1),000 eilificu in this able. After liavlnr tried oilier remedies I in. ill IP hereof ami all person uIiir Concert ili-lils tu lln- )lil eslaie an- reunited In rily. Const rut'lion will start os purchased a buttle of ti unlock Blood Hit Day pax lh- -aiii.- tu Mi'- iiiiiI.'DMimhI ri.rlhnllh. the frost has left Hie, lers, and was very r'sd notice a decided soon as li.MKH Hits lli day nf february, IDs.'!.. Improvement lu my health. I took another JUII.N II. M.'MII.IIV groUllll. hear unirlnl Ailminlslrntur. buttle anil It has done liu; an enormous Do mil fall to huh,unl of g-ooit. 1 have recommended it IN PROBATE. The telegraph lulls belween to some of my friends who were, iu a similar rouillllon ami they all says .It Is a Barry Shannon I.N TIIK Ml TllliSIK ColliT I IF UIUTISII here llllil t,liesuel have been re winlerfiil reiiiedy.'- COl.t MlilA. duced ami l from I.KO W.iO lu II. it. 11. Is manufactureil only by The T. again litis y-'ar. 'i ... ...n..!- i.r rut.- iitiitsriiTii slrairTlil for ilay ami iik'lil mess, Mllburu Co.. Limited, Toronto. Out. A.'T ami in I in- manor nr inc i;st.ti. ut Mi:iln..s .MApSLN. deceased. iie.s. lli-i-i1 are ti rw ir his solids: uilrsla l- GRAND TRUNK BYLAW "Irish as She's Spoken" I Aki: N.. 1 1 1:K Ihal In order ..f III. Kreil Taylor, seerelary of the PASSED SY COUNCIL "That Old Irish Mother of Ilniinr I. M.'ll. Initio.-, made I In- lllh ilay licoi-e Arieiillural ami nr February. A H. IVt-J. I npixniiliil I'rinre VOTE ON MARCH 22 Mi no" AihnilllBlr.il.ir In llif K.slalc nr .Nicholas Industrial Assueiaiioii, lias re. "The Singer Was Irish" Al.-tdx.it, ilii'M-i-il. ami alt, parlies liavlnic claims Hpitiist tin- said estate are lipri-hy eeivi'd advice from Hon. V. II. Continued from I'ttite iiiie . "That Tumble Down Shack H'linlri'il In riiim-.li same. .mH-rly vcrl-llctl. Motherwell, minister uf arietil. In hip. nti nr lif.r.irp Hip l.'lli dav of In Athlone" March. A.II. I'J'.".'. anil all ..n ll.-j inilcblcd lure, that no- hope cam be en- paid by the oilier proprrlv own 111 llllililioll III tile above In tin- cslalc an- retiulreil In pay the lertained for 'Hie establishment ers and the mill rale would ad aiiiminl nt llit-ir indebtedness lit me Ik and hi daughter Norali forthwith. of an eii'i-iiiii-iilal farm iu the vance lo ill. lie considered thr JIIIIN II. M.'MI!I.I.I.. will present Iwii comedy nm-'lal Almtiil.lratr. district I his year. I'iiiaivinl rea-' atrrreinciil was iiiiwarraiiti'd. ill I'urli PVILIi this ijtli il.i. of Krbriiarv. IVir i-oiis.iil.-ri-.I and mil in I he in-lel-esls sketches, one -til per-fiiriiiancc. I x in s present Hie main dilliciilly. uf the city. BUY YOUR TICKETS EARILY JUST ARRIVED Heaii I.. S: Kliiick, uf thr t'ni-versily Correct In Figures. uf II. I.!., on Stiiiday de Aid. hybhavn said Ihal be livered a lecture in the I rvu in would like Aid. Montgomery -to Comedy, "Edgar the Explorer" McCormick's land Theatre umb-r the auspices be correct iu his figures. lb of Hie I'rinee (teuw Hoard of had staled that the same lauds Admission, 15c and 35c Trade on "The University of II. whicli. paid JjtUl.nuO lasl year SODAS C. and ils relation lo the 1'ro- would now pay Hi,5tm. This vince." Alex Yutuij.', presiileul of was absolutely an incor(ecl The Store of Satisfaction Hie board, was in lite chair. slaleini-nl. This year the coiu-pany authority where that bylaw was STORE PREMISES TO RENT. (i-lfi. Carton... would pay $10,5011. plus really effective allhouglil the cily T.-lid.'.'s will In- r iv.-it b III.' tmd' -inn.'.I up Tin lit moriiliiir :iii ue" . JUST ARRIVED The lie camp strikers held a taxes on,leased html plus local had morally granted exemption, nl in .i.iii.. fin nVi - In lea-'- llio.' SALE II lie lo I lie matter pis'iiils.". kimun a- llie Full..il Mark.'l. $1.25 meeliiiK in the I'l'tneess Theatre improvement luxes. was a would like see rerenlly .i-ii.ed by (irorire J. Fri.'ll. last week and voted by ll lo I uiulter uf fact Ihal I In- cum. again rererreu to Hie profirriy Cold The Slnrain-premise I'lanl i-.inslsl and Warehouse.i.r Slur.'. Olll.-.'. to remain mil. Thei-j are only pany bad paid ..'.000 lu much owners, lie had advised the' (. lininoi: noun:, i. a. HandTailored liny now fresh wliili-ami crisp.they arc 15 men workinvr at present iu lasl year on the dry dock ue-eounl. T. 1'. Co. Hint he would fighl llie I't-deral l-riiii-p It tii IniiH-rl.lilli.tr, 11. i .. CROCKERY CHINA McArlliur's camps. bylaw if necessary. 'lirrh :i. IMj. . ALUMINUM Aid, Monljioniery said he was Mayor lloe.hesler said' flYa'f The WATER NOTICE. Kill Sucks Netted firm that the chairman of lite not correctly Greatly Reduced Mrs. 1. S. llunncy lias been sorry 12,50(1 was . Dlv.rtion and Ut. CAPS appointed musical director iu the Finance Uoinmillee should try chargeable against 'Ih'o Hlllway Take oolite ihal James A. Iirowii, whose POTATOES schools of Ibis city. to he misleadinjr. 'the city company, liven if the Bylaw 'was aildn-.s Is Port F.ssIiixI.iii. II. r.... will ainilv for a llri-iH-e to lake and use I cubic feet treasurer hail; told him Ihal the in'efrecfive the Court of llevisioil x-r M'runn or -water out or Umwiis (.reek, Cups and i w hlrli llnws ti.irlh.-aslcrly ami drains Into Unbreakable Peaks (iiiaruiiiccil SI i h-k .luck KiivanauVh, the Socialist company paid lust year -?1I,000 had not made an adjustment of lloesall lllvi-r at.nut nine miles from mouth ora lor. is to address a im-eliiif.' pins .G,ooo local iintirovi'ineiil. dry dock properly in line Willi of n.ii'siill Hivi-r. !MI-lli. Sui-k Tlio will l- Saucers water ilm-rte.1 from the Latest Styles tin I'lincc (.eoi-ffe loiiKylil. He thought (hat any reveitue thinly other reiluctiuiis' uf' rililWiiy slnani al a mliit alsiul .'7 fe.-l above llile sack per miht '1 from leased land properly. ' water on Lot 11. llama- i:oasi liisirlel, lingular I ..'."). ut 51.00 and will Is- for iim-iI power puriniso upon CAUTIOUS ANYWAY. now would b small. As far us The cily s.ilicilor explained llie land described as Lot 11, ItatiKe t. Iteglllar '-it. liNW 50 $2.50 to $3.25 leased lands concerned he -.':.r.nn Cimsi Ptsirlrl. hkeena lover lu.tMrt. $Z50 l-'ather--That yuun? man of were Unit the Imd been paid This liotlre was H,sled on llie -rouiid oil lleguliir uo 25 yours has mure brains than I did not want there lo be any iu error by the railway eoini;niy Hid I Dili day of January, I US. SPECIAL s. i.r Oils notice and .copy an application ;ave him credit for. debatable point .whereby present while the tax cuininisi.luiiei"; Nvliu pursuant tlx-reln and to tin- "Walcr Art, Aluminum Saucepans, really b'iised land taxnliou iniIil lie was cunversiinl with the iw'tual 1011' will be II let in the olllei- of the $1.75 Oh, 1 laughter papa, you regular 'i.."i0, u Water ll. eoriler al I'rliie.' ltiiM-rl. B. I., Rupert Table Supply Co. don't mean il ! credited lo the I5.0O0. facts of the case, had 'heed ' absent objection lo the application lo.o be lll. il with (he anl Water lleeoriter or wllh llie Paid In Error. from 1.1 Office of 'the I'uin-pany. KIRKPATRICK rJithi'i- -Yes; inslead of enlii-inx 1 e Ci.iiiplinller of Wale. Iittrltt-. I'arltaiiH-ui Phones 211-212 lo see me he called me up City Solicitor lloupi'i- said Ihal The check hail been forwarded llull'iiiur, Vt.i.iria. II. .. wllhiu Hurt, DENNY ALLEN CO. ilay- alter Hi. m.t apie-araurc of Hit.-noil..- on the telephone. one should look taii'ly at iu error by a clerk. In a -local new .twiM.r. (he --.) I ,lM)tt pai.l last year. II When notice hail been given the JAMI.S ,. Illlowv Applicant Third Avenue The dale of tin lint tmblicalioii uf llil was true this sum had hecn-ypaid lime for rebate was nearly up. notice Id January stl. 1 1 but f.'l'.r.lKi had been paid in error on the dry dock when a NOTICE. Here the bylaw passed by tin; .ratepayers are had provided fur its exemption. - On Inking over of my transfer All had understood thai the ilry business by .Messrs. I.onion i 'I'here is no leasuii why prices shoilhltl l tlrop dock was lo he exempted and I Intact Smith, I w)sh lo thank my imiiiv that 41 had been charged. outruns fur Ihiiir loyal support GREATEST 82,500 had been an oversight. and trust they will show lo m ARGAINS The should have We have the paid (Mi8,30U.company The.really agreement pro. successors,saute. a continuation of the set pace vided for the uiymeill uf ir,.IMIII. 1IYHI-: THANSITlll. t,500 yearly fur five years uf 51. W. Hyde. We have ever offered which ready had by this actually paymcii!been paid on dry al in Low Prices duck taxation. Aid. Montgomery nskeil the Ladies, Attention! rily solicilor if he would slake LADIES' FINE MERCERIZED LISLE HOSE GINGHAMS in all the latest designs. W hen ipinlity gund Ulltl prices are eoliiia"l his reputation on a statement I in lllack, Xuvv anil Hi-own. Si.es U'-j-IU. Special price thai I he ?-.';.',5ll0 had been paid Back -dioppers reulie the benellt .laliout - III"''' Money Special prirp iu error. jiossible. 50c pair 3 yards for 95c was The his cily opinion solicilor I lint said the that bylaw il Drawing per e.vemiiliu the dry dock miylil be It is said F.very Monday itioriuu a everywhere proved ineffective on iiccounl of ii-iiwiiig w ill be hclil in Daily opcralioiis having ceased in lO'O LADIES' PRINT OVERALL APRONS in News olllee on all sales or MEN'S COTTON SOCKS in lllack, Navy but there was no dottbl Hint Hie Stripes ami C.liei-k. Sixes J(j lo iH. pieei'iling week. The lucky cheapest company would make a fU'hl that our Spring Hats aro the best and Worth lo !?t.iiS. ypi-cial (irico and (i icy. tteiuforced heel and toe. uwnei- ol liu- wiiiuiiip nuiu-lier up with this in their hands. II and that our new shoes "Tho Classic" r will have full Special price would he up to a Supreme Court pun basing priced rerumleil. tho host woarlng and most reasonably 85c money judge tu decide and his opinion iniuhl not be accepted, liven if DEMERS shoos In the city. There Is no better shoe for 4 for 95c pairs the bylaw were proven ineffective tho money. STRIPE COTTON TURKISH TOWELS. the railway company would likely Ladles Roady-to-Woar be en!il led lo revision I he Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 a on Fun I colors. Special price dry duck assessment which would Our Goods Spring 4 for $1.00 MEN'S FLANNELETTE WORK SHIRTS bring-to iM-.'.OOU.the lasatiun possibly down in Dark (irey and Khaki. lively shirt Aid. Montgomery iueslioited Kiiarallleeil perl'eel. Hi.e It Vj lo lVj. the Hiatus of leaseholds and the COAL Voiles, (iingliuins. i'niils. Cliiiiubrii. ''''' PLAIN WHITE HUCK TOWELS. -.'5. .mailer of credits iigiflnsl the tonnes, Nainsooks and Organdies. Shceln'e' Ili'Kulur Special Special price 15,000. The cily solicitor NVliilii and Urey Cottons, Suintnei- L uilerwoiu pointed out that there were two Fxciisive .selling agents anil Whilewear Ituvu arrived. There i i"" 4 for 85c $1.45 classes of leaselioldsv-ireseiil and future, l'rescnl leaseholds FOOTHILLS AND CADOMIN varlely to inspeel ami it wide range of satiil'b -lo were to be luxuble and would not COALS cjioose fi-iiin. Of nuulily you are the judg'' lie credited against the 15,000. )etered in your bin And as to prices, we havo sot the pace I" Future leaseholds would be creditable. Scroenod Lump, Ion $14.00 low prlcos. The Municipal Act would Universal Trading Company provide for luxation of present Scrooned Stove, tun.. 13,25 leases iu any event. YOU'LL LIKE IT Corner Third Avenue and Sixth Street The Flfjht matter If of Necessary,the exemption Consumers GoalCo. Ltd. Jabour Bros., Ltd. of Hid dry duck wus then luken Phone 376 JAS. H. MARK, Manager P.O. Box 1712 up. The solicitor -Ktuted that, Phones 7 and 311 Corner Third and Seventh Phone 645 while an exemption b.vluw had Lome MacLaren, Managor liitert jiii'sii'il he e.oijhl fiiiit it--