t:.v. Mnrrh ?, 1022 TOE DATLY NEWS PAGE TTTM Prize in pnrly. The very fact that there Essay Rotary Club's is, opposition p.reyfnls crooked, nes, and encourages slrniplilcr High School Competition by ilealinp. in jioIHIps for each side is ever-rpady 16 find fnull wilh Miss Mary Sims, Age 16 Years elections Hip iinlicies a true of lite pillen oilier.does In not Ihe MACDONALDS vole for a candidale simply he. PRIVILEGES AND DUTIES OF CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP. Pause he or she is tt friend of his hill because he knu's. that In dealing wilh Midi a siibjpct as "Tlie Duties and Privileges Dial candidate will do his utmost Elite Cut lo improve tJie pondilinria of Ihe of Canadian loliPiiship" il would lie we.ll tlrsl In find jnsl exnrlly country and work unselfishly in wbal Hie hvo word "cilizpn" mid ''ptlfzetishiri" mnn. Hv con- her service. Tired So I'm nlliiliiiii wilh Webster's dirlionnry wo f 1(i1 Unit a rjlizen js n Most Important Duty. FOR THOSE SMOKERS WHO LIKE Fatiarue is the result of poisons freeman up n inlmliilHfil, uf a cily, while: cilieiihip i the rights Nowadays, since -wr have ob-lllined ; the blood. So when the kid enjoyedjiy u freeman op rilizpii. To I.e. n frm,,) cilUen, however; equal franc'hise anil wo. MACDONALtfS CUT FINE. OR (ail purify tlie blood men are allowed to vole (lierp is to one ney; oiip should not merely bo. mii iuhahilnul of n eilv. That doe mil WHO "ROLL THEIR OWN" of (lie first indications is unusual no reason why everyone- who eeni.a siiilnhlp wny of expressing wluit a cilizen is. A real -ilizen and nersitenl tired feelings and iualifies as n voter should not pains in tlie back. Is OOP who owes ulleeianre In do so. If Ihe fiplril of advance, his town up rily iitiiI is pntllloil lo are unl t-ood and true citizens. men! could only be instilled in Neeleelrd kidney troubles lead prol pel Ion of lis laws. 'Hip pit I They are afrnid to lake .shIp and the minds of the coming jren- lo years "of suffering from rheuma-iltm on of linlriy has far more priv Ihernfore assume a nenlral position, pralion, conditions would be fur or develop into such fatal ilexes than the pIII.pii of Hie in Ihe municipal and provincial heller Ihan ihey have been 3 ailments as Bright" disease. earlier aes. Tmlay, epry man affairs. A (rue eiJizen liilherlo. Theii, penhaps, there Tlie kidney.j action is promptly ini ii have ji voire in Hie irnverru walrbes carefully and criticizes would be fewer "back sealers" corrected by '.nse of Dr. Chase's iiieni his country. This is aeulely he manoeuvers of each and nurre. enerelic workers in Kidney-Liver 1'ills tlie best one of the yrealpsl privileges parly, -Mien afler careful deliher. Ihe ervice"of Ihe country. The Inown regulator of kidneys, liver itrnnlr-il liy Hie free junl -ilemo-rralie alfon on which one xvill heoefit most imporlaiil duly Ihen, of :j and IwwrJs. K-overiiinenl if Ihe jircseul Canada inosl, takes his stand as line cilizen is to serve, tiis day. Any frooil rilien shoultj an honest supporter of thai counlry and his felbuy-men. Mrs. John Ireland. R.R, No. llieii seize litis opHiriiiiiy of 2. King, Ont., writes; d'llliy siilinMliiilx henefielnl fur 1 wii a artel luffercr from arver liis rotmlry ami fellow men. Visited liflJicJiri and Liliou pelli. I trird a Natural Wealth. Many Delegations aunlr of rtmcdirt wiilioul oLtaining Our I'liuulry is rolling in natural utj Uoelil unlil 1 wu advnrd lo um Ottawa mand that government ownership Prior Dr. Cla ' Kidny-L!vr Pilli. These wealth and resources within to Session; complf-ty relieved we and made roe jr lo he i1eteViied 1iy Hie in. be given a proper I rial ex-lending Canadian National led lilt a new person., am vrrr iluslrious eili.i'iih. 'IHie seas are Matters oxer several years before Railways be Discussed initial lo Dr. Quif'l medirinea for lilerally lennin wfHi riiiiileiu-e to any change is coulemjilaled. that Cfiry have done for ie, and you in Ihe form of all sorts of fili. Whal will be done wilh I ho Canadian bit iue my teller' for tlie l.enrlil of riovernmenl Merchant Marine This affords n sreal njirxuliinily OTTAWA, March 7. Sincc Ihe uf Ibcre uditri. beginning February is also a mailer of inleresl. Prince for those who lake up the fi-.li. Rupert Dr. Qiase's Kidney-Liver inir iiulusiry. Then -our forests ha been i coiislant procession uf delegations here inlcrvicwing Al present the government has Pills, one pill a dose, 25c a box. are ImIIi niimeroii and 1en.ey Ihe minislers in regard In special legislation for (he various' dis Ihe ships, and shipping is nol a ill dealers' or Edmanson. Bates & w.inili'il wilh (he fine kiml nf tricts reprpspiilptl. This i in uddilion to Ihe members which paying business, hul their sale, Co., Ltd., Toronto. liniliiT. l.tnuheririK, I lion, should represrnl lhop districts. if such were contemplated, would Shipyards perhaps he a difficult mailer. In day an imporlnnl-of pari in the Kneli province lias been represented, and in each province those sections of Hie counlry fmliislries Canada. All Kinds (here have been different groups. where Ihe Liberals received the G. Ton Dock T. P. 20,000 and descriptions of minerals may Operating Floating Dry lie fiiiiud in prarlirally every I'rom" Victoria there has been a delagalion working oniellv general strongest eleelions,support ownership in I he recenl and Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern pari of our liuminion. Then Ihe nml iiniililrusivply to secure coiiliiuinlion of the work on tho makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. operation of these ships by the e-oil itself Is fertile some parls I'lsrjuimall dryilock, on which al .oiiilahle fur jriiilii srowinjr, others ready a very considerable sum ways, he triiMTiiiiHMil lias been uovernmenl is generally opposed. Electric and Acetylene Welding. iimre filled fur fruil Jsrowinff lias been spent.. There have been uracil lo'brinvr in people from Fall Session Possible. and others capahle oT proiliiriu? other reiiuesls made. Psoeciallv any counlry. hut on (he other All of these and probably many Our plant Is equipped lo hnmlln all kinds of Mimcr.I'oiikst tip iimtiaii iiiia.xcii.coixmiiu. praelieally iinylhinK-. Therefore, in connection wilh II peraiion hand there is a strong asilal inn other impnrHiul mailers will require rr.e.uiTMK.T or i.a.nps. usi'iculllire should of necessity of Ihe ocean docks at (hat port. against opening Ihe sales In lo be ieall wilh during the MARINE AND nivimmv ron the position or he developed lo a liili depree. Vafe.Vi(iver has had a frreaf- anyone but men arid women who cumin? session, so thai il does asmstsst joukst iia.xui.ii. Our hislnries inform us that will devole themselves to aj-'ri-ciillural not appear possible -that il COMMERCIAL WORK many requests In make. The The should be early. Object. itvrioiilliire is Hie jiiainslay of pursiiils when they oxer very delegation headed liy the noard TH rtaintnaiiun are for I'm- iunoe any counlo'. therefore it is ,p reaen (.aniula. Jiaever meas general impression is Hint il PHONES 43 AND 385 tllllne ireml iirinrle anil In enalilp of Tlade'jipsldenl, laid its re-iiuesi.s unlil time will Inst 'UIiIIiIhi. id i)Mlir for Inliire varani'les duty of all js'ood clli.ens In before ure is bronchi before Ihe Mouse some lielxyeen M In.-ri-a-"" : the Oovernmeiil lo lie followed m .:,ir. and .lime furlloT this, industry and he of il is fell, will seek Hi eneourarre May -M 15, A.tlftlAnt Ftf.il Rfni.... wilh a ureal deal of force and In the Fall by another "Mem I urent uanrer are employed sprvjee to their own land, In willi immigration from Hie llrilisli rr'al pxrieclalions, but in n-imr t tm fit-.; a-t,... ui.,,. wj,.ui regullir session wbich will last dustrial prosperity and Ihe Isles, Ihe I'niled States' and kiu-ivp- nr earn sear ami Oil. m-rlo no case did (tin fiovernmenl jrive some unlil monlhs of tllcndPil where txis.ll.lp li v work fill lm- trroulh of maniifacluriTis' jir Hip sections of l-liirope i-ather Ihan Ihe early I'.U'.'I. whopou. hihi m i ran- pip npaoiHiifii- Ihehi any ' inkling or what inifrlil The standing of the parlies in Wil 4 made e-ai-li ypar a lour a !! rllies -could nut avail lo offset lie pxptted at 'Ibis session of the from the late enemy pounlries of rtnrt' acrvlre lm eitrn Ihe . Parliament adds err.,,...!i..,. m il.. present the decay -of asriculture. This Central Kurope, where, it j 'nuiieni .inn n ninnp t.v ,,..,ii .i.i llonsp. Miialilri h ncpalou iiller. Tin' ulary Ivt liowecr, dues not necessarily The'ro' )ins been staled, there are thousands of greally to the interest surrounding i'rince llu- RAILWAY TRUNK PACIFIC umi it iooiiiii nie iitji yi-ar ami sun .should n Ihe first . session. Al pres GRAND n month Ue epinil menu thai maniifacturinar cmiftraie lo year and flifO Hh pert deleallon which lias been!'""'"" UM )nr. TravrJIiiiit i hii-i.. are ln In' iinde eloped. On the ronlrary ery persislenl and has had a!!:ani"la but whose presence bere ent count there are 117 Liberals. S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will sail Wednesday 10:H p.m. for Quallrlcatlona foe Candldaua. as much interest and pnerjry number o'f interviews wilh minis iiol particularly desired al Ihe 01 Progressives, 50 Conservatives, Anyo.x. Thursday al. 11 p.m. fur Swansoii Hay Ocean Falls, liuliiUlr- i.iii-i l,i' liillii.li iiliiii'ii ri-l should lie npjilied to iiipreasin present.' I Independent Progressive. PoweJI Hiver. Vancouver. Victoria am! Seal lie. m lit Hrlii'ti I lniiil)H ror nt ioai nn ters and the members of which 'I'he Liber ir, nt irood rharui-lcr. jrixul r'h-iral cim-i (he iniinti fuel tires of a country, Ilevisinn nf the Hank Act,, and 'J Independents. S. S. PRINCE ALBERT For Jill points Northern njid confident. n ami wilh vmii. eierlenre. as is pien lo Ihe development of ce:n. cry. which comes every ten years, will als will' lose one from their num Southern Unpen -Charlotte Islands, .March 15 ami ?J. l-'or Ilier rlimiM liavn enerl'iire In nrp flthl- Winnipeg has been represenl- of Jlon. 'l; riMr. ......Hip iili in nrKanKp...... wurk agriculture. One should not suf be one uf the mailers before the ber with Hie appointment Slewarl. March Hi and .10. I 1 I .IIU L ..r ed, Kilmonlnn, Iteina, in fuel Ihe the oT the other. 8p1cp Conunillpp It. I.eniieux as speaker. Service. I irem An. fer al expense siibslaulial on Hnnkinir Train Dial has Hi. t'kaniliuitliiiK are narliv utIUpii. Great Opportunity. any MVl(riii and I'inance, In be followed by lioverniiienl is expecled lo draw Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY nt 11:15 wii' firm anil are iI.'-ihmI ui ipkI tin' not been "after something- is Ihe Progress-, iMIilale' aliillly almia tbP almrp UiiPa. Canada is h liii'tr" enuiilry, noticeable. submission of a Hill lo tTle House some support. from. t. in. For Sm'lhcrs, Prince Georg.'j,, I''.dmonton,ond Winn 'I Ui'IiipiiI iiimln by aiillrniu an M ives and Independents and thus' making direct connection for all points ia l-'.aslern KTipnrp. rdiipalloii anil llliiea arp mili- llierefiire differs a jfreal oppor-lonily The I.epislaliJre lomor- il is expected. If Hie census returns peg, M In iprlllrailnii liv I hi' oxhinlnlnir Inmril. lo every true eitien lo oppns are ponipb'tP in lime, there he able In carry along in Ihe Canada and United States. frrpn-nrp -Im arhnii Ui rpiiirnpil untiliprft row, tint it- will lie a week lie but in the Senate, ii ..... i increase lier power and importance may also lie a Iledislributiou Commons, Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. -City fore there is anything of much Tha Ctamlnatlont. in the world. One who is Hill before Parliament during wilh a majority or moire than Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue Phone 260 n Plfllulii!U.iiw ulll In. Iirlil 1 llm interest beyond he reading of igains il, I here vill lie ) iieion. coulent lo let Ihint's oass as I lie" next pontile of months- or I hirly ami tm 1 1 ip itali" nainid Taili the speerh. from Ihe throne and so, iii auiiiK PamtiiUIP xlimilil apply lo Hip Ihey will is not a loyal citizen of and Ihis will umloiibtedly briu? greater' difficulty gelling tn-l l'nn).irr nr hi- ili.irln Mr anpli-n the election of the speaker. government measures through. rniiii ami for liirorinal lull, rparil- Canada. It is everyone's duty to many clianpes In the representation, rtiinif ui' in lumr Hliii tir li iiif n uill f'lniiiiiiaiK'il lm IipIU. aim pplipa-''S in' keep well-informed on the current - Returned Soldiers Hie western province's jrain-in;r Strenuous for Whips. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY rurniH Imlilil III pnrh ruvp. lip 1111.1 cveiils which lake idacn in That I here will be lctrjidalion seals In Hie House while In view of the divisbin ofj Hid In reai'li mallei lilm In ai Hip Ip.ii lilMrlPt iwu ilajn rnreaH'r hrforp In Iheir own lund. Newspapers affectins rc.establishment of re some of I lie eastern provinces Irenglh in Ihe House this will MSilillMltnii, IH-tlillp. should he read iiilollielilly and turned soldiers is a foregone Will be reduced as. to their mem be a strenuous . session for the B.C. Coast Services Apply lo Irii l I nrpi-leral all important news micIi as thai conclusion. The pmcriimenl has bership. fiovernmenl hips if Tor nolmily JHniiivor Mari'hll Vanrniiver promised to appoint a Parlia rise, since Ihey are responsible limi. Varrli Hi kamlimpk heariiitf on the polilics of tlie Minister of Defense. from Prince i'' llupPil M.in llin Prlnrp lliiPd day should lie gleaned fmui them. mentary Commitlpp mi this sub One of the important measures for Ihe organization 'r Ihe parly Sailings Rupert JJSIier. Marrh n PiIih-p IIii.itI Jaifi iinrpp Mi rill Prlnpn lipitrai' If this were done by everyone, it p'pi which in lis report will say if Ihe session will be Ihal pro mil ror gelling Hie members into For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway- '"I'm" Manli Milli'li i 0 Wllll.inio p.nll I.Hkt- would make Ihe people of Can wtielher II finds further iiipiim. viding for Ihe amalgamation of Ihe House or arranging pairs March 10, 20, 31; April 10, 21. luiii' l ake .Mm I'll .111 Williams l.aki' ada realize, more fully I tow inu ures nepesary for Hip proper Ihe Mililiu, Navy, Air' Force ami when voles are Iniminenl . And For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-March pppniy MiiiKli'r II. II. nr ilN.l.aniU. porlani a jmrt each and every re.pslnhllshmeul. of the i-plurned Mounted Police under one Min il is not anticipated Ihal pairs 4, 1C, 25; April 5, 14, 25. one of them should piny in Hie jiien. 'i'here are siali'd lo be ister of Defence. Steps lo carry will be granled for absentees S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, political aclivllies of Ihe country. man)' direction in .which the relumed mil this auialrniiiulinn are al very freely during this f'i's.1 East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Vc have inherited free political soldiers .themselves desire ready tinder way and a Hill to session. River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Jnslilulioiis and it is Hie RONernuient to moc, and il provide for I hp plianup is lo be The coming' session will be Agency fop all Steamship Lines. Iherefore Ihe duly of every rood is experlpil Ihal some of these submilled early in the session. responsible lor many "maiden" Full information froin and true pillen to develop these dans will he laid before Ihe Par This parries wills it. a pro-iiounceiueul speeches, since - many of the insliliilions aciioiilin.v lo Ihe liamentary Conuniltee when it 'of policy jiv regit rd members are making their first W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, riiovivr.n op iiiuti?!! coipmpiv. evrr-rliansius: ;ieeds of ilu day. ineels and passed - iilon? by Ihjil to the Itoyal Canadian Mounted appearance nl Ottawa, including Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. rriKST. jiiiA.vr.ii. Itul for those who do lake an conimlllpp lo Hip House. Police which should prove inler. ijanada's first woman Member It I'.UlT.MirVT .OK I.A.MIH. is vital mailer Miss, Agnes C. active inleivsl Ui these innllPrh, Imiuigralion a linjr. From various sources or Parliament. 'ttMivsTio.XH I'oTt-Tin: positimn or condilions would b" a terrible al Hip present junclure in Hie I here has been a move lo have Maephail, M.l'., whose progress miiiMT HA.i;ni. and legislation parliamentarian will he UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. stale of iunnoil uud despnera-I country's affairs the .Mounted Police i-Pl-urn In Its us n Object. should nol take tiffpeliiijf Ihe iiicominK selller old fooling of a force lo police wttlched willi mole than ordinary SAILINGS SH esanilnaiinna arc Tor Hip piirpnsi' ion. I'pojdp For Vancouver, rallliur al Swanson Hay. Ocean FalJ. Tuesday, 8 p.m. ." "Hni a nai'-aiipy ami in .ai.ilile rainll- pail in political affairs merely s looked for. The need of a Hie unorganized terrilories of, inleresl. For Port Slmpaon, .Nil:i- lllviT, Anyox and Alice Ann, .Sunday, imlilllllihl. I" " iiliry rp rniiirn vaeanrloa aim learcul iminiBxalion policy lias Calling- al oi-euuip and .Xaas llai lior on saillnir Jan. ID. l i b. .U. i. Mairb I. reM-i hi mult. for the purpose of olilalninw the country, and a bill providim.' NOTICE. ?. callinir al soinervllip. kunieon and Mill Hay aailinaa ln s. IV. Mari-n eminence for themselves, hul for; lieen pressed upon Ihe ovprn-ineiil Ibis would not cause surprise in f. 0 and April t. ...run... ,....?' .RnV- In Hip mallp of nil applieallon fur'Hie 623 Sacond Avenue JACK BARNSLEV, Agent Prince Rupert. B. C. ilihuits nru iiiiiiiipii nil- inn from various sources, in circles.. the headquarters or lllln i-nvpr iirlllliiili- pf sPiviiijr Ihe roun-; political u r ii ri-,.i,i Hi the ILi .V"" 'lary l fltS.uo per n purpose liinn'' "l""iP'. Tills I Inrl'i'SKi'il n try and benefit Ihk mankind as a the past few weeks, and some of lie force may remain linr lily l.ou or Pi-Imp I anil IliipPli, lUock i Map J,ll:i..sei-llon I, !mi.'; . I"'1'inmilli iikiiiIIi Iip Ui ililril aiTimil year yrar pnivlili-il ami whole. We should bernine inu phailKP.s' in the Act are expecled al Oil aw a, bill II is Ihoughl tiatlrfarinry pinor uf Uu-Hip lo-iiIiovp'f linl Hip or HHP nin rlna Jii-rii,i-y ,.,.,(,. h ,,',, , nunirlenl or birjiiK the coining session. , One that eventually the brilliant uni porUIH'alP U i Pit'-" Z,V """liiaiiiPii in in,, paiiilnallnn: al hu'wl wjlh the grand spirit Jiaiinr iiPMi riiinl-lii-il iiip. my From the Farm It.,."1 ''I'TioiHinlllpa Tor ppiimnili.n lo servlpe for the counlry. Our of these, if is Ihnuahl., will be forms of the conslahlps Will he iiionlli lliai In from Issmp llil arii-p piililiration Hip ptpiialliin liPi-pof a or fn-aii am EDSON COAL Si il JM,"I"'". liiwaprii ttlm fail m clause w1iic.li to the Table should be tised to (he removal of Ihal withdrawn from the slreels of i-prllilPaiH or hup covi'i-iiik n"' huoh- hh;ii- kSih'J"1" I'IIht rradpa In llielr Ural brnln power ... ... l I i I lamia, ill Hip naiOP of UlR AII.Hllli lliallri umy ,m ii m, i,in,Hiiiy til (in itllpviale Ihe sufferinfr and pro- periiiils Ihe (li'pnrluliiui of Jlril-bh-horn Kaslrrn eilb's. Jliuiliy and linprnv I i:niiipany I.IiiiIIpiI ""pfli,pni iminiT rxHiiiiiuilli.in. on the decision of Hie I'he policies of Ihe ;iew' gov- (siiIiJi'PI In two inaiiii i- ri-aisipiis, a. mt. COMPANY of Hie welfare pjopiu mole Hie BulkleyValley r.,1ftu,IM,catlona fp Candldatea. tet:i 1 1 mill riiuii, wlilrh i-prunraip it- nuiii-lni-.il ,il",llal,,i "il Iip lirlli-li miliji'ila tinl of Canada. If wn possess any .Mlnislpr. I.asl year sncli an erniiiejil iu respect to railways sum iind u iiaii'd mii klanli. mil. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. H kpinJi!1 ".'lv MB "r 'ililflil. nmeiiduiPiit. defeated by the j ami iiPKliiy onii'p, Piliii-p miim-i-i. li. xvas ind merchant marine are umler- i,f w"." ' 'iluiiilila for at pt ohm ypar: laleill power wp should "inploy f... Slid day of Man-li. lUi'i. ' BEEF I iii.'',','l"'"r' l'lijl''al i Hid 1 1 Ion l H'" '"'I'vln- 'f Sennle, Ihousb II was a uoycrn-inent h I ii ui lii be under eonsideralioii ' h. y. iai:i.i-oo, nil 'i'""1" eMWIi'iirp. ft unselfishly lipi-irar of tiiIi-h. PORK Uri ,f '"""III lm rami liar Willi Hip prae-iR,,1'!'' ul ' ineasure. Willi the iiddi-iioiuil al. Hie present lime. When Ihe I'iKirliiK, I unlii-r rrnMiiK, aur- our I'-fm !" Sennle majorjly against egislatlon affeellng Hie National NOTICE. MUTTON Best Coal llnvi..i:. " JoipbI ,i,li. l lull; J.OHMI-Kii a Good and Bad citizens. VEAL lullilr I "r ""' t'nrexl Acl; ami liuvii in coutael. the prosenl jroverniiieril Hie fate Itailways ronies beforij Ihe House, n cxainlnallon for UinVh Kinrlnppr come llw '"'""lino work iiinl liuinlln iupii. Very ol'len we will lie lii-lil al VaiiPonvpr, II. :.. on Marrh FRESH KILLED POULTRY or a similar Hill is prnblemall. it is expected lo with it Mli '.""""Mniif are imrily vrilli'ii, wilh men and women who ) carry IIHiaiml al prlmn Kuppil on Mai-i-li Vtilli. Skeena River Farm Produce 'amiliii?. ' "!"" "in ilpitlKiipil id Ipi.1 Hip cal. some proniiiiuceineiil from Ihe Sin i-Ht.rill aiipliiriiiil will tm idaiMnl on at hi i.." u,,'"'y all.iik Um alioVH lines, (hat they have no wish to pai-llelpale Hh wallliik llrl and olli'i-ed ariiiiii- as VANDERHOOF CREAMERY f1nii ,'..l,HUJ' I'V nppllpaijU. lo political affairs .From Former Allies. (ioveriimcnt as lo ils decision in Uipy oi'i-nr. In oi-di-r or iiii-i-ll. "' '"' anli-V,li, In Hip Sul.rv la aOll.llll IH-I lilnllHl. ulna an BUTTER l"l v.?.'i if f ,T1 UliiPKa are '"V"'ijllmi liy Um f winlnliix Irnnril, of HiPir town. I dry anu wuy The future immigration policy, carrying on ine prrseui xysieni, allowain-p ror ini-alH wtii-n away rmni lirad-iiuaripra. Lowest Prices I irtvpii lo anltlirra' of itslnir to aiun.un ppr.nninUi am r l!h iwiirm-tl lo Ho .0 wiicn ii now reei'iviiiB .ouslderablu I'here are .opponents govern-' NORTHERN INTERIOR Tlia " aty la 1 1"''a I Ion. Ihev should bother iiip ji-r' aailrartory rrrfUy. I iJ,',"'n''''idnatloiii will lak plaen of ohpj in 'b' alleulioii. l-'or the purposes of inent owuership in the yovcrn. Hiiliii-i- inroi'iiiiiiioii mil up oinaiiipii plenty thpi-e are It well1 nil applieallon to II"- followiiik: CO-OPERATIVE and ii Ihe vacant lnil meplV own Mippnrl, Ihev "sit I'iirii aim h!lliiiK up t in r xi iona, u. i.. . Un i....l.""','1 l f'p riirllM-r par- n K,. ca in v rureairr, Order Now! Phone 58 nn' liiilitii ' "m i"iil nirPiPT. bunds" whibi nihPrx .do also of fumbling additional known, but these are also many' 1'Ulrlct f'orwipr. VaiiPi-opr. Phone 81 fold their Iilnli-li't I'ori-upr. I'rini-. Ituperl, t-ivu Struct)W ConuiUiiloutr.MailNNPS. the work. This class of people business fur the national rall- strong supportera who will de letrmry to, isji