t Adl TWO TTTB .KITVV8 -. Wa4od) The daily News SOME FACTS I .B . M PRINCE RUPERT . UMTISI! COLUMBIA " Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince ABOUT QUEEN j Ft Rhpert Daily New. Limited, Third Avenue. r I II. F. PULLF.N. Managing Editor. CHARLOTTES of Five Year SUBSCniPTION RATES! To Holders City Delivery, by mail or currier, per month St.oo Thomas Deasy WrlUs Interesting By mail to all part of (he Hritish Empire and the United States. Chatty Letter: Good Monty In 1 in advance, per year $0.00 Trolling Canada's To all other countries, in advance per year I7.B0 mssi:tt. ngu.t so. 5-J per cent TELEPHONE 08 great ileal of adverse criti transient Display Advertising; . tM.40 per Inch per Insertion cism has eco. directed towards a' Bonds transient Advertising on Irniil Pa S8.8P per inch eompativ. located in London, If Victory Knaland. on acroonl of advrrlis. Local Headers, per inertiin 25c per line Clasl)ed Advertising, per insertion 2e per won ing, and scekinr immigrants to Legal Notices, each incrlion trc per agate line populate the One.en I'.liarbdte Isl Issued in 1917 and MuturlnjJ 1st December, 1922.1 , and, a groupsw-ilhln H5 miles of Contract Hates on Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Prince llupert, which comprise ft to islands, each one hundred m and fifty mile In length, and a DAILY EDITION fJJttVednesday. Anf. 30, I9? tame numhec'of smaller Island. s CONVERSION PROPOSALS Ijnttinc not into the Pad fie (lfn I There A Leak nearer the Orient than any other i VHE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers to hoiaers Holders of the maturing bonds who w'h to avsd of lite Western possessions of the themselves of this tbnvcriiosi psivfage sbould In Hospital Funds. of these bonds who drtir to continue thru take I'nited Hale or the Itonftnion of their bonds AS EARLY AS POSSIULE. UUT NOT Is there a leak in the hospital1 funds? We do not believe IL Canada. investment In Dominion of Canada sccuritirs the LATER THAN SEPTEMUER 30th. to Uratrh of Alderman Montgomery doubtless has some information of a very their teat to of eichanginc the maturing bonds fo new I'nfnrtiinalely, in privilege any Chartered Dank in Canada and receive In tkvt atige specific character or he wimld not it. If he has he should suggest hiiild op this unknown country, bonds Uarint 5J per cent intrreit, payable half yeaily. an official receipt for the bonds surrendered, o:ai ..,t demand an immediate investigation and short Id state In charge the promoter of the company of either of tbe followint rlassrs: - an undertaking to deliver the rurrespunditsv; bonds ul definitely in black and white and be prcjsared tu stick by them. the f issue. were misunderstood, or some new u. Then if they are iintniishd should resign. fig dated 1st November, their of ftri'als promised more than (a) Five year bonds, of D. O. Stewart, who is at the bend of the hospital hoard, is a leotild 1922. to mature 1st November. 1917. Holders msturing fully registered bonds, interest Ih accomplished to accom payable by rttrque from Ottawa, will restive ''.c.r wbf is lieyoml man reproach and o are the member of his UianL.. They are lotsine and professional men. of standing in modate the immigrants,; A small (b) Ten year bonds, dated 1st November, December 1 interest cheque as usual Holders u; mtmlier of immigrant undertook 1922, to mature 1st November. 1932. coupon bonds will detach utd retain tlie last umnavurr j the The who is the community. lady working head of the to cross the oeean. at their own coupon before surrendering the bond itself for con v mi ,n iution is also capable and keen, and the secretary; Major Oihoti, esMne, landing on I lie largest While the maturing bonds will carry interest to 1st purposes. is not one to allow anything improper to im him. Kvervooe island, the larjre majority expert ill December, 1922. the new bonds will commence to earn The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by bat.ks knows (he Major and knows that be would be the la-t one in the world to "permit anything that savored ever so little of improer ins to find immediate employ-inent. intrrest from 1st November. 1922, OIVINO A BONUS to the Minister of Finance at Ottawa whire they w . and to hettrr their road-lion. be exchanged for bonds of the bsue. in THOSE new fully OF A FULL MONTH'S INTEREST TO conduct (o go on in cowardum with tlie hospital fioaiices. Conducting a IioihUI i an exienive Iiihicss and life people Although they were not I AVAILINO THEMSELVES OF THE CONVERSION registered, or coupon registered or coupon bearer lor -i placed n the position of pnoieer. carrying intrrest payable 1st Mae and lit Novn .br who of the rot the first to roake fuss if (-"iiipUin are a everything a few of them found cause for PK1V1LEUE. of each year of the duration of tlie loan,tbe first intncit is not j all right for themselves or any of their friend, should cotflpiaiitl. whether Jsistly or otl accruing and payable 1st May, 1923. Uundsi they hapeu to be patients there. This offer is made to holders of the maturing bonds payment erwlse they refosesl to slate when of tbe new tatue will be sent to tlie banks an investigation railed: not and is not open to other investors. The bonds to be delivery unmcdiately after tbe receipt of tbe surrendered Unhappy Time To apearing to enter protest. issued under this proposal will be substantially of the bonds. Attack Hospital. although notices were posted anl same character as those which are maturing, ezxept The bonds of the maturing issue which are iici The present is an unfortunate time to make an attack on the an official of the government was that the exemption from taiation dots not apply to th converted under this proposal will be aid off tu rath oa hospital. There is an effort being made to have a nurse' home IMIurni i re-eit orotic Is or, issue. the 1st December. IV22. erected and to do this it is necessary to have the confidence of m ally, or otherwise. new the people. That we believe they still have and it is regretable The writer is not ass4etated that anything should fscrjir that might tend In shake that confidence. with the cnmiiany. At no time did W. S. FIELDING, The hospital is one of the most deserving institutions' ay resident of Ike island ak Minister of Fbomce in the city. It has performed splendid service here for years, not immigrants to rmoe to tlte island Dated at Ottawa, Ith August, 1922. only in catering to the sicV in Prince Hupert but in serving lb and Invest without tmestigatio whole district, including the Queen Charlotte Island. Ttie advertising, imen hy press OwiHg Co the drop in the purchasing power of the dollar the tespatrhe. trn Prince ltuerl institution like all othea similar institutions in other parts of the end otherwise, certainly bic country ran into debt and now when it is seeing light ahead awl fruit. Writer for periodicals and i.ny r.Hinlry. The fall arel win of ietroleini fields, are to m when the money is needed so badly the integrity of the institu flocking to lite newMiers are ter weal tier aette rally, brings found on the Yakoon lllver. ami lion, is challenged. island. 'Hie- steamer, running wind and rain, which rouse ids. the west roast of Oraham Island, The cjly council has two-of it members on the hospital between Vancouver and the il. comfort. Ihe majority of ople but little oiling baa leen done. Latk boArd. It is the duty of these men In keep their fingers on the and is carrying tourists on every tread Iterate trails whM-it are nsM Moresby ami other istamls show Lumber & financial pulse. Apparently they have been doing this and are lrii Lumber nytn, prow tors. comfortable during heavy slorm. indications of gold, silver, cop. perfectls.salisfiedJh.il everything is -nil righL We do not Ihink fishermen, and other are teeom. fransiiortati'in facilitt- are mil per, iron and other minerals, k M I the ho-pital board wishes to cover up anything. They realize. ibc interested in tlie natural re. of the tMsst. but shipping will fol. while the beaches of the east and as we all do that this is a public institution, supported by public'sourer of the islands, while those low the filling up of a country roan I of Orabam Island ow Shiplap-Boards money, ami inai wie pnoiic nas a ngm io know how the money is seeking health are tiepinning to with iotMfigrani of the right kind. ouanlitlen of idatinuin ami Mark being spent. For this purpose the meetings of the hospital hoard realize that it i not necessary t The iMMstbilitiea for the farmer sand, eonleining gold. Dimension are held in public and there is nn annual meeting at which matter isit California and other countries. are not bright at the peeeitl time. The prinripal aim of loany pro pertaining to hospital welfare are open to discussion by any It is scarcely' believeahle; 1 liere is laad is plenty. Isolation moter Hp to the present ha llioroughty Air Orled and Stored UnVr i who show their interest by paying the membership fee. Ortainly I nit this fact ran be looked into and lack of roads aasl ram tart heen lo indure stock buyer lo in the city council is not the place to air hospital matters unless by the most eredulou. (iter two with the buyer. alwa g.e vest their capital in ventures, the members of the council have Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding information that there is gross hundred Hiiite ehildrrn attend the against the prodoeer. Vanemsiver good, bad and indifferent. Ihe mismanagement and that the rity grant is being squandered. various school oh the ilnd lslanl ImkI wtany advantages, advice necessary for all xniMis-ing During the oast leu year hot one which will eveiilwally lie dupll. to emigrate is In rarefully and Finish Easy To Criticize child died from natural causes, of cale.1 on the Queen Charlotte l. study all enterprises advertised. Any Institution. the four hundred on the island. Oc. Many who are promoting sctieoi. SPRUCE LATH It is easy to criticize any institution. We all have ideas how The Inditn population increased Over forty years of resilience hate never een the properties tbe city council should conduct the business before Manufactured In Trine Rupert and sailing at tosl PH1 them, and and ttie two hospitals on the si n Vancouver IslaasI with twelve they write and talk al.nul Tliose these may not accord with the ideas fnt many of the aldermen. and are not erupted by patient. years on the (jueeo Charlotte Isl. desiring In invest or to emigrate That would be nd excuse for us attacking the financial conditio,! having bern turned into residen amis, should he a criterion for should visit the islands or lake of the city at a critical-time when a loan wa being floated. The . r... II. . I: , . .. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. irm inr nir inruirai uiitrers oi loe riiniarison lie t ween the wv large Hie advice of men capable of giving aldermen doubtless think they are. doing good work, toil any person governnwnl, ready to admit and islands of the rovlnce. Oeolo-Blsts an honest opuiHin of the ms W w'ilb half tbe ability of Alderman Montgomery could make minister to invalid therein. inform us tltese islands sibtlilie of ihe country. Tlo: Isal Cova, Prlnea Rupert Tslsphaas them out to be not only careless in the management of civic affairs 'the fact that these islands are formed one large group many ;ioneer reshlcnta of Queen Char but could show perhaps that there has been gross mismanagement endowed with a climate superior years ago. Tlie istarnl Jut out. lotte Island are not at alt anxious and that public money lias 1-eii wAled. It is mi more lo any other in the North, ean be and the prinrioal piare on botli to have Home with mean, investing or less with ever-y mil,1k lody. If the aldermen, giving as lliev attributed to the Japan current. islands, are a boot the same distance in prnfiositions that they "my a rune oi ineir spare lime lo (lie- work, can conduct the which wep across the Pacific from two transesmllnefital should know are "wild eats' ; it civic imsiness Mi.-.-c.ruIly, economically and efficiently, they will Orean, and wind through the in railways. The Queen Charlotte for no-otlo-r reason, surli srbeu.- nave oone a grroi work .kmI they will have lillle time left to de- IIWm and bays. The thermometer gntup has the advantage of being hriog aUtut disaster, anil ate tli. "Supreme" BR vote toother institutions about which they can have little know- neer reaches the iern point, while nearest to Mska and the Orient, means wheretiy a rountry re-cefes edge. the sunmwr days are lonir. with having the warn winds aweepint notoriety, lll-deerved. out the heat and discomfort found across from Japan ami China, Tourist Trip in tlalifnrnia and the Hast. wliirh ward off the esdd wind during A tourist trip would open the Cleared $600 In Two Months the summer, wliieh invariably eve of many, who also know as FRESH FRESH i The, fishlna season, now being hrings goM weather. little of the country in which they ROASTED Coffee ROASTS i under wny, it might be consider In Hie journey from Vancouver live, as the Iindoner. who accept !ed meet lo call attention to tin lo Prince Hofssrt in crossing tniormaiion irom sources, some jeiploits of a few of the fishermen, Queen Charlotte Pound, the same of which are unreliable and III Why Fresh Roasted? .without exaireeration. HnndreiU nieii slretrh of water is encountered, tuned. 'of men enuat'e In Iroltinir alona directly ifeross Ihe ocean, THOMAW ItKASY. War ike lurtl Ukrr iHiy kl IM4 ! eim s r riutir la Imlk IM bk brrsj, r si iim i iw- c jttie enasl line. One in particular. that is met wllli on Hecate a imI rks dsltyf We atiiat Inained . II. Hush, iinaccornnan- Straits and Uixon iUitrnriee. PRINCC RUPERT TIDES s Wkf dn( k bulrber (lira Ut Inr assli--f- t 1 ' ed hy any other fisherman, clear Prince lliiiert t almost directly drt4 lovf swl ksv 4 trs lr Tks ' ed six hundred dollars during th east from Massetl Inlet. Prinre 'IW far J mt lft Ikrta rack if IS it- months of June and July, fishinu of Wales Island is in sight from Wednesday. August 30 ra4y illrJf tin thai !! ' High 7 iH a.m . la f firt. W-hy lh Wwl frail ttnra or Isfcinf furr' for spring saltifon. He received Ihe east roast of Orahum Island. H4 prsaut kaa rsl issnwll ilsllf la Mrry ! Ike f l1" a feel. iciffht rents per pound for hi fist The whole i.f the west coast of fi.tn. lla who ih I'ruJucl Low III (.3 feel. a.m., i hi the fishing ground. The other tiraham l-isnd in without a single ' I 13:17 p.m.. .! feel. Ground, Noaatad and Packed at lha Wa rhoua fishermen, w illing to work on permanent resident. Lanvara, good their returns.gasoline launched, received not Frederirk.rM'ciiiui'ii arid other islands are High 11iurday,M a.m..August tft.2:il feet. STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. 21:10 p.m., IH.S fret. CofU. PHINCE RUrt" Import.r. and Hua.lsri vviin ramping facilities, in. Mining Prospscts Low - t:3i a.m., a.tt feet. eluding wood and fresh water in Tar slialf mid oilier imlica'lons 11:3 p.m., l.7 feel. .abundance, the trailers take their Friday, rieptemher t wives and children In Ihe neigh High 10:17 a.m.. tfi.M fret. David Powell and Ann Rrrcst in the 'horhod where they of enjoy the fishing bathing grounds and the U.lt p.m., IH.rt feel. Paramount Picture, 'Love's Boomerang tucking of wild berriea, in a eoun - Low 15:17 3:17 p.nu a.m., - feel.feel. DENTISTRY! try where wild beasts and reptilr- Showing a! the U cstliolme Theutre Tomorrow XtKht ttnly. Saturday. Acplemlier ! nrt unknown. In the near fu High 11:10 a.m.. 17.7 feel. Modern Service lure thousand X-RAY will be enjoying 33:05 ID.? feel. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED the sport, and at the same tin r Low - t-.tH p.m.,a.m., 5.7 fret. SAILINGS having their autigner holiday lo I7:05.p,u. H.fl feel. For Vanaausar, Ocean Falls and Bwansun Hay, Tuesday I p.m. pi are where pleaore and profit Sllllilny, Peplemlier 3. DR. BAYNE .AS For Vancouver, Alert Hay and 1'orl Hardy, Saturday p.m. may he combined. Roama High ll&i b.jm, IM.5 feel. 4, ft, 9, Hslgsraon Bloos s 3 For Anyos, Aliea Arm, l'ort Hltnpson and Walaa Island, Hunday Soma Disadvantage Shoe Polishes 23:60 p.MU IPH feel, Oltlca Hours: Mornltivs, W.II; Afternoons, I uiidiiiK bt. It would be useless to assert l-iw 6:tl a.m. 3.1 feet. livenlnyt, 7.V. Foe Naaa BUar OannsrUs, Friday a.m. that there are no disadvantages In 17 &S p.m , 7.8 test