A'JQ f 'I VOO WANT A WHEN THE NEW TAXI 99 YOKOHAMA i .. jn a nun; CAFE Phone PRINCE RUPERT HOME nAKF.RY ALL NF-W CAMS Phone - - - - 636 Northern and Central British Columbia'i Newspaper PltlMK lUU'KIlT, II. C, MUMMY. At (il HT 7, 1022. Clrsslalla ieo IfMt 940. PRICK KIVSC CENTS 1 1 stiri lu!I,.,. shed At Missouri Station SWATOW HARBOR IS JAMMED WITH WRECKAGE AND BODIES Sixty Are Killed PILOTAGE WAR JACK VENABLES FAMOUS GENOA HALL i Death List in Swatow in Awful Railway IS ABOUT OVER IS BACK HOME; ra til-hi TAKEN.hN'i,,- llMrl.irr BY Auk.FASCISTI 7.I'alaee.The Storm Mounts Higher; i Much Pleaed With Prospect Difficult! of Two Companies In ; ylnltol of I"MI'm' aiM'lent 1 he South to bo Settled by of EihlbiU From Interior I a lory ami lb wit-i-lin? Station Collision for Fair. Estimate Now 10,000 Amalgamation olsi-.- .if the reeenl (ienoa "I hav.. been fffivd every ronfen-nre wa oVrtiiel I It I miii'i.ilire.l iii YaiHooVe. where Willi Hie grctc i-..ni-lcy by Hie FaeUli aflor a !-' i n KiMUViH. Mi.m.iiii. Aug. :. 1 death list mav that rraiiv iin-nt are Iwinii mad" and there is irr alriM among lioii ImiI ItliMirfv f isrfit in IIOMi Kli.Nfi. Aug. ". riiitfllie m the ly iIiiMn and tidal whii'li fitc killed whirli IhkI lneilH (lie tort iff JSwhIow 250 mile;) '''" '" iu.eltle.i were and wave, wept H..IM wreck which rculled when tht engineer of ! alfU farmrr many wit.- mjureil. north uf here, rr. ihiw exlimaleil al 10,000. ill. expr1" I""""! U iHMKr In signals M ernTH'.I llillll.iTi .!lll'l- on III.- I'Ulfl i .iiiiiiiiM.'p llir rn. ..i..rv local ii,.ii it Hi.' itivn Iter-. 'I'll- engineer ! ill ! mm. died y Hi.- miialiiK rally llii'aHut llv interior n j AmMlief llntih MeanuT. m addition to the two previously in.llloll "I tll- H.C Pll"lagc f.-lni4 Ihal lhr I'niirc HubmH rpHel. i lore. It wm ImmiwI for Hoiur Kong ami 8lianghai v i. Ibe imiI I- imu affected on thai Iran.- and he wi, ... . .. . . . ... 1 & I il. t r il.. I L.l. rT'I nl -.-I. .l I I il.. i rtll.Hi mil I llic Yam iiiii ft I'll"! Kxluliitum U ilolfli: a iirntit work TT nTI II lll lll" I'fr' "I H'l, I 11 - "irtwr.i 'l ..rr '"' Iim-I. bodies have for IIm- iiwftfarf,lMirl of llrillob FUNERAL TODAY jiaieiiger were veil. ..Iher l..tie. from f l. ..I Inn. Imw. been re- """"' btHerlv r.r bu.ine.- Coliiinbla. Te) QiH IIm Irlp oo A Hniih gimlioal h gone In Swulnw to protect f learner l i inn .Ih.hI .n more .ir uniug were for the .h-I -it .iM'nthe. I ran bjwally iy Hial H baa ' lrnile1 in UihI xh iiiiIv fntm pirate. of I lies are dving II. S. ...il. ;r- -me Lata John W Pun Burled Thla The M system liiiall ( m niter Imnii rry u)aipfHl ami moef j,H t iI n w Ho- wur-l in Swatow s hilory. Thehar-Afternoon i 1 be i.alan. "f i -nriKjrftl.' aW Jaek VenaMro In Fairvlew iM)r Wiih id whii-b there bodies. I lie sole NWIUMtCflM'tll of H rom- S jmni,.(j wrerkiigi- urn ore many 1 ninfiit. whtrb uf lha .Sort Item II. V.. Cemetery. i . , lab.I Ibe .il NO EASEMENT .'illli f se en f .ui4i....f uf .in.. niniiaarr a ,miewliilre fnin oarli uf th Vn-IkiWW, Afrrrulliiral anl' liHulrial Aa. AYIATOR PREST SAYES for bt.i.i'B Hi- Rir QTFAMFR in III lat The funeral ol he late J mu, Boriali.'M, nei rrlHrn V Ir tor la anl Nanaun Hill wt k w " Hiyarr jo limine hinninrp nm FOR GERMANY ,ltarV of I o ami lhrn uloi.. Hill fr.mi a trlt Jo the iaterior. terrible rn In Mr Venablo ta(e lhat lie ban dnmneil Ut week, liwk uf wttH-li ball Im fren tii ii 1 1 - deey! wmimkl iim Vanrtmvrr Mil4 l.iTmloil ami rereed pru4iie fruM sit in. plare frocn tlie II. (1. I'Dnlertdk. WILL RESCUE PLANE HIT A ROCK ' 1 of ili- era' Kalrview parlors - in terior ioinl la mt in district me. th' B.;. twu frnm I'llotjtur "u .ire d lh-ir Reparation Commlnlon De-cld exhibit al Ike ibibitNMi this I i-ry Him aflernMm at I o'ehafk. Mutt Pay In Full noltrnt. He Mrnth nw-mlwi . M"l Machine Will be Taken Into Eagto ,,r Anhdeaeoo A. Ills olfl- ,1 ..f the year. IVIkwa eWeaofinv to U. H. F .Alexander Proceeding Safely and Without Delay 4 atlnt. ! Im H-rMnt of lax Oner Snow Neit Winter about lkin "w ""OJ- -i..l tMNanl. Ttir arraniMal baa kwo niake up a Mr avt dairy Hek , to Seattle After Contact from tarn- tn Die imwmiial) ''" 'r..m Hie frf Inlet1 With Cake Rock. PARIS, Aug. 7 The reparation itrnfraH) rulifml by tin- irwani- 4 . . .Ml...- i u M......... i IiAWwiX. Aus : Aviator " "n - iciiiiiy aim rai uiaees a mirk commission ha .alMHta affot-ii'il and will a inl '"1'" f the Mora-an 1 real, recently wrecked IU Hie Iho line Wave uMHaised UHWeral i-" eamp. 1 SEATTLE. Aua. 7. The a. rejected by a three to on flfw-l 'HI .lrr I. II l rr-4 wildei Ifcmle, has left by ... MIN lONallM lispiays. KriMO rAri r'rer H iis. near ix.,. u. K. Alexander. vole the proposal to grant a '4. is antirtfkaiasl Uie iMirWUaHi wilt ELEVEN CANDIDATES launrb for Fairbanks. Urtfd )seUle to ai EranWkJa. te. moratorium to Germany on IktyH. M. I . HulMTtMNi, foniwr fLm ssOHe iBJIaUVeHnbrt .POPULARITY CONTESTsbl-a-siifrljunLMailt-an phHeJ ifil JW wa?TTWririer . REPARATIONS reparation for the remainder - IvaHiaWe fHuis khowinir the war I lie asMtmrv aiiNiv ine iwmh. can- having slruek a rk in dene of the calendar year. m Vnr.nrr !(..I- !.inbi anal an National i- very dry the J.".".T ! ! 'J ba) in vasl niimbeya aluona wtiioh f,,p ff U WaahingltNi dd I:! I -ill li. hI-.i for- Ibe hxl.ibiti.Ni Poiilanty rui.leal rr in II ha alto rejected the offer 'shortly dry-l n fa"l for IS years or Wa. afler liddnllit. The M.l In London Today for of the German to pay 1500,-000 mrrly Int.- is n in. ..f lb more, -ays .Mr. VfiMldrs. Af the I Ibe wind aiiam has riKlite.1 his ,Pssel hit (ke Hock in the TtriJMlh Time Newspaper monthly on the balance in: IM. i.ii- id' I..11 sano- lime I be crops eeni lo be ,", i'rM ; ,V : hwh m to tiianln' iiraveyard in the Pacific Mrs. II. MrHaniel. Mi Ibelma . Unnlhued. of pre-wir debt. altered. There will be a wry Kj,b( nt WIIllrr Hiirteen miles soulll fan low in some i4ar while hniahl Mrs II. . Urieve and ,.r,..( Jlin, (,, Aha.ka and .,f CajH Flaltery. She stove in - "'. sir lomer g0u1n BEN LEONARD Hiera- they will be very imw.l"'"- .T" ",m lb.- Yukon over Hie same route via Xo. I hold an.I afler half an ;, ,h Mis liertrMde r t'rt ; weu. raii- Hi.- mewtry ihi fhr.. taMM tMie iWw,n nil Kairbaaka, with a hour baeke,! off with tier other as ambassador to end to Ins olker and every avail- ' ' , .... . . .T BEATS HAMMER able hmi m ba. been Taed into ,rrnT: ,.r'""r"V. ' thnnith Xomc pcrleil hern this afternoon with r;:.:;::: kwa; .vilss Jessie vv ailie. lUiel- , states mentioned service k fighl ll. .rwwnil the her :toi passciiKcr and exew of tain; Miss l trace lireen. and Miss I. .ll.UIS Till ! ; Habine dlsiriei is Uie wl part rniniir ntfmr mm JHese Moffalt. Anyox. UlrtlU.lC DUIIIl U1CU i. Hi.-rltn.. " Ihreei 0 r.Ht.t.. aim . naii Comfortably Outpointed Chicago where miles anil ntHa uf fine l uieiitioif 4 i Minor inai Saturday, Taking limber bttrnlnv. A little rain The slandiiigs of the candi- IT UA7CI TnM UACDITAI iitnninin rnimiTmitP eVspalrb Opponent on are i -miliar iu i dales will be pubilslo-.l rlly Al I1H.LLI Ult HUJl 1 1 rtL YVUIVMIlU LUHU1 1 lUPIvY sin of ;.v Hie m;w Miprrs Mr I.imier tiouin. mini No Chance. at Smllhers. IVdkwa and llaH hi liiiiaM. Ureal Juoltee. may a I" W a-lnimi'Mi Ibe latter paii nf last week helped WILL BE UNCHANGED NORTHCLIFFE SINKING. ,Wa Formerly In Transfer BuU 'I III IhWHIIMK lo replare !ii Am klaiHl !iMWes Mli'.HIUAN CITY. Au. 7. the rru sowiewliaL 'fhe l. l.'irale arrived. as Hnlisb aaibaa4"r. Hemiy lonanl. the world' bay crop available Is mif out I.OMMIN. Aua. 7 The hull. , net In Prince Rupert TILL BOARD THROUGH etin issued by Ibe physician. Report Unconfirmed. livbtwvHTkl boxina' champion but il i not vory rnwd. OITAWA. Aim. 7.--K en. Mr. Yeavabhss slate thai he Mitenhng Yisc.mjiiI Xorthelil fe. Charlie Itunn. an old timer of tlefendins- bi title for Hie third Premier M.ckenile Official- ELKS' BALL PLAYERS Ibis ..HirniHg saiJ that .her. had King ttenial of I be ro- MimAm BIN, nHim for illany firiiialioii or lime wilbin a iii'-nlli. oiiI...iiiIhJ can see a very ?rel Improvement ly Informs Shopmen and been increase m Ibe pa- rapW GET Kwr Mamniei i.iiieairo. in a in the interior (HHMttry a wa, -rUIMj Kd,t... ,Hwl! READY FOR ANYOX Railway Managements. leu lonwa bout on Saturday. since he was through Ikere five Heal s weakness ami thai hla Haie4lon hosi.ital yestenhiy Hnlisb .iubaador al Wasbmil-li.n l.eHiartl Miabl rauliuualy and years airu ami WieMe thins rondltbm wa very grave. Ltr.i....ii follivwinn an ..iM-iatuvn OTTAWA. Aug. 7. Wage and I Hi.' iiiiUmhmIiI'-iiiailu-e lia b'en olilained. S4r did not take any rhaueea of liav. which struck liim wlUi partivHlar l"r apiH'iidicitia. The l.'i-.sas.'d working conditioiiiv for shopmen baseball l.oinei li..iiut i- al ln summer ina hi" damaaed i luhl eye sdil pleasure were Ibe Kraut strides ROYAL FAMILY AT CHURCH 'i.j,, , HriHsh ilolundoa f"i jon Canadian railways must re- Kin? i li Klks "I ... Minis Bay- Tin- re. All i"ini Iml 1wo wera Hial bad Ihsbm made tu Uie dairy LOXIKi.N. Aug 4' lu-l .it i m -even v-eltr itll.l iisain unelisiiir.! mmIII tlis lt.ksr.1 open. Prine Meie. ' . . . . i.i iMormuai Oll I- i. jl.ii.lc'l lo-" " l"0"- nai'l i'"inf"i'tabl' mar. iuduslry. He was mueJi impreaa. iteorge. Usieen Mary. ..f,. lai-it- .,f I'.oHeiliulH.n has eumuleted its 'r Hie iix'nr Willi ful .d with the fine dairy al Yauder-hoof ry. PHuee tieornr and Prinoesa fam,y ,.,m,y,., ,v th.- investigation under Canadian ' lii-'-ila afleruooii Kin- aad llilnk thai it will only Mary ware present at " , patlfl,. rrUge j.d fr so.,-- tune law. HiHi.-rialUe for all be a short lime iMtJjarr other in the private rbapel of Hue-i, nn n lprf,-4 busineaa for! This information ha hen mii n itiit. Ill use PURCHASING AGENT REASON FOR REFUSAL r reamer ies are in heiiiir, aloMir ma ham PaUtce on tuuUy morn himself in the city for some two onveyc lo the shopmen and however, hail B.C. PACKERS DEAD i the Uii&4tHii Natiuttat. The nig The Itev. Ir. f.ody of St. yM. also l the Canadian railways by POSITIONS ACCEPT TO Paul's Church preached. ! limit .Hill fK'lillllli i farmers are inrrwaslnir their . I'l.'ini.'r Mai'k.'iixic King in an Paed WHEAT BOARD dairy herds and mluatiisc the f fn ial r"in tint inralion. 29, CANADA O. B. Barrle. Aged The Adlowing wwn- the :,,TRAMWAYMEN Afternoon at beef aiiitnal. The htt)ar sea ion Away Yelerday olail.'d in feedliof beef Puttie tun ou the steamer li ince Jol WNOOSE 1MTPRI0R PPRnN ARRIYES AT Oeneral Hospital " fhst ITVX Y, n James a avainsi the dairy herd is inducing on Saturday for the 'ti'en SYYANSON BAY TODAY 'Hie di-alli oeriirred at tbr ew-. Slew art and Y I lli.l.l.'ll have Ibe farmer let tale more Mte Ui.in.ls ami fh otith U ACCfiPT ll) 1 ; ARE FINED UNDER fori for ral lloiilal e.l. r.la aftiH-iMM.-i b'flllltely r'fu-i'il t wept post-liuus interest in the laller. Stewart ami H. Hicks TAKE BEATRICE SOUTH of i. II. Ilarrie at Ibe ae of t. on Hie nr lUnadiaii wlieal Object of Trip, (.'emeuts; p. Ilobinson and W. II. THE FOREST ACT Ilia home was m Vancouver ami ImhusJ under the ronvu-tion tba the idea uf lb.- trim Mr. Ven- Fogg. Yancouvei: M . Jimiell Street Services tn Chicago to be it NautMise lie WW. lakeil n k while visitmv the buard cannot function prop-urty ahkfe says, was to art I tlie closer i.ml cliil.l. Aliford lta : Mr. am) Resumed After Serious Tie-up Last SatimUy. bafore Magi. Minimal The .bteas.d. who exrept wild Ihe full powem ouch with the fartnor f Uie Mrs. I-mini-. .Nadcn Harbor; and at Mill Ba of K. Jnpp hi lM)r lodaty lo trate Kenny TVrraee, Mr. Buckley Bay. enjoyed dtii'itiv o wjar ume - various towns iiiruutiliowi the Peebles. i Urinreaa Ileal- vas inH""l a puiriiama i nd ' Swan son. of Hrino, J. Y't-aer. ' Hackers Ltd.. i II i" uuuei-KliHMi mai interior. The asiatktiis was " ' .i eripuHHl oil arenl for the U Mlence. llaseball. la t?'cial. CHI C.Mit). Aug. 7 Workers on of Terrace, aiul J. Well, of b his wife, wli.i arrived the furniers now niUnd lo recow- work ln fur one I.Ject, the de-veltHwueut -Flag ii.-n she bruie lr ..irxiMil Prince Itupwrt al J tramways ami . tevaieo rait. t'sk, wore louvictad und.i' tlot . . .. .i... . t..li.lt..itt ImbI invesl It. W. VhhI and I. uf northern II. C Anyox versus N.uii'otivar. 'hi Ilie i'iiy vy AeniiMiiis Bill Wednesday. 7 l.ll.l'ay have voted to accept the ten Forest Art of having set out fires tne ami lh only way to vain success al ' 1 i I'lieluhain brouiilil uiulil loo lale lo m- presi'iil SOc. fdi'cenl'an hour wag.- ledujclion nud Milhont permit and each wer u. Adoilstiou WI.VMI'Hft, Ami. 7. H. was wiHrk louetii.T. lie mad a end will to work, thus etidiiiic fmcl 'en ilialurs md -osts. F -III of Hir Priiirr rejoi n hand- of U WinaJ, of t'Aliiary. baa bn point of HMcting the hoard of I ii last niiilil urn! I II,. Huly II"' ebrtirinanahip of lb ten.la. ollllen.' us.ieiati.ui. IIIUcIl worth while 111 acconi- " strike winch lias pwralyi-ii 1 olio -. or terrace, wua also Mnej l iidertuk. ra uiid will I blH-mh fered lae . .... V i k Will Uillljl (H' bul- H.C. ,"" t i n .1 ...... r- u..o o. .r. fur Inlorment liiia4u Wheal Hoard. fartntrV luatitulc and the fatrlidishin?. " keeiia Itlvar ran- tu Vawuuvw a.soelallon. Tliey all appre-1 "I hojve faW sir. venuoie. ......or . ar s.-.m. . i.. ...... .hc. . inori-ow eveniwir. NICH0L ON LEAVE. eiatad the fact thai I'rlnee Hupert "that the ineralunl of till oily (a sending Mr. Y.'iialde through will reciprocate tbi feeling by 1 l iTTAWA. Aug 7 l.ieul-rtuv- lh ovuntry, was 1 tying to slim, buy I hk a much local prist ueaj MERCHANTS W. U. Xfliol ha beM uhita things and hi visit aUu a ia pihle. NOTICE TO ;,.,., 1 ...I a .ur lith's leave of eiittWcd ilino 1.. become better "The dairy exhibit will ho' Children's Flag Day Dhief .lutne Mwihin iMMUalnted. At a Jiumbcr uf our tucrehant w hat there Is In I HOIST FLAGS l ,ce. Your aid haa b" ai'l'""de.l ailuitnia iduwa Mr. Yenable was taken the various inttrior dWtrkiU and irator. around the country whivh he iloul.de they will bu nuinej ,YII children are requested tu tn. rl at Hi-I Elk Horn, at I p.m.. I'i. i inn.iM.'.' ..f Uf It I' ' I -''" l1"' '" 'l',,",i'"" ay tiMik giNHi 111 place both grown produce wherv. r W. there to recede Flag and ano inbli? in readiness fur atrade t. ha.n . and buauu i " iM.v. Wdit'day. ! M. M. Mrl " !,L" .il IIIHII- a regard grain and vegetable. H'I." .iii '.VcroiMjIi II ill headed t.y Hie Bund t lO.'nd Butt Uf B.C. Hrgiiueiit. I ..t lk Itl ull h'i Mill- The feeling that now exiU inr poini visueu iiiMMunii " i ...i... .in. 1 1... or HSri.vi .w" - ..... lietweeii the Interior and the Vaitili-ihoiir. Fort I'lnsc, Burn 11 H.i,s unit bunting turn ii' '!' "'"' ' " 1 .t vv.-'. i n ' i" i'i ' Flour . iiy of Prince Hupert and the luik' Fruiii ota l.uk S- iUh Batik, 9th Wednesday, August i.i.o- . ata-a.k v, hi.warl Exhibition Association ia general 0rsy IMu.n. it. .-! Tetta. BE A KIDDIE FOR A DAY" .IIIII.... I., '.'inning- "U ll Uie wa one of rioter cu-opera-Mi'ii Suiilher. Xew tla"lt.n. Waielton. aii'' tit' . ' i loi 1 1 "I Ti 1- '1 I'